White crow - is it easy to be different from everyone else? What does the White Crow mean: what is the meaning of phraseology.


White crow Iron. A person who stands out sharply in something among the people around him. - Are you also a farm worker? - asked Sergei. - No, what are you! Lena raised her eyebrows in surprise. - I'm a guest here, unfortunately ... That's why my mother calls me a "white crow"(S. Babaevsky. Cavalier of the Golden Star).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .


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The white crow is a very rare bird, therefore people who fall out of society and social norms of behavior are also called that. Since albino crows have become extremely rare in recent decades, we can talk more about phraseology. Why do individuals choose such an image: by their own will or from birth?

What does "white crow" mean?

The expression "white crow" is used in 2 meanings:

  1. In the natural world, an albino crow. Albinism is an anomaly, creatures that have a similar disease are considered special.
  2. The white crow in society is a person who stands out from the crowd with his views, tastes, manners and behavior.

White crows in nature are not very adapted, it is difficult for them to hide from predators because of their light plumage. They are not like others. This explains the origin of the phraseologism "white crow", as people began to be called unusual in behavior, who stand out from the crowd with their manners and views. Such an expression is inherent in two polar:

  1. Artists, writers, scientists living in their own world of sounds, images and fantasy.
  2. People are stupid and narrow-minded, who are too lazy or find it difficult to rise to the generally accepted level.

"White Crow" - psychology

As a term, this phrase has found application in psychology. By the standards of psychology, a “white crow” is a person whom society considers a stranger because of being different from others. This is not about appearance, but about moral values ​​and assessments of what is happening. Quite often, teenagers or creative individuals choose this manner of behavior in order to make themselves known, to achieve recognition. Characteristic features of such people:

  • do not hide their views that are different from the generally accepted ones and are proud of them;
  • do not want to accept the stereotypes of society in order to pass for their own;
  • demonstrate their opposition to the principles of society.

Is it easy to be a "black sheep"?

A "white crow" is a person with his own, unlike a nonconformist, such a person does not aim to stand out, he simply considers his moral values ​​to be more correct. At all times, such people had a hard time, because:

  • they are not understood, offended and often despised;
  • trying to suppress individuality;
  • they are lonely or find friends among the same personalities;
  • their opinion is ignored by the majority.

What to do if you are a "white crow"?

Many parents are interested in the question: how to live the "black sheep"? Children themselves are not always burdened by loneliness, sometimes teenagers even strive to show their dissimilarity. And the mother and father are concerned about how the child will settle down in adulthood. Often, adults are burdened by their inability to adapt to society. Psychologists give such recommendations:

  • do not treat your environment aggressively, maintain goodwill, accept the views of other people;
  • note what you can learn from others;
  • calmly express your position, without offense and categorical judgments;
  • if the problem is a handicap, such as being tall or short, you can turn it into a virtue. Sign up for modeling courses, basketball, or become a seller in a clothing store for short ones;
  • get used to your individuality, accept it as it is.

How to become a "white crow"?

It is very easy to fall into the category of those who are called the “white crow”, it will be enough to express radically opposite views to generally accepted positions, change the style of clothing, hairstyle and manner of speaking. Give up your mobile, iPad, iPhone, pages on social networks, demonstrate your independence from the norms. Although recently, the mood on the Internet has begun to single out the concept of "white crow" as a positive when it comes to business in social networks. Advice on what you need to not be afraid to be a "black sheep":

  • come up with an original idea for your ad;
  • surprise the audience with an interesting offer;
  • do not be afraid to invite guests and communicate;

The Parable of the White Crow

The unique light plumage gave rise to an instructive parable about the white crow. Since childhood, she was not loved for her strange color, so she had to grow up quickly. This crow was hated by many, but she could not understand why and why. They did dirty tricks, but the bird responded kindly to insults, and in order to communicate less, it began to soar high in the sky, away from its relatives. The life of the white crow was difficult, but she grew up strong, hardy, for which she was envied even more.

And once a white crow decided to fly away in search of the same white birds as she was, so that she would be accepted into a new flock. And only after the disappearance of the white bird, others appreciated its qualities and began to regret their mistakes. The moral of this parable is that one should not be afraid to be oneself, maintain pride and dignity, be able to look for like-minded people and never try on someone else's fate.

World nature is very multifaceted and mysterious, presenting mankind with many amazing mysteries, one of which is albinism. This rare phenomenon that manifests itself in the animal world is explained by a malfunction in the genetic code, when the pigment responsible for color is absent in the skin and hairline.

This leads to the fact that the animal is born with a white color, unusual for this species. Such an individual in the animal environment is called an albino, from the Latin word "albus", that is, "white". This phenomenon is most common in rabbits and mice, less often in horses and cows. Cases have been recorded in squirrels, deer, thrushes. It is very rare to see a white tiger or an elephant.

And how do you like white toad and sturgeon? But the white crow is considered the greatest rarity, although all its relatives are gray or black. So it is not surprising that it was she who was honored to immortalize herself in the well-known phraseological unit “white crow”.

The meaning of the phraseological unit "white crow"

"White in “rona” is a person who is very different from others in their outlook on life, behavior or their appearance. The values, interests and goals of such a person differ greatly from the society in which he is located.

This is manifested in his extraordinary statements and actions. Such a person is considered strange and even crazy. But it's not. It's just that he is concerned about completely different topics that the vast majority are completely uninteresting.

And for him, this is almost the main thing in life. On the other hand, values ​​that are established and recognized in society can be treated with indifference. It can also be distinguished by demeanor. He behaves quietly and modestly, does not touch anyone, may have a strange gait or constantly mutter something under his breath, uncommunicative and laconic.

Appearance can also distinguish it from others. I don’t mean any physical defects, but self-expression in clothes, piercings, tattoos. Although in our time this is hardly surprising.

“You are the father of a man who fought against the autocracy. You can rightly be proud of Vasily Andreevich. - So it is so, but Vasily is among us white crow was. And if he went against the king, then my merit is not here. “That’s how to say it,” Rogov laughed. “From a bad seed there is no bad tribe.”

K.FSedykh (1908-1979), "Dauria", 1948

“Are you also a collective farmer? Sergei asked. - No, what are you! Lena raised her eyebrows in surprise. - I'm a guest here, unfortunately ... That's why my mother calls me white crow».

S.P. Babaevsky (1909-20000), "Chevalier of the Golden Star", 1947-1948

"White Crow" is a controversial personality. On the one hand, dissent, uniqueness and unusualness, and on the other hand, misunderstanding of others, the role of an outcast and loneliness. And yet, something pure and vulnerable is felt in this image.

The origin of the phraseological unit "white crow"

The first mention of the expression "white crow" is found at the turn of the 1st and 2nd centuries by the Roman poet Decimus Junius Juvenal (about 60 - not earlier than 128) or simply Juvenal in one of his satires:

“Fate gives kingdoms to slaves, delivers triumphs to captives.

However, the lucky man is the same less often white crow It happens".

Juvenal, "7th satire".

Such a rare phenomenon as a “white crow” prompted the satirist to such a metaphor. It can be seen that this vivid and accurate comparison sunk into the soul of the Romans, if after 20 centuries they use the expression "white crow".

But still, the phraseological unit "white crow" is negative. People in general do not really favor strange, unlike everyone else and stand out from the general mass of people. At the very least, treat them with great apprehension and wariness.

Parable about the "white crow"

In fairness, one parable about the "white crow" should be mentioned.

From early childhood, the "white crow" was disliked by her relatives. She did not understand why and why they hated her, they joked evilly, constantly dirty and teased. But the bird did not respond to insults, but simply tried to be in the flock less often and communicate less. She flew high into the sky and indulged in loneliness.

Being without friends, the bird matured early. A hard life early taught the crow to overcome difficulties that hardened her and made her hardy and strong. For this, they began to envy her and hated her even more.

And so the patience of the crow ended, and she decided to leave the flock and go in search of white crows similar to herself. The disappearance did not go unnoticed. Other birds suddenly remembered all her good qualities, recalled with regret the insults inflicted on her.

The moral is that you should always be yourself and be able to find friends and like-minded people.

In conclusion, I would like to say that along with the expression "white crow" there are other similar expressions based on the unusual color of the animal, which is radically different from the main color of animals of this species. These include expressions little known in Russia and the “black sheep”.

White rabbits and white mice, in principle, are not uncommon. White horses and cows are less common, as are thrushes and deer. Completely white squirrels are occasionally found in North America. And in Russian newspapers, sometimes notes are printed about a white sturgeon caught or a white fox caught by hunters. Imagine, there are even red-eyed toads of milky color!

White color is not a typical color of all these animals, fish and birds. They are representatives of albinos. Albinism, so named from the Latin word "albus", which means "white", occurs when the cells do not have the necessary pigment responsible for the color of hair and skin.

There are albinos among the crows, but this is extremely rare. The phraseological expression known today was given to the world by the Roman satirist poet Juvenal. In the 1st-2nd centuries A.D. he very aptly remarked: “A slave can become a king, captives can wait for a triumph. Only the lucky one is rarer than a white crow ... ".

The comparison of the wise Juvenal has firmly entered the Russian language. Today, more than two thousand years later, we are talking about a non-trivial person, unlike everyone else, that he is a “white crow”.

In the East, too, one finds a similar comparison. But it affects elephants, which are also extremely rare in white color with red eyes. The inhabitants of Indochina value them precisely for their rarity, as well as the people who are called the "white elephant".

White crow- a special symbol, it denotes both uniqueness and originality, which is associated with alienation and rejection by others. Most citizens use the idiom "white crow" to refer to a strange and somewhat unusual person, with behavior and conversations that are fundamentally different from the rest of the people around him.

Why is it so rare to find albinos in nature?

In fact, it is almost impossible to meet a "white crow". This is an extremely rare event resulting from a strong mutation of the genes responsible for pigmentation. Since it is much easier to notice the "white crow" than the same bird with a natural color, it becomes much more vulnerable and easily detected by all kinds of predators.
Therefore, the second meaning of the expression "white crow" is associated by many with such concepts as suffering, chosenness and defenselessness. The great rarity of these birds in nature began to be mentioned in many works, and the poet Juvenal, who lived in Ancient Rome, is considered the first mention of white crows. His work was published in the 1st century AD.
Here is what this satirist poet wrote about the "white crows":
"The slave has a chance to become a king, the captives will be able to get freedom and only a white crow will remain a white crow"
This comparison made the whole of Rome applaud the talented poet. Similar phrases that are associated with the peculiarity of appearance and uniqueness can be found among other peoples.
A similar metaphor appeared in the East - there, instead of the expression "white crow" they use the phrase "white elephant". Since the albino elephant is an extremely rare occurrence, this idiom was to the taste of oriental people.
White elephants are equated with the sex of divine beings and are highly revered in Indochina.

The metaphor "black sheep" in the same way became an analogue of the Russian phrase "white crow". Since the sheep in the soybean mass are white, the appearance of a black sheep among them is a unique phenomenon.

The main meaning of the Russian metaphor "white crow" is conveyed by idioms of other peoples:

  • in German "Ein weißer Rabe", which means the same white crow
  • in French "Un moution a cinq pattes", which means a ram with five legs
  • in Spanish "Mirlo blanco" which means blackbird.

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