Gambling list. Types of gambling


Every summer resident and owner of his own house, sooner or later, has a desire to have a good greenhouse on his site. After all, everyone knows that vegetables and herbs from their own greenhouse, besides grown with their own hands, are much tastier and healthier than purchased ones. Therefore, someone follows the path of buying a finished greenhouse. Someone buys a disassembled greenhouse and assembles it on the site as a constructor. But a considerable part of gardeners want to build a greenhouse with their own hands. After all, everyone knows: if you want to do something well, do it yourself.

How to build a greenhouse with your own hands? To begin with, let's figure out what types of greenhouses are. This is important for choosing the future design and material of the greenhouse.

Winter and summer greenhouses

All greenhouses can be divided into two large groups: winter and summer. They differ in the presence of a heating system in a winter greenhouse, which allows you to grow plants in such a greenhouse all year round. The summer greenhouse is designed for faster ripening of fruits and protection of plants from accidental frosts.

Winter greenhouses are usually more solid than summer ones. They build them closer to the house, sometimes even attaching them to the south side of the house. So they are closer to the heat source. Winter greenhouses are almost never made from film. The heating system can either be connected to the heating system of the house or be autonomous. For this, an oven is made in the greenhouse.

Video review of a self-heating winter greenhouse

Arched, single-pitched and double-pitched greenhouses

Everyone chooses the type of roof for the greenhouse based on the location of the greenhouse. As well as your personal preferences. We can only suggest the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

shed roof they usually choose by attaching a greenhouse with their own hands to the house. This type of roofing is simple in construction, economical. Under such a roof, you can make an inexpensive, but solid base from a wooden beam or a metal profile pipe. The disadvantage of this roof is that snow will accumulate on such a roof.

gable roof, like a lean-to, it can have a cheap and durable frame. It is a little more expensive than a single-sided one, but more aesthetically pleasing. But snow will also accumulate on such a roof. Consider this factor when choosing a roof for a greenhouse.

Types of greenhouses. Video review

And finally arched roof. A very popular type of roofing and deservedly so. Economical, quickly built, he won his niche very quickly. In combination with cellular polycarbonate, such a greenhouse has almost all the advantages. It does not collect snow, it is very resistant to winds and the dispersion of sunlight in it occurs naturally. The only drawback may be a frame for this type of roof. Making a strong and reliable frame will be more expensive and more difficult than for previous types of roofing. Let's talk about frames for greenhouses with our own hands.

Types and materials for the frame of the greenhouse

We continue to answer the question of how to build a greenhouse with your own hands. If you decide to build a greenhouse on your site, have chosen the type of roof for your future greenhouse, now you need to think about choosing a material for the greenhouse frame. What to build a greenhouse from?

The greenhouse frame can be made from:

  • tree
  • metal

wooden frame

Timber frames are very easy to work with. The tree is easy to process, it can be used to build a greenhouse of almost any kind. The disadvantage of such construction will be the susceptibility of the tree to decay. Therefore, the entire timber before construction has to be treated with special impregnations.

Greenhouse made of wood and film. Video building instructions


In order to assemble a metal frame, good skills are needed. After all, the metal will either have to be welded or bolted. Such a frame for a greenhouse is very expensive. But it is very durable, reliable and will last for decades. Such a frame is suitable for a capital greenhouse.

Video of building a glass and metal greenhouse


Today, the construction of greenhouses from plastic pipes is gaining popularity. This type of construction is relatively cheap, even beginners can do it. Moreover, such a construction will not take much time. The disadvantage of such a frame is its low strength. Over time, plastic pipes bend, the greenhouse loses its shape. Therefore, as a capital structure, such a frame is not suitable.

Video how to make a greenhouse from plastic pipes and film

Greenhouse cover

The materials for the walls and roof of the greenhouse are very diverse. Each has its pros and cons. Let's look at them in more detail.

  • glass
  • film
  • agrofibre
  • cellular polycarbonate

DIY glass greenhouse

How to build a greenhouse with your own hands? If you want to build a capital and durable greenhouse with your own hands, then a glass greenhouse is a good option. Moreover, such a greenhouse will not necessarily be expensive. After all, it can be built from.

Many people, when replacing old wooden windows with plastic ones, simply throw the frames into the trash. So you can get the material for your greenhouse for free. You just have to process the wood of the window frames and fasten them together. You will even have windows and vents ready to ventilate the plants on hot days.

Video review of a greenhouse from old window frames

However, do not forget that glass is a heavy material. Therefore, the foundation of such a greenhouse should be appropriate. It must be recessed, or . Or you can make a slab foundation and divert water from under it.

DIY film greenhouse

Such a greenhouse, although it requires frequent film changes, is still common. Because the film is easy to mount and it is cheap. In addition, with careful attitude, it can withstand several seasons. It is not suitable for a do-it-yourself winter greenhouse, but it copes very well with the functions of a summer one.

An ideal design option for a film greenhouse would be a frame made of plastic pipes curved by an arch. Such an arch is built in one day, it is cheap and even one person can handle it. The arch is closed with a film. And for the winter it can be removed. It is possible to modernize such a greenhouse somewhat if agrofiber (geotextile) is used instead of a film.

Do-it-yourself agrofibre greenhouse

Can be used as a do-it-yourself greenhouse covering material. It passes water and steam well. Your plants will be irrigated with rainwater and will be able to "breathe" freely. White geotextile provides enough light for plants, and at the same time will not let the sun's rays burn the foliage. Such a greenhouse needs less ventilation than those made of other materials. Agrofibre is a durable material, unlike film. You can use it for many years. It does not tear, is not afraid of piercings, stretches well. Today, this is a good alternative to film.

Step-by-step video instructions for making agrofiber greenhouse

Do-it-yourself cellular polycarbonate greenhouse

Do-it-yourself such greenhouses are made for all types of roofs and frames. They are both arched and single-gable. Polycarbonate is attached to both wood and metal. They are covered with frames made of plastic and aluminum pipes. In general, this is a universal material for building a greenhouse with your own hands. When choosing polycarbonate, pay attention to its thickness and weight. Choose sheets with a thickness of 4 mm. Better than 6-8 mm. In addition, the sheet should be heavy enough. Do not forget that polycarbonate cannot be mounted in a horizontal position. The condensate in the combs must be free to roll and flow out. Otherwise, polycarbonate will quickly become overgrown with algae and lose its transparency.

How to make a polycarbonate greenhouse on a metal frame. Video

We hope that our article helped you in choosing the type of your future greenhouse and we answered the question of how to build a greenhouse with your own hands. Share your thoughts and questions in the comments to the article. We are very interested, but what kind of greenhouse did you make with your own hands?

The efficiency of the greenhouse is determined by the cost of construction, ease of operation and high returns. Those who have seen enough of the finished structures made of metal and polycarbonate and were impressed by their cost cannot believe that the same ones can be built independently from improvised materials. There are many available technologies for building a greenhouse with your own hands - what to choose, from what material and what design to make more profitable and easier. Study the theory, look at the photos and videos to choose the best option.

home greenhouse

What can you make an inexpensive greenhouse

To create an inexpensive and functional greenhouse, the remains of various building materials, both new and used, are excellent. For example, a frame can be built from window frames left after the installation of metal-plastic windows, a metal profile of a suitable section, or plastic water pipes. What about coverage? To replace expensive glass and polycarbonate, alternative materials should be used as it.

Greenhouse building from window frames

Frame materials

To make a decision on the suitability of a particular type of recyclable material, analyze its properties in terms of new operating conditions:

  • strength, evenness and stability;
  • environmental safety for humans and the environment;
  • maintainability and susceptibility to machining;
  • ability to tolerate high humidity and temperature changes.

Arched wood frame

Most likely, the material that is ideal in all respects cannot be found, but with some assumption for mounting the frame of the greenhouse with your own hands, you can use:

  • lumber - round timber, timber, board, sleepers;
  • metal profiles - round or open section with sufficient (from 1.5 mm) sheet thickness;
  • water pipes - made of polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene, low-pressure polyethylene, ordinary or reinforced with a metal mesh;
  • case products to be disposed of - wooden containers, construction pallets, wooden or plastic barrels, an old refrigerator, window frames.

Mini greenhouse in the refrigerator

Each option has its pros and cons, and you need to take them into account at the beginning of the design:

  • wood is environmentally friendly and accessible to most summer residents, however, before and after installation, it must be carefully treated with an antiseptic. But even in this case, the service life of a wooden frame does not exceed 5–7 years;
  • subject to the correct selection of the section and the corresponding loads, the metal frame serves for a long time, but is subject to corrosion. It must be regularly coated with an anti-corrosion compound;
  • it is easy and quick to build a tunnel greenhouse from plastic pipes. However, the indicators of its rigidity and wind resistance are small, so it is necessary to install such a structure in a quiet place and cover it only with a film.

Creative approach to construction

The use of non-traditional materials and even household items in the construction contributes to the discovery of new ways to economically equip amateur greenhouses. Of course, their service life is short, but in the absence of any costs, nothing prevents repeating the experiment at the right time.

Greenhouse covering material

From inexpensive offers on the market, summer residents traditionally choose a film or one of the varieties of non-woven covering material - Spunbond, Lutrasil, Agrospan or another. As for the very popular polycarbonate, if it is not possible to purchase high-quality sheet plastic, do not spend money on cheap ones. Due to almost zero protection from solar radiation, it crumbles literally in the first season of use.

Reinforced film

Someone will argue that the film is unprofitable, since it needs to be removed and changed every season with your own hands. Indeed, this disadvantage is inherent in conventional polyethylene film, but today there are more durable types of film coatings:

  • light-stabilized - they contain additives that protect against ultraviolet radiation, which increases their service life up to 36 months;
  • reinforced - have special mechanical strength due to a 2- or 3-layer structure with a reinforcing mesh of strong polyethylene threads;
  • air-bubble - also consist of several layers of polyethylene, which gives them additional strength, and specific bubbles filled with air help to retain heat inside the greenhouse;
  • hydrophilic - prevent the accumulation of large drops of condensate on the inner surface and prevent them from falling on plants.

Two in one: shelter and insulation

When buying film, pay attention to its labeling - look for a transparent light stabilized (ST) material, preferably with infrared protection (IR).

Non-woven fabrics last longer than film ones, are well ventilated and have better heat-insulating properties, but are of little use for covering stationary greenhouses. Varieties with a density sufficient for a full cycle of growing crops almost do not transmit light, and thinner and more transparent ones are not very durable. Save this option for additional covering of the film greenhouse during the frost period.

Types of greenhouses for summer cottages

If you are planning to build a greenhouse from inexpensive components with your own hands, plan in advance which design best meets the requirements:

  • Arched - due to the minimum number of joints of the frame parts and the ability to cover it with a solid canvas, it is considered an ideal solution for the early cultivation of vegetable crops by novice gardeners.
  • Gable - a sufficient angle of inclination of the roof and ease of installation of ventilation windows allow you to operate the greenhouse-house throughout the year.
  • Shed - the simplicity of installation and the rational use of usable space are best suited for owners of small plots or those who wish to install a wall-mounted greenhouse.
  • Greenhouse on a mittlider - a special roof design allows you to effectively retain heat and provide comfortable ventilation for plants in the interior space.
  • Thermos greenhouse - its principle of operation is to save thermal energy due to its insulation, full or partial deepening and a double or even triple coating layer. With proper organization, tropical vegetables and fruits are grown all year round in such thermoses with minimal heating costs.

There are many other types of greenhouse structures - the so-called "drop", greenhouses according to Fedorov, semi-arches, and so on. But not all of them can be built with your own hands, using improvised materials and without building skills. So, take on a greenhouse made of plastic pipes if an arched seasonal structure suits you, requiring dismantling in the winter.

To build a fairly large one- or gable greenhouse from window frames, there will be few stocks of your own - take a closer look at which of the neighbors is changing windows, or arrange for the removal of dismantled frames with construction companies. And also keep in mind that drawings will be needed for the successful construction of greenhouses from the profile with your own hands - without them it is difficult to maintain the given dimensions and accurately determine the amount of materials.

Construction Highlights

After studying photos of various greenhouses and typical projects or developing your own drawings, proceed to action. It is important to take a responsible approach to the choice of a site for a greenhouse, to select a set of necessary tools and consumables, to determine the type and depth of laying the foundation.

Layout example

Choosing a place for a greenhouse

Do not put a greenhouse where it seems convenient. Evaluate the site from the point of view of the grower:

  • where is its southern zone, and where is its northern one;
  • which of the free areas is on the leeward side;
  • are there tall trees or buildings nearby that obscure the space;
  • whether the new building will cast a shadow on the neighbor's yard;
  • how fertile is the soil in the area, whether it requires cultivation;
  • where will you get water for irrigation, if its source is located too far.

South side of the future greenhouse

To ensure that the greenhouse receives enough heat and light in early spring and late autumn, select a site on the south side of the plot, protected from drafts if possible, away from the red line and tall objects. If you do not exclude that in the future you will expand the greenhouse economy, provide a place in advance to increase the structure.

It is hard to find a site that perfectly meets all these requirements. But in most cases, you can smooth out some of the shortcomings - clear the site of old trees, enrich the soil with fertilizers, equip wind protection, organize drip irrigation. However, there are places where it is definitely impossible to install a greenhouse:

  • on the northern slope of the site - the structure will turn out to be cold, and the lower parts of the frame will experience an unforeseen increased load;
  • near (less than 0.5–0.8 m) fences and tall plants - such a neighborhood threatens to form an air funnel and accumulate snow in winter, which will lead to excessive heat loss;
  • next to another winter greenhouse - a snowdrift formed between them can squeeze out the adjacent wall of the structure.

Greenhouse facility drainage

It is unacceptable for rain or melt water to flow into the greenhouse, so do not place it in a lowland. In extreme cases, organize a drainage system with your own hands from sewers, and, possibly, earthen ramparts made around the perimeter of the building.

Necessary tools and materials

The speed and quality of construction of any object, whether it is a residential building or a greenhouse, largely depends on the timely and competent selection of all the necessary tools and building materials. If simple frames made of timber and film can be erected with only a hammer, a hacksaw and nails, then for a welded structure made of a metal profile and polycarbonate, you will need a whole arsenal of tools:

  • measuring tape, building level, pegs, twine, square, black marker - for marking;
  • grinder, cutting wheels, welding machine, electrodes, wood saw, extension cord - for the frame;
  • drill, drill bit, cutting knife - for roofing.

No less impressive is the list of materials:

  • concrete and reinforcement, brick or slate - for the foundation;
  • square pipe 20x20x2 and a corner of the same size, edged board 25x200, door hinges, metal paint, antiseptic - for the frame;
  • polycarbonate, roofing screws - for roofing.

Calculate the quantity based on the desired dimensions and shape of the greenhouse, as well as the standard sizes of building materials. So, for the construction of a gable greenhouse with dimensions of 3x6x1.7 m with your own hands (see its drawing below), stock up on:

  • at least 125 m of a square pipe and 48 m of a corner;
  • six boards 6 m long (for organizing beds);
  • 3 kg of paint for metal;
  • five polycarbonate sheets 6x2.1 m;
  • self-tapping screws 2.5 cm and 4 cm long - 100 and 40 pcs. respectively.

Drawing of a gable greenhouse measuring 3x6x1.7

In order to save money, you can cover the frame with a film or spunbond, putting polycarbonate on the roof only.

Foundation arrangement

For small greenhouses, in most cases, a foundation is not needed, but for full-sized greenhouses, it performs a number of useful functions:

  • ensures the stability of the frame and the integrity of the coating;
  • protects against penetration of rodents and weeds;
  • improves the internal microclimate provided that it is insulated with insulating boards.

As you can see, it is not worth refusing to build a foundation even for the sake of savings - this will certainly affect the durability of the entire structure. Another thing is if you build a greenhouse with your own hands for one or two seasons or plan to transfer it to another place. In this case, it is quite possible to get by with the arrangement of a light base from the following materials:

  • bricks or foam concrete blocks;
  • wooden beam 100x100 mm;
  • metal pipes (for a columnar foundation).

Brick laying scheme

Quite reliable bases are obtained from old railway sleepers or failed brake discs (they are easy to purchase or even ask at your local car service).

A tape shallow foundation is famous for its quality factor, but its construction is a costly business. To build a strip foundation for a greenhouse with your own hands, follow the algorithm:

  1. Clear the site and make markings according to the size of the greenhouse.
  2. Dig a trench 30–40 cm deep and wider than the width of the foundation by the size of the formwork.
  3. Level the bottom of the trench and fill it with a sand cushion 8–10 cm thick.
  4. Moisten the sand, compact it and install a formwork on top of it, the above-ground height of which is equal to the height of the future basement.
  5. Lay the belt connected from the reinforcement into the formwork.
  6. Prepare a dry mixture of cement, sand and gravel in a ratio of 1:2:4 and fill it with water so that a creamy solution is obtained.
  7. Pour it into the formwork, periodically bayoneting it with a shovel or a piece of reinforcement for uniformity.

Shallow concrete base

After a week and a half, you can remove the formwork, but you should not mount the frame on it yet - wait at least 28 days until the concrete gains strength.

Greenhouse assembly

Before you build a greenhouse with your own hands according to the above drawing, cut the profile into a certain number of parts:

  • 300 cm - 2 pcs.,
  • 298 cm - 6 pcs.,
  • 294 cm - 8 pcs.,
  • 170 cm - 18 pcs.,
  • 170 cm with a cut corner - 14 pcs.,
  • 160 cm - 4 pcs.,
  • 90 cm - 4 pcs.,
  • 92 cm - 1 pc.,
  • 20 cm - 14 pcs.,
  • 40 cm - 16 pcs.,
  • 130 cm - 3 pcs.,
  • corner 100 cm - 44 pcs.,
  • 130 cm - 4 pcs.

Use thin wheels for cutting and one thick wheel for deburring. After that, proceed to welding work:

  1. Weld the front end and side walls.
  2. Weld the intermediate support.
  3. Check the diagonals, set the level and install the skate.
  4. Attach the rear end and intermediate strips for the roof, including the transom.
  5. Once again, refine the diagonals and weld the braces at the corners and under the ridge.

Welding a greenhouse from a profile

Clean the finished frame from carbon deposits at the welding points and paint with a light-colored primer-enamel. At the same stage, you can mount the beds from edged boards.

  1. In the places where the sheets are attached, mark the drilling points with chalk and make 4 mm holes with a drill.
  2. Cut polycarbonate sheets into sheets for ends, roofs and walls.
  3. Make a skate by simply folding a long strip 20–30 cm wide in half.
  4. Attach the plastic blanks to the frame - first the end ones, then the side ones, the roof and the ridge.

Polycarbonate mount

In order not to wrinkle the polycarbonate cells, supplement the self-tapping screws with special thermal washers with a rubber seal. For the same purpose, it is impossible to overtighten the hardware when drilling. For the convenience of working on the roof, use a device in the form of a board with planks stuffed across. Be careful - a fall, even from a small height, is fraught with injury and damage to the polycarbonate.

Types of washers for fixing polycarbonate

An example of an assembly of an arched structure

If you need not a stationary greenhouse, but a small tunnel greenhouse, the fastest way is to order it on the website from the manufacturer, and it’s cheaper to make it yourself from plastic pipes. Metal pipes can also be used, but in order to bend them well, you will need a pipe bender. To increase the structural rigidity of the pipe cavity, it is recommended to fill it with sand and install them on the ends of reinforcing pins driven into the ground by 20–30 cm.

Summer residents often complain that such mini-greenhouses fly away from the slightest wind. To make them more stable, build a plank base, which can also serve as the sides of the beds:

  1. From inch boards, knock down a rectangular box according to the size of the future greenhouse.
  2. Cut the pipes into segments so that after bending they form an arch of the desired height.
  3. In increments of 1 m, install the finished arches in the box, attaching them from the outside with metal clamps and self-tapping screws.
  4. Cover the resulting tunnel with a film, spunbond (polycarbonate or glass such a frame will not withstand).
  5. Fix the covering material - at the bottom with an earth embankment, on the arches with special or home-made clips, you can use elastic string.

Arched construction made of polypropylene pipes

When it gets hot, organize ventilation by lifting a covering sheet on one side, and, if necessary, shade the plants with gauze or thin spunbond.

Attached greenhouse and thermos greenhouse

The warmest, even in winter, are greenhouse extensions and thermos greenhouses. Their construction cannot be attributed to budget projects, since they are made of polycarbonate and metal, must stand on a solid foundation or be deepened several meters deep into the ground.

The attached greenhouse better stores heat by adjoining the southern wall of a capital structure - a bathhouse, a garage, a residential building. In an unheated outbuilding, the temperature in winter does not drop below 2-4 ° C, which is enough for early forcing of tulips, the production of vegetable and flower seedlings, and the preservation of outdoor plants from severe frosts. The advantages of the extension greenhouse are obvious, but there are several nuances in its arrangement:

  • the wall adjacent to the heated room must be insulated;
  • the completed foundation cannot be rigidly connected with the foundation of the main building;
  • it is undesirable to rigidly nail the support harness to which the frame of the greenhouse is attached to the house;
  • it is important to ensure that snow or ice does not fall from the roof of the house onto the extension.

Underground thermos greenhouse

The geometric shape of the attached greenhouses can be different - single or gable, arched, with straight or sloping walls.

A key feature of thermos greenhouses is their underground location - only part of the walls with a translucent roof are above ground level. The deepening allows you to maintain a microclimate like in a cellar, when, with frosts of tens of degrees, a positive temperature is maintained.

The algorithm for erecting buried structures with your own hands looks like this:

  1. Digging a pit 1.5–2 m deep and laying the foundation.
  2. The construction of walls from moisture and frost-resistant materials, for example, thermoblocks.
  3. Installation of a metal frame for the roof and its covering with cellular polycarbonate.
  4. Carrying out internal work on the installation of heating, lighting, ventilation systems.

Greenhouse extension as part of the architectural ensemble

Thermos greenhouses built in this way are effectively used for growing melons and exotic plants, even in the middle climatic zone.

Video: do-it-yourself budget greenhouse

There are many ways to organize a greenhouse economy in a summer cottage, and among them there are budget solutions. The appearance of inexpensive modern building materials in stores and a lot of practical advice contribute to the growth of public interest in this type of activity. More and more people, starting with small homemade greenhouses and moving on to a full-fledged greenhouse business, are finding a profitable business to their liking.

Video 1: A budget greenhouse with a simple design

Video 2: Installation of a foundation from a bar

Video 3: Welding frame elements

Video 4: Covering the greenhouse with polycarbonate

Put a little time into studying the projects and a little more effort into the implementation of the one that seemed most suitable, and you will have a successfully operating mini-factory of fresh vegetables. The main thing is not to neglect the nuances and absorb as much information as possible, which is actively shared by experienced vegetable growers.

To get a good harvest from a greenhouse, it is important to exploit all its space as efficiently as possible. To do this, you should think carefully and then organize the internal arrangement of the greenhouse structure. This article will talk about the basic principles for the improvement of a greenhouse structure, the layout of the beds and the placement of plantings in it.

Features and types of construction

The main functions of the greenhouse.

  • Protection of plants from external negative factors. These include cold precipitation, frosts, strong winds, and nighttime temperature drops.
  • Preservation of the optimum temperature for plantings.

Greenhouses come in many types and can be made from a variety of materials. The size of the greenhouse structure and the tricks of the internal layout depend on the type of crops and plants that will be grown indoors.

The simplest option is a greenhouse made of ordinary window frames. This design can only be used in the warm season. Usually this is a small building for growing 1-2 types of crops.

Stronger and more durable is the polycarbonate construction. It is light in weight and easily mounted on a prepared frame. Such a greenhouse can be of different sizes, up to impressive areas.

Without additional insulation, such structures are also suitable for operation only in the season with a positive temperature.

The most complex and versatile structure is the greenhouse, which involves growing plants throughout the year. Such a structure must be thermally insulated. It is also equipped with a heating system to maintain the desired temperature level in winter.

Greenhouse for year-round use requires the installation of lighting. In the autumn-winter period, daylight hours are very short, crops that are grown indoors will need additional light supply.

Also, the space inside the greenhouse can be organized for various ways of growing plants. If it is supposed to be grown in the ground, then the beds are laid out. If the cultivation of plants will be carried out in pots, boxes or containers, the installation of racks will be required.

Sizes and shapes

A greenhouse can be used to grow just one crop in it. For example, to obtain a crop of cucumbers, a small (3x3 meters) structure is quite enough. It can be made of glazed frames or polycarbonate sheets on a lightweight frame.

If it is assumed that 2-3 types of plants will be grown indoors, it is better to provide more spacious indoor space. The most optimal option would be with dimensions of 3x6 meters.

To obtain a large number of crops or cultivate many types of crops, it will be necessary to install a greenhouse structure measuring 3 by 8 meters or more.

There are also greenhouse structures of non-standard square shape. Polycarbonate greenhouses most often have a semicircular shape. This allows you not to accumulate a large amount of snow or ice on the roof of the structure. In addition, the round arch makes it possible to tie up tall and climbing crops. This shape of the frame gives a little extra space in height.

Less commonly, greenhouse structures have a roof in the shape of a triangle. This is useful for large buildings. If the greenhouse structure is collapsible and dismantled for the winter, the roof can be flat or with a slight slope.

Greenhouse design drawings are designed based on the conditions of use, the desired amount of crop and the types of plants grown.

How to equip?

After the installation of the greenhouse structure, the main task of the agrarian becomes the creation of the most favorable conditions for growing crops in closed ground.

This task can be divided into the following subsections:

  • providing sufficient heat;
  • optimal layout and layout of beds;
  • arrangement of paths;
  • soil preparation for planting;
  • ensuring sufficient ventilation to prevent overheating of the air inside the structure;
  • in the case of year-round operation of the greenhouse, providing heating and lighting in the cold season;
  • if necessary, installation of racks for the installation of containers and pots with plantings.


Maintaining the optimal temperature regime in the closed ground structure is actually the main task. Particularly careful consideration of the issue of providing heating is required for winter structures with closed ground.

To ensure the flow of natural heat from the sun's rays into the greenhouse, the coating is made of transparent materials. It is also worth taking care that the temperature in the greenhouse does not drop too much at night.

To do this, you can use the following methods.

  • The stone accumulates heat well and retains it for a long time. After the sun stops heating the greenhouse, it can serve as a source of heating for some more time. Stones can be laid out on the beds or pave the paths with them. The larger the area and the number of elements made of stone material, the longer it will be able to heat and give off more heat.
  • Water is also able to maintain temperature and give off heat from its surface. In the greenhouse, you can arrange containers, preferably dark or black. During the day, the water in them will warm up, and at night and in the evening it will slowly cool down, while maintaining the temperature in the greenhouse.

It should be noted that the above methods of maintaining the temperature are not heating methods. They will only help reduce heat loss at night during the summer season. To provide additional heating of the greenhouse structure, the installation of more complex equipment will be required.

The main options for providing heating of the greenhouse:

  • use of heating appliances;
  • installation under the paths and beds of the warm floor;
  • the use of water or gas heating;
  • installation of infrared heating equipment;
  • installation of potbelly stoves for firewood.

To maintain the temperature inside the structure, it is important to take care of reducing heat loss.

Winter greenhouses require especially thorough thermal insulation.

  • In the cold season, it is better to change the vents in the greenhouse for windows with double frames. A reinforced double-glazed window will not only create an additional barrier to the outflow of heat, but will also significantly reduce the formation of condensate.
  • A greenhouse, which will be operated year-round, is usually attached to the wall of a heated building.
  • With the onset of cold weather, additional insulating means are installed inside the greenhouse. It can be blinds, shutters, curtains made of soft heat-insulating materials.
  • It is worth taking care of the insulation of the foundation. A fairly large heat transfer occurs through the soil.
  • Strong wind contributes to the intensive cooling of the greenhouse structure. Therefore, the structure must be protected from wind exposure by some kind of structure (fence, other building, dense hedge).


No greenhouse can do without ventilation, especially during the hot summer months. Excessive rise in temperature and lack of air flow to plants is no less destructive than cold. Several vents must be installed in the greenhouse. It is best if they are automated.

The simplest and least expensive option is to install a hydraulically operated opening window. The essence of his work is very simple. Inside the lever rod is an oily liquid of a certain density. When the temperature inside the greenhouse rises to a certain threshold, the liquid that begins to increase in volume pushes the lever out. Thus, the transom or window begins to open. With a subsequent increase in temperature, the lever is pushed out more and more. With a decrease in temperature and compression of the liquid, respectively, the transom is gradually covered.

Such a simple system, which, by the way, you can mount with your own hands, allows you to automatically ventilate the greenhouse.

The second option is to install a computer with sensors. The device will constantly receive data on humidity and temperature inside the greenhouse. In accordance with the set parameters, the system will control the opening and closing of ventilation windows and vents.

Such equipment is quite expensive and will require additional costs for installation and connection. In addition, only specialists can properly install and configure such a system. However, it really allows you to adjust the main indicators of the microclimate inside the greenhouse, up to the creation of individual temperature conditions for individual beds with different plantings.

Water supply

In the case of growing plants and crops in a structure with closed ground, it is not necessary to rely on natural precipitation. Therefore, watering plantings must be organized by yourself. In a small greenhouse, it is quite possible to get by with a watering can. But all the plants planted in large-area structures are not so easy to water manually. The best option for watering plants in closed ground is a drip irrigation system. To equip it, you will need a water intake tank, plastic pipes and flexible hoses.

The drainage system, which delivers moisture to the roots of plants, is located according to the scheme of the beds. And the container from which water will be taken for irrigation should be installed at some elevation. This is necessary to create pressure in the irrigation system. The big plus is that drip irrigation can be fully automated. To do this, the entire system is connected to an automatic timer or a computer. Irrigation of the soil will be carried out strictly according to the specified parameters.

Beds and shelving

The improvement of the internal space of the greenhouse for various types of plantings is a very important point. The location of the beds or racks should be arranged so that the plantings are in favorable conditions for their growth and maturation.

However, do not forget about the design of the internal space of the greenhouse structure. A design that pleases the eye will undoubtedly contribute to a good mood and pleasant emotions while working in a greenhouse.

How to arrange?

The arrangement of the structure from the inside includes a breakdown of the beds. First of all, the location of the plots for planting will depend on the size of the greenhouse and on its position relative to the sun. It is also worth considering the characteristics of crops and plants cultivated indoors.

For small greenhouses (up to 3 meters wide), the most convenient option is to equip two parallel beds adjacent to the side walls. A path separates the garden in the middle. The width of the plots with plantations should be about 100-120 cm. In this case, unhindered access to all plants will be possible.

A rectangular greenhouse with a width of 4 meters or more can be divided into 3 or more parallel beds. Paths for passage are also arranged between the beds. It is advisable to plan the space so that the paths are at least 40 cm wide, otherwise the passage along them will be simply inconvenient and difficult.

In a square-shaped greenhouse, the beds can be arranged in parallel rows. Another option that is quite convenient in this case is the arrangement of areas for planting along the walls of the greenhouse structure. Another area for planting crops remains in the very center of the greenhouse. The path leading from the entrance frames the central area with plantings and at the same time allows access to plants planted in beds along the walls.

What to make?

It is very undesirable to leave the paths earthen, completely unpaved.

Paths can be equipped using the following materials:

  • crushed stone;
  • brick;
  • tile;
  • tile;
  • stone;
  • ruberoid.

Speaking of gambling, we most often remember poker, roulette or slot machines. But in the world there are such types of gambling entertainment that you don’t even know about. For us, they are exotic, although, say, for the average Australian - betting on the outcome of the race ... sea crabs, is quite commonplace.

These games are often illegal and are played around existing government bans. Let's take a closer look at the world of exotic gambling entertainment.

Slot machines


Pachinko is a kind of gaming machine, reminiscent of a mixture of the well-known "one-armed bandit" and vertical pinball. The game takes place as follows: metal balls are poured into the apparatus from above, and the player, using a lever, controls the speed of shooting them onto the playing field. The balls roll down the labyrinth and most of them go to waste, but at least one of them hits the target and brings a win (a certain number of the same balls).

Officially, it is impossible to receive the cash equivalent of winnings. The balls are used to continue the game or are exchanged for prizes (a lighter, a bottle of perfume, etc.). However, shops (controlled by the yakuza) are often opened near the pachinko halls, where gifts are exchanged for money.

In Japan, the game is incredibly popular, since classic gambling is banned (this explains the lack of cash winnings). Pachinko gambling halls in the land of the rising sun can be found on every corner, and device manufacturers take pride of place in the lists of the richest people on the planet according to Forbes.

Board games

Fang Tian

Fang Tian is an ancient Chinese game with simple rules: the host takes a handful of coins and covers them with something. The square-shaped playing field is divided by diagonals into four triangles. Participants place bets on one of the sectors: 1,2,3 or 4. Next, the dealer opens the coins and begins to separate four pieces with a special long stick, without touching them with his hands.

If as a result of division there is 1 piece, then number 1 wins, 2 - No. 2, 3 - No. 3, 4 - No. 4.

The Chinese play fan tian right on the streets, often using any small objects at hand (beans or buttons) instead of coins. Regular police raids cannot eradicate this gambling entertainment, as money is transferred from hand to hand.


Racing attracts gambling people all over the world. Betting on the outcome of the race is the privilege of aristocrats, and betting on the donkey race is a traditional pastime of Pakistanis. We have selected the most unusual types of racing that can only be found in the world.

  • cockroach race

For racing, giant Madagascar cockroaches 6-10 cm long are usually used. They are considered one of the fastest not only among their species, but among all insects.

The greatest popularity of cockroach racing won in Australia. It is believed that entertainment originated in the small town of Brisbane, where local students organized insect races. This game has become so popular that today cockroach competitions are broadcast on national Australian television, and annually on January 26, the Australian Day of the Cockroach Race is celebrated.

There are several options for holding competitions. The most common is trail running. For such a race, 5-7 grooves about 1.5 m long are organized, in each of which an “athlete” is placed. In order for the cockroaches to start moving to the opposite end of the track, a bright light is turned on at the start (insects are afraid of light and instinctively run to a dark place). The owners are allowed to drive the ward with chopsticks, blow or highlight the path with a flashlight (the main limitation is not to overdo it so as not to cripple the insect).

Another method does not require a "hippodrome" or other difficulties in conducting. The race is organized on any flat free space where a circle is drawn, and cockroaches are placed in the center. Usually Australians have fun in the yard near the house or on the beach, so insects are covered with any handy object (for example, a saucepan). On a signal, the pan rises, and the cockroaches crawl in different directions. The winner is the one who first crossed the border of the circle.

  • Crab and goat races

Crab racing and goat racing is a traditional entertainment for the inhabitants of Trinidad and Tobago (an island state in the southern Caribbean), which is held annually at Easter and attracts many tourists. Despite the funny participants, these competitions are a lucrative business for the island of Tobago.

The entourage of the competition is akin to horse racing - goats are neatly combed, jockeys are present, bets are accepted, commentators announce favorites. Animals need to run a track 100 m long, drivers (local boys play this role) do not saddle animals, but simply run alongside and push them with kicks. The athlete who crosses the finish line first wins.

The blue crabs race is not as dynamic, but no less exciting. Anyone can be a driver. Participants are driven with twigs and set the desired direction of movement. The first one to reach the finish line wins. However, unlike the owner, who will receive the prize, the fate of the crab is not so rosy ... according to tradition, all "athletes" (winner and losers) will have one fate - a pot of boiling water.

Crab races also entertain tourists in the Maldives and Sydney. The Australians have made this fun part of the nightlife. Competitions are held right in the pubs. Participants are numbered and placed in the center of a regular table. Excited vacationers place their bets, and the crustacean that reaches the edge of the table first wins. Prizes are most often beer or branded T-shirts.

  • Guinea pig race

Guinea pig races are a wild street activity in Colombia. The rules are as simple as possible: numbered houses are set up on the ground and everyone who wants to bet on which of them the animal will run into. The attraction is designed primarily for tourists, for whom the competition of pigs is a curiosity.

  • racing pigeons

Taiwan is considered the birthplace of feathered competitions, where such competitions have been held for several centuries. Local residents organize about 500 races every week, and in total, 2-3 million sports birds are kept on the island. They start training pigeons at two and a half months, and by four they can already participate in competitions.

The main sporting event is the Championship of the Five Races, which, with increasing popularity, began to be held several times a year. Animal activists are protesting against such violence against pigeons, as successful "athletes" are forced to fly up to five thousand kilometers in total per championship.

However, money matters... competition winnings can be as high as a billion Taiwanese dollars.

Exotic fights are more brutal and usually illegal. But this does not prevent them from gathering crowds of eager observers and fans, as well as solid banks of winnings.

  • Dambe

Dambe is a deadly martial art, common in West Africa among the representatives of the Hausa people. To participate in the fight, the fighter wraps one hand with a cloth and ties it with a solid cord on top. It looks like a boxing glove. Sometimes, in order to make the fight more brutal, the Hausa wrap the kicking leg with a chain or even jagged metal.

Initially, only representatives of the butcher caste could deal with the dam. They traveled between the villages and staged demonstrations, after which they slaughtered cattle and treated the fans. Today, this peculiar kind of kickboxing no longer has a caste selection, however, it requires excellent physical fitness from athletes.

There are no weight categories in the dam, and suitable opponents are selected by eye. Fights are accompanied by active bets, so “mistakes” are not uncommon (sometimes an outright heavyweight is put up against a slender athlete). The fight lasts three rounds, which are not limited in time.

Young people tend to engage in damming and train hard in boxing gyms. Today, this scuffle has turned into a serious business, and the income of a promising athlete can reach $1-2 thousand per fight.

  • Cock-fights

Cockfights were held in ancient India, China and Persia. Later, this type of gambling entertainment conquered Europe and the colonies of North America. Today, cockfights are most popular in Central and South America and Asia.

Fights are held on a round area approximately 6 m in diameter, surrounded by a curb. Roosters fight one on one or all at once (the so-called Royal battle). In the second case, the bird that remains alive or is able to continue the fight wins.

Fighting chickens at the age of six months have their comb removed, as its injury threatens with extensive blood loss. Birds enter the ring at 1-2 years old. Often, roosters are provided with metal or bone spurs 4-6.5 cm long, which cause more damage to the opponent. If the participant refuses to fight, then defeat is counted to him. Bets are accepted before or during the fight.

As a rule, a rooster participates in only one battle, since even the winner dies within a few weeks from his injuries ... In the vast majority of states, cockfights are completely or partially banned.

  • dog fighting

Dog fights have been known since ancient Rome. In England, the lower strata of society amused themselves by launching dozens of rats into the dog pit. Spectators placed bets on how many dogs could strangle in a certain period of time. They even crossed two of the most frisky breeds (Terrier and English Bulldog) to get the perfect rat-killer (Bull and Terrier). Later, fights began to be arranged between dogs of different breeds.

Today, this entertainment attracts a narrow circle of dog owners (they arrange competitions and are spectators), and is also a test of the working qualities of the dog.

Dog fights are not as cruel and bloody as cock fights. The goal of the fight is to overwhelm the opponent and pin them to the ground without causing serious injury. Dogs of fighting breeds have always been valued, so the dogs are trained in such a way that even in the hottest heat, she does not tear her opponent and never shows aggression towards a person. According to the rules of some fights, the owner of a dog that cripples or kills an opponent loses his winnings and, in addition, pays compensation to the loser.

Dog fighting is illegal in most countries. They are prohibited by gambling legislation or regulations aimed at protecting animals.

  • cricket fights

Cricket fights have been held in China for thousands of years. Insect battles were entertained by ancient emperors, and today it is fun for any Chinese and numerous tourists of the Celestial Empire.

Crickets are sold all over the place. The most valued specimens come from the province of Shandong. It is believed that they have the best fighting qualities, and the price of an insect with a pedigree (yes, they have a pedigree!) can reach up to $ 5 thousand.

Spending is more than paid off on underground sweepstakes. In China, gambling is prohibited by law (including betting on cricket fights), with the exception of Macau. However, the turnover of the shadow betting business in Shanghai alone is estimated at $63 million.

Before the fight, crickets are weighed on electronic scales and divided into categories. Opponents are placed in a transparent container with a partition. Owners try to piss off the insects by poking them with sticks or brushing their whiskers. As soon as the "athletes" show aggression, the partition is removed and the fight begins. The fight lasts no more than a minute. The one who forced the enemy to retreat wins.

It is believed that the losing cricket will no longer be able to fight, so he is released into the wild or left to live out his due date as a pet. The Chinese treat insects with respect and some even bury crickets that died of old age in the backyard...

betting game legal institution

The number of existing games is huge and continues to increase constantly.

For example, in a casino they can offer to play a variety of gambling games. For each game in the casino there is a special equipment. Under the equipment is meant the working inventory of the croupier: chips, gambling table, dice, cards, and so on.

“All casino games are based on the process of confronting the player with the bank, on behalf of which the gambling house acts. You can list some of the games that are traditionally played in Western, and now in Russian casinos, of course, if they are not deliberately excluded from the list of entertainment offered.

So, in a casino you can be offered to play the following games:

1) roulette - European, American, French;

2) bones - Sic Bo;

3) card games - blackjack and its varieties, poker and its varieties, borax, creps, baccarat and its varieties, stos, "casino war", "red dog";

4) domino - pai gou;

5) wheel of fortune;

6) slot machines” On-line magazine “Gambling Business Bulletin” 2013. // URL:

Roulette - (roulette in French means "little wheel"). The croupier launches the roulette wheel and the ball in opposite directions, which must fall into one of the numbered cells, making at least three full turns around the wheel. Cells numbered from 1 to 36 are colored black and red. The numbers are not in order, although the colors of the cells strictly alternate, starting with 1 - red. The cell marked with the number 0 is colored green and is called zero.

There are two main types of roulette: American roulette and European roulette. The main difference is the number of "0" on the wheel. The American roulette wheel has two "0" - zero and double zero, which increases the profit of the gambling house up to 5.3%. In the European variety, there is only one "0", which brings 2.7%.

Roulette is called the "Ferris Wheel" due to the fact that the sum of all the numbers on the roulette is 666.

Sometimes they also talk about French roulette - usually a variation of European roulette where the "jail" rule is used. According to this rule, in the event of a zero, bets placed on chances are lost by half, and the other half remains on the table until the next game. In this case, online casinos often give the player half of the bets made on chances. In French roulette, when betting on odds, the house edge drops to 1.35%.

Bones - Sic Bo. This game has its origins in ancient China. Once it was a favorite entertainment and even a source of constant income for many gamblers in the Middle Kingdom. Trade routes that connected many countries also passed through this exotic country. From there they brought silk, tea, opium and other goods that the countries of Southeast Asia were famous for. The merchants liked the game, it entertained them in their free hours. Thus, along the caravan routes, Sik Bo migrated to European countries far from China.

Three dice are rolled in each game. Players placing their chips on numerous sectors of the playing field make preliminary bets on the numbers of the faces that fall out in this game. Each sector corresponds to different types of bets. The dealer throws the dice using a small device called a popper (from the English pop - to clap). Bones lying on a round membrane, covered with a special dome, are thrown up by electrical impulses. Bones, hitting the dome, emit characteristic pops. After the bets are made, the dealer announces the end of betting, turns off the device, removes the dome and shows the players the numbers that have fallen out and announces these numbers aloud. Sic Bo is played by several players at once, the number of which is determined by the place around the gaming table. Each of the players makes bets independently of the others. The game Sic Bo uses six-sided dice of the correct cubic shape, on which the dots corresponding to the numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) are applied. The sum of the points on opposite faces is always seven: 6-1, 5-2, 4-3.

Card games. Among the card games in the casino, the most popular are baccarat, poker and blackjack, in different versions.

Poker. A card game in which the object is to win the stakes by hitting the highest poker hand possible using 4 (old classic) or 5 cards, or by forcing all opponents to stop playing. The game is played with fully or partially closed cards. Specific rules may vary depending on the variety of poker. The generalizing elements of all varieties of poker are combinations and the presence of trade during the game. Poker is played with different decks - 32, 36 or 54 cards each, but most often a standard deck of 52 sheets with equivalent suits is used. Several participants play (2 or more, usually up to 10 at one table).

Blackjack (twenty-one points) is one of the most gambling and popular card games. The birthplace of blackjack is called France, Italy, USA. Be that as it may, the game gained the greatest popularity in America, and the scientific theory of this game was also developed there. When playing blackjack, the theory of probability does not work for the bank, but for the player, which is why this game is so popular in many countries of the world, including Russia. It is believed that the predecessor of this game was the card game "vingt-et-un" ("twenty-one"), which appeared in French gambling establishments around the 19th century. In Russia, for example, blackjack is often called twenty-one to this day.

Blackjack is usually played with one to eight decks. Many casinos use shuffle machines. In a game with one or two decks of cards, it is usually the dealer who holds the decks themselves. If there are more than two decks in the game, then a shoe is placed on the table (from the English word Shoe, which means shoe). A special device into which the deck is inserted and from where, then the cards are dealt. In a 1 or 2 deck game with a dealer, cards are dealt face down and players are allowed to touch cards. When playing with a shoe, the cards are dealt suit up and players are not allowed to touch the cards. Other fundamentals of the game remain unchanged. The goal of blackjack is simple - to beat the dealer. If your card combination is higher than the dealer's and you haven't gone over 21, then you've won. Don't always strive to score 21, if you score more, you lose. If both you and the dealer busted for 21, you lost. If the dealer busted and you didn't, you win.

If both you and the dealer have equal points, then everyone remains at their rates. This situation in blackjack is called "Rivne". But in some casinos, in the situation “Exactly”, the casino wins, so it is worth clarifying the rules of the gambling establishment in advance. Blackjack varieties include blackjack switch, European blackjack, Spanish twenty-one, pontoon, "oasis".

Baccarat. The origin of baccarat is still unclear. Presumably, the roots of this game are to be found in France, in the city where high-class crystal is produced, which is also called. Nevertheless, the name of the game comes from the Italian “baccara”, which means “zero” in translation. Be that as it may, in the XIX century. Baccarat came to Russia and quickly gained popularity among aristocrats. Currently, this game is very popular in Europe and Asia, but in Russia and the USA it is not played as often, as it is considered insufficiently profitable.

Baccarat is good because it can be played by an unlimited number of people. In this case, two large decks of 52 cards are used. The score is based on points. The goal of the game of baccarat is to score a combination of cards with a sum of points close to or equal to 9. Players only need to place a bet, so the game acquires a characteristic intensity that does not torment the players with expectations, everything happens automatically, according to the established rules. The main task for all players is to guess who the dealer or the player will win, or you can bet on a draw.

Dominoes - Pai Gow. Pai Gow is probably one of the most difficult to explain casino games. Having understood the rules of the game, you can find a lot of advantages over other games of chance. It is funny, the percentage of casino winnings is not large, it is unique, as it is played on dominoes. The Chinese, who are credited with the authorship, have been playing Pai Gow for centuries.

Pai Gow is played with a set of 32 dominoes. In this case, some dominoes appear once, and some twice. The goal of the game is to beat the banker. But, unlike most casino games, in Pai Gow the player can become a banker himself, then the goal is to beat everyone involved. The game begins with all players making bets. The dealer shuffles the dominoes and places them into 8 equal stacks of 4 dominoes each. Players draw lots to see who will take the first stack. As a rule, the drawing takes place with the help of playing dice. The hardest part is remembering the value of all the dominoes. There is no easy way to do this. There are 992 possible options if you think mathematically. But due to the double tiles and the fact that the order doesn't matter, the actual number is much less.

Wheel of Fortune.

This is a game of luck. No special explanations are required in this game. If at least once in your life you watched the “Field of Miracles” (and every inhabitant of our country sinned with this), no problems should arise - the principle is identical. The Wheel of Fortune is widespread not only in live establishments, but also online. There, of course, there is no dealer, so the game is simplified.

The wheel is about 2 meters in diameter and stands upright. It is divided into fifty-four cells where the wheel can potentially stop. There are seven characters that occupy different cells. These symbols are usually 1$ (24 cells), 2$ (15 cells), 5$ (7 cells), 10$ (4 cells), 20$ (2 cells), Joker (1 cell) and gambling house logo (1 cell). Nearby is a specially marked table with the same symbols as on the wheel. The idea is to guess the symbol on which the wheel will stop on the next spin and place a bet on the table accordingly.

Slot machines.

Slot machines began their history in America, around 1887, although the exact date is not fully known, as some sources point to 1899.

Charles Fay - the father of the first mechanical machine, called it the "Liberty Bell", its name also symbolized the independence of the United States. It consisted of three reels with 10 symbols each: hearts, spades, diamonds, horseshoes and, of course, the liberty bell itself. The game and payment mechanism has also not changed much since then.

Slot machines are a relatively new direction in the field of gambling that appeared about 120 years ago. Candy and trinkets were once offered as prizes.

Currently, it is customary to distinguish several types of gaming devices (slot machines):

Mechanical (wheel) types of slot machines;

Video slots;

Video poker;


Slot machines differ in the number of reels, the number of paylines, they have buttons, the value of which is constant, but there may be exceptions. The inscription on the button corresponds to the action that will be performed after pressing it. The inscriptions are usually produced in English.

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