Conversation what is the motherland. Conversation with what the motherland begins.docx - report


Conversation Theme: MY MOTHERLAND - RUSSIA


To bring children to the awareness of the concept of "Motherland";

Give an idea about the native land, about the Motherland; introduce the concepts of "citizen", state symbols: flag, coat of arms, anthem;

To instill in students a sense of patriotism, respect for state symbols;

To reveal some possible forms of manifestation of love for one's Fatherland, both by adults and children;

Develop self-esteem, positive
personality traits.


Posters with state symbols, photograph of the President of the Russian Federation, audio recording of the national anthem of the Russian Federation, audio recording of the song "Corner of Russia"; cards with the words Motherland, Fatherland, Fatherland, Russia, Rus', poets' poems, proverbs, students' drawings.


Draw pictures on the topic: "My Motherland is Russia."

Learn poems about the Motherland.


1. E.V. Bees. State symbols of Russia.

Uch. allowance. M. Russian word.

Y. Yakovlev. "My Motherland" M. Enlightenment 1989

Collection of poems about the Motherland. Moscow 1997

Encyclopedia for children. Russian history.

Moscow Avanta+ 1995

5. Encyclopedia for children. Geography of Russia.

Moscow "Avanta +" 1995


(On the poster board)



Guys, how do you understand the meaning of the word Motherland?

Homeland is the place where a person was born, where he lives, works, studies, where his relatives, friends and relatives live.

Pick up words close in meaning to the word Motherland (cards with the words are used: Motherland, Fatherland, Fatherland, Russia, Russia.)

For clear dawns, washed with dew,

For a light brown field with ripe ears

Over the rivers spilling in the blue flame

They called you Russia in Slavonic.

A. Levushkin. Teacher:

We live in the Russian Federation, in Russia. We are residents of Russia
Russians, each of us is a citizen of Russia. citizen - resident
a country that recognizes its laws, loves it, is proud of its successes,
with her experiences sorrow and joy.

The basic law of the country is the Constitution. It was adopted on December 12, 1993. It contains the rights and obligations of every inhabitant of our country.

What symbols does our country have? (Coat of arms, flag, anthem)

Why do you think the country needs symbols?

What are the colors of the State Flag of the Russian Federation? (White, blue, red) Teacher:

The flag is over 300 years old. White color means peace, purity of conscience. Blue color - the sky, fidelity, truth, pure, high. Red is fire, courage, a symbol of life.

Subject: I love you Russia

Target: to cultivate love for the native Fatherland, a sense of pride in their country Russia; introduce children to the Russian coat of arms, flag, anthem; develop interest in the historical past of Russia.

Lesson progress

Guys, look at the illustrations at our exhibition. (The illustrations depict a diverse nature, various landscapes of our boundless Motherland in all seasons.)

(Children look at illustrations, admire the beauty of fields, meadows, mountains, forests, seas, rivers, lakes, villages, farms, large cities, etc.)

Guys, all you see is our boundless country Russia. Russia is the largest and one of the richest countries. Each country has its own flag, emblem, anthem. (The teacher shows the children the coat of arms, the Russian flag, tells where the children can meet them, everyone listens to the Russian anthem together.) Russia also has other symbols that are characteristic only for our country.

These are Russian nesting dolls, the song "Kalinka", a round dance "There was a birch in the field ...". This round dance was danced many, many years ago, it is still known to modern children.

(The round dance game “There was a birch in the field.”)

And here come the guests. (Dolls Masha and Vanya appear in the group in Russian national costumes. Children examine the characteristic details of the national costume.)

Our distant ancestors walked in such costumes. Do you want to hear a story about Russian antiquity? (Want.)

Residential areas in old Rus' were a city, a suburb, a settlement, a settlement, a village, a village, a village. Originally, the word "city" meant "enclosed place". In the old heroic times, human dwellings were often threatened by enemies. Yards in old Rus' were very spacious, surrounded by high fences with sharp tips around them. Wooden houses were made from solid pine and oak beams. They folded the bars with great skill. Wealthy people built tall houses with attics. Commoners' huts were black, without chimneys. Icons were the main decoration of the houses. The floors were covered with matting and felt. There were benches for seating. By the holidays, the beds were smartly cleaned. Baby cradles were made hanging, and icons and crosses were always hung inside them. The huts were illuminated by torches. Dishes for food were made of wood and decorated with carvings. The dishes were simple and not varied. Russians ate mainly rye bread. Of the dishes prepared from dough, the first place is occupied by pies, then pancakes, cheesecakes, pancakes, brushwood, etc. Porridges were prepared from oatmeal, buckwheat. Millet porridge was rare. The Russian state abounded in fish, game was plentiful and it was cheap. Our ancestors, both noble and simple, got up early: in summer - at sunrise, in winter - a few hours before light. Getting out of bed, a Russian person immediately looked for images with his eyes in order to look at them and cross himself, then proceeded to pray. After the prayer, everyone went about their business: the merchant went to the shop, the artisan took up his craft, the clerks went to the clerks' huts, and the boyars in Moscow went to the tsar and dealt with state affairs.

The Russian people amazed foreigners with their patience, firmness, and indifference to all deprivations of comfort in life. Russian people from childhood were taught to endure hunger and cold. The children ran around in their shirts, without hats, barefoot in the snow in the bitter cold. Fasting accustomed the people to coarse and meager food. From diseases, the Russian people sought remedies in church rituals and resorted to the help of herbalists.

Pious people considered it a sin to seek help from misfortunes in anything other than prayer, and to attribute them to anything other than God's wrath.

The Russians had their own national musical instruments: psaltery, beeps, sniffles, pipes, domras, bagpipes. The Orthodox people were amused by the game on them buffoons. Buffoons were not only musicians. They used various methods of entertainment: some played the horn, others beat the tambourines, others danced ... They played roles, dressed up in old dresses and put on masks. On holidays, people gathered in the streets and markets for fisticuffs. People fought, raced, rode horses, threw a spear into a ring, shot from a bow at a target. The girls danced. Their favorite pastime was riding on swings and carousels. At the fairs, products of Russian craftsmen were exhibited, who perfectly owned an ax, a saw, knew how to work with clay, paints, a needle, thread, straw, birch bark, metal, bone, glass.

A Russian man can do everything: turn iron into elegant dishes; a stone - in a necklace and a casket; tree - in dishes, toys; bone - in jewelry. The fame of talented Russian craftsmen spread all over the world. Foreigners were surprised at the patience and courage, fearlessness and devotion of the Russian people. No wonder epics were composed about Ilya Muromets, about Alyosha Popovich. Do not count the heroes - defenders of the Fatherland, who faithfully served their Russia during the Battle of Kulikovo, during the war with Napoleon, during the Great Patriotic War with Hitler.

Russian great commanders A. Suvorov, M. Kutuzov, G. Zhukov, ordinary soldiers who defended their Fatherland, their Motherland - beloved Russia in battles, are always an example for us.

Great Russian artists captured their love for Russia in their paintings: I. Levitan, I. Shishkin, A. Savrasov, V. Polenov; in verse - the great Russian poets A. Pushkin, S. Yesenin, A. Blok; in music - the great Russian musicians P. Tchaikovsky, S. Prokofiev.

And at present, the Russian people continue to amaze the whole world with their deep wisdom, sensitivity, kindness of hearts. This is especially evident when you touch the multifaceted richness of Russian fairy tales, Russian proverbs and sayings, tongue twisters and tongue twisters, riddles and nursery rhymes, jokes and jokes.

And we - the Russian people - must proudly bear our worthy name!

1 3rd century

In the first half of the XIII century, the Russian land was not united. Each prince strove only for his own benefit, to increase his lands and wealth.

When the Mongol-Tatar hordes appeared on the Russian lands, individual principalities offered desperate resistance to the conquerors, but perished one by one. By 1240, all Russian lands were conquered by Batu.

That time was bitter. Our Fatherland was devastated, temples and cities were not built in Rus', the people paid tribute to the conquerors, giving their children, brothers, sisters into slavery. It seemed that the history of the Russian people would end there, it would dissolve among others, like a multitude of disappeared tribes, from which not even names remained.

It was then that it became clear that the unification of the Russian land was necessary. Gradually the principalities began to gather around Moscow.

Kulikovo field

The victory at the Kulikovo field was the beginning of the revival of Rus'. She showed that the Russian people no longer intend to endure the foreign yoke, they are ready for any sacrifice in the struggle for their right to freedom.

Despite the fact that there were still 100 years before the complete liberation of Rus' from the hated enemy, the main thing became clear - Only by uniting can you defend your country.

Minin and Pozharsky

In September 1611, the headman Kuzma Minin made calls to help the Muscovite state, sparing no means and sacrifices. Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky, a capable military leader and a man with a spotless reputation, became the head of the people's militia.

Civil uprising

In January 1612, the militia moved from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow, meeting the support of the population along the way. More than half of the then Russia united around the militia. On October 22, the assault on the Kremlin began and, a few days later, the Poles surrendered, and the militia entered liberated Moscow with the ringing of bells and the jubilation of the people.

Festive bell ringing

The victory of the militia of Minin and Pozharsky showed that the Moscow state was not the creation and patrimony of its "master" - the sovereign, but was a common cause and common creation of all the people of the great Russian Tsardom.

So the unity of all Russian people once again saved the country from destruction

Ivan Susanin

Perhaps the end of the Troubles would not have come if it were not for the feat of Ivan Susanin.

As the Poles settled in the Kremlin, it was decided by the boyars to crown the Kostroma boyar Mikhail Romanov as king. But the Poles found out about this and decided to kill the future king. Mikhail at that time was hiding in the Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma. They warned him of the danger. A peasant helped Mikhail ....., he took him out in his clothes and hid him. And he himself put on boyar boots, took the dogs and went into the forest. He let the dogs go, and he himself let's walk through the forest, through the swamp, confused all the tracks, then took off his boots and threw them into the most swampy swamp. Returned (he) to the village, and then the Poles: “Where is Mikhail?” The (peasant) did not want to answer, but the Poles began to whip him with whips. Then (he) says: “Okay, I’ll show you, but only you can rest first from the road.” The Poles sat down at the table, made them drunk (peasant). By evening, the drunken Poles gathered to search the village, but (the peasant) said: “There is no Mikhail in the village, he went hunting.” At first, the Poles did not believe, but as they saw traces of rich boots, they ordered (the peasant) to lead them to search for Mikhail. The Poles wandered through the forest for a long time, until (the peasant) led them into a swamp. It was only then that the Poles realized that they had been deceived and killed (their guide). But this did not save them from death.

In the city Kostroma erected a monument to the national hero.

Class hour "How does the Motherland begin?"

Lesson topic:

"Where does the Motherland begin?".

Lesson Objectives:

To expand and systematize students' knowledge of their native land, as the place where a person was born and lives;

To acquaint with the historical and cultural places of Crimea, its sights;

To educate students in moral and value feelings, in particular, love for the Motherland.


Presentation about Crimea; photographs of his native village, landscapes and historical places of Crimea, album sheets and colored pencils.

I. Organizational moment.

Lesson motto:

“Native nature is a native land, native land, this is “where the Motherland begins”.


II. Main part

    1. Introduction. Conversation about the Motherland.

Student! This honorary title is worn by all residents of the country of Knowledge and must be earned. So, now I will test whether you are ready to become disciples. To do this, you must overcome trials.
Test the first. Try to read the words written on the board:
- Guys, tell me, how do you understand the word "Motherland"?
(Children's opinions are heard).
- Motherland is the place where everyone was born, we live. Our small Motherland is our city. What is it called?(city of Dzhankoy)
What is the name of our area?
- What is the name of our region?
- What do you think it means to love the Motherland?
(Children's opinions are heard).

Motherland is dear to every person. After all, it is not in vain that a person, leaving far from his native places, often remembers them, yearns. And if trouble happens - an enemy attacks the Motherland, then all people as one rise to its defense. This happened to our people when the fascist invaders attacked us. It happened on June 22nd. Our soldiers - your grandfathers and great-grandfathers, not sparing their lives, defended our Motherland. Many of them died on the battlefields, but they won and defended our independence, gave you the opportunity to live and study in peacetime. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Victory of our people over the Nazi invaders.

Where does the Motherland begin? As I think about it, I hear birds chirping, feel the sunbeams parting the curtains and bursting into the room. I open my eyes and see morning. This morning is like the beginning of a new life. It promises a nice day. My understanding of the Motherland restores peace of mind, inspires, reassures. You can rely on it - it is reliable. My country is generous. So, guys, you already understood what our lesson will be about. What is its theme?

What does motherland mean? How do you understand the meaning of this word?

Homeland is...

2. Generalization of children's statements

Motherland, native land - this is everything that surrounds us, this is everything that from the first days of our life becomes as dear to us as air, water, bread, like the smile of a close and native land. This is the place where our family lives, where we grow, learn, work. Motherland is what it is today: our cities and villages, our meadows and forests, our people, our school. But this is also what we had here before: our ancient history and culture, our monuments and traditions.

Motherland is our future too; what will happen on our earth. It is hope for joy and happiness. This, finally, is certainty: it will be best for us to live here.

So, the Motherland is everything without which a person simply cannot live.

Crimea is our small Motherland.

And what is the uniqueness of the Crimea? What do you know about Crimea?

3. Quiz "My Crimea!"

(Students recognize and name objects, receiving a chip for the correct answer. At the end, the winner of the quiz is determined)

There is so much more to be said about this wonderful land. But the lesson is time limited. There are a lot of books about Crimea in the library, I think that you will learn a lot more about your native land, about your little Motherland.

4. The game "My Associations".

Now let's play a little, I will name the word, and each of you will say what this word is associated with.

Example: Motherland, Dzhankoy, Black Sea, Crimea, Kyiv, vyshyvanka, steppe, mother, viburnum, etc.

    5. Homeland through the eyes of poets - a literary page. The conversation is a game.

a) riddles

Your great-grandfathers withstood the test that fell to them, and for you - the second test. Solve riddles.

1) There is a cheerful bright house,
There are a lot of nimble guys in it,
They write and count
Draw and count!(School)

2) Black, crooked, mute from birth. Stand in a row - everyone will talk. (Letters)

3) She speaks silently,
clear and not boring.
You talk more often with her -
become ten times smarter.(Book)

4) I don’t know how to read, but I have been writing all my life.(Pencil)

At all times, many poets wrote about their Motherland, wrote different things: about a beautiful country, about a poor country, but everyone, without exception, loved the Motherland, admired it. They expressed their love in poetry. Let's listen to some of them.

Mom and Motherland are very similar:

Mom is beautiful, Motherland too!

You look closely: mom's eyes

The colors are the same as the sky.

Mom's hair is like wheat

What is earing in the endless fields.

If mom sings a song, then she

A cheerful stream sings along to the beat.

The Motherland has a lot in common with mom,

The most beautiful and affectionate one!

So it should be: what is dear to us,

Reminds me of our mothers!

Orlov V. "Native"

I found out that I have

There is a huge relative:

And the path, and the forest,

In the field - every spikelet,

The river, the sky above me -

This is all mine, dear!

III. Anchoring

1. Work in groups:

- Homeland is the place where you live, where you were born. This is a native and beloved land, sung by poets, musicians and artists. Let's try to express our feelings through the power of art.

Draw a favorite corner of your native land.

A poster with the image of favorite corners of the native land is hung on the board.

I.Y. Summing up the lesson

On this lyrical note, we end our lesson. Of course, it is impossible to tell everything about the Motherland, to embrace its rich history, its traditions and beauty. It is important to understand only one thing, that if we love and protect our Motherland, then our Motherland will grow rich and prosper. Together we are a great force, and "we" are almost 46 million people. Our Motherland is Ukraine! We are all Ukrainians! We will be proud of our Motherland! Our little Motherland - Crimea! We are Crimeans!

So where does our Motherland begin?

/children's statements/

Russia is my homeland
(a conversation on a patriotic theme with children
senior preparatory group)

Target: education in children of this age of a sense of patriotism, respect for their homeland.

Tasks : familiarization of children with such concepts as “Russia”, “Motherland”, “Fatherland”; an overview of the symbols andGname of Russia; consolidation of the information received (drawing, application, game).

The conversation is of an overview nature. Children will learn more about this topic in elementary school. In an accessible and understandable form for children, the educator introduces them to such concepts as “Motherland, Russia”. These two words are inextricably linked. We all live in the largest country in the world - in Russia. Russia is our great motherland. But each person also has a small homeland. This is the place where he was born (city, village, village) and lives (house, family).

The course of the conversation


1. What is the name of the city (village) where you live?

2. Tell me about your home and your family.

caregiver . There are a lot of big and small towns, villages and villages in our country. All of them are beautiful in their own way. But the largest city is the city of Moscow. Moscow is the capital of our Motherland.(The teacher shows illustrations with views of Moscow.)

People of various nationalities live in Russia (Kazakhs, Kalmyks, Tatars, Chuvashs, Tajiks, Bashkirs, Udmurts and many, many others), but most Russians are Russians.


1. Remember which cities in Russia you know, list them.

2. What is the name of people whose homeland is Russia?(Russians.)

Russia is also our Fatherland – the place where our ancestors and grandfathers lived, where our fathers live, where we also live. Every person should love and respect his Motherland. She brought up and brought up many great and world-famous people.(The teacher shows portraits of famous figures of science and art who left their mark on the history of our state.)

We should be proud that our compatriots were Lomonosov, a scientist whose discoveries and works brought much benefit to all mankind; Tchaikovsky is a great Russian composer whose name the whole world knows. The first person to conquer space was Russian - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. These and many, many other people glorified our Fatherland with their deeds and exploits.

Each country in the world has its own symbols, that is, insignia - its own flag, coat of arms and anthem.

The Russian flag is tricolor, i.e. white-blue-red. Each color has its own meaning. Blue color means loyalty, intelligence and honesty. Red stands for courage, love and beauty. White - purity and clarity, peacefulness.

The coat of arms of Russia is a double-headed eagle - a symbol of wisdom and fearlessness, intelligence and generosity. He vigilantly looks around, protecting Russia from the enemy.

Hymn - the most important song of Russia. The anthem is performed on special occasions. The anthem is performed and listened to while standing.( d children listen to the recording of the Russian anthem, talk about its content, the teacher introduces the authors of the anthem.)

State anthem of the Russian Federation

Words by S. Mikhalkov Music by A. Alexandrov

Russia is our sacred power,

Russia is our beloved country.

Mighty will, great glory -

Yours forever!

Chorus : Be glorified, our free Fatherland,

Fraternal peoples age-old union,

Ancestors given the wisdom of the people!

Hail country! We are proud of you!

From the southern seas to the polar region

Our forests and fields are spread out.

You are the only one in the world! One you are -

Protected by God native land!

Chorus .

Wide scope for dreams and for life

The coming years open up to us.

Our loyalty to the Motherland gives us strength.

So it was, so it is, and so it will always be!

The words to the Russian anthem were written by a famous writer, poet - Sergei Mikhalkov. His works are known and loved by children because he dedicated almost all of his work to children.

The music for the anthem was written by a famous composer - A. Alexandrov.

Many beautiful songs and poems are dedicated to Russia. They glorify our Motherland, its forests and fields, rivers, tell about love and pride for our country, small and large Motherland. The Russian people have many proverbs and sayings about this.

Proverbs and sayings

    A man has one mother, and he has one Motherland.

    Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

    Rus' is heroic.

    Where someone was born, there he came in handy.

    The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.


1. Name the country where you live.(Russia.)

2. What is the name of the city (village) where you live?

3. What Russian river is called the great?(Volga.)

4. What cities of Russia do you know?

5. What is the name of the city, which is the capital of our country?(Moscow.)

Creative tasks:

1. Draw your small and large Motherland.

2. Application of the Russian flag. (To do this, you will need white, blue and red paper, cardboard, glue, scissors.)

3. Learn the song "This is for us."

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