What is the human astral body? The human astral body and the physical body


A person has seven bodies and chakras. The astral body comes immediately after the etheric, the first in a row. Each human body is controlled by a specific chakra. The astral body of a person is similar to the physical, only much thinner: its thickness is about 20–40 cm, but sometimes more. It all depends on how developed it is. Only a clairvoyant can see the astral body clearly. Like a luminous cocoon, it takes on the shape of a physical body.

In this article

What it is

Just like the aura, the astral body can be subject to energy or magical attacks, which subsequently causes various damage and cracks. The solar plexus chakra called Manipura governs the human astral body. It creates a protective layer and is responsible for the energy forces of a person, so the astral body performs similar functions. It controls our emotions, various passions, desires, certain feelings, inclinations, and so on.

The astral or, as it is also called, the emotional body is given so that we can firmly gain a foothold on this level of the universe. It stores positive (joy, love, happiness) and negative (anger, fear, discontent) experiences. This is inscribed in the cells of our astral body under the guise of energetically colored flashes.

Thin plan of a man

The totality of all our bodies constitutes an aura, which can only be seen with the third eye or developed astral vision.

Some witchcraft rituals avoid dividing the subtle plane into bodies and work only with the aura, which is also possible. Purification, strengthening and protection from negative influences is practiced both with individual bodies and with the aura as a whole.

But it is considered more effective to work on the subtle body separately due to the increased concentration on a specific problem, which can only be fully worked out individually.

The relationship between the astral and physical body

The astral body affects the physical. If a person is weak, out of harmony with himself, prone to bad habits, then the astral body suffers first of all. It weakens and loses energy, which subsequently negatively affects the physical body.

This also applies to excessive manifestations of anger and other negative emotions. The more of them, the more the astral, and then the physical body suffers. There are many examples when a person, at first glance, not physically tired, feels tired and sleepy due to constant problems and negative thoughts.

These are the consequences of weak energy in the astral body. If, on the contrary, a person monitors his thoughts and actions, tries to do everything right and accumulates positive, then he will physically feel strong and cheerful.

In this video, Alexander will talk in simple terms about the astral body:

Everything begins with the astral body, you must always remember this.

How to develop?

It is impossible without constant work on the astral body - it must be formed all the time, work on protection, energy support. To study everything related to the Manipura chakra in order to work on its improvement. For the chakra to function, you need to develop self-discipline, courage, responsibility and other similar qualities.

Strengthen your energy potential, because it acts not only on the astral plane, but also on other human bodies.

Excess mental-astral accumulation needs to be unloaded to avoid such negative consequences as addiction, clarity of thinking, the opportunity to learn something new, and so on. There are 2 types of overcrowding - information and energy. Our bodies lose energy, light, saturation and accumulate various dark clots and spots.

To develop the astral body, you need to get rid of what pollutes and weakens it:

  • anger, anger, aggression;
  • fear, pessimism, depression;
  • surrounded by negative people;
  • bad sleep;
  • excessive relaxation, laziness;
  • increased voltage;
  • manifestation of superficial emotions;
  • selfishness and pride;
  • bad habits and everything that pollutes the physical body.

Accordingly, it is necessary to develop what strengthens the astral body:

  • spiritual practices and meditation;
  • environment with pleasant and bright people;
  • reading good, kind books, listening to your favorite music, traveling to beautiful places;
  • physical activity;
  • kindness to others, unconditional love, friendliness;
  • proper daily routine and healthy sleep;
  • purification of the mind.

This has a positive effect not only on the astral body, but on the entire aura as a whole.

Benefits of Astral Yoga

This program will help you develop the ability to enter the astral on your own, but in order to achieve really good results, it is best to work out yoga along with professional practices.

Training "Astral Yoga" works only with the natural trait of human consciousness- follow the usual direction of movement, even if it has stopped. Thanks to this phenomenon of consciousness, it becomes possible to work out such a skill as getting out of your physical body. The program will help you feel it, and if during the passage of astral yoga you suddenly feel that you are being pulled upwards, then in no case do not resist this feeling. Better relax and let the astral body free.

The process of leaving the physical body is like a roller coaster or flying in an airplane. Its second name is "air cushion". This feeling appears during the flight, when it seems that everything around freezes, but something inexplicable inside you continues to move forward. Many say that at this time they are breathtaking or, for example, their heart stops.

This is the moment when the astral body briefly leaves the physical. Just a moment, but it can be extended during our training and it will be several times greater than the feeling that you experienced when flying in an airplane or having fun on an attraction. The more you practice, the more you can develop the skill of leaving the astral body from the physical shell.


Roughly speaking, our astral body is a double of the physical shell invisible to the ordinary eye. When a person sleeps, his astral is just above his body in a suspended state, completely copying his outlines. The stronger the desire of a person for self-development, the stronger and more perfect the astral body becomes. Thanks to this, a person can contemplate lucid dreams or travel in the astral plane.

The astral body has several unique features:

  • manages its own energy;
  • independently recovers from magical and energy attacks;
  • can instantly move in space with the help of only one thought and travel through the subtle worlds;
  • performs a protective function;
  • does not respond to mood swings of other people.

This means that the more actively a person works on his energy body, the more he is protected and not susceptible to the negative emotions of the world around him. For such spiritual warriors, the world opens the door to amazing and almost magical abilities!


First you need to understand what exactly needs to be cleaned and what is the degree of contamination of your energy body. First, there is a cleaning of the upper layers: negative thoughts, envy, irritation, anger. Usually thoughts and emotions are associated with specific events or people, so you can clear this layer yourself.

Remove the negative mentally forgive everyone, send love to ill-wishers, and then let them go, thereby closing all debts in front of you, and only then move on.

Next comes a complex cleansing - getting rid of the fears with which the astral body has been saturated for hundreds of years. The most difficult thing is to remove the fear of death, which is also an instinct. For this, there are practices, for example, burying a person for a while in the ground or diving into water with predators. Such techniques are carried out under the supervision of competent people, but few people advise them, because often they do not remove, but, on the contrary, increase human fears.

Therefore, it is best to mentally relive your past deaths, accept the fact that death is essentially a change from one form of manifestation of our consciousness to another, and return to ordinary life. And you can also work with other global fears.

Astral body after death

The energy body is tied to the physical body with a thin silver thread, which is somewhat reminiscent of an umbilical cord. After the death of a person, the umbilical cord is torn off, and the astral body leaves the physical shell forever. If during life a person took care of his astral body, then after death it will rise to higher levels of existence. If there was no care, then the energy body will fall into the astral hell, where it will die.

In this video, Ksenia Menshikova will talk about the expansion of consciousness:

That is why it is so important to develop and strengthen the astral body during life. And, becoming a spiritual warrior, rise to the highest levels of existence.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

What is the astral body

The astral body is the second energy body. All our emotions, all the characteristics of our nature are present in this body. It is the astral body that is affected by emotions and itself influences them. If a person is not particularly developed emotionally and spiritually, then his astral body looks like a kind of muddy cloud that moves in different directions. The more a person is perfect in his feelings, thoughts, the more transparent and more definite in form his astral body looks.

The unworked experience accumulated in the astral body influences our life. Our dreams are the work of the astral body at the subconscious level. Astral energies are created, on which the entities and objects seen in dreams live. The astral plane has two levels. At the first level - emotions and feelings (grief, joy, anger). At the second level - the state (love, happiness).

The aura of the astral body has an oval shape, it surrounds the body at a distance of 30-40 cm. Any emotional change spreads to the entire aura through the astral body of a person. The chakras are more responsible for the implementation of this process and the pores of the skin to a lesser extent. Outwardly, the emotional state of a person is manifested in the environment, and with the help of our senses, we can determine when a person is angry, upset, worried, even if he looks calm on the outside. A receptive person easily recognizes the impact on the environment of other people's unbalanced emotional projections. A person can experience anxiety and feel “out of place” if he is near someone from whom negative emotions come.

The aura is in constant motion. Since the main features of a human character are expressed in the aura with the help of primary colors, the astral aura is able to change depending on the experiences and emotional status of a person. Negative emotions, for example, anger, hatred, fear, excitement, etc. appear as dark colors and spots on the surface of the aura. On the contrary, when a person feels happy, is in a joyful mood, is confident in himself ... his aura is filled with colorful, bright, radiant colors. Of all the auras, the astral aura has the greatest impact on the general worldview of a person, on his reality.

In the astral body are all repressed emotions; conscious and unconscious fears and worries, a feeling of loneliness, irritability, etc. These emotions transmit their vibrations to the world through the astral body, sending unconscious signals to the Universe.

Serious attention should be paid to this - those messages that we voluntarily or involuntarily send to the world through the astral body add a certain reality to our life. As a result, we receive exactly what we send. If negative emotions come from us, then, accordingly, we begin to attract negative events to ourselves. The energy vibrations that come from us attract similar energy vibrations from the world around us (like attracts like). as a consequence, we re-experience situations, events, or people that are the mirror image of what we repress in ourselves, our fears.

The mental body and the intelligent thoughts that are in it have a certain influence on the astral body, but it is comparatively small. Just as the subconscious can create its own system of laws and rules, subtle bodies also act according to their own laws. This can be imagined by the example of a person who repeats to himself over and over again that there is no reason to be afraid of cockroaches running around on the floor. Only in rather rare cases can this kind of repetition have any noticeable effect on the fear that this person experiences at the sight of cockroaches.

Reasonable thought has the ability to direct external behavior, but it cannot have a noticeable effect on the subconscious, except through the use of various mantras, affirmations, positive thinking, which directly address the subconscious and change the previously established stereotypes in it.

In the astral body are all the old beliefs and emotional stamps accumulated over our lives. There can be both old childhood grievances, emotions associated with a sense of rejection, our own worthlessness, and other unfavorable ideas that we have formed about ourselves. These old clichés collide again and again with the world of our consciousness.

For example, a conflict when a person wants to love and be loved, but nothing comes of it, and he cannot understand why this is happening. Why is there no place in his life for love, or why does she pass by again? It is possible that the subconscious belief that he is not worthy of love or incapable of love - and such a conviction could have been formed, for example, in early childhood - has become firmly established in his astral body.

Although, such a situation may not be formed and resolved only during the current life. The feelings that are rooted in you have not found a way out, unresolved emotional conflicts and the imprints that they leave on our lives and on our environment (through our worldview and our behavior) pass with us into subsequent reincarnations until a certain time, until they receive permissions. This happens because our astral body does not decompose at the death of the physical body, but passes into the next body, in the next life. Moreover, the accumulated unresolved problems can largely determine the form of our subsequent reincarnation and the conditions in which our life will pass.

"Interesting Newspaper"

The astral world serves as an intermediary between the Spiritual and Physical worlds. The representative of the astral world is: energy (or force), soul, astros. All worlds interpenetrate each other to one degree or another. Spirit is the principle of energy, and energy manifests itself in matter, which it sets in motion. According to physics, all bodies decompose into molecules, and molecules into atoms. At the same time, there are simple bodies, the atoms of which differ from the atoms of other bodies and cannot be further decomposed, these are gold and hydrogen.

At the heart of all bodies and all types of matter are the primary atoms "astral atoms". astral matter- this is the same material substance, only of a more subtle nature. At its level of vibrations, it is quite material. As matter spiritualizes, it approaches the Spiritual Principle.

There are two main poles: Spirit and Matter, between which there are many intermediate steps. Spirit and Matter penetrate each other and all this is surrounded by the Astral. Astral penetrates into everything and surrounds the whole world, connects star systems with each other. By connecting the stars with rays of light, gravity and other factors.

Astral- being the energy of matter, it shares the properties of ordinary matter, namely: the atoms of any matter are in vibration, the atom of one body is connected to the atom of another.

The most subtle vibrations- this is animal magnetism (Xn-rays on the astral plane), that is, psychic energy. Already in the field of electricity, vibrating matter is a lower (dense) astral. Xn - high frequencies of the astral. Electricity - low.

The astral is thus divided into many energy octaves of vibration. After gross electricity come: electric light, sound waves, heat rays, XH-rays - physical magnetism (magnet).

Magnetism, including animal magnetism, is inherent in all bodies, and the body has two poles (+ and -). The entire Astral is also polarized, while it is in constant circular motion. The swiftness of the Astral Vortex cannot be grasped by the imagination. Therefore, in our concept, space and time do not exist in the astral plane.

The positive rays of the Astral have the symbol of the Sun and are called AOD. The negative rays have the symbol of the Moon, and are called AOB. And being in a balanced movement are called AOP - it means - astral, or astral light.

At the base of the ANM lies Jonah - the power of expanding space and life, her symbol is a dove. And at the base of the AOB lies Erebus - the power of time compression and death, its symbol is the raven.

The ancients depicted the Astral in the form of two snakes standing in a spiral, one around the other. This is the emblem of ANM and AOB in a balanced state.

The astral is filled with various ethereal or astral bodies, partly conscious, partly unconscious. Astral bodies - Astrosomes, are formed as a result of the condensation of astral particles, just as ball lightning (unconscious astral energy) is formed in the air saturated with electricity.

The unconscious astrosomes gather around the positive poles, and the conscious ones around the negative ones. In the astrosome, the process of attracting molecules into itself and separating them into the Astral takes place. In this case, the potentiality of molecules in the entire given region should be more or less the same. Otherwise, with a strong difference in the potentiality of the astrosome and the Astral around it, the astrosome gets breakdowns in the shell - striving outward; or Astral breaks into the astrosome.

The world around us is complex and diverse. There are many such worlds in the Universe, where intelligent beings live in different spatial and temporal coordinates, and have different density in the material shell (astral plane). The structure of the Universe and the basic laws of the Cosmos are basically the same. The structure of planetary systems and galaxies, according to the structure of molecules and atoms. Elementary particles consist of even smaller particles and structures.

At a certain stage, the materiality of particles changes and passes into an energy substance; beyond the threshold of the material and physical world lies the invisible (subtle) world.

World of Energy Information Structures. This world is much wider and more diverse than the physical world.

This world is inhabited by intelligent beings that do not have gross, physical shells (bodies).

Certain thought forms, thought-cliches, feelings of various beings accumulate there. Egregors are created there, due to the mental and emotional energy of many people.

Everything in the Universe develops according to certain laws - the laws of Harmony and Causal relationships. The power that created the universe is beginningless, limitless and all-pervading. This is the creative principle that supports, regulates and directs the development of the Universe. This is what we call God, or the Higher Mind. Its influence extends to all events and processes, with the help of the powerful Hierarchy of Light, the essences of the subtle worlds of a higher order.

God created man in his own image and likeness, which means that God created a Spiritual Being with the ability to act creatively. And his ability is the greater, the less the spiritual essence of man. The soul is dependent on material fetters. The human body is an animal body in which an immortal spirit is embodied, and which temporarily resides in it, in order to gain experience in the physical world, to know good and evil, to learn to distinguish one from the other from one's own experience, for spiritual growth and development of one's consciousness. beings, through knowledge and creation.

The entire Cosmos is filled with vibrations of various strength and intensity, emanating from the Primary Source of life. And each form of life living in the Universe radiates, in turn, vibrations of this or that force, which depend on its development. The consciousness of any form of life is its ability to respond to vibrations, the ability to respond to them. The mechanics of the development of consciousness lies in the increasing ability of any form of life to respond to increasingly subtle and higher vibrations. The whole evolution of life in the Cosmos and the whole progress of mankind are essentially reduced to the development of consciousness.

If memory is for the past, then consciousness is for the future. Consciousness is like the understanding of the spirit; it grows, embracing the whole being like a flame. In this process, fragments of memory, like slags, interfere with combustion.

To know is not to remember. Every consciousness develops individually, and there are no general laws for the development of consciousness. Every consciousness develops along its own line of development, and in a normally developing person it never stops, being infinite in its achievements. Just as there are no two similar faces, two similar souls, just as there are no two similar consciousnesses. There are countless levels of consciousness. Since the development of consciousness is the most difficult and longest process in the Cosmos, the desire to preserve the continuity of consciousness after leaving the physical plane of Being, in thinner shells, on the astral and mental planes of Being, would significantly accelerate evolution human development.

If the physical essence of each form ceases to exist with the termination of life, then the spiritual essence, having passed into the Subtle World together with the consciousness that belongs to all human shells, continues its conscious or semi-conscious existence, depending on its spiritual development, transforming the experience obtained by life into abilities - increasing existing ones and adding new ones. Only thanks to the consciousness that lives in the indestructible part of the human essence, in his imperishable body, the evolution of man is possible. This higher principle of man is his immortal essence, that eternal indestructible that accumulates all the good from the past as a pledge for a beautiful future. A person does not have to begin his labors and his trials with each new life, because, being born again, he brings with him the entire store of his experience and all his previous achievements, which he only needs to remember and renew.

The astral atmosphere is filled with astral bodies generated both by the movement of the Astral and by the influence of the Spirit and Will on it.

In the Astral are:

  • Elementals or Spirits of Nature - (elements).
  • Astroideas - i.e. human thoughts, images, desires.
  • Astral clichés are imprints of actions and phenomena.
  • Egregors - Spirits of human societies.
  • Larva - creatures generated by the passions of man.
  • People who have left the physical body in the Astrosome for some time (exteriorization).
  • Elementers - Spirits of the dead and consisting of Spirit, Soul and Astrosom.
  • Nirmanakai - Adepts, good or evil, whose bodies are dead, but who have learned to live in the Astral space in ethereal personalities.

Exit to the Astral, for some time in the Astrosome

A person can leave his physical body in the astral body when the physical body rests in a dream, and the Spirit, the Soul of a person, being dressed in an Astros, enters the Astral World. Although the Astrosom can move away from the physical body at a considerable distance, there is always a fluid connection between them, through which the Astrosom maintains the vitality and functioning of the body's organs. When this connection is broken, physical death occurs. The exit of a person in the Astrosome can be unconscious during sleep, lithargy, hypnotic sleep. Upon awakening, a person does not remember anything from his communication with the Astral world or retains vague impressions in the form of dreams. During an ordinary dream, the Astros almost does not move away from his body, so that a person is not exposed to the danger that can occur during a conscious exit to the Astral. With a conscious exit to the Astral, the Spirit of a person comes out of his own free will (using the attention of his consciousness on a meaningful exit), and gives a report on what he saw in the Astral.

Being in somnambulism, a person under the influence of suggestion can also leave the body (and at this time the hypnotist subordinates the temporarily abandoned physical body to his will, and manipulates it, forcing him to carry out his orders). A conscious exit can be safe, but an unconscious (under suggestion) exit can be dangerous. With a conscious exit in the Astrosom, a person controls the Astrosom and can be transported anywhere. However, the exit in this case presents a lot of dangers for a person. Representing condensed astral matter for himself, Astros is sensitive to all touches, blows, especially sharp metal objects that have the ability to discharge the Astral.

A wound inflicted on Astrosom in the vital parts brings him death. In the Astral there are a lot of Lyarvas, as well as Elementers, who want to prolong their existence and materialize. They can take advantage of the removal of the Soul from the body and move into the body shell.

Then there are three outcomes:

  • The soul in the Astrosom, having felt the possession of its bodily shell, embarks on a struggle. If you manage to expel Lyarva, then the person returns to normal.
  • Otherwise, Larva remains in the body (after the return of the Soul), then this is madness interrupted by flashes of reason, or obsession.
  • The soul completely leaves its body, and Lyarva remains the sovereign master, then this is complete idiocy and madness.

The character of Lyarva also explains various manias, madness, obsession, idiocy, sometimes they also appear as a result of a concussion or a strong mental shock. This is because at such moments there is a spontaneous exit in the Astrosom, and the Spirit of a person, being strongly struck, does not allow Larva to take possession of the body.

With the conscious exit of the Astrosom, a long and special training is required, and then, the Astrosom may not be willing to work (cooperate in this matter) with the individual.


A person has two ways of communicating with the astral world:

  • A person can even without extearing bring himself into connection with the Astral World, through the organs of his Astrosom.
  • The inhabitants of the Astral World can materialize and become accessible to the senses of the physical body.

When a person is distracted from the physical world, he can see the phenomena of the Astral World (passive imagination). Active imagination - a person himself creates images in the Astral, and passive he comprehends already existing Astral images.

We see examples of the vision of the Astral World in a dream, telepathy, magical hypnosis, clairvoyance. Formlessness, horror, nightmares of dreams are explained by the fact that during sleep a person sees Lyarv in the Astral.

Telepathy- this is a vision by a person at a distance (astral tube), usually with telepathy a person sees his relatives, acquaintances, often this happens at the time of the death of one of them. In other cases, the phenomenon of telepathy can only be seen by seeing through the transmonad - the astral imprint of the face and action, or simply by the appearance of the deceased in his Astral body and his materialization.

With clairvoyance and hypnosis, a person is able to read or see events 1000 km away. In this case, he also sees through the transmonad. Clairvoyants are also able to see a person's aura or an imprint in the Astral of all his thoughts and desires.

Animals are very sensitive to the Astral World. Villagers are more receptive than city dwellers. Sometimes astral vision is accompanied by a voice, which can be called clairaudience.

Under the concept of psychometry, one can sum up methods of divination: coffee grounds, eggs, wax. These items have the ability to absorb and condense Astral.

This also applies to divination on a magic mirror, in which you can see the Astral World. When communicating with the Astral World, the well-known law always operates - Spiritual sympathies and antipathies. Therefore, all occultists put one of the conditions in communicating with the Astral World - prayer, purification of the heart and thoughts that elevate the Soul.

Spiritualism- Spiritualists at the sessions form a magic chain. The medium puts his life force at the disposal of the inhabitants of the Astral, who use it for materialization, partial or complete, and for the production of spiritual phenomena (knocking, movement, lifting objects, the appearance of spirits and communication with them).

When calling the Spirits, most often larvae appear, which tend to manifest themselves on Earth, but mainly during spiritualistic sessions, the magic chain formed by the circle of spiritists gives rise to a new Astral being, of a collective nature, which is called the Spirit of the Circle. Both the unconscious worlds and the Spirits of the Circle in their answers and conversations reflect only the thoughts of those present. The subject and tone of communication also depends on the participants in the session. Sometimes the Astros of the medium materializes at the sessions, and plays the role of the Spirit. Sometimes there are Astrosomes abandoned by the Spirit of a person (astral corpses) after the second death. But elementaries or Spirits of the dead while still in the Astral world, appear very rarely. Mostly these are the Souls of sensitive people, yearning for the Earth and looking for a chance to materialize. Summons of Spirits or Elementers hold back their evolution.

Materialization of the Astral - the Call of the Spirit, in order for the Astral image, or the inhabitant of the Astral, to become visible to our physical vision. The process of materialization is produced by the condensation of the Astral and the attraction of vital atoms, from which this astral being creates a body for itself. For this process, the astral being needs a vital force, which it receives in various ways. Often an astral being (an inorganic entity) extracts life force for materialization from living people.

It is for this purpose that astral beings strike man with terror. Under the influence of strong fear, a person almost completely loses his vitality, which the astral phantom quickly absorbs for its materialization. However, the absence of fear of an astral being prevents their materialization, since it is difficult for them to influence a person in order to steal his life force. When summoning the Spirits, a blood sacrifice is usually performed. The blood contains a great vital force necessary for the materialization of the Spirit.

In addition, to call the Spirits, adepts and magicians usually use incense, which contributes to the concentration of the Astral. But the main factor in the challenge is the will and imagination of the adept. Therefore, the rules and ceremonies attributed to this aim, first of all, to excite the imagination and direct the will. Also, one of the main preparatory conditions for summoning the spirit is fasting for a certain period of time. Often an adept or magician sees not the Spirit of the invoked image itself, but only its imprint in the Astral, or even an astral image created by the adept himself.

The astral body of a person is the second subtle body, after. The astral body corresponds to the chakra and is directly controlled by it. Since the Manipura chakra is considered a source of strength. energy force chakra, then the functions of the Astral body are also largely associated with strength, protection, etc.

The astral body is unique in that it contains a huge potential and arsenal for fighting in and for the energy protection of a person. Many have probably heard such a term - “astral warriors”, - and so, for such warriors (emotional, energetic) the potential and capabilities of the astral body are used.

Astral body - main characteristics

The astral body is located at a distance of 25-40 cm from the surface of the physical body (or rather its shell), depending on its power. Strong charismatic personalities, people who constantly train physically, energetically, in their influence on others, reveal their leadership qualities - they have a powerful and developed Astral body.

Those who deny inner strength, indulge in weakness, self-pity, depravity and lack of will, of whom it can be said that he is spineless, squishy, ​​has no opinion, spineless and irresponsible, generally weak as a person - such people have an underdeveloped astral body. In the worst case, it can be torn and hang on a person like old rags. Such a person is not able to stand up for himself psychologically and energetically.

The color of the astral energy is silvery with blue splashes, by the way, it also does not match the bright yellow color of the energy of Manipura itself.

Functionality of the astral body

The main features of the Astral body:

1. Energy protection systems that are built into the astral body itself. Many types of protection, including combat - rotating spikes or knives outward.

2. Storage of astral weapons in the astral body: throwing, cutting, etc. They are mainly aimed at punishing the evil, the guilty, at damaging their subtle bodies, chakras, etc.

3. In general, the Astral body, its powerful energy - gives a person strength, confidence, the ability to influence others, travel to, etc.

4. In the Astral body, there are also human phantoms (in a reduced form) - for training, work in the Subtle World and combat operations.

How to develop and train the Astral body?

1. Through the active development of Manipura - the study and development of its aspirations and principles: fearlessness, responsibility, discipline, energy strength, etc. Read more - read.

2. Astral body training - occurs during verbal and emotional fights, when you have to defend an opinion, convince, influence, show strength.

3. Of course, meditation and self-hypnosis are very widely used for the development, strengthening, restoration of the Astral body as well.

4. The astral body grows and strengthens - through the cultivation in life of the state of a Warrior, a strong man with principles and Honor, able to protect his Spiritual Values.

5. Also, the Astral body strengthens and grows due to the direct collection of astral energy on the body, but these techniques are considered in the relevant classes with

The astral body of a person is a world of emotions, fears, experiences, complexes, aggression, etc. It greatly affects our life in society, but it can be harmonized. How to do it?

What is the astral body?

The astral body is the body of subtle sensations, which, under the action of mind are transformed into feelings, emotions and desires. The astral body is driving force that pushes a person to action in the physical world. This impulsive layer of consciousness that reacts to any external stimuli with corresponding sensations.

The astral body carries all our emotions and also contains all the characteristics of our nature. It is directly affected by emotions and itself influences them.

When a person is not particularly mature emotionally and spiritually, his astral body is like a cloudy cloud moving in different directions.

The more mature a person is in his feelings, thoughts and character traits, the more he devotes time, the more transparent and more definite in form the astral body will look.

How to harmonize the astral body?

The chakras² of the human energy body are also projected on the astral plane. Accordingly, if the chakras of the astral plane are developed, they will harmonize the astral body, which will certainly affect the physical level.

It is necessary to work out the chakras of the astral body while being at a special level of being or consciousness. There are several ways to do this.

First way

Mentally moving along the spine, feel the niche of the chakra, enter it and look. If the windows are dirty, then exhale through the chakra until the color is clear, do it daily. Can be more than once a day.

Second way

Torsion of tetrahedra. A tetrahedron is an equilateral triangular pyramid. It is mentally introduced into the chakra from the back and rotated counterclockwise. A tetrahedron is introduced into the lower chakra from the side of the coccyx, lowered down to the perineum region, this is where the Muladhara projection is located, and rotated clockwise.

In the upper chakra, Sahasrara, the tetrahedron is inserted from the back at the base of the skull, from the bottom up and rotated clockwise. Sahasrara is also called the "Hole of Brahma". In addition to connection with the cosmos, Sahasrara links together the work of all chakras, controls their function.

If you feel discomfort when cleaning the chakras with a tetrahedron, then stop working.

Third way

Sit straight on a hard chair, back straight, hands clenched together, lie on your knees or a table, legs parallel to each other, rest on the floor. Shoes without heels. You can lie on a hard couch, a bed without a pillow. Complete physical relaxation.

Enter the chakra and look with your eyes as if from the chakra. You must first enter the upper chakras, the order does not matter. Then to the bottom.

Fourth way

Mentally roll up an energy ball, bring it to the eyelids, then to the Ajna chakra. Then put the ball into the chakra. Similarly, you need to work with other chakras.

Choose the method that suits you best. The development of the upper chakras has a positive effect: Zen art, the voices of Lina Mkrtchyan, Yma Sumak, Bach's music, church singing, Christian cathedrals. Mozart and Beethoven work well on the development of earthly chakras.

In addition to these methods, the visual method works well for the development of the chakras: you need to contemplate the drawings of the chakras several times a day.

By developing the chakras and achieving the purity of flowers, you not only restore your health, you change yourself for the better.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ The astral body is a concept in occultism, esotericism and the practice of lucid dreaming, denoting the subtle body, which is sometimes defined as intermediate between the rational soul and the physical body (Wikipedia).

² Chakra in the spiritual practices of Hinduism is a psycho-energetic center in the subtle human body, which is the intersection of the nadi channels through which prana (life energy) flows, as well as an object for concentration in the practices of tantra and yoga (Wikipedia).

³ Zen, Zen is one of the most important schools of Chinese and all East Asian Buddhism, finally formed in China in the 5th-6th centuries under the great influence of Taoism and is the dominant monastic form of Mahayana Buddhism in China, Vietnam and Korea (

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