Armenian name Spartak. Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Spartacus


Short form of the name Spartacus. Spartakushka, Spartasha, Patya, Pata.
origin of the name Spartacus The name Spartak is Russian, Greek.

The name Spartak has various origins. According to the first version, the name Spartak in Greek means "inhabitant of Sparta", symbolically this name is also translated as "trampling", "trampling".

According to the second version, the name Spartak is a revolutionary name that appeared in the USSR in the 20-30s of the 20th century, which, although very rare, is still used in naming. In the USSR, this name meant a symbol of protest, an uprising against social injustice. It was this shade of the meaning of the name Spartacus that was given by the famous gladiator slave, who led the uprising in the territory of modern Italy in the period from 74 to 71 BC.

It would seem that the bearer of the name Spartacus should be like a fearless knight, but in reality this is not the case. Spartacus is cunning and irritable. He often explodes over trifles and does not seek to work.

Spartak, born in autumn, has the softest character. He is not as straightforward as his winter namesake, and knows how to think about his actions. Autumn Spartak has a wide range of interests and many hobbies.

A man named Spartak does not show great zeal for work, although he is not devoid of talents. As a result, he does not reach great heights in his career. It is difficult for Spartak to get along in a team because of his temper and inability to get along with other people. In addition, this man does not like to reckon with the opinions of others.

Spartacus is amorous and unbalanced. Although in his younger years this man is very loving, when he gets married, he changes his behavior and becomes a good husband. However, this does not mean at all that Spartak will not cheat on his wife. The thirst for love adventures haunts a man all his life. True, having changed, he is sincerely tormented by remorse.

For a family, this is a homely owner and a gentle father. As a rule, he has daughters. This man chooses his wife with a similar character. She has the same stormy and explosive temperament and more than once seeks to seize power in the family. Most often, Spartak's wife does not succeed, but she does not leave attempts.

The pride of Spartacus does not allow him to ask for help, and therefore in life he sometimes has a hard time. The man is sociable and hospitable. He can even prepare treats himself for the arrival of guests.

Name day of Spartak

Spartak does not celebrate a name day.

Notable people named Spartacus

  • Spartacus ((c. 110 BC - 71 BC) a Roman slave gladiator, led an uprising in the territory of modern Italy in the period 74 BC - 71 BC His army, which consisted of fugitive gladiators and slaves, defeated in a series of battles several Roman legions, including two consular armies. These events went down in history as the Spartacus Revolt, the third largest slave uprising in Rome in time after the first and second Sicilian uprisings.)
  • Spartak Gogniev ((born 1981) Russian footballer, attacking midfielder or striker. Champion of Russia in 2003 as part of CSKA.)
  • Spartak Mironovich ((born 1938) handball coach, Honored Coach of the USSR (1977) and the Byelorussian SSR (1967))
  • Spartak Beglov ((1924 - 2006) Soviet international journalist. Doctor of Historical Sciences (1969), professor. In 1967 - 1989 he was the head of the group of political observers for the APN, in 1989 - 1991 he was a correspondent for the APN in the UK. Since 1991 he taught at the Faculty of Journalism Lomonosov Moscow State University, was a professor at the Department of Foreign Journalism and Literature.He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, the Red Star, three Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, two Orders of Friendship of Peoples, medals.Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation.Laureate of the Vorovsky Prize (1976) for the best work in the field of international journalism; winner of the international award "Golden Mercury" (1977).)
  • Spartak Seyranyan ((born 1963) Minister of Education and Science of Armenia since June 2008)
  • Spartak Sumchenko ((born 1973) Russian theater and film actor)
  • Spartak Akhmetov ((1938 - 1996) Soviet geologist, poet, science fiction writer)
  • Spartak Mishulin ((1926 - 2005) Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1981), Honored Worker of Culture of Poland (1975). Laureate of the I. Smoktunovsky Prize. Laureate of the Lumiere Brothers Prize. Laureate of the State Prize of Russia (1998 ).)
  • Spartak Bagashvili ((1914 - 1977) Georgian Soviet actor. People's Artist of the Georgian SSR (1963). Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree (1941).)
  • Spartak Makovsky ((1920 - 2000) squadron commander of the 43rd Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 8th Air Army of the 4th Ukrainian Front, Senior Lieutenant. Hero of the Soviet Union.)
  • Spartak Belyaev ((born 1923) Soviet physicist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1968), scientific director of the Institute of General and Nuclear Physics (IOYaF), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Major works in the field of relativistic plasma physics, the quantum theory of many particles, the theory of the atomic nucleus (Scientific Supervisor of the Faculty of Nano-, Bio-, Information and Cognitive Technologies at MIPT.)
  • Spartak Zhelezny ((1912 - 1941) military commissar of the reconnaissance company of the 465th separate reconnaissance battalion of the 383rd rifle division of the 18th Army of the Southern Front, Hero of the Soviet Union)
  • Spartak Melikyan ((born 1968) Member of the Armenian Parliament)
  • Spartak Vysochin ((born 1975) Ukrainian chess player, grandmaster (2001))
  • Spartak Tevosyan ((born 1949) political and statesman of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic)
  • Spartak Knteghtsyan ((1924 - 1996) architect. Honored Architect of Armenia, laureate of the LKSM Prize of Armenia named after A. Tamamyan (Summer Hall of the Moscow Cinema - 1967), laureate of the international review "The Best Project of the Year" (1995). Main works : Marshal Baghramyan station of the Yerevan metro, Summer Hall of the Moscow cinema, drinking fountain on Republic Square.)

Spartacus is a direct and sharp name, it looks like a flint that strikes sparks, and only God knows what kind of fire can flare up from this spark. In addition, today such a name is very rare, which greatly enhances its impact on the psyche, and the images associated with the name also play a huge role. Here is the personality of the famous Roman gladiator-rebel, who became a symbol of the uprising and the struggle for freedom, and even the most popular Russian football team. It seems that many have already been fed up with the chants of football fans, where the leitmotif is: "Spartak is the champion!"

All this, of course, is not directly related to a person with the name Spartacus, but the indirect impact of these images is felt quite strongly. The name points too directly to these strong images, and therefore it is difficult to relate to them without a smile.

At the same time, it remains only to regret that the name does not really incline Spartak to wit - if in the process of education he does not develop a sense of humor, then, alas, he may react too painfully even to the good-natured jokes of his comrades. Moreover, in addition to the already sensitive self-esteem, Spartacus's energy also has such dangerous features as explosiveness and an impulse to leadership, and therefore it is very likely that all sorts of misunderstandings in communicating with others will take quite harsh forms from Spartacus. It is easy to guess that here you can fill a lot of cones, it is even possible that on this basis Spartak will lose his inherent self-confidence. In a word, he does not have so many options for fate: either he will really become a leader, or he will be tormented by the consciousness of his inferiority, or he will learn to take life easier and more fun. Needless to say, the latter option is the most favorable, especially since it is this path that can provide Spartak not only with a good career, but also with normal family relationships.

Secrets of communication with Spartacus

Surely, in dealing with Spartak, you will have many difficult moments, at least it is quite difficult to suspect him of diplomacy and the ability to control himself. In addition, it is hardly reasonable to try to resolve the conflict with the help of calm logic; behind his emotions, he simply will not hear you. It is much better to wait until he begins to calm down, and only after that you can try to come to a compromise. However, if Spartak has a sense of humor, then communication with him usually does not present serious difficulties.


Spartak's health is very strong. Usually this is an athletic, hardy man who does not have enough zeal for professional sports, but likes to look good.

Love and family relationships

Spartacus, as a rule, is in no hurry to marry. As a wife, he chooses a woman to match himself - the same energetic and prudent, although he would live much calmer with a soft and homely wife. They say that Spartak is easily capable of committing treason, but he does not leave his family. Children are especially important to him - he cherishes and protects them, trying to give them all the best and protect them from his mistakes.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Spartak can show clarity and organization, but best of all he will be given a job where he can grind with his tongue, cover up his laziness with creative stagnation, and show his second “I”. That is, the owner of this name will make a good radio or TV presenter, theater or film actor, director, designer, salesman, consultant, translator, seller.

"inhabitant of Sparta"

origin of the name Spartacus

ancient Greek

Characteristics of the name Spartak

little Spartak is thoughtful, cunning, irritable, can explode over trifles, does not tolerate coercion. This is an irrepressible nature, a thirst for adventure haunts Spartacus until the end of his life, but there is hidden kindness in the character of these people. Spartacus rarely reach commanding heights in life, because their temper, inability to get along with people, to listen to someone else's opinion is unlikely to be to the liking of the boss. These are loving and unbalanced people. At the same time, they are often gifted in various fields of art. Of all those bearing the name Spartak, the most attractive people are autumn. Spartacus, born in autumn, is not so straightforward, more flexible, knows how to think over his actions, his character traits acquire some softness, which his winter namesakes so lack. However, having married, almost all Spartacus become good husbands, hospitable hosts and devoted gentle fathers, as a rule, daughters. True, they usually come across wives with the same explosive and stormy character and try to get the better of their husband. And although they, in general, do not succeed, for many years they do not leave their attempts.

Famous people: Spartak (1st century BC) - a gladiator who led a slave uprising against Rome, Spartak Mishulin (1926-2005) - a Soviet and Russian theater and film actor.

Name day of Spartak

There are no name days for men with the name Spartak, since saints with that name do not appear in the calendar.

The meaning of the name Spartak

Spartak means "inhabitant of Sparta" (this is a translation of the name Spartak from the ancient Greek language).

origin of the name Spartacus

It makes sense to start analyzing the mystery of the name Spartacus with its origin. The history of the name Spartak has Greek roots. It came from the name of the Greek region of Sparta and literally translates as "inhabitant of Sparta."

What does the name Spartak mean according to D. Zima and N. Zima

In accordance with the interpretation of the name Spartak according to D. Zima and N. Zima, it is direct and sharp, like a flint that cuts sparks, and only God knows what kind of fire can flare up from this spark. In addition, today such a name is very rare, which greatly enhances its impact on the psyche, and the images associated with the name also play a huge role. Here is the personality of the famous Roman gladiator-rebel, who became a symbol of the uprising and the struggle for freedom, and even the most popular Russian football team. It seems that many have already been fed up with the chant of football fans, where the leitmotif is: “Spartak is the champion!” All this, of course, is not directly related to a person with the name Spartacus, but the indirect impact of these images is felt quite strongly. The name points too directly to these strong images, and therefore it is difficult to relate to them without a smile.

At the same time, it remains only to regret that the name does not really incline Spartak to wit - if in the process of education he does not develop a sense of humor, then, alas, he may react too painfully even to the good-natured banter of his comrades. Moreover, in addition to the already sensitive self-esteem, Spartacus's energy also has such dangerous features as explosiveness and an impulse to leadership, and therefore it is very likely that all sorts of misunderstandings in communicating with others will take quite harsh forms from Spartacus. It is easy to guess that here you can fill a lot of cones, it is even possible that on this basis Spartak will lose his inherent self-confidence. In a word, he does not have so many options for fate: either he will really become a leader, or he will be tormented by the consciousness of his inferiority, or he will learn to take life easier and more fun. Needless to say, the latter option is the most favorable, especially since it is this path that can provide Spartak not only with a good career, but also with normal family relationships.

The nature of the name Spartak is such that, for sure, in communicating with the owner of this name, you will have many difficult moments, at least it is rather difficult to suspect him of diplomacy and the ability to control himself. In addition, it is hardly reasonable to try to resolve the conflict with the help of calm logic; behind his emotions, he simply will not hear you. It is much better to wait until he begins to calm down, and only after that you can try to come to a compromise. However, if Spartak has a sense of humor, then communication with him usually does not present serious difficulties.

Characteristics of the name Spartak according to B. Khigir

According to the description of the name Spartak according to B. Khigir, the bearer of this name is cunning, irritable, can explode over trifles and is not too eager to work.

These are amorous, loving and unbalanced people. However, when they get married, they become good husbands, hospitable hosts and devoted gentle fathers. As a rule, they have daughters. For some reason, they come across wives with the same explosive, stormy temperament, who are trying to seize power in the family.

They rarely reach command heights in life, although many of them are very talented. Hot temper, inability to get along with people, listen to someone else's opinion is unlikely to please the boss.

Of all those bearing the name Spartak, the most attractive are the “autumn”. Spartacus, born in autumn, is not so straightforward, he is more flexible, knows how to think over his actions - his character traits acquire some softness, which his “winter” namesakes so lacked. This is a keen nature, the range of his interests is quite wide. He loves long trips and, unlike others, is dedicated to work. In life, he often has a hard time, but pride does not allow him to ask for help. He is hospitable and can prepare dinner himself for the arrival of guests.

The thirst for love adventures haunts Spartak almost to the end of his life, but he is also kind and compassionate - having cheated on his wife, he will be sincerely tormented by remorse.

Derivatives of the name Spartacus

Variants of the name Spartacus: missing.

Diminutive name Spartak: Spartakushka, Spartik, Sparta.

The name Spartacus in different languages

  • Name Spartak in English: Spartak.
  • Name Spartacus in French: Spartaque.
  • Name Spartak in Ukrainian: Spartak.

Famous Spartacus:

  • Spartak Vasilyevich Mishulin is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
  • Spartak Arturovich Gogniev is a Russian football player who plays as an attacking midfielder or striker.
  • Spartak Fatykhovich Akhmetov - Soviet geologist, poet, science fiction writer.
  • Spartak Timofeevich Belyaev - Soviet physicist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientific director of the Institute of General and Nuclear Physics (IONP), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
  • Spartak Vysochin is a Ukrainian chess grandmaster.
  • Spartak Seyranovich Melikyan is a member of the Armenian Parliament.
  • Spartak Galeevich Akhmetov is a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation. Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Regulations and Organization of Work. Member of the United Russia faction.
  • Spartak A. Seyranyan has been the Minister of Education and Science of Armenia since June 2008.
  • Spartak Apetnakovich Tevosyan is a political and statesman of the NKR.
  • Spartak Ivanovich Beglov is a Soviet international journalist. Doctor of historical sciences, professor.
  • Spartak Avksentievich Zhelezny - military commissar of the reconnaissance company of the 465th separate reconnaissance battalion of the 383rd rifle division of the 18th Army of the Southern Front, Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Spartak Levanovich Bagashvili is a Georgian Soviet actor. People's Artist of the Georgian SSR. Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree.

What does the name Spartacus mean?
This name, first of all, means - a resident of the city of Sparta, and according to another version, this is someone trampling.

origin of the name Spartacus:
This name is of ancient Greek origin.

Character transmitted by the name Spartacus:
Spartacus always has an extremely unbalanced and even often explosive character. From mother nature, he is endowed with a pronounced thirst for leadership. And this is probably why how happy Spartak will really be, going through life, largely depends on the realization of all his hidden desires.

In addition, Spartak is an original and extremely extraordinary person. He is also distinguished by a well-developed imagination, as well as natural talents to be recognized in almost every possible field. However, moreover, Spartacus is extremely proud. And often this, at times, can even reach a really painful state. He is sensitive enough to the slightest criticism, and is always touchy to the very depths of his soul. He can never endure some kind of dismissive attitude towards his own incredibly important, in his opinion, person. Spartacus, moreover, it will be difficult enough to call a simple or soft and easy person. He is always quite complicated even in ordinary communication. And this must be admitted, again, because of his really excessive pride and powerful stubbornness. He always considers the only right decisions that he makes only himself, he is not at all used to consulting with someone around him, and often acts not quite consciously, as a rule, bringing to the fore only his own thirst for absolute leadership. Sometimes Spartak is almost completely devoid of the slightest sense of humor, which can further aggravate a certain process of ordinary communication with all those around him. And, of course, his parents in early childhood should try to instill in Spartak exactly such qualities as some kind of compliance, or the ability to make at least some kind of compromise, as well as respect for the opinions of all his surrounding people. It is equally important to be able to convey to him precisely that one cannot be completely obsessed only with oneself - after all, one must live in harmony, peace and harmony with all other people.

And, of course, if you manage to “put” all of the above into the head of a still little Spartak, then he will certainly be able to grow up to be an amazingly talented, incredibly capable, hardworking, and really respectful person, as well as a pleasant person in everyday communication. And for sure, it is with such inclinations that Spartak himself will not be difficult to achieve real success in almost any undertaking, and even become an absolutely undeniable leader in really any team.

But in family life, Spartak is also incredibly demanding in relation to his future chosen one - he always looks at and checks for a long time before making a final offer. When the marriage union has already been concluded, and the wife will be able to find the right approach to such an extraordinary Spartak, believe me, he will devote himself to his family, become an excellent father and an unusually caring husband.

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