Anna Shulgina: the personal life of Valeria's daughter and the history of her weight loss. Anna Shulgina: personal life Did you do vocals a lot? Who was your teacher? Maybe your mother taught you


Popular singer Anna Shulgina spends her holidays in Switzerland in the company of her family: producer Iosif Prigogine, performer Valeria, older brother Artemy and ... her beloved man.


Finally, for numerous fans of the artist, it has ceased to be a secret to whom Anna's heart is given. Judging by the photographs that Shulgina has recently begun to publish on her official Instagram page, the singer is completely happy with a young man named Sergei.

However, he is much better known under the pseudonym Slem. It is noteworthy that he is the producer of Anna Shulgina, Starhit notes. Note that on his page on the same social network there are many photos with Anna, in which it is obvious that they are connected not only by a working relationship.

Judging by the almost family picture, in which Sergei hugs Shulgin and is in close proximity to Anna's mother, singer Valeria, it is clear that the artist's family accepted the girl's lover.

What can not be said about the beloved girl of the youngest son of Valeria, pianist Arseny Shulgin. Recall that at the beginning of the year, the media actively discussed the scandal in the family of singer Valeria: the 17-year-old son of the star, Arseniy Shulgin, left home because of his 21-year-old lover Anna Sheridan, and also left the music school. Now the young man attends a comprehensive school and wants to study mathematics. Valeria herself considers her son a born musician, but reluctantly resigned herself to his choice, not hiding that she categorically dislikes her son's beloved.

Anna Shulgina is the eldest daughter of the People's Artist of Russia Valeria. Filmed in serials, writes songs, tried herself as a TV presenter. Her joint duet with her mother was nominated for the Muz-TV 2016 award.

Childhood and youth of Anna Shulgina

Anna is the eldest daughter of singer Valeria (Alla Perfilova) and producer Alexander Shulgin. A little later, her brothers Artemy and Arseny were born.

Until the age of 8, her childhood was like a living hell. The father tyrannized his wife and children, so an oppressive atmosphere of fear constantly reigned in the family. He could stick a fork in his wife's leg at dinner or lock his son in a dog kennel. The divorce of the parents went to Anna and her brothers to the benefit.

After the divorce, Shulgin was not interested in the further fate of his children and did not pay alimony for their maintenance. Salvation for the family was Valeria's meeting with producer Iosif Prigogine. He surrounded with attention and care not only the beloved woman, but also her children. Anya was sent to study at a private boarding school in Switzerland. There she studied foreign languages, etiquette, the basics of cooking, and practiced horseback riding. She graduated from her studies at a Moscow school with in-depth study of foreign languages.

Musical and acting inclinations appeared in a talented girl early. At the age of 10, Anya was sent to the studio at the Gnessin Academy, but due to moving abroad, she could not finish. After school, Anna entered the Shchukin Theater Institute, which she successfully graduated in 2013, we will master two specialties: “Drama theater and film actress” and “Variety artist”. While studying at the Pike, the young actress took an active part in theatrical productions. Her diploma work was the role of Lizonka in Vassa Zheleznova and the official Bordyurov in Alexander Shirvindt's play Friends of the Writers.

Creative career of Anna Shulgina

After graduating from the institute, Anna made her debut as the host of the television show "Our Exit" on the Russia-1 channel. Her partner was the famous conqueror of women's hearts, actor and singer Alexei Vorobyov. They were even credited with a novel, although Anna denied it in every possible way.

At the same time, the girl tried her hand at TV shows. Because of the filming, she often had to leave home for a long time, but her stepfather Iosif Prigogine saw only positive aspects in this. He believed that this would temper her character and teach her to overcome difficulties without relying on influential parents.

Anna Shulgina - "Knife"

Despite the fact that her mother is a famous singer, Anna did not immediately have a desire to sing herself. The girl has a good voice by nature, but she has never been distinguished by outstanding vocal abilities. However, in 2014, she co-wrote the song “Give a Chance for a Dream” with rapper SLeM, for which a video was shot. Iosif Prigozhin liked this work, and a year later a new video appeared - for the song "Knife". And Anna's duet with Valeria "You are mine" was nominated for the Muz-TV 2016. Energy of the Future award.

Valeria and Anna Shulgina - You are mine

In 2015, Anya starred in a candid photo shoot for Maxim magazine. Fans wondered how the star mother allowed her daughter such a scandalous experiment. However, Anna immediately stopped such conversations, saying that, unlike the "ideal Valeria", she is a completely different person and has long been accustomed to building her own life.

In 2016, the girl released two new singles: “Another Me” and “Hang Out”. Anna is at the very beginning of her career and will definitely surprise her fans more than once.

Anna Shulgina - Another Me

Personal life of Anna Shulgina

In Shulgina's personal life, there are still more questions than answers. Anna herself admits that she is "unloving".

At 21, she met pianist Maxim Tarasov. She actively posted joint photos with her beloved on social networks and even introduced him to her parents. However, the couple soon broke up.

Anna Shulgina, the daughter of the popular singer Valeria, is a young girl who actively manifests herself in various fields. She starred in television series and films, recorded music tracks, and hosted various programs.

Valeria's daughter - Anna Shulgina

Anya was born on June 21, 1993 in the capital. Her childhood was very active. She studied at a Moscow school, a studio at the Gnessin Academy, and then her mother sent her to the Swiss Institute for Noble Maidens.

The girl quickly matured, as the situation in the family was very tense until Valeria broke up with the father of all three children, Alexander Shulgin. Anyuta took care not only of herself, but also of her younger brothers. Read about in our post.

4 years ago Anna graduated from the Shchukin Institute. She paid special attention to the study of foreign languages, literature, horseback riding and cooking. Despite the fame of Valeria, the girl did not plan to be a singer, only recently she began to show interest in music and acting.

Anna's weight loss story

Excess weight has been Anna's problem since early childhood. The girl began to gain kilograms after a long-term use of hormonal drugs that help her fight kidney pathology.

Constant work on yourself, long workouts - all this helped Shulgina to be an ideal for many.

On Instagram, she uploads photos that cannot be ignored. Anya who has lost weight not only made her body perfect, she changed her image, she always watches her hair and makeup.

The girl claims that she has never taken any medication to combat excess weight. In addition, she does not sit on strict diets. Just eat in moderation.

Her method for getting rid of extra pounds is constant exercise on simulators, running, visiting spas and saunas. She recommends the latter for the quick and effective removal of all unnecessary from the body. Today, her weight does not exceed 60 kg.

Personal life of Anna Shulgina

The girl's personal life is not developing as actively as her career. Shulgina constantly says in her interviews that she does not know how to truly fall in love. Anna is educated and beautiful, but she is in no hurry to start a family. She believes that sooner or later a real prince will appear in her life, with whom you can marry without a doubt.

The brightest romance is with the guy Maxim Tarasov, who plays the piano.

The relationship did not last long, but developed rapidly: Anna introduced the young man to her parents, posted joint photos on the network, but they soon broke up. Many said that the singer began a relationship with Alexei Vorobyov, but the girl clarified that she had a purely business contact with a famous performer.

Shulgina is a real workaholic, she is ready to take on any theatrical work. Her goal is to try herself in many creative fields. Her singing career is just beginning, but Anna is already trying to avoid comparisons with her mega-popular mother.

Anna Shulgina is a famous Russian singer and actress. She was born on June 21 (according to the horoscope twins) 1993 in Moscow. Her height is 169 centimeters.
Anna grew up and was brought up in a rather wealthy family. The first manifestations of talent began to break through at an early age, when her parents assigned her to the Gnisenykh theater studio. But the truth is that, in fact, the girl grew up very active and eccentric. It is for this reason that the family decides to enroll Annie in a school for noble maidens in Switzerland. There she read a lot, did cooking and studied foreign languages. Apart from this, she also learned to ride a horse. In a word, she became an exemplary girl with knowledge of the necessary skills for a real lady.

As soon as her studies in Switzerland were completed, Anna returns to her homeland and finishes school there. She decides to enter the Shchukin Institute. But she could not decide on a profession for a long time, since very often she threw her from one extreme to another, then she wanted to be a trainer, then a designer, but be that as it may, in the end the choice fell on a theater school.

While still at the institute, Anna played on stage and her graduation works were roles in two productions of Vassa Zheleznova and Friends of the Writers. According to Anna herself, it does not matter for her whether it is a theatrical stage or an institute one. She understands that the most important thing in the acting of an actress is life, you need to really feel your character and accurately convey all the emotions experienced on stage.

It also doesn’t matter for her who exactly to play, for her the main thing is an exciting script, thanks to which she will be able to give everything 100. This was followed by other productions in which Anna took part, among them were “8 Beloved Women”, “The Witch”, “ My poor Marat”, etc.

Musical activities

But Anna did not stop at the theater, as she very often showed her vocal abilities to all subscribers on Instagram. Many have noticed that Shulgina is not bad at drinking famous American songs, and after a while, she decides to try her hand at this field. Thus, she performs her first track together with rapper SLeM. Then her stepfather Anton Prigozhny notices her and begins to promote her in every possible way in the music world.

In addition, there were other works, in 2015 a video with the song “Another Me” was released, which Anna performs together with Sasha Spielberg, a popular blogger.


Anna Shulgina does not have many films on her account, but the girl is working hard in this direction. On the advice of Prigozhny himself, she leaves for Ukraine and spends enough time there to become famous. Thus, several paintings come out with her participation, among them were "Threads of Love", "I Believe, I Don't Believe", "Vasilisa", etc.


It is impossible to say that Anna Shulgina is a femme fatale, since many novels cannot be counted. The only thing that is known is that she used to meet with pianist Maxim Tarasov. But soon this relationship collapsed. According to Anna herself, she is not a very amorous person, and therefore she will rarely delight her fans with new chosen ones, but she is sure that if she feels an incredible sense of traction and just a cosmic feeling of love, then she will certainly grab this man and never let go again.

Anna Shulgina has recently become more popular than her mother, the singer Valeria. The girl has become a real it-girl: she maintains a stylish page on Instagram, travels around the country with performances and, of course, has a beautiful rest, which she also shares with subscribers.

Biography of Anna Shulgina

The singer, actress and TV presenter was born in the family of the popular singer Valeria and producer Alexander Shulgin. Anna has two younger brothers - Artemy and Arseny. After her parents divorced in 2002, the girl found a new family: in 2014, her mother married producer Iosif Prigogine, with whom she is happy today.

All photos 14

It can be seen that the experiences of the family drama left their mark on the character of the young Anya. She became an easily hurt and quickly losing temper with a difficult teenager. But this did not affect the acting data in any way. From the age of 10, Anna studied at the Studio Theater at the Academy. Gnesins, who, however, did not graduate. At the age of 13, her parents send Anna to the Swiss Institute for Noble Maidens in the hope that the girl's character will become softer there, and she herself will learn manners. At the Shulgin Institute, she studied English and Spanish, cooking, horseback riding, and read Shakespeare in the original. After several years in Switzerland, the girl returns to Moscow to finish school in her hometown and enter a university. In 2009, Anna was enrolled in the Theater Institute. B. Shchukin, which she successfully graduated in 2013 with a degree in "Drama theater and film actress" and "Variety artist (fiction reading)". During her studies, Anna Shulgina did not waste time in vain and worked out an acting portfolio. In the piggy bank of the girl - roles in the performances "Dog in the Manger", "My Poor Marat", "8 Loving Women", "Caught Swallow", "They Build Fools by Height", "Happiness", "Dulcinea Toboso", "Rats", "Turn", "Jester Balakirev", "Witch", "Mademoiselle Nitush".

After graduating from a higher educational institution, Anna Shulgina did not rest for a long time and a couple of months later she made her debut on the central television channel as the host of the Our Exit program. And - what a coincidence - the central place in the jury of the project was occupied by none other than ... singer Valeria, mother of Anna Shulgina! Now Anya was noticed by the whole country, and her popularity began to gain momentum. By the way, at the same time, the girl began to appear in episodic roles in domestic television series.

Having noticeably lost weight and prettier, in 2014 Anna Shulgina decided that it was boring to be only an actress and TV presenter, and released her first single “Give a chance for a dream”, a little later - the lyric song “You are mine”, which she performed with ... (unexpectedly! ) mother, singer Valeria. A year later, Anna presented the solo composition "Knife", then appeared naked in a photo shoot for a men's magazine.

Fans and celebrities love to compare Anya with singer Valeria. The girl was pretty tired of this, she even said: “My mother and I are not Siamese twins! If she's perfect, then I'm not!"

Personal life of Anna Shulgina

A damn unloving person, as Anna Shulgina herself calls herself, today she is happy in a relationship. A couple of years ago, the girl had an affair with pianist Maxim Tarasov. During the filming of the project "Our Exit", Anya was credited with love with co-host Alexei Vorobyov. But, according to the artist, they were connected only by friendship. Anna does not disclose the name of her current chosen one, she only admits that he is much older than her and is also associated with creativity. “I believe that a real man should have a goal in life,” says Shulgina. - He should strive to earn for the sake of the family, set himself higher goals, because this will motivate him even more. The higher you set the bar for yourself, the higher you start to jump. Even if you don’t jump, you will have much more than if you set the bar that you supposedly get. A man must want to have children. He must have an inner core, it must be a man, next to whom you feel completely protected. You know, I realized that appearance is not the main thing in a man at all. I had sympathy for different young people, this is normal for my age. For some reason, it did not happen that there were novels with smart and courageous people. When I was already almost disappointed in young people, I suddenly met my man, who is responsible for his words, down to the smallest detail. He never lets me be sad, he feels me. I pick up the phone, smile, and he understands that something is wrong with my mood. We have similar interests and even have the same dreams. We text each other at the same time, call each other at the same time. He does not allow me to overwork, takes all my problems on himself. I’m not used to this and for a long time I said: “Wait, is it really necessary?”, And he says that this is exactly how it should be! So I'm in seventh heaven now because I've found a real man."

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