Anti teach good. Presentation of projects teach good and film censor on the forum livadia


Another chapter of criticism of the Internet project "Teach Good", in which I will continue to correct their ideological (let's say so) orientation. My opinion will be only my private opinion, anyone has the right to have their own opinion both about me and about this project. There is nothing surprising in the fact that some of the materials posted on the site do not in any way increase the morality of society. They invite all those who are ideologically interested, who, when writing any article or review, must substantiate the positive or negative aspects of the film. What "it" teaches, or how "it" cripples. Each person has his own "cockroaches" and preferences - do not forget about the features of education and moral attitudes. On the one hand, it's good that there are people in general who spend their time writing detailed reviews: as you can see from the previous link, there are very few such people. But if the project really wants to influence the morality of society, then it's time to take care of compiling a reference section. Just in case, I will point out an article that is recommended to rely on when writing reviews. There are no complaints about the article itself: it is clearly drawn up and well-reasoned. Its essence is in the title: what are family values? I would not write a review based on this under-manual - one-sided opinions are not to my liking. Much has been omitted and needs to be clarified.

Let's go over some of the articles. Movie " Fool"I liked it more than advertised" Leviathan"and ambiguous" Major". The author of the article believes that Bykov does not believe that a "rotten" society is worthy of life, and indirectly condemns him. The director himself agrees with him. But the author of the article reproaches this fact, saying that not everything is still lost, and it was necessary to remove the film is not about how the main character is all (mat), but that all people have a chance to improve.The idea of ​​the film should be life-affirming.And it refers to the hero of Russian fairy tales, about Ivan the Fool, like - they distorted his image.Here it is necessary It should be noted that the tale itself about three brothers, who are one or the other worse, is a bad example, and its value lies in another.However, if we analyze this tale from the point of view of moral values, project "Teach Good" unlikely to approve. The author of the article believes that the film is a blow to the culture of our people, an attempt to distort the concepts of good and evil, and something else. At the same time, he does not stop turning to folk tales. I don’t understand: does the author even know what the genre of social drama is? The purpose of this film is not to educate, but to point out a specific problem. Do not decide, but draw a conclusion. And in general: have you tried to raise an adult? People are different, and yet about 80% will remain the same.

Yes, this is a screenshot from the cartoon. And don't faint, this appliqué animation style is still alive today, thanks to kind viewers. I have said more than once that not only the content is important for the child, but also the figurative design. Some psychologists, educators, parents with many children agree with me. But then why do we show such cartoons to children? Why did the site editors leave this moment unattended? In 2009, the director "shot" with a very similar cartoon. Since when did we start showing arthouse art (that is, author's art, not a template, experiment, etc.) to children?

Not so with Friends of the Angels. This is the case, a little soft, because this slag deserves to be drowned in the slop. By the way, the author is a girl about 23 years old (not sure, but the link indicates). This is me to the fact that the younger generation perhaps better distinguishes the line between real beauty and the beauty imposed on us, but the idea needs to be confirmed. Author, write more.

Who does not know about British scientists? Every day a new one is discovered, or the wheel is proven to be round. Everyone has heard of them! From a city schoolboy to a grandmother from a distant village. The term " British scientists"became a topic for jokes and sarcastic remarks. Nevertheless, in this article they were seriously concerned about the negative impact of such news on society. Everything seems to be written correctly, isn't it? Against the example given there (alcohol prolongs life), I will cite similarly stupid, but based on logic. So: " swearing is sometimes good". Helpful because it reduces excess stress. " Miniskirts prolong life"True, as the woman wearing them is implied to have a lot of sexual intercourse, and sex is known to prolong life." Women who drink live longer". Perhaps, because moderate drinking of wine has a positive effect on the heart - this is also (for sure) revealed by British scientists.

Behind writing on the topic of criticizing the project, you can track it by the tag.

Let's be honest!..

By the way, I did not find anything terrible and bad in the "About the project" section. Morality, family values, conscious perception of any information, what is good, what is bad - with examples and reviews ... And the logo is a kind of graphic representation of Vladimir Mayakovsky's poem "What is good and what is bad?"

Good and lofty goals, which, in theory, are instilled in the family from the cradle. (To whom it is not lazy, they can watch as much as a seven-minute video in which the authors of the project chew on the mission "Teach Good").

So what's inside? And inside there is a lot of printed and video content, which can be conditionally divided into what is "good" and "bad". Actually, the site even has special buttons, by clicking on which you can get to the relevant sections.

There is a lot of content, on various topics, articles and videos that cover TV, books, print media, articles for those who have children, they are united by one thing - "conspiracy and brainwashing".


I honestly read a dozen articles taken from different sections, both “good” and “bad”, read the comments, went to a group on a social network (there are already 90 thousand subscribers!)

Unfortunately, I can say that the project "Teach good" is a manual "How to become paranoid". In everything, the authors look for malicious intent, the goal of fooling a simple and honest people, and often attract facts and judgments by the ears. Most of all, I "liked" what they write about humorous programs ... It turns out that they do not make fun of anything, entertaining along the way, but "create defamatory images that quietly and imperceptibly creep into the subconscious, then to shoot from around the corner"!

The authors of the project call for a meaningful approach to information, and here it must be said what exactly do they mean by this? This means approaching exactly with the understanding that the creators of the "Teach Good" project put in. Other points of view are not welcome, they are declared "wrong", "thoughtless" and even "liberalist", although this is just a skillfully labeled.

Adherents of the project preach the point of view of the project, actively like those who mirror the opinion of the authors of the project in the comments, and people with a different point of view are actively persuaded, and when common sense is not on their side, they point to the extreme degree of the opponent's limitations ...

The world and information, according to the authors of the project, is divided very flatly, into white and black, and all complexity is denied or ignored. Such a simplification, assessment, including from the standpoint of the alleged norms of morality and morality, leads precisely to the formation of a simplified understanding of the relationship between people, social and public phenomena and other aspects of human life, i.e. distorts the perception of the world.

In general, propaganda that says that it is not propaganda at all. Propaganda for what? On the idea of ​​good things, values, but the methods chosen are dubious, suggestive thoughts about sectarianism. Everything else that does not fit into the framework outlined by the project is proposed to be perceived as erroneous and condemned or denied altogether.

VERDICT: the site and the project "Teach Good" leave rather a negative impression with their categorical, one-sided judgments and bias. The adherents and participants of the project form a distorted picture of the surrounding world and society, hiding behind rationalism, enlightenment and moral values.

Creator Community

Hello dear friends! The main goal of creating the project “Teach good” is to increase the morality of our society. Sounds global, doesn't it? But a natural question arises, how to do it?

First of all, we proceed from the position that the morality of a society, as well as an individual person, can be changed both for the worse and for the better, providing an appropriate informational impact.

The goal defines the main tasks of the site:

    Demonstrate to the reader how the media and modern popular culture control people.

    To develop in the reader the skill of conscious perception of any information from the position of answering the question “what does this teach?”.

    Create a platform to bring together all those who stand for traditional family values.

Traditional family values ​​are chosen as a standard of moral norm that defines the criteria of "good" and "bad".

You can follow the progress of the project at the following links:

Thank you for your attention to the materials Teach Good and for your support.

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Today, all these mechanisms have become quite clear. For example, for several years in a row, the main cinematographic award of the world "Os...

…First of all, it is necessary to understand that the current situation in the field of mass culture has not been formed in a random or chaotic way, but is the result of a purposeful management process implemented through specific mechanisms: award institutions, financial flows and control over the central media.

Today, all these mechanisms have become quite clear. For example, for several years in a row, the world's main cinematic award "Oscar" in the nomination for the best film has been awarded to films about perverts. In particular, such paintings as: "Moonlight", "The Shape of Water", "Green Book" and others. The same films receive maximum positive publicity in large media, on the pages of which such terms as “propaganda of perversions” do not sound, on the contrary, the rhetoric is carried out purely in the plane of admiration for the acting, scenery, director’s talent and other minor points. Seeing all this from the outside, a person, even one who is absolutely far from the sphere of cinema, must either make the absurd conclusion that films with an LGBT agenda are made in the most aesthetic way, or admit the fact that the motive for awarding the award is clearly political in nature and has nothing to do with it. society with the concept of art.

The system of major television, music and all other awards, including Russian ones, is built in a similar way. The majority of Internet resources dedicated to film evaluation, such as KinoPoisk, Film.Ru, Kinoteatr.Ru and others, are included in a similar matrix, since in them the assessment of films in most cases comes down to assessing their emotional impact (an alternative is presented on the KinoCensor website: https :// All this together creates favorable conditions for constant manipulation through the sphere of mass culture.

And at the heart of this process lies one big, but very significant myth that there is a so-called "entertainment content", the task of which is simply to bring positive emotions, help a person to relax and unwind. As long as a person believes that he is just having fun, and this does not entail any consequences for his psyche and behavior, then he does not critically evaluate the information that comes to him. By the way, this is especially noticeable in music. It often happens that a person knows the lyrics of a song by heart, but he never thought about the meaning of the words imprinted in his memory and even the words he uttered, precisely because he treats this entire area without due attention, without evaluating the message of the composition.

That is, the real goals of mass culture management are hidden behind the false sign of "entertainment", thanks to which it is possible to avoid discussing really significant and paramount issues: "what ideas and values ​​the work promotes", "what attitudes it forms", "how it affects the mass audience", " what does it teach?" and so on.

The main purpose of creation site “Teach good” is an increase in the morality of our society. Sounds global, doesn't it? But a natural question arises, how to do it?

First of all, we proceed from the position that the morality of a society, as well as an individual person, can be changed both for the worse and for the better, providing an appropriate informational impact.

The goal defines the main tasks of the site:

  1. Demonstrate to the reader how the media and modern popular culture control people.
  2. To develop the reader's skill of conscious perception of any information from the position of answering a question“what does it teach?”.
  3. Create a platform to bring together all those who stand for traditional family values.

The site regularly publishes its own analytical materials and accumulates articles from other sources devoted to the analysis of popular information products from the standpoint of answering the question “what does it teach?”

The site was created not only as a news publication, but also as structured database, which already now allows you to find analytical analyzes of famous films, songs, books. Getting to know them will allow you to take a fresh look at these information products, understanding what impact they have on you (positive or negative), and what exactly this influence is expressed in.

At the same time, the site is not aimed at demonstrating only the negative aspects of today's culture. Of course, there are many works of art (here this expression is appropriate) that “teach good”, and the distribution of which positively affects the life of society. Similar materials on the site fall into the section "Good".

As standard of morality that defines the criteria for “good” and “bad”, editors and authors are guided by family values ​​traditional for the Russian people: fidelity, love, hard work, respect for elders, the sanctity of motherhood, mutual assistance, kindness, a healthy lifestyle, honesty, generosity, responsibility.


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The main purpose of creation The project “Teach Good” is to improve the morality of our society. Sounds global, doesn't it? But a natural question arises, how to do it?

First of all, we proceed from the position that the morality of a society, as well as an individual person, can be changed both for the worse and for the better, providing an appropriate informational impact. In the 21st century, the mass media have the greatest influence on a person throughout his life. That is why our main slogan is: “For the revival of morality in the media!”

The goal defines the main objectives of the project:

1. Demonstrate to the reader how the media and modern mass culture control people.

2. To develop in the reader the skill of conscious perception of any information from the standpoint of answering the question “what does this teach?”.

3. Create a platform to bring together all those who stand for traditional family values.

The site regularly publishes its own analytical materials and accumulates articles from other sources devoted to the analysis of popular information products from the standpoint of answering the question “what does it teach?”

The site was created not only as a news publication, but also as structured database, which already now allows you to find analytical analyzes of famous films, songs, books. Getting to know them will allow you to take a fresh look at these information products, understanding what impact they have on you (positive or negative), and what exactly this influence is expressed in.

At the same time, the site is not aimed at demonstrating only the negative aspects of today's culture. Of course, there are many works of art (here this expression is appropriate) that “teach good”, and the distribution of which positively affects the life of society. Such materials on the site fall into the "Good" section.

As standard of morality, which defines the criteria of “good” and “bad”, editors and authors are guided by family values ​​traditional for the Russian people: loyalty, love, hard work, respect for elders, the sanctity of motherhood, mutual assistance, kindness, a healthy lifestyle, honesty, generosity, responsibility.

Dear parents!

Let's not be indifferent to our children! After all, children are the future, and what it will be like tomorrow depends on what we invest in them today. Do not trust the upbringing of children to TV, if possible, view all the information that your child watches, create a home video library (, explain intelligibly why this or that content is harmful or useful . After watching, discuss with the child the picture, the characters, ask: “What would you do in the place of this or that hero?” And most importantly - convey to the child the idea that live communication is always better than TV!

Project "Teach Good":

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