The Ascendant is the rising zodiac sign. Calculation of the horoscope, part 8 Astrological houses (including Ascendant)


Sometimes, in order to understand the actions and behavioral factors of the people around us, we find out the dates of their birth and turn to astrology for help. After all, as far as we know, it is the sign of the Zodiac that determines the character of a person. However, not everyone knows that appearance, fate and individual characteristics of character form three indicators: the location of the Sun in the sky on the day of birth, which affects the inner world of the individual, the position of the Moon, which determines the character, and the value of the ascendant. This begs the question: what does the last term mean, what does it affect and how can the ascendant be calculated independently?

The concept of the ascendant

Ascendant (translated from Latin as "ascending", from English - "power", "influence", "predominance", "dominance") is a sign of the Zodiac that rises above the horizon at the time of a person's birth. In other words, the time when the starry sky with all the planetary arrangement, capturing this moment, forms a personal horoscope for the newborn and his individual life path. This is the point of intersection of the eastern half of the horizon with the plane of the ecliptic.

The earth and every point of its surface, rotating, passes through the entire daily, fixing the value of the ascendant in a certain sign of the zodiac. A person is assigned a sign, such as Capricorn, because that meaning (and not the Sun, as many assume) is in the sign of Capricorn. The place, time and date of birth directly affect the ascendant of birth.

What does it affect

In many astrological systems, the ascendant is considered the central link and starting point in the construction of the horoscope. Its unique imprint, received by a person at the time of birth, becomes an integral part of the personality, a determining factor in behavior, character, appearance and attitude towards others. It determines how you react to people, situations, and how others see you. The ascendant, which you can calculate on your own, forms the individuality, personality traits, its self-expression and worldview.

This point, unlike the sign of the Moon, which forms the deep cells of the subconscious, shows what lies on the surface, the face, the mask that a person shows to others. The sign of the ascendant represents the outer layer, the shell of your "I" and determines what people see in you first of all. The ascendant (abbreviated as ASC) is called the gate behind which the inner world is located.

According to astrologers, the sign of the ascendant is a fundamental component of birth), the position of which determines the rest of the characteristics of the horoscope. Without calculating this criterion, a person’s horoscope will not be the most complete and related precisely to the moment of birth.

How to determine the ascendant

  • Hour, date, month and year of birth.
  • Geographic longitude and latitude of the place of birth.

Manually the ascendant is calculated using a special formula:

arctg (cos s / -[(tg f sin ε) + (sin s cos ε)]) = ASC, where

  • f - geographical latitude of the place of birth;
  • ε - angle of inclination of the ecliptic to the equator (23-26 o);
  • s - local sidereal time (calculated by the formula s \u003d S o + l + UT + d, where S o - sidereal time at Greenwich Mean Midnight of the desired date (can be viewed on the calendar);
  • I - longitude;
  • UT - universal time;
  • d - correction in time (UT (in hours) * 9.86) for the discrepancy between sidereal time and mean solar time.

The value of s must be multiplied by 15 to convert it to degrees.

The calculation can take a long time and does not guarantee the accuracy of the result, so it is better to turn to the help of computer programs.

Program Features

Before the advent of information technology, people turned to professional astronomers and astrologers to determine the ascendant. At the moment, everyone can analyze their horoscope, calculate the ascendant. One has only to be interested in these questions, and there is no need to contact specialists in astrology. For this, there are special computer programs that allow you to get the desired information about your ascending zodiac sign within a few minutes. The program will be able to calculate by formulas not only the value of the ascendant, but also its influence on the character. After all, it is the rising sign of the Zodiac that determines your goals, objectives and creativity, influencing even fate.

It does not matter if you do not have information regarding the latitude and longitude of the place of birth. The professional program will determine them by itself, you just have to enter the country and city in the appropriate column (if your home is a village, indicate the nearby city), converting local time to a global format (GMT) and then to sidereal (time relative to fixed stars) . Sidereal days are not identical to Earth time, they are four minutes shorter than Greenwich Mean Days.

One program, no matter how sophisticated it may be, will not be able to give you complete and exhaustive information regarding the degree of the ascending zodiac sign and the location of other planets at the time of birth. You can calculate the ascendant by date of birth and get a complete natal chart based on several programs, additional information, or with the help of a specialist.

Sun value

It is possible to determine the ascendant without resorting to the help of specialized programs, but simply by knowing the time of dawn and sunset on your birthday. Let's turn to the calculations:

  • If you were born at dawn, then your ascendant coincides with the solar sign of the zodiac. For example, if you are an Aries, then your rising sign is Aries.
  • 2-4 hours after dawn, the value moves forward one sign, therefore, Aries, who made the world happy with his appearance at 8 o'clock in the morning, according to the ascending sign of the Zodiac is Taurus.
  • 4-6 hours from sunrise shift the native sign two more horoscopes forward. That is, the ascendant of Aries is Gemini.
  • If you were born around noon, the ascending point moves three more signs (Aries - Cancer).
  • 4-6 hours before sunset, your ASC will move another four signs, which means that Aries is already Leo.
  • The birth 2-4 hours before sunset is marked by the value of the ascendant in the sixth sign (Aries - Virgo).

Thus, it becomes clear that every 2-4 hours the ASC moves approximately one character ahead. However, not all points move the same way, some may move faster or slower. Therefore, it is rather difficult to calculate the ascendant by the time of sunrise; for greater reliability, it is better to turn to the help of programs and professional astrologers.

The influence of the ascendant on appearance

It is not unknown that ASC is able to influence the appearance of a person. However, it is impossible to say with complete certainty that a person will outwardly be exactly the same as his ascendant suggests. After all, genes play a significant role in shaping the physique, and other elements of the appearance. The genetic characteristics of the body, coupled with the influence of a certain zodiac sign, give the final result, determining the features of appearance.

Before you know the ascendant, read the standard description of each zodiac sign.


Athletic build, medium height, energetic gait, open smile, direct, slightly penetrating gaze. The activity and vigor of the sign of Fire are expressed in offensive life positions, incredible courage, bright initiative and raging energy. Hardy, strong, decisive Aries always goes ahead, prone to rash acts.


The connection gave the owner of the sign a dense, strong body, chiseled features, large eyes, a square type of face. Slow, reliable, considering every step, appreciating luxury and comfort, Taurus is under the auspices of Venus, who endowed him with sensual charm.


The twins have a short stature, a mobile, thin physique, pointed features, a lively, open look, and a swift gait. Geminis are incredibly quick-witted and intellectual, sociable and friendly, have mobile facial expressions. They are witty, versatile and able to show talent in several areas at the same time.


Cancers - compliant, touchy, have an incredibly secretive nature. Representatives of the ascendant in this sign are usually of medium height, have soft features, a round type of face, a gentle voice, thin wrists, fingers and legs. Cancers are scattered, dreamy, sensitive natures, they value family and home, it is difficult to make contact with strangers, but they know how to manipulate the behavior of others.

a lion

The ascendant and appearance of Leo are characterized by a majestic posture, a beautiful head shape, a dazzling smile, and thick hair. Lions are incredibly proud, energetic and quick-tempered, have pronounced organizational and leadership abilities. The patronage of the Sun gives Leo courage, courage, self-confidence.


The sixth sign of the Zodiac - Virgo - is distinguished by high or medium height, a fragile physique, aristocratic features, a tenacious, attentive look. The dominance of Mercury endowed Virgo with an analytical mindset, a high degree of observation, exactingness towards herself and others. Virgos are balanced, a little petty and picky.


The ascendant in Libra suggests a well-built figure, rounded shapes, a dazzling, incredibly charming smile, thin, chiseled features. The patronage of Venus endows the representatives of this sign with beauty, charm, composure. Libras are born diplomats and aesthetes. In everything they strive to achieve harmony, they are sometimes quite indecisive and scattered.


Scorpions have a strong physique, protruding facial features, a piercing, hypnotizing look. They are distinguished by iron willpower, tough character, determination and absolute fearlessness. They are secretive, distrustful and capable of extremes.


Representatives of the rising sign in Sagittarius have an athletic physique, small, pleasant features, a friendly, slightly mocking look, and a tendency to be overweight. Sagittarians are positive, friendly, energetic, sincere, and love to travel. They are sometimes tactless, straightforward, but always honest and open.


Capricorn is tall, thin, deep, thoughtful look, radiant smile, strong, hardy legs. The influence of Saturn makes Capricorn ambitious, ambitious, prone to stress and depression. He is disciplined, reliable and aims for career and power.


The Ascendant in Aquarius endows the owners of this sign with a dense physique, well-developed muscles, chiseled features, and a contemplative gaze. Aquarius is sociable, a little eccentric, has an extraordinary thinking, unpredictable character.


Medium or short height, large dreamy eyes, beautiful, thick hair, large hands and feet distinguish Pisces from the many representatives of the horoscope. Pisces are endowed with the ability to foresee, developed imagination, a kind of "otherworldliness". They are indecisive, lazy, secretive, give the impression of slow and lethargic people. Although in reality this is not always the case.

Astrologers believe that it is very important for a person to calculate the ascendant. After all, knowing your rising sign will allow you to get acquainted with the most complete characteristics of your personality, creativity and factors that can influence fate and make them more real.

Ascendant or 1 house in the natal chart - the need for self-expression. This house belongs to the fiery trigon, it gives information about our individuality. Planets in the 1st house of the horoscope reflect our natural patterns of behavior. The sign of the Ascendant in the horoscope, the ascending planets will tell us about what we are disposed to, what we should develop. It is necessary to analyze the luminaries together with the first house for a clearer picture. Have no idea what it's about? Then you just have to go through!

How to determine the Ascendant?

One way to determine ASC is by observing a person. Especially at the first meeting. The way he enters the room, his walk. Fire sign on the cusp of the 1st house - a person was born prematurely.

In order to determine the Ascendant, you need to know the exact time of birth. This can be done online in any astrological program. For example, on my website, in the section "Natal Chart Online". To determine the cusp of the 1st house, you will need:

  • Date of birth - year, month, day
  • Birth time - preferably up to 1 minute
  • Place of Birth.

Signs on the cusp of the 1st house are fast ascending and long ascending. The fast ones rise in about 20 minutes. A long time within 3 hours. The rest are medium rising.

The long rising Asc is Scorpio, Libra, Virgo and Leo.

The rapidly ascending Asc is Taurus, Aries, Pisces and Aquarius.

Therefore, if you do not know the exact time of birth, you can build a natal chart for a known period of time. For example, you were born from 1600 to 1700. Enter 1630 in the program and find out your Ascendant. If the sign of the cusp of the 1st house is long ascending, then you are lucky. In another case, it is better to go through the rectification procedure, or clarify the time of birth, in order to determine the exact degree of the Ascendant. Especially if it is in the last degrees of the sign.

Ruler of the Ascendant

The Ruler of the Ascendant or Ruler of the Horoscope is the planet that rules the cusp of the first house. Determining the ruler of the horoscope is very simple. For example, 1 house fell into Virgo, the ruler - Mercury, Libra - Venus, etc.

The ruler of the horoscope in the house shows what area will be important to us in life. In what area will our personality be formed. Where will we show up? For example, the ruler of the 1st house in the 4th house. Family, parents, home are significant for a person. The ruler of the ASC in the 10th house - fame, career growth, a person really wants to become famous. The sign of the ruler of the Ascendant - specifies the scope of human activity. For example, when he got into the 4th house in the sign of Sagittarius, he will study at home, especially when Mercury is in this house.

ASC sign

The sign of the Ascendant shows how we look at the world. Our behavior at the first meeting, gait. An environment in which we are comfortable. For the ascendant Libra, for example, it is very pleasant to be with a partner. In modern children, this sign can show that the father of the child was present at the birth.

for those who want to learn astrology quickly

The ascendant is the “front door” of the house, where on one side is our perception, on the other, how people see us. But ascending planets within 5 degrees from the Asc axis are important here. In some cases, planets on the Asc axis can overshadow the influence of the cusp of the 1st house.

Ascendant in Virgo - looks at the world critically and looks, as a rule, younger than his years.

However, if it is the Sun or the Moon, then the emphasis is on the sign: qualities, predispositions fall under a magnifying glass, increasing tenfold. This happens due to the fact that the Moon and the Sun and the Ascendant are the most important factors for parsing the natal chart.

-sole of company!

Ascending planets are very noticeable at the moment when we observe any situation, start something new, for example.
““(planets on the Ascendant) tell about self-expression, self-confidence, how we protect ourselves, behavior in all endeavors. It is not possible to hide the influence of the planets. If a person tries to hide them, then it turns out to be a "bomb". It will explode anyway (however, there are cases when it was possible, but all indicators of the natal chart should be taken into account).

Ascendant in Scorpio - manifests itself in people who look at the world pessimistically.

The planet on the Ascendant helps to find the future calling of the owner of natal. For example, representatives of sports professions become them, thanks to Mars on the Ascendant, people who are interested in scientific areas are the owners of Saturn as a “genius of birth”.
The impact of transits on ascending planets is very significant.

What is an ascendant (rising sign)?

The ascending sign, which is otherwise called the ascendant, is the sign of the zodiac that rises on the eastern horizon at the time of a person's birth. If you know the time of birth of a person, you can calculate the ascendant online for free.

It is believed that if the ascendant falls closer to the beginning of the sign, then its influence will be more pronounced in the personality of a person. The same happens if the Sun is in a weak position in the birth chart (if it is the same as if the person was born at night). It is also suggested that the influence is weaker if the person is born near the end of the ascendant sign, just before the next sign comes out.

Since the ascendant sign is determined by the time and place of a person's birth, it represents the environment and conditions that can affect the person during his childhood, and this is considered as an important and essential sign, just like the signs of the Sun and Moon, because all aspects in the diagram penetrate this mark.

The ascendant tells us what kind of mask we put on in public, this is the first impression we make when meeting people. Often, if a person is confused by how others describe him, it is because they are describing that aspect of his personality. The ascendant is present in the appearance and personality of a person, sometimes going as far as the influence of physical characteristics. The sign becomes tangibly expressed in the image of a person, style and manner of behaving. It also affects how a person acts. Some astrologers believe that the sign becomes weaker after a person reaches 30 years of age, as his confidence in who he is grows.

The ascending sign is manifested in the first personal traits that are inherent in a person, in how he reacts to the environment.

Like the signs of the zodiac, the ascendant falls into one of the following categories: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. The fiery rising signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, seem to be energetic, optimistic and enthusiastic. They are usually perceived as friendly, uncritical, tolerant. Rising Earth signs: Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo are considered practical and safe. They may appear a little timid or cautious and serious. Air rising signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are good at communication. They are great in the company of other people, they are friendly, but sometimes independent or aloof. Water rising signs: Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer are seen as emotional, intuitive and sensitive. These people usually hide their true feelings and emotions, they feel the need to protect themselves from the outside world and present themselves to others in such a way that they do not feel at risk.

To calculate a person's ascendant online for free, enter the person's data in the form below:
Place of Birth:A country:
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If the desired settlement is not in the list, select the closest available.

Date of Birth:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 50 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1 980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Time of birth: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
If you do not know the time of birth, leave noon.

Every person has two zodiac signs. The first sign is determined by the hour of birth. It is called the rising sign (ascendant), and characterizes the individual personality of a person.

The second sign is determined by the birthday. It is called solar and, according to the position of the Sun, fixes the degree of birth, which characterizes the unique essence of man.
This article explains how to determine your ascending sign by the hour of birth in order to know the inner forces that contribute to the disclosure of the capabilities and character of the individual. And also the second part of the article reveals the hidden meaning of the birthday, fixed by the degree of birth, and determines those leading manners that, with their patronage, actively influence the formation of earthly opportunities provided by the embodied entity.

At the end of the article, the definition and characteristics of the leading planets during their stay in a particular sign of the Zodiac and their direct influence on the course, rhythm and color of the life cycle are given.

Rising sign (ascendant) - a person's personality

The ascending sign, which is determined by the hour of birth, characterizes the personality of a person.
The personality of a person is a set of properties and qualities of character, its external manifestation, as well as physical and spiritual potentials, which are given to the essence for the realization in earthly conditions of the opportunities provided by the degree of birth.
The sphere of activity of the individual is earthly life.
The solar sign, which is determined by the birthday, characterizes the essence of a person.
The essence of a person is the spiritual basis of individuality, his ego, his monad, which carries the experience of all past incarnations.
The sphere of activity is infinite life in the subtle plane.
The personality is constantly under the control and influence of the essence, taking on all the joys and hardships of physical existence in the dense material world.

In his activity, the person is completely independent and free to make any decisions. However, each of her decisions is fixed by the Higher Forces, which monitor the fulfillment of fate (karma).
As mentioned above, the totality of the properties and qualities of a person determines the ascending sign.
The rising sign can coincide with the sun and thus enhance all its qualities and, giving it its vital energy, determine the character, often strong. A person becomes the bearer of his double sign, that is, he initially becomes twice Capricorn, or twice Aries, or, say, twice Sagittarius.

However, often the rising sign is not a mirror image, does not coincide with the solar one. Such people become carriers of the vital energy of the two signs of the Zodiac. This is what often leads to confusion in the minds of those who are familiar only with the beginnings of astrology. They see a person’s behavior in front of them, they know his birthday, that is, they know the sign of the Zodiac, and they can’t understand either his actions or character traits, because they do not correspond to this particular solar sign, its characteristics. In such cases, they usually wave their hands at astrology as a very approximate science, far from specificity, and in general ... How can you trust the signs of the Zodiac if we know for sure that this person was born in early January and according to the horoscope he is the purest Capricorn, but in reality he behaves like a real Gemini?

Such examples are often found in everyday reality, and people who are superficially familiar with astrology blame the ancient science unreasonably. They just don't know what
each person has two signs of the Zodiac, and in the example above, in a typical Capricorn hour of birth, the ascending sign is in Gemini, and it is they, the qualities of Gemini, that dominate behavior. We repeat - in behavior, that is, in the external manifestation of the essence. And inside, in his core, this person remains a Capricorn, and when it comes to serious issues, he will show his flinty Capricorn firmness.

Often the ascending sign has a decisive influence on the appearance of a person: on his face, on the physical structure of the body. A man looks at a chubby woman, considers that he has a charming and sensual shell in front of him, begins to court, make acquaintances, and in fact it turns out that instead of the emotional sensuality of the shell, he met with the cold prudence of the Virgin.
The ascending sign is the external manifestation of the essence, the “clothes” by which it is met, in which it manifests itself, and in which it walks through life.

To avoid unpleasant mistakes in determining the character of a person, one must learn to recognize his ascending sign.

Definition of the rising sign (ascendant)

The rising sign is determined quite simply. Take a simple tear-off calendar, open it to a specific birthday page. As a rule, all tear-off calendars indicate the time of sunrise. The time of sunrise on a particular birthday is the starting point, the starting position for determining the rising sign.

First rule. The rising sign changes every two hours of direct time. There are 24 hours in a day, and 12 signs themselves, therefore, there are two hours for each sign.

Second rule. The definition of the rising sign begins from the moment the Sun rises, and the first rising sign will be the repetition of this particular person, the solar sign. A person, for example, was born in the sign of Capricorn, and the first two hours after sunrise on the day of his birth will belong to the rising sign of Capricorn. And if a person was born in the sign of Taurus, then the same first two hours will be the rising sign of Taurus, then the hours of Gemini, Cancer, and so on will follow.

Let's explain with a specific example. The man was born on March 31st. Open the calendar and look at the numbers. They indicate that the Sun rose at 6:20 that day. This is the starting time for determining the rising sign.

And then there is a simple arithmetic calculation. If, for example, this person was born between 6 and 8 o'clock in the morning, then his rising sign will be Aries, with all the ensuing consequences that strengthen his sun sign.

If born between 8 and 10 am, then his rising sign will be Taurus, which will impose its own characteristics and bring its own energy.

If born in the period from 10 to 12, then his rising sign will be Gemini, which will leave its strong imprint on behavior and appearance.

The next rising sign will be Cancer, then in a couple of hours, it will become Leo, then Virgo and so on. The last ascending sign in this series will be the sign of Pisces, if a person was born exactly on March 31 in the period between 4 and 6 o'clock, that is, just before dawn. It is quite natural that his behavior in life will be far from the habits of Aries.

An important feature. You need to know that if the ascending and solar signs belong to the same element or are related, then they complement and reinforce each other. For example, Aries has an ascending sign in Sagittarius (the element of Fire) or in Aquarius, that is, in a related element of Air. But it is precisely this strengthening that can sometimes let a person down, since everything in life will be easy for him, which means that from constant “luckiness” he can calm himself and lose that vital vigilance and fighting energy that are so necessary for him in this earthly incarnation.

And vice versa, if the solar and ascending signs belong to unrelated elements, for example, Aries has an ascending sign in Cancer, that is, the element of Fire (Aries) met the element of Water (Cancer), then in such cases there is no mutual suppression and muting of the characteristic qualities , but the simultaneous feeding of opposite energies. They, as a rule, also complement each other with the high demands of these opposites. Here, life does not go “like clockwork”: both the most global and the simplest life issues are resolved tensely, but in a more complete manner and often with a better result than in the first case. Conclusion: this Aries in his earthly incarnation needs to have the “clothing” of Cancer in order to best fulfill the task, fulfilling his destinies.
Let us especially note that there are neither good nor bad combinations, and each is given to a person with a specific purpose. Accidents are excluded, each soul, setting off for earthly life, for its next incarnation, knows well both the goals and tasks, and the conditions in which it will have to live, fulfilling its destiny.

Features of the rising sign (ascendant)

Now, knowing how the ascending sign is determined, let's move on to considering its features and qualities of the personality's character, which it determines, being in each individual sign of the Zodiac.
The ascending sign indicates the constellation that was rising above the horizon at the moment when a person was born, and it is this constellation, or rather, the sign of the Zodiac, that becomes the fulcrum in his earthly life, like a house and earth, strengthening the concept of himself, of his will and its manifestation in the surrounding world, that is, characterizing the personality.

Below we give a description of typical, one might say normal, or ideal, or classical manifestations of ascending signs, although in reality it can be observed that these descriptions somewhat do not coincide with individual specific cases. These differences, or rather, some changes in appearance and personality characteristics, occur for two reasons.

First reason. If at the time of birth there was a planet above the horizon in the constellation, which will affect these signs. A happy, kindred planet with its influence will strengthen the good and weaken the negative qualities of character, and vice versa if the planet turns out to be hostile.

The second reason. Influencing the formation of personality and national characteristics, inherited features, early training, environment, professional traits and geographical, racial influences - all have some influence on changes in both character and appearance.

We repeat that both of these causes do occur in reality, but they only partially influence, without changing the main characteristics. So, for example, the influence of the planet can be determined by the outward appearance of a person.

  • Jupiter determines the tendency to be overweight.
  • Mars develops the muscular system.
  • Venus indicates the gracefulness of forms and pleasant appearance, a unique attractive smile. Saturn usually makes hair, eyes and skin color darker than the characteristic of the sign indicates.
  • Mercury gives high and medium growth, restless activity.
  • Neptune indicates some physical sign - a pale, transparent complexion, something remarkable in the depths of the eyes, the lines of the lips.
  • Uranus results in long limbs, slender forms or unusual, strange facial expressions and, often, a large nose.

Ascending Mars, Uranus and Saturn usually leave their "mark" on the face or head in the form of a scar, a mark.

The planet that appears above the horizon at the time of birth affects the physical and mental warehouse of a person.

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The picture shows an example of how your ascendant will be calculated in the table, and brief information will be given in the table. All information about Ascendant read on this page, or.

The first house determines the appearance and behavior, height, build and gait. He is responsible for the style, the choice of image, clothes, hairstyles, the choice of hair color and even the color of contact lenses. The indicators of the First House, its content and its connections are of particular importance in choosing a profession, especially in the area where external data, physical features, height, weight are of decisive importance. Physical indicators and physical activity, determined by the First House, will determine the propensity for a particular sport.

All elements of the 1st house affect the appearance: the zodiac sign in the 1st house, the planets of the 1st house and their aspects, the rulers of the 1st house and their aspects. Knowledge of the astrological influences on appearance is extremely important for the practicing astrologer. It allows you to check the correctness of the time of birth, and also provides decisive assistance in establishing it in the case when the time is not known at all.

The main assistant in is the ascending zodiac sign (ascendant).

It greatly affects the appearance and behavior. The natural color of hair and eyes is mainly determined by genes. Among the pure representatives of the yellow and black races, we see only brunettes with brown eyes. However, hair color can be changed by dyeing, and eye color can be changed by the color of contact lenses. And, choosing a new color of hair or eyes, a person acts in accordance with his Ascendant.

It should be noted the erroneous opinion prevailing among amateurs that the ascending zodiac sign determines the content of the subject's characteristic statements and even his worldview. This is wrong. The first house determines only external manifestations, but by no means internal content. The utterance is the result of mental activity that has nothing to do with the 1st house. Given this point, it is important not to miss what is really determined by the 1st house: the manner of speaking, the speed of speech, articulation, facial expressions and gestures.

Every practicing astrologer must learn to determine the ascending zodiac sign, and, consequently, the hour of birth of the subject in appearance and behavior. The following is a technique to facilitate this process.

Determining the rising sign by appearance

First of all, it should be determined whether the rising sign belongs to the male or female group of zodiac signs.

Male rising signs give growth, as a rule, above average, long limbs, elongated face. The gait is energetic, the movements are fast. A person is open to communication, frank, sincere, does not hide what he thinks, loves when attention is paid to him. tends to smile. The smile is open.

Female rising signs give growth, as a rule, below average, short limbs, rounded or square face. The behavior is reserved or secretive, the gait is not energetic. A person is not inclined to say what he thinks, but prefers to keep it to himself, does not like to be in the center of everyone's attention. A rare smile bears the stamp of restraint or shyness, but can be ironic.

After identifying belonging to a male or female rising sign, one should begin to determine the elements of the Ascendant.

The male signs include the signs of Fire and Air.

The fiery rising sign gives, as a rule, broad shoulders, a large physique, large facial features, a penchant for playing sports. Such subjects are energetic, speak loudly, seize the initiative in conversation, tend to monologue, strive to be in the center of attention, occupy a leading position in the company. They are frank in their statements, always say what they think, even when they are not talking about it. they ask. The smile is open.

air rising sign, as a rule, gives an asthenic physique, a lightweight skeleton, elongated limbs, thin facial features, which together give a youthful appearance. Subjects are sincere, say what they think, but do not impose their views, have an easy character, are sociable, and are inclined to dialogue. They are not as energetic as they are excitable, their energy is less than that of representatives of the fire element. They like to be in the spotlight, but they do not fight for this position. The smile is friendly.

The female signs include the signs of Water and Earth.

Water rising sign gives rounded build, arms and legs may be shorter than usual. By nature, these subjects are emotional, they hide thoughts, but do not hide feelings, they are prone to tantrums and violent emotional manifestations, they love a heart-to-heart conversation. They do not like to attract everyone's attention. The smile is shy or ironic.

Earth rising sign gives, as a rule, a square physique or a square-shaped head, short limbs. The subject is slow, reserved, taciturn and a little emotional, not frank in his statements. Doesn't want to be the center of attention. Rarely smiles..

After the element of the rising sign is determined, you can proceed to the establishment of a specific sign on the Ascendant.

Fire Signs

Rising Aries tends to dye hair in light or hazel tones. The eyes are often yellow or green, as well as brown or light brown. The chin is narrow, the neck is long. The hair is sparse. They speak and act quickly and energetically. They move quickly, easily break away from the spot. Sitting, they throw their heads back and tend to look at the interlocutor as if from top to bottom. The smile is open.

Classic Leo Rising- blond hair, brown eyes. Hair is sparse and becomes problematic early. The subject is cordial, natural, easily becomes the center of attention and loves to have all eyes on him. He has a good posture, a straight back, regardless of age and illness. The smile is bright, sunny, endearing, the behavior is very cordial. The gait of female lionesses is playful, attracting the attention of the opposite sex.

Classic Sagittarius skin- Blond hair, blue eyes. The hair is usually very thick, but turns gray early. The subject is large, prone to fullness, and this becomes his problem. As he ages, he develops a belly. He can be stooped and a little clubfoot, which in men is more pronounced and noticeable than in women. The style of speech is sharp (not to be confused with semantic harshness), Sagittarius says how he shoots. He is very sociable, talkative and good-natured. As a rule, this is the type of a merry fellow and an optimist.

Air Signs

Ascending Libra usually give blond hair and eyes. Friendly, smiling, peaceful facial expression, tendency to agree and concede. The character is light, cheerful and courteous. They are marked by a lack of energy and self-confidence, which causes the need for partners and support. Help will be properly appreciated, even if it remains silent. Long retain a youthful appearance. Beautiful speech with pauses and harmonious gestures. Particularly easy gait, but a tendency to stoop.

Rising Aquarius encourages impulsive and sudden actions, sometimes strange and ridiculous actions, surprises others with a penchant for buffoonery. This does not prevent him from maintaining constant friendliness and peacefulness. Can suddenly, unmotivated for outsiders, change the direction of movement, posture or move from rest to movement .. Can amaze others with a strange untimely smile, causing a feeling of inadequacy.

Rising Gemini often give high growth with asthenic addition, long arms and legs. The classic type is a favorite of many brunettes with blue or gray eyes. In movements he is fast and somewhat nervous, which is given out by his hands in perpetual motion. Often, when excited

fingers can tremble, then Gemini drums them on the table, shaking his leg at the same time. When walking, he swings his arms and sways from side to side. He is talkative, sometimes even chatty, knows how to joke and appreciates humor.

Water Signs

Rising Cancer may have very fair hair and blue eyes. In childhood, as a rule, always. They tend to gain weight with age. They are shy to the point of shyness with strangers, while in relations with loved ones they are distinguished by intemperance, a tendency to tantrums, screams and tears. Men often have a claw-like position of the hands.

Rising Scorpio hair or beard may have a reddish tinge. Facial features are masculine or coarse. Facial expression can be mocking and ironic. Behavior bantering, sharp, provocative. He is prone to using rude and obscene words, from which he is pleased with himself. For women, this is less common. It has the peculiarity of throwing probing glances or looking askance. A careful observer can identify a Scorpio by his watchful expression in his eyes, his intense gaze.

Rising Pisces quiet and modest in behavior, delicate in everyday life, like to gossip about their neighbor, talkative and emotional in dialogue. They prefer rest to movement and, as a result, tend to be overweight. They rarely play sports and are considered poor walkers. These are dreamers and dreamers in their own quiet, warm and cozy harbor with an abundance of plankton.

Earth Signs

Rising Capricorn gives a tendency to thinness, composure, seriousness and taciturnity. Growth is not high, facial features are small with an elongated tip of the nose. The shape of the head and body is square or bony, angular. Speech is poor, voice volume is reduced, facial expressions are poor, gesticulation is absent, and a smile is rare. Nature shows its prudence and economy here. As a rule, Capricorn looks older than his years.

Women often love to bleach their hair and have been doing it for decades.

Rising Taurus gives stubbornness and perseverance, and on the basis of this - self-confidence. Slow in actions, speeches and movements. It has a dense physique, a short neck and a large, square, beautifully set head.

Rising Virgo has a lean and proportional physique, a large square head and a fresh face. Often gray eyes and dark blond hair. Virgo is endowed with liveliness and sociability. A distinctive feature of statements is gravitas with a characteristic reticence. Speech is characterized by monotony, intonational monotony and the absence of pauses.

Other influences on appearance and build

An important characteristic, determined by field I, is growth. It is known from anatomy that growth is determined primarily by the length of the legs. And it depends on the zodiac sign in the 1st house. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that the human body can be schematically represented in the 1st house so that the crown of the head becomes the Ascendant, and the end of the 1st house and the cusp of the 2nd house indicate the feet. Therefore, the length of the legs, which affects growth, depends on the zodiacal a sign located in the second half of the 1st house (of course, if the 1st house occupies two signs). If there is only one sign in the 1st house, it will determine both the length of the legs and the height in general.

Hence, high growth is determined by the male sign not on the Ascendant, but in the second half of the 1st house. Accordingly, if in the second half of the 1st house there is a female sign, the legs will be shorter, and the height will be smaller.

The position of the owner of the Ascendant in the natal chart also affects the growth. In odd-numbered houses, it increases growth, and in even-numbered houses, it decreases.

The influence of planets on external behavior and physical data

In addition to these factors, the appearance and character are influenced by the planets in the 1st house, as well as the aspects of the planets to the elements of the 1st house. In this case, the essential nature of the planets appears in a pure, undistorted form. The descriptions of the influence of the planets below are based on the analysis of a large number of horoscopes. The above characteristics are partly well known to the reader, but in some details they may cause protest due to inconsistency with established clichés.

Pluto influencing the 1st house, gives activity, initiative, quick reaction, increases personal attractiveness and self-confidence. It adds redness and splendor to the hair, enlarges the nose, making it exceptionally individual.

Tense aspects of Pluto give the instinct of the conqueror and tamer, and sometimes the enslaver. Manners are devoid of softness, they are characterized by clarity, turning into straightforwardness.

Neptune gives external forms asthenia and slenderness , belittling the physical and contributing to the development of the spiritual. It will determine psychology, sensitivity, contemplation, daydreaming, secrecy (even in the absence of prerequisites for such behavior). The character will be determined by the sign in which this planet is located.

With a disharmonic influence, it will add uncertainty, duality, as well as indecision and inactivity. It will give lack of assembly, excessive emotionality and great absent-mindedness.

Uranus acts as a vertical magnifier : increases height, lengthens limbs, hands and fingers. Blackens eyes and hair. Communicates friendliness, inventiveness, exclusivity and disinterestedness. Behavior can be unpredictable, extraordinary and very effective. A person is indifferent to traditions and generally accepted norms, very intuitive.

Its tense aspects give destructive behavior, sudden antics. A person can shock others with eccentric manners, reminiscent of buffoonery.

Saturn is the creator of various deficits , namely, lack of body weight, reduction in height, size of legs and hands .. Darkens eyes, hair and eyelashes, sharpens and shallows facial features. Capable of aging. In behavior there is modesty, restraint and caution. Loyalty to tradition.

With disharmonious aspects, conservative biases develop into a complete lack of flexibility, leading to stagnation and deadlocks. Saturn is able to take away energy, cause pessimistic and depressive states, which can lead to alcohol consumption.

Jupiter gives increase in size, fullness, large forms and impressive posture. Illuminates hair and eyes. Character makes cheerful and optimistic. The breadth of nature is expressed in generosity, the desire to patronize. There is the ability to assess the distant future.

With a disharmonious influence, it gives adventurism, excitement and a tendency to take risks.

Mars increases muscle mass, gives energy to movements . Reddish hair, gray eyes. A face with the stamp of masculinity, its features may be disproportionate. Speech is active, assertive, energetic, regardless of the meaning. The person is enterprising, active, has a quick reaction.

With a disharmonic influence, the described qualities will manifest themselves exaggeratedly, which will give haste, recklessness and rudeness.

Venus does not affect build and height, but softens motor activity, making it harmonious, natural and calm. The face is pretty, the character is peaceful, cheerful, in communication there is goodwill, a joke and mild humor. Venus bestows peaceful and calm behavior, productive and joyful action.

With a disharmonious influence, it communicates inaction, idleness and laziness.

Mercury increases height, lightens the skeleton and lengthens the limbs. . Dark hair, gray eyes. The behavior is sociable, talkative, mobile and active.

Its tense aspects to the elements of the 1st field complicate life with anxiety, talkativeness, add troublesomeness and nervousness.

The moon rounds the physique, reduces height, brightens hair and eyes.. Caring, attentiveness, mercy and kindness are expressed in the character. Behavior is flexible, a person adapts to the situation, showing high sensitivity.

Its disharmonic influence will cause inconstancy, capriciousness, infantilism and hysteria, excessive gullibility and a tendency to fall under the influence of others.

The sun builds muscles. Gives hair a reddish or sandy sparkle. Character makes open, sunny, cordial. A person is focused on himself, his personal interests and needs, seeks to attract attention to himself.

With disharmonious influence, egocentrism becomes excessive.

Black Moon with its harmonious influence, it informs the person of concern for personal safety. Does not have a noticeable effect on the appearance.

When disharmonious influence gives a tendency to neglect personal safety. The connection in this case negatively affects security issues and indicates the threat of physical harm.

The key signature of the Ascendant.

Fire- temperament;

Air- fast reaction;

Water- emotions and feelings;

Earth is inertia.

Aries- independence, love of freedom, kindness, generosity;

Taurus- perseverance, perseverance, caution;

Twins- strong intellect, imagination, intuition, excitability, irritability;

Cancer- emotionality, susceptibility, inclination to the medium. Unbalance. Capriciousness, quirks;

a lion- will, determination, pride, conceit, selfishness. Outstanding people. Strong self-love. You have to be careful with them;

Virgo- thoughtfulness, accuracy, diligence, selfishness, narcissism;

Scales- intuitiveness, fantasy, imagination, good taste. Cowardice, quirkiness, fear;

Scorpion- willpower, vigor, self-affirmation, painful pride;

Sagittarius- self-will, ambition, penetrating power, obstinacy;

Capricorn- practicality, prudence, patience, selfishness, greed, careerism;

Aquarius- intelligence, honesty, sincerity, strong intuition;

Fish- susceptibility. Honesty, kindness, compassion. Pessimism, capriciousness, suspiciousness.

All these factors should be taken into account when analyzing the conformity of the appearance and character with the composition of the first house of the natal chart.

From the book: "Analysis of the Horoscope" and lectures

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Tags: ascendant, rising zodiac sign, find out or calculate, your ascendant, first house, feminine and masculine. ascending signs, signs of fire and air, water and earth

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