Atlanteans and Lemurians. Atlanteans, Lemurians - a race of giants


Atlantis called and still call people - of gigantic stature and incredible physical strength. It is believed that these are mythological characters. But why mentions of people giants or Atlantis is found in all ancient scriptures, legends and religions of the ancient world?

Descriptions giants are found among the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Hindus, Sumerians and Indians. In the myths of the ancient Sumerians, the Atlanteans are the gods who came from heaven, who possessed an unusually high growth compared to human. Sumerian images of giant people have also been found. There are also mentions of giants in the main book of mankind - bible.

IN Old Testament giants are people born as a result of the marriage of the Sons of God and the daughters of Men. the sons of God in bible called Angels. Of course, in this case we are talking about fallen angels. The Bible goes on to say that the earth was filled with evil deeds, and as a result, the planet was subjected to a worldwide flood like cleansing. According to the Bible - Noah and his family were direct descendants Adama, while the rest of the population of the Earth, to one degree or another, had a consanguinity with giants- sons fallen angels.

curious flood described in Koran. One day when Noah built with sons the ark, they came to him people are giants. And they told Noah that they are not afraid of the flood, because they are huge. As the legends describe, the giants could block rivers with their feet. However, the giants died. And on Earth, due to catastrophes, covering the entire planet, the climate has changed. This is indicated by the fact that, according to the Bible, after global flood a new sign appeared in heaven for the first time from God- Rainbow. It can be concluded that before this such a natural phenomenon did not exist, therefore the Earth's atmosphere before the Flood was arranged differently.

Atlas in Hebrew translation - fallen or outcast. In the mythologies and legends of many ancient peoples, Atlanta is somehow associated with the Flood. In Greek mythology Atlantis- a mythical island in the Atlantic Ocean, inhabited by the Atlanteans, and Zeus punished them for their exorbitant pride, and they, along with the island, were swallowed up by the Ocean. With some deviations, this myth can be considered a free presentation of Biblical events.

Thus, many ancient peoples living in different parts of the world tell about the same thing in their traditions. Therefore, you need to accept the fact that once on earth they really lived people - Atlantis.

Indirect evidence of this can also be considered the presence on earth of ancient colossal structures that could not have been built thousands of years ago without modern technology. For example, stone rings, stone rows and free-standing stone pillars - menhirs. The most prominent representatives of this group are stonehenge, rows in Cromlech, Roll Wright (most of the objects in this group are located in the British Isles).

200 km from the Lebanese capital Beirutin the city Baalbek located very ancient Temple. In the foundation of the temple, archaeologists discovered giant stone slabs measuring 21 * 5 * 4 meters and weighing up to a thousand tons. Moreover, the plates are fitted to each other so tightly that it is almost impossible to insert even a needle between them.

Some archaeologists have a question: who, except for people - giants, could erect these stone structures?

Also found in different parts of the Earth are many remains gigantic people. There is evidence of finds the remains of giants in almost every part of the world: Mexico, Peru, Tunisia, Pennsylvania, Texas, Philippines, Syria, Morocco, Australia, Spain, Georgia, Southeast Asia, the islands of Oceania.

Although, of course, one must recognize the fact that the finds of ancient people, giants, absolutely do not fit into the modern understanding of the origin of man. Indeed, it is difficult to recognize the fact that once upon a time there existed on Earth civilization giant people. But it is difficult for mankind to understand even the latest stories What can we know about events that took place thousands of years ago. Information about these events was passed from generation to generation, by word of mouth, even if with distortions.
What is true, which is a myth - the choice is yours.

Lemuria A modern term, first used by some naturalists, and now adopted by Theosophists, to designate the continent which, according to the Secret Doctrine of the East, preceded Atlantis. Its eastern name would open a little to the European ear.

Source: Blavatsky H.P. - Theosophical Dictionary

Lemuria (if we accept this name for the Third Continent) perished before Atlantis had time to fully develop; Atlantis, however, sank, and its main parts disappeared before the end of the Miocene Period.

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III. Lemuria.

We propose to call the Third Continent Lemuria. This name is the invention or thought of R. L. Sclater, who between 1850 and 1860 asserted, on the basis of zoological data, the real existence in prehistoric times of a continent, which, as he argued, extended from Madagascar to Ceylon and Sumatra. This continent included some parts of what is now Africa; but the rest of that gigantic continent, which stretched from the Indian Ocean to Australia, has now completely disappeared under the waters of the Pacific Ocean, leaving here and there a few peaks of their tablelands, which now form islands.

The inhabitants of Madagascar - this island belonged to Lemuria.

Lemuria was not sunk like Atlantis, but plunged into waves, due to earthquakes and underground fires, as it will happen once with Great Britain and Europe.

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New Zealand - part of the so-called ancient Lemuria

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The cataclysm that destroyed the vast Continent, the largest remnant of which is now Australia, occurred due to underground convulsions and the opening of the ocean floor.

The earliest pioneers of the Fourth Race were not Atlanteans, just as they were not the human Asuras and Rakshasas they later became. In those days, huge parts of the future Atlantis Mainland were still part of the ocean floor. Lemuria, as we called the Continent of the Third Race, was then a gigantic country. It covered the whole region from the foothills of the Himalayas, which separated it from the inland sea, which rolled its waves through what we know as present-day Tibet, Mongolia and the great desert of Shamo (Gobi); from Chittagong west to Hardwar and east to Assam. From there it spread south through what we now know as South India, Ceylon and Sumatra; then, enveloping on its way, as it moved south, Madagascar on the right side and Tasmania on the left, it descended, not reaching the Antarctic Circle a few degrees; and from Australia, which at that time was an inland region on the Main Continent, it extended far into the Pacific Ocean beyond Rapa Nui (Teapi or Easter Island), now lying at 26 ° south latitude and 110 ° west longitude. This claim seems to be backed up by science - even if only partially. When discussing the direction of the continents, it is pointed out that the infra-arctic masses usually follow the direction of the meridian, while mentioning, although only by deductions, several ancient continents. Among them is the "mainland of Mascarene", which included Madagascar, stretching north and south, and another ancient mainland, "stretching from Svalbard to the Strait of Dover, while most other parts of Europe were the seabed" . This confirms the occult teaching which says that what is now the polar regions were originally the earliest cradles of the seven cradles of Humanity and the tomb of the majority of Humanity in that region during the Third Race, when the gigantic Continent of Lemuria began to dissect into smaller continents. As explained in the Commentaries, this was due to a decrease in the speed of the earth's rotation:

“When the Wheel rotates at the usual speed, its extreme points [poles] agree with its middle Circle [equator], but when it rotates more slowly and oscillates in all directions, great upheavals occur on the surface of the Earth. The waters rush towards the two ends, and new lands rise in the middle Belt [equatorial lands], while those at the ends enter Pralaya, due to flooding.

“Thus the Wheel [Earth] is subject and ruled by the Spirit of the Moon, as far as the breath of her waters [tides] is concerned. Towards the end of the [Kalpa] Age of the Great [Root] Race, the rulers of the Moon [Fathers and Pitris] begin to attract more strongly and thus flatten the Wheel around its Belt; when it descends in some places and rises in others, and this uplifting rushes to the extreme points [poles], new lands will rise, and the old ones will be drawn in. < ... >

It was, of course, "a gigantic and indivisible continent," for during the Third Race it extended east and west to where the Americas now lie. The real Australia was only a part of it, and in addition to it there are a few surviving islands here and there on the surface of the Pacific Ocean, and a wide strip of California, which also belonged to it.

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It began in those northern regions just described as including the Bering Strait and what was then dry land in Central Asia, when the climate even in the Polar regions was semi-tropical and perfectly adapted to the primitive needs of the emerging physical man. This area, however, since the appearance of man, has repeatedly either frozen or become tropical in turn. The Commentaries tell us that the Third Race was near the midpoint of its development when:

“The axis of the Wheel is tilted. The sun and moon no longer shone over the heads of this part of the Then-born; people recognized snow, ice and frost; and men, plants, and animals diminished in their stature. Those who did not die remained like small children in size and intelligence. This was the third Pralaya Ras." .

The sinking and change of Lemuria began almost at the Arctic Circle (Norway), and the Third Race ended its fate in Lanka, or what became Lanka with the Atlanteans. The small remaining part, now known as Ceylon, is the northern plateau of ancient Lanka, while the huge island of this name in the period of Lemuria was the gigantic Continent, already described by us.

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Of course, these Continents will not be identical the same the most. But here it is necessary to explain. The theory of the existence of Northern Lemuria should not cause any embarrassment. The continuation of this great Continent in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean does not in the least contradict the opinions so widely held regarding the location of the lost Atlantis, for one opinion confirms the other. It should be noted that Lemuria, which served as the cradle of the Third Root-Race, not only covered a vast area in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, but extended in the form of a horseshoe beyond Madagascar around South Africa (then only a negligible part in the process of formation), across the Atlantic Ocean to Norway. The great body of fresh water in England called the Wildon—considered by geologists as the source of the former great river— there is the bed of the main river that drained northern Lemuria in the Secondary Age.

Indeed, the existence of this river in the past is a scientific fact, but do the adherents of science recognize the need to admit the existence of Northern Lemuria of the Secondary Age, as follows from their own data? Professor Berthold Siemann not only recognized the reality of the existence of such a powerful continent, but considered Australia and Europe, as parts originally belonging to the same continent,- thus confirming the entire doctrine of the "horseshoe" already stated. No more striking confirmation of our position could be given than the fact that high mountain range in the basin of the Atlantic Ocean, 9,000 feet high, and which extends two or three thousand miles southward from a point near the British Isles, descends first to South America, then changes direction almost at right angles to continue at southeast towards the African coast, from where it continues south to Tristan D "Akunya. This ridge is the remnant of the Atlantic continent, and if it were possible to trace it further, then the reality of the existence of a connection point under water, in the form of a horseshoe, with an older continent in the Pacific Ocean, would be installed.

Atlantic part of Lemuria was the geological foundation of what is generally known as Atlantis, but which must be regarded as a development of the Atlantean extension of Lemuria rather than as an entirely new landmass raised to meet the specific needs of the Fourth Root Race.

about the third great Continent, which died about 850,000 years ago

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Lemuria was formed in the early period of the Third Race. When it, in turn, collapsed, Atlantis appeared.

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Sweden and Norway formed an integral part of Ancient Lemuria, as well as Atlantis on the European side, just as Eastern and Western Siberia and Kamchatka belonged to it on the Asian side.

Deucalion is said to have brought the cult of Adonis and Osiris to Phoenicia. This cult is the cult of the Sun, lost and rediscovered in its astronomical significance. Only at the Pole does the Sun disappear for such a long time as six months, for at a latitude of 68 degrees it remains dead only for forty days, as we see it at the festivals in honor of Osiris. Both cults originated in the north of Lemuria, or on that continent, of which Asia was a kind of disturbed continuation, and which extended as far as the polar regions. This is well proven in the work of Gebelin. "Allegories of the East" p. 246, and also in Bailly; although neither Osiris nor Hercules are solar myths, except for one of their seven aspects.

Archaeologists and anthropologists

Helena Blavatsky, Nicholas Roerich, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Ernst Muldashev, Helena Roerich

Giant people are found in Mexico, Peru, Tunisia, Pennsylvania, Texas, Philippines, Syria, Morocco, Australia, Spain, Georgia, Southeast Asia, on the islands of Oceania.

In Borjomi, in the Kharagauli reserve, Georgian archaeologists found the skeleton of a three-meter giant. The found skull is 3 times larger than the skull of an ordinary person.

In Australia, where anthropologists found a fossilized molar 67 mm high and 42 mm wide. The owner of the tooth had to be about 7.5 meters tall and weigh 370 kilograms. Hydrocarbon analysis determined the age of the find - 9 million years.

In China, fragments of the jaws of people were found, whose height ranged from 3 to 3.5 meters, and weighed 300 kilograms.

In South Africa, in the diamond mines, a fragment of a huge skull 45 centimeters high was discovered. Anthropologists have determined the age of the skull - about 9 million years.

In the Sahara, in the Gobero region, burials of the Stone Age were discovered. The age of the remains is about 5000 years. In 2005-2006, about 200 burials of two cultures, the Kythian and the Tenerian, were found in the region. Kithians lived in this territory 8 - 10 thousand years ago. They were distinguished by their high growth, exceeding 2 meters.

In Turkey. The fossilized bone of a human leg has a length of 120 centimeters, judging by this size, the height of a person was about 5 meters.

Titicaca in the Andes, at an altitude of 4 thousand meters, rises the city of giants - the preserved ruins of Tiahuanaco, the oldest city known to the modern world. Archaeologists have discovered that in this region of the Andes, at an altitude of 4,000 meters, there are marine deposits stretching for 700 kilometers, which indicates the original location of the port of Tiahuanaco on the coast of the sea bay. In Tiwanaku, a mysterious monument has been preserved - the "Gate of the Sun", covered with hieroglyphs that indicate the astronomical cycles of the planet Venus.

The giants of Easter Island, more than 20 meters high and weighing about 50 tons, were erected by a race of "craftsmen who fell from the sky."

Easter Island is a surviving geological remnant of the continent Mu, which means "Motherland" - the legendary continent that sank in the Pacific Ocean about 25 thousand years ago.

James Churchward, who studied ancient stone tablets found in a monastery in Tibet, put forward the theory that the inhabitants of the Mu continent used technologies far superior to modern ones, including anti-gravity, which allowed them to move huge objects and build colossal buildings.

Thor Heyerdahl, who for many years studied the giant statues on Easter Island, believed that they were erected by the "long-eared" people of the continent of Mu, to protect the land from the advancing waters. On the island, there are also rongo-rongo tablets, which record information about the life of people on the continent of Mu.

Pacific Ocean. These are the islands: Fiji, Tonga, Nikafou, Samoa, Mangaia, Tahiti, Marquesas and Easter Island with giant stone figures.

Mu are tasadai. They live on the southern island of the Philippines - Mindana, and lead a primitive lifestyle. Filipinos consider themselves descendants of people from Mu and are sure that healers - surgeons, performing operations without anesthesia, use the knowledge of the Muans.

On the island of Ponapa, which is part of the Caroline Islands, the ruins of one of the temples of My. The sacred symbols of the “Motherland” are carved on the walls. Small islands are scattered around Ponape, on one of which - called Temuen is Nan Madol - the remains of a complex of ancient structures. Legends say that the creators of Nan Madol were two God-kings - Olosope and Olosipe, who arrived by boat from the west.

Yucatan, in Uxmal, there is a temple of the Mayan people, on which the inscription has been preserved: "This building was built in memory of My - the Lands of the West, the birthplace of our sacred mysteries."

Giant Inca people discovered in Peru and collected at the Javira Museum show that humans lived with dinosaurs. Scientists believe that dinosaurs disappeared over 100 million years ago. Comparing these drawings on the stones, you can discover an amazing fact: a man and a dinosaur have approximately similar proportions. Perhaps the people who lived during the time of the dinosaurs were giants.

The drawing of the Incas is almost identical to that of the drawings in the Nazca desert.

Helena Blavatsky

Helena Blavatsky formed the classification of the existing earthly civilizations - the Indigenous Human Races:

I race - angelic people,

II race - ghost-like people,

III race - Lemurians,

IV race - Atlanteans,

V race - Aryans (WE).

In The Secret Doctrine, Helena Blavatsky writes that the inhabitants of Lemuria were the "root race" of mankind. Philosopher Rudolf Steiner has argued that the Akashic Records refer to the inhabitants of Lemuria as the "ancestors of humans," super-intellectuals.

Lemurians had a height of 10 - 20 meters. All the major achievements of earth technology come from them. They left their knowledge on the "golden plates", hidden to this day in hiding places. The Lemurian civilization existed for many millions of years and disappeared 2-3 million years ago.

The Atlantean race was also a highly developed race, but to a lesser extent than the Lemurians. Atlanteans had a height of 5 - 6 meters, outwardly they were similar to modern people. The main part of the Atlanteans died during the Flood 850 thousand years ago, but some groups of Atlanteans survived to a period of 12 thousand years ago.

The Aryan race appeared in the bowels of the Atlantean civilization about a million years ago. All modern earthlings are called Aryans. The early Aryans had a height of 3-4 meters, then the growth decreased.

The statues of Easter Island, the statues of Bamiyan, Nan Madol and a number of other monuments of antiquity are the works of Lemurians and Atlanteans.

Hindu Guru by the power of mantras - special spells cast by a person advanced in spiritual life, that is, psychic energy was used to move aircraft.

In Afghanistan, near the city of Bamiyan, since ancient times, five colossal Buddha statues have been towering, the construction of which was begun in the 3rd century BC by the ruler of the Mauryan Empire, King Ashoka, and lasted two hundred years.

The Bamiyan Buddha statue was 55 meters high. The second statue, carved in the same way as the first, in the rock, is about 37 meters high, the third is 18 meters, the fourth is 7.5 meters, the fifth statue is slightly larger than the height of an average modern person.

Buddha statue 18-19 meters long. Excavations in Bamiyan have resumed and archaeologists continue to search for the 300-meter statue of Buddha.

Henan, in Lushan is the tallest statue in the world - the statue of Buddha Vairochana.

153 meters, and the Buddha figure has a height of 128 meters. The construction of the statue coincided with the destruction of the Buddha statues in Bamiyan in 2001.

Nicholas Roerich

About the Bamiyan statues: “These five figures belong to the creation of the hands of the Initiates of the Fourth Race, who, after the sinking of their mainland, took refuge in the strongholds and on the peaks of the Central Asian mountain range. These figures are an illustration of the Teaching about the gradual evolution of the Races. The largest depicts the First Race, its ethereal body was imprinted in hard, indestructible stone. The second - 36 meters high - depicts "Then-born". The third - 18 meters - perpetuates the Race that fell and conceived the first physical Race, born from a father and mother, the last offspring of which are depicted in statues on Easter Island. These were only 6 and 7.5 meters tall in the era when Lemuria was flooded. The Fourth Race was even smaller, though gigantic in comparison with our Fifth Race, and the series ends last.

Drunvalo Melchizedek

Drunvalo Melchizedek in the book "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" writes about aliens from parallel worlds on the land of Ancient Egypt.

He describes the growth of people of different spatial dimensions:

1.5 - 2 meters - the growth of people of the third (our) dimension,

3.6 - 4.5 meters - the fourth dimension,

10.6 meters - the fifth dimension,

18 meters - the sixth dimension,

26 - 28 meters - the seventh dimension.

He writes that the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten Sirius, his height was 4.5 meters. Akhenaten's wife Nefertiti was about 3.5 meters tall. They were people of the fourth dimension.

Ernst Muldashev

Ernst Muldashev, during an expedition to Syria, in the town of Ain Dara, discovered traces of a giant man in an ancient ruined temple. The length of the giant's footprint was 90 cm, the width at the base of the fingers was 45 cm, the length of the thumb was 20 cm, and the length of the little finger was 15 cm. According to calculations, a person with such foot sizes should have been 6.5–10 meters tall.

Buddha. From this description, called "60 features and 32 characteristics of the Buddha", it is known that the Buddha had a huge growth, webbed fingers and toes, 40 teeth, which corresponds to the description of the people of the Atlantean civilization.

The Bible, Avesta, Vedas, Edda, Chinese and Tibetan chronicles speak of giants.

Lobsang Rampa in the Akashic Chronicles, the theosophist Helena Blavatsky in The Secret Doctrine, the seer Michel Nostradamus, the philosopher and esoteric Helena Roerich, the mystic philosopher Nicholas Roerich, Professor Ernst Muldashev and many other scientists, philosophers, esotericists.

Helena Roerich

In "Agni Yoga" she wrote: "Unfortunately, the present time corresponds to the last time of Atlantis. The same false prophets, the same wars, the same betrayals and spiritual savagery. Now we are proud of the crumbs of civilization, and the Atlanteans also knew how to rush over the planet Earth in order to deceive each other as soon as possible. Temples were also defiled, and science became the subject of speculation and contention. The same thing happened in construction, they did not dare to build firmly. They also rebelled against the Divine Hierarchy (the Cosmic Teachers of mankind) and were strangled by their own egoism. They also upset the balance of the underground forces of the Earth and created a catastrophe by mutual efforts.

Do current events remind those distant times?

The development of science and technology is much faster than the spiritual development of society and the careful attitude of people to nature and to each other.

The Great Dedicated Teachers say that the energy radiated by humanity is needed for the correct movement of the Planet. When this energy becomes poisoned, it weakens the Mer-Ka-Ba of the Earth and thereby upsets the balance of many Luminaries. The waves of vibrations are changing and the Planet is losing some of its self-protection. This is how humanity controls its own destiny, and yet each person is responsible for what happens on the Planet.

In the tales and legends of almost all the peoples of the Earth there are references to people of great stature - giants. The fact that they used to live on Earth, whose growth was much higher than that of a modern person, is indicated by many archaeological finds found around the world.

The remains of giant people have been found in almost every part of the world:mexico, Peru, Tunisia, Pennsylvania, Texas, Philippines, Syria, Morocco, Australia, Spain, Georgia, Southeast Asia, on the islands of Oceania.

In 2008, not far from the city Borjomi, V Kharagaul reserve, Georgian archaeologists found a skeleton three-meter giant. skull found in 3 times more skulls of an ordinary person.

The remains of giant people have been found in australia where anthropologists found a fossilized indigenous tooth height 67 and width 42 mm. The owner of the tooth must have been about 7.5 meters and weight 370 kilograms. Hydrocarbon analysis determined the age of the find - 9 million years.

IN China found fragments of the jaws of people whose height ranged from 3 before 3,5 meters, and weight 300 kilograms.

IN south africa, on diamond mines, a fragment of a huge skull was found 45 centimeters. Anthropologists determined the age of the skull - about 9 million years.

Many remains of giants were found in the last century on Caucasus. In 2000, in a mountain cave in Eastern Georgia, archaeologists discovered the skeletons of four-meter giants.

On July 23, 2001, by Marvin Rainwater, owner of a farm in Iowa (USA), while digging a well, a tomb with mummified giant people 3 meters tall was discovered.

IN Sahara near Gobero Stone Age graves have been discovered. The age of the remains is about 5000 years. In 2005-2006, about 200 burials of two cultures were found in the region - Kythian And Tenerian. Kithians lived in this territory 8 - 10 thousand years back. They were taller than 2 meters.

Many giant fossilized bones were found in one of the mountain valleys Turkey. The fossilized human leg bone has a length 120 centimeters judging by this size, the height of a person was about 5 meters. The race of Giants existed!

The end of the 20th century was marked by a sensational discovery by the Anglo-French paleontological expedition, which conducted research in remote parts of Southern Mongolia, in the Gobi Desert, which has long been considered a hoard of secrets. There is a place called Uulakh, about which the legend of a giant devil who lived in a stone gorge has been passed down from generation to generation. It was so huge that the earth could hardly bear it.

A group of paleontologists, led by Professor Higley, decided to check the authenticity of this legend. Persistent excavations in rock layers, which are about 45 million years old, were crowned with success: a well-preserved skeleton of a humanoid creature was discovered. Moreover, scientists were struck by its growth - about 15-17 meters. So the legend was true? But how did the locals learn about the "gigantic shaitan" if he lived millions of years ago? There is only one plausible explanation: they have already seen his bones. The rock could be washed away by water, which allowed the Mongols to see the remains, the legend of which has been passed down from generation to generation for hundreds of years.

So for 45 million years there has already been a human civilization - the Race of Giants!?

Independent experts pointed to another important factor: a forgery of this magnitude cannot be manufactured and delivered to the required place in secret.

Noteworthy is the version put forward by the Canadian scientist Roger Wingley, who noted that it is necessary to take into account the data of recent studies. It follows from them that for billions of years the Earth has rotated around the Sun and around its axis much faster than at present. Calculations show that at that time the day lasted about 10 hours, and in one year there were almost 400 days. According to Wingley, such conditions made it possible for giants to exist - dinosaurs, lizards, and even humanoids. It is likely that this is the key to the mysterious gorge.

Articles appeared in a number of British newspapers that called for a new look at the history of human development. The well-known British scientist Dr. Townes expressed his view on the problem.

He believes that his colleagues have made a unique find that does not belong to earthly civilization. The professor put forward a hypothesis that the creature found in the Gobi desert developed and lived according to laws that are very far from earthly evolution. Therefore, this is not a representative of an extinct race from our planet, not a hoax, but a creature from outer space.

Historical chronicles of the 19th century often report finds in different parts of the world of skeletons of people of abnormally tall stature.

In 1821 in USA in Tennessee found the ruins of an ancient stone wall, and under it are two human skeletons 215 centimeters tall. In Wisconsin, during the construction of a granary in 1879, huge vertebrae and skull bones were found "of incredible thickness and size," according to a newspaper article.

In 1883 in Utah several burial mounds were discovered in which there were burials of people of very tall stature - 195 centimeters, which is at least 30 centimeters higher than the average height of the Aboriginal Indians. The latter did not make these burials and could not provide any information about them. In 1885, in Gusterville (Pennsylvania), a stone crypt was discovered in a large grave mound, in which there was a skeleton 215 centimeters high. Primitive images of people, birds and animals were carved on the walls of the crypt.

In 1890 in Egypt archaeologists found a stone sarcophagus with a clay coffin inside, which contained the mummies of a two-meter red-haired woman and a baby. The features of the face and the addition of the mummies differed sharply from the ancient Egyptians. Similar mummies of a man and a woman with red hair were discovered in 1912 in Lovelok (Nevada) in a cave carved into the rock. The growth of a mummified woman during her lifetime was two meters, and men - about three meters.

In 1930 near Basarsta in Australia prospectors in the development of jasper often found fossilized prints of huge human feet. The race of giant people, whose remains were found in Australia, anthropologists called megantropus. The growth of these people ranged from 210 to 365 centimeters. Megantropuses are similar to Gigantopithecus, the remains of which were found in China. Judging by the found fragments of jaws and many teeth, the growth of Chinese giants was 3 to 3.5 meters, and the weight was 400 kilograms. Near Basarst, in river sediments, there were stone artifacts of enormous weight and size - clubs, plows, chisels, knives and axes. Modern Homo sapiens would hardly be able to work with tools weighing from 4 to 9 kilograms.

An anthropological expedition, which specifically investigated the area in 1985 for the presence of the remains of meganthropus, excavated at a depth of up to three meters from the surface of the earth. Australian researchers found, among other things, a petrified molar 67 mm high and 42 mm wide. The owner of the tooth had to be at least 7.5 meters tall and weigh 370 kilograms! Hydrocarbon analysis determined the age of the finds, amounting to nine million years.

In 1971 in Queensland farmer Stephen Walker, plowing his field, came across a large fragment of a jaw with teeth five centimeters high. In 1979 in Megalong Valley in the Blue Mountains, locals found a huge stone sticking out above the surface of the stream, on which one could see the imprint of a part of a huge foot with five fingers. The transverse size of the fingers was 17 centimeters. If the print had been preserved in its entirety, it would have been 60 cm long. It follows that the imprint was left by a man of six meters in height

close Malgoa three huge footprints were found 60 centimeters long, 17 wide. The giant's step length was measured 130 centimeters. Traces were preserved in the petrified lava for millions of years, even before Homo sapiens appeared on the Australian continent (if the theory of evolution is considered correct). Huge footprints are also found in the limestone bed of the Upper Maclay River. The fingerprints of these footprints are 10 cm long and the width of the foot is 25 cm. Obviously, the Australian Aborigines were not the first inhabitants of the continent. It is interesting that in their folklore there are legends about giant people who once lived in these territories. .

In one of the old books, entitled "History and Antiquity", now kept in the library of Oxford University, there is an account of the discovery of a giant skeleton, made in the Middle Ages in Cumberland. “The giant is buried to a depth of four yards and is in full military dress. His sword and battle ax rest beside him. The length of the skeleton is 4.5 yards (4 meters), and the teeth of the "big man" measure 6.5 inches (17 centimeters)"

In 1877 not far from Jews in Nevada prospectors worked on a gold pan in a deserted hilly area. One of the workers accidentally noticed something sticking out above the ledge of the cliff. People climbed a rock and were surprised to find the human bones of the foot and lower leg, along with the patella. The bone was immured into the rock, and the miners freed it from the rock with picks. Assessing the unusualness of the find, the workers delivered it to Evreka. The stone, in which the rest of the leg was embedded, was quartzite, and the bones themselves turned black, which betrayed their considerable age. The leg was broken above the knee and consisted of a knee joint and intact bones of the lower leg and foot. Several doctors examined the bones and came to the conclusion that the leg undoubtedly belonged to a person. But the most intriguing aspect of the find was the size of the foot - 97 centimeters from knee to foot The owner of this limb was tall 3 meters 60 centimeters.

Even more mysterious was the age of the quartzite in which the fossil was found - 185 million years, the era of dinosaurs. Local newspapers vied with each other to report the sensation. One of the museums sent researchers to the place of discovery in the hope of finding the rest of the skeleton. But unfortunately nothing else was found

In 1936, the German paleontologist and anthropologist Larson Kohl found the skeletons of giant people on the shore. Lake Elisey in Central Africa. 12 men buried in a mass grave had a height of 350 to 375 centimeters during their lifetime. Curiously, their skulls had sloping chins and two rows of upper and lower teeth.

There is evidence that during the Second World War in the territory Poland during the burial of the executed, a fossilized skull 55 centimeters high was found, that is, almost three times more than that of a modern adult. The giant to whom the skull belonged had very proportional features and was at least 3.5 meters tall.

One of the most unique specimens of Klaus Don's collections are the bones of a giant. This is a genuine artifact. IN Ecuador in 1964 he found part of the calcaneus and occipital bones of the human skeleton. Based on the calculations, he found out that this bone belonged to a man with a height of 7 meters 60 centimeters. These remains are over 10,000 years old. But that is not all. IN Bolivia he was also able to make a discovery. Klaus discovered a burial of people 260-280 centimeters tall. But the strangest thing is that they have extraordinary elongated skulls.

About giant people from other sources:

Helena Blavatsky

Theosophist, writer and traveler Helena Blavatsky formed a classification of existing earthly civilizations - Indigenous Human Races:

I race - angelic people,

II race - ghost-like people,

III race - Lemurians,

IV race - Atlanteans,

Race V - Aryans (WE).

In The Secret Doctrine, Helena Blavatsky writes that the inhabitants of Lemuria were the "root race" of mankind.

As Blavatsky writes, “the late Lemurians were 10 to 20 meters tall. All the major achievements of earth technology come from them. They left their knowledge on the "golden plates", hidden to this day in hiding places. The Lemurian civilization existed for many millions of years and disappeared 2-3 million years ago.

The Atlantean race was also a highly developed race, but to a lesser extent than the Lemurians. The Atlanteans were 5-6 meters tall, outwardly they were similar to modern people. The main part of the Atlanteans died during the Flood 850 thousand years ago, but some groups of Atlanteans survived to a period of 12 thousand years ago.

The Aryan race appeared in the bowels of the Atlantean civilization about a million years ago. All modern earthlings are called Aryans. The early Aryans had a height of 3-4 meters, then the growth decreased.

Nicholas Roerich

The scientist, artist, philosopher-mystic Nicholas Roerich wrote about the Bamiyan statues: “These five figures belong to the creation of the hands of the Initiates of the Fourth Race, who, after the sinking of their mainland, found refuge in the strongholds and on the peaks of the Central Asian mountain range. These figures are an illustration of the Teaching about the gradual evolution of the Races. The largest depicts the First Race, its ethereal body was imprinted in hard, indestructible stone. The second - 36 meters high - depicts "Then-born". The third - at 18 meters - perpetuates the Race that fell and conceived the first physical Race, born from a father and mother, the last offspring of which are depicted in statues on Easter Island. These were only 6 and 7.5 meters tall in the era when Lemuria was flooded. The Fourth Race was even smaller, though gigantic in comparison with our Fifth Race, and the series ends last.

Drunvalo Melchizedek

Scholar and esoteric, Drunvalo Melchizedek in the book "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" writes about aliens from parallel worlds on the land of Ancient Egypt.

He describes the growth of people of different spatial dimensions:

1.5 - 2 meters - the growth of people of the third (our) dimension,

3.6 - 4.5 meters - the fourth dimension,

10.6 meters - the fifth dimension,

18 meters - the sixth dimension,

26 - 28 meters - the seventh dimension.

Drunvalo Melchizedek writes that the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten was not an earthling, he came from the star system of Sirius, his height was 4.5 meters. Akhenaten's wife, Nefertiti, was about 3.5 meters tall. They were people of the fourth dimension.

Ernst Muldashev

Professor Ernst Muldashev, during an expedition to Syria, in the town of Ain Dara, in an ancient ruined temple, discovered traces of a giant man. The length of the giant's footprint was 90 cm, the width at the base of the fingers was 45 cm, the length of the thumb was 20 cm, the length of the little finger was 15 cm. According to calculations, a person with such foot sizes should have been 6.5-10 meters tall.

In the East there is a very detailed description of the Buddha. From this description, called "60 features and 32 characteristics of the Buddha", it is known that the Buddha had a huge growth, webbed fingers and toes, 40 teeth, which corresponds to the description of the people of the Atlantean civilization.


At the present time, there are also giants, but, unfortunately, there is little fabulous in them. These are sick people suffering from increased function of the anterior pituitary gland, which produces growth hormone. Giants grow over 2 meters (the tallest person described in the literature was 320 centimeters tall). In childhood, they look like ordinary people, but by the beginning of puberty (9-10 years), their growth accelerates sharply and lasts longer than in ordinary people.

Matrine Van Buuren Bates
(1837-1919) - "giant from Kentucky", the hero of the American Civil War, who fought on the side of the Confederation (the slave-owning south of the country). His height reached 243 centimeters, and weight - 234 kilograms. In his youth, Martin worked as a school teacher, but after the start of the civil war, he joined the army, rose to the rank of captain, became a legend among the northerners, was captured, was exchanged (according to another version, he fled), and finally decided to leave the service, hiring to work to the circus. Despite their gigantic growth, such people are characterized by poor health. They rarely live to old age, sometimes have mental problems, do not show sexual activity, suffer from visual impairment. Their gigantism is disproportionate - people often become freaks with an excessively small head and long limbs. However, despite this, many giants find the strength to live a normal life. They even manage to become famous.

I don't insist on anything

But let everything be my way!

Bernand Shaw.

In Central Asia, in Afghanistan, on the halfway between Kabul and Bal, there is the city of Bamiyan. Near this city rise five colossal statues. Rather, they rose, as the leaders of the Taliban movement ordered the destruction of this monument of world culture. The largest is 52 meters high. The second large statue, carved in the same way as the first one, in the rock, has about 36 meters. The third statue measures only 18 meters, the other two are even smaller. The last fifth statue is only slightly larger than the average tall man of our civilization. The first and largest of these colossi depicts a man draped in something like a toga.

These figures are an illustration of the doctrine of the gradual evolution of civilizations (or Races) on Earth. The statues are carved by the hands of the Initiates of the Fourth Race, who, after the sinking of their continent, took refuge in the strongholds and on the peaks of the Central Asian mountain range. It is believed that the statues are over 2,000 years old, but they are officially referred to as Buddha statues.

The largest statue is of the 1st Race, its ethereal body imprinted in hard stone. The second statue, 36 meters high, depicts "Then born." The third - at 18 meters perpetuates the Race that fell and conceived the first physical Race, born from a father and mother. The last offspring of this 3rd Race, according to the teachings of the "initiates", were only 7.5 and 6 meters tall in the era when Lemuria was flooded. This offspring is depicted in statues on Easter Island. The Fourth Race (the civilization of the Atlanteans) was even smaller, though gigantic in comparison with our Fifth Race. It was the representatives of the 4th Race who created the statues in Bamiyan, in which they depicted themselves and their ancestors. Since there is material evidence that confirms the doctrine of a different history of mankind, which contradicts the one studied at school, one must get acquainted with ancient knowledge.

Let's move on to the research of Ernst Muldashev, an eye surgeon from Ufa, who learned to determine the facial features of a person by the external structure of the eyes. There is nothing surprising in this, since the anthropologist Gerasimov could, using a skeleton found in the ground, restore the complete structure of the body of a person or animal. Iridology also determines the diseases of the body by the iris of the eye. It's all about the professionalism of the researcher. Having trained, according to the outlines of the eyes, to determine the faces of different nationalities of our contemporaries, E. Muldashev, according to the same scheme, determined the appearance of a person who lived in the ancient era, and he did not know in advance the final result. In addition, he managed to find caves in the mountains of Tibet, where people of previous civilizations are still in a state of "samadhi". AiF weekly wrote about these caves several years ago, as a sponsor of the expedition. So, the people who are in the caves correspond in height and appearance to the representatives of the Root Races: Lemurians, Lemuro-Atlanteans, Atlanteans and our contemporaries.

Those who wish can read the book themselves: “Where did we come from?”, written on the basis of the results of a scientific Himalayan expedition, which was conducted by employees of the All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery (Ufa). The book in 2000 was distributed by the publishing house "AiF-Print" [ 13 ].

The appearance of our distant ancestor, which was restored from the eyes painted on the Tibetan temple, turned out to be so unusual that we had to turn to the lamas (church ministers in Tibet) for clarification. Secret information was obtained from the lamas only due to the great similarity of the drawing presented by E. Muldashev with the appearance of real people, whose body can be touched in the caves. It turned out that people of this kind really lived on our land, and some representatives of ancient civilizations are still in caves to this day, though in a state of samadhi. Of course, they don’t lead excursions to these caves, but on the contrary, special people protect them from prying eyes.

A person in a state of "samadhi" is described as having a motionless-stone body, in which metabolic processes in the cells are so slowed down that the body at a temperature of about + 4 0 C persists for an arbitrarily long time. It is assumed that in this way the gene pool of mankind is preserved in case of unforeseen catastrophes such as the Flood. Interestingly, the eyes of people in a state of samadhi have a position like during sleep, and not like during the death of the body. Lamas explain this by the fact that the Soul of these people, although it is in the "other world", does not break the connection with its body. Thus, this person can get out of the state of samadhi and live a normal biological life.

The caves contain people of different heights, with different structures of the eyes and nose, which suggests that they belong to different civilizations that lived at different times and adapted to different living conditions on Earth. The book describes specific examples of people leaving the state of samadhi and re-entering it. True, these examples refer to people with a modern appearance, but it is assumed that “revival” (self-revitalization) of more ancient people is possible.

Somati is not a lethargic dream. With lethargic sleep, the heart, brain work, metabolic processes take place. With samadhi, the body passes into a stone-immobile state. The body becomes unnaturally hard and cold. Figuratively speaking, the body is like a stone. This is achieved by reducing the metabolism to zero. Somati is not a state of clinical death. The soul in a state of clinical death leaves the body, but the body, unlike samadhi, is not prepared to be in a conserved form for a long time.

With samadhi, the soul is outside the body, as if next to the body. A person can continue to live, leaving his body, as it were, in a conserved state, and then return there. With the help of samadhi one can understand the life of the soul. A person in reality sees his body, which is inactive and as if dead, but feels that it lives. During samadhi, a person understands that it is possible to live without a body. The body can be preserved for hundreds, thousands and even millions of years. But not every person can achieve the state of samadhi through meditation, and not everyone who has learned to enter the state of samadhi can achieve deep samadhi, when the body can be preserved for many years. The bodies in samadhi are preserved in three places: in water, glaciers and caves.

Further, the author gives a reconstruction of the history of mankind, taking into account the knowledge received from lamas and from the book of E.P. Blavatsky. It turns out that on Earth there were 5 successively replacing each other Races or civilizations. In the caves there are representatives of the 3rd, 4th and 5th (modern people) Races.

1st Race - angelic people who are able to pass through walls and other solid objects. They looked like luminous incorporeal forms of moonlight, had a height of 40 - 50 meters and were cyclops, i.e. one-eyed. They did not have a language, but they communicated by the transmission of thought.

2nd Race - denser ghost-like people with a height of 30 - 40 meters. They were also cyclops and had a golden yellow body color.

3rd Race - "Lemurians" are divided into early and late. The early Lemurians were golden in color. Within this race there was a division of the sexes, bones appeared. The body condensed, and from four-armed and two-faced, about 20 meters tall, they turned into two-armed and one-armed, with a height of 7-8 meters. These Lemuro-Atlanteans with yellow or red skin were the most highly developed humans on Earth with the highest level of technology. They had aircraft that they could use to leave the Earth. For construction, they used huge monoliths. There is an assumption that the "hanging stones" in the Salusbury Valley (England) and the Egyptian Sphinx are the works of Lemuro-Atlanteans.

Lemuro-Atlanteans were born with the ability of clairvoyance. Their vision was unlimited, and they comprehended things instantly, as they had access to the universal information field. It was a golden age when the gods walked the earth and freely communicated with mortals. When this age ended, the gods withdrew, i.e. became invisible.

The 4th Race - Atlanteans, with a height of 3-4 meters, already used a highly developed speech, which is the basis of modern languages. They remained on Earth after the terrible cataclysms caused by the collision of the twin planet with the Earth. Lemuro-Atlanteans forever left the Earth on their aircraft.

The surviving Atlanteans began to adapt to life in the changed conditions of the Earth. Mammoths and brontosaurs disappeared from the face of the Earth, as they could not adapt to the new climate. The sky, once red, has turned blue. Snow fell from the sky, the tides began to ebb and flow.

The priests began to collect the ancient scriptures of the Lemuro-Atlanteans and tried to decipher them. The mastery of ancient knowledge and partial access to the general information field has led to rapid progress. Telepathy and psycho-influence on gravity were mastered. Cities began to be built by carrying burdens with a glance, and the body was healed due to internal energy. Aircrafts (vimana) scurried over the Earth, beautiful plantations were formed under the water.

Some sources distinguish 7 sub-races in the Atlantean Race. E.P. Blavatsky distinguishes two sub-races - devas and peri, noting that the devas were strong giants. At the same Blavatsky Atlanta, they are divided into yellow, black, red and brown.

During the global flood that occurred 850,000 years ago, the Atlanteans did not die immediately. The survivors died between 850,000 and 700,000 years ago. In addition to the Himalayas, Tibet and Gobi, after the global flood (or Noah's flood), another piece of land remained unsinkable, which was described by Plato and everywhere passes as "Plato's island" or Atlantis. The group of Atlanteans that remained alive on this island influenced the development of the people of our nascent civilization on the continents that had risen from the ocean. The building of the pyramids took place about 78,000 years ago, when Egypt had just risen from the waters. Plato's island sank about 11,000 years ago as a result of the fall of Typhon's comet, and the last Atlantes perished.

The 5th Race appeared in the bowels of the Atlantean civilization about 200,000 years before the global flood (850,000 years ago), i.e. more than 1,000,000 years ago. The Atlanteans of those times began to have children with an unusual appearance - these were the people of our civilization. They were smaller than the Atlanteans, but compared to modern man they were taller and larger.

After the global flood, many Atlanteans and a small number of people of the fifth race remained, saved by Noah. Further, ancient legends speak of wars in which the knights defeated the giants (Devas and Peri). Nevertheless, the Atlanteans and the people of our civilization not only multiplied separately from each other, but also mixed with each other. At the same time, the older Race (Atlantes) more and more acquired the features of a younger Race until the tragic death of Plato's island 11,000 years ago.

Most of the people of the 5th Race went wild, because they could not use the knowledge of the Atlanteans for their development. Communication with the Universal Information Field was interrupted, and it became impossible to use the knowledge received from there. Then the story that we studied at school developed: a stone ax, mammoth skins and ¼ As for the origins of human origin, they mainly call the African continent (as according to Darwin) or Tibet (as according to the mysterious Shambhala).

Now let's compare the described legends and E. Muldashev's generalizations. Immediately striking is the discrepancy between the time dates of the two sources of information, although the data of H. P. Blavatsky are present in both cases. The Flood in one case happened in 9564 BC. e., and in another 850,000 years ago; the Egyptian pyramids were built according to one version 210,000 years ago, and according to another 78,000 years ago; etc. Leapfrog with a chronological sequence is a field for another study. For now, let's single out a simple correspondence in different sources of information to the main points in the history of mankind. The existence of the five human Races is supported by the presence of caves with people in a state of "samadhi" and destroyed unique statues, although the Taliban thought that they had blown up the Buddha statues.

Here is a reconstruction of the origin of man, which is easily criticized if we consider it chronologically. However, after revision, proposed by E. Muldashev together with E.P. Blavatsky, the scheme of human development will turn out to be correct. Evidence of a more ancient existence of man is enough.

In the summer of 1968, amateur archaeologist W.-J. Meister, in a place known as Antelope Spring (England), was looking for fossilized trilobite mollusks - the first inhabitants of the ocean, who lived in the Cambrian period of the Paleozoic era, that is, 600 million years ago. Beating off pieces of rock with a hammer, he suddenly found on one of them the imprint of a human foot, and under it a trilobite mollusk. Judging by the print, the man was wearing sandals, his feet were 26 centimeters long. On the heel, the ground is depressed deeper than on the entire sole, which is typical for the human footprint. Later, a number of fossilized traces of a man were discovered, dating back to such a deep antiquity, when, according to the official theory of evolution, there were not only humans, but also dinosaurs on Earth.

For example, 70 km. northeast of Lima (Peru), in the town of Uandoval, a large polished stone was discovered. The footprints of a man were imprinted on it - as if the stone was soft at that time. In Kenco (Peru), on a rock, one can distinguish the footprint of a shod human foot next to the paw print of an unknown animal.

Geologists and paleontologists are aware of finds that can be explained by the softening of certain rocks in the hottest regions of the Earth. But maybe such a softening occurred relatively recently, and not millions of years ago? Such a doubt is justified, since the age of rocks is determined with a large error (in millions of years). It remains to be hoped for a comparative analysis of such stones. Such a similar stone is currently located in the Plaza of Arms in the city of Cusco (Peru), opposite the University of San Santon Abod. On a huge stone (more than 1 meter) is printed a giant footprint of a dinosaur that lived in the Mesozoic era. The same footprints of an animal, whose species identity is beyond doubt, were found in the United States, where there is a whole path of footprints of various dinosaurs.

On ancient Peruvian stones, scenes of people hunting for a giant lizard are depicted. Similar images, where epic heroes fight dragons, as if descended from the pages of paleontological reference books, are found in caves in other countries. Maybe our ancestors exterminated dinosaurs (dragon tribe).

The civilization that existed in Peru many millions of years ago is told by the mysterious "stone chronicle" carved on thousands of stones. They were collected and described by the Peruvian scientist Javier Cabrera in his book Messages Written on Stones from the City of Ica. Blocks of stone - large (up to a meter in diameter), rounded and durable - could resist time longer than any books. It is the thoughtful, meaningful "message" of that advanced civilization that Javier Cabrera considers the stones from Ica. Dr. Cabrera is convinced that he has succeeded in deciphering the images on these ancient stones, which he calls "glypnoliths" (Greek for "engraving stones"). The stones are not depicted with hieroglyphs that can be "written off" for the "game of nature", but with drawings showing that the ancient civilization solved many problems that modern humanity is only approaching.

The images on the Ica stones described the life and scientific achievements of a mysterious civilization of the distant past. Scientists were quick to call the Ica stones a fake, as the stones depicted ancient doctors who performed organ transplants, long-extinct animals, people who tamed dinosaurs ... etc. However, the examination showed that the grooves of the engraved drawings were covered with an oxide film, like the whole stone.

In surgery, the ancient civilization did anesthesia with the help of acupuncture. When transplanting organs, the problem of tissue rejection was solved. Operations were performed, for example, on brain transplantation. Moreover, at the same time, they achieved rejuvenation of the body (in any case, this is how Dr. Javier Cabrera interprets the drawings on the stones of Ica). Apparently, when it was supposed to transplant the hemispheres of the brain to a person, he was previously transplanted with a kidney with the corresponding adrenal gland, taken from the same donor. This was done to avoid rejection of foreign tissues.

The glypnolips themselves, which conveyed to us “a message from the past, bear traces of the former softening of stones and rocks. On some “engraved stones”, the lines of the drawing are interrupted in places, and these sections of the stone’s surface themselves look “crumpled”. It seems that after the engraving, the stones softened and, perhaps, collided with each other during some kind of cataclysm.

No one disputes the presence of global cataclysms on Earth. However, I defend the position that the substance familiar to us was at first more gaseous, then it became amorphous and turned into a solid - petrification occurred. In this case, perhaps there was no softening of stones and rocks. "Aerial" (ethereal) people and dinosaurs left traces on the soft rocks of the earth's crust, which then turned into stones over billions of years. Mountain amorphous rocks could be processed not by engraving, but in some other way. It is difficult for us more “dense” people to imagine possible technologies, and it is very problematic to check the assumptions put forward. Therefore, we will leave the topic of the origin of glipnolips, but simply accept the fact of human existence in the era of dinosaurs. Moreover, man did not just exist, but had a developed civilization.

In general, many interesting finds have been made in Peru that refute the official version of the origin of man. In 1863, the American diplomat and anthropologist Efr.-J. Squier hoped to acquire some objects of ancient Inca art in Peru. While inspecting a private archaeological collection, Squier noticed an Inca skull that had a large square hole. He acquired an outlandish relic and sent it for examination to the famous French anatomist and anthropologist Paul Broca. He admitted that he had never before seen a piece of bone removed from an ancient skull with such accuracy.

Trepanation of the skull, that is, the removal of certain parts from it, was practiced in Africa 12 thousand years BC, and in Europe at least 6 thousand years ago, but this was done only in the skulls of the dead, probably in order to expel evil spirits. But after examining the skull from Peru, Broca came to the conclusion that the operation was performed on the skull of a living person, on living bone tissues. This was evidenced, for example, by signs of healing of the edges of the hole made. Broca was sure that the operation was performed for purely medical purposes.

Further study of other trepanned Peruvian skulls (hundreds of them have been found in Peru today) revealed a striking fact: at least half of the patients after such trepanation were cured. The question arises: Why did neurosurgery flourish so much in Peru, and many thousands of years before our time (if we take into account the drawings on the Ica stones, then many millions of years before our time)?

It turns out that all that official science does is a study of the history of the 5th race of mankind, and even then only that part of it that began after the death of the last Atlanteans, when people again took the path of progress from the caves. In the words of E.P. Blavatsky, who is constantly quoted by E. Muldashev: “... a man, from a healthy king of the animal creation of the 3rd Race, has become in the 5th, our Race, a miserable scrofulous creature and has now turned out to be on our globe, the richest heir to diseases, bodily and hereditary” .

I would like to make a remark regarding the reason for such a plight of a person that his involution begins with the 3rd Race. It was then when the golden age ended and the gods, who had previously walked the Earth and freely communicated with mortals, retired to heaven and became invisible. So this is the reason for the involution of man in the beginning of the opposition of the gods to the rest of humanity.

The ongoing conflicts are described in detail in the myths, and they began during the life of the dinosaurs. It was then that there was a period on Earth when the birth was from an egg, and the life forms were gigantic. The first Lemurians were also born from eggs and, like dinosaurs, reached enormous sizes.

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