Application based on the work of S. Marshak “Who will find the ring? Work on the project "Journey through the works of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak DIY pasta crafts


Project Passport:

  • Topic: acquaintance with the work of S.Ya. Marshak "Cat house" .
  • Type of project: cognitive and creative.
  • Project type: short term.
  • Participants: teachers, children, parents.
  • Age of children: 4-5 years.
  • Form of holding: group.

Project relevance:

This project, in the context of the educational process in the preschool educational institution, has a great influence on the development of children's intelligence, speech, and a positive attitude towards the world. Familiarization of children with fiction allows you to form children's ideas about books, respect for the book; gives

the opportunity to look at illustrations with children and talk about them. The participation of children in this project will enrich knowledge and instill interest in fiction; develop creative abilities, coherent speech.

Design Component:

Purpose: to introduce children to the work of S.Ya. Marshak "Cat house" .


  • to acquaint children with the life and work of Marshak
  • to enrich children's knowledge about the world around them: objects of social purpose, the world of creativity and crafts, the objective world;
  • develop coherent speech through answers to the questions of the educator on the work;
  • develop cognitive and mental abilities
  • to involve parents in family reading of literature
  • enrich children's vocabulary through reading a work of art
  • to form moral and patriotic education
  • to cultivate the ability to enjoy the literary word, to empathize with the heroes of the work;
  • educate respect for the book.

Hypothesis - pedagogical activity to get acquainted with the writer will contribute to the development in children of the desire and desire to learn the work of other poets and writers, the formation of a holistic picture of the world, the development of literary speech, the development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste.

Integration of educational areas:

  • Cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world;
  • Artistic creativity (constructive activity);
  • Communication;
  • Reading fiction;
  • Music;
  • Socialization;
  • Physical Culture;
  • Work;
  • Safety.

Preparatory stage:

  • selection of methodological literature
  • selection of desktop-printed games and didactic games.
  • preparation of materials for artistic creation (colored paper cardboard, glue, pencils, watercolor, wax crayons, scissors);
  • preparing material for a role-playing game
  • specially selected material for the work of S.Ya. Marshak "Cat house" (material on fire safety, patriotic education, different types of clothing);
  • selection of audio recordings on the topic
  • selection of illustrations, paintings for this work
  • reading a work "Cat house" together with parents
  • watching a cartoon "Cat house" .

Expected result:

  • development in children of interest in reading the works of Marshak and his work
  • development of coherent speech of children, enriching it with new words
  • development of children's creative abilities
  • involvement of parents in the creative process of working with children, strengthening interest in cooperation with the kindergarten;
  • equipment and replenishment of the developing environment in the group (library of Marshak's works, creation of didactic games, role-playing games);
  • development in children of the ability to perceive the text by ear, to recognize familiar passages from the work;
  • development of communication skills of children, the ability to agree to help each other;
  • development of children's creative abilities.

Project activity product:

  • photo creation
  • development "Color Book" Marshak
  • book corner decor
  • drawings of parents and children based on this work
  • drawings of children on given and free topics
  • plasticine crafts "Different types of clothes"
  • fire safety application
  • designing a house for a cat from different materials
  • fire truck design, clothing
  • salt dough molding; - competition of exhibitions of children's works.

Project presentation:

  • Marshak's biography
  • "Colorful book" Marshak "Cat house"
  • photo presentation of the project “Introduction to the work of S.Ya. Marshak "Cat's House" .

organizational component. Project implementation.

Cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world):

  • familiarity with family traditions and kinship relationships
  • formation of patriotic education
  • observation of different types of clothing, to make a connection with the season
  • familiarity with the rules of proper etiquette and meeting guests
  • familiarity with different professions of parents
  • formation of fire safety skills.

Productive (constructive) activity:

  • "Home for Aunt Cat"


  • reviewing plot pictures and compiling descriptive and

narrative stories based on them;

  • conversations: “When do they wear festive clothes?” , "Where do clothes come from" "Fire safety" , "Respect for Books" , "About family and family relations" ;
  • looking at pictures and making up stories about them
  • work on the sound culture of children's speech.

Reading fiction:

  • reading the work of Marshak "Cat house"
  • puzzles

Artistic Creativity:


  • different coloring pages
  • "Such different clothes"
  • "Professions"
  • drawing your family.


  • "Treat for Dolls"
  • "Decorate Clothes" .


  • "New hats for dolls"
  • "Decorate the Dishes"
  • "Matches" .


  • "Home for Aunt Cat"
  • "Fire engine" .


  • Music from the cartoon "Cat house" .


Role-playing games:

  • "Family"

- "Clothing store" .

Didactic games:

  • "The Fourth Extra"
  • "What is fire?"
  • "Say a word"
  • "Fold the picture"
  • "Dress the Doll"
  • "Radio"
  • "Connect by dots"
  • "Decorate Clothes" .

Physical Culture:

Outdoor games:

  • "Cap"
  • "Make a Figure"
  • "Mice dance"
  • "Catchers" .

Physical education minutes:

  • "Light up the fire"
  • "Autumn Walk"
  • "Count Right" .


  • clearing leaves from the field
  • duty in the corner of nature
  • canteen duty

Manual labor:

  • "Book Repair" .


  • talk about fire safety
  • conversation about the rules of conduct at a party
  • conversation about table manners
  • conversation about the correct form of clothing for walking
  • conversation about the rules of behavior in public places.

Cultural and leisure activities:

  • competition - exhibition of children's works
  • contest for the best work "Cat house"
  • "We welcome guests" .

Joint activities of children and parents:

  • participation in the event "We welcome guests" ; - preparation for the competition for the best storytelling "Cat house"
  • drafting "Colorful book of Marshak"
  • shopping "Books" and the acquisition of the necessary literature on the topic
  • to involve parents in replenishing the library of works by S.Ya. Marshak.

preliminary work (surprise moment)

On the bookshelf, the children, together with the teacher, found an unusual book.

She came up with blank pages. The teacher draws attention to the fact that this book by S.Ya. Marshak "Cat house" and only on the last page is written a letter from the good fairy of fairy tales. She asks the children to make a multi-colored Marshak book. "Cat house" .

Children, together with their parents and educators, view and listen to

Marshak's work "Cat house" .


"Fire safety" Purpose: Teaching children the rules of fire safety.


Educational: To consolidate the concept of fire safety, knowledge of the number

fire department phone make sure you follow the rules

fire safety.

Developing: Develop the ability to draw your own conclusions,

the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Educational: Cultivate a caring attitude towards your life.

Equipment: pictures depicting flammable and safe

items, various phone numbers, car pictures,

tape recorder, fireman's helmet, fire extinguisher, coloring pages on this topic,

prepared templates for application, geometric shapes for

design and constructor.

Activity progress

  • morning exercises
  • Greeting each other:

Invented by someone

Simple and wise:

Say hello when you meet.

Good morning!

Good morning sun and birds.

Good morning, friendly faces!

Let's smile at each other. It seems to me that in our group it became even

lighter. May this joyful and bright mood remain with us for the whole day.

Bim-bom, bim-bom! There is a tall house in the yard, carved shutters, painted windows.

Guys, whose house is this? (Koshkin).

Where is the cat? Ah, she had guests and she probably went to see them off.

The hostess and Vasily, the mustachioed old cat,

Slowly saw the neighbors to the gate,

Word by word and talk again

And at home, in front of the stove, the fire burned through the carpet.

The cat Vasily returned and the cat followed him and suddenly began to wail:

Cat: Fire!

Cat Vasily: We're on fire!

With crackling, clicking and thunder, a fire arose over the new house
So the cat's house collapsed,
Burned with all the good.
Cat: Where will I live now?

Cat Vasily: What will I guard?

Tili - bom, tili - bom the cat's house burned down. Do not find signs of it. Was it

he or not.

Why did the cat's house burn down? - That's what can happen if the fire is left unattended or matches are picked up and played with.

A game "Come on, guess it"

An ember fell to the floor -
Wooden floor lit
Don't look, don't wait, don't stand
And pour it (water).

The insidious fire will win
The one who is called (firefighter).

What is a cramped, cramped house?
One hundred sisters huddle in it.
And any of the sisters
It can flare up like a fire.

Don't mess with your sisters
thin (with matches).

Hanging - silent,
And turn over - hisses and foam
flies (fire extinguisher).

Raskalis, if suddenly
Electric iron.
What should you do, kids?
Remove the plug from (sockets).

If the little sisters
Lighting matches at home.
What should you do
Immediately matches (select).

If a fire breaks out,
You are obliged at the same moment
Call the fire brigade.
About the fire (to report).

If you want to walk
Jump no need to run away
Closing the door in the house
Did you turn everything off (check).

Now let's check if you know which phone number to call if there is a fire? (there are cards with numbers 01, 02, 03, 04 on the table).

Every citizen knows
This number is 01
If trouble comes to you
Call there soon.

Physical education: "Light up the fire"

You turn around
Turn into an ember!
The light was bright.
The window opened and flew in

The autumn breeze is a prankster.
And that's all the little fire needs
He began to grow, grow, and turned into fire - a giant
Angry and angry.

And if suddenly a fire breaks out in a kindergarten, what will you do?

We have a fire alarm in our group. She warns us

danger. But you need to be very careful to hear it and correctly.

respond to her signal.

What is the name of the machine that puts out the fire?

Conversation on pictures and fire extinguishing objects.

Productive activity:

Fire drawing.

Match application.

Construction of a fire engine from geometric shapes.

Designing a house for a Cat from a constructor.

"Family and Relatives"

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the family, its composition of kinship relations and

relationships and traditions.


Educational: To form a sense of patriotism in children by comprehending such

concepts like gender, parents.

Developing: To develop free communication between an adult and a child, oral speech

children, creative imagination, fantasy, thinking.

Educational: To cultivate a sense of duty and love for others.

Equipment: family pictures, family photos, tape recorder,

templates for application, coloring.

Activity progress

morning exercises

Greeting each other. - The family is mom, and dad, and grandfather.
Grandma cooks a delicious dinner for us.
There are also brothers and sisters in the family.
And there is nothing better than a family.

Indeed, for each of us the most important thing in life is family. And if in the house

mutual understanding, trust, warmth and comfort reign, then this is real happiness.

Who are called relatives? (close relatives)

What does the word mean "genus" ?

The family is one big family. Each genus has its own beginning. by the most

the eldest member of the family is considered respected. These are grandparents.

They gave life to your parents, and your parents to you. While you were gone, your

parents were called children. And what did they become called when you were born?


Looking at photos of different families and talking about them.

What families met in the story "Cat house" ? Conversation and discussion.

P / i. “Where we were, we will not say, but we will show what we did”

- Finger game:

Dad, mom, brother and me
Together friendly family
One two three four -
We all live in the same apartment.

Riddles about the professions of parents.

Among the clouds, on high,
We are building a new house together
So that in warmth and beauty
People lived happily in it. (Builder)

We will rise when you sleep
And sift the flour in a sieve,
Let's heat up the oven,
To bake bread in the morning. (Cook)

He is on the bus
And carefully watching
So that everyone has tickets
Don't forget to buy them. (Conductor)

Who in the days of sickness
more useful than all
And heals us from all Diseases? (Doctor)

Doctor, not for children
And for birds and animals.
He has a special gift
This doctor is... (vet)

All roads are familiar to me
I feel at home in the cockpit.
A traffic light is flashing for me
He knows that I am... (chauffeur)

I see a plane in the sky
Like a glowing lump
The pilot controls it
Simply different.. (pilot)

He is ready for fire and battle,
Protecting you and me.
He goes on patrol and into the city,
Will not leave the post... (soldier)

Productive activity:

  • Application "Camomile field" (family symbol)
  • Drawing your family
  • Role-playing game "Family"


"Such different clothes"

Purpose: Expanding and clarifying children's ideas about clothes.


Educational: To form in children a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdifferent types

clothing, its purpose and application. Activate children's vocabulary with words -

names: clothes, types of fabrics, professions related to tailoring.

Developing: Develop mental operation, fine motor skills of hands,

visual perception. Develop the ability to work in a team.

Concretize knowledge of why a person needs different clothes. Educational: To cultivate responsiveness, a positive attitude towards

occupations, careful and accurate attitude to clothes.

Equipment: coloring books, pictures of different clothes, pictures with

depicting snowflakes, sun and rain, clothes for fashion show, trendy

magazines, application templates, tape recorder.

Activity progress

  • morning exercises
  • greeting each other
  • Riddle poem about things:

Everywhere you see these things, because they are comfortable and warm,

And there are many of them in the world, but remembering them is tricky.

These things you need to know, they are good to play and sleep in.

Walk in the summer, and in the cold, and even in the cold to hide your nose.

They can tell you a lot:

Who put them on, where did they go.

For legs, for hands, for the head, they are important and good.

Beautiful - just a feast for the eyes,

What is my poem about?

Does a person need clothes? And for what?

What is shown in the picture? (snowflake) What time of year does it belong to? (To

winter) What clothes do we wear in winter? (warm) Also show pictures from

the image of the sun and rain, conduct a conversation on them.

A long time ago, people did not know how to make clothes, but used animal skins.

Many years passed before man learned to make beautiful clothes from leather,

linen, wool.

Look at pictures of different types of clothing and conduct a conversation on them.

The clothes we wear are sewn by seamstresses in factories from different fabrics.

- "Clothes of different professions"

  • Consider pictures of clothes for different professions

talk about them.

Di. "Radio"

P.i. "Cap"

A leader is chosen who squats in the center of the circle. Rest

the players walk around him, holding hands, and sing:

cap, cap,

red boots,

Thin legs. We put you

Forced to dance.

Dance as much as you want

Choose who you want.

Cap: Of course, I love everyone, but ... most of all.

Consider what outfits the characters in the story wore. "Cat house" .

Productive activity:

  • "Fashion Salon"
  • Application: "New hats for dolls"
  • Drawing different types of clothes
  • Modeling: "Decorate Clothes"

Construction: "Such different clothes"

"Meeting with guests"

Topic: Familiarizing children with different utensils, their use, etiquette and

table manners.


Educational: Systematize and generalize the knowledge of children about dishes, its

appointment; the material from which it is made; form concepts: tea,

dining room, kitchen.

Developing: Develop coherent speech, logical thinking, memory,

imagination, visual perception and attention, coordination of speech with movement;

fine motor skills of the hands; perseverance.

Educational: To form cultural communication skills, be able to

keep up a conversation, say hello, say goodbye, cooperation skill, culture

table setting; mutual assistance.

Equipment: pictures depicting different types of dishes, dishes -

toys, salt dough for modeling, tape recorder.

Activity progress

  • morning exercises
  • greeting each other

Remember how the Cat received guests. What to do when they arrive

But before setting the table, we need to consider what dishes we need

for tea drinking, but what other dishes can come in handy for?

Examination of various dishes and a conversation about it. - Cooking treats for dolls - modeling from salt dough (how to

make pretzels out of dough

shows the chef)

We treat dolls

cooked, but not yet on the table

- "Table setting"

(discuss every detail of what

what goes and what is needed, for example

tablecloth, spoon, cup, etc. After

after all the guests drank tea, which

have to do? What do we do

with dirty dishes? And with dirty


Why do you need to wash the dishes?

P.i. "Circle, circle"

Circle, circle

little friend

1, 2, 3 utensils (Name) name.

For the dolls, we set the table and prepared a treat, and they came to us too

guests (parents) let's treat them to tea. Adults help set the table

and prepare everything for tea.

Productive activity:

Modeling: "Treat for Dolls"

  • Drawing: "Miscellaneous dishes"
  • Application "Decorate the Dishes"
  • Connect by dots.

Project presentation

- Biography of S.Ya. Marshak:

1887 in Voronezh in the family of a factory technician, a talented inventor. AT 4

year S.Ya. Marshak composed his first poem. At the age of 8 he went to school,

he really enjoyed going to school. His favorite lesson was

literature. After school, Samuel went to study in England in the city of London. IN

He studied at London University. During the holidays, traveled a lot

walking around England, listening to English songs, jokes. We couldn't

them for us into Russian. When Marshak graduated from the university, he returned to

Russia. Samuil created the first children's theater, published the first books. Released

first children's magazine "New Robinson" and then log "Sparrow" . Marshak's poems have been translated into many languages ​​of the world. His books know your moms and dads and

even grandparents, and now you already know one work.

View photo.

consideration "Colorful book" .


During the project, the children got acquainted with a brief biography of the Soviet children's

poet S. Ya. Marshak, his childhood. Get to know the work

"Cat house" .

We had a very fun day when we met the guests, everyone set the table with interest and desire, and then drank tea together. The role-playing game was also interesting. "Family" which continued into the afternoon. It was an interesting day on fire safety, on the second

half a day the children learned how to use a fire extinguisher, dressed as firefighters, put out an impromptu fire. The fashion show was very memorable for the girls, they tried on different clothes with great interest and walked along the catwalk. Children consolidated the ability to draw illustrations for the work, observing the color scheme and sequence, as a result, a book was obtained.

The hypothesis put forward earlier by us was confirmed, the organization of work on acquaintance with the work of the writer contributes to the development in children of the desire and desire to learn the work of other poets and writers, the formation of a holistic picture of the world, the development of literary speech, the development of artistic

perception and aesthetic taste.

Rimma Brynza
Application based on the work of S. Marshak "Who will find the ring?"

Application based on the work C. Marshak"Who will find a ring

Purpose z and n I t and I.

Continue to teach children to cut round shapes from a rectangle, make animal figures from separate parts, and make figures for a dramatization game. To develop the imagination of children in inventing additional content for the game. Continue to develop interest among preschoolers in the illustrations of the artist V. Lebedev. Pay attention to the design features of the book cover, to the construction of the picture for "Elephant" Kipling, on the artist's ability to convey the features of the beast.

Material. Multimedia equipment for demonstrating a presentation on a topic. Colored paper (rectangles and additional details - in envelopes, which depict figures of familiar animals, scissors, glue, rags.

Preliminary work. Dramatization games based on the fairy tale by S. Marshak"Who will find a ring. Using an animal cap, tabletop theater (finger, box, planar, flannelgraph). The game is played repeatedly until the children memorize the text and begin to fantasize, inventing events with the presence of other characters. Conducting the game applications"Make a figurine".

Course progress.

The teacher invites children to play a fairy tale game "Who will find a ring. Draws attention to the fact that today there will be no puppet theater and the children must make the heroes of the fairy tale themselves, using book illustrations. asks children: "Who drew illustrations for the fairy tale "Who" will find a ring How did you know this?

Then the teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that V. Lebedev, illustrating books, already on the cover introduces the reader to the characters works. At the same time, they do not just sit or stand, they act.

The teacher explains that the children themselves can choose any envelope with colored paper on the table. In each envelope "hidden" riddle to be given answer: "Which hero is hiding here?" Need to make a picture applique so for the hero to live, act, be busy with something. Further, he proposes to consider 1-2 illustrations for Kipling's book "Baby elephant", draws the attention of children to the simplification of the forms used by the artist when depicting animals, to their similarity with an oval, a circle.

Then the teacher invites the children to cut out oval and rounded shapes and make familiar figures out of them, complementing them with the details that are in the envelope. It reminds the rule that when cutting rounded shapes from rectangular ones, the cut off corners should fall off. Then the animal figures are glued onto a sheet of paper.

The game is played as follows. The teacher selects 3-5 characters. Children go out with their "heroes". The teacher starts game: Rolled, rolled Olino ringlet, Rolled, rolled from our porch. Who will get off the porch? Who will find a ring? The children answer in turn in the voice of their character, using the words of the text and explaining what his character is doing so urgently that he cannot help Olya. caregiver speaks: Do not look for rings, bear (fox, etc., Do not try to roar like that. Our Olenka is small, but she went to look for herself. At the end of the dramatization game, the teacher should praise those who could most accurately applications portray your character and expressively read the text. Clarify which artist suggested with his illustrations for "Elephant" that you can make animals from simple details.

Related publications:

Who will find the ring? Synopsis of GCD on FEMP (orientation in space) in the middle group Who will find the ring? Synopsis of directly educational activities in the middle group. OO "Knowledge": FEMP - orientation in space.

Conversation on the work of V. A. Oseeva "Just an old woman" in the senior group Purpose: To introduce children to the work of V. A. Oseeva. Tasks: - to improve the ability of children to behave with dignity in different life situations.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson on familiarization with nature based on the work of K. D. Ushinsky "Bishka" Purpose: - to introduce children to the author's fairy tale - to teach children to answer questions about the fairy tale - to encourage them to remember the name and surname of the author of the fairy tale.

Abstract of the lesson on familiarization with fiction. Retelling of the fairy tale by S. Marshak “Who will find the ring?” Program content: - introduce children to the children's author Samuil Marshak and his work “Who will find the ring?”; - learn carefully.

Scenario of a musical fairy tale based on the work of L. Moore "Little Raccoon and the one who sits in the pond""Little Raccoon and the one who sits in the pond" Scenario of a musical fairy tale based on the work of L. Moore To the music, Raccoon's mother and baby come on stage.

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An evening of a literary quiz based on the work of V. G. Suteev Literary quiz with children and parents in the preparatory group Purpose: 1. To form interest in fiction, to develop.

The stories of popular Soviet and foreign children's writers: Bianki Vitaly, Nikolai Nosov, V. Dragunsky, Arkady Gaidar, Grigory Oster, Agnia Barto, Sergei Mikhalkov, Astrid Lindgren and many others are presented in mp3 format and also in text format.

The section "" contains poems for both the smallest (Agniya Barto, Sergey Mikhalkov, Eduard Uspensky, Korney Chukovsky, Marshak Samuil), and poems included in the school curriculum (Boris Zakhoder, N.A. Nekrasov, Fet A.A., I.A. Bunin) Poems can be downloaded, printed or just read on the site. And finally, most of the poems are presented in audio recordings and you can listen to children's poems online.

Fairy tales

Audio tales for children.

We present you a large selection of fairy tales for Russian children: K.I. Chukovsky, A.S. Pushkin, Marshak and foreign authors: Andersen G.Kh., Brothers Grimm, Charles Perot and others as well as old Russian folk tales. Fairy tales for children on our site you can read and listen online, as well as Fairy tales free download and without registration in mp3 format.


The site contains simple crafts for children. Examples of crafts made from natural materials, plasticine, paper are shown. For DIY crafts for children You can use a variety of materials: cones, nuts, eggshells, salt dough, shells and more. We mainly have simple crafts to develop the basic skills for making crafts.

children's music

Welcome to the section: Children's music. The section presents a large number of children's songs: songs from cartoons and children's films. Classic melodies in processing for the best children's perception. Lullabies and melodies. children's music download, You can also listen online for free and without registration.

Coloring pages. Children's pictures for coloring.

Classical music by Bach, Mozart, Vivaldi

and other great composers for your kids.

Classical music for children from the collection Baby Einstein Music:

classical music for holidays and travel

in processing for the best children's perception.

All children's music is available for download and listening online.

A little about the fairy tales of Sergei Mikhalkov. Educational activities and crafts based on the fairy tales of S. Mikhalkov.

About the fairy tales of Sergei Mikhalkov

Many people in our country grew up on the works of Sergei Mikhalkov.

"Who does not know Uncle Styopa? Uncle Styopa is familiar to everyone" just as everyone knows from childhood "The Song of Friends", "My Puppy", "What do you have", etc.

Sergei Vladimirovich wrote poems, fables, plays and other dramatic works, scripts for films and cartoons, translated children's poems by Julian Tuvim (from Polish) and Asen Bosev (from Bulgarian), as well as poems by poets from the republics of the former USSR. He wrote the texts of three hymns of the USSR and Russia: 1943, 1977 and 2001. Moreover, all of them were approved on a competitive basis.

Mikhalkov received the greatest fame precisely because of the works for children. They are included in the programs of preschool and school education, in books for reading, translated into many languages.

The most famous fairy tale by S. Mikhalkov - "The Three Little Pigs" - is about the brothers Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf and the wolf. This tale is written on the basis of English folklore.

However, in the original version of the English folk tale, the wolf ate two lazy, frivolous pigs, and by cunning tried to lure the third pig out of the house, but he did not succumb to the tricks of the wolf, but outwitted him himself. He opened the lid of a cauldron of boiling water when the wolf tried to crawl through the pipe to him, and then boiled and ate it.

© Yulia Valerievna Sherstyuk, https: // site

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  • Creative project "Magic world of fairy tales"

Anna Andreevna Nenashkina

And so September ended. All month we are with the guys traveled through the works of. I. Marshak. His poems and fairy tales bring joy to everyone. Not only children, but also their parents, grandparents know funny, fairy-tale characters from Marshak's works. Why do we love his poems and fairy tales? Because they are kind, funny, interesting and instructive. His poems are easy to remember. Samuil Yakovlevich all his life he was a faithful comrade and good friend of children. He showed that poetry can draw colorful pictures of the world, tell entertaining and instructive stories and fairy tales, you can perfectly ridicule the enemy and you can arouse interest, reflection, sympathy for misfortune in a person, teach you to dream about the future, learn about the world around you.

His acquaintance with the work of S. Ya. Marshak we started with decorating an exhibition of his books.

Look carefully at the illustrations in the books.

We listened with pleasure to poems from the cycle "Children in a Cage" and tried to learn some of them.

It was a lot of fun to play outdoor games ("Owl", "Cat and Mouse", "Sly Fox").

The guys tried very hard to draw stripes for zebras,

and also made spots from napkins to a giraffe.

Also, we have done works C. I. Marshak several collective works:

"Mustachioed - Striped"

"Hedgehog" ("Silent Tale")

We have a lot of interesting things to do this month.

The children enjoyed building the zoo.

We watched the presentation for "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse".

At the end project we even tried to put on a little show product C. I. Marshak"The Tale of the Stupid Mouse".

Here are our little artists:

This is how art was introduced Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak.

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