Careful and soulless attitude to nature (Arguments of the Unified State Examination). Respect and love for nature - ready-made arguments and theses

  • The beauty of nature encourages not only to admire it, but also to think about philosophical topics
  • The murmur of the river, the singing of birds, the breath of the wind - all this helps to restore peace of mind
  • Admiration for the beauty of nature can cause a burst of creativity, inspire the creation of masterpieces.
  • Even a rude person is able to see something positive in nature.


L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The wounded Andrei Bolkonsky, lying on the battlefield, sees the sky of Austerlitz. The beauty of the sky changes his worldview: the hero understands that "everything is empty, everything is a lie." What he lived before seemed to him insignificant and insignificant. The beauty of nature cannot be compared with the cruel, embittered faces of howling people, the sound of gunshots and explosions. Napoleon, whom Prince Andrei had previously considered an idol, seemed no longer a great, but an insignificant person. The magnificent sky of Austerlitz helped Andrei Bolkonsky to understand himself, to reconsider his views on life.

E. Hemingway "The Old Man and the Sea". In the work, we see the sea as it is for the old fisherman Santiago. The sea not only provides him with food, but also brings joy to the life of this person, makes him strong, as if supplying energy reserves from some invisible sources. Santiago is grateful to the sea. The old man admires him like a woman. The soul of the old fisherman is beautiful: Santiago is able to admire the beauty of nature, despite the hardships of his existence.

I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Everyone tends to perceive nature in their own way. If for the nihilist Yevgeny Bazarov the surrounding world is a workshop, an object of practice, then for Arkady Kirsanov, nature is primarily beautiful. Arkady liked to walk in the woods. Nature attracted him, helped him to come to inner balance, to heal spiritual wounds. The hero admired nature, although he did not admit it, because at first he also called himself a nihilist. The ability to perceive the beauty of nature is part of the character of the hero, making him a real person, able to see the best in the world around him.

Jack London Martin Eden. Many of the works of the novice writer Martin Eden are based on what he saw on the voyages. These are not only life stories, but also the natural world. Martin Eden does his best to express the splendor he saw on paper. And over time, he manages to write in such a way as to convey all the charm of nature as it really is. It turns out that for Martin Eden the beauty of nature becomes a source of inspiration, an object of creativity.

M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" Callousness and selfishness in relation to people do not prevent Grigory Pechorin from being reverent about nature. Everything was important for the soul of the hero: spring trees at the time of flowering, a slight gust of wind, majestic mountains. Pechorin wrote in his journal: "It's fun to live in such a land!" He wanted to fully express the feelings that the beauty of nature evoked in him.

A.S. Pushkin "Winter Morning". With admiration, the great poet describes the landscape of a winter day. Turning to the lyrical heroine, he writes about nature in such a way that it comes to life before the reader. The snow lies in “splendid carpets”, the room is lit up with an “amber sheen” - everything indicates that the weather is really wonderful. A.S. Pushkin not only felt the beauty of nature, but also conveyed it to the reader by writing this beautiful poem. The beauty of nature is one of the sources of inspiration for the poet.

Arguments for an essay in the Russian language.
Nature. Part 1.
The problem of nature, attitude to nature, animals, struggle with the natural world, interference in the natural world, the beauty of nature, the influence of nature on a person's character.

How does nature influence a person's character?
M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"
The place where a person lives affects the formation of his character. Lermontov describes the Caucasus as a place surrounded by high dangerous mountains, seething, fast rivers, and therefore the people who live there have a bold, furious character. Mountains are associated with adventure and risk, and people's lives are about overcoming dangers. The harsh conditions of nature make a person's character harsh, he becomes prone to impulsiveness, he develops a spirit of adventurism. For people living in such an area, nature is not just a background. They feel nature better than any person who describes the beauties of the landscape, they love nature and feel it with their hearts: “... in the hearts of simple people, the feeling of the beauty and grandeur of nature is stronger, more alive a hundred times than in us, enthusiastic storytellers in words and on paper” .


Why is it important to treat nature with care? Is the immorality of society the main cause of environmental problems? The text of V. Rasputin makes us think about these issues. Here the author raises the problem of man's harmful attitude to nature.

In the text, the author tells about the beauty of Baikal. He says that earlier people lived in harmony with their modest needs, treated Baikal as a kind of deity. People did not pose any danger to the lake and all nature in general. In the modern world people squander the environment, scatter food waste and garbage. People should be ashamed, as they desecrate nature. Because of the careless attitude of man to nature, the water of Lake Baikal is polluted, there is a lot of garbage on the shore of the lake. Therefore, the lake is saved by international organizations. The author leads us to conclusion that cultural values ​​have lost their significance in modern society. The immorality of society is the main cause of environmental problems.

I agree with the position of the author and am convinced that in the modern world people have a detrimental effect on nature: they pollute their environment. A person should take care of the environment, because nature is an integral part of ours.

The problem of the pernicious attitude of man to nature is touched upon in the work of I.S. Turgenev, Fathers and Sons. The nihilist Evgeny Bazarov stated:>. Showing at the end of the novel the lonely grave of Bazarov, on which two Christmas trees grew, I.S. Turgenev shows us the power of nature before which even the greatest man seems to be a pitiful grain of sand.

The problem of the pernicious attitude of man to nature is raised in the work of V. Astafiev, King-Fish. This work raises the question of the cruel attitude of man to nature. Local poachers and visitors commit robbery. Everyone wants to catch as many fish as possible, while tourists also enjoy outdoor recreation. Tourists burn forests, poison fish. Poachers from the local Yenisei village of Chush do not understand how, for example, you can admire a bird. For them, it is just prey .By killing birds and fish, a person not only loses his human appearance and becomes hardened, but also defiles nature.

Thus, we can conclude that a person should not destroy nature, but on the contrary, he should treat it with care. Man is a child of nature, he is an integral part of it. Without nature, his existence is impossible.

Effective preparation for the exam (all subjects) -

We continue to prepare together for the essay on the exam in the Russian language. Message archive .
The literary argument is not a simple element in the composition of a work. Recall, re-read some of the works indicated below.The book by E.V. will help us. Amelina "Writing an essay for the exam (part C) / Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2015 /

" The problem of confrontation between man and nature, the destruction of the surrounding natural world by man, environmental problems

F.I. Tyutchev
"There is melodiousness in the waves of the sea...",

Man is mortal, but nature is eternal. This is an element indifferent to human needs, destinies, deeds. It is uncontrollable, unknowable, in the storms of those who have fallen asleep - "chaos stirs." This is the essence of the eternal conflict between man and nature. Man, according to F.I. Tyutchev, is just a "thinking reed".

I.S. Turgenev
story "Trip to Polissya" ,
prose poem "Nature" .
Man is mortal, but nature is eternal. Man is a child of nature, like any other creature. But nature knows neither good nor evil, reason is not a law for it. She does not know art, freedom, does not tolerate anything immortal. It easily gives life and easily takes it away from living beings. She has nothing to do with the fate of mankind. This is the essence of the conflict.

ON THE. Zabolotsky
"I'm not looking for harmony in nature..." ,
"Yesterday, thinking about death..." ,
Man is mortal, but nature is eternal. In the natural world there is no harmony, no intelligence. Man is just a thought of nature, "her unsteady mind." Human consciousness is unable to connect "death and being". Human life is transient, but a person can leave himself in this world, appearing there again as a "breath of flowers", branches of a large oak.

V.P. Astafiev
storytelling in stories "King fish" .
The main theme is the interaction between man and nature. The writer tells how they exterminate white and red fish on the Yenisei, destroy the beast and bird. The dramatic story that once happened on the river with the poacher Zinovy ​​Utrobin becomes the climax. Checking the traps, he fell out of the boat and got tangled in his own nets. In this extreme situation, on the verge of life and death, he recalls his earthly sins, recalls how he once offended his fellow villager Glashka, sincerely repents of his deed, begs for mercy, mentally addressing both Glashka and the king fish, and to the whole wide world. And all this gives him "some kind of liberation not yet comprehended by the mind." Ignatich manages to escape. Nature itself taught him a lesson here. Thus, V. Astafiev returns our consciousness to Goethe's thesis: "Nature is always right."

Ch.T. Aitmatov
novel "scaffold" .
In the novel, the writer talks about the destruction of wildlife by man. Three times the wolf family loses their cubs. And Akbar's she-wolf begins to take revenge on the man, takes his cub. The solution to this situation is several deaths: the she-wolf herself, a small child, the son of Boston, and also Bazarbay, who abducted the cubs, die. Akbar's she-wolf embodies mother nature in the work, which rebels against the man who destroys her.
B.L. Vasiliev
story "Don't Shoot the White Swans" .
The hero of this story, forester Yegor Polushkin, and his son Kolka are opposed to poachers, people who soullessly destroy nature.

The problem of interaction between man and nature. How to achieve harmonious coexistence? How does nature affect the human soul? and etc. - in the next issue.

This work is addressed to schoolchildren who will have state final certification in the 11th grade in the USE format.

The proposed material will help graduates in writing part C, namely: in the selection of arguments. In addition, the student will see that the problems raised by the authors of the texts may be different, and an argument taken from the same work can serve to express their opinion on them (B. Vasilyev’s story “Do not shoot white swans”, novel by I. .S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons", a poem by A.S. Pushkin "The forest drops its crimson dress ...").

In addition, such works as: the novel by M. Sholokhov “Virgin Soil Upturned”, the novel by N.G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?", the epic novel "War and Peace" by L.N. Tolstoy.

1. The problem of respect for nature: Argument from fiction (Boris Vasiliev's story "Don't Shoot White Swans"): Boris Vasiliev's story "Don't Shoot White Swans" depicts different people: thrifty owners of nature and those who treat it consumeristically, committing terrible deeds: burning an anthill , exterminates swans. This is the "gratitude" of tourists for the rest, enjoying the beauty. Fortunately, there are people like Yegor Polushkin, who sought to preserve and preserve the natural world and taught this to his son Kolka. An argument from life: In life, unfortunately, there are the same heroes as in B. Vasiliev's story. They cut down trees so as not to interfere with the construction of garages; they trample the lawns to shorten the path; they do not keep cleanliness in city parks, surrounding forests, and thereby destroy nature and expose their “moral geology” by their actions. And only people like Egor, every spring and autumn, increase green spaces, transform parks, preserve forests.

2. The problem of happiness, the meaning of life: Argument from fiction (Boris Vasiliev's story "Don't Shoot White Swans"): The problem of happiness and the meaning of life is revealed by the example of the image of the hero Yegor Polushkin in Boris Vasiliev's story "Don't Shoot White Swans". The happiness and meaning of Yegor's life is to protect nature for people. He said: “I want everyone to be kind, here.” With what love he watched a pair of white swans on the Black Lake, which he bought in a regional city! He wanted “the lake to be called Lebyazhy back”, as it used to be. He "acted not for the reasons of the mind, but as his conscience told him." His conscience told him to live for people and protect nature for people too. Argument from life: It is wonderful that Yegor Polushkins live in our ordinary life: they keep nurseries for homeless animals, improve playgrounds on their own initiative, cultivate flower beds near houses. They do not for themselves, but for others and from this they feel happy!

3. The problem of lack of spirituality, indifference, cruelty: An argument from fiction (Boris Vasiliev's story "Do not shoot white swans"): Boris Vasiliev tells us about the lack of spirituality, indifference and cruelty of people in the story "Do not shoot white swans." Tourists burned a huge anthill, so as not to experience inconvenience from it, "watched how the gigantic structure, the patient work of millions of tiny creatures, was melting before our eyes." They looked with admiration at the fireworks and exclaimed: “Victory salute! Man is the king of nature. Argument from life: In life, unfortunately, more than once one has to deal with lack of spirituality, and indifference, and cruelty both in relation to nature and in relation to people. All this leads to terrible consequences: nature is dying, the number of orphanages is growing, and the percentage of crime in the country is increasing. Scary…

4. The problem of the place and role of beauty in human life: Argument from fiction (I.S. Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons"): This problem is considered in the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov is a connoisseur of nature, art and literature. With interest, he listened to the "ebullient speeches" of Yevgeny Bazarov, but could not understand how one could "reject poetry, not sympathize with art, nature? .." One cannot deny what makes our life more beautiful. Argument from life: Among my generation there are those who replaced books with a computer, they don’t know, for example, the name of the artist who painted the painting “Rooks Have Arrived”, they have a consumerist attitude towards nature ... Their life, in my opinion, is uninteresting, poor, but they themselves, probably never experience spirituality.

5. The problem of education and upbringing in the development of personality: Argument from fiction (I.S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”): I.S. Turgenev did not bypass the problem of education and upbringing in the formation of the personality in the novel “Fathers and Sons” and solved it using the example of the life of N.P. Kirsanov , father of Arkady Kirsanov. Thoughtful, striving to fulfill his father's duty, he took Arkasha to St. Petersburg, to the University, and stayed with his son. He tried to get close to Arkady's fellow students, read the same books, was interested in the hobbies of young people, followed modern life. Why? Yes, because he was concerned not only with the material well-being of his son, but also with spiritual development as a result of education and upbringing during the period of growing up. Argument from life: Education is unthinkable without upbringing, otherwise it will be difficult to form one's life position, to become a harmonious personality. Literature lessons gave us moral life lessons, biology helped us gain health, history did not allow us to lose the connection of times... Education and upbringing are inseparable. There is a result: I have grown spiritually.

6. The problem of loyalty to the oath: An argument from fiction (A.S. Pushkin “Drops his crimson dress in the forest ...”) An example of true friendship is the lyceum union of A.S. Pushkin’s comrades, about which the poet wrote in the poem “The forest is dropping his crimson dress ...”: My friends! Our union is wonderful! He, like the soul, is inseparable and eternal. Lyceum students, upon graduation, swore an oath to each other to gather at the lyceum celebration in 1825, but, unfortunately, only Alexander Gorchakov, who at that time became a diplomat and reached the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs, had such an opportunity. Lyceum friends of Pushkin did not break the oath, they remembered it, but could not be at the meeting for political reasons, for example, I. Pushchin, as a participant in the uprising on Senate Square, was exiled to Siberia, Pushkin himself, as a disgraced poet, was in exile in Mikhailovskoye. Argument from life: I also have school friends. We are united by common interests: music, literature, sports. There is a common dream - to become graduates. We didn't take an oath, but I'm sure it's in our hearts. It's an oath of allegiance to the school friendship. We must remember her and come to the aid of each other, no matter what.

7. Friendship Problem: An argument from fiction (A.S. Pushkin “Drops his crimson dress in the forest ...”) An example of true friendship is the lyceum union of A.S. Pushkin’s comrades, about which the poet wrote in the poem “The forest is dropping his crimson dress ...”: My friends! Our union is wonderful! He, like the soul, is inseparable and eternal. These lines sound like a hymn to the holy feeling of friendship. Argument from life: I also have school friends. We are united by common interests: music, literature, sports. There is a common dream - to become graduates. We will try to maintain our school friendship, remember it and come to the aid of each other, no matter what.

8. The problem of maintaining honor and loyalty to the word: An argument from fiction (Leo Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace"): A man of honor and words is Nikolai Bolkonsky, the hero of Leo Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace". In this spirit, he brought up Andrei Bolkonsky. Seeing off his son to the war, his father strictly forbade him to serve out of mercy, because it was painful and embarrassing. Andrei did not promise anything, he was brought up in the family of Nikolai Bolkonsky, where moral laws were respected, therefore he served the Fatherland faithfully, with dignity and honesty. An argument from life: The Bolkonskys live among us, you keep an eye on them. We must be their successors in terms of morality: live honestly, remember honor, be true to the word. All this should have deep content and meaning. For example, I must successfully graduate from school, and, first of all, systematize knowledge in subjects and pass state exams with dignity in order to confidently hold a matriculation certificate in my hands.

9. The problem of forgetting parents as a mortal sin: Argument from fiction (A. Sholokhov's novel "Virgin Soil Upturned"): The problem of forgetting parents as a mortal sin is considered in A. Sholokhov's novel "Virgin Soil Upturned" on the example of the image of Yakov Lukich Ostrovny, who starved his own mother and kept her under lock and key for his own salvation , to avoid links. He waited for her death and waited: “The old woman was lying on the floor near the threshold, and accidentally forgotten ... the mitten was chewed by her toothless gums ...” Late, he felt the severity of the loss suffered ... Argument from life: The same problem sometimes sounds in modern life. Parents are forgotten: no calls, no letters, no financial assistance. They try to justify their children due to worldly concerns and live in anticipation of a meeting ... And adult children remember their father and mother too late and begin to atone for sins in church ... What is it, pain or fear? ..

10. The problem of forming a person's character: Argument from fiction (N.G. Chernyshevsky's novel "What to do?"): N.G. Chernyshevsky considers the problem of forming a person's character in his novel "What to do?" on the example of the image of Rakhmetov, a man of a “special breed”. He trained himself to be a professional revolutionary and for this, first of all, he developed physical strength: he did gymnastics, “adopted a boxing diet”, “was a plowman, a carpenter, once he even went through the entire Volga as a barge hauler”, believed that “this is useful, it can come in handy ". Nikitushka Lomov (so he was dubbed "comrades in the webbing") not only physically developed, but also tempered his character. According to Chernyshevsky, Rakhmetov is a special person. Argument from life: At the end of school, the graduate will receive a certificate of maturity, but the process of his formation as a person, the formation of character, will not end there. The main thing is ahead: do not turn off the right path, overcome difficulties and realize your potential. This will require strength, moral and physical. Life will repeatedly test his character for strength, which, according to R. Emerson, "is a completely educated will."

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