Birch bark frame for a picture. DIY photo frames from birch bark


Professionally executed atmospheric shots need a decent frame. Minimalistic or classic frames cannot always convey the naturalness of the captured moment. In this case, a successful shot was emphasized by a no less original frame made of birch bark. It is actually easy to do this, it requires minimal costs. It can be used not only within the framework that was conceived by the author, but also as an interior design.


To make a photo frame from birch bark with your own hands, prepare:

  • a simple frame for a photo of the size you need;
  • pieces of birch bark;
  • sharp scissors or knife;
  • hot glue sticks;
  • thermal gun.

Step 1. Take apart your photo frame. To work, you only need an external frame. Remove the glass and cardboard holding the photo. If you leave them, you can ruin them in the process.

Step 2. Cut pieces of birch bark into suitable pieces. Wipe off all the dust from them.

Step 3. Using hot glue, start gluing pieces of birch bark around the perimeter of the frame. Arrange the pieces the way you like. Overlap them so that the base of the frame is not visible. After gluing the pieces, you can press them down for reliability with a press. The role of the latter is quite capable of being played by several books. This technique will help you align the bent pieces, if any.

After the glue has dried, the frame is ready, you can put back the glass, photo, and fix them with cardboard.

If you don’t have the opportunity to collect birch bark, you can use another technique. Buy self-adhesive paper with a birch bark print, paste over the cardboard with it and glue the cardboard, cut into pieces, to the base frame.

Using the principle of bookmark weaving, it becomes possible to create a variety of new shapes and elements. With one of these

This lesson may be somewhat difficult for a beginner, so you should start it only with some experience in weaving the previous elements and manual dexterity. You still need to stock up on a lot of patience.

The whole complexity of this element is in weaving the corners and (perhaps the most difficult!) in closing the frame.

To complete, you will need twice as many ribbons (4 strips) as when weaving a bookmark. Ribbons should be chosen long and even, since the extension and replacement of strips for this element is more difficult, in the process of weaving, you yourself will see this from your own experience.

Weave the existing strips to form a blank-mat, as you remember, almost any product begins with it. Place the rug with the birch bark side down. Now you need to bend two parallel tapes ninety degrees, so that their ends are still parallel. As in the case of the bookmark, a straight edge of diagonal weaving is formed on both sides.

Now the remaining two tapes are folded in a similar way and intertwined with the previous strips. This is how the main blank of the birch bark frame was formed. Fix one edge with a paper clip so that it does not spread, and continue weaving like a bookmark from the other edge of the workpiece for several cycles.

When a sufficient number of sections are woven, it becomes necessary to form a right angle. To do this, perform only half the cycle so that a straight edge is formed at one end and both pairs of tapes are directed parallel to each other in one direction.

For the convenience of describing the process, take the workpiece with the top of the intended angle up, so that the free ends of the ribbons “look” to the right, and your left hand held the already woven part of the frame.

Thus, only the pair of tapes located in the top row will participate in the formation of the corner itself. The upper of this pair of tape is bent again by ninety degrees and wound up behind both tapes of the second pair, while pointing straight down. The second tape is folded in the same way, but on top of the first, becoming the top one. Thus, a broken bookmark is obtained, having ribbons sticking out on both sides to continue weaving.

Now it's time to decide on the size of the frame. When forming the next corner, we will get one side of the frame of the desired size. This lesson looks at a small frame with an internal size of 2x2 sections. You can set your own size or use the given one.

Subsequent corners are made in the same way. Since the initial blank has equal lengths of strips on both sides, therefore, after making two corners on one side, fasten the middle of the ribbons with a paper clip and continue to form corners from the second end. This will effectively use the useful length of each strip.

The most difficult step is closing the frame. Two ends of the broken bookmark meet on one side of the future frame. It is important that the closure does not occur at any of the corners, otherwise it risks being crooked and fragile.

So, four eight ends meet nose to nose. First of all, determine which end serves as a potential continuation of the other. When you have figured it out, start truncating one of the meeting pairs so that the second weaves over it in the opposite direction.

Upon completion, the difficulties that were described at the beginning of this article will come up. The fact is that, since the edge is flat, then part of the tapes is simply deprived of the opportunity to be braided at a certain moment under the perpendicular cells, since they are bent during the formation of the edge. These bands can only be secured by other perpendicular strips that can pass over them.

Carefully understand the workpiece and determine the tapes that you will truncate, weave first and secure them with. A universal algorithm is difficult to develop. Therefore, the article is more advisory in nature and does not claim to be a standard.

It is important that at the end you should get a rectangular frame made of birch bark. If you make small frames with an internal size of 2x2 or 1x1 sections, then you can use them along with other decorative elements - beads and bookmarks.

List of tools and materials for making a frame from twigs and birch bark:

  • scissors
  • stationery awl
  • secateurs
  • electric hob with pot and water
  • birch bark of medium thickness, size 20cm * 30cm
  • thin wire
  • wicker
  • round cardboard templates in three sizes with a diameter of 4 cm, 6 cm, 8 cm
  • ruler

Working with birch bark is a very exciting activity. Firstly, the material is healthy - it soothes, cleans the air. Secondly, birch bark is a very plastic, easily processed material. Thirdly, the material is so different in surface texture, properties and shades that there are no identical works. But it is very important that the work was unique.

To make a flower, we need scissors, a stationery awl, an electric stove with a saucepan and water, birch bark of medium thickness measuring 20 cm * 30 cm, thin wire, round cardboard templates of three sizes with a diameter of 4 cm (template No. 1 in the photo), 6 cm (pattern No. 2 in the photo), 8 cm (template No. 3 in the photo).

To complete the frame, we need pruners, willow twigs, and a ruler. You can pre-prepare willow twigs according to the size of the future frame. In our case, prepared rods 34 cm and 24 cm long.

We pay special attention to safety when working with cutting and stabbing tools (scissors, awl, secateurs), electric stoves and hot water.

Good luck in understanding the secrets of birch bark processing!

Step-by-step instructions for making a frame from twigs and birch bark

We apply the template to the birch bark, circle around the edge of the template with an awl. We use an awl instead of a pencil so that no lines are visible. We draw carefully. For one flower, you need to draw 9 circles: 3 pieces of the same size. Circles must be carefully cut with scissors. The petals are ready.

We do not use glue in our work. The elements are connected with a wire or a birch bark strip. The petals of the flower are attached to the wire, at the end of which the core of the flower is made. To do this, cut a strip 20 cm long and 0.5 cm wide from a thin layered birch bark.

We wind the wire in the middle of the strip.

Holding on to the wire, we lower the birch bark strip into a pot of hot water.

The strip should curl up like this. If it doesn't spin very tightly, you can twist it with your fingers. The middle of the flower is ready.

We begin to collect the petals. First, on all 9 petals, we make cuts with scissors: from the edge of the circle to the center of the circle. We combine the sections from the side of the cuts so that a small cone is obtained. We pierce the junction with an awl.

We pass the wire with the core of the flower into the resulting hole.

Attention: we repeat the work on photos 11-13 9 times, starting with small circles (pattern No. 1 in the photo), then working with medium ones, and lastly with large petals.

This is what a flower looks like with collected petals.

We lower the finished flower into a pot of hot water so that the petals open. We hold the flower by the wire so as not to get burned.

Master Class

"Drawing on birch bark"

Hello! My name is Yulia Viktorovna. Do you love Russian nature?

Russia is an immense country that can impress not only with its vast territories, but also with its diverse nature. Traveling along it, you might think that you have already traveled half the world. Fascinating landscapes, transparent lakes, unusual animals and atmospheric ethnic group. All this leaves a deep imprint in the heart of every traveler who has been fortunate enough to visit its territory at least once, to see what are the unofficial symbols of Russia.

One of these symbols is the birch. This is really a favorite tree of the original Russian people. Why is birch an unofficial symbol of Russia?

For a long time, poems, songs and various proverbs were composed about her. Birch very often appears in Russian fairy tales, so such an unofficial symbolism of the Russian land is understandable even to small children of preschool age.

And what significant place does this tree occupy in the visual arts?

Everything about which the story goes on will be connected with birch bark. From this delicate, very beautiful, velvety, soft material, which is easy to process, amazing products are made. Birch bark is an ancient material that has accompanied the life of our ancestors for many centuries. Dishes and sonorous musical instruments were made from it, they covered the dwelling and light golden boats were sewn from it, adults wrote important letters on birch bark and children drew pictures. (showing products from birch bark). Did you know that you can make not only various kinds of crafts from birch bark, but also use it as a canvas for a picture.

The birch bark painting is unique and individual!

The main subjects of such paintings are landscapes, churches, trees, houses, streams and fields. And the seasons that are most often depicted in such paintings are winter or early spring, when the snow has not yet melted. Why? Yes, because the colors of summer and autumn do not harmonize with the whiteness of the birch bark.

At the master class you will learn about the amazing properties of birch bark, get acquainted with the technique of drawing on birch bark.

We will draw a picture on birch bark using gouache. To make a picture, we need: birch bark, gouache, brush, frame.

First, open the napkin at number 1.

What do you see?

Yes, this is not processed birch bark.

Open napkin number 2.

What do you see? This is already processed birch bark, ready for drawing.

Now tell me what is she like? What is the difference between processed birch bark and untreated birch bark?

I prepared a birch bark for you in advance.

Stage 1. With a small knife, clean the birch bark in the places where the drawing will be.

Gently pry the birch bark layer from the corner and remove it from the entire plane. The main thing is not to overdo it when cleaning birch bark. Attach a frame to the birch bark, move the birch bark away from you and carefully examine its surface. Think maybe they remind you of something. Take a closer look, and you will see tree trunks, clouds, snowdrifts in them ...

Stage 2. The birch bark is selected according to the size of the frame, or vice versa - the frame is adjusted to the size of the birch bark. With PVA glue we glue the birch bark on black cardboard, the size of which is the same as that of the frame. Pasted birch bark under a soft press for 24 hours.

Stage 3. When you have chosen the plot of the drawing, come up with a composition and picked up colors, you can start drawing. You just need to remember that drawing on birch bark is carried out gradually and, following all the rules, you can get a wonderful picture.

First, the general background of the images is applied with blue paint (dimmed, translucent), then brown and yellow. You should get something similar to monochromatic spots with the shape of the objects depicted.

You have blanks on the tables on which you will apply the drawing. In advance, with the children of our group, we applied the background to the birch bark, as it dries for a long time.

Stage 4. This stage is the most difficult, and the quality of the whole work depends on it.

Take the thinnest brush and paint the outline of the birch with black paint. Draw all small details with thin lines.

Stage 5. Draw snow on the trees with different saturation.

Stage 6. Thanks to this, the snow does not look like whitewash, but organically fit into the birch bark ornament.

The final stage of work.

When the work is finished, insert the finished picture into the frame.

Well, in conclusion, to the topic of paintings on birch bark. I want to say: if someone wants to paint such a picture himself, then these tips, I think, will be very helpful ...

Thank you for your cooperation!!!

Master class with step-by-step photos "Native expanses" painting on birch bark.

Purpose. This master class will undoubtedly be interesting and useful for kindergarten teachers, art teachers, teachers of additional education, parents, and all art lovers. This work can decorate not only the interior, but also adequately appear at the exhibition.
Target: Drawing a landscape on birch bark.
1. Teach children to work with the tip of the brush and apply paint very carefully.
2. To develop the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding nature in the reliefs of birch bark.
3. To cultivate respect for the work of peers, the ability to come to the rescue.
materials. Birch bark, photo frame, gouache, watercolor brushes No. 5, No. 3, hairspray.

Brief educational information.
Birch- medicinal plant. It feeds us with healthy life energy.
Safety precautions when working with paint.
1. Take the paint with the tip of the brush, be sure to ensure that the bristle of the brush is not very wet.
2. During work, do not wave your hand with a brush so as not to hurt your neighbor.
3. Rinse the brush very carefully in a jar of water.
4. If paint gets into your eyes, you must immediately wash your face.
5. After work, wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap and clean up the workplace.
Preliminary work.
A conversation about birch - a symbol of Russia. Examination of a birch in the kindergarten area, in photographs, in the paintings of artists.

Alexander Prokofiev
I love Russian birch
Either bright or sad
In a white sarafan
With handkerchiefs in pockets
With beautiful clasps
With green earrings.
I love her, zarechnaya,
With elegant mantles,
That clear, seething,
That sad, crying.
I love Russian birch
She is always with her friends
Spring dances,
Kissing like usual
Goes where it's not a city,
Sings where it's not supposed to
Bends under the wind.

Birch bark can be taken not from a tree, but from logs. Choose an interesting texture in which you can immediately see the future picture. First you need to soak them in water for a week. After they are thoroughly wet, try to carefully remove the birch bark from them. Remove the top layer of bark gradually to an even layer. Attach the resulting birch bark with an interesting texture to your photo frame. Trim off the excess.

Practical work.

At the top of the birch bark, draw a blue sky.

Directly on the texture of the birch bark, draw white clouds.
In the central part we draw green grass, leaving the path unpainted.

On the reliefs of birch bark we draw dark green, shadows. Below we draw a blue lake. Based on the reliefs, we draw white waves on the lake. Let's make a bridge.

On birch bark we apply white snow on the mountains. On the right, we begin to draw a birch. With the tip of the brush, with a slight movement from top to bottom, “the brush dances”, we draw the crown of the tree. Then a few more of the same yellow-green strokes.

We draw a white trunk, then we apply black streaks to it. We draw the bridge.

Flowers, as without them. Near the lake, with light strokes of white color, we begin to draw flowers - daisies, in the distance we outline a village.

We draw houses.

In the village, between the houses we draw trees. On the houses we draw white chimneys and beautiful architraves.

Below on the lake we draw a boat that is waiting for its owner - a fisherman.

In front of the mountain we draw Christmas trees in dark green.

We continue to draw Christmas trees in green and draw the edges of the tree crown.
Then we draw a small stream that quickly runs from the mountain straight into the lake.

The surface of the picture is varnished. The drawing is ready.

We love the result.

Nikolai Nekrasov
"Green Noise"
Green Noise is coming,
Green Noise, spring noise!
Playfully disperse
Suddenly the wind is riding.
Shakes alder bushes,
Raise flower dust
Like a cloud, everything is green:
Both air and water!
And next to the new greenery
Babbling a new song
And the pale-leaved linden,
And white birch
With a green braid!
Green Noise is coming,
Green Noise, spring noise!...

Thank you for attention. Creative success to you.

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