Authors of children's fairy tales and stories. “We will stage a fairy tale ourselves” - an entertaining event with elements of folklore


Childhood... We all go through it, only it ends very quickly... We lose it in time, but it remains inside us forever! Agree, because in each of us there lives a small child who from time to time reminds of himself. And if we do not make friends with him, if we do not find a common language, then our life becomes a continuous problem, tension, and not pleasure.

Yes, each of us keeps in himself a little girl or a boy - who we were several decades ago. This is probably why we, as adults, love fairy tales, stories, cartoons so much. We are ready to read children's books and get no less pleasure from this than the children themselves. There are fairy tales that are worth reading not only for kids, but for adults too. These are fairy tales that are filled with great deep meaning. Their subtext is not perceived in childhood, but only after years. These fairy tales are written not only for children, but also for adults. No wonder psychologists advise children to read fairy tales aloud. They are able to discover a lot and teach a lot not only to a child, but also to an adult!

Below you will find the best excerpts from well-known fairy tales that are filled with philosophical meaning. These stories are worth reading and revisiting!

To acquaint the child with the culture of his people, psychologists recommend reading fairy tales to him. They convey eternal values ​​to the baby in a simple and accessible form, help to know the world. Russian folk tales can be read from an early age. In this case, it is easier for children to “absorb” their native mentality.

cautionary tales

Russian folk tales are a vivid reflection of the world, relations between people. They show the features of the human character, with an emphasis on good and evil. It is much easier to understand these subtleties in an entertaining way than in a boring conversation. Favorite fairy-tale characters reflect the spirit and subtleties of the national character.

With the help of adults, a little girl or boy easily understands the meaning of folk art. Books are useful to read at night, before going to bed. This lesson:

  • develops the child
  • helps to relax and tune in to rest;
  • lifts the mood.

Big choice

On our site you will see several dozens of Russian folk works. Visitors can read the text online for free. You do not need to download books to your computer, just go to the Internet and visit the resource. Younger students can do this on their own even during class breaks. It will be convenient to use the children's site at home and outside.

Elena Mazurova
"We will stage a fairy tale ourselves" - an entertaining event with elements of folklore

Target. In a playful theatrical-improvised form, play out the storyline fairy tales read by the presenter. Children use their life experience in the game, as well as the knowledge gained from reading folk fairy tales.

Preliminary preparation. The facilitator reads the text fairy tales.

Equipment. Costumes for characters (it will be enough to prepare one element costume for everyone fairy tale hero. So the King and Queen can have cardboard crowns,

the Tsarevna has a head scarf or kokoshnik with a scythe attached at the back, Ivan Tsarevich has a cardboard sword,

the Gray wolf and the fly have half masks,

the Nightingale the Robber has a black eye patch and an earring made of foil). On the site where it is played fairy tale, necessary put some chairs. You can use background music.




Kuzma's mother

Gray wolf

Three trees

nightingale the robber

duration. 20 minutes

Recommendations for implementation. The host reads fairy tale according to pre-written text. He chooses the performers fairy tales- reads the list of actors and assigns everyone who expresses a desire to participate in stage improvisation to a specific role. The guys who play the roles of characters pantomimically act out the content fairy tales.

Storyteller. Guys. Today we will listen fairy tale about Ivan Tsarevich. But you'll have to do more than just listen fairy tale but also show it with me. Let's choose the main characters first. We will need a King and a Queen - please, who will play these roles. I present to you the signs of royal dignity - the crown. Now I ask the King and Queen to come to me and sit next to me on the chairs. The next characters are the Princess and Ivan Tsarevich. Here are your costume elements. While you can sit still, and as the story progresses, you themselves understand your actions. Gray wolf and Fly - get your half masks too. We will choose who will play the role of the Nightingale the Robber and his helpers-robbers. And next to the site where the main action will be played, I will ask three more people to stand up - these will be three reserved trees. Well, we have chosen the main characters. But all the other guys will not remain idle with us - they will be both spectators and crayfish at the same time. So, fairy tale begins.

Quiet mysterious music sounds. The host reads fairy tale, the guys-artists play impromptu everything that the presenter reads about.

Once upon a time there was a King and a Queen. They lived, lived in love and harmony. And they had a beautiful daughter, her name was the princess, whom they loved very much.

The princess comes out and sits next to her parents.

The Tsar and Tsaritsa often stroked the Tsarevna on the head and never scolded her. And the Tsarevna had a fiancé - Ivan Tsarevich.

Ivan Tsarevich comes forward and proudly walks in front of the audience.

He was a brave, strong, heroic guy. He often came to visit his bride, the Princess, riding the Gray Wolf.

Ivan Tsarevich "on horseback" on the Gray wolf comes to the Princess and sits next to him.

It used to happen that Ivan Tsarevich would sit down next to the Tsarevna, look at her - he couldn’t see enough. He will take the Princess by the white hands, look at her - he will not see enough. Often Ivan Tsarevich told The princess about his exploits - how he fought bravo and heroically. He will talk like this, tell a story, and then he will go home.

Ivan Tsarevich "leaves" on the gray wolf.

But then, one day, the evil Nightingale the robber burst into the palace to the King and Queen with his friends the robbers.

A gang of robbers breaks in with a giggle. They surround the King, Queen, Princess and frighten them.

The robbers at first frightened everyone, and then they kidnapped the Princess - they grabbed her and dragged her into a dense forest.

There is a kidnapping scene

The princess resisted and squealed for a long time. But the robbers took her to the three protected trees and planted her on the top of the tallest tree.

The robbers lead the Princess to three protected trees and hide behind them.

Ivan Tsarevich, without suspecting anything, rode on the Gray Wolf to the Tsar's palace, and there his parents sobbed uncontrollably. Ivan Tsarevich asked what had happened and where his beloved Tsarevna was. Then the parents told they told him about their grief and told about everything that had happened. Upon learning of the tragedy, Ivan Tsarevich vowed to catch up with the robbers and free his beautiful bride. He mounted the Gray Wolf and rode into the dense forest to look for the Princess.

Ivan Tsarevich jumps to 3 trees.

In the forest, he searched for the Nightingale the Robber for a long time, but in the end he got tired, lay down on the grass and dozed off. Suddenly some fly that was sitting behind a tree flew out and bit Ivan Tsarevich.

A fly flies out, spins, buzzes and bites Ivan Tsarevich.

Ivan Tsarevich woke up, swiftly saddled the Gray Wolf, galloped and saw the robbers. He fearlessly ran into them and showed them Kuzka's mother (brings Kuzma's mother to the audience, and where the crayfish hibernate (gestures to everyone in the room). The robbers got scared and ran away. Then Ivan Tsarevich removed the Princess from the tree, took her by the hand, sat down with her on the Gray Wolf and galloped to the Tsar's palace. He galloped, handed the Princess to her parents. The Tsar and Tsaritsa were overjoyed and began to embrace their daughter and Ivan Tsarevich. And then the king told Ivan Tsarevich: “Since you saved her, then marry!” And they made a feast for the whole world.

Here and fairy tale end and who is her put - well done!

All artists go to bow.

Rudyard Kipling's Tales for Word by Joseph Rudyard Kipling has been published in Russian for the first time. Some of the tales from this collection - "The Cat Walking by itself", "Elephant" - are well known to the Russian-speaking reader in the classic translations of Korney Chukovsky. Other stories will be a discovery for many: Renata Mukha, Vladimir Levin, Evgenia Kanishcheva and Yan Shapiro translated them especially for this edition.

Most fairy tales are devoted to wild exotic animals. Despite their "popular science" titles ("Where does a leopard get spots", "Why does a porcupine have such a hairstyle"), fairy tales are actually devoid of straightforward "cognition" and resemble the myths of the ancient population of the Earth, reflecting the picture of the world of primitive man. Here appears a crab that plays with the sea, a moth stamping its foot, dancing a kangaroo. Kipling writes about a “new” world in which everything happens for the first time: a camel “before the eyes” of the reader gets his hump, a leopard gets his spots, and a man comes up with an alphabet.

Each fairy tale is a detailed answer to the children's "why": where does the elephant's trunk come from? Why does a camel have a hump? Why doesn't a kangaroo look like anyone else? Only the answers here are given not by an evolutionary biologist, but by a philosopher. "Fairy tales word for word" - a real textbook ... what? Fantasies? Curiosity? Most likely understanding.

Joseph Kipling is known to most Russian readers as the author of "Mowgli" (this is an abridged version of the two-volume "The Jungle Book"). Meanwhile, the story of a boy who grew up in a pack of wolves is just one of Kipling's many creations. He created hundreds of poems, articles, stories, several novels, and in almost all the texts he touched on the topic of education and upbringing in one way or another. It is no coincidence that he constantly turns to his “young reader”, “son”, asks him to remember, think, conducts a direct and direct dialogue with him: “Listen, my dear boy, listen, listen, understand!” "Mowgli" is also a novel about the formation of man. The quintessence of the "philosophy of education according to Kipling" was the famous poem "If"*.

Fill every moment with meaning
Hours and days inexorable running, -
Then you will take the whole world as a possession,
Then, my son, you will be a Man!

Kipling's ideal man, the ruler of the world, also appears in Fairy Tales word for word, either in the form of a Sailor, or in the form of a Leader. How to become this ideal person, a knight without fear and reproach? One of the answers to this question is contained in the so-called "Tegumai cycle". The three tales of this cycle are not about animals, but about people from the family of a "simple Primitive Man" named Tegumai Bopsulai (which means "Man-who-would-not-be-hurried"). In the fairy tale "How the First Letter Was Written", Tegumai's daughter Taffy goes fishing with her father and accidentally invents writing. And a week after this story, Tuffy, once again on a fishing trip, comes up with an alphabet, as the second tale of the cycle tells about. In the third story, Tegumai, Taffy, and a tribal chief place a taboo on their river in order to keep the fish in it ("Tegumai Taboo Stories").

It would seem, why should a modern child read about some primitive taboos? Does he even know what it is - a taboo? Most likely no. But he is certainly familiar with the numerous (and often incomprehensible and meaningless) prohibitions that surround our children from birth. Taffy, the daughter of a primitive hunter, grows up in the same situation. She constantly violates parental prohibitions, for which her father threatens her with terrible punishments: he will boil his daughter alive, skin her, and the worst thing is, he will not kiss her goodnight!

Kipling's "ideal man", like Tegumai, combines tenderness and rigidity, he is very disciplined, has great inner freedom and firm outer boundaries that he creates for himself. "The Story of Tegumai Taboos" tells how Taffy begins to understand the need for prohibitions and the importance of their observance. This is a story about self-control and the ability to control oneself, about how to become the master of not only the animal world, but also oneself. And this story is for children.

"Fairy tales word for word" should be read slowly, aloud, as recommended by the author. And, if possible, discuss with the child. Because each of Kipling's fairy tales is a step in the development of a personality, one of its key qualities. The names of the tales are misleading: the tale of the Whale's Throat tells how courage and resourcefulness help the Sailor get to his homeland. The Tale of the Camel is a story about laziness and hard work. The tale about the Rhino tells about the connection between the external and internal appearance of a person, and the tale about the Kangaroo is about pride and pride.

And the wind and the heat
And pouring rain
And hunger, and salutary labor
Smooth out your hump
unseen hump,
Shaggy, furry and black!

By the way, Kipling voices many of his pedagogical ideas himself, in the author's comments and drawings, which were first published in this collection. It is unlikely that these comments will interest children (unlike fairy tales), but for adults they can become an occasion for serious reflection.

Anna Rapoport


* There are dozens of translations of this text, you can get acquainted with them on the specialized site “If. Tribute to a Poem"

Fairy tales are poetic stories of extraordinary events and adventures involving fictional characters. In modern Russian, the concept of the word "fairy tale" has acquired its meaning since the 17th century. Until that moment, the word "fable" was supposedly used in this meaning.

One of the main features of a fairy tale is that it is always based on a fictional story, with a happy ending, where good triumphs over evil. The stories contain a certain hint, which enables the child to learn to recognize good and evil, to comprehend life on illustrative examples.

Children's fairy tales read online

Reading fairy tales is one of the main and important stages on the way of your child to life. A variety of stories make it clear that the world around us is quite contradictory and unpredictable. Listening to stories about the adventures of the main characters, children learn to appreciate love, honesty, friendship and kindness.

Reading fairy tales is useful not only for children. Having matured, we forget that in the end, good always triumphs over evil, that all adversity is unimportant, and the beautiful princess is waiting for her prince on a white horse. To give a little good mood and plunge into the fairy-tale world is quite simple!

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