Armen Dzhigarkhanyan: “I have only desire, bad, that she be punished! Dzhigarkhanyan found a replacement for Romanov's Tsymbalyuk What's new with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.


Divorce and division of property with a 39-year-old wife are in the top of the most discussed topics. According to Vitalina, this scandalous story would not have happened if his “friends” had not coveted the property of the people's artist. Vitalina courageously stood in the way of the raider seizure and therefore fell its first victim: she was publicly accused of theft, fraud, a criminal case was opened against her, and she was deprived of her husband, family, and job. In fact, they broke the life that she had been building for more than one year. This whole nightmare happened because of the notorious square meters: a one-room apartment in the village of Glukhovo, Krasnogorsk district and a three-room apartment of 134 square meters on Molodgvardeyskaya Street in Moscow. And there was also the will of the artist, in which Armen Borisovich expressed his desire to leave all the property to Vitalina. It has also been cancelled.


- Vitalina, you are accused of taking possession of the property of Armen Borisovich ...

Before signing any document, he consulted with lawyers, with a notary. They explained the consequences of any decision he made. He knew that he had an heir - stepson Stepan, son of Tatyana Sergeevna Vlasova (Dzhigarkhanyan's previous wife - Ed.). When in 2015 Armen Borisovich made a will, he said: “ I want all my property to go to Vitalina". With his knowledge and consent, even before our marriage, both apartments were decorated - in Glukhovo and on Molodogvardeyskaya. Everything was done openly and legally.

- That is, the property was registered in your name so that it would not go to his former wife and Stepan?

Exactly. In addition, before starting the divorce proceedings with Tatyana Sergeevna, his lawyers recommended that he close his bank accounts. He had a small amount, but it would still have to be divided. He came to the bank and personally signed the documents. The initiator of the sale of his share in the apartment in Starokonyushenny Lane (Dzhigarkhanyan shared this apartment with Tatyana Vlasova after the divorce - Ed.) was also Armen Borisovich. He wanted to quickly move to our new apartment on Molodogvardeiskaya Street, which he himself had chosen. When we bought it, there were bare walls - no interior partitions, no floor, no doors, no electrical wiring, no plumbing... There was no furniture. He hurried the sale of his half-apartment on the Arbat so that there would be money for the renovation of new housing.

The marriage of Armen Dzhigakhanyan with Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was annulled in November 2017 by a court decision. Photo: EAST NEWS

It took more than 10 million for everything, although I hired not the most expensive team of workers from Belarus. I took a loan from Sberbank for one and a half million rubles. Plus, I have to return two million on an IOU to businessman Yuri Rastegin, who bought half of the apartment on the Arbat ...

Wait ... Yuri Rastegin said that the amount of the transaction for half of the apartment was 15 million rubles. Of these, Armen Borisovich received two million in cash even before the deal was finalized. Then 8 million were credited to his account. The remaining five million were paid to him a little later ...

But in fact, we received two million on an IOU. I must return this money to Rastegin before the end of the year. In fact, Yura bought half of the Arbat apartment for 8 million rubles. He transferred this amount to the account of Armen Borisovich. But for some reason, his lawyers charge me 15 million, which Rastegin allegedly paid, and I allegedly withdrew from my husband's accounts. It is not true.

I confess, I'm already confused who in this story is telling the truth and who is lying. Each side convincingly tells its own version, which is immediately smashed by opponents no less convincingly...

Well, you yourself think: who would pay 15 million rubles for half of the controversial apartment? Tatyana Sergeevna, who owns the second half, fought for property, like a lioness. She did not let people in for inspection, changed door locks, and categorically refused to sell the entire apartment. In this situation, there were no people willing to buy half of the apartment in absentia. At the same time, Armen Borisovich hurried the deal. Rastegin was the only one who agreed to buy this apartment. And we were grateful to him for that.

Nevertheless, you must agree, no matter what the amount of the transaction actually was, you had nothing to do with this money. This Arbat apartment came to Armen Borisovich long before meeting you, when he was married to Tatyana Sergeevna.

I did not take this money for myself. As soon as Rastegin transferred them, Armen Borisovich and I came every day to the ATM to withdraw 200 thousand rubles. He does not know how to use bank cards. And I took this money in his presence and invested it in the repair of our apartment with him on Molodogvardeyskaya. I have receipts for all purchases and expenses. I acted in our best interests. We were married, no one was going to get divorced. Armen Borisovich is still registered in this apartment. I didn't kick him out of the house. He can still come and live there.

- But he, as they say, does not want to return to you ...

There was a period when I really wanted to. Even his friends, who treat me badly, told how at the beginning of the scandal he asked to go home. Came to sit in the car near the entrance. Longing for home. And instead of reconciling us, they dissuaded him from returning to me, they say, Vitalina already has her own life ... He was rented an apartment three times, and each time he said that he didn’t like it there, until finally they settled him in the same entrance in the same house on Molodgvardeyskaya where our apartment is located. He is used to living at home.


We talk all the time about Dzhigarkhanyan's last apartments - on Molodogvardeyskaya Street and a one-room apartment near Krasnogorsk in the Rublevskoye Suburb village, ”continues Vitalina. - But Armen Borisovich also had other property. There was an apartment in Yerevan, donated fifteen years ago by the president of the republic. As far as I know, it was sold by Artur Soghomonyan, who had the authority to dispose of Dzhigarkhanyan's property. And in Moscow - four more apartments. The daughter of Armen Borisovich Lena lived in one (she died tragically at the age of 22, poisoned by carbon monoxide in the garage - Ed.). In the other - the mother of Tatyana Sergeevna Vlasova. There was also Stepan's apartment on the Arbat. Well, that “three-ruble note” in Starokonyushenny Lane, which we have already talked about. Plus an apartment in the Mendeleevo holiday village of the Solnechnogorsk district, a garage box on Presnensky Val, a Volkswagen caravel car. Once upon a time there was a dacha in the village of the Maly Theater. All this property disappeared in an almost inexplicable way.

The topic of missing property suddenly surfaced when he shared property with Tatyana Sergeevna. A request came from her representative for a whole list of objects that were listed for Dzhigarkhanyan. His lawyers were very angry that he forgot to list them. And he: “I don’t remember where all this is.” Then I called Artur Soghomonyan, who can be considered a family conseller. And Arthur said that all the property had long been sold.

It seems that Tatyana Sergeevna said that the same house in America was bought with the money from the sale of the dacha and the garage, because of which Dzhigarkhanyan later sued her.

Armen Borisovich said that Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov gave him money on credit for a house in America - 150 thousand dollars. At one time, he traveled a lot on tour "chess" with private performances. Worked off debt. And at the same time, every month he sent Tatyana Sergeevna, who already lived in America, 2-3 thousand dollars. This continued even when they actually ceased to live as a family. But in another way he could not, did not know how, did not consider it possible for himself. But Tatyana Sergeevna could: she lived beautifully on his money.

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya: " Well, you yourself think: who would pay 15 million rubles for half of the controversial apartment?".Photo: Anastasia PLESHAKOVA

- I understand: private performances, filming a movie ... But still, where does a people's artist get such earnings from?

Until 2002, when he had a stroke, Armen Borisovich worked very hard. And now the salary is rather big - about 300 thousand rubles a month, if with two appearances on stage in performances. If there are no exits, only a bare salary as the president of the theater - 100 thousand. Plus the pension of the People's Artist of the USSR, which he receives on a passbook. This is about 40 thousand rubles. I think it has accumulated at least a million rubles. He always had several hundred thousand rubles in cash, which he kept in his safe. Therefore, it is strange to hear when his friends tell reporters that Dzhigarkhanyan left Vitalina with change in his pocket. It is not true.

- How much did an apartment in Glukhovo cost, which was issued to you in 2012?

About 200 thousand dollars (at the rate of 2012 - about 6 million rubles, - ed.).

Three years later, you bought an apartment on Molodgvardeiskaya. It cost, as you said in one interview, about 17 million rubles ...

We collected money for this apartment. We had savings, including mine. And then, we did not pay the entire amount at once, but in two installments. Therefore, at first the apartment was in my ownership with an encumbrance. And when everything was paid, the repair was almost completed, his friends Artur and Hayrapet came to visit us. It was in August last year. They liked our apartment very much... Then they, together with Armen Borisovich, went to have dinner. And in the evening he says to me: “It seems to me that Arthur envied us.” And those were the keywords.

- Do you think that after that all your problems began?

Certainly. They want to take away not only the property, but also put me in jail. When this conflict began in October, Armen Borisovich (or someone on his behalf) wrote a statement against me to the investigative committee on several points at once. Since then, the investigative committee of the Southwestern District of Moscow has been looking for grounds to put me in jail. The first point concerned the so-called offshore transfer of 80 million rubles of the theater. Financial documents were withdrawn from the accounting department in October. Of course, they did not find any offshore companies or cashing out budget funds. Another accusation concerned the alleged illegal acquisition of Russian citizenship by me. And it turned out to be slander. The Investigative Committee seized documents even at the Maimonides Academy, where I studied. They were looking for my "fake diplomas". And in fact - any lead to accuse me of fraud. But they didn't find anything. I know for sure that I have never been involved in either fraud or theft. On the contrary, when I became the director of the theater, I saved Armen Borisovich from prosecution due to tax violations.

Who will be responsible for the public accusations brought against me by Armen Borisovich, Mark Rudinshtein and other "well-wishers"?


Nevertheless, a criminal case was opened against you under Article 137 of the Criminal Code (violation of privacy) due to filming with a hidden camera. Since December you have been under house arrest. Who brought these pictures to television, who installed cameras in Dzhigarkhanyan's cabin?

Everyone talks about these cameras, but they forget to clarify what is captured on the frames. Let me explain: they are heavily drunk men, including Armen Borisovich Dzhigarkhanyan, Artur Soghomonyan and Hayrapet Oganesyan. They sit late at night in the state theater and discuss how to open a criminal case against Vitalina and her family. This is documentary evidence of a custom case against me. That is why the story with the cameras is so disliked by Armen Borisovich's entourage.

Who could install these cameras in Dzhigarkhanyan's office? It is believed that this was done by your father, an engineer by profession.

Not him, my dad is not that technically advanced person. The question is not who installed the cameras, but who broadcast this footage to television. I know for a fact that I didn't do it. I am also surprised how, for example, my personal correspondence became public? How did the screenshots from my mobile phone get into the media? Unfortunately, my phone has been in the hands of many unscrupulous people.

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk - RomanovskayaPhoto: Vadim SHERSTENIKIN

- And what is the scandalous story with your "lovers"? In different shows, we saw several candidates at once.

I still don't have a lover. It's probably even bad. Since 2001, when we started a relationship with Armen Borisovich, there were no other men in my life. And those unclaimed our emigrants who come to the TV show for a fee and, at the behest, declare themselves to be my "lovers", cause only pity. They have not taken place either in life or in the profession so much that they cannot earn otherwise.

- When in your family life with Armen Borisovich there was advice and love, did you plan to have a child?

There was a moment when Armen Borisovich really wanted this. But seriously, we did not deal with this topic.

Your family conflict began with the fact that you climbed into "foreign territory." They tried to manage the theater, where the only "owner" is Dzhigarkhanyan. They began to release their own performances. This upset him. Probably, Armen Borisovich is very jealous in this sense. Other people took advantage of your conflict, directed it in a direction that was beneficial to them: the division of property, divorce, a criminal case. If everything could be turned back, would you give up your creative ambitions?

Armen Borisovich sometimes approved performances for a very long time. The idea in it can ripen for five years. What is not allowed in the state theater. As a director, I was obliged to release a certain number of premieres per year. Otherwise, this is a disruption of the state task. On the small stage, which we opened after the renovation, only two performances were played. It is a shame to use the site in such a way when budget money has been spent on repairs. There we put on musical performances to fill the repertoire. Armen Borisovich was not opposed. I could not even imagine that he would be so hurt by my creative ambitions. But I still don't give up on them. They try to present me as a nurse of a people's artist, a "Ukrainian scrubber", a housekeeper. This is wrong. I am a professional pianist. And as life has shown, he is also a good organizer.


- Vitalina, what was your salary as a theater director?

Initially - 73 thousand rubles. This salary was appointed by the Department of Culture of Moscow. The theater had problems with financial and economic activities. As soon as I improved the situation and my salary was increased to 120 thousand, I was asked to write a statement of my own free will ...

Some actors in the theater were offended by you because you fired them. But the theater told me that you paid the actors' salaries out of... your own money.

When I was appointed director, the financial situation was catastrophic. The tax debt is about 27 million rubles. Taxes were not paid to the budget for three years. Dzhigarkhanyan was supposed to be responsible for these financial violations. In order to get him out of harm's way, they changed the charter of the theater and shifted the debts to the new director, that is, to me. Now, in hindsight, I think they wanted to set me up. Paying off this debt was very difficult. But this was not the only problem. There was no money in the theater account to pay the actors. By law, as a director, I have no right not to pay people a salary. Therefore, I brought my own savings - three million rubles - and the cashier contributed this amount to the treasury to the theater account. The theater still owes me 600 thousand rubles. This is a lot of money. Hope they don't have to go to court...


Vitalina's housing was "squeezed out"

The other day it became known that back in December, a one-room apartment in the village of Glukhovo near Krasnogorsk, whose owner Vitalina had been listed since 2012, was ... donated to Dzhigarkhanyan. Recall that this is the same apartment in which Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina lived for several years before they registered the marriage. Then the actor was married to Tatyana Sergeevna Vlasova. So that the former wife does not get the newly acquired property, everything was made out to the young lover. And now, oops - the new owner - Dzhigarkhanyan!

Who gave him an apartment, on what basis is a mystery, including for Vitalina. We asked lawyer Larisa Shirokova to comment on this strange situation.

The original documents for an apartment in Glukhovo (in the Rublevskoye Suburb residential complex) are with Vitalina, - Larisa Shirokova told us. - Nevertheless, back in December it was presented to Armen Borisovich by proxy. We found out about this by chance, when the new owners changed the locks in the apartment. A week ago, we received an extract from Rosreestr, where Dzhigarkhanyan is listed as the new owner. After that, they filed a complaint with the police, they wrote that there was an illegal entry into the home.

- Who could give this apartment to Dzhigarkhanyan without the knowledge of Vitalina?

The transaction could be carried out only by proxy. Elina Mazur, for example, had such a power of attorney. She had broad powers, including the disposal of Vitalina's property. But this did not give the right to sell or donate apartments. Vitalina did not give such orders. I believe that "fights without rules" have begun against us. Of course, we will dispute this deal.

- How to end this family saga in peace?

Only at the negotiating table with our opponents. We are waiting for them to file their property claims. What apartments do they want to return? They have already taken the apartment in Glukhovo. How do they propose to divide the apartment on Molodogvardeyskaya Street? How much money, in their opinion, did Vitalina "withdraw" from Dzhigarkhanyan's accounts? They must confirm their claims with documents, bank statements. We will prove that Vitalina did not steal a single ruble, that she acted exclusively in the common interests with Armen Borisovich. And of course, we insist that the criminal prosecution be stopped. Through Komsomolskaya Pravda, I invite lawyer Armen Borisovich to negotiations. If it is not possible to agree peacefully, all issues can be resolved in a civil court. We would very much not want to follow the same path that our opponents have taken and initiate criminal proceedings against them, although they have created a precedent for this.


Is the age difference really an obstacle to family happiness?

Bari ALIBASOV, producer:

Family happiness only comes with age. Hand-to-hand family fights - up to 45 years old. And then there is peace and humility. In old age, hands do not rise.

Edita PIEHA, People's Artist of the USSR:

What should I ask?! Call Alla Borisovna or Maxim better - they will definitely answer you! I am convinced that the age of love is not a hindrance. The main thing is that love is real.

Sergey LITVINOV, writer:

The age difference is a hindrance, but not immediately. When he turns 60, and she, let's say, 40, the younger one is drawn to a nightclub, and the older one - to lie on the stove.

The difference in 10 - 15 years is nonsense in our time. But when nimble youths and youths 40 years younger are spinning around the elderly and successful, this is alarming. Happy exceptions happen, but more often the younger generation takes away a share of property from naive old men.

Fig.: Katerina MARTINOVICH

Vyacheslav DANILOV, Director of the Center for Political Analysis:

I had the opportunity to marry a peer. But all the men I met in my life were not suitable for the role of a husband. Apparently, these 20 years were not enough for them to be able to be responsible for their wife and children.

Tatyana SOROKINA, the largest mother of many children in Russia:

Well, of course not. As long as they fit each other. Although I advise my girls to choose spouses a little older. Those who have already walked up and calmed down. But the main thing is that the spouses have the same thoughts.


Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya about Dzhigarkhanyan: " He will still call me and say: "I need you." It will, I'm sure"

In an interview with a glossy magazine, the ex-wife of the People's Artist of the USSR expressed doubts about whether their divorce was real or was it another fiction.

In this tragicomic, or rather operetta story, even its main characters do not understand what is true and what is false.

Even more materials

The Moscow court arrested the apartment of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan's ex-wife for collecting and distributing information about personal and family life in the press without the consent of the actor.

Recall that Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, after a divorce from his wife, was left homeless and lived in the theater for some time. The actor’s lawyer Yevgeny Parferov said that Vitalin’s wife rewrote three of her husband’s apartments and “cleaned up” his money accounts.

Now Armen Dzhigarkhanyan is not homeless - his friends have an apartment not far from the theater, near the Universitet metro station.

The artist himself said that he wants to close the page of his life associated with Vitalina, and considers revenge a loss.

And now a new round of development of events. The lawyer of the ex-wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Larisa Shirokova, told TASS that a court in Moscow seized the apartment and money of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

“The Metropolitan Court arrested my client’s apartment on Molodogvardeiskaya Street in Moscow as part of a criminal case on violation of privacy. In addition, the court imposed a security arrest on 1 million rubles, which is located in a safe deposit box and also belongs to Vitalina. Shirokova said. At the current exchange rate, a million rubles is 17.4 thousand dollars.

The Investigative Committee of Russia charged Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya under the article “Violation of privacy” and took from her a written undertaking not to leave. According to investigators, the ex-wife of the People's Artist of the USSR collected and distributed in the press information about personal and family life with Dzhigarkhanyan without his consent.

Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya herself, in an interview with a TASS correspondent, denied the charges. Later, Larisa Shirokova told the agency that a non-disclosure agreement had been taken from her client. The lawyer stressed that "if charges are brought, then in violation of the law." According to her, it is not entirely clear from the materials of the criminal case who turned to law enforcement agencies, since there is no information about the interrogation of the actor as an applicant about the crime.

Punishment under this article provides for a fine in the amount of up to 200 thousand rubles (3.5 thousand dollars) or in the amount of the wage or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to 18 months, or compulsory work for up to 360 hours, or corrective labor for up to one year, or forced labor for up to 2 years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to 3 years, or arrest for up to 4 months, or imprisonment for up to 2 years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities certain activities for up to 3 years.

The court arrested Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya's apartment and her accounts for one million rubles. TASS reports that these are interim measures in a criminal case on privacy. The lawyer of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan's ex-wife is outraged that the charges were filed in violation of the law - without interrogating the actor as an applicant. At the same time, in early March, the actress announced that she had property with her ex-husband.

Lawyer Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya Larisa Shirokova spoke about the arrest of the apartment and cash accounts: “The Metropolitan Court arrested my client’s apartment on Molodogvardeiskaya Street in Moscow as part of a criminal case on violation of privacy. In addition, the court imposed a security arrest for 1 million rubles, which is in the safe deposit box of Lanta-Bank and also belongs to Vitalina.

Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was charged by the Investigative Committee under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Violation of privacy”). According to investigators, the ex-wife of the artist collected and disseminated in the press information about personal and family life with Dzhigarkhanyan without his consent.

Vitalina denies the accusations, while she herself was taken a non-disclosure agreement. TASS does not report anything about the essence of the charges. We note, however, that in January, in a frank interview with the magazine "Caravan of stories" 39-year-old Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya talked about the first night with Dzhigarkhanyan, assuring, in addition, that he was her first and only man.

Her lawyer considers the charge brought against the law. Shirokova claims that it is not entirely clear from the materials of the criminal case who turned to law enforcement agencies, since there is no information about the interrogation of the actor as an applicant about the crime.

Recall that the conflict of 82-year-old Armen Dzhigarkhanyan with his 38-year-old wife started in October. He accused his wife, who at that time worked as a theater director, of "stealing money from his pocket." Already at the end of November, the court granted the divorce claim. The spouses did not have jointly acquired property, since the artist rewrote all the property in the name of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

Friends of the artist, that a three-room apartment on Molodogvardeiskaya, in which Vitalina now lives, was bought by a woman with Dzhigarkhanyan's money and issued it for herself literally the day before the wedding, without saying anything to the elderly fiancé. The couple also had a one-room apartment in the suburban village "Rublevskoe Suburb".

Romanovskaya on the air of the program “Let them talk” accused the actor’s friends of the quarrel, who turned Dzhigarkhanyan against her. She assured that she had never loved anyone in her life like Armen Borisovich, and was ready to renew the relationship.

The scandal in the family of actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan became the topic of the day in the media. The press is discussing the information that Armen Borisovich was hospitalized in serious condition after a conflict with his wife, and even wrote a statement to the police against her, accusing her wife of allegedly wanting to kill him.

However, later the artist’s sister, Marina Dzhigarkhanyan, denied these accusations against Armen Borisovich’s wife, stating that “if it weren’t for Vitalina (Dzhigarkhanyan’s wife - ed..), Armen Borisovich would not have been alive for a long time. He is seriously ill. No one knows Armen’s medical history better than Vitalina and how to help him in such a situation!” she said in a commentary to Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Various reasons for this family drama are put forward. Someone talks about the difficult economic situation in which the theater of Dzhigarkhanyan found himself, others associate the incident with the state of health of the actor, and many blame Armen Dzhigarkhanyan's wife for this.

Shortly before the conflict, journalists of the portal "Moscow-Baku" interviewed Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. The conversation took place in the theatre. And then nothing foreshadowed trouble. On the contrary, everything indicated that love and mutual understanding reigned in the family. This was noticeable in the relationship between the spouses, which was observed by journalists.

Today, when the scandal is gaining momentum, we contacted Vitalina in the hope of finding out what really happened. “The truth is on my side. I don’t give comments,” Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya told the portal "Moscow-Baku".

We really hope for a successful resolution of the conflict for both sides and publish an interview that we took on the eve of the wedding anniversary from the wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

Vitalina Viktorovna, you have been heading the Theater under the direction of A.B. Dzhigarkhanyan, came to him back in 2008 to manage the musical part. You are a musician by education, a laureate of international competitions. Were you ready for the role of administrator in art? What did you have to learn?

I did not specifically prepare for the role of administrator in advance, I did not have such ambitions. She was engaged in an interesting business - she worked as the head of the musical department, selected musical arrangements for performances. Many of them are still in the repertoire.

Of course, I took a big risk. But I am such a person - if I understand that I cannot or do not know how, I will never do this business. When I took office and started working, I eventually realized that I could succeed. I am satisfied with what has been done, and I am not ashamed of my work. I am responsible for her.

- What was the most difficult at the initial stage?

Everything related to the administrative part had to be redone. The most difficult thing is to select a team, to say goodbye to one of the former employees. Yes, this is not a very pleasant moment. But I managed to maintain good relations with some people, despite the fact that we no longer work together. And I really appreciate it! They come to premieres, we communicate nicely. I tried my best to keep good human relations. Always went forward, we agreed on the timing. In general, everything worked out, but the human factor is always not very predictable.

What was more in it - the desire to help a loved one or discover some new talents and opportunities in yourself?

- My appointment took place on the eve of the theatrical reform, which is now underway. This reform presupposes certain rather stringent requirements for the theatre. Our theater was quite far from these requirements. I want the theater to be successful, one of the best theaters in Moscow. I understand that there is the Moscow Art Theater, the theater. Vakhtangov and others. This theater is the meaning of Armen Borisovich's life, his work and brainchild. Something to which he continues to devote his entire life. I just want the theater to be worthy of him, and he be proud of it. So that a person, coming here, admires him as much as Dzhigarkhanyan. Our theater is special!

- What is its peculiarity?

His repertoire is mainly classical, we are an absolutely Russian repertory theater. Armen Borisovich has always been guided by the traditions of Andrei Goncharov. Armen Borisovich never relies on media actors. For him, this is not a criterion. We have a young theater, the average age of actors is from 30 to 40 years. Many came after the institute, despite the fact that they are young in the theater for a very long time.

- What does fame mean to you? Does she play a role for you?

The main thing is to do what you love and correctly assess your capabilities. My specialty is my favorite thing. If I go out and sit down at the piano, then I know that I can and can do it.

Do you play music with your family?

It doesn't happen on purpose. I rehearse, but I never liked home music making. I do, but this is not salon music-making.

Does the theater tour? Does the theater headed by Armen Dzhigarkhanyan travel to the former republics of the USSR, where his work is known and loved?

- Our theater has not been to Baku, for the last ten years, for sure. Much to our regret. Armen Borisovich loves touring, he considers them very useful. He never refuses to tour, if it concerns his work, if it is relevant. He always says that politics should not affect cultural ties. Cultural ties are needed to bring people together, to strengthen their bonds. But he takes it very seriously. It is important that a certain part of the repertoire with all the decorations go somewhere for at least a week. We go on tour, we plan them in advance. This happens if they are paid by the governor or administration. Inviting party. So we went to Nizhny Novgorod, quite often went to St. Petersburg. Armen Borisovich never minds, he is ready for any tour.

- In a few days, the anniversary of your wedding with Armen Borisovich. How was this year?

- Thanks a lot for the congratulations! You can be proud of how it went. Everything is fine. I think, and Armen Borisovich would confirm this, that we did everything right. There were no doubts then, nor now.

- Can you describe how your day is built?

- We come to the theater together and leave it together. Armen Borisovich immediately goes to the rehearsal, watches how the actors prepare for the role, or rehearses himself. He plays the philosopher Seneca in a performance based on the play by Radzinsky "The Theater of the Times of Nero and Seneca." This performance takes place twice a month. I'm doing my job. We either have lunch at home or go to a restaurant and meet friends. We go to symphony concerts, we don't miss performances by Valery Gergiev. Armen Borisovich is very fond of the singer Khibla Girzmava.

In society, your union was perceived differently: someone sincerely wants happiness, there are those who slander. Have you learned not to respond to criticism?

- We don't pay attention to it. Armen Borisovich does not use the Internet, and if he does watch it, then only the news. We are not interested in yellow channels on TV. We watch Russia 24, sports channels and programs about animals. People will always say something, and it's not just us.

Discord in the family of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya became the scandal of the week.

From the lips of Armen Borisovich it sounded: "She robbed me." Him personally or the state theater?.

Minded on my own business

Vitalina herself does not communicate with the press. The Department of Culture of Moscow has appointed a commission to find out what is still going on in the theater of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. While they are sorting it out, Vitalina wrote a letter of resignation.

Yes, she arrived at night, collected some bags from the accounting department and left in a Mercedes,” one of the theater security guards told us. - I did not check the bags, after all, she was still the director.

In 2005, Armen Borisovich arranged for the young pianist as an accompanist. For 10 years she became the director of the theater and the official wife of the artistic director.

At first, after all, there was a good girl Vitalina, but then she began to do something other than her own, - says Margarita Cheres, a former theater costume designer, director of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. - She suddenly decided that she could manage the whole theater. She fired half the people, including me, who had worked with Armen Borisovich for more than twenty years. I sued but lost. The lawyers of Mikhail Barshchevsky are also there, and the name of Dzhigarkhanyan to boot. It is no secret that he has been ill for many years, signed any paper at the request of Vitalina, without even reading it.

She arranged for mom and dad in the theater

The theater has long understood that to Jiga (as Armen Borisovich is called behind the back in the troupe) one must go through Vitalina. She fired some people and brought in her own. Even arranged for relatives. Her mother, Lidia Ivanovna, is the head of the sewing shop, and her father, Viktor Vladimirovich, is the chief engineer. The team is sure that the artistic director himself does not even now know that his mother-in-law and father-in-law work in his theater. Armen Borisovich has rarely appeared in the theater lately. Vitalina brought him "under the cameras". Now Dzhigarkhanyan is in the hospital.

The theater is operating as usual, - Maria Sementsova, an employee of the press service, told us. - What happened, we consider a personal family story. Bookkeeping bags?! It can not be so. Although, of course, Vitalina Viktorovna could take out her personal belongings. Her right. But documents...

And why is the amount of the annual state subsidy not indicated on the website of your theater, although you are required by law to write it down?

Yes, we have already received the relevant instructions. We'll tell you in the new year.

The duties of the director were assigned to the deputy. The Financial Commission begins to work, and at the same time (so they say on the sidelines of the Moscow Department of Culture) they are looking for a new artistic director.

Husband's car rented at public expense

The “war” with Vitalina is being waged not by the sick Dzhigarkhanyan, but by some of his two “friends”. All week they were ringing about the fact that the young wife "rewrote the apartments and cars" of Armen Borisovich and that after leaving the hospital "there would be nowhere to go." The media only repeated this statement, and the "Interlocutor" decided to check.

It turned out that the 2005 VAZ-21114 belonging to the actor. Vitalina did not rewrite, but rented on July 1, 2017 from her own husband for six months. At public expense, having drawn up an agreement in accordance with all the rules of a state contract. The fee for the use of the spouses was set at 1,000 rubles a day (the total amount of the contract is 184,000 rubles). And this, by the way, is not the only strange state contract concluded by Vitalina on behalf of the theater.

On August 15, 2017, the CEO Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya signed an agreement with the pianist Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya to participate in performances. That is, with itself. Dzhigarkhanyan's wife, who is called mercenary, was modest: the contract amount is small - 110,000 rubles.

Mysterious "roommate" in an apartment on the Arbat

But what about the apartment? Vitalina has housing in Krasnogorsk. She bought it before marriage. During their marriage, she and Dzhigarkhanyan bought a three-ruble note on Rublevsky Highway, did repairs there for a long time and planned to move soon. And the 87-meter apartment in the elite Starokonyushenny Lane (Arbat) with a cadastral value of almost 30 million rubles, part of which the actor’s ex-wife claimed in vain (he also divorced her with a scandal), is still issued to Armen Borisovich. True, only half. The second part on August 17, 2017 was re-registered for Sfera LLC. Its founder and general director is businessman Yury Rastegin, who previously became "famous" for erecting an illegal floor in another apartment in the center of Moscow that was bought out. The building had to be demolished by order of the court. The “interlocutor” asked the entrepreneur how his company appeared in Dzhigarkhanyan’s apartment.

This half was sold to me by Armen Borisovich himself. We are not friends with him, but we know each other, we have a common good friend - Nikas Safronov. I have one weakness - I am very sensitive to cultural figures. When Vitalina and Armen Borisovich admitted to me that they were in need of money - for the theater, for repairs - we found a solution in the form of selling a share of the apartment.

- Dzhigarkhanyan's sister claims that he is inadequate ...

The transaction was carried out by a notary. Understanding the importance of Dzhigarkhanyan's figure, she not only invited two witnesses, but also filmed in case of claims. On the record, Armen Borisovich confirmed that he had received part of the funds even before the deal, that he was acting in good faith ... On my part, this was help. Everything is fine with me in this life, and I’m not going to move into Dzhigarkhanyan’s apartment with things.

What do you think happened to the noble family?

For me, everything that happens is a big shock. I understand perfectly well about the age difference, but from the outside, this couple seemed harmonious to me. Vitalina devoted herself to a genius, blowing dust off him. She gave injections on time (Armen Borisovich has diabetes). He was comfortable with her. Therefore, I think: everything that is happening now is the result of several strokes, age and some kind of suggestion. Someone is slandering Vitalina. I don't believe she could let him down.

The material was published in the publication "Interlocutor" No. 41-2017 under the heading "Jig Show".

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