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Anton Shoki (Batrakov) came to the reality show with his foster mother. A young woman told how her husband met a Cheboksary orphan, took pity on him, and adopted him.

But for some reason, Anton lived in a new family for only two months. And if earlier, in America, his adoptive parents handed him back to the shelter, referring to the difficult character of the guy, then “mother” Oksana, after two months of living together with Shoki, decided to take him to house 2. She immediately warned that for her soul Anton does not have a penny, so the girl who loves him must understand who she is contacting and not count on anything. Oddly enough, this was found on the very first evening, although even the presenter Olga Buzova did not count on this, leaving Anton on the project for three days of a “corrective” period. Does that mean the probationary period has passed?

Love not calculated?

News reached us from the clearing that yesterday Anton and Victoria Komissarova had moved into a separate room. Vika is not embarrassed by the lack of money from her chosen one, she is used to dating such guys. But now Shoki can be calm that they definitely fell in love with him not for money, but for intelligence and beauty. If they fell in love, of course, and not just used it for selfish purposes, so as not to fly out in the women's vote ...

Anton Shoki - the infamous ex-participant of the Dom-2 project The young man had countless fights on his account, he flew out of the show twice and each time tried to denigrate the management of the television set in front of the audience.

Childhood and youth

At birth, Anton bore the surname Batrakov. The boy was born in Cheboksary in a dysfunctional family. When the child was three years old, the mother went to prison, and Anton ended up in an orphanage, where he lived for 11 years. The teenager was adopted by the Shoki family from America, since then the young man has had their last name.

It seemed that great opportunities had opened up in order to build a happy life, but in the States only disappointments awaited. The American dream turned into a nightmare - soon the parents abandoned their adopted Russian son. At the same time, with a scandal - Anton was accused of sexual harassment of other children from this family, the young man first ended up in a psychiatric clinic, and from there for escaping to a special institution for teenagers, who are branded as juvenile delinquents.

By the age of 16, Anton Shoki had changed four foster families. Not finding understanding and happiness in a foreign land, he wanted to return to his native land, but according to the law, it is impossible for a child under 18 to leave. I had to wait. As soon as the young man reached adulthood, he immediately left the land of dreams with the help of the children's ombudsman.

Anton Shoki before the project "Dom-2"

However, problems awaited in Russia - Anton was an unusual orphan, unlike children who grew up in their homeland without parents, the young man was not entitled to benefits and free housing, and there were difficulties with replacing a passport. Shoki settled in a boarding school of his relatives in Cheboksary.

But the difficult fate of the young man marked the beginning of his popularity. Anton became a real star, was a guest on a talk show on television, where he shared his ordeals in America with the public. As a result, he was taken under the wing of a politician and music producer.

Shoki ended up in Moscow, thanks to the patronage of Razin, he changed his documents and acquired a capital residence permit. The producer even bought the young man an apartment in the golden-domed one, which he announced on the program “Live”, and then in Sochi - he opened the “Vozrozhdeniye” charity office there, headed by the ward. In addition, Anton, with the light hand of Andrei Razin, found a new foster mother named Oksana.

However, there was a conflict between Shoki and Razin, and their paths diverged. Anton went for another portion of fame to the TNT project - Dom-2.

"House 2"

The young man came to the glade of a long-playing show about the construction of love in early February 2017 in the company of his mother, who spoke about the difficult fate of her adopted son. Anton Shoki was going to win the heart, but on the day of arrival he was fascinated by Victoria Komissarova. So much so that after three days the young people declared warm feelings and settled together.

Like all couples in the city of love, Anton and Victoria's relationship was far from ideal. Accompanied by frequent quarrels, partings and stormy reconciliations, the couple even tried to survive each other from "House-2".

Anton Shoki in the show "Dom-2"

Shoki turned out to be a big "brawler". Once he had a fight with Dmitry Pshenichny, a newcomer to the project, who decided to fight off Komissarov. For such a courageous act, Vika rewarded the chosen one with a declaration of love.

Anton did not stay on the project - he left after Victoria, who did not receive immunity. Shoki accused the leadership of Dom-2 of deception, the young man was allegedly sent from the show "without severance pay" - bonuses to the main rate.

Personal life

History is silent about the personal life of Anton Shoka before the Dom-2 project. On the first day of appearing on the show, the young man admitted: before that, there was not much experience in communicating with the opposite sex. He complained that a feeling of deep loneliness haunts all his life, and he sees happiness in mutual love and warmth. In his free time, he writes poetry, loves rap and sometimes reads it himself.

After leaving the television set with Victoria Komissarova, Anton parted for a short time. After the former lovers met and realized that the feelings are still alive. For two weeks, the ex-participants of Doma-2 lived in a rented apartment in the capital of Russia, and when the money ran out and they asked to vacate the housing, Vika went to her parents in Krasnodar. Anton could not find a job for a long time, spent the night with friends and even at the station.

Another version of the development of relations says that the couple allegedly began to live together in the girl's parental home in Krasnodar. Vika wrote on social networks that the young man does not work and does not even think about looking for a place. Komissarova's clothing store served as a source of income. Anton Shoki left for Moscow, and in turn began to accuse his beloved on the page of

Anton's family led an associative lifestyle: the parents constantly drank, got into fights, the child was left to himself. Mother brought different men to the house and often got into criminal troubles, for which she served time in prison more than once. The father of the participant of the show House 2 left the family early.

At the age of 14, a good friend, Yuri Spiridonov, advised him to adopt the boy into an American family, since both believed that it would be better for Anton. Ahead were plans to learn English, get an education, become a pilot, as he always dreamed of. On the way to America, A. Shoki cherished a lot of hopes, thought that he was incredibly lucky and fate finally smiled at him. After all, he is going to the country of his dreams and freedom!

But the realities of life turned out to be much tougher. For 4 years he lived in a foster family, which was not puzzled to teach the teenager his native language. There was a language barrier between them, they did not understand each other.

Later, Anton gave an interview in which he said that the American guardians humiliated and insulted him, constantly took him to camps for psychological adaptation, in which he was forced to sit on the laps of curators and sleep with them in the same bed, despite the fact that he was already young. Naturally, the teenager tried to escape, and the new parents did not hear him, believed that he was crazy and therefore forbade him to communicate with others.

New parents closed the guy under the alarm in the room, placed tracking sensors throughout the house, even in the toilet. Then it gets even worse - Anton was sent to a psychiatric hospital for several months, and then locked up in the basement for 7 days. They did not communicate with the young men, they fed from a bowl.

After, the American parents handed over the teenager to the police. He was accused of sexually abusing his children and then abandoned. After several years of being in orphanages and foster families in the United States, Anton returned to his homeland. Another story began in Russia, which reached Andrey Razin. He found A. Batrakova a job in a charitable foundation, and also signed him up as a participant in the television project Dom 2. The boy had a dream - to become a pilot and start a family with his soul mate. We hope that the life of the Cheboksary orphan will get better!

Member Name: Anton Shoki

Age (birthday): 25.11.1995

City: Cheboksary

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Reading this article:

Anton Batrakov (Shoki) was born on November 25, 1995 in the city of Cheboksary. At the age of only 3 years, he ended up in an orphanage, where he lived for 11 years.

At the age of 14, Anton was adopted by an American family. Dreaming of a wonderful future, the guy went to a completely foreign country.

Instead of the promised fairy tale, Anton found himself in even worse conditions than before the adoption. The foster parents quickly abandoned the Russian boy, and Anton again ended up in a shelter, but for American orphans.

The next 4 years caused a lot of trauma to the young psyche of the guy, he was adopted several more times, but in the end he was again sent to an orphanage.

With the advent of the 18th birthday, Anton left America and returned to Russia where he became a real star. The guy was invited to various shows, where he told the story of his difficult childhood.

After some time, Andrei Razin himself (producer, politician, musician) took care of Anton, who found a good Russian family for the orphan.

On February 6, 2017, Anton, along with his new foster mother, Oksana, came to the Dom-2 television project to build a relationship with a Moldovan woman, but on the very first day the guy met.

The girl made a huge impression on the young man. The very next day, the guys declared themselves a couple and settled in one of the free rooms.

Anton admitted that he came to the project not only for relationships, but also in order to learn how to talk. The guy is quite emotional and does not always know how to correctly express his feelings.

Despite his fragile physique, Anton Shoki takes part in brawls and fights with pleasure.

Not so long ago, the guy threw out his aggression on the new member Dmitry Pshenichny, who tried to take Victoria out of the relationship.

Having won back his beloved from his rival, Anton finally heard the long-awaited declaration of love from the girl. At the moment, the relationship of a young couple is full of problems., however, the guys are not going to leave, because they feel good with each other.

Anton and Vika tried to get each other out of the project, because their parents were against their relationship, Vika had to leave the project at one of the votings ... But despite all this, Vika was left with Anton in the clearing, although the team does not believe in the sincerity of these relations.

Anton's photo

Anton has long been a public figure, he has a popular instagram.

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