Arkady short name. Name in history and art


The meaning of the name Arkady is "shepherd". It is of Greek origin, the inhabitants of the Peloponnese were called arcadis. Almost the entire population of the region was engaged in cattle breeding, and soon for the whole of Greece, "arkadis" became synonymous with a shepherd.

Ancient celebrations in honor of the goddess Demeter, the patroness of fertility and farmers, were called Arcadia.

The name Arkady sounds very official, diminutive forms are more often used - Arkasha, Kesha, Kadya.

Popular in Russian-speaking countries: for example, Arkadz in Belarus and Arkady in Ukraine. Less commonly used in Europe: Arcadio in Spain, Arkad or Arcos in Hungary, Arcadius in Germany, Arkadiusz in Poland, Arcadia in Romania, and Tartar Urkash.

The Zodiac sign of the name is Pisces, the patron planet is Mercury. Arcadia's lucky colors are purple and light grey. The talisman stone is also purple - an amethyst. The totem animal is the heron.

Interpretation in Christian nomenology correlates the name with several saints: the Monk Monk Arcadius of Cyprus, Saint Arcadius, canonized in the 4th century, and the Monk Arcadius of Palestine.

Would you name your child by this name?

The history of the name Arkady is quite ancient. Until the middle of the 19th century, the name was common among monks. This fact and specific interpretation led to the fact that it was not used among the laity.

For the monks, the name was of great importance, in honor of one of the monks they even named the monastery - Arkadievsky Vyazemsky.

The Christian origin of the name Arkady still did not prevent him from becoming popular in the secular world. The secret lies in the literature.

Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" made a splash, it was read and discussed by everyone. The writer called one of the central characters Arkady. The writer Alla Ktorova once said that there are authors who have a direct nose for names, in which interest in society is born.

Ostrovsky also belonged to such "visionaries". In his play "The Forest" there is the character Arkady, a wanderer. This fact has a double meaning: many of the monks were hermits and wanderers.

The peak of the popularity of the name came in 1920-1930. Despite the fact that the name Arkady means, seven boys out of a thousand were called that.

Now rare. Initially urban, in the villages it is not found at all.

Name Forms

Simple: Arkasha Full: Arkady Ancient: Arkady Affectionate: Kesha

The main characteristic of the name Arkady is optimism, activity, sociability. Developed pride, not turning into selfishness, curiosity. In childhood, a cheerful and friendly child. Arkady is very balanced, he will not act in haste.

He is always the soul of the company, not a single party or holiday can do without Arcady.

However, this can ruin the character. As a result of carelessness, drinking and entertainment sometimes take him down a crooked path, depriving him of work, friends and family.

He is good at organizing holidays, concerts, trips. He will also be successful in the tourist industry, on the radio, in the cinema.

Arkady will never count the change, leave a generous tip, willingly lend money and immediately forget about it. Expect the same from friends.

Has a predisposition to diseases of the kidneys and liver, easily picks up colds.

Likes to act as a peacemaker and resolve conflicts. He honestly tries to fulfill all the given promises, but because of his frivolity, this rarely succeeds.

A good boy Arkasha is very loved and cherished in childhood. He generously distributes this love and warmth to those around him throughout his life. People are drawn to him. But if Arkady does not select his friends carefully enough, there is a great chance that his energy potential will be wasted.

For others, the appearance of Arkady means little - he is so charming and charismatic that he is considered handsome, even if he is not tall or physically strong. Arkady himself does not pay attention to such trifles - where do complexes come from here?

He really dislikes whining and pity. If you call him in the middle of the night in tears, he won't ask what happened. Just calmly offer help. Most likely financial.

Almost every story about his life is humorous. And of course with some unusual conclusion.

For Arkady, the mystery is how you can sit still for more than a couple of hours. At the same time, he does not fuss in vain, he simply quickly and smoothly does a lot of things at once.

He appreciates openness and kindness in people - he cares little about origin or status.

Does not tolerate loneliness. And since he does not have the habit of flaunting his talents and virtues, he is usually surrounded by a whole crowd of friends and acquaintances.

Arkady attaches great importance to true friendship. He has few friends, all those from childhood - and for life.

The character of the name Arkady is light and laid-back. The same goes for his life - easily and naturally. As if the whole world is at his feet, and every day brings only pleasant surprises.

The meaning of the name Arkady: the name for a boy means "happy", "lucky", "blissful". This affects the character and fate of Arkady.

Origin of the name Arkady: ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of the name: Arkasha, Kadya, Adya.

What does the name Arkady mean? The name Arkady comes from the ancient Greek name Arcadios. The name is translated as "inhabitant of Arcadia", "Arkadian". According to other sources, another meaning of the name Arkady is “happy”, “blessed” or “shepherd” (in Arcadia they were engaged in cattle breeding). Arkasha is patient and prudent. He matures much earlier than his peers, and in life he achieves a lot thanks to his leadership qualities.

Surname: Arkadievich, Arkadievna; unfold Arkadyich.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name Arkady once a year celebrates a name day: February 8 (January 26) - God's saint Arkady during a storm at sea was thrown ashore with his brother. Grateful to God for salvation, they became monks.

Signs: If the hooves of the horses sweat on the saint of Arkady, wait for the thaw. If a cat on this day stands on its hind legs and begins to scrape the walls with its claws, then there will be a blizzard.


  • Zodiac - Aquarius
  • Planet - Saturn
  • Color - red
  • Auspicious tree - eucalyptus
  • Treasured plant - peas
  • Patron - heron
  • Talisman stone - tourmaline

Characteristics of the name Arkady

Positive features: The name Arkady gives optimism, activity, mobility, healthy pride, curiosity, sociability. A guy with this name grows up as a balanced child, kind, smiling and friendly. He is respected for his intelligence, resourcefulness, courage, cheerful disposition. He is the soul of all companies, not a single major event can do without him.

Negative Traits: The name Arkady brings carelessness, the desire for entertainment. If by the age of 40 Arkasha does not get rid of the desire to have fun in fun companies, then he risks losing everything in his life.

The nature of the name Arkady: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Arkady? A child with this name is loved since childhood. And for adults, he carries this charge of love and kindness through his whole life. As a rule, one education is not enough for Arkasha, and he will try to get another diploma. The bearers of this name marry early, usually to classmates, and quickly fall under the wife's shoe. Sometimes they are prone to fleeting love affairs on the side, but they are quickly stopped. With age, he may become addicted to alcohol. Arkasha loves children very much, takes them extremely seriously and understands them like no one else. Children repay him in return - and the memory of friendship with him is kept for life!

Since childhood, Arkasha has been a favorite of adults and children. He grows up sociable, friendly and amiable, as if he carries a charge of goodness received about in childhood. The meaning of the name Arkady is a knight, ready to protect the weak and raise public opinion in defense of justice.

Arkasha grows up early. He has a synthetic mindset, almost always he manages to correctly assess the situation. He is touchy, proud, often withdraws into himself, internally losing the situation, reflecting on the fate and actions of people. Softness and subtle mental organization make him able to understand and correctly evaluate a person, convince others, burst into tears from surging feelings. But he has a strong will, he is patient, he always knows what he wants.

Arkady bitterly experiences defeats, but is able to get together and solve problems, although it is difficult for him to free himself from emotions that are unnecessary for a man. For a man with this name, freedom is of particular importance, but sometimes he succumbs to the influence of a person whom he believes, but can quickly remove him from himself. He is inconsistent in communication.

Arkady and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: The marriage of the name with Augusta, Borislava, Wanda, Victoria, Dina, Inna is successful. The name Arkady is also combined with Karina. Difficult relationships are likely with Ada, Veronica, Zhanna, Larisa.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Arkady promise happiness in love? A man named Arkasha marries early, attaches great importance to home and family, but at the same time reserves the right to entertainment.

He usually marries early, his ideal is a wife-friend, wife-mother. He loves his family very much, although he can start intrigues on the side, being carried away and paying tribute to female beauty.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Arkady is lucky in the field of activities related to travel, communication, organization of concerts, holidays. He can realize himself in the tourist business, in work on radio, television, and cinema.

Arkasha is very active, loves to be the center of attention, is rapidly moving towards success, overcoming all obstacles. In his work, he is strict to the point of pedantry, has high morality. Most often he is a lawyer, doctor, teacher. He feels, understands and loves music well. High intelligence and the highest energy, which cannot be compared with anyone, allow him to be an artist, a musician.

Business and career: He does not count money, does not count change, willingly gives tips, distributes alms. He can be left with nothing, and this does not particularly upset him - there will always be people who will shelter and feed him.

Health and energy

Name health and talents: A characteristic feature of Arkady is commitment, he always fulfills his promises, as they say - "master of his word." Calm, gentle, in discord between friends and colleagues, he always acts as a peacemaker, trying to extinguish the conflict in the bud.

Arkasha is endowed with a developed intuition and a synthetic mindset, he is able to generalize completely heterogeneous facts and, having drawn the appropriate conclusions, make the right decision. He does not have a strong will, but he can successfully resist other people's pressure, so it is difficult to break him. For the name, the ideal of a woman is a woman-friend, a mother-woman who will not demand manifestations of frenzied passion from him and roll scenes of jealousy, because he himself is not jealous. Arkady, born in winter, is very sexy, born in spring, less happy in love, sex does not play a primary role for him, but in his mature years, when passions subside, his gentleness and constancy will serve him well.

A man named Arkasha is a good family man. Enjoys working with small children. He is able, without much regret, to refuse a promising job or a prestigious position if this negatively affects the well-being of his loved ones. Stability in the present attracts him more than possible success in the future. Quarrels in his family are rare.

The weakness of the name is a penchant for alcohol. Arkasha is very attentive to people, the most favorable areas of activity for him are pedagogy and medicine. If his main profession is related to mental work, then in his free time he strives to do something with his own hands, and often he makes a good home master.

The fate of Arcadia in history

What does the name Arkady mean for male fate?

  1. This name is associated with an ancient legend about Arcadia (otherwise Arcade), the king of the country, the son of Zeus and the nymph Callisto, whom Zeus turned into a bear to hide from his jealous wife Hera. And so the guy, becoming a hunter, almost killed his mother, meeting her in the forest thicket and mistaking her for a beast. To prevent this, Zeus turned the hero and Callisto into the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.
  2. Count Arkady I. Morkov (1747–1827) is a well-known Russian diplomat. In 1781, he was appointed second minister to The Hague, with instructions to promote reconciliation between England and Holland, the war between which had a heavy impact on Russia's foreign trade. From 1783 he was ambassador to Stockholm, where, in order to create internal difficulties for Gustav III, he entered into active relations with representatives of the discontented nobility. In 1796, Carrot and his brothers were granted the title of counts of the Roman Empire by the Austrian emperor, but after the accession of Paul I, he was dismissed from service and received an order to leave the capital. Alexander I appointed him in 1801 as the Russian ambassador in Paris. In 1803, Bonaparte complained about him to Emperor Alexander, who recalled Carrot, but at the same time granted him the St. Andrew's ribbon. In 1820, the count was appointed a member of the State Council.
  3. Arkady I. Raikin (1911-1987) - the great artist of the satirical theater. In the way Arkady I. Raikin played, he had no equal. In his art, both dramatic and lyrical talent, the grotesque, the highest intellect and the truth of life were fused to a limited extent. Arkady I. Raikin created his own theater in 1939. Fascinatingly, cheerfully, temperamentally, intelligently, he spoke from the stage about serious things, made you think about life. Raikin believed that the people who filled the auditorium would understand him, he knew that "you can speak witty only assuming wit in the interlocutor."
  4. Arkady Gaidar - pseudonym - Arkady Golikov, Soviet children's writer.
  5. Arkady Zhukovsky - (born 1922) Ukrainian historian.
  6. Arkady Fidler - (1894-1985) Polish writer, traveler, publicist.
  7. Arcadi Venturi is an Italian football player.
  8. Arcadi Poveda - (born 1930) Mexican scientist, astronomer.
  9. Arkady Khait - Russian satirist, writer, screenwriter.
  10. Arkady Vainer is a Soviet and Russian writer, screenwriter and playwright.
  11. Arkady Kamanin - the youngest pilot of the Second World War, the son of the famous pilot N.P. Kamanin.
  12. Arkady Freeman - (Kirichenko) famous jazz musician.
  13. Arkady Tolbuzin - Soviet theater and film actor, screenwriter, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1954).
  14. Arkady Inin - (real name Gurevich) Soviet and Russian screenwriter.
  15. Arkady Arkanov - pseudonym - Arkady Steinbock, Russian and Soviet satirist writer, playwright, screenwriter.

Arkady in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a similar sound. In Bulgarian it translates as Arkady, in Polish: Arkadiusz, in Czech: Arkad, in Danish: Arkadius.

Since ancient times, people have been very responsible in choosing a name, because it has always been believed that its meaning greatly affects the fate and character of a person. Therefore, when making such an important decision, parents take into account not only the euphony, but also the characteristics of the name.

The name Arkady: origin and meaning

The name is of Greek origin. Its forms: Arkad, Arkadi, Arcadio, Arik, Adik. In a free translation, it means "inhabitant of Arcadia", which is sometimes interpreted as "happy" if the word "arkados" is taken as the basis. Indeed, in ancient Greece, the area with this name was considered an ideal place for cattle breeding, which gave rise to legends about the fantastic country of happy shepherds. There is another version of the origin of the name from the word "arkas", which means - the country of bears (probably from a common root with the word Arctic). Thus, in contrast to the first interpretation, the second one indicates more severe conditions, and, accordingly, the features of the name. Northern peoples believed that the name means "fearless" or "brave".

Name Traits

The positive meaning of the name Arkady has the following characteristics: poise, self-control, activity, sociability, goodwill, perseverance, courage, sharp mind, honesty.

The main negative feature is the love of excesses. If Arkady does not learn to control his gluttony in all aspects of life, this can seriously affect its quality in general.

In childhood, Arkady does not create problems for parents. He has a balanced and calm character, not cocky and obedient. He is very attached to his mother and tries his best to earn her praise, which is a good incentive. But it is worth remembering that everything needs a measure, otherwise the boy may become dependent on the opinions of others. Shows kindness in dealing with children. Thanks to the liveliness of mind and activity, he always has many friends and becomes the soul of the company. The learning process is easy, because a boy named Arkady grasps everything on the fly, but this quality does not always help him, because such lucky ones endure failures hard. Despite the fact that at an early age Arkasha is prone to frequent colds, his health cannot be called weak. Love for active sports strengthens his physical abilities. No wonder people with the name Arkady often find themselves in big-time sports. The name enables its bearer to be realized in the exact sciences. However, he is endowed with all sorts of creative talents. Therefore, his fate is often connected with art and culture. The meaning of the name Arkady for a boy is quite appropriate, as it promises the child a successful life in all its aspects.


The name endows its owner with a balanced character. Arkady has a truly iron endurance and patience, which help him cope with the complexities of adult life. And purposefulness and perseverance lead to the intended goals.

People with this name have a big heart and are always ready to help. Arkady is like a knight without fear and reproach, with his benevolence and faith in justice, he conquers the hearts of people. However, he feels falsehood perfectly, so it will not work to abuse his kindness. The bearer of this name does not like to get involved in conflicts, trying to maintain composure to the last, but you should not take it to extreme measures. The meaning of the name Arkady, indicating the "country of bears", is fraught with the qualities inherent in a mighty predator. Although such a reaction from the diplomatic and polite Arkady is rather an exception to the rule. Usually he has enough eloquence and a natural gift of persuasion in order to achieve what he wants.

The fate of the owner

We can say that men with the name Arkady enjoy the favor of Fortune. After all, they have optimism and perseverance, and Luck loves such people. With his actions and dedication, Arkady inspires other people, he knows that they are equal to him, therefore he does not lower the bar. Desires to be the best in everything and can simultaneously engage in various activities, recklessly spending energy and money. Such an approach can adversely affect health and later life. Arkady belongs to the type of people who live under the motto “Do you want to be happy? Be! They consider every moment of life unique, so they try to take the maximum from it. Such a man always attracts the opposite sex.

Family relationships

The meaning of the name Arkady characterizes its owner as a person who honors the institution of marriage. Family values ​​​​and a sense of duty mean a lot to him, despite the fact that he enters into a relationship early. The wife for Arkady is a friend and partner, with whom he goes hand in hand towards the goal. Stormy passions tire him, so Arkady will not tolerate scenes of jealousy and showdown. In a wife, a person with that name appreciates not only attractiveness, but such qualities as kindness, responsiveness, a sense of humor and homeliness are equally important to him. Therefore, his tendency to get involved in female beauty on the side is rarely capable of destroying a family. Arkady always knows how to correctly prioritize. The bearer of this name does not like to count every penny, has a breadth of soul, it is not surprising that his wife and children often receive gifts and pleasant surprises.

paternal qualities

Arkady remains an eternal child in his soul, which helps him to better understand his children, so for them he is more of a good friend than a mentor. A person with that name will always find time to play and communicate with children. There is no need to talk about comprehensive assistance, and it will be provided not only to our own children. This attitude is rewarded by the absolute trust of the children. They trust their father with their main secrets.

Name and career

Considering the meaning of the name Arkady, it is worth noting that it endows its owner with determination and activity, which helps him achieve his goals. Optimism does not give up, so failure does not scare him. Arkady is inquisitive, reads a lot and is engaged in self-education. Before making any decision, he studies and carefully checks the information. Thanks to his intellect and good sense of humor, Arkady is an interesting conversationalist and soul of the company. The meaning of the name Arkady and the character of the owner are interconnected - its owners have undeniable leadership qualities. And the ability to set and achieve goals attracts people to him. Therefore, a person with this name, as a rule, occupies leadership positions. Arkady achieves good results in professions related to teaching, tourism, show business, and can also make a good political career.


In general, Arkady is in good health. But he should pay attention to his diet. As mentioned above, the bearers of this name love to enjoy all aspects of life, including food, and everything that is tasty is not always healthy. Nutritionists advise such people a balanced menu. The complex intake of vitamins in the spring will not interfere. Playing sports and walking in the fresh air will also help restore strength. In their youth, people named Arkady like to test their body for strength, being fond of extreme sports, which often lead to fractures and sprains. Therefore, in addition to calcium-rich foods, taking appropriate medications will not hurt.

Name number

Numerology also determines the meaning of the name Arkady. The character and fate of the carrier, as you know, depend on the number to which the name corresponds. Arcadia corresponds to the number four, symbolizing the square. Such people are distinguished by reliability and prudence. These are excellent organizers who are able to take responsibility for the decision made. New ideas are treated with caution, because by nature they are quite conservative. "Fours" are successful in all endeavors, because they are incredibly organized and hardworking. People of this number have a stubborn and patient character, therefore they treat failures with a certain degree of optimism. "Fours" in relationships manifest themselves as reliable partners, they love stability.

Peace and home comfort are the main criteria for a happy family hearth for them. The carriers of this number are sociable, but noisy, large companies are not for them, they feel much more comfortable with family and close friends. They are content with simple worldly joys and do not hover in the clouds. The disadvantages include excessive pedantry, which often unnerves the people around.

Arkady is a fairly common name. It is the personification of friendship and charm, intelligence and insight. Giving their child such a name, parents provide the baby with a happy fate and good health.

The name Arkady has its roots in Greece. There lived Arkad, the son of Zeus and Callisto, who became a hunter. It so happened that Zeus turned his mother into a bear, and his son almost killed her. To prevent this from happening again, Zeus decided to turn his son and mother into constellations (Ursa Major and Ursa Minor). However, the meaning of the name depends entirely on the translation option.


According to one version, the meaning of the name Arkady is “shepherd” (arkados). According to another version, the name means "inhabitant of Arcadia". According to the third - the meaning of the name Arkady - "blessed", "happy", "brave". In fact, it is the last version of the translation that reflects the essence of the owner of this name.


Arkady is surrounded by love from the cradle, he carries a charge of love in later life. From the side it seems that the guy just flies on wings, overcoming one obstacle after another. And in fact, he is not afraid of difficulties, loves to learn and develop. The love received in childhood allows him to give it to those around him, optimistically looking at life and trying to understand each person, no matter what he may be.

It is worth noting that Arkashi grow up very early and immediately try to show knightly inclinations, protecting everyone around them and helping those in need. Therefore, little Arkady's house can often have homeless cats and dogs, injured birds and hedgehogs that wake up in winter. Parents, knowing the disposition of their child, most often allow all this living creatures to live with them for some time under one roof. Yes, and this does not cause difficulties, because Arkasha himself takes care of them and is looking for a loving family for them.

As for the love side, the Arcadians are very amorous and try to quickly start a family. Often their chosen ones are fellow students or classmates. The owners of this name come out wonderful fathers who understand and pamper their children. Arkashi love stability in everything, this also applies to the family. Therefore, they will go to almost any sacrifice, if only his wife and children were well.

They may refuse a promising job offer that will negatively affect the life of his family. For them, peace is important here and now, and not the upcoming pleasures in the future. Many women underestimate this and mistakenly consider their husbands to be weak.

With age, there is a risk that a man will start walking around looking for connections on the side and abusing alcohol. He will not be able to cope with the latter on his own, so there must be people near him who can influence.

The professional sphere of Arcadia can be any. But he will be able to achieve great success in working on television, radio, cinema, in the field of organizing trips and travel, holidays and various events. This is due to the fact that he loves to be in the center of attention, loves when his opinion is listened to, and his actions and actions bring joy to others.

Also often Arkady can be found in a slightly different field - a teacher, doctor, lawyer. Any work, even one that does not bring profit, but gives pleasure, is done in good faith. Therefore, not just teachers come out of them, but teachers with various awards.

If in childhood you send a guy to an acting class, to dancing or to a music school, you can safely count on the great achievements of Arkasha in this area. Even if this does not become the meaning of his life and the main means of earning, he will receive unprecedented experience and a charge of positive emotions for life.

Due to the fact that Arkady is a very responsible person and is used to keeping his word, he can demand too much from himself. This negatively affects health, and the first manifestations are visible already in childhood. If you need to do homework, then he will do them at least all night, if he promised to help a friend with a thesis, then he will sit at his desk for days, not interrupted by sleep and food. As a result, a guy can earn problems with blood vessels, heart, gastrointestinal tract and vision. Therefore, it is important to monitor the child and not let him overload himself.

Arkasha is an amiable, sociable and affable person. He does not put himself above other people, he is surrounded by numerous friends and girlfriends. He loves to be admired, but he can express his feelings himself.


The positive aspects of the owner of this name include the following:

  1. He is extremely mobile.
  2. Has a healthy self-esteem.
  3. Optimistic in every situation.
  4. Active.
  5. Sociable.
  6. Curious.

Such a boy already in childhood shows excellent features - kindness, poise, friendliness. He is loved and appreciated for his courage, resourcefulness, intelligence and perkyness. Therefore, he is the soul of any company, the main character of each event.

Negative Traits:

  1. Craving for entertainment and prodigality.
  2. Excessive carelessness.

Although there are very few negative traits, they can destroy Arkasha's life. If a guy after 30 years does not change his outlook on life, he may lose his family and career. But this happens extremely rarely, because the reasonableness of the owner of the name exceeds the level of carelessness. And something bad can happen only if the guy falls under the influence of a bad company, as he is malleable and prone to adventurism by nature.

The main character trait is touchiness and subtlety of mental organization. Despite the appearance and the eternal smile on his face, Arkady can withdraw into himself, trying to figure out this or that situation. And then you can expect anything from him, starting with genuine anger, and ending with a stream of tears caused by surging feelings.

Arkady always knows what he needs. And if problems arise, he does not give up, continuing to patiently achieve the intended goal. The difficulty in this case is excessive emotionality for a man, which for some time unsettles him.

Arkady is surrounded by numerous friends and comrades, but if someone wants to deceive him, he will quickly break off all relations with him. After all, the most valuable thing for him in other people is sincerity and devotion.

The negative character traits include the fact that Arkasha is a spender who does not know the value of money and is not used to counting them. But, on the other hand, he is not stingy, he can help the disadvantaged, he will definitely leave a tip to the waiter and serve to the beggar in the transition.

name day

Name color

The color of the name is red.

name flower

Eucalyptus, rosemary, violet.

Church name, saints

Arkady - such a name is given to the baby at baptism in honor of God's saint, who accepted monasticism as a token of gratitude to God for salvation during a storm.

Name translation in different languages

In different languages, this name sounds quite similar.

  1. In Polish - Arkadiusz.
  2. In Bulgarian - Arkady.
  3. In Danish - Arkadius.
  4. In English - Arcades.

Full name, abbreviated and affectionate

Arkady is the full name. The abbreviated and diminutive sounds like this:

  • Arkasha.
  • Kadya.
  • Porridge.

What names are patronymics suitable for?

Names of girls who are suitable for this patronymic:

  • Olga.
  • Zhanna.
  • Anna.
  • Elena.
  • Valeria.
  • Victoria.
  • Veronica.
  • Galina.
  • Pauline.
  • Catherine.
  • Elizabeth.
  • Sofia.
  • Adeline.
  • Margarita.

Boys names:

  • Andrey.
  • Alexander.
  • Gleb.
  • Gabriel.
  • Victor.
  • Valery.
  • Dmitriy.
  • Semyon.
  • Konstantin.
  • Peter.
  • Paul.
  • Matthew.
  • Timothy.

Name Compatibility

Since each name has its own characteristics, you need to choose a pair for yourself based on the compatibility of these characteristics.

Arkasha will have a strong alliance with the owners of such names as Victoria, Karina, Dina, Daria, Inna, Marina, Polina, Svetlana, Yulia.

But from relations with Zhanna, Veronica and Larisa, one should not expect something positive.

How to decline

This name can be declined in cases like this:

  • Nominative - Arkady.
  • Genitive - Arcadia.
  • Dative - Arcadia.
  • Accusative - Arcadia.
  • Creative - Arkady.
  • Prepositional - Arcadia.

Notable people with this name

Among the famous people who have this name, there are people of different professions:

  1. Arcadius Flavius - Emperor of Byzantium
  2. Arkady Averchenko is a satirist and writer from Russia.
  3. Arkady Ukupnik is a pop singer and composer.
  4. Arkady Strugatsky is a science fiction writer from Russia.
  5. Arkady Gaidar (Golikov) - children's writer
  6. Arkady Raikin - screenwriter, stage and theater actor, comedian and director.
  7. Arkady Zhukovsky is a historian from Ukraine.
  8. Arcadio Poveda Astronomer, Mexican scientist
  9. Arkady Fidler - Traveler, writer, publicist from Poland.
  10. Arkady Weiner - Playwright, novelist and screenwriter.
  11. Arcadio Venturi is a football player from Italy.
  12. Arkady Kamanin - pilot, the youngest in the crew of fighter pilots of the Second World War.
  13. Arkady Khait - satirist, screenwriter and writer from Russia.
  14. Arkady Freeman - musician, jazzman
  15. Arkady Tolbuzin - Honored Artist of the RSFSR, screenwriter, film and theater actor.
  16. Arkady Inin - Russian screenwriter.
  17. Arkadiusz Rybicki - Politician of Poland.
  18. Arkady Arkanov

    I like!

Short form of the name Arkady. Arkasha, Adik, Arya, Arik, Kadia, Adya, Arkadyushka, Kayo, Arch.
Synonyms for Arkady. Arcadio, Arkad, Arcadios, Arkadi.
Origin of the name Arkady The name Arkady is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Arkady is of Greek origin, but it has various translations. According to the first version, the name Arkady comes from the Greek word "arkados", which means "shepherd". According to the second version, this name comes from the Greek region of Arcadia, so the name is translated as "inhabitant of Arcadia." In a more free translation, the name Arkady is interpreted as “happy”, “blessed” - this is due to the fact that this area was associated with a happy and easy life, therefore the inhabitants of Arcadia were considered lucky. And the Slavs of Kievan Rus translated this name as "brave."

Arkady is a rather charming and friendly young man who shines with his insight and intelligence. This is a creative person, very receptive and impressionable, and also quite suggestible, which makes him quite insecure and vulnerable. He has a passionate soul that despises monotony, his energy and desire to act all the time finds any motivation to move forward.

He has a rich imagination, he is rarely sad, but his activity can have various consequences for him. Arkady has a good sense of humor, he is a resourceful man, he is ready to take extreme measures, and his ability to get angry suddenly and unexpectedly baffles many people around and can bring Arkady the glory of an unrestrained man. But this man can turn all his shortcomings into virtues.

As a child, Arkady is best brought up according to clearly defined principles that would exclude the influence of his fantasies and whims on the big picture. The boy should be encouraged to show his talent in a creative hobby.

Arkady likes to be recognized and useful, so he always tries to be the first in the list of those who are always called for any reason - whether it's a party or an important matter. He can sing beautifully, and cheer up, and invent, and find a mistake. Therefore, he enjoys prestige, both among cheerful youth and among the scientific intelligentsia.

In matters of the heart, Arkady is the most difficult, he is very prone to temptation and loves attention, so he is able not to distinguish flirting from real and sincere feelings. Arkady is looking for a charming companion who will make his world exactly the way he is most comfortable - he will always feel attention and demand for himself, he appreciates pleasure, but in itself is a rather jealous man.

Arkady is more committed to creative professions, where oral or written expression is an important factor, so he can become both an actor and a journalist. But his good knowledge of people and the ability to feel great in any company, the ability to listen to his own intuition, as well as knowledge of psychology, give him a great chance to make a career in the field of a diplomat.

Name day of Arcadia

Arkady celebrates name days on January 10, February 8, February 17, February 23, March 19, May 29, July 14, July 24, August 25, August 27, October 1, November 3, December 26, December 29.

Notable people named Arkady

  • Flavius ​​Arcadius ((377-408) Byzantine emperor)
  • Arkady Averchenko ((1880-1925) Russian satirist writer)
  • Arkady Strugatsky (Russian science fiction writer)
  • Arkady Ukupnik (Russian composer and pop singer, Honored Artist of Russia)
  • Arkady Raikin (Soviet pop and theater actor, director, screenwriter, comedian, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Arkady Gaidar (real name - Arkady Golikov, Soviet children's writer)
  • Arkady Zhukovsky ((born 1922) Ukrainian historian)
  • Arkady Fidler ((1894-1985) Polish writer, traveler, publicist)
  • Arcadio Venturi (Italian footballer)
  • Arcadio Poveda ((born 1930) Mexican scientist, astronomer)
  • Arkady Khait (Russian satirist, writer, screenwriter)
  • Arkady Vainer (Soviet and Russian writer, screenwriter and playwright)
  • Arkady Kamanin (the youngest pilot of World War II, son of the famous pilot N.P. Kamanin)
  • Arkady Freeman ((Kirichenko) famous jazz musician)
  • Arkady Tolbuzin (Soviet theater and film actor, screenwriter, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1954))
  • Arkady Inin ((real name Gurevich) Soviet and Russian screenwriter)
  • Arkady Arkanov (real name - Arkady Steinbock, Russian and Soviet satirist, playwright, screenwriter)
  • Arkadiusz Rybicki ((1953-2010) Polish politician)
  • Arkadiusz Klimek (Polish footballer)

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