Astral human body. What is the astral body? Viruses of consciousness or how malicious programs are formed in the human mind at the level of the astral and mental body


In addition to the physical, a person has three more bodies. It is mental, astral and ethereal. The astral body is the world of emotions, fears, experiences, complexes, etc. It is stronger than the remaining two bodies affects our life in society.

Philosophers define the astral body of a person as a subtle matter between the physical body and the soul, and the first to use this term is by no means a Buddhist, and not a Hindu, but Plato. This was part of his theory about the world of the planetary spheres.

What is an astral?

As we have already said, the human astral is the second, after the etheric, body. It surrounds us at a distance of 30 - 40 cm, in the form of an oval. The astral aura (or emotional body) of each person is of a different color and density. As the personality improves, so does the development of the astral body. So, for people with stable principles, plans, developed spirituality, the astral will be dense with a pronounced shape and a translucent color. If a person lives at the crossroads of his changing interests, desires and needs, his emotional body will be muddy, shapeless, heterogeneous.

Although we are born with the astral, it can and should be developed.

The function of the astral body is an interchange with the Universe. We spread our emotions, experiences, fears through the astral into space, and then we receive a mirror image of what we sent to it. Various visualizations and affirmations are based on this principle when you get what you think about.

It is also through the emotional body that we feel each other. If we are talking with a person who has something happened, he does not need to cry and talk about his grief - we will perceive this with our astral (unless, of course, we suffer from “astral blindness”). The astral aura is changeable, it is in constant motion. Our thoughts also change, the astral plane also changes. Anger, fear, anger, irritation are expressed in cloudy, dark colors, and love, joy, fun - in light, translucent colors.

Purification of the astral body

And now, about how to purify the astral body, because we will never see it if we do not work on its quality.

Never, under any circumstances, divide your body into "interesting" and "not interesting." This applies to those who, carried away by the ether and the astral, believe that guardianship over their physical body is a waste of time. We are one and whole, we cannot divide ourselves into “bodies”.

Make your astral brighter and cleaner. To do this, listen to pleasant music, records with children's laughter, read books for pleasure. In our body, there should be an unhindered circulation of energy. We must visualize how prana, the life-giving energy, flows through the channels. To do this, you need to do a simple exercise every day: imagine a golden cloud of energy above you. Breathe it in and spread the prana throughout the body. 5 minutes of such a cleansing of the astral body and there will be an exchange of heavy energy for light, positive.

How to see the astral body?

First of all, set the exact date of the "smorin". Get ready, rejoice, look forward and cross out the days on the calendar.

Imagine that you have become the Sun - hot, sparkling. You are nice and warm. Now return to the physical body, feel your “arms and legs”. Close your eyes and see with your inner vision how your physical body radiates sunlight and warmth. Repeat several cycles of rebirth from the Sun into a person, this helps to open the astral and teaches you how to get out of the physical world.

After mastering the previous exercise, try to get out of the physical body without closing your eyes. You observe, and your astral walks around the room, looks and remembers objects.

Astral Plane

Imagination is a luxury that quickly disappears at the slightest overwork. Astral Light is the realm of Imagination. A person by the power of his Mind creates a perturbation of the Astral Light, which is able to transform these forces into a form, to give them the appearance of the required picture. Every minute of wakefulness, our thoughts, emotions and desires affect the Astral Light. We are constantly creating eddies in the field.

IMAGINATION or concentration of thought, concentration - the ability to create Images. This is the condensation (holding and strengthening in the Consciousness) of ideas into figurative representations or forms.

AESTHETIC IMAGINATION serves to satisfy some feeling. Aesthetic pleasure is the result of the combination of feeling and Image.

FANTASY- this is when a person gives a new combination a new property. Fantasy can be passive or active. Passive fantasy is when a person does not interfere in the process of changing ideas, the change of Images occurs regardless of the Will. In active fantasy, a person chooses one or another of the fantastic associations that have arisen. There is some feeling in it (fear, expectation, tenderness, love), which causes a series of Images corresponding to its nature, or event. Fantasy does not tolerate criticism of reason. Human consciousness creates from the Primary Matter of the Astral the imprints of the Thought Form (Essence).

CREATIVE IMAGINATION- this is when a person reproduces the Images not in the same order in which he met them in reality, but in a new combination. IMAGINATION reproducing or recreating - a detailed recreation of what has been experienced (associated with memory).

IMPRESSION, clear perception, is produced from the sense organs if it encounters a kind of resonators in the mind in the form of the remembered Images contained in it. An image is a copy of an impression. One Image is called in our minds by another on the basis of association. Physical Body - bodily nature.
"Hugging and touching the erogenous zones without clothes, a sexual act in the usual sense."
The Etheric Body is a bioenergetic nature.
"Dinner together, dancing, gentle hugs in clothes, sitting on your knees."
How is your health?
The Astral Body is an emotional nature.
"Joint emotional experience of some situation affecting both."
How are you?
- intellectual nature, Individual Will.
"Agreeing points of view on an extraneous topic."
What are you concerned about?
- moral, moral nature, Intention, INDIVIDUAL LOVE.
"Joint, but no further obligation to go to the theater, help with the repair of the iron (car)."
How are you?
- Spiritual Will.
"A heart-to-heart talk about life."
How are you doing?

Thin Shelt– Atmanic Body, Buddhic Body, Causal Body.
mental- Mental Body.
Tight shelt– Astral Body, Etheric Body, Physical Body.
The totality of the Astral, Mental and Causal Bodies is called the Social Body.

3. Astral body

The Astral Body is a Synthetic Body, it is linear (experiences are consistent).
Manifestations of desires and emotions.
Desire is the basis of the Productive Force. Desire has tremendous potential power in relation to the phenomena of life. Desires can create phenomena of life.

Astral Body Symbols:
1. Emotions;
2. The flow of experiences;
3. Energy of passions;
4. Instinctive perception.

The Astral Body is the second fine-material vestment of the Physical Body. It is even more subtle compared to the Etheric body and is associated with emotions. This body approximately repeats the contours of the Physical body. Its structure is more mobile than the structure of the Etheric body and does not repeat the structure of the physical body. The second layer looks like a cloud of light that is in constant motion. The astral body is 2.5 - 10 cm away from the surface of the skin. It represents continuously iridescent streams of multi-colored energy. In an unemotional person, it is uniformly colored in uniform in terms of radiation intensity. In an excitable person, the Astral Body consists of energy clots and gaps, negative energies (anger, resentment, fear) correspond to burgundy-red, brown, gray, black, dirty-colored spots and areas in the Aura. Positive, elevated emotions correspond to the radiation of light and pure colors. The astral body penetrates into the denser bodies it comes into contact with and surrounds. At times, a person throws out clots of light from the Astral body into the surrounding space.
The Astral Body is extremely flexible and can take on any shape. In it, some sensory sensations are perceived in the same way as in the material World, while others have no analogues.
The Astral is created by the Great Element Mother Earth. They take part in the creation of individual Astrals of all beings of the multidimensional planet: Demons, people, animals, Elemental Spirits, Daimons, Angels and Great Hierarchies when they descend into the Astral Worlds. Daniel Andreev.

The astral body is absent while the physical body is being damaged, there is a favorable factor for correcting this damage in the future, and even for the sphere of pain sensations. If, being stabbed, wounded, etc., you managed to at least partially leave the physical body in the astral, then the damage inflicted was little transferred to your astral system, and the latter, returning to the body, quickly corrects everything. This finds application in the practice of fakirs, who pierce various parts of their bodies and quickly heal them with the energetic activity of the returned astral.

If, on the contrary, damage was done to the astral (by the point of a magical sword) while the astral left the physical body, that is, it only to a small extent used the physical body as a reference point, then this damage is dangerous for the astral body in the sphere of its lower manifestations, and hence, in particular, in the sphere of the process of guarding and maintaining the physical body. Upon the return of the astral to the physical body, damage to the astral causes the formation of a wound in those parts of the physical body that were protected by the activity of the system of this node. The lower the subplane in which the astral was located, the more sensitive this damage.


Emotional life is a certain work that a person does inside himself (transforming his Astral Body) and in the outside world.
On the Astral Plane there are various Essences (zoomorphic), which, getting into the Astral Body, cause certain reactions in it, which a person experiences as emotions. There are also emotions associated with the inner life of the Astral Body.
The Astral Body must breathe: inhale - joy, exhale - silence and sadness, sometimes sorrow.
Emotions are of four types:
a) positive; b) negative; c) dirty; d) illusory.

The severity of emotions is determined by the energy balance of the Astral Body: if it is depleted, any emotion is heavy, but if it is energetic, then most of the emotions are perceived as positive, and the rest as giving fullness to life.

Limitation of emotional reactions. Emotions of the middle level, which a person considers unworthy for himself, are forced out into the subconscious, accumulate there and begin to wander, becoming more and more rude, until they break out in a striking and terrifying form for the person himself and his surroundings.

There are people who, considering themselves extremely emotionally vulnerable, make a lot of efforts to protect their Astral Body and build themselves a thick protective wall of indifference to everything that does not directly concern them. This wall not only becomes a source of antipathy for others, but also extremely weakens the Astral Body: it becomes frail, pampered and unprepared for the minimum necessary loads. Artificial limitation of one's emotions leads to a reduction in the energy and size of the Astral Body, as a result of which it is torn by the Etheric, depriving it of its protection and suffering at the same time itself.

Whatever the reasons for constant mental self-control, it abruptly cuts off the emotional work of the body, from which both the Astral and all other Bodies, especially the Etheric and Mental, suffer. Instead of symbiosis, a war arises between the Astral and Mental Bodies: the Mental puts rigid boundaries and inappropriately controls the emotional life, and the Astral, in response, devalues ​​mental activity, turning the mind into a flawed embittered or desperate one.

People are emotional and unrestrained. In people who are too emotional and unrestrained, the Astral Body is too large, energetic and chaotic, so that it represents a danger (evil eye) to others, even with the best intentions of a person. Abundant emotions, constantly overflowing at the wrong time and out of place, powerless to change anything for the better, but riveting everyone's attention to a person, are nothing more than astral garbage, which people around must constantly clean up after a person, if they do not want to live in an astral pigsty. “Yes, you calm down, you don’t need to be so nervous and worried, everything will work out and get better, don’t dramatize what is happening like that,” such exhortations usually do not reach the goal, since they go on the Mental level. But adequate words stop the tantrum instantly, like an ice shower, but finding them is not so easy.

Sorrow, mourning, mourning- normal, although not always pleasant, but valuable states of the Astral Body, in which it performs a certain kind of work that brings important results.
For people whose body is designed for the weak energy of the Astral Body, it is normal for them to have a slightly lowered, outwardly even almost dull mood. Such a person may believe that he constantly receives something less from life, his positive emotions are weakly expressed.


Whoever has many vices has many rulers of Kama Rupa (the bearer of the Lower Manas) - the bearer and seat of animal instincts and passions in man.
Ukr. passion, blr. passion, other Russian, senior Slav. passion πάθος, ὀδύνη (Supr.), Czech. strast "woe, suffering, sadness", svts. strаst᾽ – the same. In any case, it is connected with suffering (see), from strad-ty. Among the types of non-prepositional adverbs that correlate with noun forms, there is a non-productive group of colloquial adverbs that correlate with the nominative-accusative case of the noun and have a bright emotional and qualitative coloring: death, horror, passion, fear (often in combination with how) in the meaning : `very strongly' (cf. in the same sense: scary, terrible, hellish, damnable, diabolical, mad and some others).
For example: “I’m terribly jealous” (Pushkin), “Ivan Ivanovich ... fear went away and lay down to rest” (Gogol), “When they happened to stay, Masha became fearful” (Turgenev, “Breter”), “And fun I am afraid to listen about pounds and rows ”(Griboyedov,“ Woe from Wit ”). “I want to drink death”, “He himself was laughing at death” (Leskov, “Soboryane”). “When she does not say anything stupid or nasty, but is beautiful, then now you are sure that she is a miracle how smart and moral” (L. Tolstoy, “Kreutzer Sonata”) (about the spread of emotional adverbs, such as passion, what a clever one, etc.) n. in female language, see Jespersen O. Die Sprache, ihre Natur u. s. w., 1925, S. 233-234). A. V. Popov - in accordance with his general views on the genesis of two-member and three-member sentences - deduced the origin of these adverbs from the merger of two sentences into one: He beats death (he beats death) originally means: He beats so that death can occur " He loves fear (passion, horror) means: `He loves so much that it becomes scary (fear, horror)" (Syntactic Studies, p. 89).

Passion gives rise to lust and exactingness. There are painful aspects of desire - ineradicable habits, greed, blind ambition, endless inner hunger, the desire to devour everything and everyone.
God gives himself; the anti-God principle seeks to absorb everything. That is why it is, first of all, a vampire and a tyrant.

When we begin to name the demons of passion, we can look for the particularly difficult side of desire—the lustful and demanding mind. When the demanding mind first arises, we may not recognize it as a demon, because we often find ourselves lost in its temptations. Demanding is characterized by the "hungry spirit" - a spirit with a huge belly and a tiny mouth the size of a pinhead, so that this spirit is never able to eat enough to satisfy its endless needs. When this demon arises, this difficulty, simply call it "demand" or "lust" and begin to explore its power over your life. When we look at demands, we experience that part of ourselves that is never satisfied, that always says, "If I had a little more of this and that, that would make me happy," meaning some other relationship, some other job, a more comfortable pillow, less noise, more coolness or more warmth, more money, more sleep last night - "then I would be satisfied."

The desire to possess gives rise to the fear of losing

The apostle John says: "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because in fear there is torment; he who fears is not perfect in love."
A strong desire to get something gives rise to bitter disappointment when the object of passion slips away. As long as you really want something, you won't get it. Precisely because you want it too much. Along with strong desire, there is always fear. Fear of not getting what you want. That is why passionate, sometimes fanatical desires are not fulfilled. A person who raves about the dream of big money will most often spend his life in poverty.

SCANDAS- vices that create negative Elementals. After the death of the Physical Body, after the purification of the Astral Body in the Lower Astral, they crystallize in the Astral Light, and when a person returns to a new life, they are attracted to the purified Astral Body of a person due to kinship (Karma) and return to life. They instill in the new Astral Body their former desires and habits, from which the person will have to get rid of during the new life.
The most harmful Thought Forms operate at frequencies associated with the passions of spiritually undeveloped people.

More stable entities - LYARV- these are energy beings (Images) born by people in the form of energy balls of different sizes, which are in the human Aura. These are his inner desires, which are born under the influence of a force coming from outside (for example: temptations, social addictions, harmful traditions and vices of society, excessive hobbies, satisfaction of one's natural or supernatural needs). These are Images imbued with passions, lust.
Larva - unconscious densely formed astral images-vampires. They have a semblance of Consciousness. In order to prolong their existence, they kindle passions in people related to them and at the same time draw the energy of the Astral Body, de-energizing a person, depriving him of energy. Harmful Thought Forms operate at frequencies associated with the passions of spiritually undeveloped people. Being attracted to a person, Lyarvas keep him in an enslaved state.
An Essence, which is the result of someone else's magical activity, can stick to a person on the Astral Level. This Essence will suck astral energy from a person.

"FIRE" they feed on the energy of emotions, long-term passion, unrequited love, resentment, etc. They take on the appearance of parents, brothers and sisters, loved ones in dreams. You can identify them by the orange-scarlet light with which they are illuminated, as well as by how abruptly a person wakes up after meeting with them, wakes up completely broken, often with a cry of pain and fright. Fires are not the creations of our subconscious, they are predatory creatures hunting for certain energies.

"FOXES" in dreams they look like a strange cross between reddish dogs and foxes, sometimes taking on a human form, but with fox features and ambiguous intentions. When communicating with them, the feeling of forgery, substitution, delusion, sticky fear prevails. Seeers perceive them as a shaky, luminous, drop-like form, similar to a candle flame, but with a cut off top and a simplified internal luminous structure compared to a person. Foxes are attracted to human mental garbage - the shapeless remnants of our emotional life, with which we do not part in time: fears, suspicions, resentments, hidden anger, unfulfilled sexual desires. Foxes have the ability to magnetize our will in the direction of sexual passion. They are able to generate deep affection, which destroys the whole life of a person. They feed on the energy of affection and love, but they cannot generate it themselves.
Some cases of mental influence on a person have an external source. There are people who consciously (or unconsciously) extract mental Essences from their Aura and direct them to another person. If they are not perceived by the object to which they are directed in due time, then they will return back due to the Cosmic Law.
Human moral nature is too corrupt and weak to immediately achieve a high degree of moral life, conquering all kinds of passions. Therefore, we must overcome them gradually and achieve moral perfection, starting from a low level, and then go higher and higher.
See emotions, feelings.

3.6. Astral - Buddhic Body.
It is extremely difficult for a mentally oriented person to perceive his emotions as something non-random, and even more so to recognize the existence and value of his Astral Body, but still in critical situations, for example, an exacerbation of a neurosis, he is able to consider his emotional problems and the imperfection of the Astral Body as a negative value. and join a serious program to overcome it, say, go to psycho-training courses.
The life of an astral-oriented person is his great value and therefore is essentially represented in the Buddhic Body, but this circumstance is forced out into the subconscious.

3.7. Astralo - Atmanic Body.
"Feelings are from God; if He sends me joy, I rejoice, if sorrow - I am upset, and this does not depend on me."
Forms of emotional knowledge are religion and the knowledge of one's Spirit and God.
Majestic temples, magnificent clothes of priests and priests, solemn divine services, processions, singing, music - all this aims to emotionally set up a person, to evoke certain feelings in him. The same goal is pursued by religious myths, legends, biographies, prophecies - they all act on the imagination, on the senses.

The astral body of a person is the second subtle body, after. The astral body corresponds to the chakra and is directly controlled by it. Since the Manipura chakra is considered a source of strength. energy force chakra, then the functions of the Astral body are also largely associated with strength, protection, etc.

The astral body is unique in that it contains a huge potential and arsenal for fighting in and for the energy protection of a person. Many have probably heard such a term - “astral warriors”, - and so, for such warriors (emotional, energetic) the potential and capabilities of the astral body are used.

Astral body - main characteristics

The astral body is located at a distance of 25-40 cm from the surface of the physical body (or rather its shell), depending on its power. Strong charismatic personalities, people who constantly train physically, energetically, in their influence on others, reveal their leadership qualities - they have a powerful and developed Astral body.

Those who deny inner strength, indulge in weakness, self-pity, depravity and lack of will, of whom it can be said that he is spineless, squishy, ​​has no opinion, spineless and irresponsible, generally weak as a person - such people have an underdeveloped astral body. In the worst case, it can be torn and hang on a person like old rags. Such a person is not able to stand up for himself psychologically and energetically.

The color of the astral energy is silvery with blue splashes, by the way, it also does not match the bright yellow color of the energy of Manipura itself.

Functionality of the astral body

The main features of the Astral body:

1. Energy protection systems that are built into the astral body itself. Many types of protection, including combat - rotating spikes or knives outward.

2. Storage of astral weapons in the astral body: throwing, cutting, etc. They are mainly aimed at punishing the evil, the guilty, at damaging their subtle bodies, chakras, etc.

3. In general, the Astral body, its powerful energy - gives a person strength, confidence, the ability to influence others, travel to, etc.

4. In the Astral body, there are also human phantoms (in a reduced form) - for training, work in the Subtle World and combat operations.

How to develop and train the Astral body?

1. Through the active development of Manipura - the study and development of its aspirations and principles: fearlessness, responsibility, discipline, energy strength, etc. Read more - read.

2. Astral body training - occurs during verbal and emotional fights, when you have to defend an opinion, convince, influence, show strength.

3. Of course, meditation and self-hypnosis are very widely used for the development, strengthening, restoration of the Astral body as well.

4. The astral body grows and strengthens - through the cultivation in life of the state of a Warrior, a strong man with principles and Honor, able to protect his Spiritual Values.

5. Also, the Astral body strengthens and grows due to the direct collection of astral energy on the body, but these techniques are considered in the relevant classes with

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will answer the questions: what is the human astral body, what are its main functions and how are virus programs formed?

Astral body (astral)- this is one of the thin bodies of a person, which is part of the subconscious and is the second, after the ethereal. The very space of the astral body is the space of our emotions.

Energy protection, confidence and energy influence on others largely depends on the astral body, as it is associated with the Manipura chakra, which is an energy source of strength. The color of astral energy is silver-blue.

The development and periodic cleaning of the astral body allows:

  1. Improve memory and expand personal astral space;
  2. to deactivate malicious programs (turn off their power supply);
  3. gradually transform and free your consciousness from various rubbish.
  4. improve intuition (be able to read the feelings and emotions not only of one's own, but also of others). And the first thing to learn here is to determine which chakra is active in a person at the moment of interaction with him;
  5. establish subconscious contact with anyone;
  6. improve ;
  7. receive information from the soul and various collective levels of consciousness, which is blocked.

The development and cleansing of the astral has a beneficial effect on all the overlying subtle bodies, since all of them, to a greater or lesser extent, feed on the energy of the astral.

Viruses of consciousness or how malicious programs are formed in the human mind?

The human astral body contains low-frequency (negative emotions) and high-frequency (positive) vibrations. In most cases, low-frequency vibrations cause harm to a person, but there is a certain category of people who experience problems in the astral body when high-frequency vibrations prevail there. Before working with the Astral, you need to know exactly what kind of energy your subconscious mind feeds on.

Due to energy failures, some experienced emotions are not digested by the astral body, just like in the physical body - a problem arises, which is called allergies. The physical body in this case is not capable of consuming certain foodstuffs in the same way as the astral body is not able to assimilate and process certain emotions (energies).

This undigested emotion lies like a dead weight in the astral and begins to poison it. In other words, the astral plane could not divide the emotion into separate parts (separate energy and information separately).

Such an emotion not only takes a place in the astral space, but after a certain period of time acquires the quality of primitive consciousness (such consciousness makes the inanimate alive). Thus, the emotion turns into a virus-like living being, whose only goal is to survive.

In order to survive, this virus begins to look for patrons in other overlying subtle human bodies and finds them, for example, in the mental body, in which there are mental programs (constructions) that also want to live.

For a mental program to exist, it must have an uninterruptible power supply. The same “canned” emotion becomes such a source of nutrition. And what is called - they found each other, a mental program that does not want to be destroyed and a low vibration of the astral that does not want to be removed.

The viability of such a virus-like program in the human mind is explained by the fact that, having found an energy source of nutrition for itself, it is able to act independently, i.e. survive. To strengthen its position, the virus also grows down to the level of the etheric body, causing discomfort in the form of discomfort and an outflow of energy.

Due to the high level of survival, it is extremely difficult to remove such virus programs from consciousness if you do not know the technology. The technique commonly used by psychologists and psychotherapists takes a very long time. Working at the level of the mental body, they try to disassemble the problem (program), decompose it into components, while not paying attention to the energy (etheric and astral body of a person) and informational (causal or buddhial body) sources of power for this program.

What does it mean and what is it for? What does it look like, how to clean it, keep it clean and develop it? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

What is the human astral body

First of all, it is necessary that the reader has a clear idea of ​​what the astral level or astral world is. - this is a certain part of the universe that exists parallel to the physical world, surrounding and partially penetrating the physical world, but not visible and not perceived by physical vision, since it consists of matter of a different order. This is the world of feelings, sensations and desires.

or emotional body responsible for feelings, emotions, passions, drives, desires, aspirations and urges. It is given to us that we could gain a foothold and act at this level of the universe. astral body stores information about all feelings, emotions, desires of a person, about negative ones such as: fears, anger, feelings, discontent, etc. And positive ones: joy, serenity, love, etc. They are, as it were, recorded in the cells of the astral body in the form of energetically colored flashes.

The astral body permeates the physical and etheric bodies, spreading further in all directions from it, like a colored cloud. His color and shape depends on the inner nature of a person- from those feelings, desires and aspirations with which a person fills himself every day.

The internal process (thoughts, feelings, desires, aspirations) has a powerful influence on the body itself, shaping it from what a person fills himself with. The more often a person is in a particular state (feelings, desires, aspirations), the deeper it penetrates into him and becomes part of him. In fact, we build our astral body from what we feel and what emotional states we are in!

The astral is divided into two levels, lower and higher. The lower astral is the center of low, negative, animal emotions, feelings and desires, the highest abode of elevated feelings, desires and aspirations.

That of which it consists attracts materials similar to the body from outside, like attracts like. If the body is accustomed by its owner to pure and sublime feelings and thoughts, then from its environment it will attract to itself, like a magnet, materials of the same kind and of the same matter as itself.

The astral body of a spiritually undeveloped person is characterized by smaller auric dimensions, has insufficient light saturation, and the centers of higher consciousness are practically invisible. As one progresses spiritually, the astral body is purified, the chakras first become visible and then turn into rotation. During sleep, the astral body can move about in the astral world, receiving the impressions of this plane and recording them as prophetic dreams or visions.

The astral body is the carrier of the kamic consciousness of a person, the receptacle of all passions and desires, the center of feelings, in which, as already mentioned, all sensations arise. Being created from astral matter, it readily responds to the impact of thought, reacting to it with vibrations, regardless of whether this thought comes from outside (from the mind of another person) or from within (from the mind of the owner of the body itself). Accordingly, he responds to his thoughts more readily, and with certain training and installation, he can be protected from extraneous influence. The pumped astral body does not respond to the negative, because it is completely built from the matter of the higher astral!

What does the astral body look like?

Describe a fully formed human astral body- not difficult; imagine that a person leaves his physical body and only a more transparent, luminous copy of the body, with a glow on the sides in the form of a cocoon, clearly visible to the clairvoyant, but inaccessible to ordinary vision.

An insufficiently highly developed person resembles an embryo in his astral body. Its contours have not yet been determined and are not precise; the material from which it is made is dull and loose; and if you separate it from the physical body, then it will appear in the form of a shapeless cloud that changes its shape, clearly unsuitable for the role of an independent carrier; in fact, it is rather a clot of astral matter than a formed astral body.

P a fully formed astral body indicates that a person has reached a certain level of intellectual culture and spiritual development. The appearance of the astral body is an indicator of the level of progress achieved by its owner; by the completeness of its contours, the brightness of the materials of which it is composed, and the perfection of its organization, one can judge at what stage of evolution the Ego using it is.

The astral body of a person whose thoughts are low and animal in nature looks coarse, dense, opaque and dark in color, sometimes so dark that it almost hides the contours of the physical body behind it. In a highly developed person, the astral body - pure, transparent, brilliant and light, has a wider glow - is a truly beautiful sight. In this case, low passions are transformed into more elevated ones, and the purposeful activity of the mind purifies astral matter.

It is mobile and able to change its color and shape. Both depend on the emotional state of the person. Primitive and coarse vibrations make it indefinite in shape and dull in color. Vibrations of malice, aggression, anger make it red-black and thorns seem to erupt from it and spots appear, if a person loses his temper, it becomes covered with scarlet spots. Higher vibrations of joy, love make it brighter, wider and purer, having a bright glow around it. When a person is in love, pink-red waves pass over him in iridescence.

If the thoughts and feelings of a person are sublime and noble, then they correspond to a more subtle and pure astral matter, and then the astral body begins to lose the coarsest and most dense particles of its astral matter of all sublevels, replacing them with particles more subtle, perfect and beautiful.

The astral body of a man of a very low, animal nature will consist of the densest and coarsest astral matter, which will keep him within the limits of the lowest level of Kamaloka; and until this sheath is sufficiently thoroughly destroyed, a person will have to remain a prisoner of this part of the astral world and endure all the inconveniences associated with this far from enviable position.

Strong experiences and feelings can leave a deep mark on our Emotional body. Rough feelings of anger, fear, irritability, etc. can form clots (blocks) like splinters stuck in the emotional body. Such clots can interfere with the free flow of energy, and over time, if they are not cured, they lead to physical. diseases.

In a person living in constant experiences, stress, anger, constantly arguing, this body can not only be polluted, but it can be full of holes or torn like torn clothes on the body. This may be due to a targeted flow of negativity towards a person. In a developed, healthy and pure-souled person, the shell of the astral body is protected, it starts to miss a “hit” when it is unbalanced and fear, anger, aggression, self-doubt and other coarse vibrations arise inside a person.

Healing and cleansing comes when we stop saturating the astral body with heavy and negative feelings and get rid of them, and begin to nourish ourselves with more elevated and pure materials. Thus, with their with noble feelings and thoughts we transform and purify our own astral body without any special measures.

Purification of the astral body. How to cleanse, restore and heal the astral body.

As well as physical the astral body requires care, attention, love and periodic cleansing. It is necessary to maintain purity and a calm, natural and harmonious flow of energy. Periodically check yourself for the presence of various kinds of blocks and clamps, stuck deep emotions, feelings (experiences, discontent, aggression, fear, etc.) and try to clear them.

As a rule, with astral-mental accumulation overflows with age, and if you do not unload it, then over time it becomes difficult to fully live and change your life, thinking, behavior, navigate new information, for example, change your profession, look, opinions, get rid of dependencies and influences of other people, forces, various sources.

The overcrowding of the astral-mental layer can be different: both energetic and informational. Bodies lose their saturation, the ability to radiate energy, visually become darker, inside, as a rule, some clots of information or energy are formed that look like dark spots of various shapes and densities. If you approach compaction on a subtle level, then you can read information (emotion, sensation, memory), understand what is at stake and what has accumulated in a particular place.

Because information is distributed around the entire perimeter of the body, then physiology and psychosomatics are added to this, the location of information affects the organs and systems around, creating certain bindings.

Negative and coarse feelings, emotions, desires adversely affect on us and on our . Stuck feelings of anger and aggression, old unforgiven grievances, anger, fear, depression all unbalance, create blocks and pollute our Astral body and disrupt the natural flow of energy.

Pollutes and weakens our astral body:

  • Negative emotions: aggression, anger, aggression, anger, envy.Discontent, dissatisfaction, resentment.
  • Emotional clamps and trauma. Internal conflicts.
  • Fear, self-doubt.Depression, gloom, pessimism.
  • Too many wishes.Lustful and conflicting desires, lust.
  • Excessive tension and fussiness.
  • Excessive relaxation and "unreasonableness".
  • Pride and Selfishness.
  • Pollution of the physical body, mind.
  • Communication with negative people. Negative emotions of other people directed at the person.
  • not healthy sleeping at the wrong time, such as during the day, getting up late and going to bed late.
  • Spraying on superficial emotions.

With noble feelings and thoughts we transform, purify own astral body. Awareness, sublime, pure and beautiful feelings of Love, Joy, Happiness, Friendliness, Inner Peace heal us.

Promotes healing and strengthens the astral body:

  • Sublime feelings and emotions: Unconditional Love.Feelings of Joy, Happiness, Mercy, etc.
  • The ability to maintain an elevated mood and positive thinking almost constantly, regardless of the circumstances and events occurring in life.
  • Overcoming the tendency to negative emotions and feelings.
  • Meditations. Spiritual practices.
  • Mind cleansing.
  • Elaboration of emotional clamps, traumas and fears.
  • healthy about rest. Healthy sleep and maintaining the correct "daily routine".
  • Emotional openness and positive interaction with people and the world.
  • Communication with harmonious and pleasant people. If possible, stop communicating with negative people.
  • Moderate physical. loads.Physical cleansing. body, post, hardening.
  • Be in good shape.
  • Nice and harmonious music.
  • Reading pleasant books.
  • Visiting beautiful places. Stay in nature.

All this can nourish us with pleasant feelings and contribute to the healing of both the astral body and our entire system as a whole!

How to cleanse the astral body

First of all, these are fears, these are the deepest pollutions, but it is not so easy to get to them. And so you first you need to clean the upper layers, remove all, without exception, thoughts that carry negativity: condemnation, rejection, hatred, separation, anger, irritation, envy and so on. All this, on the one hand, is the work of malware and viruses, but all this is like accumulated experience and information is recorded in your body. And you can remove this, because you have such feelings associated either with a certain person or with a certain event.

Therefore, you need to consistently remember all these events and remember these people, what exactly and when caused you these feelings, just observe without clinging and condemnation. You need to clear your perception, remove all the accumulated negativity yourself, accept, understand, forgive and let go. And after the work done, you yourself will feel relief in every sense. And therefore, every person, every event that brought you negative emotions, you also need to thank and forgive, precisely in order to close this energy interaction and repay debts. And then, if you thanked from the Soul, even if you were still able to send love to this person, then your debt will be closed to him, and you will not have to return again to unleash energy debts, which are called karma. And in this way you will also partially purify your Causal body, and increase the degree of your energy level and freedom.

Further, when you begin to clear away the blockages of negative information accumulated in your astral bodies, you will get to the deep programs - to your fears that have been cultivated in you for millennia and which will not be so easy to part with. There are fears that sit in you with very strong programs. For example, the fear of losing the physical body or the survival instinct. Such fears are instincts. And it is more difficult to work with such fears. They are destroyed in a complex and gradually.

This means that in order to remove the fear of death, you need to go through the experience of death consciously, which is what esoteric sacred schools do - they offer their students to go through the experience of death through various stressful situations or complete detachment from the world. There are also practices of burying in graves, walling up in crypts, jumping into ponds with crocodiles, and many others. But these practices, with rare exceptions, in most cases only increase your fears.

Therefore, you just need to consciously go through all your deaths, remember them all, remember what happened at these moments, and realize that death is just a change in the form of manifestation of consciousness. But do not just believe this fact, BUT RE-EXPERIENCE IT IN A CONSCIOUS STATE and return to physical incarnation with a consciousness cleared of this program. The same applies to all other instinctive fears, that is, to those fears that are recorded in the cellular memory of each of your bodies, including the physical one.

Serious practices should be done under supervision or after consultation with a competent person!

The astral body is also partly dependent on the physical body., and therefore it is also affected by the purity (or, on the contrary, impurity) of this body. Her nature, in turn, is reflected in the nature of her astral shells.

If, showing negligence in relation to our physical body, we allow impure particles of dense matter to penetrate into it, then we thereby attract to our astral body the same impure particles of matter, which we would call dense astral.

And, on the contrary, if we build our dense body from pure particles of dense physical matter, then the same pure astral particles will be attracted to our astral bodies. By purifying our physical body, supplying it with clean food and drink, and refusing to include in our diet impure products such as animal blood (always present in meat), alcohol and the like, which pollute and coarsen our bodies, we not only improve the quality of the physical carrier of our consciousness, but we also purify our astral body to some extent.

The positive results of this process are important not only for the current earthly life, but also affect the posthumous state and the quality of the body that a person will acquire in his next earthly life. The astral body is given to us not only for one earthly life, it also forms the type of astral body that will be given to us in the next birth.

How to develop the astral body. Training and development of the astral body.

We train and develop our astral body when we take control of our feelings, emotions and desires. Stop wasting your energy on momentary excessive emotions and empty momentary desires and passions. By transforming superficial momentary emotions into deep, elevated feelings, we save and prevent the waste of energy.

Staying in awareness and being filled with pure elevated feelings such as unconditional deep and sincere Love, Joy, Inner peace, we increase our energy and pump the astral body.

To start you need to learn to be aware, to monitor your feelings, emotions and desires. Track them when they occur, what causes them, and whether you like them. Unnecessary and rough (low vibrations) push away, but do not block and internally do not fight with them, just leave them unattended. Pleasant and appropriate (higher vibrational) keep paying attention to them, but don't get too attached to them, track them. Concentrate on sublime feelings like unconditional love and consciously dive into them.

Helps develop the astral body:

  • Awareness, control of feelings, emotions and desires. Keep track of your sensory-emotional states! Remove the negative, cultivate the positive!
  • Deep and sincere sublime feelings of love, joy, mercy, etc.
  • Meditations.
  • The development and purification of the mind.
  • Physical activity, sports.
  • Willpower, courage, responsibility, self-discipline.
  • Fasting, cleansing physical. body.
  • Friendly communication and discussions with people.
  • Transformation of superficial emotions, staying in deep feelings.

Filling your astral body with good quality energy (love, joy, mercy, inner peace, etc.), you improve not only your well-being and appearance and mood, you improve the events of your life! Because like attracts like.

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