Aziza is everything. The winner of the show “Just the same” Aziza: “I dedicate the victory to the deceased father


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Throughout the television season, viewers clicked the remote control like clockwork: from the first button to the second and back. On the main channels there were shows of reincarnations so beloved by the people. But now, as they say, "game over", the ball is over, the winners are determined. "MN" decided to talk to the main victors of both programs.

- Aziza, congratulations. Your victory surprised many. Did you yourself believe in it?

But I did not just come to this program! I don't go where you need to do experiments... No, of course, I'm an innovator, a creative person. But I won't go to a show where I know I'll look ridiculous, ridiculous. Here are the culinary programs - this is mine, I cook well, I always take first place there. But I will never go to a show where, for example, you have to skate or participate in some crazy races. And she went to Just the Same, because from childhood she loved to imitate famous artists and generally make people, her family laugh. Yes, and in my youth, my girlfriends always asked me to portray someone. Therefore, when I was invited to participate in the show, I knew that this area was not alien to me.

- Interestingly, one of those who were parodied in childhood, now you got it?

Yes, Yuri Nikulin. I also wanted to take the image of Raikin: “In the Greek hall, in the Greek hall ...” But it didn’t work out.

- Is Gurchenko not from childhood?

More like from youth. I really loved to perform her song “Five Minutes”, I sang it at parties, while studying at the conservatory. But in the show I got another song - “Do you want?”, And this became a new step for me. A difficult work, but I was not afraid, and I did it.

- What did you have to suffer the most about?

Oh, first of all, I was tormented by Louis Armstrong! ..

And I got it at a very good time, just then I suffered from bronchitis, my voice became hoarse, the ligaments were split, the corresponding overtones appeared. But it was still difficult to sing it. An English-speaking character, and he does not have pure English, but with the use of slang ... And the second image is the same Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko. It was a tragicomedy...

- And there was an image, working on which, they thought: oh no, this is not for me, I can’t handle it.

Was. This is an image of Sarah Brightman. I was told that she would soon fly into space, I really wanted her to fly in our show, at least hover over the stage and sing with her gentle, almost angelic voice. But my voice is not like that at all! That was very difficult. And from time to time, when I sang, I felt that I was getting closer to my voice.

- When the show was coming to an end, did you have a purely sporting passion, did you definitely want to win?

Why did I go there? When I come to the show, I always want only victory. I just don't get involved in anything.

- Who were considered the main competitors?

Initially, Danila Dunaev and, as it seemed to me, Lenochka Maksimov. I really liked everything she did. And for myself, I determined: between us there will be healthy competition.

The victory in the first season made Alexei Chumakov a real star. Do you plan to use your success for a career breakthrough?

No. The only thing I would like is to change my specialty. From vocalists to go to actresses ...

- Are you serious?

Yes. I'm interested in this at the moment. And, by the way, respected members of the jury Leonid Yarmolnik and Gennady Khazanov are now thinking about what kind of project to organize with me. But I immediately said: let's make it a comedy. I have comedic data since childhood, it's time to apply them already.

- Have you already had theatrical experience?

Never. But now I am ripe to become an actress. I have succeeded, I have life experience behind me ... But, of course, it is ridiculous to say that, for example, I am waiting for an invitation to the Theater. Mayakovsky...

- But Volchek called Alla Pugacheva to Sovremennik, and she has not yet risked it.

Well, if I was offered this, I would consider it an honor!

Prepared Ksenia Pozdnyakova, Valeria Khvashchevskaya

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