Poverty is not a vice, a hidden characteristic of the heroes of Mitya. Heroes of the play “Poverty is not a vice” A


In the work “Poverty is not a vice”, the author of Ostrovsky, Mitya is a positive and offended by life hero. He is shown as a person who loves freedom and values ​​the right to choose. From the beginning of the story, it is clear that Mitya is a poor servant, a clerk in one of the rich families, namely in the Tortsov family, headed by Gordey Karpovich. Due to his low income and status, Mitya cannot afford a separate apartment. Therefore, he lives in the same house with Gordey Karpovich. Mitya constantly suffers humiliation and bullying in his direction, since there is simply no opportunity to find another job. To work in another place, you need to have acquaintances and connections that a poor clerk simply does not have.

Not only is the poor person treated like an empty place, the pay for their work and constant humiliation is negligible. But Mitya has no other choice, since he does all this for the sake of his mother, so that she feels comfortable and does not need anything. Therefore, and so all, the meager payment for their labors and years of patience goes to the maintenance of the mother. He said that it would be better to endure humiliation and poverty himself, but his mother would be full and calm.

Having chatted about his feelings to Guslin, Mitya does not know what to think, since Guslin told Anna about this. Although everyone was sure that the guy simply shouldn’t waste time and energy on this, Anna is still getting old meeting the guys in private. Left alone with Lyuba, Mitya learns that she is also in love with him, but also knows that her father will never agree to give permission for this relationship. Finding himself in a hopeless situation, Mitya decides to drop everything and go to his mother. But soon, Gordey decides to marry off his daughter to an old dead man - Korshunov. Upon learning of this, our hero completely becomes discouraged and offers Gordey's daughter to run away with him. But Lyuba cannot do this because she does not want to violate ancient traditions and offend her father. The situation is saved by Gordeya's brother, who shows Korshun in his real form, and the father drives the Korshun away in a rage. In the end, Gordey, reluctantly, but still blesses the marriage of Mitya and Lyubov and promises the most beautiful wedding that Moscow has ever seen.

Mitya is a clerk, wearing an old shabby frock coat, a beggar only in appearance and only in terms of money. This is a very kind, sympathetic, loving hero who is ready to come to selfless help to anyone. Let him not have great knowledge, but he is engaged in self-education, which shows his will and diligence. This shows how much love for freedom and a kind heart can melt any ice, resist any insults and injustice.

Composition The image and characteristics of Mitya

On one of the literary evenings, Chernyshevsky firmly declared to the public that the comedy of A.N. Ostrovsky is “higher than Shakespeare's creation”, because it provides not a fake reality of the human essence.

A young poor worker, Mitya, faced similar judgments. The comedy begins with this young man lamenting his unhappy and poor life.

He has no relatives or friends in Tortsov's house, and his elderly mother needs care and provision.

But the root of the problem lies in the socially unequal love for the owner's daughter. Mitya understands perfectly well that he cannot build a family, because he does not have a livelihood. It seemed that there was no way out, but Mitya did not despair, but continued to persistently knock on the doors of fate so that she turned to face him.

He is engaged in self-education, namely, he writes poetry, reads a lot, because he wants to impress Lyubov Gordeevna. It is worth noting that wealthy landowners and merchants do not bother with such activities, so they gradually die spiritually.

Many heroes in the comedy speak of Mitya as a kind, sympathetic person who does not leave his mother's life to chance, he himself suffers hardships, but he will help his mother.

A distinctive feature of the guy is gratitude: to his mother for his upbringing, to the wife of the owner. He offers prayers for health, because he understands the limits of his abilities.

Despite the humiliation on the part of Tortsov, Mitya did not lose the innate quality of a person - to be free. He boldly expresses his opinion regarding the fate of the landowner's daughter, and also breaks the prevailing stereotypes. A simple guy can be said to lay the foundations of a modern family, where the right to make decisions in equal parts falls on all family members.

The author repeatedly emphasizes the idea of ​​the inconsistency of wealth in the face of poverty in moral aspects. Mitya wants to surprise his beloved, so he composes or selects poems, which is hardly within the power of an ossified landowner.

As a result, “poverty” in its skillful ability wins over “wealth”. The strict landowner agrees to the marriage, and two loving hearts unite into a family. And already in this family, the priority will not be the number of rubles in the chest, but honest and trusting relationships.

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Mitya is the hero of the comedy “Poverty is no vice”, a poor young man who works as a clerk for Tortsov Gordey Karpych. He lives in a small room, receives a meager salary, which he is forced to send to his elderly mother. Mitya is very poor, but he has the most important human wealth - kindness. He is a sympathetic and caring person with the best moral qualities. When his owner Gordey Karpych drives his brother out of the house, Mitya is the only person to whom the poor fellow turns for help and shelter. He

allows Lyubim Karpych to live in his room for the time being. In gratitude, the wise Lyubim promises to help Mitya in matters of the heart.

Mitya has long been in love with the owner's daughter Lyubov Gordeevna, but he understands perfectly well that Tortsov will not give his blessing to this marriage. In an impulse, he reveals his secret to Guslin, who tells Anna Ivanovna about it. Both are sure that Mitya's efforts are in vain and that he is only ruining his heart in vain. However, Anna Ivanovna still arranges for the young people to be left alone and explain themselves. It turns out that Lyubov Gordeevna herself has long loved Mitya, but she knows that her father will never give her up for a poor man.

Young people are confused and do not know what to do. Then Mitya decides to go to his mother and never come back.

Saying goodbye to his kind mistress, he learns that Tortsov wants to give his daughter to the rich old man Korshunov. This upsets Mitya even more. On his proposal to leave with him and secretly get married, Love refuses, because she cannot violate the old law and disobey her father. Lyubim Karpych resolves this difficult situation by revealing to his brother who Korshunov really is. At the end of the work, albeit reluctantly, Tortsov blesses his daughter to marry Mitya. He promises her to arrange such a wedding, which even in Moscow has not been seen.

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The famous play "Poverty is not a vice" was written by the wonderful writer Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky in 1953. And exactly one year later this work came out of print as a separate book. It is known that Ostrovsky's comedy was a success, therefore in 1854 it was staged on the stages of the Moscow Maly and Alexandria theatres. The author himself did not expect such a success. Consider briefly the features of this comedy.

In contact with

The history of the creation of the play

Alexander Ostrovsky decided to write his new work in mid-July 1853, but he was able to fulfill his plan only at the end of August. The author conceived a plot in which there should have been only two acts. But at the time of writing, Alexander Nikolayevich changed not only the structure of his own, but also the name. When its writing was completed, then when reading it was unexpected and huge success, which stunned even Ostrovsky himself.

Important! The original title of Ostrovsky's work is "God opposes the proud."

The meaning of the name

The title of the play allows us to see that, despite the fact that there is no justice in the world in which the main characters live, love can still exist. The world of the Russian worker is beautiful, his holidays and rituals are beautiful. But at the same time, the Russian people are starving and living their lives in poverty, from which they cannot get out. The workers are completely dependent on their master, who is rude and ignorant. Comes in first place not spiritual values, but wealth, and this is the main vice of mankind.

Issues raised by Ostrovsky

The writer Ostrovsky raises many problems in the play "Poverty is not a vice", but the main one is still the confrontation between the individual and the environment.

If a person is poor, then often many values ​​​​of this world pass him by. He is unhappy in love, and difficulties arise constantly on his way.

But money cannot bring happiness. You can’t love for money or be friends, as it will still turn into hatred.

But attitudes towards a person often develop because of how rich he is. Unfortunately, sincere and moral qualities recede into the background.

The idea of ​​the play "Poverty is not a vice"

Alexander Nikolaevich in the play perfectly describes how money affects a person, how quickly he begins to obey them, putting them in the first place, and forget about what surrounds him, even about relatives and friends. But Ostrovsky shows that, having enormous power over people, they are still powerless. And this idea is proved in the story of Lyubov Gordeevna, who was able to defend her love, although both she and Mitya had to go through trials.

Plot Feature

A feature of the plot as a whole is the disclosure of the main, main, problem through the conflict of the play. As conceived by the writer, the older generation is trying to completely subdue adult children. They do not think about the happiness of the younger generation, but only trying to increase their wealth in. Love in their value system does not mean anything.

Important! Ostrovsky shows not only the conflict between generations, but also the tyranny of people who have money.

The comedy is structured as follows:

  1. A plot in which the young and poor clerk Mitya confesses his feelings to Lyuba.
  2. The culmination, in which Lyuba's father wishes to marry his daughter to a rich manufacturer.
  3. The denouement, in which the reader constantly hears Lyubim's monologue, and the lovers receive a parental blessing.

Characteristics of the actors

The play Poverty is not a vice Ostrovsky

Ostrovsky has few characters, but all of them are necessary in order not only to understand the content, but the writer tries to ridicule stupidity and ignorance of society led by money.


  • Tortsov Gordey Karpych, a wealthy merchant.
  • Pelageya Egorovna, Tortsov's wife.
  • Lyuba, their daughter.
  • We love Tortsov, the brother of a wealthy merchant.
  • Korshunov African Savvich, manufacturer.
  • Mitya, clerk.

Many expressions of Ostrovsky's heroes have firmly entered our speech and have become winged. And this happened because the language of the characters in Ostrovsky's work is expressive, flexible, bright and juicy. To everything, a well-aimed word or expression is chosen.

Lyubov Gordeevna: description and brief description

Ostrovsky created several female images in his literary work "Poverty is not a vice", denouncing people who are wealthy. One of them is Lyuba, who grew up in a merchant family, but suddenly fell in love with Mitya. The guy is poor and serves as a clerk to her father.

Note! The girl herself is well aware that Mitya is not suitable for her suitors, since he is no match for both wealth and position in society.

Yes, and the father, Tortsov Gordey, had long ago picked up the groom he liked. Chance decides Luba's fate and gives her the opportunity to be happy with the one she loves. All the plans of the father collapse, and the marriage with the unloved fiance did not take place.

The first act takes place in Tortsov's house, where Mitya is reading a book, and Yegorushka is telling him the latest news. The clerk tried to work, but only all his thoughts were about his beloved.

But then Pelageya Yegorovna came, who complains about her husband. According to her, after a trip to Moscow, he stopped liking Russian and began to drink a lot. And he even thought of his daughter married in Moscow give away.

And Mitya told his story to Yasha. He is forced to work in Tortsov's house, as his beloved lives here. But he is the only son of a poor mother, to whom he gives all his salary. And he could get more if he went to Razlyulyaev, but he cannot leave Lyubasha.

But soon the cheerful Razlyulyaev appears, with whom the young people begin to sing. Suddenly, right in the middle of the song, Tortsov appears in the room. He starts yelling at Mitya and then drives off again. After his departure, girls enter the room, among them Lyubov Gordeevna.

Soon Mitya and Lyuba Tortsova are left alone in the room. The clerk reads the poems he composed for her. After listening to the life story of Lyubim Tortsov, Mitya reads a note from Lyuba, where the girl confesses her love to him.

The second act takes the reader to the living room of Tortsov's house, where it is already dark. Lyuba confesses to Anna Ivanovna that she loves Mitya. Soon a clerk appears, who decides to confess his love. The young people decide to tell Tortsov about this tomorrow and ask for his blessing.

When Mitya leaves, girls appear who have fun, sing songs and guess. The mummers also appear. At this time, Mitya kisses Lyuba, but Razlyulyaev is unhappy, since he himself was going to marry a girl, because he had money. But then Tortsov suddenly appears again. He came home with Korshunov, before whom he constantly fawns. After driving the guests away, he apologizes for his uneducated wife. Korshunov gives Tortsov's daughter earrings with diamonds.

Tortsov informs the family that he is going to move from the county town to Moscow. After all, he had already found a son-in-law there, with whom they had already agreed about the wedding. mother and love against this decision of the father, they cry and ask not to destroy the young girl. But Tortsov doesn't even want to hear anything.

The third act begins in the rooms where preparations for the daughter's wedding have been going on since morning. Mitya decided to go to his mother and came to say goodbye, but he himself could hardly hold back tears.

The young man, hearing that Pelageya Yegorovna was also against marriage with a bad man, reveals the secret that they are in love. Soon a girl appears. The hour of farewell comes when they both cry.

In desperation, Mitya offers to secretly bless them, and then they go together to his mother, where they can quietly get married. But no one can go against his father's will, because it is a sin. The young man, having accepted this decision of the girl, leaves sad.

Korshunov is trying to explain to Lyubasha what happiness awaits her for a rich husband. But then Lyubim Karpych appears, who not only disperses the guests, but also demands to return the old debt. A scandal arises, and in a fit of anger, Gordey Karpych, considering himself offended, agrees to the marriage of Mitya and Lyuba.

The play "Poverty is not a vice" - a summary

Poverty is not a vice of Ostrovsky - analysis, content, plot


Ostrovsky ends his work with the triumph of good and the punishment of vice. It is the wedding of the main characters that proves the title that poverty cannot be a vice, and the main vice is the callousness of human souls and the thirst for wealth.


Gordey Karpych Tortsov, rich merchant.

Pelageya Egorovna, his wife.

Lyubov Gordeevna, their daughter.

We love Karpych Tortsov, his brother, squandered.

African Savich Korshunov, manufacturer.

Mitya, clerk Tortsova.

Yasha Guslin, nephew of Tortsov.

Grisha Razlyulyaev, young merchant, son of a rich father.

Anna Ivanovna, young widow.

Masha; Lisa, friends of Lyubov Gordeevna.

Yegorushka, boy, distant relative of Tortsov.

Arina, nanny Lyubov Gordeevna.

Guests, guests, servants, mummers and others.

The action takes place in the county town, in the house of the merchant Tortsov, during Christmas time.

Poverty is not a vice. Performance based on the play by A.N. Ostrovsky (1969)


A small clerk's room; there is a door on the back wall, a bed in the corner to the left, a closet to the right; there is a window on the left wall, a table near the window, a chair by the table; near the right wall a desk and a wooden stool; a guitar beside the bed; books and papers on the table and desk.


Mitya paces up and down the room; Yegorushka sits on a stool and reads "Bova Korolevich".

Yegorushka (is reading).“My sovereign father, the glorious and brave king, Kiribit Verzulovich, now I don’t have the courage to go for him, because when I was in my youth, King Gvidon wooed me.”

Mitya. What, Yegorushka, are our houses?

Yegorushka (pinches the place where he reads, so as not to make a mistake). Nobody here; left to ride. Alone Gordey Karpych at home. (Is reading.)“That’s what Kiribit Verzoulovich said to his daughter…” (Points a finger.) Only so angry that trouble! I've already left - everything swears. (Is reading.)“Then the beautiful Militrisa Kirbityevna, having called her servant Licharda ...”

Mitya. Who is he angry with?

Yegorushka (pinches again). To my uncle, to Lyubim Karpych. On the second holiday, uncle Lyubim Karpych dined with us, got tipsy at dinner, and began to throw out different knees, but that's ridiculous. I’m funny because it hurts, I couldn’t stand it, I rolled with laughter, and looking at me was all. Uncle Gordey Karpych took this to himself as an insult and for ignorance, got angry at him, and drove him away. Uncle Lyubim Karpych took it in revenge and quarreled with him, went with the beggars and stood at the cathedral. Uncle Gordey Karpych says: shamed, he says, for the whole city. Yes, now he is angry at everyone indiscriminately, who turns up by the arm. (Is reading.)"With the intention of stepping under our hail."

Mitya (looking out the window). It seems that ours have arrived ... So it is! Pelageya Yegorovna, Lyubov Gordeevna, and guests with them.

Yegorushka (hides the story in his pocket). Run upstairs. (Exits.)


Mitya (one). Eka melancholy, Lord!… It’s a holiday outside, everyone in the house has a holiday, and you sit within four walls!… I’m a stranger to everyone, neither relatives nor acquaintances!… And then there’s… Oh, yes! it’s better to sit down to work, maybe the longing will pass. (Sits down at the desk and thinks, then sings.)

Its beauty cannot be described!…
Black eyebrows, with droopy eyes.

Yes, with a twist. And as yesterday, in a sable coat, covered with a handkerchief, he comes from mass, so this ... ah! ... I think so, and such beauty is not imagined! (Thinks, then sings.)

Where did this beauty come from...

How, work will come to mind here! I wish I could have thought of her!... My soul was tormented by melancholy. Oh, you, grief-sorrow! ... (He covers his face with his hands and sits silently.)

Pelageya Egorovna enters, dressed in winter clothes, and stops at the door.


Mitya and Pelageya Yegorovna.

Pelageya Egorovna. Mitya, Mitenka!

Mitya. What do you want?

Pelageya Egorovna. Come to us in the evening, my dear. Play with the girls, sing songs.

Mitya. Thank you very much. I consider it my first duty, sir.

Pelageya Egorovna. What do you want to sit in the office alone! Not much fun! Are you coming in, right? Proud Karpych will not be at home.

Mitya. Okay, I'll be right in.

Pelageya Egorovna. After all, he will leave again ... yes, he will leave there, to this, to his own ... how is it? ...

Mitya. To African Savich, sir?

Pelageya Egorovna. Yes Yes! Here it is imposed, God forgive me!

Mitya (holding up a chair). Sit down, Pelageya Yegorovna.

Pelageya Egorovna. Oh no time. Well, let me swear a little. (Sits down.) So go and see ... such a misfortune! Right! ... After all, they became friends so that, come on. Yes! Here's the thing! What for? What did it come to? Say for mercy! He is a violent and drunk man, an African Savich ... yes!

Mitya. Maybe Gordey Karpych has some business with Afrikan Savich.

Pelageya Egorovna. What business! There are no business. After all, he, African Savich, everyone drinks with aglicin. There he has aglychin at the dilechtor factory - and they drink ... yes! And ours is not a trace with them. Can you talk to him! His pride alone is worth something! To me, he says there is no one to keep company with, everything, he says, you bastard, everything, you see, peasants, and they live like a peasant; and that one, you see, is from Moscow, most of all in Moscow ... and rich. And what happened to him? Why, all of a sudden, my dear, all of a sudden! Still, he had a mind. Well, we lived, of course, not luxuriously, but all the same, in such a way that God forbid everyone; but last year he went on a trip, but he took over from someone. I adopted it, I adopted it, they told me ... I adopted all these things. Now all our Russian is not nice to him; I get along with one thing - I want to live in the present, to engage in fashion. Yes, yes! ... Put on, he says, a cap! ... After all, what will he invent! ... To seduce, or something, someone in my old age, I say, to do various delights! Ugh! Well, go with him! Yes! I didn’t drink before ... really ... never, but now they drink with African! I'm drunk, he must have (pointing to head) and got confused. (Silence.) I think it's the enemy that confuses him! Somehow not to have a mind! ... Well, if only he was young: a young one needs to dress up, and all this is flattering; and then after all, under sixty, dear, under sixty! Right! Yours and the current fashion, I tell him, changes every day, but our Russian custom lives on from time immemorial! The old people were not stupider than us. Yes, unless you talk to him, with his own, my dear, a cool character.

Mitya. What should I say! Strict person.

Pelageya Egorovna. Lyubochka is now in her present time, she needs to be accommodated, but he gets along with one thing: there is no equal for her ... no, no!

Mitya. Maybe Gordey Karpych wants to extradite Lyubov Gordeevna in Moscow.

Pelageya Egorovna. Who knows what's on his mind. He looks like a beast, he won’t say a word, as if I’m not a mother ... yes, really ... I don’t dare to say anything to him; unless you talk to a stranger about your grief, cry, take your soul away, that's all. (Rises.) Come on, Mitenka.

Mitya. I'll come, sir.

Guslin enters.


The same and Guslin.

Pelageya Egorovna. Here's another great guy! Come, Yashenka, sing songs upstairs with the girls, you're a master, but grab a guitar.

Guslin. Well, sir, this is not a labor for us, but also, one might say, a pleasure, sir.

Pelageya Egorovna. Well, goodbye. Go to sleep for half an hour.

Guslin and Mitya. Farewell, sir.

Pelageya Yegorovna leaves; Mitya sits down at the table, saddened;

Guslin sits on the bed and takes the guitar.


Mitya and Yasha Guslin.

Guslin. What people were on the skating! ... And yours were. Why weren't you?

Mitya. Why, Yasha, melancholy-badness seized me.

Guslin. What is longing? What are you worried about?

Mitya. How not to grieve? Suddenly such thoughts will come into my head: what kind of person am I in the world? Now my parent is in old age and poverty, she must be supported, but with what? The salary is small, from Gordey Karpych all insults and abuse, but he reproaches everything with poverty, as if it were my fault ... but he does not add salary. I would look for another place, but where you can find it without acquaintance. Yes, I confess to say, I will not go to another place.

Guslin. Why won't you go? Here at the Razlyulyaevs it is good to live - rich and kind people.

Mitya. No, Yasha, not a hand! I will endure everything from Gordey Karpych, I will live in misery, but I will not go. This is my plan!

Guslin. Why so?

Mitya (rises). Yes, there is a reason for that. Yes, Yasha, I still have grief, but no one knows that grief. I didn't tell anyone about my grief.

Guslin. Tell me.

Mitya (with a wave of his hand). For what!

Guslin. Tell me how important!

Mitya. Don't talk, you can't help!

Guslin. And how to know?

Mitya (approaches Guslin). Nobody will help me. My head is gone! I fell in love painfully with Lyubov Gordeevna.

Guslin. What are you, Mitya?! Yes, how is it?

Mitya. Yes, somehow, and it's already done.

Guslin. Better, Mitya, get it out of your head. This case will never happen, and never grow up.

Mitya. Knowing all this, I cannot understand my heart. “You can love a friend, you can’t forget! ...” (Speaks with strong gestures.)“I fell in love with a red girl, more than a family, more than a tribe! ... Evil people do not order, they order to quit, stop!”

Guslin. Yes, and then you have to quit. Here Anna Ivanovna is my equal: she has nothing, I have nothing, and even then my uncle does not order me to marry. And you have nothing to think about. And then you take it into your head, then it will be even harder.

Mitya (declares).

What in the world is cruel? -
Pre-cruelty is love!

(Walks around the room.)

Yasha, have you read Koltsov?


Guslin. Read what?

Mitya. How did he describe all these feelings!

Guslin. Described exactly.

Mitya. That's exactly what. (Walks around the room.) Yasha!

Guslin. What?

Mitya. I wrote the song myself.

Guslin. You?

Mitya. Yes.

Mitya. Fine. Na, here. (Gives him paper.) And I'll pee a little - there is a case: unequally Gordey Karpych will ask. (Sits down and writes.)

Guslin takes the guitar and begins to pick up his voice;

Razlyulyaev enters with harmony.


The same and Razlyulyaev.

Razlyulyaev. Hello brothers! (Plays harmonies and dances.)

Guslin. Eco fool! What did you buy the harmony for?

Razlyulyaev. Known for what - play. Like this… (Plays.)

Guslin. Well, important music ... nothing to say! Come on, they tell you.

Razlyulyaev. Well, I won’t quit unless! ... If I want, I’ll quit ... That’s the importance! Don't we have money? (He hits himself in the pocket.) They're ringing. We walk - so walk! (Throws harmony.)

One mountain is high
And the other is low;
One mile away
The other one is close.

Mitya (hitting Mitya on the shoulder) and Mitya! What are you sitting?

Mitya. There is a case. (Continues to practice.)

Razlyulyaev. Mitya, and Mitya, and I'm walking, brother ... the right word, I'm walking. Wow, go!… (Sings: “One mountain is high”, etc.) Mitya, Mitya! I will walk all holiday, and there for the cause ... The right word! Well, don't we have money? Here they are! ... But I'm not drunk ... No, I'm walking like that ... fun ...

Mitya. Well, play to your health.

Razlyulyaev. And after the holiday I'm getting married! ... The right word, I'm getting married! I'll take the rich one.

Guslin (Mite). Well, listen, will it be all right?

Razlyulyaev. Sing, sing, I'll listen.

Guslin (sings).

No, something meaner, more disgusting
Evil orphan share,
Worse than fierce grief,
Harder than hardship.
All in the world holidays,
You're not having fun!…
Is it a violent little head
Hangover without wine!
Youth is not happy
Beauty does not please;
Not a zanoba girl -
Grief scratches curls.

During all this time, Razlyulyaev stands as if rooted to the spot and listens with feeling; At the end of the singing, everyone is silent.

Razlyulyaev. Okay, it hurts good! It's such a pity ... So for the heart and enough. (Sighs.) Hey Yasha! play a fun, full of rigmarole something to pull this - today is a holiday. (Sings.)

Wow! How not to love a hussar!
This is no good!

Play along, Yasha.

Guslin plays along.

Mitya. It's enough for you to fool around. Let's better sit down in a bunch and sing a little song.

Razlyulyaev. OK! (They sit down.)

Guslin (sings; Mitya and Razlyulyaev pull up).

You youngsters are young
You are my friends...

Enter Gordey Karpych; everyone gets up and stops singing.


The same and Gordey Karpych.

Gordey Karpych. What are you up to? They bawl, just like a man! (Mite.) And you are there! It seems that you do not live in such a house, not with the peasants. What a half-beer! So that I didn’t have this ahead! (Goes to the table and examines the papers.) What papers scattered! ...

Mitya. I checked the accounts, sir.

Gordey Karpych (takes Koltsov's book and a notebook with verses). And what is this nonsense?

Mitya. It's me out of boredom, on holidays, sir, that I rewrite Mr. Koltsov's poems.

Gordey Karpych. What tenderness in our poverty!

Mitya. Actually, for my education, I do it in order to have an idea.

Gordey Karpych. Education! Do you know what education is? ... And he also talks there! You should have sewed a brand new sertuchishko! After all, you go upstairs to us, there are guests ... shame! Where do you put money?

Mitya. I send it to my mother, because she is old, she has nowhere to take it.

Gordey Karpych. Send your mother! You would have shaped yourself first; God knows what is needed for a mother, she was not brought up in luxury, she closed the stables herself.

Mitya. Let me better, I'll endure, but mama, at least, does not need anything.

Gordey Karpych. Yes, it's ugly! If you don’t know how to observe decency over yourself, then sit in your kennel; if there is a goal around, then there is nothing to dream about yourself! Poems writes; He wants to educate himself, but he walks like a factory worker! Does education consist in this, that stupid songs are to be sung? That's something stupid! (Through teeth and looking askance at Mitya.) Fool! (After a pause.) Don't you dare show yourself in this sertuchichka upstairs. Listen, I'm telling you! (To Razlyulyaev.) And you too! Father, tea, rakes in money with a shovel, and he leads you in a kind of zipunishka.

Razlyulyaev. What is it! It's new... it's French cloth, they wrote it out from Moscow, through an acquaintance... twenty ruble arshins. Well, something like that for me to put on, like Franz Fedorych, the pharmacist ... curvy; so everyone is teasing him: a scary coat! So what's good to make people laugh!

Gordey Karpych. You know a lot! Yes, there is nothing to collect from you! You yourself are stupid, and your father is not painfully smart ... a whole century with a greasy belly walks; You live as unenlightened fools, you will die as fools.

Razlyulyaev. Okay.

Gordey Karpych (strictly). What?

Razlyulyaev. Okay, please.

Gordey Karpych. Ignorant, and you can say something worthwhile! Talking to you is just wasting words; it's all the same that the wall is peas, so are you fools. (Exits.)


The same, without Tortsov.

Razlyulyaev. Come on, what a formidable one! Look, you've broken out! So they were afraid of you ... Well, keep your pocket!

Mitya (Guslin). This is what my life is like! This is how sweet it is for me to live in the world!

Razlyulyaev. Yes, from such a life - you will drink, you will drink right! Come on, don't think. (Sings.)

One mountain is high
And the other is low;
One mile away
The other one is close.

Enter: Lyubov Gordeevna, Anna Ivanovna, Masha and Liza.


The same, Lyubov Gordeevna, Anna Ivanovna, Masha and Liza.

Anna Ivanovna. The world of an honest company!

Razlyulyaev. You are welcome to our hut.

Mitya. Our respect, sir! You are welcome!… What fates?…

Anna Ivanovna. And none, just - they took it and came. Gordey Karpych left, and Pelageya Yegorovna lay down to rest, so now it’s our will ... Go for a walk - I don’t want to! ...

Mitya. Please kindly sit down.

sit down; Mitya sits down opposite Lyubov Gordeyevna; Razlyulyaev walks.

Anna Ivanovna. I'm tired of sitting in silence, cracking nuts, - let's go, I say, girls, to the guys, and the girls like it.

Lyubov Gordeevna. What are you imagining! We didn't imagine going here, you made it up.

Anna Ivanovna. How not! Yes, you are the first ... It is a well-known fact that whoever needs what he thinks about it: guys about girls, and girls about guys.

Razlyulyaev. Ha, ha, ha! ... It's you, Anna Ivanovna, I'm talking exactly.

Lyubov Gordeevna. That's never!

Masha (Lise). Ah, what a shame!

Lisa. This, Anna Ivanovna, you say quite the opposite.

Anna Ivanovna. Oh you modesty! I would have said a word, but it’s not good with guys ... I myself was in girls, I know everything.

Lyubov Gordeevna. Girl girl strife.

Masha. Ah, what a shame!

Lisa. What you are saying is very strange and, one might say, embarrassing even for us.

Razlyulyaev. Ha, ha, ha!…

Anna Ivanovna. And what was the conversation upstairs about now? If you want, I'll tell you! ... Well, talk, or what? What, calm down!

Razlyulyaev. Ha, ha, ha!…

Anna Ivanovna. You've opened your mouth! Not about you, I suppose!

Razlyulyaev. Hosh is not about me, but maybe there are those who think about us. We know, we know! (Dances.)

How not to love a hussar!
This is no good!

Anna Ivanovna (approaches Guslin). What are you, bandura player, when you marry me?

Guslin (playing the guitar). But when permission will be issued from Gordey Karpych. Where should we rush to, it’s not dripping over us. (Nods her head.) Come here, Anna Ivanovna, I have something to tell you.

She comes up to him and sits down beside him; he whispers in her ear, pointing to Lyubov Gordeevna and Mitya.

Anna Ivanovna. What are you talking about! ... Really!

Guslin. It's true so.

Anna Ivanovna. Well, so good, shut up! (They speak in a whisper.)

Lyubov Gordeevna. You, Mitya, will you come to us in the evening?

Mitya. I'll come, sir.

Razlyulyaev. And I will come. I hurt to dance much. (Becomes a fert.) Girls, love me somebody.

Masha. Shame on you! What are you talking about!

Razlyulyaev. What is the importance! I say - love me ... yes ... for my simplicity.

Lisa. Girls don't say that. And you had to wait for yourself to be loved.

Razlyulyaev. Yes, wait for you, how! (Dancing.)

How not to love a hussar!

Lyubov Gordeevna (looking at Mitya). Maybe someone loves someone, but he won’t say: you have to guess for yourself.

Lisa. What girl in the world can say that!

Masha. Certainly.

Anna Ivanovna (approaches them and glances first at Lyubov Gordeevna, then at Mitya and sings).

And as you can see,
When someone loves someone -
Sits down against the darling
He sighs heavily.

Mitya. On whose account should it be taken?

Anna Ivanovna. We already know whose.

Razlyulyaev. Wait, girls, I'll sing a song for you.

Anna Ivanovna. Sleep, sleep!

Razlyulyaev (sings long).

A bear flew through the sky...

Anna Ivanovna. Don't you know worse than this?

Lisa. You can even take it as a joke.

Razlyulyaev. And if this one is not good, I will sing you another; I'm cheerful. (Sings.)

Oh, hit the board
Remember Moscow!
Moscow wants to get married -
Take a column.
And Tula is laughing,
Yes, he does not want to dowry!
And four buckwheat
Groats forty,
Here we have millet hryvnia,
And barley is three altyns.

(Turning to the girls.)

Oats would also be cheaper -
Painfully expensive transportation!
See what the weather is like!

Masha. This does not apply to us.

Lisa. We do not sell flour.

Anna Ivanovna. Yes, you have arrived! Here you solve the riddle. What is: round - but not a girl; with a tail - but not a mouse?

Razlyulyaev. This is a smart thing!

Anna Ivanovna. That's tricky! ... So you think! Well, girls, let's go.

The girls get up and get ready to go.

Guys, let's go.

Guslin and Razlyulyaev are going.

Mitya. And I'll come later. I'll take something here.

Anna Ivanovna (while gathering).

girls evening,
The evening is red
In the evening the girls brewed beer.
Went to the girls
Went to the red
I went to the girls and an uninvited guest.

Anna Ivanovna let everyone through the door, except for Lyubov Gordeevna, shuts her up and does not let her in.


Mitya and Lyubov Gordeevna.

Lyubov Gordeevna (at the door). Stop it, don't be foolish.

Behind the door girlish laughter.

They won't let you in!… Oh, what! (Moves away from the door.) Pranksters, right! ...

Mitya (holding up a chair). Sit down, Lyubov Gordeevna, talk for a minute. I am very glad to see you at home.

Lyubov Gordeevna (sits down). What is there to be happy about, I do not understand.

Mitya. Yes, sir! ... I am very pleased to see such attention from you, beyond my merit for you. Here's another time I have happiness, sir...

Lyubov Gordeevna. Well! She came, sat and left, this is not important. I'll probably leave now.

Mitya. Oh, no, don't leave, sir! ... Why, sir! ... (Takes paper out of pocket.) Let me present my work to you... as best I can, from the bottom of my heart.

Lyubov Gordeevna. What is it?

Mitya. I actually wrote poetry for you.

Lyubov Gordeevna (trying to hide the joy). Still, maybe some stupidity ... not worth reading.

Mitya. I cannot judge this, because I myself wrote it and, moreover, without studying.

Lyubov Gordeevna. Read.

Mitya. Now-s. (Sits down by the table and takes up paper; LYUBOV GORDEEVNA moves very close to him.)

Not a flower fades in the field, not a blade of grass, -
Withers, dries good fellow-child.
He fell in love with the red maiden on the mountain,
To my own misfortune, and to my great misfortune.
In vain the guy ruins his heart,
What a guy loves a rough girl:
In the dark night, the red sun does not rise,
What kind of guy is a red girl not to be.

Lyubov Gordeevna(sits for a while thinking). Give it to me. (Takes the paper and hides it, then gets up.) I will write to you myself.

Mitya. You-with?!

Lyubov Gordeevna. I just don't know how to write poetry, but it's simple.

Mitya. For great happiness, mail for yourself, your such a favor, sir. (Gives paper and pen.) Please, sir.

Lyubov Gordeevna. It's a pity that I write badly. (Writes.)

Mitya wants to look.

Just don't look, otherwise I'll stop writing and tear it up.

Mitya. I won't watch. But you allow me, for your indulgence, to comply with the same as best I can, and write poems for you a second time, sir.

Lyubov Gordeevna (putting down the pen). Write, perhaps ... Only her fingers got dirty, if she knew, it would be better not to write.

Mitya. Please, sir.

Lyubov Gordeevna. Here, take it. Just don't you dare read in front of me, but read it after I'm gone. (She folds the paper and gives it to him; he puts it in his pocket.)

Mitya. It will be as you wish.

Lyubov Gordeevna (rises). Will you come upstairs with us?

Mitya. I'll come, sir... this minute, sir.

Lyubov Gordeevna. Goodbye.

Mitya. Goodbye, sir.

Lyubov Gordeyevna goes to the door; Lyubim Karpych comes out of the door.


The same and Lyubim Karpych.

Lyubov Gordeevna. Oh!

Lyubim Karpych (pointing to Lyubov Gordeevna). Stop! What kind of person? What kind? For what business? Take her for granted.

Lyubov Gordeevna. It's you, uncle!

Lyubim Karpych. I am niece! What scared! Get up, don't be afraid! I am not a prover, but I put everything in a box - I will sort it out later, at my leisure.

Lyubov Gordeevna. Farewell! (Exits.)


Mitya and Lyubim Karpych.

Lyubim Karpych. Mitya, accept the merchant's brother Lyubim Karpov, son of Tortsov.

Mitya. Welcome.

Lyubim Karpych (sits down). Brother kicked out! And on the street, in this burnous, you will dance a little! Frosts ... Epiphany time - brrr ... And my hands got cold, and my legs shivered - brrr ...

Mitya. Get warm, Lyubim Karpych.

Lyubim Karpych. You won't drive me away, Mitya? Otherwise, I’ll freeze in the yard ... I’ll freeze like a dog.

Mitya. How can you say that!…

Lyubim Karpych. After all, my brother kicked me out. Well, while the money was, wandered around in warm places; and there is no money - they are not allowed anywhere. And the money was two francs and a few centimes! Not much capital! You can't build a stone house!... You can't buy a village!... What should be done with this capital? Where to put him? Do not carry it to the pawnshop! So I took this capital and drank it away, squandered it. There he is dear!

Mitya. Why are you drinking, Lyubim Karpych? Through this you are your own enemy!

Lyubim Karpych. Why do I drink? ... From stupidity! Yes, from my stupidity. What did you think?

Mitya. So you better stop.

Lyubim Karpych. You can’t stop: you hit such a line.

Mitya. What is this line?

Lyubim Karpych. But listen, you living soul, what a line this is. Just listen and shake your mouth. I was left after my father, you see, a small, small child, about a verst from Kolomna, about twenty years old fools. In the head, as in an empty attic, the wind goes around! My brother and I split up: he took the establishment for himself, and gave it to me in money, and tickets, and promissory notes. Well, how he divided it there is none of our business, God be his judge! So I went to Moscow on tickets to receive money. You can't not go! It is necessary to see people, to show oneself, to gain a high tone. Again, I am such a wonderful young man, and I have not yet seen the light, I have not spent the night in a private house. You have to get to everything! The first thing, dressed as a dandy, know, they say, ours! That is, I play such and such a fool, which is rare! Now, of course, to the taverns ... Shpilen zi polka, give me another cold bottle. Buddies, friends started, even a dime a dozen! I went to theaters...

Mitya. But it must be Lyubim Karpych, they are very well represented in the theater.

Lyubim Karpych. I went to see the tragedy all the time, I loved it very much, but I didn’t see anything along the way and I don’t remember anything, because I’m mostly drunk. (Rises.)“Drink under the knife of Prokop Lyapunov!” (Sits down.) I blew all that old money; what was left, he believed his friend Afrikan Korshunov on God's word and on my word of honor; with him I drank and walked, he is the breeder of all the debauchery, the main brewer from beer, he also cheated me, brought me to fresh water. And I sat down like a cancer on the rocks: there is nothing to drink, but I want to drink. How to be here? Where to run, longing to do? He sold the dress, all his fashionable things, took it with papers, exchanged it for silver, silver for copper, and there was only zilch, and that's it!

Mitya. How did you live, Lyubim Karpych?

Lyubim Karpych. How did you live? God forbid the dashing Tatar. He lived in a spacious apartment, between heaven and earth, there is nothing from the sides or from above. You are ashamed of people, you are buried from the world, but you need to go out into God's light: there is nothing to eat. You walk down the street, everyone is looking at you ... Everyone saw what kind of tricks I did, rolled up in reckless hail, and now I’m walking tattered and ragged, unshaven ... They will shake their heads, and they will go away. Stramota, stramota, stramota! (He sits hanging his head.) There is a good craft, profitable commerce - to steal. Yes, I’m not fit for this business - I have a conscience, again, and it’s scary: no one approves of this industry.

Mitya. Last thing!

Lyubim Karpych. They say that in other lands they pay a thaler for this, but in our country good people beat on the necks. No, brother, stealing is bad! This thing is old, it's time to throw it away ... Why, hunger is not an aunt, something must be done! He began to walk around the city like a buffoon, collect a penny, play a fool out of himself, tell jokes, throw out different articles. It used to be that you would shiver from early morning in the city, somewhere around the corner from people you would bury yourself and wait for merchants. As soon as he arrives, especially who is richer, you jump out, make a knee, well, he will give, who is a piglet, who is a hryvnia. What you collect, that's how you breathe for a day, that's how you exist.

Mitya. You'd better go to your brother, Lyubim Karpych, than live like this.

Lyubim Karpych. You can't, got caught up. Eh, Mitya, if you fall into this notch, you will not jump off soon. Yes, you do not interrupt, your speech ahead. Well, listen! I caught a cold in the city - the winter was cold, and I was parading around in this coat, blowing into my fists, jumping from foot to foot. Kind people took me to the hospital. How I began to recover and come to my senses, there was no drunkenness in my head - fear attacked me, horror found me! ... How did I live? What business was I doing? I began to yearn, and so yearn that it seems better to die. So I decided, as soon as I completely recover, so go to God to pray and go to my brother, let him even take him as a janitors. And so he did. Boom at his feet! ... Be, I say, instead of a father! Lived so and so, now I want to take up the mind. And you know how my brother received me! You see, he is ashamed that he has such a brother. And you support me, I tell him, straighten, caress, I will be a man. So no, he says, - where will I put you. Good guests come to me, rich merchants, nobles; You, he says, will take off my head. According to my feelings and concepts, he says, I would not have been born in this kind at all. You see, I say how I live: who can notice that we had a peasant tyatenko? With me, he says, this shame is enough, otherwise I’ll impose on your neck. He hit me like thunder! With these words, I again began to tremble a little. Well, yes, I think God is with him, he has this very thick bone. (Pointing to forehead.) He, the fool, needs science. We fools do not need wealth, it spoils us. You have to be smart with money... (Drowsy.) Mitya, I'll lie down with you, I want to sleep.

Mitya. Lie down, Lyubim Karpych.

Lyubim Karpych (rises). Mitya, don't give me money... that is, don't give me much, but give me a little. I'm pine, but I'll go and warm up a little, you know! ... Only I'm a little ... no-no! ... He will fool around.

Mitya (takes out money). Here's how much you need.

Lyubim Karpych (beret). You need a dime. It's all silver, I don't need silver. You give me another seven, that will be in real time. (Mitya gives.) That's enough. You are a good soul, Mitya! (Lies down.) Your brother doesn't appreciate you. Well, I'll do something with him. For fools, wealth is evil! Give a smart man money, he will do the job. I walked around Moscow, I saw everything, everything ... Great science has happened! And don’t give money to a fool, otherwise he will break down ... fu, fu, fu, trr! ... like a brother, but like me, cattle ... (Half-sleep voice.) Mitya, I'll come to spend the night with you.

Mitya. Come. Now the office is empty… holidays…

Lyubim Karpych (falling asleep). And I'll do something funny with my brother. (Falls off.)

Mitya (going to the door, takes a letter from his pocket). Is there something here? I'm afraid!... Hands are trembling!... Well, what will be, will be - I'll read it. (Is reading.)"And I love you. Lyubov Tortsova. (He grabs his head and runs away.)


Living room in Tortsov's house. There is a sofa against the back wall, in front of the sofa there is a round table and six armchairs, three on each side; door in the left corner; on the walls along the mirror and under them are small tables; in the side walls along the door and the door on the back in the corner. The stage is dark; light from the left door.


Lyubov Gordeevna and Anna Ivanovna enter from the illuminated door.

Anna Ivanovna. Why don’t they come, our falcons? ... Shouldn’t we go after them?

Lyubov Gordeevna. No, don't. And then, perhaps, go. (Hugs her.) Come on, Annushka.

Anna Ivanovna. What, apparently, pinched the heart?

Lyubov Gordeevna. Ah, Annushka, how I love him, if only you knew!...

Anna Ivanovna. And you, girl, love, but do not lose your mind. Do not give habits so that there is no looking back. Take a good look at the guy first.

Lyubov Gordeevna. The guy is a good one ... It hurts my heart, he is so quiet and forlorn.

Anna Ivanovna. Well, if it's good, love it, you know better. That's what I say, for example. You never know our sisters cry from them. How long before sin, without asking the mind-reason.

Lyubov Gordeevna. What is our love? Like a blade of grass in a field: it will not bloom through, and it will fade.

Anna Ivanovna. Wait, girl, no one is coming. Isn't he? I'll go, and you wait, maybe it's him ... Talk to your heart's content. (Exits.)

Mitya enters.


Lyubov Gordeevna and Mitya.

Lyubov Gordeevna. Who's there?

Mitya. I, Mitya.

Lyubov Gordeevna. Why didn't you walk for so long?

Mitya. I was detained. (Fits.) Lyubov Gordeyevna, are you alone?

Lyubov Gordeevna. One. And what?

Mitya. Lyubov Gordeevna, how would you like to understand your note, in truth or in jest, sir?

Lyubov Gordeyevna is silent.

Tell me, Lyubov Gordeevna! I am now in such doubt that I cannot express it to you. You know my position in your house, sir: I depend on everyone, I can say that I am completely neglected by Gordey Karpych; I had only one feeling that towards you, sir: if I am taken from you as a mockery, then it’s better for me not to live in the world, sir. This you believe my soul. I'm telling you the truth, sir.

Lyubov Gordeevna. No, Mitenka, I wrote to you in truth, and not as a joke. And do you love me?

Mitya. Of course, Lyubov Gordeyevna, I cannot express to you everything that I feel; but hosha let those assure. that I have a heart and not a stone. You can see my love from everything.

Lyubov Gordeevna. And I thought you loved Anna Ivanovna.

Mitya. This is not true, sir.

Lyubov Gordeevna. Right, that's what I was told.

Mitya. If that were true, then what kind of person am I after that! Can I put into words what the heart does not feel! And I think it's dishonorable. Maybe I am not worth it that you have attention to me, and not that you are deceived.

Lyubov Gordeevna. You cannot be trusted: all men in the world are deceivers.

Mitya. Let their deceivers go, but not me.

Lyubov Gordeevna. How much to know! Maybe you are deceiving, you want to make a mockery of me.

Mitya. It would be easier for me, it seems, to die in this place than to hear such words from you! (Turns away.)

Lyubov Gordeevna. No, Mitya, I did it on purpose. I know that you love me; I just wanted to joke with you.

Mitya is silent.

Mitenka, Mitya... Why are you silent? Are you angry with me? I'm telling you I'm kidding. Mitya! Come on, say something. (Takes him by the hand.)

Mitya. Eh, Lyubov Gordeevna, there are no jokes on my mind! I'm not that kind of person.

Lyubov Gordeevna. Don't get angry.

Mitya. You, if you love, stop these jokes! They are out of place. Oh, my head is gone! (Hugs her.) If they take it by force, I will not give it back by will. I'll lay down my soul for you, Lyuba!

Lyubov Gordeevna (clinging to him). Mitenka, how can we be now?

Mitya. How to be? Not that we fell in love to part.

Lyubov Gordeevna. Well, how can they talk me for someone?

Mitya. And here's what, Lyuba: one word - we must go tomorrow to Gordey Karpych together, but at his feet. So and so, they say, everything is up to you, but we can’t live without each other. Yes, if you love a friend, forget pride!

Lyubov Gordeevna. What pride, Mitenka! Is it up to pride now! You, Mitenka, do not be angry with me, do not remember my former words: it was only girlish stupidity, I am guilty before you! Not to joke with you, but to caress you, poor thing, I should have. (Laying on his chest.) Well, how can my aunt not want our happiness, what then?

Mitya. What to think ahead, there as God will give. I don't know about you, but I can't live without you!


Lyubov Gordeevna. Someone is coming! ... Go, my dear, slowly, and I will come later.

Mitya leaves quietly; Arina enters with a candle; Lyubov Gordeevna goes to meet her.


Arina, Lyubov Gordeevna and then Yegorushka.

Arina. Well you! Totally frightened. What are you doing here? Mommy is looking for you there, and here you are. You are wandering in the dark! Look, you, shy, unsmiling princess.

Lyubov Gordeevna leaves.

Indeed, there was no one here with her. (Looks around corners.) And I something, a fool, on whom thought! (Lights candles.) After all, you see, what kind of sin will come in old age.

Yegorushka enters.

Go, Yegorushka, call the neighboring girls. Say, they say, Pelageya Yegorovna ordered to call songs to sing.

Yegorushka. Oh! What are you, Arinushka, mother! (Dancing.)

Arina. Why are you happy, stupid!

Yegorushka. Still not to rejoice, such fun! Ah ah ah!… (Jumps.)

Arina. Still, maybe there will be mummers; The good guys wanted to dress up.

Yegorushka. Hey, I'll die! Father, I will die!

Arina. What are you, shooter?

Yegorushka. Yes, I will die with laughter; funny I hurt, grandmother!

Arina. And you dress up.

Yegorushka. Dress up, dress up! Ai, fathers, ai, ai, ai!

Arina. Yes, you run quickly for the girls.

Yegorushka. In a second! (Exits.)

Pelageya Egorovna enters.


Arina and Pelageya Yegorovna.

Pelageya Egorovna. Arinushka, did you send for the girls?

Arina. Sent, mother.

Pelageya Egorovna. That's it. Let them sing with ours. Lyubushka with guests will amuse. For then, and have some fun while you are young ... yes; well, it’s a girl’s business, locked up and locked up, they don’t see the light ... Well, now their holiday ... yes, let them, let them!

Arina. Well, mother, well! Let them, well!

Pelageya Egorovna. Yes, Maderka, Arinushka, Maderka something ... older than them; well, and young gingerbread, sweets, you know what ... yes! Itself already, itself perishing guess. Yes, Maderka, Arinushka, don't forget.

Arina. I know, mother, I know! Everything will be enough. Now, mother, now!

Pelageya Egorovna. Yes, well done, some snacks.

Arina. Everything, everything, mother, will be. Don’t worry, you go to the guests, and I’ll do everything with pleasure. (Exits.)

Pelageya Egorovna (going to the door). Girls, well done, come here, it's more spacious and brighter.

Enter Lyubov Gordeyevna, Masha, Liza, Anna Ivanovna, Razlyulyaev, Mitya, Guslin, and two guests: 1st and 2nd.


Pelageya Egorovna, Lyubov Gordeevna, Masha, Liza, Anna Ivanovna, Razlyulyaev, Mitya, Guslin and two old women guests: 1st and 2nd.

Pelageya Egorovna (old women). And we will sit here.

She sits down on the sofa, the old women beside her; Anna Ivanovna and Guslin sit down on chairs and speak softly; Mitya is standing beside them; Masha, Lyubov Gordeevna and Liza walk around the hall, embracing; Razlyulyaev follows them.

Let's see them, let them play.

Lisa. I say: imagine, mother, he has no politics in his conversation and even says such words, which is completely impolite.

Razlyulyaev. Isn't this in our garden?

Lisa. It's not about you; your business side. (Continues.) But why, mother, should I love him ... (Speaks in a whisper.)

Pelageya Egorovna. I, mother, love in the old way, in the old way ... yes, in our way, in Russian. Here my husband does not like what to do, such a character came out. And I love, I'm cheerful ... yes ... to regale, so that they sing songs to me ... yes, to my relatives: our whole family is cheerful ... songwriters.

1st guest. As I see it, mother Pelageya Yegorovna, there is no such fun as before, when we were young.

2nd guest. No, no.

Pelageya Egorovna. When I was young, I was the first entertainer - to sing and dance - to take me ... yes ... that she knew songs! They don't sing like that anymore.

1st guest. No, they don't sing, all the new ones have gone.

2nd guest. Yes, yes, remember the old days.

Pelageya Egorovna. Yashenka, sing some old song.

Guslin takes the guitar.

Razlyulyaev (to girls). So I don't have to wait; Obviously, you won't make any sense.

Lisa. What's the point, I don't understand.

Masha. It's funny to even hear.

Razlyulyaev. Yes, you find it funny, but what about me? Why don't you really love it?

Lyubov Gordeevna. Let's sit down.

They sit down.

Guslin (sings).

For the river for the fast
Four courtyards;
Whether in these yards
Four godmothers.
You, gossips, doves,
my girlfriends,
Kumite, love,
Love me.
You go to the green garden -
Take me;
You will begin to pick flowers -
Rip off me too;
You will begin to weave wreaths -
Weave me too;
Go to the river -
Take me;
You will throw wreaths -
You drop mine too.
Like all wreaths above water,
And mine sank;
How all the friends came home
Mine didn't come.

Arina (enters with bottles, glasses and a girl with snacks). Here, mother, I brought it.

Pelageya Egorovna (girl). Treat the young ladies.

The girl carries the girls around, puts the tray on the table and leaves.

Arina, give me some wine here. Yes, pour, pour some Madeira, some Madeira ... It will be more fun. All right, let's have a drink. We will not be condemned - we are old women, yes ... (Drink.) Annushka, go have some wine. Have a drink, right?

Anna Ivanovna. Here, why not drink! They say, don't drink without people, but there is no need in front of people. (Goes up to Pelageya Yegorovna, drinks and talks quietly.)

Arina. Well done, what are you up to?

Mitya. I don't drink.

Razlyulyaev. Can! (Comes up with Guslin and drinks afterwards, grabbing Arina.) Come on, shake the old days! (Sings.)

Oh, will I shake the old
About Yerema, about Foma ...

Arina. Leave me alone, mischievous, broke the whole!

Razlyulyaev (sings).

Ah, reins in Kaluga,
Clamp in Tarusa,
Sleigh with undercuts,
They go by themselves.

The girls laugh.

Arina. Get off, they say! ... Well, those at all! (Exits.)

Anna Ivanovna. Why are you pulling an old woman, come with me.

Razlyulyaev. Come on! Play Yasha!

Yasha plays, they dance.

1st guest. A cheerful butterfly.

Pelageya Egorovna. Merry, merry.

Razlyulyaev (stomping foot). Here's how we do it! (Stops dancing.)

Yegorushka (included). The girls have come.

Pelageya Egorovna. Well call them.

Yegorushka leaves; the girls enter; Arina brings the dish and covers it.

Sit down, sit down, and sing sing-alongs, I love them very much.

Lyubov Gordeevna, Masha, Liza and Anna Ivanovna take off the rings and put them on a dish; the girls sing.

This mother, martyr,
Bake pies.
You will have guests
Suitors to me.
To you will be in bast shoes,
To me in boots.
Who sang -
That's good.
Who will take out -
That will come true.

Razlyulyaev rolls up his sleeves, takes out a ring, gives it to Lyubov Gordeevna.

Pelageya Egorovna. It's time, it's time.

girls (singing).

Sparrow sits
On Bela-gorod.
On Bela-gorod,
On a high wall.
Sparrow looks
To the other side.
Who will take out -
That will come true.

Arina (included). The mummers have come; would you like to let go?

Pelageya Egorovna. Well, let them, let them dance. And you girls will sing after.


The same mummers: an old man with a balalaika or a guitar, a leader with a bear and a goat, Yegorushka with molasses.

Old man (bows). Bow to all honest conversation.

Leader. Bow down, Mishka.

The bear bows.

Old man. Order to sing, dance, amuse, fix your old bones.

Pelageya Egorovna. Well, nothing, dance. Treat them, Arinushka, with wine.

Arina brings wine; some drink.

Old man. Thank you humbly for a kind word and a regale. (Sings.)

How are our fellows
Though goals, yes daring!
They weave cloth
At twelve hands.
They wove the cloth -
All caftans were pershivated.
We do not care for caftans,
If I had money in my pocket.
Purchasing bills
Not allowed to sleep at night;
Copper money rattles -
They tell you to go to the tavern.
Tselovalnichek Andrey,
Open the tavern quickly:
We have a new caftan
We'll lay it here
Do not bring him home.

(Steps aside.)

Yegorushka (dancing with molasses).

Ah, molasses, molasses,
Boiled, sweet!
Winter, winter-winter
The student was in pain!
Painfully blizzard
And timid -
Notice all the tracks
You can't go to the little one.
Ah, molasses, molasses,
Boiled, sweet!
My wife is sitting
Exactly a quail!
I love her for that
For that I respect
What primly walks
Walks well.


1st guest. Look what a fine fellow you are! ... ah!

Pelageya Egorovna. Well, mother, in childhood, as best she can. After all, it's still a child. Come here, Yegorushka.

Yegorushka approaches.

Gingerbread on you... (Gives.)

Yegorushka bows and leaves.

Yes ... the child is still, what to take from him!

The leader leads the bear; the goat is dancing.

Old man (sings).

Like we have a goat
What a smart one he was
I walked on the water myself
I cooked porridge myself -
He fed his grandparents.
How did our goat go
He is in the dark forest
How to meet a goat
Yes, seven wolves:
Like one wolf
He was hungry
He walked for three years
He asked for all the goats.

Leader (bear). Ask for wine, remember the goat.

The bear bows.

Pelageya Egorovna. Arinushka, treat some of the mummers.

Arina brings; they drink and bow.

Leader. Come on, Mishenka, amuse honest gentlemen. And like red maidens, young young women whiten, blush, look at the good fellows, look out for suitors.

The bear is broken.

And how an old woman goes to work, hunched over, cringing, her old age knocked her down, she overcame her antiquity.

The bear is broken.

Well, bow now to honest gentlemen. (They leave.)

The old man plays the guitar, the other mummers dance; everyone looks at them; Guslin and Mitya are standing near Lyubov Gordeyevna; Mitya whispers something to her and kisses her; Razlyulyaev approaches.

Razlyulyaev. What are you doing?

Mitya. And what's your business?

Razlyulyaev. So I’ll tell Pelageya Yegorovna, give me time!

Mitya. You only pick me!

Guslin (steps on him). You look at me! After all, we should go from here together: it's nighttime, and your lane is deaf, so you remember that!

Razlyulyaev. What did you land on? For what? I want to marry her, I want to get married. What, they took it! Yes, I'm getting married!

Mitya. We'll see.

Razlyulyaev. So, will they give it back for you? Well, keep your pocket! ... And we have a lot of money! ...

Arina. After all, what a noise you are! ... Stop it! ... No way, someone is knocking ...

Everyone is listening.

So it is ... knocking.

Pelageya Egorovna. Open it up.

Arina (leaves, then returns). I've arrived!

Everyone gets up.


The same, Gordey Karpych and Korshunov.

Gordey Karpych (to the mummers). What a bastard!… Get out! (To wife.) Wife! Pelageya Egorovna! Receive a guest. (Quiet.) You stabbed me!

Pelageya Egorovna. You are welcome, Afrikan Savic, you are welcome.

Korshunov. Hello, Pelageya Egorovna ... Heh, heh, heh ... Yes, you have fun! Here's how we got there.

Pelageya Egorovna. And here I am with the girls ... Yes, I'm all with the girls. Well, Christmas time; I want to entertain my daughter.

Gordey Karpych. You are welcome, Afrikan Savic, without ceremony.

African Savic sits on an armchair at the table.

(to his wife). Get the girls out!

Korshunov. Why drive them! Who drives the girls ... Heh, heh, heh ... They will sing, and we will listen, but look at them, and even give money, not just to drive.

Gordey Karpych. As you wish, African Savic! I'm just embarrassed in front of you! But do not conclude from this about our lack of education - that's all the wife. I just can't get it into her head. (To wife.) How many times have I told you: if you want to make an evening at your place, call the musicians so that it is in all its form. It seems like you have nothing to refuse.

Pelageya Egorovna. Well, where are we musicians ... old women. This is what you have fun with.

Gordey Karpych. Here are their ideas about life. Even I think you find it funny to listen to.

Pelageya Egorovna. What concepts, concepts! You'd better treat the guest here. Would you like, African

Savich, wine with us, with the old women. (Pours Madeira.)

Gordey Karpych (strictly). Wife! Have you gone crazy, really? African Savich has never seen your Madeira! Champagne was to be served...half a dozen...and quicker. Yes, they were to light candles in the living room, that a new sky had been put up. There will be a completely different effect.

Pelageya Egorovna. Now I will do everything myself. (Rises.) Arinushka, let's go. Sorry neighbors.

1st guest. Hey, mother, we'll go with you. U; it's time for us to go to the yards.

2nd guest. It's time, it's time! The nights are dark, the dogs are dashing through the lanes.

1st guest. Oh, dashing, dashing! ...

They bow and leave.


Gordey Karpych, Korshunov, Lyubov Gordeevna, Anna Ivanovna, Masha, Lisa, girls, Mitya, Guslin and Razlyulyaev.

Korshunov. Let's go to the ladies. Where did you pick up such beauties… Heh! (Approaches Lyubov Gordeyevna.) Hello, Lyubov Gordeevna, you are my beauty! ...

Lyubov Gordeyevna bows.

Accept me into your company.

Lyubov Gordeevna. We are not driving anyone away from us.

Anna Ivanovna. Sit down, so you will be guests.

Korshunov. Dry accept the old man. These days are holy days, and you can kiss, tea, you can.

Anna Ivanovna. Why start these tendernesses.

Korshunov. Gordey Karpych, can I kiss my daughter? And I, to confess ... heh, heh ... before this hunter. Why, and who doesn’t love! ... Heh, heh ...

Gordey Karpych. Do me a favor, no ceremony.

Korshunov. Kiss, lady.

Lyubov Gordeevna. If aunty wants... (Kisses.)

Korshunov. Well, yes, everyone is in order.

Anna Ivanovna. I, perhaps! I'm not arrogant.

Masha. Ah, what a shame!…

Lisa. Well, nothing to say, great pleasure!

Gordey Karpych (approaching Mitya). Why are you? Is this where you belong? A crow flew into the high mansions!

Mitya, Guslin and Razlyulyaev leave.


Gordey Karpych, Korshunov, Lyubov Gordeevna, Anna Ivanovna, Masha, Liza and girls.

Korshunov I, Lyubov Gordeyevna, am not in you: you didn't even want to kiss me, heh, heh, heh! and I brought you a present.

Lyubov Gordeevna. Really worried.

Korshunov. So I brought you a diamond, heh, heh ... (Gives away.)

Lyubov Gordeevna. These are earrings. I humbly thank you.

Anna Ivanovna. Show me.

Masha. But it's lovely!

Lisa. And with great taste!

Korshunov. Give me your pen, please. (Takes and kisses.) I love you very much, heh, heh, heh! I love you very much, but you don’t love me, tea, do you?

Lyubov Gordeevna. Why shouldn't I love you?

Korshunov. For what? Love someone else, that's why. And you will love me, I am a good, cheerful person, heh, heh, heh ...

Lyubov Gordeevna. I don't know what you are saying.

Korshunov. I say love me. Well, I'm not old yet... (Looks at her.) Ali is old? heh, heh, heh... Well, it doesn't matter. But you will walk in gold. After all, I don’t have any money, I’m a poor man ... So some hundred and five thousand ... heh, heh, heh, in silver! ... (Takes her hand.)

Lyubov Gordeevna (getting up). I don't need your money.

Gordey Karpych. Love, where are you?

Lyubov Gordeevna. I'm with my mother!

Gordey Karpych. stay; she will come here.

Lyubov Gordeevna sits down.

Korshunov. You don't want to sit with an old man. Give me a pen, young lady, I'll kiss you.

Lyubov Gordeevna (gives hand). Oh my god!

Korshunov. What a pen! heh, heh, heh… velvet! (He strokes his hand and then puts on a diamond ring.)

Lyubov Gordeevna (freeing his hand). Oh, leave me, I don't need it, I don't need it.

Korshunov. Nothing, it’s not a loss for me, maybe it won’t ruin it.

Lyubov Gordeevna. Yes, I don't need to. Give to whomever you want. (Takes and gives.)

Korshunov. They give, but they don’t take it back ... heh, heh, heh.

Enter: Pelageya Yegorovna, followed by Arina and Yegorushka with wine and glasses.


The same and Pelageya Yegorovna, Arina and Yegorushka.

Gordey Karpych. Let's go have a drink.

Korshunov. Well, Gordey Karpych, treat me, and you, girls, call me. I love honor.

Pelageya Egorovna. Girls, please.

Gordey Karpych (uncorks, pours and brings). Dear guest Afrikan Savich. Bow down, wife!

Pelageya Egorovna. Please, Afrikan Savic, we humbly ask!

Korshunov takes.

Gordey Karpych (takes a glass). Wife, drink.

Pelageya Egorovna. Oh, I don’t like this wine for some reason ... well, let me drink a glass.

girls (singing).

And who is single
Who is unmarried?
African-from single,
Savic is unmarried.
sits on a horse,
Under him the horse is invigorated;
Drives up to the meadows -
The meadows are green
Flowers are blooming.

Korshunov (sitting down beside Lyubov Gordeevna). This is good, I love this. Come on, come here, somebody. (The girl approaches, he pats her on the cheek.) Look at you, what a sharp-eyed one! After all, you girls need tea a lot for white on white, for rouge on scarlet ... heh, heh, heh ... but I have no money, I will have ... heh, heh, heh ... Keep the apron. (He throws money at her, a trifle; the girl bows and leaves.) Well, then, Gordey Karpych, tell your wife why we have come.

Gordey Karpych. I told you, wife, for a long time that I was tired of living in this city, because at every step here you can see how there is only ignorance and lack of education. For that I want to move from here to Moscow. And we will not have a stranger there - there will be a son-in-law Afrikan Savich.

Pelageya Egorovna. Ah, ah, what are you?

Korshunov. And we, Pelageya Yegorovna, shook hands ... Why are you so afraid, I won’t eat her.

Pelageya Egorovna. Ah, ah, fathers! (Grabs daughter.) My daughter! Will not give it back!

Gordey Karpych. Wife!

Pelageya Egorovna. Father, Gordey Karpych, don't joke about a mother's heart! ... Stop it! ... I exhausted my whole soul.

Gordey Karpych. Wife, you know me! ... You, Afrikan Savich, don't worry: I've said it - it's done.

Korshunov. Promised, keep your word. (Rises, approaches the girls and speaks to them quietly.)

Lyubov Gordeevna (Goes to father.) Auntie! I will not take a single step out of your will. Have pity on me, poor thing, do not ruin my youth! ...

Gordey Karpych. You, fool, do not understand your own happiness. In Moscow you will live like a lord, you will ride in carriages. It's one thing - you will live in plain sight, and not in a sort of wilderness; and another thing - I order so.

Lyubov Gordeevna. I dare not disobey your orders. Auntie! (Bows at his feet.) Don’t want my misfortune for the rest of my life!… Change your mind, darling!… Whatever you want, make me, just don’t force me against my heart to marry an unlovable one!…

Gordey Karpych. I don't take back my word. (Rises.)

Lyubov Gordeevna. Your will, father! (He bows and goes to his mother.)

Korshunov. Here is the end of the matter! Come on, girls, wedding!

girls (sing).

All the flowers in the garden will fade,
Withered azure in green,
My dear, scarlet without me.
Get up, mother, early,
Water all the flowers often
Morning, evening dawn,
And also with his burning tears.

Lyubov Gordeevna. Not that, not that, sing another.

Gordey Karpych. Let's go, Afrikan Savic, to the living room. Wife! Come all there.

Lyubov Gordeevna. Where should I go!…

Gordey Karpych. Arina, move the wine.

Arina. Oh wait, not up to you. You are my child! ... Girls, my dears, this is what you will sing. (Sings.)

You are my dear mother!
On the day of the day, my sadness.
In the night, the night pilgrimage,
For centuries my dry-house!
Look through your clear eyes
Looking at your daughter
On my beloved daughter,
For the last time, for the last time!

Lyubov Gordeevna. In the rest.

In continuation of this song, Gordey Karpych and Korshunov leave; Lyubov Gordeevna in the arms of her mother; her friends surround her.


A small room in Tortsov's house, crammed with all sorts of cabinets, chests and whatnots with crockery and silverware; furniture: sofas, armchairs, tables, everything is very rich and closely placed. In general, this room is a kind of study of the hostess, from where she manages the whole house and where she receives her guests easily. One door to the hall where the guests dine, the other to the inner rooms.


Arina is sitting on a chair by the door to the hall; beside her are several girls and women.

Arina (pointing to the room). They didn’t wait, mothers, they didn’t look forward to it! He flew like a hawk, like snow on his head, pulled our swan out of the swan herd, from the father, from the mother, from relatives, from girlfriends. They didn’t even have time to come to their senses! ... And what is this in the world doing! People today have gone evil, deceitful, crafty, accommodating. Bypassed Gordey Karpych and that, and another, exactly what kind of fog, and that one, in old age, be flattered by his wealth! The beauty of our hand-written yes for the old, for the hateful and talked. There she is, my dear, sitting - not looking at the light. Oh, sick of me! Why did I go out and nurse you, endure you in my arms, like a bird I took care of in cottons! We will not give you, I say, child, for a simple person; unless some prince from foreign lands comes over and blows a trumpet at the gate. But it didn't work out for us. There he is, our divider, sitting, fat and with a big mouth! You look at her and chuckles - he likes it! Oh, so empty! Well, they ate, get up, go to work. (Gets up from the chair.)

The women leave. Pelageya Egorovna enters.


Arina and Pelageya Yegorovna.

Pelageya Egorovna. Come on, Arinushka, help clear the table... yes... And I'll rest, sit down - I'm tired.

Arina. How not to get tired, my dear, you are on your feet all day long, are you young! ...

Pelageya Egorovna (sits down on the sofa). Oh ... Yes, a samovar, something to be served there in the girl's room, big ... which is the biggest one. Yes, look for Annushka, come to me.

Arina. I listen, I listen.

Pelageya Egorovna. Yes ... go, go ... Oh, my urine is gone!

Arina leaves.

The whole head is broken! Woe is grief, but there is still trouble. Yes, yes, what a hassle! Ah ah ah! I fell off my feet, completely lost! There is a lot to do, but everything is not right in my head ... And there it is necessary, and here it is necessary, but I don’t know what to grab onto ... Really ... yes ... (Sits down thinking.) What a bridegroom, what a bridegroom ... ah, ah, ah! ... Where can love be expected here! ... Will she be tempted by wealth? She would now at least have a poor, but a dear friend ... If only she could live ... if only she could have paradise ...

Anna Ivanovna enters.


Pelageya Yegorovna and Anna Ivanovna.

Pelageya Egorovna. Here are the keys to your tea. Come on, spill some to the guests; Well, everything you need is there, you know. I was already moving my legs away, but what do you mean - you are a young butterfly ... yes ... serve.

Anna Ivanovna. Why not serve, the work is not great, the hands will not fall off. (Takes the keys.)

Pelageya Egorovna. There's some tea in the cupboard, in a little red drawer.

Anna Ivanovna unlocks and takes out a drawer. Mitya enters.


The same and Mitya.

Pelageya Egorovna. What do you need, Mitenka?

Mitya (holding back tears). I, sir ... I, sir, Pelageya Yegorovna, for all your kindness and for all your indulgence, and even what, perhaps, I’m not worth it ... how you, due to my orphanhood, did not leave me and instead of my mother ... I ... owe you be grateful all your life and always pray to God, sir. (Bows at his feet.)

Pelageya Egorovna. What are you, Mitya?

Mitya. Thank you for everything. Farewell now, Pelageya Yegorovna! (Rises.)

Pelageya Egorovna. Where are you?

Mitya. I want to go to my mother.

Pelageya Egorovna. How long are you going?

Mitya. Yes, I asked the owner to take time off for the holidays, and one must so believe that I will stay there at all.

Pelageya Egorovna. Why are you, Mitya, wanting to leave us?

Mitya(shifting). Yes, that's right! ... Well, what ... I already made up my mind.

Pelageya Egorovna. And when are you going?

Mitya. Tonight at night. (Silence). So, I think, I won’t see you until night, so I came to say goodbye.

Pelageya Egorovna. Well, then, Mitya, if you need it so much… We don’t keep you, God is with you… Farewell!…

Mitya (bows at the feet of Pelageya Egorovna, kisses her and Anna Ivanovna, then bows like that and stops). I should also say goodbye to Lyubov Gordeevna... Well, after all, they lived in the same house... Either I will live or not...

Pelageya Egorovna. Yes, we must, we must. Well, goodbye, goodbye! ... Annushka, go call Lyubushka.

Anna Ivanovna (shaking his head).“One leads by the hand, the other by the friend, the third is shedding tears, loved, but did not take.” (Exits.)


Pelageya Yegorovna and Mitya.

Pelageya Egorovna. And here, Mitenka, what grief! How to open it, unwind it, I can’t figure it out ... It’s exactly like a thunder mistake me, I won’t come to my senses.

Mitya. Who is to blame for this now, sir, you have no one to cry at, Pelageya Yegorovna, sir, you yourself give it away.

Pelageya Egorovna. Themselves ... ourselves ... yes, we give ourselves. Oh, but not mine, Mitya, will; if my will was, I would give something! What am I, is she an enemy!

Mitya. The person, as by hearsay, is not painfully enviable. Nothing good, except for the bad, is heard.

Pelageya Egorovna. I know, Mitenka, I know.

Mitya. But now, according to these rumors, it must be said that Lyubov Gordeevna must have died for such a person, and, moreover, in the distance, she must die completely, sir.

Pelageya Egorovna. Oh, don't tell me, don't tell me... and it's sickening without you. Her eyes looked at everything, looking at her! If only now to have a look at her in reserve. I'm definitely going to bury her.

Mitya (almost crying). So what is this! Do they do something like that? After all, she, tea, is your own daughter! ...

Pelageya Egorovna. If it weren’t for my own, I wouldn’t cry and kill myself, my heart wouldn’t burst into tears for her.

Mitya. Than to cry, they would not have given it better. Why do you seize the girl's age, give it to bondage? Is this not a sin? After all, tea, you will have to give God an answer for it.

Pelageya Egorovna. I know, I know everything, but I tell you that it is not my will. What are you doing to me? I feel sick without you, and you still upset me. And you, Mitya, would take pity on me!

Mitya. It’s so, Pelageya Yegorovna, but I can’t bear this grief; maybe harder than you. I took such faith in you, Pelageya Yegorovna, that I would open up to my mother anyway. (Wipes her eyes with a handkerchief.) Evening, how did you have a party ... (Tears interfere with speaking.)

Pelageya Egorovna. Well, well, talk, talk...

Mitya. Well, so we came to an understanding with her in the dark, so that we could go with her to you, mother, and to Gordey Karpych, to ask you basely: bless us, they say, and we can’t live without each other (wipes away tears); and now suddenly in the morning I hear ... my little hands lowered! ...

Pelageya Egorovna. What you?!

Mitya. Here is before the true, Pelageya Yegorovna.

Pelageya Egorovna. Oh, you are hearty! What a bitter boy you are, how I look at you!

Lyubov Gordeevna enters.


The same and Lyubov Gordeevna.

Pelageya Egorovna. Here, Lyubushka, Mitya came to say goodbye: he is going from us to his mother to his.

Mitya (bows). Farewell, Lyubov Gordeevna! ... Do not remember dashingly!

Lyubov Gordeevna. Farewell, Mitya! (Bows.)

Pelageya Egorovna. Kiss goodbye, after all, maybe God will not bring you to see each other ... yes ... what is it!

Mitya and Lyubov Gordeevna are kissing; she sits down on the sofa and cries; Mitya is crying too.

Will you cry something! You drive me crazy!

Mitya. Oh, my head is gone! Already was not! (Approaches Pelageya Yegorovna.) Pelageya Yegorovna, it's a pity for you to give your daughter away for the old one, isn't it?

Pelageya Egorovna. If I wasn't sorry, I wouldn't cry.

Mitya. Would you like me to speak, Pelageya Yegorovna?

Pelageya Egorovna. Speak.

Mitya. Here is my speech: pack it up and dress it warmer already. Let her come out slowly: I will put her in a sled-scooters - and that was it! Then the old man will not see her, like his own ears, and at the same time my head will perish! I'll take her to my mother - and we'll get married. Eh! give your soul space - it wants to roam! At the very least, if I have to go in response, then I will know that I am amused.

Pelageya Egorovna. What are you, what are you, dissolute!

Lyubov Gordeevna. What are you thinking, Mitya!

Mitya. Did you not love? Al fell out of love?

Lyubov Gordeevna. Yes, you say something scary!

Pelageya Egorovna. What the hell are you thinking! But who dares to take such a sin on the soul ... yes ... come to your senses ... what are you!

Mitya. After all, I say: if it's a pity; and if it's not a pity, then give it to Afrikan Savich, enslave him forever and ever. Themselves, looking at her miserable life, you will begin to kill yourself. Catch up with Gordey-Karpych, but it will be too late.

Pelageya Egorovna. Yes, how without a father's blessing! Well, how do you judge for yourself?

Mitya. Of course, without a blessing, what a life! So bless you, Pelageya Yegorovna (gets on his knees) and Gordey Karpych, maybe ... himself, in time somehow ...

Pelageya Egorovna. How can I be with you! I'm completely crazy ... yes ... crazy. I don’t know anything, I don’t remember ... yes, yes ... my little head is spinning ... It’s bitter, bitter to my heart, my dears! ...

Lyubov Gordeevna (approaches Mita). No, Mitya, this will not happen! Don't beat yourself up, stop it! (Picks him up.) Don't break my soul! And so my heart all languished within me. Ride with God. Goodbye!

Mitya. Why did you deceive me, mocked me?

Lyubov Gordeevna. You are full, Mitya. Why should I deceive you? I love you, I told you so myself. And now I should not go out of the will of my parents. That is the will of the father, so that I get married. I must submit to him, such is our share of the maiden. So, to know, this should be so, so it has been established from time immemorial. I don’t want to go against my father, so that people don’t talk about me and don’t set an example. Although I may have broken my heart through this, but at least I know that I live according to the law, no one dares to laugh in my face. Goodbye!

They kiss.

Mitya. Well, you know, it's not destiny!

Lyubov Gordeevna sits down on the sofa and cries.

Goodbye! (Bows to Pelageya Yegorovna.) Farewell, Pelageya Yegorovna, you are my benefactor! I will never forget your kindness and mercy to me: they did not forget an orphan on a foreign side.

Pelageya Egorovna. Farewell, my dear, do not condemn us in what, it will be a sin for you. May God bless you... and we will not forget you.

Mitya bows and leaves.


Pelageya Egorovna and Lyubov Gordeevna and then Korshunov.

Pelageya Egorovna. What, Lyubushka, sorry for the guy! Eco, girl... ah! I don't even know that you love him. And where can I, an old woman, guess ... yes. What am I? It’s our business to cry, but I have no power over my daughter! And it would be nice! I would love it when I'm old. The guy is so simple, soft at heart, and he would love me, the old woman. How can I look at you, girl, how can you not be sad! ... Yes, there is nothing to help me with you, my heart!

Lyubov Gordeevna. Well, mother, what is there and what you can’t think of, only torturing yourself. (Sits silently.)

Pelageya Egorovna. Come in, father.

Korshunov (entering). And, here she is, my bride, where she hid ... heh ... I’ll find it, I’ll find it everywhere. Let us, Pelageya Yegorovna, talk with your daughter in secret about our affairs.

Pelageya Egorovna. Come on, father. (Exits.)

Korshunov (sits down beside Lyubov Gordeyevna). What is it to cry about, madam? Ashamed, ashamed ... heh ... heh ... heh ... So I'm older, but I don't cry ... (Looks at her shrewdly.) I know what it is about: tea, do you want a young one? So this is it, you are my dear (takes hand and kisses) stupidity is girlish. Now, listen to what I'm going to tell you... I'll tell the truth, straight up, I don't like to deceive, I have nothing to do with it. Will you listen, huh?

Lyubov Gordeevna. Speak up.

Korshunov. Good with. Let's start with this though. Does the young man appreciate that you love him, huh? After all, everyone will love the young, it is not a wonder for him, but the old man is dear. The old man is for love and a gift, and this and that, and gold, and velvet - and does not know how to console. (Kisses her hands.) And in Moscow there are a lot of good things in stores, there is something to give. So it’s good to fall in love with an old man ... Here’s one for you ... Otherwise, here’s something else that happens with a young husband and with a good one: after all, they are a windy people - you look, and they will drag themselves after someone on the side, or into him some madame will fall in love, but the wife will dry up ... Reproaches and jealousy will go away ... And what is jealousy, huh? heh... heh... heh... Do you know, ma'am, what jealousy is?

Lyubov Gordeevna. No, I do not know.

Korshunov. But I know... It's not like pricking your finger with a needle - it will be much more painful. After all, she, damned, dries a person. From jealousy, they cut each other, they poison themselves with arsenic! (Laughing convulsively and coughing.) And who will fall in love with an old man? So the wife is at peace. Moreover, I’ll tell you this, my precious young lady: young people love to go on a spree, gaiety, and entertainment, and various brawls, but your wife, then sit at home, wait for him until midnight. And a drunk man will come, break down, put on airs. And the old man will continue to sit beside his wife; will die - will not go away. Yes, I would look into everyone’s eyes, but I would caress everything, but I would kiss my hands ... (Kisses.) Like this.

Lyubov Gordeevna. Did that wife ... the deceased love you?

Korshunov (looks at her intently). And you, ma'am, why is that?

Lyubov Gordeevna. Yes, I wanted to know.

Korshunov. Would you like to know?... (Rises.) No, she didn't, and I didn't love her either. She didn't even deserve to be loved. I took her poor, beggar, for her beauty only for one; the whole family has respected; rescued father from the pit; she walked me in gold.

Lyubov Gordeevna. You can't buy love with gold.

Korshunov. Love do not love, but look more often. You see, they needed money, they had nothing to live on: I gave, did not refuse; and I need to be loved. Well, am I free to demand it or not? I paid money for that. It’s a sin to complain about me: whoever I love, it’s good for him to live in the world; and whoever I don’t love, don’t blame me! (Excited, walks.) Yes, I am an enemy to that person, it’s better to run out of my sight: I’ll get there by word and look, more than by deed; I’m going through… I won’t let a person rest… I… (Stops and chuckles.) Did you really think that I was so evil?… heh… heh… I did it on purpose, I'm joking! I am simple, I am a kind old man ... And I will carry you in my arms (sings) swing in the cradle, sentence ... (Kisses her hands.)

Gordey Karpych enters.


Lyubov Gordeevna, Korshunov and Gordey Karpych.

Gordey Karpych. Ah, that's where the son-in-law is! And we are looking for you. We were already there for champagne. Let's go to the guests, without you we have a feast not a feast.

Korshunov. I'm fine here too.

Gordey Karpych. Well, so we order it to be served here, but here, then, we will drink it with you. (Goes to the door.) Hey little one! give me some wine! On a silver tray. (Sits down.) Well, son-in-law, what do you say?

Korshunov. Nothing.

Gordey Karpych. Like nothing?

Korshunov. Oh nothing.

Gordey Karpych. No, however? (Looks at him.) Can you understand me now?

Korshunov. How not to understand.

Gordey Karpych. Now we've been walking around a little, so you tell me what kind of person I am? Can I be evaluated here?

Korshunov. Where can they be evaluated?

Gordey Karpych. No, you say this: is everything all right with me? In another place at the table, a fine fellow in a coat or a girl waits, and I have a waiter in cotton gloves. This waiter, he is a scientist, from Moscow, he knows all the rules: where to sit down, what to do. What about others! They will gather in one room, sit in a circle, peasant songs will sing. It, of course, is also fun, but I think it is low, there is no tone. Yes, and they drink something, due to their ignorance! The liqueurs are there, the cherries are different ... but they don’t even understand that there is champagne for it! Oh, if I lived in Moscow, or in St. Petersburg, I would, it seems, imitate every fashion.

Korshunov. Is it any?

Gordey Karpych. Any. How much my capital would be enough, and I wouldn’t drop myself. You, Love, look at me, behave carefully, otherwise the groom, because he is from Moscow, perhaps, will condemn. You, tea, don’t know how to walk, and you don’t understand where to speak.

Lyubov Gordeevna. I, dear, say what I feel; I didn't go to boarding school.

A waiter enters and serves wine to Korshunov and Gordey Karpych; puts the bottles on the table and leaves.

Gordey Karpych. So, son-in-law! So let them know what Gordey Karpych Tortsov is like!

Yegorushka enters.

Yegorushka. Uncle, Gordey Karpych, come here, sir.

Gordey Karpych. What do you want?

Yegorushka. Please: the story is out, sir. (Laughs.)

Gordey Karpych (approaching). What's there?

Yegorushka. Yes, uncle, Lyubim Karpych, come in.

Gordey Karpych. Why were they allowed?

Yegorushka. It must have gone into their head, we can't hold it back. (Laughs.)

Gordey Karpych. What does he do?

Yegorushka. Disperses guests, sir. (Laughs.) You, he says, are glad to eat someone else's bread ... I, he says, is also the owner ... I, he says ... (Laughs.)

Gordey Karpych. Shh... he took off my head! (Exits with Yegorushka.)

Korshunov. What do they have there?

Lyubov Gordeevna. Don't know. It must be something, uncle ... Sometimes he finds something on him.

Enter: Pelageya Egorovna, Razlyulyaev, Masha and Liza.


Lyubov Gordeevna, Pelageya Yegorovna, Korshunov, Razlyulyaev, Masha and Lisa.

Pelageya Egorovna(in the door). Where is the brother? ... Where is Lyubim Karpych? What did he do - trouble!

Lyubov Gordeevna. He's not here, mother.

Pelageya Yegorovna leaves.

Razlyulyaev. That's it! Nice things Lyubim Karpych soaks! ha ... ha ... ha! ... Such bullets are cast, that only Lyuli!

Lisa. Not funny at all, just ignorance!

Masha. I just didn't know where to go from shame. (They sit down on the sofa.)

Lubim Karpych enters.


The same and Lyubim Karpych.

Lisa. Oh, my God, again!

Masha. It's horrible!

Razlyulyaev. Ha, ha, ha!…

Lyubim Karpych. Gur, gur, gur ... be, bool, bool! ... Nine with a finger, fifteen with a cucumber! ... Buddy! (Extends his hand to Korshunov.) Ours to you, sir! ... We haven’t seen a day for a thousand years! How are you doing?

Korshunov. Oh, is that you, love?

Lyubim Karpych (covering his face with his hands). I am not me, and the horse is not mine, and I am not a driver.

Korshunov. I remember you, brother: you walked around the city, collecting a pretty penny.

Lyubim Karpych. Do you remember how I collected a pretty penny; Do you remember how you and I walked, spent dark autumn nights, flitted from the tavern to the cellar? But don't you know who ruined me, let me go around the world with a bag?

Korshunov. And what did you yawn yourself? After all, they didn’t pull you by the gate, my dear. Himself to blame.

Lyubim Karpych. I'm a fool, but you're not honored either! You exalted me so much, elevated me to such a rank that I didn’t steal anything, and it’s ashamed to look people in the eye!

Korshunov. You're still such a joker! (Turning to Lyubov Gordeevna.) You have a merry uncle. It can be seen, according to an old acquaintance, to give him a whole piece.

Lyubim Karpych. Shh… It doesn’t smell like a ruble in here! Pay off the old debt, and for the niece a million three hundred thousand! ... I won’t give it cheaper.

Korshunov (laughs). Will there be no concessions?

Lyubim Karpych. Not a penny!

Razlyulyaev. Ah yes, Love Karpych! Don't take less.

Enter Gordey Karpych.


The same and Gordey Karpych.

Gordey Karpych. Ah, you're here! What are you doing to me? Out now!

Korshunov. Wait, Gordey Karpych, don't drive him away! Let it break, joke. Heh, heh, heh...

Lyubim Karpych. This is a brother joking that your daughter gives for you, and I will joke with you such a joke that it will hurt your stomach!

Gordey Karpych. He doesn't belong here. Get out!

Lyubim Karpych. Brother, wait, don't drive! Do you think Lyubim Tortsov came to play jokes, do you think that Lyubim Tortsov is drunk? I have come to tell you riddles. (To Korshunov.) Why do donkeys have long ears? Come on, give me an answer!

Razlyulyaev. That's the task!

Korshunov. How much do I know.

Lyubim Karpych. To let everyone know that he is an ass. (To brother.) Here is your task: for whom do you give your daughter?

Gordey Karpych. It's none of your business! You don't dare to ask me.

Lyubim Karpych. And here's another question for you: are you an honest merchant or not? If you are honest - do not hang out with the dishonest, do not rub yourself near the soot - you yourself will get dirty.

Korshunov. And you joke, don’t forget, my dear! ... Drive him out or tell him to shut up.

Lyubim Karpych. It's about you! ... It can be seen that you are as clean as a chimney sweep!

Gordey Karpych. Brother, leave with honor, or else it's bad.

Lyubov Gordeevna (jumps up in fright). Uncle, stop it!

Lyubim Karpych. I won't shut up! Now the blood has spoken!

All household and guests are included.


The same, Pelageya Yegorovna, Anna Ivanovna, Guslin, guests, guests and servants.

Lyubim Karpych. Listen, good people! They offend Lyubim Tortsov, they drive him out. Why am I not a guest? Why are they chasing me? I am not cleanly dressed, so my conscience is clean. I’m not Korshunov: I didn’t rob the poor, I didn’t eat someone else’s life, I didn’t torture my wife with jealousy ... They chase me, and he is the first guest, they put him in the front corner. Well, nothing, they will give him another wife: his brother gives his daughter for him! Ha, ha, ha! (Laughs tragically.)

Korshunov (jumps up). Do not believe him, he is lying, he is speaking out of anger at me, drunk.

Lyubim Karpych. What wickedness! I forgave you a long time ago. I am a small man, a crawling worm, a nonentity of nonentities! You do no harm to others.

Gordey Karpych (servant). Take him away!

Lyubim Karpych (raising one finger). Ss ... Do not touch! It is good for him to live in the world, who has no shame in his eyes! ... O people, people! We love Tortsov, a drunkard, but better than you! Now I'll go myself. (To the crowd.) Wider road - Lyubim Tortsov is coming! (Leaves and immediately returns.) Fiend of nature! (Exits.)

Korshunov (forced laugh). So sort of something you have order in the house! You have started such fashions: drunken guests offend you! Heh, heh, heh. I, he says, will go to Moscow, they don’t understand me here. In Moscow, such fools have bred, they laugh at them there. Son-in-law, son-in-law! He, he, he! Dear father-in-law! No, you're naughty, I won't allow myself to be offended for nothing. No, now you come to me and bow down so that I can take your daughter.

Gordey Karpych. Am I going to bow to you?

Korshunov. Come on, I know you. You need to make a wedding, at least climb into the noose, but only to surprise the whole city, but there are no suitors. Here is your misfortune! Heh, heh, heh...

Gordey Karpych. After that, when you say such words, I don't want to know you myself! I never bowed to anyone. I, for that matter, for whomever I please, for that I will give! With the money that I will give for her, every person will ...

Mitya enters and stops at the door.


The same and Mitya.

Mitya (addressing the crowd). What kind of noise is that?

Gordey Karpych. I'll give it to Mitka!

Mitya. What?

Gordey Karpych. Be quiet! Yes... I'll give it back for Mitka... tomorrow. Yes, I will ask such a wedding that you have never seen: I will write musicians from Moscow, I will go alone in four carriages.

Korshunov. We'll see. You will come to ask for forgiveness, you will come! (Exits.)


The same, without Korshunov.

Pelageya Egorovna. For whom, Gordey Karpych, did you say?

Gordey Karpych. For Mitka... Yes! Ish got excited! I'm definitely worse than him! "You're going to bow!" He's lying, I'm not going to bow! To spite him, I'll give it to Mitrius.

Everyone is surprised.

Mitya (takes Lyubov Gordeevna by the hand and goes up to Gordey Karpych). Why in spite, Gordey Karpych? They don't do that with evil. I don't need it out of spite. I'd rather suffer for the rest of my life. If there is your grace, then you will bless us as you should - in a parental way, with love. How we love each other, and even before this occasion we wanted to obey you ... And I, instead of your son, that is, always with all my heart, sir.

Gordey Karpych. What, what with all your heart? You are already happy with the occasion! How dare you think? What is she, equal, or what, to you? Who are you talking to, remember!

Mitya. I know very well that you are my master and that, due to my poverty, I cannot be their equal; but, by the way, judge as you like, I'm all here, sir: I loved your daughter with my soul, sir.

Lyubim Karpych enters and stands in the crowd.


The same and Lyubim Karpych.

Gordey Karpych. How not to love tea! Your lips are not stupid! After all, there is a lot of money behind her, so you feel good naked for your hungry teeth.

Mitya. It is so insulting for me to hear this from you that I have no words, sir. It's better to be silent. (Departs.) If you please, Lyubov Gordeevna, you are speaking.

Lyubov Gordeevna. I, darling, did not contradict your will! If you want my happiness, give me to Mitya.

Pelageya Egorovna. What is it really, Gordey Karpych, you are capricious ... yes! What really! I was already delighted, it was forcibly relieved from my heart, and you again for your own. Say one thing, but what is it ... right. You say - for one, then for another. What did she get to you, for ordeal, or something?

Lyubim Karpych (from the crowd). Brother, give Lyubushka for Mitya.

Gordey Karpych. Are you here again? Do you understand what you have done to me today? You embarrassed me to the whole city! If you felt this, you would not dare to show yourself in front of my eyes, and you still climb with advice! Let the man speak, but not you.

Lyubim Karpych. Yes, you bow to Lyubim Tortsov at the feet, that he embarrassed you.

Pelageya Egorovna. Precisely, Beloved, I must bow at your feet ... yes ... exactly. You removed the great sin from our soul; we would not beg him.

Gordey Karpych. What am I, a monster, or what, what in my family?

Pelageya Egorovna. The monster was not a monster, but it was his daughter who was killed because of his stupidity ... Yes! I will tell you from my simplicity. They give for the old people and not Afrikan Savich couple, and even then they mumble grief.

Lyubim Karpych. Let me go! (Sings.) Throm-to-tum, trum-to-tum! (Dancing.) Look at me, here's an example for you - Lyubim Tortsov is standing in front of you alive. He walked along this path - he knows what it is! And I was rich and famous, I rode in carriages, threw out such things that it wouldn’t even occur to you, and then with the upper end down. Look how smart I am!

Gordey Karpych. Whatever you say to me, I don’t want to listen to you, you are my enemy for life.

Lyubim Karpych. Are you a man or a beast? Have pity on you and Lyubima Tortsov! (Kneels down.) Brother, give Lyubushka for Mitya - he will give me a corner. I'm tired, I'm hungry. My summers have passed, it’s hard for me to clow around in the cold because of a piece of bread; at least under old age, yes, live honestly. After all, I deceived the people: I asked for alms, but I drank it myself. They will give me a job; I will have my own pot. Then I will thank God. Brother! and my tears will reach the sky! How poor he is! Oh, if I were poor, I would be a man. Poverty is not a vice.

Pelageya Egorovna. Gordey Karpych, don't you have feelings?

Gordey Karpych (wipes away tears). Did you really think not? (Picks up brother.) Well, brother, thanks for instructing me, otherwise I was completely crazy. I don't know how such a rotten fantasy came into my head. (Embraces Mitya and Lyubov Gordeevna.) Well, children, say thank you to Uncle Lyubim Karpych and live happily ever after.

Pelageya Yegorovna hugs the children.

Guslin. Uncle, now I can too?

Gordey Karpych. It is possible, it is possible. Ask everyone who needs anything: now I have become a different person.

Guslin. Well, Annushka, you and I waited too.

Anna Ivanovna. Well, now we will dance, just keep your hat.

Pelageya Egorovna. Let's dance, let's dance.

Ryazlyulyaev (Goes up to Mitya and hits him on the shoulder.) Mitya! ... For a friend ... I sacrifice everything ... I loved it myself, but for you ... I sacrifice. Give me your hand. (Strikes his hand.) One word… take it, that means I donate for you… Nothing is a pity for a friend! That's how we are, for that matter! (Wipes himself off and kisses Mitya.) And this he speaks the truth: drunkenness is not a vice ... that is, poverty is not a vice ... I always lie!

Pelageya Egorovna. Ah yes, that's all! (To the girls.) Come on, girls, merry ... yes, merry ... Now we’ll celebrate the wedding to our liking, to our liking ...

The girls start singing.

Lyubim Karpych. Shh... Listen to the command! (Sings; girls pull up.)

We've got the job done...
Our hands are slapped
To be a conspiracy girl
To be a girl's evening.

Mitya is the hero of the comedy "Poverty is not a vice", a poor young man who works as a clerk for Tortsov Gordey Karpych. He lives in a small room, receives a meager salary, which he is forced to send to his elderly mother. Mitya is very poor, but he has the most important human wealth - kindness. He is a sympathetic and caring person with the best moral qualities. When his owner Gordey Karpych drives his brother out of the house, Mitya is the only person to whom the poor fellow turns for help and shelter. He allows Lyubim Karpych to live in his room for the time being. In gratitude, the wise Lyubim promises to help Mitya in matters of the heart.

Mitya has long been in love with the owner's daughter Lyubov Gordeevna, but he is well aware that Tortsov will not give his blessing to this marriage. In an impulse, he reveals his secret to Guslin, who tells Anna Ivanovna about it. Both are sure that Mitya's efforts are in vain and that he is only ruining his heart in vain. However, Anna Ivanovna still arranges for the young people to be left alone and explain themselves. It turns out that Lyubov Gordeevna herself has long loved Mitya, but she knows that her father will never give her up for a poor man. Young people are confused and do not know what to do. Then Mitya decides to go to his mother and never come back.

Saying goodbye to his kind mistress, he learns that Tortsov wants to give his daughter to the rich old man Korshunov. This upsets Mitya even more. On his proposal to leave with him and secretly get married, Love refuses, because she cannot violate the old law and disobey her father. Lyubim Karpych resolves this difficult situation by revealing to his brother who Korshunov really is. At the end of the work, albeit reluctantly, Tortsov blesses his daughter to marry Mitya. He promises her to arrange such a wedding, which even in Moscow has not been seen.

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