Bari Alibasov Jr. biography. Alibasov Bari Karimovich

Alibasov Bari Karimovich Alibasov
Bari Karimovich Alibasov

Bari Karimovich (Boris Nikolaevich) Alibasov(Kazakh Bari Karimuly Alіbasov Tatar. Bari Karim uğlı Əlibasov, Bari Karim uly Alibasov; born June 6, 1947, Charsk, Charsky district, Semipalatinsk region, Kazakh SSR) - Soviet and Russian musician, composer, music producer, Honored Artist of Russia ( 1999).

  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Childhood and youth
    • 1.2 Creation of the "Integral" group
    • 1.3 Creation of the Na-Na group
  • 2 Passion for photography
  • 3 Charitable activities
  • 4 Awards
  • 5 Personal life
  • 6 Litigation
  • 7 Interesting Facts
  • 8 Books
  • 9 Filmography
  • 10 Notes
  • 11 Links


Childhood and youth

Bari Karimovich Alibasov was born on June 6, 1947 in a large family. Father - Karim (Nikolai) Kasymovich Alibasov, a Kazakh from the Argyn clan, managed the Agricultural Bank in Charsk; mother - Iraida Ibragimovna Abrarova, a Tatar, was an accountant in a kindergarten and part-time worked in a locomotive depot.

He studied at school number 232 in the city of Charska. For a free character and frequent violation of discipline, he was expelled from the Komsomol and several times from school.

Already in childhood, Bari showed a penchant for creativity. At school, he began to actively engage in amateur performances (sang in the choir, played drums, was an entertainer), created his own drama club (staged a play based on A. Chekhov's "Rural Aesculapius"). In the early 1960s, when Bari was in high school, he, along with several classmates, organized his first musical ensemble, with which he toured the nearby collective farms.

After graduating from school in 1965, he entered the Ust-Kamenogorsk Construction and Road Institute (now the East Kazakhstan State Technical University) at the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

In 1969, Bari Alibasov voluntarily enters the army for military service. He served in the Air Defense Forces of the Central Asian Military District in the Alma-Ata region. After some time, he was transferred to the SAVO Song and Dance Ensemble. After serving for six months, Private Alibasov created the Zador ensemble at the SAVO air defense headquarters. He served in the army from 1969 to 1971.

In 1973-1974 he studied at the Ust-Kamenogorsk College of Music in the class of percussion, but due to the touring activities of the Integral group, he did not complete his education.

Creation of the "Integral" group

Main article: Integral (ensemble)

In 1966, together with his classmate Mikhail Arapov, he organized the Integral musical group, which plays jazz music (it was listed at the Ust-Kamenogorsk Road Construction Institute). At the same time, Bari manifests himself as a composer by writing his first song - the twist "Spring Rain". Soon Integral turned from a jazz group into a beat group.

In 1971, after returning from the army, Bari revives Integral as a rock band, and the further work of Integral was associated with rock music. Since 1973, the ensemble has been working in the East Kazakhstan Regional Philharmonic Society, having received the first certification certificates of VIA artists in Kazakhstan. The group becomes a laureate of the Friendship of Peoples festival in Alma-Ata and many other competitions. The Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR approved the Integral group in the genre of rock music, which was banned by decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU. It was the only professional rock band in the USSR. But "Integral" was denied access to radio, television and recording.

The group's music sounded in cult films - "Do not be afraid, I'm with you!", in the first film of Alexei Rybnikov's rock opera "The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta", in some cartoons, for example, "Cunning Crow". Over the years, Integral has experimented with many musical styles: from rock and roll to psychedelic underground, from fusion to country and blues.

In 1980, under the leadership of Bari Alibasov, the Integral group became a laureate of the 1st All-Union Rock Festival Tbilisi-1980. In the same year, the musicians give their first concert in Moscow, in the Oktyabr Concert Hall. During this time, the Ministry of Culture and Rosconcert tried dozens of times to disband the team for ideological harmfulness. In 1985, the group becomes a laureate of the 12th International Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow. The Ministry of Culture is again trying to ban the group (in the same order as the Time Machine) for performing rock and roll at this festival.

Under the leadership of Alibasov, the Integral group existed for 22 years. The Integral group has become a bright phenomenon in Russian music. It was this group that first used the elements of the show on the Soviet stage, combining the spectacle and music into one whole.

Creation of the Na-Na group

Main article: Na-na

In 1989, due to the fading of interest in rock music, Bari dissolved the Integral group and announced a casting call for a new pop group, Na-Na, of which he is the permanent leader to this day. In 1989, the first performance of the Na-Na group took place at the Face to Face International Festival. Then the musicians participate in the days of Moscow in Prague, in the same year, after winning the 50/50 competition, the Na-Na group was recognized as the Discovery of the Year in the field of pop music.

Under his leadership, the Na-Na group becomes extremely popular and commercially successful in the 1990s. As the artistic director of "Na-Na", Bari created and directed 9 shows, is the director of 21 concert films about the group "Na-Na". He is also the author of lyrics and composer of many songs from the group's repertoire. Under the leadership of Bari Alibasov, "Na-Na" won the national music award "Ovation" 12 times - the first time in 1993, the last - in 2010 (nomination "Legend").

Passion for photography

Has been doing photography for twenty years. Within the framework of the international festival "Fashion and Style in Photography", the gallery "TXT" hosted a personal exhibition of photographs by Bari Alibasov.


Bari Alibasov and "Na-Na" are actively involved in charitable activities, give concerts for disabled children, participate in charity events (such as Good Day at the All-Russian Exhibition Center, Shield and Lyra and many others).

In 2013, he became (together with singer Danko) the winner of the TV quiz "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?", winning 3 million rubles (aired on 11/23/2013). All winnings went to charity. Bari Alibasov and Danko are the first champions among the stars who managed to answer the 15th question correctly (before that, 3 ordinary participants and one couple became millionaires).


Title holder:

  • Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1999),
  • Honored Artist of Tatarstan
  • "Prince" - granted by the "Russian Noble Society" in 1998.
  • Academician of the International Academy of Informatics,
  • Academician of the International Academy of Alternative Medicine,
  • Professor of the Russian Academy of Security and Law Enforcement

Award Winner:

  • Ten-time winner of the national award "Ovation"
  • Prize of the Academy of Russian Language and Literature, them. Pushkin
  • Person of the Year Award
  • People Magazine Award "Best Outrageous Show of the Year"

Commander of Orders:

  • Cavalier of the "Order of the White Eagle"
  • Cavalier of the Order of Elizabeth
  • Cavalier of the "Order of Peter the Great"
  • Cavalier of the "Order of the New Elite of Russia"

1998 - Medal "Astana" from the hands of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Personal life

Bari has two older sisters Zoya and Rosa and a brother Bulat.

Bari was officially married 5 times.

He was in an actual marriage with Elena Uronich, from this marriage there is a son - Bari Alibasov (born in 1985).

Was in an actual marriage with actress Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina.

On July 23, 2013, he secretly married actress Victoria Maximova, his former assistant. This marriage was the sixth for the producer, and the first for his young wife.

According to the controversial statement of the first school love of Bari (school number 232 of the city of Charska), Svetlana Bokhovchuk (named Bari in her autobiographical book Alena), now living in Italy, has an illegitimate daughter, Vera (candidate of medical sciences).


In 2009, he filed a lawsuit on the fact of insulting him on the page of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev in LiveJournal. For unknown reasons, the trial was suspended.

In court, the interests of the showman are represented by lawyer Sergei Zhorin.

On March 23, 2010, Bari Alibasov achieved an unprecedented court decision against a blogger who called Alibasov a "Tatar-Kazakh guest worker." He managed not only to bring the slanderer to court, but also to recover from him a record compensation for moral damage in the amount of 1,100,000 rubles by Russian standards. True, according to Stanislav Sadalsky and Nikolai Fandeev, this story is a typical PR move, the reason for which is the lack of demand for the Na-na group.

In 1996-1997, together with Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina, he headed the Secret & Secret magazine.

Produced by DJ Big Bang and Pin C@de in 2004


  • Alibasov Bari. Fundamentals of NA-NAi philosophy. - Tsentrpoligraf, 1999. - 430 p. - ISBN 5-227-00512-5.


  • 1995 - "Old songs about the main thing" - foreman of mowers
  • 1997 - "Old songs about the main thing 3" - shaman
  • 2003 - "Moth Games" - jury member
  • 2004-2009 - My fair nanny - cameo
  • 2005 - "Mow and score" - Patron
  • 2005 - "Hello, we are your roof!"
  • 2005 - "Pops" - cameo
  • 2012 - "Deffchonki" - cameo


  1. The youth of Bari Alibasov in photographs. Official site of the group Na-Na. - Soviet times, all non-Russians were called Russian names, I was Boris, and father Nikolai. in principle, I am Boris Nikolaevich. Retrieved May 15, 2012. Archived from the original on June 5, 2012.
  2. Awarded by Decree of the President of Russia No. 502 of April 18, 1999. Archived from the original on December 2, 2012.
  3. 1 2 3 4 Biography of Bari Alibasov. Official site
  4. Bari Alibasov sued the blogger for 1 million 100 thousand rubles (photo) - Metro
  5. Motherland of Alibasov]. Bari at the parents' cemetery]
  6. Grave of Bari Alibasov's mother
  7. 1 2 Fedor Razzakov. Bari Alibasov and the NA-NA group
  8. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bari Alibasov Fundamentals of the Nai Philosophy M .: "Tsentrpoligraf", 1999.
  9. Biography of Bari Alibasov on the site "Vip-Dossier"
  10. Bari Alibasov. Person on "Echo of Moscow"
  11. Vocal and instrumental ensembles of the USSR. About Integral Group
Dossier on the stars: truth, speculation, sensations. Behind the scenes of show business Fedor Razzakov

Bari ALIBASOV and the group "NA-NA"

B. Alibasov was born on June 6, 1947 in the small station settlement of Charskoye, Abaevsky district, Semipalatinsk region, 80 kilometers from the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. His father - Karim Kasymovich (half Khakassian, half Kazakh) - worked as a bank manager in Charsk, his mother - Iraida Ibragimovna (a Tatar, brought up by a Russian stepmother) - was an accountant in a kindergarten and part-time worked in a locomotive depot. In addition to Bari, there were four more children in the family: Zoya, Rosa, Bulat and Gaziz (Bari was born fourth). Since the parents worked 18 hours a day, the children rarely saw them, but they did not have time for all kinds of pranks - they had to take care of the household. For example, while the mother was milking the cow, they were watering the garden. According to B. Alibasov: “The elder brother and sisters were eager to run to the dances in the club, but until the cucumbers and tomatoes were watered, this was out of the question. It used to be that Bulat became especially unbearable and he was ready to fade away until the end of the watering. Only the sisters, suspecting an escape, quickly stopped this matter: they soaked his only trousers in a barrel of water. Bulat had no other pants at that time, and he was left without entertainment. I also wanted to run, play hide-and-seek, play football, but the concept of "housekeeping" was magical. At 6 in the morning I got up and fed the animals, and then drove the cows to pasture. And then also the calf had to be stored up, and the potatoes spud. How I hate all this work ever since! I don't even have pets...

We lived in such a poor village that our house was considered the most prosperous - only we had sheets. And I also had a governess - a German from the Volga Germans exiled by Stalin ... "

Interest in the stage woke up in Alibasov quite early - already at the age of four, his mother put on satin trousers, a velvet vest with a skullcap and made him sing Tatar songs and dance gypsy dances. And Barry was good at it. At school, he began to actively engage in amateur performances (sang in the choir, played drums, was an entertainer), created his own drama club (staged a play based on A. Chekhov's "Rural Aesculapius"). In the early 60s, when Bari was in high school, he, along with several classmates, created a small orchestra, which began to be successful not only within the walls of the school, but also far beyond its borders - in neighboring areas. However, a strong passion for music to the detriment of studies could not please the teaching staff of school No. 62, where Bari studied, and he was repeatedly warned: they say, skip classes again - we will expel him. However, the guys ignored these threats for several reasons: firstly, they considered them not too serious and, secondly, they wanted to make money. In the end, the teachers got fed up with it. When, after another warning, the guys from the Alibasov orchestra went on tour to a neighboring collective farm, an order was posted at the school about their expulsion. After that, the musicians had to back down, repent before the teachers' council and assure that this would not happen again. They were believed and restored among the disciples.

In the mid-60s, Alibasov graduated from high school. Before the final exams, he married his school friend Sveta from Western Ukraine, but their life together did not last long. Despite the fact that soon a son was born to the young, their relationship went wrong and they scattered in different directions: Svetlana left for Irkutsk, and Bari went to Ust-Kamenogorsk, where he entered the construction institute. He wanted to be an architect. However, the love of music took its toll. At the institute, he created the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Integral", which quickly became popular among the youth circles of Ust-Kamenogorsk. It is worth noting that, unlike most Soviet rockers, Alibasov did not adopt the music of the Beatles. He himself describes his musical tastes at the time as follows:

“I hated the Beatles when I was younger. Because it seemed to me that this group was like a fish in aspic. Lots of melodies, few emotions. There is no James Brown or Little Richard yelling like cut twists. I liked very rhythmic and extremely hysterical music. With howls, groans, screams and, most importantly, wheezing. My idols were James Brown, Oretta Franklin, Chuck Berry. Groups "Kings", "Pharaohs". In general, it seems to me that the Beatles are music for old people. Now, when I'm already 50, I began to listen to the Beatles, where there are a lot of melodies, harmony and something to think about ... "

Meanwhile, again, as in school, excessive love for music affected Alibasov's studies. In 1969, literally six months before defending his diploma, he suddenly left the institute and, together with his team, went to Kemerovo to work at the invitation of the local regional committee of the Komsomol. Their concert tour ran from Chita to Bratsk. What is the life of a rock musician in the 70s, I don’t think it’s necessary to tell: trips to provincial cities, living in cheap hotels, drinking, girls, drugs. I will give a story about this by B. Alibasov himself:

“I was a rock musician. And that says it all... In front of my eyes, Genka Chuguev was evaporating his socks in order to “spread out” at least something. In my communal apartment, 12 square meters, 17 people woke up in the morning after nightly orgies: booze, sex, drugs ...

I smoked marijuana, injected with promedol and morphine. I lay in intensive care for 14 days with a catheter in my vein. I, a hippie, went to the gatherings of our lads in Tallinn, to the Rodina cinema. We were going - dirty, in overcoats and tunics, with canvas knapsacks over our shoulders. Many have died...

I survived because I was able to refuse such a life: I physically did not get any high from drugs. They just got in the way of me doing what I love. I got a real buzz from the fact that I possessed the viewer. I yelled rock and roll, broke the microphone stand and saw how the audience turned on ...

For three years I did not take alcohol in my mouth - neither for my birthday, nor for the New Year ... It so happened that after each concert I drank two bottles of vodka. I couldn't wait for the end of the second part - to the hotel as soon as possible! Two bottles of vodka ... "Is it really stronger ?!" I asked myself.

In the same way, he quit smoking, throwing a pack of expensive (1 rub.) American cigarettes out of the bus window in front of the entire team. They prevented me from singing - I began to choke on stage ... "

All-Union fame came to Integral in the late 70s. By that time, the group had already left Kemerovo and again moved to Ust-Kamenogorsk, to the recreation center of metallurgists. It consisted of eight people: Bari Alibasov, Yuri Loza (came in 1977), Igor Sandler, Yuri Ilchenko, Yaroslav Angelyuk and others. 80 concerts). The group's repertoire included everything: traditional rock and roll, and country, and blues, and all sorts of things. In addition, each concert of the group was a colorful show - a rarity for those times (the group carried one equipment with them for 840 kilograms). Alibasov performed in the group in several guises at once: leader, arranger, composer, poet, drummer, performer. Although in the latter capacity he managed to perform not so often. Y. Loza says:

“We have always been against the appearance of Bari on stage. Sometimes it came to swearing, like: “Okay, Alibas, lead, take your 11th concert, lead a common policy, light up the group, but don’t go on stage.” And, of course, he determined the general policy ... "

According to many eyewitnesses, Alibasov was a rather tough leader in those years. At Integral, he introduced strict rules: smoking 5 minutes before the concert - 3 rubles a fine, a girl in a hotel room - 25. Fines were also levied for other offenses: being late for a concert, drinking, mistakes during a performance. "Penalty" money went to the general cash desk - they purchased new musical instruments, equipment, equipment.

In 1978, Alibasov decided to change the location of the group and "pricked up his skis" in Irkutsk. However, at the last moment, the leaders of the local philharmonic society outplayed their own decision and instead of "Integral" they took on an equally popular group - "Leysya, song" conducted by Mikhail Shufutinsky. The "integrals" had to look for another place. They sent telegrams to several philharmonics at once - to Maykop, Khabarovsk and Saratov, and the latter gave the go-ahead for the arrival of the team. The Integrals received this message with great enthusiasm. The fact is that before that they received a concert rate of 5 rubles 50 kopecks, and in Saratov they began to pay almost twice as much - as much as 9 rubles.

B. Alibasov recalls: “In order to earn normal money on the stage, I had to get out in a variety of ways. Under Soviet law, an artist is required to work no more than sixteen concerts. And therefore, the pop group worked out the norm - 48 performances per quarter - quite quickly. Our group "Integral", for example, worked out a standard in January in its Philharmonic, the next 48 concerts were played in February from the Krasnodar Philharmonic - for its funds, and so on. But at the same time, we didn’t make any crazy money. Almost everything that was earned was received by those under whose wing we performed. We got only our legitimate rates. But those teams that worked a lot could get quite good in this way. As for us, the director of the Philharmonic often went to the violations, giving the opportunity to perform not 48 times, but twice as many. Of course, they threatened him, but in principle the Department of Culture turned a blind eye - not only the symphony orchestra, but the entire philharmonic society was supported at our expense. Officials received eight hundred rubles from each of our concerts, and multiply this by a hundred concerts per quarter - fantastic sums are obtained at that time. We took risks all the time…”

In March 1980, "Integral" became a member of the largest and most representative rock festival ever held in the USSR - "Spring Rhythms" in Tbilisi. It was attended by several dozen rock bands from all over the Union - from Moscow and Leningrad, the Baltic states, Ukraine, the Caucasus and Central Asia (only Siberia was missing). The festival was held for 9 days in the concert hall of the Georgian Philharmonic (about 2 thousand seats). The winners of the festival were: 1st place - "Time Machine" (Moscow) and "Magnetic Band" (Tallinn), 2nd - "Autograph" (Moscow), 3rd - "Integral" (Saratov), ​​"Dialogue" (Ukraine), "Labyrinth" (Georgia), "Time" (Gorky).

Meanwhile, the diploma of the laureate of the officially sanctioned festival did not at all facilitate the further life and activity of Integral, moreover, to some extent it even complicated it. In any case, the attacks on him by cultural officials intensified. For example, in Saratov, the local regional committee ordered the posters of "Integral" to be burned as ideologically harmful (the members of the team were depicted on it, and one of them - Igor Sandler - was bald). For a month, the investigating authorities - up to the KGB - checked the bills of lading, a ticket to the car, interrogated the driver, where he took the seditious posters and whether they were really burned. Meanwhile, the "integrals" saved some of the posters - they took them out of the warehouse and hid them.

In another case, "Integral" was already "run over" by the capital's officials. It was in 1980. "Integral" came to Moscow with a big program called "Our Disco". The program was staged by the now famous showman Leonid Yakubovich. However, despite the fact that the program was obviously sold out and could collect a good cash desk, the officials banned it. It was possible to win it back only a year later at the Sports Palace.

Alibasov's personal life did not stand still. In the 70s, he married a second time - to a Korean woman who was 12 years younger than him. However, the marriage lasted a little longer than the first and fell apart. In Saratov, Alibasov was caught in her nets by Lena Uronich. And it looked very unusual. Lena was an ardent fan of Integral and dreamed of marrying Alibasov. However, for a long time she could not approach him. And then the girl went to the trick. She started an affair first with the administrator of the group, who introduced her to the circle of "integrals", after which she forced Alibasov to pay attention to herself. Soon they sign, and in 1985 a boy is born, who is called Bari in honor of his father. However, the birth of a child did not save the third marriage of Alibasov. In the mid-80s, Alibasov buys an apartment not far from Moscow - in Zelenograd - but leaves his wife and child in Saratov. Lena hopes that he will come to his senses and take her with him, but Bari, it seems, has already decided everything for himself - his wife is only a burden for him. In his own words: “I took girls who were far from the stage as wives. At first they loved me madly, after two months they began to see clearly. A more bastard person than me did not exist for them. More than a honeymoon, I was missing ... "

In 1988, Alibasov finally moved to Moscow, captured by a new idea - to create a super-group. He explains his impulse this way:

“I was not a slave to youthful affections. “Tender May” and a “plywood” boy of a pederastic type began to take away the audience from the rockers, suppressing Kobzon, Pugacheva at the same time ...

What did it come to? The guys from "Tender May" drew keys on plywood and played on these boards. In Astrakhan, we worked with a tape recorder, while we were transporting 18 tons of equipment on two trailers. And in Dzhambul, where there were full houses, only 19 people came to the Integral. And then I realized that this genre is dead ... "

Alibasov (in a duet with Anis Mukhamedshin) announced a competition for a new group, which was attended by about a thousand people. Bari selected six: A. Ktitarev (music director), V. Yurin (solo guitar), V. Levkin (rhythm guitar), V. Bureiko (drums), A. Karpukhin (bass guitar), A. Zaporozhets (keyboards) ). Professionals took up their preparation: Sergey Shmelev (instruments), Nikolai Dobrynin from Satyricon (plastic), Vyacheslav Zaitsev (costumes), Andrey Potemkin (composer), Larisa Rubalskaya, Mikhail Shabrov (poets) and others. Soon with the help of musicians " Integral” (instruments and vocals) the first hits of the new group were recorded. Under this alien "plywood" in July 1989, "Na-Na" first appeared on the stage of the Olimpiysky sports complex at the Face to Face festival. The success was overwhelming. Inspired by Alibasov, he began preparations for the first solo album of his new brainchild. However, during this training, he suddenly had a conflict with colleagues from Integral.

“Only a few months after the concert,” recalls B. Alibasov, “we managed to rewrite all the songs with the voices of the Nanais themselves.” These old goats with gray hair on their balls began to strangle the young ones: after all, they were recording a soundtrack for Na-Na. I said: either tie it up, or we scatter in a good way. I gave the "integrals" the name, program, equipment. They floundered, began to ride with Kormukhina ... and fell apart ... "

Unlike Integral, which really outlived itself, the Na-Na group began its ascent to the pop Olympus. Na-Na flew into the hit parade of the Music Track MK in September 1989 with the song Desert Beach (12th place). In the January results of ZD, the Na-Na group took 1st place in the Discovery of the Year nomination. The scandal that erupted around the film “The Sun, the Sea and Na-Na” also had a beneficial effect on the image of the group. Censorship suddenly saw excessive eroticism in it and banned it from showing.

One of the first publications about the group appeared on the pages of Moskovsky Komsomolets in March 1990. Its author N. Mydlyk wrote: "Na-Na" very quickly took off to the Olympus of Soviet pop music. Two months after its birth, the group already hit the charts of newspapers and magazines, and six months later became the leader in the "Discovery of the Year" section. During the same time, the Na-Na artists managed to present Moscow pop music abroad, they took part in many charity events, were frequent guests on television and radio. There is no doubt that they have become a favorite group of young people. This is evidenced by hundreds of letters that come to many editorial offices of television and radio programs from all over the country.

At the beginning of the year, the record "Na-Na" was sold - it was the first minion of the group, but it is no longer in any store: the circulation was sold out in just a few days. Now a giant disc and a new audio album are being prepared for recording ... "

In the early 90s, the Na-Na group turned into one of the most successful projects on the domestic pop scene. Actually, it was the same "Integral" of the early 80s, only more pop. The promotion of the group was in full swing: clips on TV, radio appearances, enthusiastic responses in newspapers, multi-day tours around the country (in 1992, Na-Na became the absolute record holder for the number of concerts held in a year - 830). The best hits performed by the group in those years were: “Baba Yaga”, “Girl from Mashmet”, “Nightingale the Robber”, etc.

By 1992, after several shake-ups, the main five vocalists of the group were formed: Valery Yurin, Vladimir Levkin, Vladimir Asimov, Vladimir Politov, Vyacheslav Zherebkin.

B. Alibasov says: “Three guys from Na-Na are sissies. Politov, of course, is a bully. They have prosperous families, except for Asimov, whom his father sold for 2 bottles of port wine. His middle name is Abdurahimovich, although his own father is Valentin. Asimov's mother doesn't love me. She once said, "He took my son away from me." And her son earns so much that he bought them a car from the first salary. And now they have the opportunity to go to the country. But I understand her. I would also hate those who took my child from me. But my consolation is that their children will return in three or four years…”

Just as in Integral, Alibasov introduced strict discipline in his new team. There were rumors in musical circles that according to the contract concluded with Alibasov by each of the members of the group, the “nai” did not have the right to marry, to have amorous relations with the female composition of the group. In order to be able to control each of the Nai, Alibasov settled them in one place - in a house in Merzlyakovsky Lane (they not only live there, but also record new songs in the studio). Although, according to Alibasov himself, he has a trusting relationship with each of the group members, even better than with his own relatives. For example, Bari could not communicate with his older brother Bulat for a long time due to the dissimilarity of interests (Bulat then worked as a butcher in the market in Kazakhstan).

In mid-1995, the first high-profile scandal occurred in Na-Na - Valery Yurin suddenly left the group. When asked why he left Bari Alibasov, Yurin said in an interview with Express Gazeta: “Because we often fought. The last time we fought in Kaluga, during a concert, right on stage. After several mutual pokes, I ended up on the floor and decided that the showdown was over ...

If Bari gets stuck in the brain, he is like a bull: his eyes are filled with blood, and it is impossible to calm him down. Well, if only to connect. And I have a stubborn personality too. I can't be under anyone's command. And here also various organizational difficulties arose. So I decided to leave ... ”(According to one version, Alibasov was angry with Yurin for violating the terms of the contract - he started tricks with a girl from the Naisky ballet.)

After leaving Na-Na, Yurin created his own team of 15 people, with whom he began solo performances. However, he did not succeed in achieving the popularity that he had, being a Nai.

The personal life of Bari Alibasov himself was no less stormy. In the early 90s, he surprised the public with his confession that he was going to make a marriage proposal to a prostitute from the Continental Katya. To the legitimate question "why?" he answered as follows: “Having talked with prostitutes from the Continental, I was stunned by the level of their knowledge, their erudition. Very subtle psychologists and professionals. These are girls who graduated from universities, the best and most prestigious Moscow universities. Insanely interesting people who have rich experience in communication at various levels. They perfectly comprehended the intimate sphere and in every possible way are able to please men of the most different temperament and intellectual development. The man is 100 percent satisfied with their work. This is the highest level of professionalism, the highest degree of knowledge of their field of activity! Not every person is able to comprehend the world so deeply. Not just like that: technologically committed sexual intercourse, and fled. They have a thorough knowledge of who to communicate with and how to communicate. I found the prostitutes from the Continental to be insanely interesting…”

After such a statement, it seemed to many that the marriage between a famous producer and a prostitute was a settled matter. However, fate decreed otherwise. Katya soon married some foreigner and went abroad - either to Germany, or to Sweden. And Alibasov married a woman of a less exotic profession. True, this marriage, like the previous three, did not last long - the divorce coincided with the day the marriage of Alla Pugacheva and Philip Kirkorov was registered (March 15, 1994).

Meanwhile, Alibasov's loneliness did not last long - only nine months. Then a new woman appeared in Bari's life - Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina. This is the history of their acquaintance.

On December 17, Alibasov was going to attend the solemn ceremony of presenting the highest cinematographic awards of Russia "Nika". He went to the ceremony not alone, but with his friend, actor Stanislav Sadalsky. And he suddenly said that on the way they would capture another person - Shukshina. The fact is that shortly before that, she was left without transport - two cars were stolen from her one after another (first the Volga, then the Zhiguli) - and now she moved around the city with the help of her friends. Sadalsky was among the latter. In short, he and Alibasov stopped by the actress and went to Nika together. Next, let's listen to the story of B. Alibasov himself:

“Lida did not like me very much, as many representatives of the theatrical and cinematographic environment did not like. Why? Firstly, the muzzle is evil, and secondly, a stern look, eyebrows pulled down - it's about to bite. But people who begin to communicate with me understand that my gloomy Altai face (a consequence of the numerous campaigns of the Mongols) does not correspond to the inner content at all ... We spent the whole evening on the "Nika" talking to each other. Lida has the image of a regal, strict Russian woman. But in fact, she turned out to be cheerful, even hooligan. What struck me the most was that she joked better than me. Linda has an amazing sense of humor. I caught myself catching up with her jokes not immediately, but after a second and a half. Her on-screen image does not at all correspond to what Lida is like in life and everyday life ... "

Later, L. Fedoseeva-Shukshina will indeed confirm that before they met Alibasov, she treated him with hostility: “I saw him a couple of times on television, and it seemed to me that his smile was somehow fake ...” From meeting Bari her Daughter Masha also dissuaded, who claimed that Alibasov, like all Nai, was blue. However, Lydia Nikolaevna ignored this and other warnings and did not break her friendship with Alibasov.

The year 1995 was generally successful for the Na-Na group and its producer. A new program was prepared called "Na-Nastalgia for real", in which "na-Nai" were accompanied by a variety of performers: black dancers from Las Vegas, Brazilian carnival stars, 20 people from Burundi, an Eskimo-Chukchi ensemble, the ballet "Russian Troika, the Veronika Dudarova Symphony Orchestra, the Lundstrem Orchestra, and others. three cities in Singapore and entertained the Chinese public for two weeks.

As for the Russian public, it also received the Nai quite warmly. In one of the cities, enthusiastic female fans almost overturned the limousine in which the band members were, and Moscow fans went even further - they almost set fire to their studio. How this happened was learned from an article in the Joker newspaper (No. 165, September 1995): “The Na-Na group went crazy with the antics of their fans. Two weeks ago, the girls, who know the address of the group's Moscow studio, made a daring attempt to attract the attention of the musicians. Having drunk for courage, the Nikes covered the entire entrance with spicy declarations of love, and then climbed into the attic, directly under which the Na-Na studio is located. First of all, having unscrewed the ventilation grill, the brave girls began to throw burning paper down. Dissatisfied with the result (there was no fire), the fengshi took out a drill they had stocked up in advance and wound holes in the ceiling of the studio. Perhaps the girl's fantasy was capable of more, but the flight of creative thought was stopped by Alibasov's neighbors at home - they called the riot police, deciding that it was too early to burn or blow up the newly renovated mansion even because of the love for the work of the Na-Na group.

In the same September, the “Na-Nai” celebrated a sad date - September 26, it was 40 days since their housekeeper, Baba Faya, sung in the most famous song “Na-Na” - “Faina”, died of a heart attack.

This song was written by Bari Alibasov himself, who treated his housekeeper very warmly, like a mother. Their acquaintance took place in 1988, when Alibasov moved from Zelenograd to Moscow, on March 8 Street. They were neighbors and quickly became friends. When the "Nai" moved to Merzlyakovsky Lane, Alibasov took Baba Faya with him. For a long time, this elderly woman (over 60, she had her own daughter and granddaughter) was considered a kind of mascot of the group. The "Na-Nai" often invited her to their concerts, and when they sang "Faina", they would definitely go down to the hall and sing the song, kneeling in front of her. In one of the programs, Baba Faya herself took the stage - in an oriental costume, she famously danced with the Nai.

In October of the same year, a bomb was planted under the Na-Na group. The bomb had a very attractive appearance and bore the beautiful name Alena Snezhinskaya. How did this 19-year-old girl manage to “blow up” the peaceful life of a popular group?

The girl was hired as the personal press secretary of Bari Alibasov. However, her work experience in this position turned out to be short-lived - already in March of the following year, Snezhinskaya was fired. According to Alibasov himself: "Snezhinskaya did not cope with her duties - she wrote clumsily and was non-executive." Snezhinskaya herself believes that the reason for her dismissal was not her incompetence, but personal hostile relations with her boss.

Over the next seven months, Snezhinskaya did not show herself in anything and was completely unknown to the overwhelming mass of Russian fans of the Na-Na group. However, on October 23, 1996, the Megapolis-Express newspaper published her extensive article “Worn out idols”, in which she described in sufficient detail the life and customs prevailing in the “Nai” team. In particular, she stated that Alibasov literally treats all the “Nais” and for the sake of self-promotion feigns a love relationship with Fedoseyeva-Shukshina.

Naturally, the defendants could not leave this publication without attention, and already in November they took retaliatory measures. In particular, Alibasov and Shukshina filed a lawsuit against Megapolis Express and Snezhinskaya demanding a refutation of what was published. And a little later, CJSC Na-Na and K filed a lawsuit “for protecting business reputation” against the same defendants demanding payment of 2.75 billion rubles in losses due to the fact that the appearance of the article allegedly caused the termination of 7 contracts with the group, including number of foreign ones. “Because of this article, we suffered huge losses,” says B. Alibasov. - There are documents that clearly state: "In connection with the publication of "Fucked Idols" we are breaking the contract." These are tours, and the release of two records, and a number of actions related to the image of the Na-Na group. After all, the image is our commercial product on which we earn. I often hear: "It doesn't matter what, as long as you write often." But it's not. The destruction of the image is the deprivation of earnings. And this article destroys the image of the Na-Na group ...

The publication contains some small facts that are typical for the life of any creative team. But they are not only based on rumors or phone calls, but presented in a pathologically perverse way. One gets the feeling that the author is some kind of monster, without conscience, without any elementary human principles ... I can’t say that I am a person of high moral principles, ideal purity. But even strangers came up to me and expressed indignation at the shamelessness of the attacks. The entire staff of the Na-Na group, and there are 44 people in it, unconditionally condemned the publication ... "

While the judicial authorities were taking the case into consideration, an emergency occurred with one of the main perpetrators of the scandal, Alena Snezhinskaya. On January 23, 1997, unknown persons attacked her near her house and severely beat her (they cut her hair on her head and cut her face with a razor). The victim blamed Bari Alibasov for the incident. However, he called this accusation absurd. “I, like no one, am interested in her appearing in court, because I want the process to be completed as soon as possible.”

The final point in this case was put by the court at the end of April of the same year. Since the defendants did not provide sufficient weighty evidence, the court decided to grant the claim in part. In favor of Bari Alibasov and Lidia Shukshina, 30 million rubles each will be recovered from the editorial office of the Megapolis-Express newspaper, and 10 million each in favor of the four vocalists. In addition, according to the court ruling, the author of the article, Alena Snezhinskaya, had to pay each plaintiff 200,000 rubles.

In the autumn of the same year, rumors suddenly began to spread intensely among the “Nai” fans that the lead singer of the group, Vladimir Levkin ... had died. The rumors were based on the fact that Levkin really disappeared from the field of view of the group's fans for some time, and his place on the stage was taken by a new member of the group - the former soloist of the Naisky ballet Pavel Sokolov. But what happened to Levkin?

As it turned out, he was pulled out of the ranks of the Nai by a disease that was by no means fatal. And Bari Alibasov discovered it. Here is how it was. While recording on TV, in the program of Lyon Izmailov, Alibasov accidentally noticed a small bald patch on Levkin's head. Levkin could not explain her origin, and Alibasov, suspecting problems with the thyroid gland, sent the ward to a Chinese medical center for a comprehensive examination of the endocrine system. The studies carried out by doctors showed not very good blood tests (later it turned out that the tests were carried out in a hurry and this diagnosis was erroneous). Alibasov, in an interview, explained the situation with Levkin in this way: “He is terribly tired of concerts. It just falls off your feet. But the doctors confirmed that Levkin had nothing to worry about. He just needs rest. When the guys change the climate regime day after day and move, say, from Murmansk to Odessa, such contrasts greatly undermine the immune system. Unfortunately, the resources of the human body, even a young one, are not unlimited ... "

Meanwhile, immediately after Levkin's discharge from the institute, his hair suddenly began to fall catastrophically. Doctors prescribed him special compresses, which had to be done almost daily. To hide them from the public, Levkin began to wear a cap on his head. However, this fact caused a new wave of rumors. Versions expressed the most fantastic. I will mention only two of them, the most common: 1) doctors suspected Levkin of leukemia, prescribed him radiation, and after eight procedures his hair began to fall out; 2) Levkin is terminally ill with AIDS, and hair loss is only the initial stage of the disease.

When hair loss took on catastrophic proportions, Alibasov insisted that Levkin lay down for a new examination - this time at the surgical center at the Academy of Sciences. Surgeon Igor Kaptyukhin says: “Volodya asked me to examine him. And although our clinic is not therapeutic, but surgical, we met him halfway. Volodya spent about a month in the clinic. We examined him in full and did not find any diseases that would interfere with his life, affect his career and make it impossible for him to perform.

Later, when explaining his health problems to journalists, Levkin revealed the cause of their occurrence: “I experienced a lot of stress associated with personal problems. I broke up with a woman with whom I lived for seven years. We have a common child. But I fell in love and went to another ”(according to rumors, a mulatto dancer became his new passion. - F. R.).

If we are talking about “Nai” children, I will inform you that, in addition to Levkin (he has a daughter, Vika), his colleagues in the group also have children: Politov has a daughter, Ksyusha, and Asimov has a son, Semyon. However, all "na-nais" raise their children, being officially divorced from their halves.

Meanwhile, the story of Levkin made me think about my health and the rest of the Nai. On the same days when their friend was in the surgical center, they underwent a medical examination at the Academy of Beauty and Health in Strogino. And although before that they had already been repeatedly checked by doctors, this time these studies were more thorough. Fortunately for the fans of the group and the Nai themselves, they did not reveal anything serious. Only Politov's doctors found gum defects and urgently operated on him. They cut out a piece of his cheek and strengthened his gums.

B. Alibasov says: “Actually, we go through medical examinations quite regularly. To be honest, in connection with active touring activities, the guys often have, as they say, promiscuity. We have a doctor who checks after every tour. I don’t go on tour, but I also check just in case ... As for our diseases ... All artists get sick - they have to travel in windy trains, leave Moscow in a T-shirt with short sleeves in thirty-degree heat and go to the platform at their destination at zero degrees. Then, fans ... At each concert, about a hundred of them run out onto the stage, and everyone strives to kiss ... As a result - flu, runny nose, conjunctivitis, acute respiratory infections ... "

At the beginning of March 1998, rumors about a new conflict in their favorite team began to spread again in the camp of Nai fans. This time, Vladimir Politov was named the culprit of the scandal. Idle gossips reported that he had managed to fall in love with a certain 17-year-old girl and this love brought his career in Na-Na to the brink of collapse. This story was especially piquant by the fact that the girl turned out to be by no means simple - according to rumors, a certain authority of the Solntsevo criminal group had long been in love with her.

Oddly enough, but almost everything said above turned out to be true. Politov really met a 17-year-old girl named Natasha six months ago at one of the concerts and fell in love with her at first sight. Natasha participated in a beauty contest a couple of years ago and won one of the prizes. From the age of 13, she was familiar with a guy who was several years older than her and was considered one of the coolest in the area. However, Politov quickly managed to win the girl's heart. The only exaggeration in this sentimental story was that, allegedly because of this "love story", Politov's career in "Na-Na" was brought to the brink of collapse. In fact, Alibasov was rather condescending about the next hobby of one of his wards and did not focus on this.

In the same spring, a significant event took place in the creative life of Na-Na - on April 26, a name plate was laid in her honor on Star Square near the Rossiya Hotel. On this occasion, Moskovsky Komsomolets wrote: “A press release distributed by the Alibasov department for relations with the outside world painted an impressive picture of Nai achievements, thereby motivating the validity of claims to the status of eternal legends. In addition to 6 Ovations, 6 original show programs were mentioned - one more beautiful than the other, 9 albums - one more bestseller than the other, 2800 concerts and, as a result, 5 million viewers around the world, including 12 nameless countries. Add to this King Rama IX in Thailand, the Hard Rock Cafe in New York, and other milestones in an exciting pop biography…”

To be honest, watching the slab-laying ceremony on television, the author of these lines could not get away from the feeling that everything that was happening was the birth of a mountain mouse. The epithets “great”, “national”, etc., etc., uttered in honor of, in general, an average group in terms of their professionalism, made me smile. And not only me. For example, a person quite experienced in the pop world, Yuri Loza, spoke of the Na-Na group like this: “In principle, they are unsuitable guys gathered from the street. None of them has independent potency, except for the new kid - Sokolov. In general, Bari made an unforgivable mistake for his age. Take a promising guy to a dying team and kill everyone together ... "

And yet, today the group "Na-Na" is the only group on the Russian pop scene that creates a beautiful show. To some, this seems quite enough to classify the group as “super”. A matter of taste.

Few people really know what the "Empire of Alibasov" is. To look into her holy of holies, we will use the help of a person who watched her from the inside, the former press secretary of Bari Alibasov, Andrei Karagodin not enough to form a competent opinion about this empire). So, the word to the eyewitness: “It was necessary to work right in Alibasov’s huge apartment in Merzlyakovsky Lane. There are ten rooms, a gym, two toilets, three baths... I soon realized that the activities in the Na-Na team were organized according to the principle of an oriental caravanserai. Khan Alibasov reclines in the center, and a large retinue bustles around. Everything, like Genghis Khan, can perform many functions. Personally, I did literally everything - from compiling press releases (for this I was originally recruited) to editing videos and writing lyrics. About 35 people work for Bari Karimovich every day: cooks, cleaners, drivers, secretaries, accountants, lawyers, make-up artists, dressers, technicians, sound engineers. But they do ten percent of the work. The remaining ninety are made by the dictatorial Alibasovich, who gets into everything.

Bari deprived some of his workers of their salaries, and in addition to terrible curses, video cassettes, chairs and tables were thrown at someone. It happened that someone was just lucky: the “khan” gave him clothes or equipment. One thing is indisputable - a person entering the service of Alibasov loses his personal life. I came home, ate yogurt and collapsed on the bed, sometimes without even undressing. I woke up in the morning, took a shower and went back to work. My working day began at ten o'clock - without delay, Bari's discipline is tough ...

At the same time, being friends with Bari is a pleasure. Tables are always set in his house, full of guests. Half of Moscow stayed there. From the commander of the Internal Troops of Russia to the scandalous journalist Cherkizov, from the writer Limonov to Orthodox priests. But behind all this noise and din in his apartment lies the fact that Alibasov himself is a very lonely person, able to fall asleep only with the TV on ... "

But back to the spring of 1998. Immediately after the slab-laying ceremony, the Na-Na group set off to conquer Europe. The launching pad for this event was France, where the Nai were to record a CD single "Those were the days" (in the Russian version - "Daroy long") and an album of new songs. The agent representing the group in this project was Nikita Production LTD, the music producer is the owner of numerous Grammy awards, included in the cohort of the most successful music producers, Michaele de Ferreiro, and the sponsor is 25-year-old wealthy Lebanese Lynn Stambouli, who local newspapers called "mommy of the Na-Na group." The France Soir newspaper described the guests from cold Russia to its readers as follows: “They will make trouble for their Western competitors. They can sing - and very well, including even church hymns a cappella. In Russia, these five guys have become real pop idols of "red neo-capitalism".

According to Stambuli, her plans for the Russian group are the most ambitious. She dreams that her wards will be able to make a career a la Aerosmith. “They are musicians, real singers and good dancers. So why not? she said.

In June, the "Nai" together with their producer went to the homeland of the latter - to Kazakhstan. In his native Charsk (the former station settlement has turned over the years into a city in which one of the streets - the former Mira Street - bears the name of the producer "Na-Na") Bari Alibasov and his pets were greeted as heroes. Here is how L. Kudryavtseva, a correspondent for Express Gazeta, describes this event: “To say that he was greeted as a national hero is to say nothing. He was greeted as a god descended to earth. National festivities began even before the entry of the "Na-Nays" into Charsk. A yurt grew up in the middle of the steppe - with decorations, painted carpets, fox, wolf, lynx skins ... Behind the large yurt they put a small one - for servants. In honor of the arrival of the dearest guests in the Kazakh villages, according to tradition, a sheep is slaughtered ...

The entire school number 62, young and old, lined up to meet the distinguished guest. There is a sign on the classroom door: "Bari Alibasov studied here." In the school museum, an entire room is dedicated to exhibits about Bari and the Na-Na group. There is even a section “Personal Use Items” - a sewing machine on which Bari “dressed up” his trousers. Samovar from which he drank tea. A gramophone on which he listened to records. The bread box where my mother hid sweets so that little prankster Bari would not steal them. The epic picture is completed by orders for the school. The now famous student was repeatedly expelled from the school, but now justice has triumphed, and Bari solemnly cut the red ribbon at the entrance to the banquet hall of the BARIAL school. It is not difficult to guess who it is named after ... "

In the evening of the same day, "Na-Na" gave a gala concert on the main square of the city, which was attended by almost the entire city. The same full house accompanied the group's performances in other cities of Kazakhstan: about 50 thousand spectators gathered in Karaganda, 45 in Astana, and about 80 in Petropavlovsk. A tragedy occurred during the performance in the latter. The organizers of the show decided to make it free and allowed everyone to come to the city square. As a result, soon all of it was packed with people, and those who did not have enough space climbed all the surrounding hills, including trees, roofs of houses and even fences of buildings under construction. At the height of the concert, at 23:00, three reinforced concrete slabs enclosing the counter collapsed under the weight of several dozen people and buried several people under them. The spectators who were nearby rushed to the aid. The spectacle was terrible - 11 people were seriously injured at once. One 15-year-old teenager died on the spot, the other, at the age of 12, died in the intensive care unit of a local hospital from a ruptured kidney. The rest of the victims - children from 8 to 14 years old - were seriously injured.

The place where the tragedy occurred was far from the stage, so the artists, in the noise of the speakers, did not hear the screams and groans of the wounded and continued the concert. The Nai people learned about the terrible incident only the next day. According to them, nothing like this had ever happened in their performances before.

From an interview with B. Alibasov: “Mass consciousness cannot be deceived. If "Na-Na" was not part of the folk culture, it would have died, as dozens of mass performers have died over the years - they were popular for some time, but they did not have a Russian tradition ...

They say about Alibasov that he exploits a vulgar, undemanding taste ... But in fact, I was the first to understand the essence of this musical phenomenon. I came to this through world jazz performers - the bearers of the traditions and culture of the people, through rock, the roots of which are in the African musical basis, mixed in some kind of American dialect. I came to this earlier than the current rockers by 10 years ...

We have a very friendly team. After all, ensemble singing is daily many hours of rehearsals, during which, in addition to the general work on the harmonic consonance of voices, there is a spiritual unity of the team. "Na-Na" is not just a group - for many years of working together, the guys have become truly family, close people ... "

At the beginning of 2000, unexpected news spread around the Russian pop party - Na-Na was going to conquer America. As it turned out, it was not a joke. The fact is that the American company "New Hollywood International" really took up a seemingly overwhelming task - the promotion of the Russian boy band in America. In August 2000 (four months after the start of the American epic), the father of "Na-Na" Bari Alibasov spoke about what is obtained from this project:

“We are only taking the first steps. It should be borne in mind that the guys went there, not knowing almost a single English word. And now, after four months of work, they communicate freely and can record a song in the American language almost without an accent. We are currently working with several authors: one writes pure white music, the other - black, another group will sing old American songs ...

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Special group Alexander, as the most experienced specialist, received the most combat-ready group under his command. It did not include conscripts, as was the case in the rest. Ten officers and midshipmen for the duration of the combat mission became simple scouts.

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Group in action Although all of our scouts worked offline, the group commander and intermediary were able to control our actions. Communication between them was maintained through hiding places. Only a couple of times we went to a general meeting. At one of the meetings, the group commander

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The anti-party group Khrushchev's son-in-law A. I. Adzhubei, to whom during the reign of his father-in-law it was impossible to drive up on a goat, did not waste his former conceit even after the inglorious dismissal of Nikita Sergeevich. Father-in-law was still God descended to earth.

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P-P-M GROUP Production of toys according to my drawings and patterns in the camp has not stopped since Christmas 1945. With the help of Dr. Brushek, some material continued to come in. Men became interested in this work, and often the patterns were re-shot and went to other blocks. spring

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Southern Group 1 Arriving in the army on August 1, on the orders of General Gordov, I began to draw up a written report on the battles from July 25 to 30. But on the morning of August 2, General Shumilov summoned me to his office. I found the entire Military Council of the army with him. The report of the chief of staff on the situation on

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OUR GROUP Classes will be in the motor class. I'm going there. On the stand is a real aircraft engine - its units, parts. There are drawings and diagrams on the walls. A short, stocky guy is intently examining the details. His face is stubborn and energetic. Wide eyebrows

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I. Group "4 + 1" Semyon Petrovich (Solomon Pinkhasovich) Lieberman was born in the family of a traveling salesman in 1901 in Volyn, in the city of Kovel (in the XIV-XVIII centuries it was part of the Polish-Lithuanian kingdom, and from the end of the XVIII century - in Russia empire). After the First World War, Volyn again went to

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OUR GROUP Golos is not only my pseudonym, but also the code name of our group. schools. See you in early July

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"Saray" and the city of Bari There is nothing to compare with the reader's excitement of the second half of the 80s. Newspaper circulation beat every conceivable record. A figure of a million copies was considered ordinary. And thick magazines went like hot cakes. The editorial office of the Leningrad Neva was located at the very beginning

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"Group" During 1916, Edith Marion moved into two large, newly built workshops in the southern part of the carpentry. One of them, very tall, was intended for a life-size model of the group. Already in the summer of 1915, the first complete model was made (approximately

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"Anti-Party Group" ... Some months before the June 1957 plenum, I arrived at the Kremlin, I was walking - the door opens, someone leaves Mikoyan's office. And I hear a loud, very excited voice through the door. I entered, sat down; Mikoyan continues to say: "That's right, Nikolai,

Boris Alibasov was born on June 6, 1947 in Charsk, Kazakhstan. Father - Karim Kasymovich Alibasov, a Kazakh from the Argyn family, managed the Agricultural Bank in Charsk; mother - Iraida Ibragimovna Abrarova, a Tatar, was an accountant in a kindergarten and part-time worked in a locomotive depot.

He studied at school number 232 in the city of Charska. For a free character and frequent violation of discipline, he was expelled from the Komsomol. Already in childhood, Bari showed a penchant for creativity. At school, he began to actively engage in amateur performances, created his own drama club. In early 1960, when Bari was in high school, he, along with several classmates, organized his first musical ensemble, with which he toured the nearby collective farms.

After graduating from school in 1965, he entered the Ust-Kamenogorsk Construction and Road Institute at the Faculty of Architecture and Construction. In 1966, together with his classmate Mikhail Arapov, he organized the Integral musical group, which plays jazz music. Then he also manifests himself as a composer, writing the first song - "Spring Rain".

He served in the Soviet Army from 1969 to 1971 in the Air Defense Forces of the Central Asian Military District in the Alma-Ata region. After serving for six months, he was transferred to the SAVO song and dance ensemble, where he created the Zador ensemble at the SAVO air defense headquarters.

In 1971, after returning from the army, Bari revives Integral. In 1973-1974 he studied at the Ust-Kamenogorsk College of Music in the class of percussion, but due to the beginning of the tour activity of the Integral group, he did not complete his education. Since 1973, the ensemble has been working in the East Kazakhstan Regional Philharmonic.

Later, the Group became a laureate of the "Friendship of Peoples" festival in Alma-Ata and a number of other competitions, in 1980 became a laureate of the 1st All-Union Rock Festival "Tbilisi-1980", in 1985 was a participant in the program of the 12th International Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow.

Under the leadership of Alibasov, the Integral group existed for 22 years, during which time it experimented with many musical styles: from rock and roll to psychedelic underground, from fusion to country and blues.

In 1989, Alibasov disbanded the Integral group and announced a casting call for the Na-Na pop group, of which he is the permanent leader to this day. In the same year, the first performance of the Na-Na group took place at the Face to Face International Festival.

Under the leadership of Alibasov, the Na-Na group became extremely popular and commercially successful in the 1990s. As artistic director of "Na-Na", Bari created and directed 9 shows, directed 21 concert films about the group. He is also the author of lyrics and composer of many songs from the band's repertoire.

Bari Karimovich, in parallel with music, was engaged in photography for twenty years. As part of the international festival Fashion and Style in Photography, the TXT Gallery hosted a personal exhibition of photographs by Bari Alibasov.

Bari Alibasov wrote and published in 1999 the book "Fundamentals of NA-NAi Philosophy".

Bari Alibasov on July 23, 2013 secretly married actress Victoria Viktorovna Maksimova, his former assistant. This marriage was the sixth for the producer, and the first for his young wife. In 2014, Victoria had a son, who was named Ivan Maksimov.

Bari Karimovich (Boris Nikolaevich) Alibasov(Kazakh Bari Karimuly Alіbasov Tatar. Bari Karim uğlı Əlibasov, Bari Karim uly Alibasov; born June 6, 1947, Charsk, Charsky district, Semipalatinsk region, Kazakh SSR) - Soviet and Russian musician, composer, music producer, Honored Artist of Russia ( 1999).

Bari Karimovich Alibasov was born on June 6, 1947 in a large family. Father - Karim (Nikolai) Kasymovich Alibasov, a Kazakh from the Argyn clan, managed the Agricultural Bank in Charsk; mother - Iraida Ibragimovna Abrarova, a Tatar, was an accountant in a kindergarten and part-time worked in a locomotive depot.

He studied at school number 232 in the city of Charska. For a free character and frequent violation of discipline, he was expelled from the Komsomol and several times from school.

Already in childhood, Bari showed a penchant for creativity. At school, he began to actively engage in amateur performances (sang in the choir, played drums, was an entertainer), created his own drama club (staged a play based on A. Chekhov's "Rural Aesculapius"). In the early 1960s, when Bari was in high school, he, along with several classmates, organized his first musical ensemble, with which he toured the nearby collective farms.

After graduating from school in 1965, he entered the Ust-Kamenogorsk Construction and Road Institute (now the East Kazakhstan State Technical University) at the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

He served in the Soviet Army from 1969 to 1971 in the Air Defense Forces of the Central Asian Military District in the Alma-Ata region. After serving for six months, he was transferred to the SAVO song and dance ensemble, where he created the Zador ensemble at the SAVO air defense headquarters.

In 1973-1974 he studied at the Ust-Kamenogorsk College of Music in the class of percussion, but due to the beginning of the tour activity of the Integral group, he did not complete his education.

Creation of the "Integral" group

In 1966, together with his classmate Mikhail Arapov, he organized the Integral musical group, which plays jazz music (it was listed at the Ust-Kamenogorsk Road Construction Institute). Then he also manifests himself as a composer, writing his first song - the twist "Spring Rain".

In 1971, after returning from the army, Bari revives Integral. Since 1973, the ensemble has been working in the East Kazakhstan Regional Philharmonic Society, having received the first certification certificates of VIA artists in Kazakhstan. The group becomes a laureate of the Friendship of Peoples festival in Alma-Ata and many other competitions, in 1980 it became a laureate of the 1st All-Union Rock Festival Tbilisi-1980, in 1985 it became a laureate of the 12th International Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow.

Under the leadership of Alibasov, the Integral group existed for 22 years, during which time it experimented with many musical styles: from rock and roll to psychedelic underground, from fusion to country and blues.

Creation of the Na-Na group

In 1989, Alibasov disbanded the Integral group and announced a casting call for the Na-Na pop group, of which he is the permanent leader to this day. In the same year, the first performance of the Na-Na group took place at the Face to Face International Festival.

Under the leadership of Alibasov, the Na-Na group became extremely popular and commercially successful in the 1990s. As artistic director of "Na-Na", Bari created and directed 9 shows, directed 21 concert films about the group. He is also the author of lyrics and composer of many songs from the band's repertoire.

Bari Alibasov and "Na-Na" are also involved in charitable activities, give concerts for disabled children, participate in charity events (such as "Good Day" at the All-Russian Exhibition Center, "Shield and Lyre" and many others).

Passion for photography

Has been doing photography for twenty years. As part of the international festival Fashion and Style in Photography, the TXT Gallery hosted a personal exhibition of photographs by Bari Alibasov.


Title holder:

  • Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1999)
  • Honored Artist of Tatarstan
  • "Prince" - granted by the "Russian Noble Society" in 1998

Award Winner:

  • Ten-time winner of the national award "Ovation"
  • Prize of the Academy of Russian Language and Literature, them. Pushkin
  • Person of the Year Award
  • People Magazine Award "Best Outrageous Show of the Year"

Commander of Orders:

  • Cavalier of the "Order of the White Eagle"
  • Cavalier of the Order of Elizabeth
  • Cavalier of the "Order of Peter the Great"
  • Cavalier of the "Order of the New Elite of Russia"

1998 - Medal "Astana" from the hands of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev

Personal life

Bari Alibasov has two older sisters Zoya and Rosa, as well as a brother Bulat.

Was officially married 5 times.

He was in an actual marriage with Elena Uronich, from this marriage there is a son - Bari Alibasov (born in 1985).

Was in an actual marriage with actress Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina.

On July 23, 2013, he secretly married actress Victoria Maximova, his former assistant. This marriage was the sixth for the producer, and the first for his young wife.

According to the controversial statement of the first school love of Bari Alibasov (school number 232 of the city of Charsk) Svetlana Bokhovchuk (named Bari in her autobiographical book Alena), now living in Italy, they have an illegitimate daughter Vera (candidate of medical sciences).


In court, the interests of the showman are represented by lawyer Sergei Zhorin.

In 2009, he filed a lawsuit on the fact of insulting him on the page of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev in LiveJournal. For unknown reasons, the trial was suspended.

On March 23, 2010, Bari Alibasov achieved an unprecedented court decision against a blogger who called Alibasov a "Tatar-Kazakh guest worker." He managed not only to bring the slanderer to court, but also to recover from him a record compensation for moral damage in the amount of 1,100,000 rubles by Russian standards. True, according to Stanislav Sadalsky and Nikolai Fandeev, this story is a typical PR move, the reason for which is the lack of demand for the Na-na group.

Interesting Facts

In 1996-1997, together with Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina, he headed the Secret & Secret magazine.

Produced by DJ Big Bang and Pin C@de in 2004


  • 1995 - "Old songs about the main thing" - mower foreman
  • 1997 - "Old songs about the main thing 3" - shaman
  • 2003 - "Moth Games" - jury member
  • 2004-2009 - My Fair Nanny - cameo
  • 2005 - "Mow and score" - Cartridge
  • 2005 - "Hello, we are your roof!"
  • 2005 - "Pops" - cameo
  • 2012 - "Deffchonki" - cameo

Bari Alibasov photo

    Producer; was born on June 6, 1947 at the station of the Charskaya Semipalatinsk region of the Kazakh SSR; in 1973-1974 he studied at the Ust-Kamenogorsk Musical College, percussion class; graduated from the Ust Kamenogorsk Civil Engineering Institute; mid 60s... Big biographical encyclopedia

    - ... Wikipedia

    - ... Wikipedia

    Alibasov, Bari Karimovich Bari Alibasov Full name Bari Karimovich Alibasov Date of birth June 6, 1947 (1947 06 06) (62 years old) Place of birth of the village of Charskoye, Abaevsky district in the Semipalatinsk region ... Wikipedia

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    Producer, composer, Prince Bari Alibasov- Music producer, composer, arranger Bari Karimovich Alibasov was born on June 6, 1947 in the station settlement of Charskoye, Abaevsky district, Semipalatinsk region. His father Karim Kasymovich (half Khakass, half Kazakh) was ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    The creative path of Bari Alibasov- Bari Karimovich Alibasov was born on June 6, 1947 in the city of Charsk, Semipalatinsk region (Kazakhstan) in a large family. His father was the manager of an agricultural bank, his mother worked as an accountant in a kindergarten. At school, Bari Alibasov organized his own ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

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