Arguments for the problem of courage, courage and heroism for writing an exam in the Russian language. Exam essay arguments


Perhaps, for any student, the most difficult part in the exam in the Russian language is the composition of part C. And the paragraph, which, presumably, should contain arguments, can even lead to hysteria. What to write? How to write? And most importantly, what literary works to choose? Everything is not so scary! On our site you will find arguments for composing part C on almost all topics! What's more, this page is constantly being updated as we post more and more arguments! Come to us more often, and you will feel quite calm and confident at the Unified State Examination in Russian. For ease of understanding, we group the arguments into tables by topic. Save the tables you need or just learn them, and then you will not need to re-read a bunch of literary works in order to write an essay in part C well. So, the arguments!


1) The problem of the “superfluous person” has been reflected in Russian literature more than once. The “superfluous person” is a special concrete historical socio-psychological variety of the more general type of “strange person”. “Superfluous person“ we can also call the main character of the work Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" Pechorin. The personality of Pechorin in the novel is wider than his time, environment, specific circumstances, the social roles offered to him by society. Awareness of oneself as a spiritually free holistic person, responsible not only for individual actions, but also for choosing a life position, for fulfilling one’s “high purpose”, and at the same time, a tragic misunderstanding of one’s destiny makes Pechorin an “extra person”.

2) Another hero, which can be called "Extra Man", is the hero of the same name novel in verse by Eugene Onegin. Onegin lives according to the principles of the surrounding society, but at the same time he is far from it. Belonging to the light, he despises it. Onegin does not find his true purpose and place in life, he is burdened by his loneliness. It is Eugene Onegin who opens up a whole "gallery of superfluous people" in Russian literature.


1) We will find many works of Russian classical literature that reflect this problem. Let us recall, for example, the little twelve-year-old Vaska from Kuprin's works "In the depths of the Earth", who is forced to work in a mine, which seems to him a strange and incomprehensible monster. Vaska is also a child with a stolen childhood. He is forced to go to work in the mine, although he does not understand the morals that prevail among the workers, and the work itself is too hard for a boy of twelve years.

2) Not only literary works teach us to appreciate what we have. Real stories about children participating in the military battles of the Great Patriotic War are known to almost every child. We remember the names of Leni Golikov, Vali Kotik, Zina Portnova, Nadia Bogdanova. All of them lost their childhood in the war, and some of their lives.


1) Recall the work N.V. Gogol's "Inspector". Having learned about the arrival of the auditor, officials are terribly frightened and try to “prepare” for his arrival. For example, the trustee of charitable institutions is advised to dress the sick in clean caps, and in general, to make sure that there are fewer sick people. As a result, all officials decide to give Khlestakov, who is taken for an auditor, a bribe “supposedly in debt”. All this shows that already in the time of Nikolai Vasilyevich, bribery and lawlessness of officials were a rather big problem.

2) B "Divine Comedy" Dante in one of the circles of hell into a moat filled with boiling tar, devils throw bribe-takers. The devils also make sure that the bribe-takers do not stick out of the boiling tar, and those who stick out, they hit with hooks.


1)“Fathers and Sons” I. S. Turgenev. The protagonist of the novel, Yevgeny Bazarov, denies all kinds of feelings, friendship, love. He never shows his warm attitude towards his parents, who are madly in love with their son and admire him. The hero has little contact with his parents, after a long separation he leaves, having stayed only a few days .... Only before his death does Bazarov realize how much he really loves them.

2) “The stationmaster” A. S. Pushkin. The author tells us the story of a poor stationmaster whose only joy was his beloved daughter. But the girl leaves her father. He tries to find her, even just to see her, but he is kicked out of his daughter's house. And only after his death, when the girl comes to visit her father, she realizes what she has done.


1) Ballad Zhukovsky "Lyudmila". The main idea of ​​Zhukovsky's ballad, written in imitation of Burger's Lenore, was the conviction that it is a sin to complain about fate. Lyudmila, who has lost her fiancé, is exactly grumbling at fate, so her prayer becomes heard by heaven. A dead fiance comes for Lyudmila, who takes her to the grave.

2) “A Hero of Our Time” by M. Yu. Lermontov. In the chapter “The Fatalist” of the novel by M. Yu. Leromontov, we also encounter questions of fate. The officers start an argument about whether a person's fate is written in heaven. Lieutenant Vulich is called in to resolve the dispute, who randomly takes a weapon from the wall, decides to shoot himself in the head and ... misfires! But Pechorin is sure that he saw the seal of death on his face. And indeed, Vulich dies on the same evening at the hands of a drunken Cossack.


1) "Overcoat" N. V. Gogol. The problem of the “little man” has been reflected in Russian literature more than once. Let us recall the main character of the story “The Overcoat” by N.V. Gogol. Akaky Akakievich is a typical image of a “little man”: a humiliated and disenfranchised official who has worked all his life in the department, rewriting papers. The theft of a new overcoat becomes a tragedy for this hero. Akaki Akakievich tries to seek help from higher officials, but does not find a response in society. And everyone to whom he addresses considers his problem insignificant and not worthy of attention.

2) "The Stationmaster" by A. S. Pushkin. Another example of reflecting the problem of the “little man” is the work of A. S. Pushkin “The Stationmaster”. In this work, the author tells us the story of Samson Vyrin, whose only daughter leaves with a hussar and leaves her poor father. Vyrin can't even see his daughter! He feels a huge gulf between him, his life and the new position in the society of his Dunya. And not reconciled to the betrayal of his daughter, he dies.


1)"Master and Margarita" M.A. Bulgakov. This problem was reflected more than once in Russian classical literature. Let us recall Mikhail Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita, in which Woland and his entourage tempt Muscovites, who over and over again make the wrong choice, for which they receive their punishment. Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy takes a bribe, the barman cheats, Styopa Likhodeev debauches... And, of course, speaking of moral choice, one cannot help but recall Pontius Pilate, who was never able to make the right choice. After all, he realizes too late that “this afternoon he has irretrievably missed something.”

2) "Eugene Onegin" A.S. Pushkin. Another literary hero, who also could not make a choice in good conscience, is Eugene Onegin. The hero understands that his duel with Lensky is absolutely meaningless, but he accepts the challenge anyway. Why? A.S. Pushkin gives a quite unambiguous answer: “And this is public opinion! Spring of honor, our idol! And this is what the world revolves on! That is, for Onegin, public opinion was more important than the life of a friend. But if the hero tried to make a choice based on his conscience, then everything would end well.


1)A word about Igor's regiment. Nature reflects the state of mind of the heroes, indicates danger, warns the princes.

2)"War and Peace" L. N. Tolstoy. Natasha Rostova admires the beauty of the night landscape in Otradnoye, he inspires him. And the changes that take place in the soul of Andrei Bolkonsky are reflected in the external appearance of the oak, which he sees, going to Otradnoye and back. Oak here is a symbol of change and a new, better life.

3) "Grandfather Mazai and Hares" N. A. Nekrasov. The hero of the poem during the spring flood saves drowning hares, collecting them in a boat, cures two sick animals. The forest is his native element, and he worries about all its inhabitants.

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In this article, you are offered the problems found in the texts for preparing for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, and literary arguments for them. All of them are available for download in table format, link at the end of the page.

  1. Genuine and false heroism is revealed before us on the pages novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The people carry within themselves a true love for the Motherland, they defend it with their breasts, die for it in the war, without receiving orders and ranks. A completely different picture in high society, which only pretends to be patriotic, if it is fashionable. So, Prince Vasily Kuragin went both to the salon glorifying Napoleon and to the salon opposing the emperor. Also, nobles willingly begin to love and glorify the fatherland when it brings benefits. So, Boris Drubetskoy uses the war to advance his career. It was thanks to the people with their true patriotism that Russia freed itself from the French invaders. But its false manifestations nearly ruined the country. As you know, the Russian emperor did not spare the troops and did not want to delay the decisive battle. The situation was saved by Kutuzov, who with the help of delay exhausted the French army and saved thousands of lives of ordinary people.
  2. Heroism is manifested not only in war. Sonya Marmeladova, Mr. the heroine of the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", had to become a prostitute to help the family not die of hunger. The believing girl transgressed the commandments and went to sin for the sake of her stepmother and her children. Without her and her dedication, they would not have survived. On the other hand, Luzhin, shouting at every corner about his virtue and generosity, and exposing his undertakings as heroic (especially his marriage to the dowry Duna Raskolnikova), turns out to be a pitiful egoist who is ready to go over his head for his own goals. The difference is that Sonya's heroism saves people, while Luzhin's falsehood destroys them.

Heroism in war

  1. A hero is not a person without fear, it is someone who can overcome fear and go into battle for the sake of their goals and beliefs. Such a hero is described in the story of M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" in the image of Andrei Sokolov. This is a completely ordinary person who lived like everyone else. But when thunder struck, he became a real hero: he was carrying shells under fire, because it was impossible otherwise, because his own people were in danger; endured captivity and a concentration camp without betraying anyone; endured the death of his loved ones, having been reborn for the sake of the fate of the orphan Vanka he had chosen. Andrey's heroism lies in the fact that he made the salvation of the country the main task of his life and fought to the end for this.
  2. Sotnikov, hero story of the same name by V. Bykov, at the beginning of the work it seems not at all heroic. Moreover, it was he who became the reason for his captivity, and Rybak suffered along with him. However, Sotnikov is trying to atone for his guilt, to take everything upon himself, to save a woman and an old man who accidentally fell under investigation. But the brave partisan Rybak is a coward and tries only to save his own skin, denouncing everyone. The traitor survives, but is forever covered in the blood of innocent sufferers. And in the clumsy and unfortunate Sotnikov, a real hero is revealed, worthy of respect and inextinguishable historical memory. Thus, in war, heroism is especially important, because other lives depend on its manifestation.

The Purpose of Heroism

  1. Rita Osyanina, heroine B. Vasiliev's story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", lost her beloved husband in the first days of the war, left with her little son. But the young woman could not stay away from the general grief, went to the front, hoping to avenge her husband and protect tens of thousands of children from the enemy. The real heroism was to go to an unequal battle with the Nazis. Rita, her friend from the department, Zhenya Komelkova, and their boss, foreman Vaskov, opposed the Nazi detachment and prepared for a mortal battle, and the girls really died. But it is impossible otherwise, behind not just a junction, behind the back is the Motherland. Thus, they sacrificed themselves, saving the fatherland.
  2. Ivan Kuzmich Mironov, the hero of the story A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", showed heroic qualities in the defense of the Belogorodskaya fortress. He remains steadfast and does not hesitate, he is supported by a debt of honor, a military oath. When the rebels captured the commandant, Ivan Kuzmich remained true to his oath and did not recognize Pugachev, although this threatened with death. Military duty forced Mironov to take on a feat, despite the fact that he had to pay for it with his life. He sacrificed himself to stay true to his beliefs.

moral feat

  1. It is extremely difficult to remain human when you have gone through blood and bullets. Andrey Sokolov, hero story "The fate of man" M.A. Sholokhov, not only fought, but also was captured, in a concentration camp, fled, and then lost his whole family. It was the family that was the guiding star for the hero, having lost it, he waved his hand at himself. However, after the war, Sokolov met the orphan boy Vanka, whose fate the war also crippled, and the hero did not pass by, did not allow the state or other people to take care of the orphan, Andrei became a father for Vanka, giving himself and him a chance to find a new meaning in life. The fact that he opened his heart to this boy is a moral feat, which was given to him no easier than courage in battle or endurance in the camp.
  2. In the course of hostilities, it is sometimes forgotten that the enemy is also a person and, most likely, was sent by war to your homeland by necessity. But it is even more terrible when the war is civil, when a brother, a friend, or a fellow villager can turn out to be an enemy. Grigory Melekhov, hero novel by M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don", in the new conditions of confrontation between the power of the Bolsheviks and the power of the Cossack chieftains, constantly fluctuated. Justice called him to the side of the first, and he fought for the Reds. But in one battle, the hero saw the inhuman execution of captured, unarmed people. This senseless cruelty turned the hero away from his past views. Finally entangled between the parties, he surrenders to the winner, just to see the children. He realized that the family for him is more important than his own life, more important than principles and views, for the sake of it it is worth taking risks, giving up so that the children at least see their father, who always disappeared in battles.

Heroism in love

  1. The manifestation of heroism is possible not only on the battlefield, sometimes no less is required in ordinary life. Zheltkov, hero story by A.I. Kuprin "Garnet bracelet", accomplished a real feat of love, laying his life on her altar. Only once seeing Vera, he lived only for her. When the husband and brother of his beloved forbade Zheltkov even to write to her, he could not live and committed suicide. But he even accepted death with the words to Vera: "Let your name shine." He did this act in order for his beloved to find peace. This is a real feat for the sake of love.
  2. Mother's heroism reflected in the story L. Ulitskaya "Daughter of Bukhara". Alya, the main character, gave birth to a daughter, Milochka, with Down syndrome. The woman devoted her whole life to raising her daughter with a rare diagnosis then. Her husband left her, she had to not only take care of her daughter, but also work as a nurse. And later, the mother fell ill, was not treated, but arranged Milochka better: work in a workshop for gluing envelopes, marriage, education in a special school. Having done everything she could, Alya left to die. The heroism of the mother is everyday, imperceptible, but no less important.
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  • Acts performed out of mercy, at first glance, may seem ridiculous and meaningless.
  • A person can show mercy even in the most difficult situations for him
  • Actions related to helping orphans can be called merciful
  • The manifestation of mercy often requires sacrifices from a person, but these sacrifices are always justified by something.
  • People who show mercy are worthy of respect


L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Natasha Rostova shows mercy - one of the most important human qualities. When everyone begins to leave Moscow, captured by the French, the girl orders to give carts to the wounded, and not to carry her own things to them. Helping people for Natasha Rostova is much more important than material well-being. And it does not matter to her that among the things that should have been taken away, the dowry is part of her future.

M. Sholokhov “The fate of man”. Andrei Sokolov, despite the difficult life trials, has not lost the ability to show mercy. He lost his family and home, but could not help but pay attention to the fate of Vanyushka, a little boy whose parents died. Andrei Sokolov told the boy that he was his father and took him to him. The capacity for mercy made the child happy. Yes, Andrei Sokolov did not forget his family and the horrors of the war, but he did not leave Vanya in trouble. This means that his heart is not hardened.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The fate of Rodion Raskolnikov is difficult. He lives in a miserable, dark room, malnourished. After the murder of the old pawnbroker, his whole life resembles suffering. Raskolnikov is still poor: he hides what he took from the apartment under a stone, and does not take it for himself. However, the hero gives the last to Marmeladov's widow for the funeral, he cannot get past the misfortune that has happened, although he himself has nothing to exist. Rodion Raskolnikov turns out to be capable of mercy, despite the murder and the terrible theory he created.

M.A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". Margarita is ready to do anything to see her Master. She makes a deal with the devil, agrees to be the queen at Satan's terrible ball. But when Woland asks what she wants, Margarita only asks that Frieda stop serving a handkerchief with which she gagged her own child and buried him in the ground. Margarita wants to save a completely alien person from suffering, and this is where mercy is manifested. She no longer asks for a meeting with the Master, because she cannot but take care of Frida, pass by someone else's grief.

N.D. Teleshov "Home". Little Semka, the son of migrants who died of typhus, most of all wants to return to his native village of Beloye. The boy escapes from the barracks and hits the road. On the way he meets an unfamiliar grandfather, they go together. Grandpa also goes to his native land. On the way, Semka falls ill. Grandfather takes him to the city, to the hospital, although he knows that he cannot go there: it turns out that he has escaped from hard labor for the third time. There, grandfather is caught, and then sent back to hard labor. Despite the danger to himself, grandfather shows mercy towards Semka - he cannot leave a sick child in trouble. Own happiness becomes less significant for a person than the life of a child.

N.D. Teleshov "Yelka Mitrich". On Christmas Eve, Semyon Dmitrievich realized that everyone would have a holiday, except for eight orphans living in one of the barracks. Mitrich at all costs decided to please the guys. Although it was hard for him, he brought a Christmas tree, bought a fifty-kopeck piece of candy, issued by a resettlement official. Semyon Dmitrievich cut each of the children a piece of sausage, although sausage was his favorite delicacy. Sympathy, compassion, mercy pushed Mitrich to this act. And the result turned out to be really beautiful: joy, laughter, enthusiastic cries filled the previously gloomy room. The children were happy from the holiday arranged by him, and Mitrich from the fact that he had done this good deed.

I. Bunin “Bastes”. Nefed could not help fulfilling the wish of a sick child who kept asking for some red bast shoes. Despite the bad weather, he went on foot for bast shoes and fuchsin to Novoselki, located six miles from home. For Nefed, the desire to help the child was more important than ensuring his own safety. He turned out to be capable of self-sacrifice - in a sense, the highest degree of mercy. Nefed is dead. The men brought him home. In the bosom of Nefed they found a vial of fuchsin and new bast shoes.

V. Rasputin "French Lessons". For Lydia Mikhailovna, a French teacher, the desire to help her student turned out to be more important than maintaining her own reputation. The woman knew that the child was malnourished, which is why she gambled. So she invited the boy to play for money with her. This is unacceptable for a teacher. When the director found out about everything, Lidia Mikhailovna was forced to leave for her homeland, for the Kuban. But we understand that her act is not at all bad - it is a manifestation of mercy. The seemingly unacceptable behavior of the teacher actually brought kindness and care for the child.

Literature was transformed by a large number of talented and original poets and writers, among such wonderful people, Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov deserves a special place, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of literature. His unforgettable work entitled "The Destiny of Man" raises many issues that should be considered.

The main character of this book is Andrei Sokolov, who devoted his life to protecting the Motherland, human destinies from such a terrible phenomenon as fascism. During the fighting, the hero experienced a lot: he lost not only his comrades, friends, but also relatives, whom he loved with all his heart. How does it feel to realize that your home is no more, you will never hear the gentle voice of your wife, you will not see your two sons running around, you will not see how beautiful your daughter will become in the future? It hurts so much to accept the fact that you are alone. The war has taken its toll. What is justice? You sacrifice yourself, help others to survive, stand up for your homeland, and as a result you end up with nothing... With nothing. One explanation: this is war. And there's nothing you can do about it.

It is surprising that Andrei Sokolov did not lose himself in the abyss of despair, but, on the contrary, looked at life in a completely different way than before. He committed a moral act: he adopted a boy who, like the hero, was also left alone. And there is no one but him to help the younger generation. Therefore, the act of Andrei Sokolov makes you think about your life, reconsider all your actions and attitude towards people.

In the work, in addition to the problem of the horror of war, the problem of patriotism, the problem of morality, there is another most important one: the problem of the family, which is clearly raised in Sholokhov's book. For the protagonist, the family was above all, it was a kind of strong core, a stable support that you can rely on, that you can trust. He loved his beautiful wife with all his might, whom the war mercilessly took with him. But, not breaking down under the yoke of adversity, Andrei Sokolov found the strength to move on. His most responsible act is, precisely, the adoption of the boy Vanya. Together they created a strong family. Now there is an incentive to live and wake up every day with joy in my heart.

Thus, the book is excellent in its content. It touches on many issues, raises important questions that cannot fail to impress the reader. Sholokhov created a hero - a hard worker, whom he treated with care and understanding. He gave him hope, which gave new meaning to the life of the character. The author likes people like Andrei Sokolov, who, despite the difficulties and dangers, do not give up, do not break, but staunchly resist adversity, continuing to keep faith in the best in their souls!

Option 2 Feedback

Fate... There are so many mysteries in this word, from time to time I think about what fate is. It seems to me that fate can be called all those events that have happened or are happening to us. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say: “You can’t escape fate.” Each person has his own destiny and no one knows what turn in life awaits him. Someone in life turns out everything, and someone lived his life in vain. How life will go depends primarily on the person, on his actions and life goals.

Not so long ago I read a story that left a mark on my soul. Despite the simplicity of the description, it is filled with vitality.

This is the work "The Fate of Man" by Mikhail Sholokhov. Sholokhov was the author of works that are considered classics of literature, such as "Quiet Flows the Don" or "They fought for their homeland." But personally I was touched by the story "The fate of man."

From the title it may seem that we are talking about fate, but this is not so, the plot shows us a person, a person with a capital letter. Andrei Sokolov is the central character, he is an ordinary person who wants peace and hates war. However, there are many such people. He just lived, did not build any great plans, did not dream of being a hero. Andrei listened to his heart, was attached to his home, family and native land. But suddenly a disaster struck, disaster struck his native places, and Sokolov was forced to go to the defense of his homeland.

The main character showed himself to be a good, loyal, brave soldier. The war destroyed everything Andrew had. He was even taken prisoner, but no torture and torture could break the spirit of the Russian soldier, he managed to escape and return to his native line in order to continue fighting.

The house where the main character used to live was completely destroyed by a bomb, at that time his wife and daughters were there. The only ray of light for Andrey was the hope that everything is fine with his son. But unfortunately, it was on the ninth of May, when everyone was happy, that Sokolov learned about the death of his son. A man is left completely alone with his grief, experiences, all that remains with him is remembering how they lived before and did not know grief until trouble came to their land.

But the black streak does not last forever, everything ends sooner or later. It so happened that Andrei found a little boy, Vanyushka, who was also left completely alone. Now the main character has a reason to live, and the boy has a reliable shoulder and support.

It is terrible to imagine how much suffering Andrey Sokolov endured on his life path, but he survived and showed how strong he is. Of course, it’s impossible to return his wife, children, home, but the man found his happiness, found his son, whom he will now raise as a real person.

Composition based on the work of Sholokhov The fate of man

When a person is born, his destiny is born along with him, which is destined from above. At the same moment, a special combination of planets occurs and a star is born, each person has his own star, and when a person is baptized, he has a guardian angel. Each of us eventually thinks about the question of the meaning of our existence and what will remain after it. Humanity is the only person who is aware that eventually death occurs. It evokes strong emotions and touches to the very depths of the soul.

I believe that each person has his own destiny, for example: to get married and live with this person all your life, this is destiny. And if they lived for a year and parted, it means that they were not created, for each other, and simply not destiny.

If you read the works of Sholokhov, we will see that the writer combines two themes: the theme of people and war. In the fate of a person, Mikhail Alexandrovich shows about those troubles and misfortunes that the Great Patriotic War brought. About the endurance of a person who was able to withstand all the suffering and did not break. This story of Sholokhov pierced all readers to the core. And people believed in the spiritual powers of the Russian people.

This vivid story is based on such moments as seeing off to the war, being in captivity, an attempt to escape, news about the family. From this one can write a huge book, but Mikhail Alexandrovich put everything in a small story. Events from the real life of one driver who returned from the war and told the author of this story were combined into this basis. The hero of this story is Andrei Sokolov, he had a chance to go through a lot of moments that are associated with the war. But he is a good fellow, he survived everything and he was able to survive, he is strong in spirit and character, and no matter what happens, he always goes forward, without losing hope for the best.

Despite all life's difficulties, the hero adopted a little boy, Vanechka. This suggests that the Russian people cannot be defeated, neither by force nor by spirit. Summing up this story, I want to say: no matter what happens, you can’t lose heart and go only forward. Finding meaning in life. Fate is all the events and situations that occur in a person's life. This is all - it has a big role in the life of the person himself, each action attracts something else, which ultimately turns out to be a chain of phenomena of a certain person. And it turns out that a person builds his own destiny.

No family is unthinkable without a child in the family. All these children need care, support, attention and protection. But from whom and what should they be protected from?

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    Arguments on the topic "War" from literature for an essay
    The problem of courage, cowardice, compassion, mercy, mutual assistance, care for loved ones, humanity, moral choice in war. The impact of war on human life, character and worldview. Participation of children in the war. Man's responsibility for his actions.

    What was the courage of the soldiers in the war? (A.M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man")

    In the story of M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" you can see the manifestation of true courage during the war. The protagonist of the story Andrei Sokolov goes to war, leaving his family at home. For the sake of his loved ones, he passed all the tests: he suffered from hunger, fought courageously, sat in a punishment cell and escaped from captivity. The fear of death did not force him to abandon his beliefs: in the face of danger, he retained human dignity. The war claimed the lives of his loved ones, but even after that he did not break down, and again showed courage, however, no longer on the battlefield. He adopted a boy who also lost his entire family during the war. Andrei Sokolov is an example of a courageous soldier who continued to fight the hardships of fate even after the war.

    The problem of moral assessment of the fact of war. (M. Zusak "The Book Thief")

    In the center of the narrative of the novel "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak, Liesel is a nine-year-old girl who, on the brink of war, fell into a foster family. The girl's father was connected with the communists, therefore, in order to save her daughter from the Nazis, her mother gives her to strangers for education. Liesel starts a new life away from her family, she has a conflict with her peers, she finds new friends, learns to read and write. Her life is filled with the usual childhood worries, but war comes and with it fear, pain and disappointment. She doesn't understand why some people kill others. Liesel's adoptive father teaches her kindness and compassion, despite the fact that this only brings him trouble. Together with her parents, she hides the Jew in the basement, takes care of him, reads books to him. To help people, she and her friend Rudy scatter bread on the road, along which a column of prisoners must pass. She is sure that the war is monstrous and incomprehensible: people burn books, die in battles, arrests of those who disagree with official policy are everywhere. Liesel does not understand why people refuse to live and be happy. It is not by chance that the narration of the book is conducted on behalf of Death, the eternal companion of war and the enemy of life.

    Is the human mind capable of accepting the very fact of war? (L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", G. Baklanov "Forever - nineteen")

    It is difficult for a person who has faced the horrors of war to understand why it is needed. So, one of the heroes of the novel L.N. Tolstoy "" Pierre Bezukhov does not participate in the battles, but he is trying with all his might to help his people. He does not realize the true horror of the war until he witnesses the Battle of Borodino. Seeing the massacre, the count is horrified by its inhumanity. He is captured, experiences physical and mental torment, tries to comprehend the nature of war, but cannot. Pierre is not able to cope with a mental crisis on his own, and only his meeting with Platon Karataev helps him understand that happiness lies not in victory or defeat, but in simple human joys. Happiness is inside every person, in his search for answers to eternal questions, awareness of himself as part of the human world. And war, from his point of view, is inhumane and unnatural.

    The protagonist of G. Baklanov's story "Forever - nineteen" Alexei Tretyakov painfully reflects on the causes, the significance of the war for the people, man, life. He finds no weighty explanation for the need for war. Its meaninglessness, the depreciation of human life for the sake of achieving any important goal, horrifies the hero, causes bewilderment: “... One and the same thought haunted: will it really turn out someday that this war could not have happened? What was in the power of people to prevent this? And millions would still be alive…”.

    A huge number of works of Russian literature are devoted to the problem of uniting people during the war years. In the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "" people of different classes and views rallied in the face of a common misfortune. The unity of the people is shown by the writer on the example of many dissimilar individuals. So, the Rostov family leaves all their property in Moscow and gives carts to the wounded. The merchant Feropontov calls on the soldiers to rob his shop so that the enemy does not get anything. Pierre Bezukhov changes clothes and stays in Moscow, intending to kill Napoleon. Captain Tushin and Timokhin heroically fulfill their duty, despite the fact that there is no cover, and Nikolai Rostov boldly rushes into the attack, overcoming all fears. Tolstoy vividly describes Russian soldiers in the battles near Smolensk: the patriotic feelings and fighting spirit of people in the face of danger are fascinating. In an effort to defeat the enemy, protect loved ones and survive, people feel their kinship especially strongly. Having united and feeling brotherhood, the people were able to unite and defeat the enemy.

    What feelings does the stamina of a defeated enemy evoke in the victor? (V. Kondratiev "Sasha")

    The problem of compassion for the enemy is considered in the story of V. Kondratiev "Sasha". A young Russian fighter takes a German soldier prisoner. After talking with the company commander, the prisoner does not give out any information, so Sasha is ordered to deliver him to the headquarters. On the way, the soldier showed the prisoner a leaflet, which says that the prisoners are guaranteed life and return to their homeland. However, the battalion commander, who lost a loved one in this war, orders the German to be shot. Sasha's conscience does not allow Sasha to kill an unarmed man, a young guy just like him, who behaves in the same way as he would behave in captivity. The German does not betray his own, does not beg for mercy, preserving human dignity. At the risk of being court martialed, Sashka does not follow the order of the commander. Belief in the correctness saves his life and his prisoner, and the commander cancels the order.

    How does war change the worldview and character of a person? (V. Baklanov "Forever - nineteen")

    G. Baklanov in the story “Forever - nineteen” speaks about the significance and value of a person, about his responsibility, memory that binds the people: “Through a great catastrophe - a great liberation of the spirit,” Atrakovsky said. “Never before has so much depended on each of us. That is why we will win. And it won't be forgotten. The star goes out, but the field of attraction remains. That's how people are." War is a disaster. However, it leads not only to tragedy, to the death of people, to the breakdown of their consciousness, but also contributes to spiritual growth, the transformation of the people, the definition of true life values ​​by everyone. In war there is a reassessment of values, the worldview and character of a person change.

    The problem of the inhumanity of war. (I. Shmelev "The Sun of the Dead")

    In the epic "The Sun of the Dead" I. Shmeleva shows all the horrors of war. “The smell of decay”, “cackle, clatter and roar” of humanoids, these are wagons of “fresh human meat, young meat!” and “one hundred and twenty thousand heads! Human!" War is the absorption of the world of the living by the world of the dead. She makes a beast out of a man, makes him do terrible things. No matter how great external material destruction and annihilation, they do not horrify I. Shmelev: neither a hurricane, nor famine, nor snowfall, nor crops drying up from drought. Evil begins where a person begins who does not oppose him, for him "everything - nothing!" "and there is no one, and none." For the writer, it is indisputable that the human mental and spiritual world is a place of struggle between good and evil, and it is also indisputable that always, in any circumstances, even during war, there will be people in whom the beast will not defeat man.

    Responsibility of a person for the actions that he committed in the war. Mental trauma of the participants in the war. (V. Grossman "Abel")

    In the story "Abel (Sixth of August)" V.S. Grossman reflects on the war in general. Showing the tragedy of Hiroshima, the writer speaks not only about the universal misfortune and ecological catastrophe, but also about the personal tragedy of a person. Young scorer Connor bears the burden of being the man who is destined to push the button to activate the kill mechanism. For Connor, this is a personal war, where everyone remains just a person with his inherent weaknesses and fears in the desire to save his own life. However, sometimes, in order to remain human, you need to die. Grossman is sure that true humanity is impossible without participation in what is happening, and therefore without responsibility for what happened. The combination in one person of a heightened sense of the World and the soldier's diligence, imposed by the state machine and the system of education, turns out to be fatal for the young man and leads to a split in consciousness. Crew members perceive what happened differently, not all of them feel their responsibility for what they have done, they talk about lofty goals. The act of fascism, unprecedented even by fascist standards, is justified by social thought, being presented as a struggle against the notorious fascism. However, Joseph Conner experiences an acute sense of guilt, washing his hands all the time, as if trying to wash them of the blood of innocents. The hero goes crazy, realizing that his inner man cannot live with the burden that he has taken on himself.

    What is war and how does it affect a person? (K. Vorobyov "Killed near Moscow")

    In the story “Killed near Moscow”, K. Vorobyov writes that war is a huge machine, “made up of thousands and thousands of efforts of different people, it has moved, it is moving not by someone else’s will, but by itself, having received its course, and therefore unstoppable” . The old man in the house where the retreating wounded are left, calls the war the "master" of everything. All life is now determined by the war, which changes not only life, destinies, but also the consciousness of people. War is a confrontation in which the strongest wins: "In a war, whoever fails first." The death that the war brings occupies almost all the thoughts of the soldiers: “It was in the first months at the front that he was ashamed of himself, he thought he was the only one. Everything is so in these moments, everyone overcomes them alone with himself: there will be no other life. The metamorphoses that occur to a person in war are explained by the purpose of death: in the battle for the Fatherland, soldiers show incredible courage, self-sacrifice, while in captivity, doomed to death, they live guided by animal instincts. War cripples not only the bodies of people, but also their souls: the writer shows how the disabled are afraid of the end of the war, because they no longer represent their place in civilian life.

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