'White Witch'. Nicole Kuznetsova: what awaits Russia in the future


After the 16th "Battle of Psychics" ended, its participants began to go about their usual business. But the three finalists still do not leave the heads of devoted participants. All of them have found their own armies of fans who are interested in their lives and use the services of psychics, making an appointment with them.

Nicole Kuznetsova is a vivid confirmation of this. The biography of Nicole Kuznetsova, about Nicole Kuznetsova and Yaponchik, we already wrote earlier. Now let us dwell only on the new facts of her life.

Nicole Kuznetsova Predictions for 2016

Nicole Kuznetsova is a white clairvoyant, so she was asked to give for the Russians. The girl agreed, briefly describing the situation in the political and economic world of the Russian Federation, which she sees at the moment. In addition, she gave an astrological forecast for the year for families and told what Russia should be afraid of in 2016.

Economic predictions by Nicole Kuznetsova for 2016

the second husband of Nicole Kuznetsova - who is he

It's quite difficult for Nicole to talk about the economy, because it primarily helps people build personal relationships, not business.

Therefore, her main advice for 2016 is not what currency to keep savings in, but what to do in order not to feel miserable this year.

To feel at your best this year, it is best to invest in the Russian ruble. This will help the economy and make it possible to take steps towards overcoming the crisis. Kuznetsova made a forecast for ministers and people influencing currency issues - she sees all their steps as successful, saving Russians from a lot of trouble.

Separately, she says that many people who have foreign currency deposits will face trouble and disappointment this year, which is why it is worth investing more in their development this year than in financial investments.

It is important this year to get labor-related professions that have long been forgotten behind glamorous management. The society will need doctors, agronomists, veterinarians - and the youth was not prepared for this. An infusion of fresh blood into these areas is urgently needed to increase the harvest and domestic supply of meat, milk, and vegetable and fruit crops.

Employees will be fired and hired this year for cost-saving purposes, so it's best to stick with your old job this year if it doesn't drag you down if you haven't outgrown it. To get a promotion, you need to rely only on long and hard work, so as not to be left on the sidelines of life without a job at all.

Nicole Kuznetsova's predictions for the whole world for 2016

Nicole noted that air travel should no longer be feared - she does not see a single Russian plane that would have crashed in 2016. She also notes that people need to turn to the Lord with prayers so that he hears them and saves them from falling.

About tourism in 2016, Nicole says that you should forget about vacations abroad for a while. Do not visit Egypt or Turkey this year. Nicole talks about some incidents related to sea water, cataclysms that will make even holidays in domestic resorts impossible for some time.

Holidays in resorts in Greece and Italy will increase their popularity. Also, a number of vacationers will go to Spain and Cyprus, but still, the rest will not leave the best impressions - it’s not too calm in Europe either, so it’s better to sit in your own country than fall under international showdowns. And Nicole Kuznetsova, the wife of the crime boss Yaponchik, knows what she is talking about when she advises to sit out the showdown. In a similar situation, 4 years ago, she lost her husband, who left behind a seed in her womb, and after death, a son was born - a boy of 4 years old.

Therefore, ideally this year it will be to go to the lake or the river - this vacation will be safe in 2016.

Important events of 2016

Like other psychics making a forecast for 2016, Nicole Kuznetsova notes that the energy industry is extremely turbulent. She fears that there will be some kind of world exposure, the masks will be torn off, and some people will begin to displace others from their homes. How to protect yourself from troubles in 2016? It is best to try to get rid of fear this year. Terrorist groups are trying to sow terror around the world, but you need to resist the general mood, protecting your family. If you want to be sure of your peace of mind, make a charm for good luck or contact the psychics of your city, make an appointment and ask them for peace of mind this year. They will create a protective aura for you.

It is important that the protective intelligence services unite at the international level, says Nicole Kuznetsova. Only then will they be able to defeat terrorism by eradicating this evil from the face of the Earth. Even the killing of these beasts that execute innocent children will not be a sin, but will be the cleansing of the world from evil.

Illness of Nicole Kuznetsova

Many fans are wondering why Nicole Kuznetsova speaks in a whisper. The answer to this question takes us back in time to when Nicole was born. She had many diseases that her parents simply got scared of and abandoned the girl.

She was raised by foster parents who constantly treated her. The girl suffered two clinical deaths, and then she was able to know the gift of clairvoyance, having learned something at the time of death.

Nicole is not shy about showing the scar from the tube - this tube gives her the opportunity to breathe and live.

A year ago, she had to have a tracheostomy tube inserted into her throat so that she could breathe. This operation allows you to implant a tube, which once a year must be cleaned with the help of the operation.

Nicole usually hides her scar and tube behind a scarf so as not to shock others, but she is not shy about the disease itself - she had a too hard life to worry about the mechanism that gives her life.

Nicole Kuznetsova, because of the tracheostomy tube, can only speak in a whisper, although she had such a voice at least four years ago. It is possible that this is not the first time she has been operated on her throat - she hides her diagnosis from others, not allowing her to delve too deeply into her personal life.

In 2016, Nicole is not going to take decisive action. She will live as before, trying to improve the lives of those around her and those who have turned to her for reception. Her intervention can make life better, so you should not refuse to help Nicole Kuznetsova in your affairs.

In the very first episode of the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics, Nicole Matveeva attracted the attention of the audience with her bright appearance, manner of speaking in a whisper (the girl has a laryngeal disease that does not allow her to speak in full voice), the ease of passing the test and her past (she positions herself as a widow notorious mafia Jap). The audience has already attributed it to the number of contenders for participation in the final. What is known about this girl and where did she come from?

Little is known for sure about her.

She is 30 years old (although for some reason they write 27 everywhere), she is married to Alexander Sadokov, a sports commentator on Channel 1 and the Fighter TV channel, and has two sons.

Nicole herself claims that she was the civil wife of the crime boss Yaponchik and gave birth to a son from him. But all this is only from the words of Nicole herself.

Those few people from the "circle" who at least somehow commented on these rumors call her "false widow" from the series "children of Lieutenant Schmidt." By the way, she definitely could not be a common-law wife - Ivankov had an official wife. At the funeral and at the hospital where he died, Nicole was not there either. And in general, such statements in the mouth of Nicole appeared only 3 years after the death of Yaponchik.

In 2012, Nicole's name was involved in a scandal with Communist Party politician Yevgeny Bessonov. An operational recording of the conversation appeared in the media, in which Nicole, in his insinuating half-whisper, suggests to Bessonov that he "remove" some of the Rostov police leadership and discusses the reward. Around the same time, Nicole gives an interview to the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, in which he does not hesitate to say that he is engaged in what he "works" in the criminal sphere, where he "solves problems" and "helps the parties to negotiate." That she grew up in a "difficult family", where "they live according to the rules," and she got into crime "at the call of blood."

In fact, according to the media, Nicole's mother is Svetlana Ternova, who retired with the rank of colonel, and before that she worked at the All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then she was engaged in security structures. Now she seems to have returned to the authorities, to the unit that oversees the circulation of weapons in security structures .. Now she claims that her psychic gift woke up at the age of 6, but she began to practice from the age of 15.

Nevertheless, just 3 years ago, she did not show any abilities, and hints of them, except for writing and a thirst for fame. And how the supposedly criminal past correlates with the fact that Nicole "works only for the benefit of the people" (according to the message on the official page) is not clear. She prepared for the "Battle" - she started her pages on social networks, where she calls herself a white magician, offers her services and sells amulets.

Nicole is a bright girl, and will certainly fall into the favorites of the audience of the "Battle". But the truth of her gift, as well as the honesty of the program, once again raises doubts.

Nicole Matveeva or Kuznetsova - this is the name of the clairvoyant, who has already surprised the audience of the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics with her talents. Nicole's biography has a lot of intricacies and reticences. Let's try to understand them and separate the truth from fiction.

Nicole is married, she is 27 years old, her middle name is Agatha. Because of this, confusion often arises, and those who are not intimately familiar with the "Battle" and with Nicole may think that these are two different people. Meanwhile, Agatha is a creative, working pseudonym of a clairvoyant, a name that she gave herself. She does not hide this, as well as her first name - Nick. The double surname went to Nicole because of her current marriage.

With the marital status of Nicole, too, not everything is clear. Her current marriage does not cause distrust, but the fact that she is the widow of the crime boss Yaponchik continues to be in doubt. In episode 1 of the 16th season of the show, Nicole admitted that she was his wife in the past, and also added that she had their common son. Like it or not, one hundred percent can not say.

There are skeptics who claim that Nicole's parents are connected with law enforcement agencies, and not with the criminal world, so she could not be a mistress, and even more so the wife of Yaponchik. They also point to a discrepancy in dates and ages. In this matter, Nicole fans will have to take her word for it. For some time, there were even rumors on the network that Nicole was actually a man who survived a sex change, but this information has no confirmation.

The tube in the clairvoyant's throat is definitely real. If biographical data can still be suppressed or exaggerated for the purpose of PR, then the authenticity of this medical device is beyond doubt. A tracheosome - this is the name of this device - is placed for a long time only in severe cases, for example, with cancer of the larynx. With a tracheosoma, the patient gains a chance to survive and lead a normal life. With this pipe, Nicole personifies, perhaps, one of the main paradoxes in white magic: helping others, these people are not always able to save themselves.

Nicole admits that she survived two clinical deaths. Perhaps that is why Providence endowed her with a gift. In the 1st edition of the “Battle of Psychics”, she passed all three tests, she was given the “trunk” quite easily, which Marilyn Kerro could not deal with, and the screen test, during which she was able to see through the barrier both the human trainer and his ward - deadly cobra from the aspid family.

How the "Battle" will unfold further, time will tell and the TNT channel. Wait with us for the next episodes, don't lose sight of other project participants, root for Nicole Kuznetsova and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.09.2015 17:01

The next, 3rd edition of the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics met the audience with tragic stories, difficult trials and the first ...

The 32-year-old clairvoyant with fiery red hair has become not only one of the brightest participants in the "Battle" in history and travels around Russia with meetings, but also learned to live and enjoy with a congenital respiratory disease. Nicole's number of operations is already approaching 300, and she is forced to breathe through a tracheostomy tube.

- This year you did not take part in the casting of "Battle", although many participants go to the show two or three times ...

– The fact is that I didn’t plan to go to the “Battle” at all, and even more so to go there every year and prove that I deserve second place. I am a person without any resentment towards the project and in no case do I want to do what amuses my ego and proves something to someone. My life after the project already speaks for itself. Plus, one of the TV channels is now planning my show, in which I will act as a new host. Now it's a matter of time.

- An interesting detail: you once said that with age your abilities become stronger ...

- Like any specialist, he develops his abilities over the years. This is an illusion that a person is born with a certain magical gift and knows from the cradle what rituals to do. Each new person at the consultation is a new experience for me. Now, for example, I have mastered the magic of tarot, and there is already an agreement to release my deck of cards. Another issue is that my state of health is deteriorating, and my doctor puts many restrictions. But I do not obey him, for which, of course, my husband constantly scolds me. I carry all kinds of inhalers with me on tour, a shock dose of painkillers, since the agreements are scheduled for a year in advance. But the weekend is only our time with my husband and children. We go to the country, play monopoly, lie on the couch. And as you can see, I don't have any miracle paraphernalia at home. I do not accept the magical way of life to transfer to real life.

Nicole with her husband Alexander Sadokov and sons Egor and Stepan

- The eldest son Egor this year went to the 4th grade, and the youngest is probably already preparing for school. Are there any helpers around the house, and maybe an assistant at work?

The nanny looks after the children when my husband and I (Nicole's husband is a sports commentator Alexander Sadokov. - Approx. Woman's Day) are busy, she can also cook something or help with cleaning. In some way, she replaces our grandmother. But plus the boys grow and become more independent! The other day we wake up with my husband, and Yegor (the eldest son of Nicole is 9 years old) has already prepared breakfast for himself and his brother. They both walk their own dogs. And if I can’t stay with the boys for a long time, then I want to socialize them as much as possible now. And be calm that the older one will tell the younger one the story, as I taught them, that they, holding hands, go to the store. In general, they will not disappear without me.

First the multiplication table, then ... extrasensory perception!

- Are you developing your son's psychic abilities? You said that you noticed the elder’s gift quite early…

Here I am a strict mother. And I think that the main thing for a man is to get a good education, a profession. And then the magic. I don’t grow Harry Potter out of him, Egor grows up as an ordinary boy who goes to the capoeira, runs in the yard with friends, learns lessons ... Yes, he may be more sensitive to the emotions of other people, but due to his age he still does not understand everything. And from the youngest (the youngest son of Nicole Kuznetsova and Alexander Sadokov Stepan is 5.5 years old), the husband dreams of raising a hockey player, boxer or football player.

- And who is the "strict policeman" in the family? You or your husband?

The husband never yells at the children. I didn’t hear him raise his voice at all ... But I can be strict if I don’t like something. I'm generally quite a tough person. And although I don’t have a voice (Nicole can only speak in a whisper. - Approx. ed.), I have a lively facial expression. It is enough for me to look - and the sons already know that they did something wrong ... When I am sick, recovering from another operation, they also know that my mother needs help. Make me tea, bring pillows. But then again, I don’t want them to spend all their weekends like this, so if my husband takes the children to the cinema, I will only be happy. Boys should not have memories of childhood with their mother always sick on the couch ...

Nicole often travels, but her favorite country is Spain, where the clairvoyant has an apartment

- Almost 300 operations ... Any Olympic champion would envy your willpower. What do you say to yourself after each and, most importantly, what gives you the strength to smile?

When you can’t breathe, you yourself will run to the operation and ask to do it faster. But then again, I have a family that should not suffer from this. And I shake myself out of a difficult state as much as possible. And when we all climb onto the sofa together, hugging and laughing, I understand that it is worth the effort spent: surgical interventions and painkillers. Well, plus, if I didn’t give birth to children, I would be a fairly healthy person. At the same time, I would not change anything in my life now. During my first pregnancy, I underwent 10 operations without anesthesia and still decided on the second one ... The second one did not go so smoothly. And already in the sixth month, I had an emergency caesarean section in the very first hospital where the ambulance managed to deliver me ... They sewed me up so unevenly that a terrible suppuration began. I already removed the seams myself at home with tweezers. And even now, having gone through all this, I have not abandoned the dream of a daughter. And I think, as the elders grow up, my husband and I will deal with this issue closely.

“After the “battle”, my husband threatened to burn me at the stake”

- Surely, after so many operations, you don’t want to think about plastic ones?

I am quite calm about anesthesia and do not believe that one general anesthesia takes 7 years of life ... I do not hide the fact that I did nose correction and breast plastic surgery. At the same time, at first, my husband reacted to breast augmentation in much the same way as he did to my participation in the “Battle”. Before casting for the show, he threatened to burn me at the stake, and considered a large bust a whim and said that he would leave. Like, I'll be too beautiful. But now he loves me even more. We tease each other with him: in our family we have “smart and ugly” - this is him and “handsome and stupid” - this is me, but I am also Kuzya and Monkey, so we have a rich arsenal of nicknames. And jokes are jokes, but it is precisely such “mockery” at each other that helps to avoid many conflicts in the family. Now you have already said everything in jest, and there is absolutely no desire to swear at all.

- My husband is a sports commentator, you are also a public person ... Are there any quarrels on this basis? How do you feel about each other's success?

This is out of the question. We just laugh that my husband has been on the air for five years, and they take autographs from me ... And so my husband is my pride, the closest person to me. When I am in doubt or upset, he alone can find the right words to comfort and give me hope. Although we had a funny story with him at first: when I first met Sasha, I literally ran away from him and shouted: “Don’t interfere, I’m looking for a husband.” I felt that I was about to get married, but I didn’t know what it would be ... he!

- Many of your images, including photos on Instagram, are quite frank. How does he react to such pictures?

I can not eat for days

- And what allows you to relax, recover after the tour? Maybe a good spa or some beauty treatments?

You will laugh, but in 32 years I have never been to a spa. I immediately felt like some kind of wrong woman ... In fact, I always feel sorry for wasting time on myself. As soon as I get ready for the salon, the children begin to hug me and say: “Mommy, we will sleep with you today,” and you immediately think: “I’ll go without a manicure for another week.” Or you leave with a shaggy bun to the country instead of “showing yourself off” at all kinds of secular parties and presentations.

The reason why Nicole Kuznetsova wears a scarf is a disease that manifested itself in her early childhood. She herself is already used to it and is not ashamed of her illness, and wears a scarf in order not to shock others.

In the article:

Nicole Kuznetsova - the disease haunts her since childhood

It is known that Nicole Kuznetsova has been suffering from an illness unknown to the public since childhood. It was she who caused her parents to abandon her. They decided that the child would not survive or would not live very long.

Nicole Kuznetsova tube in the neck

Nicole Kuznetsova claims she lived with a foster family. She was adopted despite a serious illness. The clairvoyant herself says that she lived in the family of a crime boss, quite famous in certain circles. But there are sources, and they say that Nicole's parents did not refuse, and she grew up in the family of a police colonel.

The psychic suffered two clinical deaths in childhood. The first occurred at the age of one year, and the second at the age of six. Nicole believes that psychic abilities appeared after this. They became a reward for all the trials that she got. Nicole considers it right to use them for the benefit of people.

Nicole Matveeva - what's with the neck

Many viewers of the show "The Battle of Psychics" are interested in what is with the neck of, or Kuznetsova, and also why she always wears a scarf. In the very first episode of the TV show, you can see that she answered quite clearly to the host, who was interested in why Nicole Kuznetsova was speaking in a whisper. She took off her scarf and showed tracheostomy tube through which she breathes.

A well-known psychic underwent an unsuccessful throat operation, which resulted in a tube being installed. With her help, she breathes. Nicole cannot breathe without a tube. Without it, she is unable to survive. There is no chance for a favorable outcome of the disease and life without a tube. Nicole is sure that this is impossible.

Due to a sore throat and a failed operation, Nicole is unable to speak at full volume. During the filming of the "Battle of Psychics" there were difficulties associated with the fact that she was simply not heard. As a result, the clairvoyant was equipped with a microphone that allows you to hear and record everything she says.

Nicole Kuznetsova - disease of Jap's wife

It is known that a lot of videos have got into the network that can prove that Nicole Kuznetsova is, and these videos have recordings of her voice confirming the presence of the disease. Indeed, she can only speak in a whisper. There is a scandalous recording of a conversation with a representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, in which it was about some criminal agreements and proposals.

On this recording, you can hear that the clairvoyant cannot speak louder than now during the filming of the Battle of Psychics. Some believe that the voice of Nicole Kuznetsova is an innate feature, and the pipe is just a way to attract attention to yourself.

Indeed, on the basis of several photographs of the clairvoyant on the network, in which there is still no tube in the throat, one can form such an opinion. But in these pictures, Nicole looks much younger. Most likely, they were made before the unsuccessful operation, which led to the consequences in the form of a tube in the throat. In addition, there are newer photographs that clearly show both the pipe and the scar on the neck.

The girl is not at all shy about her features and does not want to hide it. In the first issue of the “Battle of Psychics”, she demonstrated this when the presenter had suspicions that something might be hidden under the scarf that would help the clairvoyant to pass tests dishonestly.

Nicole Kuznetsova - what's with the throat now

It is known that a well-known clairvoyant and practitioner cannot breathe without a tube. The network says that once a month she is forced to undergo surgery in order to be able to breathe. It is unknown if this is true or not. Rumor has it that for medical reasons, she may be forced to leave the project ahead of time. It is impossible to rule out the possibility that Nicole will need another operation.

On the network there are assurances of people who showed a photo of Nicole to a specialist in the field of medicine. The doctor confirmed that participation in a TV show with such a tube is almost impossible. In his opinion, a serious illness is completely excluded, as well as the need to use a breathing apparatus.

There is a possibility that the pipe is a high-quality dummy that the psychic needs to attract attention and better match the image of the white magician. The latter often cannot cure themselves, but help others. Back in 2012, Nicole didn't have a tube in her neck, but her voice has always been the same as it is now. There is also a possibility that the pipe is indeed a dummy, and the voice is an innate feature. But the scar on the throat, visible in some photographs, partially excludes it.

In general, in the biography of Kuznetsova there are many inaccuracies and discrepancies, which, however, give her image a mystery and mystery. Only one thing is clear - only the clairvoyant herself and her relatives can know the truth.

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