Without right to left: the most faithful signs of the zodiac. The most unfaithful signs of the zodiac


“A woman always remembers where and when she got married. But very often he does not remember why, ”the men joke. But as they say, he who laughs last laughs best.
We have compiled a rating of the most faithful wives according to the signs of the zodiac. We remind you that there are exceptions to every rule, and stars can make mistakes too.

ARIES. 5 out of 10

Aries also choose their men on their own and often start romances out of interest. If a man is attractive to her, then he is interesting to her. And what is it, Aries will want to know better. Marriage in this situation is not a hindrance, alas. What will she say to her husband? She will tell you as it is, and at the very beginning of the relationship. He will accept - excellent, he will be indignant and will not reconcile - well, goodbye and for now.

SAGITTARIUS. 6 out of 10

And here's how it goes. Sagittarians love to be beautiful, to be fun. And without restrictions. No, it’s not even a matter of a tendency to cheat, Sagittarius just want bright colors and without tediousness. She chooses men for herself, and if she loves a lot, she will stay, and if not very much, she can leave or change. It is pointless to bind such a woman to yourself, she will become attached herself. If he wants.

FISH. 6 out of 10

Pisces love with all their might, spend themselves completely, and when this happens, their mind is turned off. And if a beloved man calls, such a woman will get up and follow him. And nothing that her husband is sitting next to him. It will go anyway, even run without looking back and regrets. Yes, Pisces can do different things, but they are unlikely to apologize, and not because they are bad, but because they sincerely do not understand - how can one make excuses for love?

SCALES. LOYALTY 8 out of 10

They usually sing about such women that they are like magnets. Weird, but true. Women born under the sign of Libra attract to themselves, and it is extremely difficult to resist this. What is the reason? In an amazing combination of femininity and mystery. In addition, Libra knows how to keep a distance, which inflames men even more. It is not surprising that Libra's personal life often proceeds violently, and such women marry more than once and not forever. At the same time, Libra is not strong in terms of betrayal - they don’t need it, they get men too easily to risk good relationships.

SCORPION. 8 out of 10

Passions, emotions, strength of character - these are Scorpios. And these women feel very well who their man is. Sometimes one meeting is enough for them. If the choice is made, Scorpio will get his way and will not change. In the end, cheating on your chosen one means admitting that the decision was wrong. And this is below the dignity of Scorpio. So husbands, be calm - they have received you, they will not leave you.

CAPRICORN. 8 out of 10

In any case, gradualism is needed, right? Capricorn will take his time to arrange his personal life. And let them say that time flies and you need to hurry. No need. Therefore, Capricorn is ready to generously spend his strength and days in search of his man. And when the search is successful and the job is done, Capricorn will relax. And no more effort will be made. No looks to the side, no thoughts. Representatives of this sign really do not like to redo the work, especially if it is flawlessly done. Husband found? Found. And bass.

AQUARIUS. 8 out of 10

The strange nature of the women of this sign surprises not only those around them, but themselves too. Sometimes even discouraging. Like, she did something, but she didn’t understand what. Sociable, cheerful, very mobile, Aquarians easily fit into any adventures, except for the very frankly obscene ones. Aquarians are infected with idealism, they have their own ideas about love and the only man, and they are not ready to give them up, even if in real life they don’t come across these ideal men. Aquarius can enter into marriage more than once, but is still not inclined to betrayal.

CANCER. 8 out of 10

Also almost ideal. She always dreamed of a family, dreamed of a husband and children, and these dreams were not the result of some stereotypes hammered into her head - no, this was her personal desire, her nature. Therefore, having married, Cancer will be faithful to the end. Another question is whether a man can not disappoint her. And if, God forbid, disappoints, Cancer will take the children and leave. But it won't change.

A LION. 8 out of 10

The Leo woman also thinks with her head, but a little differently than Cancer. She wants the very best. She perfectly captures the difference between love, marriage and sex. It will be possible to find someone who will give her all this at once - fine. If it fails, Leo will receive everything piecemeal. But, most likely, even if he gets along with someone without ardent love, he will not change him. Why cheat on your partner? This is not a business approach.

CALF. 9 out of 10

There are Virgos and there are Divas. This is just about Taurus. They are beautiful, stately, deep nature, and very conservative. In addition, Taurus adhere to iron principles, including "do not forgive treason." It is gratifying that women of this sign apply such requirements to themselves. So they cannot be caught cheating; for them, such assumptions are even offensive.

TWINS. 9 out of 10

Here is an almost perfect sign for a wife, including with regards to fidelity. Gemini is very feminine and at the same time very smart, more precise, reasonable and reasonable. And don't be fooled by the ease with which they communicate with any men - it means absolutely nothing. This woman loves you and will be faithful to you, all other representatives of the stronger sex are nothing more than a background for her.

VIRGO. 9.5 out of 10

Looking for the ideal? Is your wife a Virgo? Consider that you have found it. Indeed, Virgo women combine the best qualities necessary for marriage. Tenderness and common sense, sexuality and patience, humor and everyday pragmatism - all this is Virgo. And loyalty, of course.

Loyalty in our time is a rare phenomenon, commensurate with the most valuable currency in human life - over time. Money can't buy loyalty. Did you know that for some people loyalty is the meaning of life, that is, not a characteristic of moral and ethical standards, but the core. A truly intangible trait was inherited by someone from their parents (upbringing), someone as a result of personality formation, and someone from the stars. Ukrainian astrologers conducted a series of social surveys, within which they managed to compile rating of the most faithful signs of the zodiac. Remember that, first of all, loyalty is a choice, not a characteristic. Therefore, do not treat the following statistics as the truth.

Pisces - committed within relationships

If you are dating a Pisces zodiac sign, get ready for unpredictable events. As practice shows, they are true only when they start families. In a relationship, they do not consider it necessary to give up all the benefits of freedom due to the fact that the partner is not ready for an important step - married life. However, after the wedding, you will see completely different people. They begin to completely surrender to their beloved half, stop living only for themselves! Their ego is gone.

Libra - don't like to choose

It is believed that Libra received the gift of love from the stars. Apparently, this is due to the fact that they are not a faithful sign of the zodiac, however, there are also true representatives of the constellation, but they are rare. As a rule, girls do not know how to make a choice. If they are faced with an edge-to-edge question between the choice of one of the two guys, they will prefer to stay with the one who wins the duel. Apparently, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin fell in love with Libra. The Libra guy is often too frivolous about the choice of a girl, so he often "goes left" during marriage. However, a lot depends on upbringing.

Lions are true if there is something to lose

It is impossible to call Lviv traitors without debriefing. They can live their whole lives loving one woman or one man. Moreover, they are able to forgive betrayal, understand and find a compromise. Typically, this compromise is a similar action. Leos often follow the same principle: people must be treated the same! If you thought of deceiving them twice, you can forget about a good relationship. At the psychological level, they have a dislike, not only for false love, but also for all representatives or representatives of the sex. Most often, it is the first mistakes in love relationships that reduce the understanding of the fidelity of this zodiac sign to something unnecessary!

Aries - able to betray in the name of ...

A good leader is a role model. Aries received the gift of creation, they can lead people. If they need to impress a partner, stand out from the crowd, or show who's boss in the house, they can go A extremes. Often this extreme is treason. However, even in friendship everything provides for relativity. If a friend is above business, Aries will begin to doubt the need for friendship as a whole. Remember the films in which the emperor was ready to sacrifice his own son in the name of an entire nation? It is this heroism, for some, nonsense, that explains the understanding of Aries of life. But not always. Among this sign there are faithful people.

Scorpio - always sting first

Oh, you will not envy the person who dared to betray this zodiac sign. However, the phenomenon is rare, because Scorpios always intuitively feel threatened. Their essence is the danger itself. The sign of the zodiac appreciates fidelity as long as it believes in love. But, as soon as Scorpio is faced with the cruelty of people, as if a vampire who has tasted blood, they become the personification of danger. They betray, they throw, they deceive, but elegantly. Loyalty is kept for units. In relation to the whole world they can be tyrants. There is that one / only person rarely, that's why they betray. As a rule, they are faithful to Gemini.

Cancer - dislikes conflict

The first to break down in the event of domestic quarrels and conflicts Cancers! This zodiac sign has no problem choosing one person for life. But the limited view of most representatives of the constellation leads to the fact that they begin to look for a way to relieve tension in betrayal. The signs that have realized that:

  1. Domestic problems are temporary;
  2. Depression is a temporary condition;
  3. With all the signs of the zodiac, mutual understanding is needed to maintain fidelity;
  4. It is necessary to fight life's difficulties together;
  5. Everything in the world is relative, but everyone is the same.

Cancers, you can't be selfish. Not only with you...

Capricorns - understanding and support

To remain faithful to the Capricorn zodiac sign is possible through two important psychological components: understanding and support. Even if the whole world criticizes Capricorns, but you say: you are doing everything right. He will prove to the whole world that he was right, and you will receive the honor of his victory. Capricorns are stubborn, sometimes unbearable, but they need support. If you argue, criticize, they are unlikely to change, but they can leave forever!

Aquarians are afraid of change

Quite often, Aquarians try to appear as hardened macho or heartbreakers, but in reality, this zodiac sign values ​​​​fidelity more, because it is afraid of betrayal. Subconsciously, many Aquarians behave unleashed in order to quickly redeem who is antipathy for them. As a result, they fall in love with the image and picture that they play themselves. In simple terms, Aquarians are more likely than others to face betrayal when they behave unnaturally. You attract to yourself, just those people whom you initially consider unpleasant.

Sagittarius - cupid of devotion

Sagittarians know how to inspire people with the need for fidelity. They are gifted with an understanding of human error. They can prove to anyone that loyalty is the most important factor in a successful relationship. Quite often, the zodiac sign is the very first to refute its statements about fidelity, as a result of which it acquires universal hatred. Once you raise the bar to that level, live up to it. However, Sagittarians are true and you should not believe their every word. Everyone makes mistakes. They are just sometimes shy about being Old Believers. But not all!

Virgo - playful but loyal

Virgo can be described as a meticulous, necessary person. But, have you ever seen it in action? These are the same heartthrobs:

  • easily get attention
  • in the blood the ability to flirt;
  • able to leave everyone in bewilderment;
  • can communicate with 5 people at the same time, both Virgo guys and girls;
  • however, they love once.

In fact, this is one of the most loyal signs of the zodiac that remains committed in a relationship. But communicates with many!

Taurus - will never betray!

Even if 10 out of 10 Taurus partners betray them, they will not sink to their level. Always remain calm and understand the basic principles of a successful relationship. It is a pity that it is Taurus who often come across non-devoted signs of the zodiac. At the same time, it is quite difficult for them to form relationships with Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius. By the way, not bad compatibility is observed with Taurus in Taurus.

Which zodiac sign is the most loyal?

Twins - most faithful zodiac sign. Representatives of the third constellation may seem not at all loyal, "cables", excuse the expression, and ... You understand! In fact, they are not like that at all. It's just that about 30 people live in them at the same time. But in a relationship they are true.

He who promises much, delivers little.

This applies to Gemini, but words about fidelity should be taken sincerely, because Gemini does not like traitors. They treat people with an open heart, and this is so, because, really! Remember, they do not know how to prove the truth, they prefer to refute.

Astrology helps to reveal the secrets of the personality of any person. To do this, experts use a natal chart that describes in detail every aspect of life. The ascending sign is of key importance. It is he who determines the manner of behavior and perception of the world. Information about the sign of the Zodiac even helps to understand how faithful the partner you have chosen will be in marriage.

The most faithful men according to the sign of the zodiac

The first place in the ranking of the most faithful men is Taurus. He can be described as a sensual and passionate partner. However, like any earth sign, he is guided by reason, not emotions. The Taurus woman will have to come to terms with his jealousy and desire to control everything. But in fact he is not a tyrant and despot. It is important to understand that his sense of ownership is closely related to the need for certainty. At the same time, Taurus himself gives his chosen one a sense of reliability and stability.

The second place among the most faithful signs of the zodiac is rightfully occupied by Leo. While searching, he does not spare the feelings of others and behaves like a selfish alpha male. But for a woman who is lucky enough to really interest him, the fiery man will open up from a completely different side. Having decided on a serious relationship, Leo becomes the backbone of the family. A typical representative of this sign is a faithful husband and a wonderful father. The woman who will energize him will never know what betrayal and betrayal are.

The Virgo man himself is insecure and shy, which prevents him from playing the role of Casanova. Puritan views on marriage are also added to natural shyness. Perhaps family life with this earthly man will be boring and predictable, but this is offset by a large number of positive qualities of the Virgo. A loving representative of this sign is very caring, devoted, kind. Responsibility, decency and fidelity mean a lot to him.

Fourth place is shared by Capricorn and Libra. Under certain circumstances, they remain faithful throughout their married life. Capricorn men are distinguished by a heavy contradictory character. However, despite the impressive list of shortcomings, they take relationships and starting a family seriously. Being jealous, Capricorn will not give the chosen one a reason to doubt his fidelity. The complete opposite of this earth sign is Libra. An airy man is often associated with inconstancy, windiness and endless flirting. But a spiritually developed representative of this sign can be loyal and very serious when it comes to marriage bonds.

How to calculate a cheater using astrology?

Of course, it is impossible to rank all representatives of one sign as faithful or unfaithful husbands. But astrologers believe that a potential cheater can be determined by the time of birth with a high probability.

Aries and Sagittarius differ in inconstancy in love. Fire men are often emotionally addicted. As soon as feelings for a partner weaken, they begin to look closely at other women. Gemini men are also notorious. They are frivolous, selfish, freedom-loving. Loyalty to the grave is definitely not about them. Even melancholy Pisces are prone to betrayal. Typical representatives of this sign are afraid of responsibility and are constantly in search of new emotions. Even despite the status of a married man, Pisces men can easily have several parallel relationships.

With the help of the rating of the signs of the Zodiac, you can find out which sign is the smartest, which is the most faithful, and which is the most dangerous. Based on statistical data and compiled ratings, certain conclusions can be drawn regarding the various characteristics that representatives of all constellations possess.

The smartest zodiac signs

In terms of leadership skills, Sagittarius, alas, give way to the most stupid sign of the Zodiac, Aries, which, according to the rating, has the lowest IQ level. As for the leadership qualities and skills inherent in Aries, they are not always interconnected with the mind. As a rule, they are directly proportional to intuition and the sixth sense, which cannot be developed with the help of logic alone.

Windy zodiac signs

Gemini and Scorpio are the leaders of this rating. The fickle signs include Pisces, who are so smart that almost no one suspects their intrigue on the side. Virgos are also windy, but only until they meet true love.

The most faithful zodiac signs

The most faithful include representatives of the constellations Capricorn, Leo and Scorpio. According to the compiled rating of the signs of the Zodiac, these are the most faithful companions of life. They will not start love affairs if there is a loved one nearby. However, unfortunately, for some representatives of the remaining signs, physical intimacy means more than spiritual. Therefore, before making a choice and stopping at a particular chosen one, astrologers recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rating of husbands by the sign of the Zodiac.

Best Husbands

Rating of ideal wives

Both among men and among women there is a rating of wives compiled by astrologers according to the sign of the Zodiac.

The most jealous signs of the zodiac

Such a quality as jealousy is inherent in every person, however, there are such zodiac signs that cannot cope with this trait of their character. These are Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn. Representatives of the Libra sign are also very jealous, but they, as a rule, keep all emotions in themselves.

The most dangerous sign

The worst sign of the Zodiac is Scorpio. It is the representatives of this zodiac constellation that are the most quick-tempered and dangerous people. Even Pushkin argued that Scorpio combines such qualities as genius and villainy. However, among Scorpios there are also smart people, however, as a rule, they rarely use their intelligence for reasonable purposes. Scorpios have a rich inner and emotional world.


After reviewing the ratings presented in this article, we can conclude who is the most faithful sign of the Zodiac, and who is the most windy. However, do not forget that each person cannot fully meet the above characteristics. The date of birth and, accordingly, the sign of the Zodiac is, of course, an important indicator, but the above information should not be taken too seriously.

We put ten to one that most women, looking at descriptions of the signs of the zodiac, first of all pay attention to how faithful people born under one sign or another are considered. What does it mean to be faithful?

Personally, we like the statement that fidelity by default implies complete trust and confidence that the person you consider the closest will not betray you. The topic of fidelity in the "environment of the signs of the zodiac" seemed interesting to us, and we bring to your attention a rating of the most faithful signs of the zodiac. Our conclusions are based on our little astrological study.

Twelfth place. Aries

According to astrologers, Aries is one of the most temperamental and dual signs. Aries man can delight you with his passion and immediately freeze you with arrogant coldness. Aries are hunters, the process of hunting is important to them, so they take the last place in the loyalty rating. These men have the unique ability to walk away from women instantly, without looking back.

So, if you decide to connect your life with a representative of this sign, you need to be flexible and quirky like a circus gymnast - do not bring him too fast and close to you, and at the same time not move him too far away. His interest needs to be “warmed up” constantly, and then it may turn out that there is no one more accurate than your ram in the astrological herd of signs.

Eleventh place. Twins

Changeable twins can instantly and easily change not only the style of clothing, favorite job, city, decision, but also women. This is a type of men who almost never know what they want. A twin man is a child who stubbornly refuses to grow up, and most of all in life he does not accept monotony. In his desire to avoid this monotony, and because of his tendency to quickly change his mind, he often acts dishonestly towards women. The novels of twin men are enchanting and fleeting. Being an air sign, Gemini is initially somewhat immoral, therefore, having chosen one woman, such a guy will always look for another one as a pleasant change and addition. Women choosing twins should take this into account initially.

Tenth place. crayfish

Cancer men almost always go for flirting with ease, but in order for things to go beyond flirting, the woman herself will have to make an effort, because cancers are slow in choosing a permanent partner. They need an ideal woman, and they will look for her for a long time, especially since his mother will always be the ideal for cancer. This will have to be taken into account. In relationships with Cancer men, you will always have one invincible rival - his mother. You need to either put up with this, or take and defeat your opponent.

Cancer men in our ranking take tenth place, because the love of diversity still pushes them to cheat, but, unlike previous signs, cancers are slow and secretive. And here there is hope: either to have time to capture his attention and so impress him with his diversity that he will no longer need anyone else, or, due to the secrecy of his nature, never find out that your man is cheating on you.

Ninth place. Scorpion

The Scorpio man is well aware of his own worth, and there is nothing in the world that could change his opinion of himself. It is almost impossible to determine by his face whether he was offended or delighted. “Alien soul - darkness” - this is said precisely about him. Falling in love with a scorpion is like playing with matches next to an open gas burner. Passionate lovers and terrible owners, scorpios are in ninth place in our ranking, because they tend to divide women into those with whom they want sex, and those with whom they want to live the rest of their lives together. In a word, a scorpion marries someone with whom he will feel good and comfortable, even if sex with this woman seems somewhat insipid to him. He will receive the missing emotions from his mistress.

Eighth place. Fish

The fish man is a dreamer, and that says it all. He is unlikely to pursue a woman with the passion inherent in scorpions, or conquer her with his charm, like twins, but if the woman herself shows an active interest, and even makes some efforts, then the fish will allow herself to be conquered. Eighth place in our ranking of fish is because they are never in a hurry to tie the knot. If you still managed to catch this "fish", then you need to remember that she constantly needs to prove and demonstrate her love. Perhaps then your "fish" will not rush into someone else's reservoir.

Seventh place. Aquarius

The seventh place in our ranking of zodiac signs is Aquarius. And he is in our today's six "windy and frivolous gentlemen" the most devoted sign. Although the Aquarius men themselves are eccentric, they are the most stable of all the above signs in relations with the woman they love. Men of this sign change their women only if the relationship has cooled down and outlived itself.

Sixth place. Sagittarius

Sagittarius men, in addition to being very sociable and friendly, are also very truthful and too straightforward in their statements and actions (although, at the same time, they are all convinced of their colossal diplomacy). Therefore, when entering into a relationship with a Sagittarius man, you need to be prepared for the fact that he will “cut the truth from the shoulder”, and regularly. But on the other hand, this is the most childishly sincere and truthful sign of the zodiac. And yet, for all their craving for diversity (and, by the way, the intimate sphere is no exception to this rule), archers are devoted to their partners, and they will never intentionally hurt them. In a word, you can rely on archers, and therefore they occupy an honorable sixth place in our rating.

Fifth place. Scales

The symbol of the astrological sign "Libra" is the golden scales, that is, the men of this sign always strive for harmony and perfect balance in everything. That is why the Libra man will always give you a million tips, because he always has an ideal and harmonious solution to all problems. The biggest problem in living together with such a man can be his pathological passion for order, that is, a woman must first be an excellent hostess, and then the same ideal lover. Libra men often dream of relationships on the side and even actively flirt with women, but this is where it all ends. Libras are in the fifth almost prize-winning place in our fidelity rating also because all their adventures, as a rule, remain unrealized fantasies, and thank God.

Fourth place. Virgo

The Virgo man is a born analyst. He analyzes everything and everyone. Sometimes it may seem that, apart from the analytical process itself, it does not need anything else. For a very long time and thoughtfully, he will study the woman he likes, literally "putting her on the shelves." Then, also for a long time and thoughtfully, he will analyze his attitude towards her, and until he decides that he needs this woman, it may turn out that she is already married to another. But on the other hand, if you wait for him, and the Virgo man chooses you, you have a chance to be that lucky woman who was lucky enough to be chosen by one of the most faithful and devoted signs of the zodiac. Virgo men rarely cheat on their wives also because they are extremely squeamish about any manifestations of lies and untruth in a relationship. Given all the merits, virgin men are awarded an honorable fourth place in the ranking.

Third place. Capricorn

One of the most faithful signs of the zodiac among men is Capricorn. Capricorn men are the most disciplined and ambitious of all the zodiac signs. And they are also the most stable. If a Capricorn has chosen a lady of his heart, he will never compare her with others and is unlikely to ever cheat on his chosen one. And by the way, for a Capricorn man, it is more important, as for a Libra man, what kind of hostess you are, and not how you comb your hair and whether you are dressed in the latest fashion. The main thing for a Capricorn man is loyalty and understanding on the part of his beloved woman. Even a hint of infidelity can end your relationship. He is devoted himself and will not tolerate violation of obligations by his half. In a word, the prize-winning third place in our ranking rightfully belongs to the Capricorn man.

Second place. a lion

An almost perfectly devoted man is a man born under the fiery sign of Leo. We will not once again remind you that the lion is the king of animals, and the male lion not only craves power, but sometimes reigns over many people. This is understandable and without reminders, right? Lions are majestic and courageous, but at the same time they are easily bought into flattery. If you want to captivate a lion, become an "appreciative audience" for him. Leo longs to be the only one for his beloved and will never cheat on her. The only reason that can push a lion to treason can only be your inattention to him and the desire to become the main one in your union. Thus, the male lion takes a stellar second place in our ranking.

First place. Taurus

And finally, we got to the most devoted sign among the twelve signs of the zodiac - Taurus. If your man is a Taurus, you are truly a happy woman. Life with him will be full of tenderness, care and romance, and you should not be afraid of any threat from long-legged and busty (well, if you are suddenly a little different) beauties. The Taurus man is an ideal family man, a caring husband and a born father. We don't seem to have enough superlatives to tell you how lucky you are, so we'll simply and modestly announce the winner. So, the prize first place is rightfully occupied by Taurus.

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