Tickets for sergey dudinsky. Recording of a new song and clip by sergey dudinsky Tenor with great technique and heart


I don’t remember the name of the film-fairy tale of my childhood, but it began with the fact that a boy was born in one family, who, unlike other babies, when he was born, did not cry, but sang.

The beginning of the life of Sergei Dudinsky is very similar to this fairy tale. According to the stories of his parents, he always sang as long as they remember him. Or sang, or danced, or ran to the source of music (TV, tape recorder) to sing while dancing ...

However, first things first.

The first years of Sergey's life were spent in Turkmenistan, in Ashgabat. A big sunny city, bright in an oriental way, a lot of greenery, a lot of fruits. But when the 7-year-old Serezha went to school, the fraternal friendship of the "family of Soviet peoples" began to wane, and the Russian language was removed from the school curriculum. It was then that the Dudinsky family decided to leave Turkmenistan for Russia.

-Why my father chose Tula for a new place of residence, I still do not know, - says Sergey. “But it was hard for me and my younger brother to get used to the new life: after the heat and sun of Ashgabat, the cold, disorder, some kind of semi-destruction of the regional center did not please us. (It was the 90s - Auth.)

-He wanted to become a pianist, he waved his arms, depicting the game on invisible keys. I went after my mother and constantly whined - my mother says I didn’t whine, but sang - I asked my parents to send me to study at a music school. But my parents worked hard, there was no music school...

And suddenly - good luck! In an ordinary school, an ordinary music teacher drew attention to a talented boy who sang “Captain, Captain, Smile!” to her, and began to help him competently prepare for participation in children's singing competitions. First place in the first competition! Obviously, then the mother seriously thought that her son's musicality is objective, and it does not seem to her alone that the child sings beautifully. The result of these reflections was the assignment of Sergei to the Children's Song Theater of the city of Tula "Berry", where professional teachers worked with a gifted child for two years.

- In the summer, my mother and I sent my brother to the spring for water. It was necessary to go through a large field, on one side of which there was a pond, and on its bank a village. We walked across the field, and I sang: my mouth did not close at all in those years. I sang, and the village grandmothers listened. Apparently, they liked it, because very soon they began to applaud after each song. And I'm small - shy, hiding from them. Then the grandmothers began to call me for an encore, shouting: “Sing some more!” This is how my performances in front of the public began..

Meanwhile, professional studies at Yagodka were not in vain: Sergey takes part in the 50x50 competition, organized by the program of the First Channel of Television of the same name (in those years - the First Central Television Program) and takes first place. It was already a serious application for the musical future of the student. Both the 50x50 program and the competition were created in order to give gifted children the opportunity to perform on Central Television along with established artists, and in the future, show business masters had to help young talents in every possible way. The finalists of the competition, and Sergei Dudinsky now belonged to their number, could be sent to study in Miami as a reward.

He was indeed offered a 5-year study in America, but his mother flatly refused to send a 12-year-old child alone to a foreign country for such a long time. True, "Yagodka" also remained in the past: Seryozha was sent to study at the Musical Lyceum of the city of Tula. At this stage, having already firmly decided to become a vocalist, Sergey gets to the excellent teacher Elena Olegovna Kupriyanova, who managed to give the talented student the basics of professional skills. Sergei still fondly remembers his vocal teacher, still meeting her when he is in Tula.

Then there was admission to the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory. At the audition, an applicant from Tula came to Vera Kudryavtseva (widow of the famous tenor S. Lemeshev) and Galina Pisarenko. Having looked at a handsome, talented provincial 18-year-old boy, the metresses advised him to first study at a music school at the conservatory, obviously suspecting that the mutation in this child was still almost over and it was too early for him to seriously engage in vocals. Sergey obeyed the advice and very easily entered the school.

-No, nobody taught me to dance. But, if by “professional” we mean a person who earns money by a certain craft, then I have been a professional dancer since the age of four. Once, back in Ashgabat, I was walking with my parents, I heard music and ran to its source. And the music poured from the wedding. I began to dance, and they gave me money for it. When he returned to his parents, the T-shirt, behind which the bills were tucked, simply swelled up. After that incident, my father and I from time to time already purposefully “went dancing”, to earn money ... Apparently, I’m doing it well, so my fellow students were surprised: “what is this ballroom (ballroom dancer - Auth.) doing?”

Eight months later, brought up in Tula on the best examples of classical music, Sergei became homesick: at the school, they mostly learned some songs that were not very interesting from a musical point of view. And the young vocalist again went to “storm” the conservatory. But this time purposefully - to maestro Zurab Sotkilava.

-I came to the conservatory, asked the duty officer if Zurab Lavrentievich was there, he replied that he had just arrived, now in such and such a class. (As if I knew that at that time he would return to the conservatory!). He went up to the audience: such an imposing Zurab Sotkilava is sitting in an armchair. “I am such and such. May I sing to you." “No, you don’t have to sing now. Come back in a week." Came a week later

Ready for you to sing.

I got up and slept. And then Zurab Lavrentievich told me what I remembered forever:

Many come to me, but you have what is given to one in a million.


So I entered the conservatory with Zurab Sotkilava.

For all five years, Sergei Dudinsky studied with Zurab Lavrentievich and graduated with honors from an educational institution. During his studies, he became the only tenor who, at the age of 21, sang the entire part of Lensky. This fact brought not only fame, but also a disciplinary sanction, both for the too young Lensky and the teacher - a two-year ban on the performance of large parts. The fact is that the final male voice is formed only by the age of 28, and the performance of serious large parts before this age can lead to catastrophic consequences for the singer. But, according to Sergei Dudinsky, Sotkilava taught him "cunning singing", which allowed him to master a difficult part without loss.

In general, when student productions of Eugene Onegin with Dudinsky in the role of Lensky were staged at the conservatory, there was always a full house: the handsome, long-haired Lensky, who had not yet sung a single note, was already causing a stir among the female part of the public. And when “their Seryozhenka”, “killed” by Onegin in a duel, fell on the stage and lay without breathing ... notes from classmates flew in the face of the “deceased” in a hail.

- I’m lying, not breathing, notes are flying in my face, above me in a mournful pose kneeling Zhenya Kungurov (he was the performer of the role of Onegin in a student play - Auth.) sings “killed ...”, and at the very shoulders and voice tremble with barely restrained laughter.

Then Onegin had to almost run to leave the scene of the crime so as not to burst out laughing on stage: after all, the hero of Pushkin's novel, although cynical, is still not so ...

Later, Sergei Dudinsky will receive an award for the best performance of the part of Lensky in the opera Eugene Onegin at the international Viva opera festival in Italy.

Once the big roles were banned, they began to sing small ones, but all the same, in their own way. This feature - to sing everything in his own way - has been preserved by Sergei to this day. They gave the part of Leshy from Rimsky-Korsakov's The Snow Maiden. Sang. But while singing, he performed somersaults. For this, however, they did not scold, but, on the contrary, the "sporty Leshy" was invited to the Bolshoi Theater. The wise teacher advised to refuse: “If you start in the Bolshoi with somersaulting Leshy, you will continue to somersault until old age ...” And the student listened to the teacher.

Another small role - Gaston in Verdi's La Traviata - later led Sergei Dudinsky to world recognition.

- The director, watching the general run of the production, drew attention to me and, probably, compared me with the performer of the part of Alfred, who has a completely unromantic appearance. After muttering something like “I’m afraid the audience won’t understand Violetta in this situation,” he appointed me to sing Alfred. I learned the game in one month!

After graduating from the conservatory, Sergei went to work at the Galina Vishnevskaya Opera Singing Center. One acquaintance categorically told him: “Take the notes, go to Vishnevskaya! There's real music, real life." Dudinsky, although he was terribly worried, did just that. But, either in a hurry, or out of excitement, he forgot not only to take out his mobile phone from his pocket, but even turn it off.

-I go to the listening room. Galina Pavlovna is sitting, gloomy. I begin to sing Nemorino's aria (from Donizetti's opera "Love Potion" - Auth.), And then the phone rang. I, continuing to deduce the melody, no longer in Italian, but in Russian, picking up words on the go, apologize to Vishnevskaya and ask for an opportunity to start from the beginning. But then Galina Pavlovna laughed and said briefly: "You are accepted."

Sergei became the favorite of Galina Vishnevskaya, it was to him that she gave the best parts, she never remained indifferent to his fate. Until the last day of the great singer, Sergei Dudinsky worked at the Opera Singing Center she created ...

With the departure of Galina Vishnevskaya, a period of timelessness began for Sergei, thank God, a very short one. And then, at one of the concerts, he was introduced to Marina Repko, who had worked for a long time in the musical editorial office of Channel One, an experienced professional producer. It was a happy meeting: Sergei needed a music director like air, and Marina also had musical preferences and an attitude to life. Together they have been working for 5 years.

Now Sergey Dudinsky is a famous singer, laureate and winner of numerous all-Russian and international competitions, one of the favorite students of the Montserrat Caballe master classes held as part of the Barcelona Opera Festival. The press awards Sergei Dudinsky with a variety of titles: either the “king of the romance”, or the “rising star of pop classics”. After performing the role of Alfred in the opera La Traviata, they began to talk about him as "a unique singer with a rich beautiful voice, a sensitive heart and soul." Rock, as it turned out, is also loved by Sergey.

In 2014, Moscow decided to stage the rock opera Mozart, a French musical produced by Dov Attya and Albert Cohen, dedicated to the life story of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. This musical is considered one of the most commercially successful projects; the performance was watched not only in France, but also in Belgium and Switzerland, Japan and Korea. The organizers of the action could not find a singer for the role of Mozart and invited Sergei to audition. At first, Dudinsky flatly refused, explaining that this was not his genre, that he had no idea how rock was sung, and so on. But the producer insisted that the singer listen to the disc with Mozart, and only then give an answer. Sergei did just that.

Tickets for the festival concert "These eyes are opposite ..." with soloist Dudinsky were sold out a month before the date of the event. And, indeed, yesterday the audience overflowed the Great Hall of the Philharmonic: there were applause, and flowers, and autographs, and a mass exit into the aisles between the seats in order to “touch the star” ... But I would like to tell not about the audience that filled the hall, but about the overflowing relatively small room for the amazing voice of Sergei Dudinsky.

“Manha de carnival” (“Carnival Morning”) - if the singer performed only this single hit, each viewer would have enough memories for a lifetime. You are simply riveted to this voice, no falsehood - neither in sound nor in emotional message. I can still somehow explain the coincidence of Sergei with "Carnival Morning". But where does this very young man, whose parents were born decades after the end of the war, have that unceasing pain for the dead, stuck in the throat, shedding tears? But “The Ballad of a Mother” evoked just such emotions: every gesture, every sound, like a bow to the dead and a request for forgiveness to mothers who did not wait for their sons.

Marina Trubina

Sergei Dudinsky, was born on May 19 in 1985, in Ashgabat (now the Republic of Turkmenistan) - an opera singer (tenor), as well as a performer of a romance song, working in the musical direction "crossover".

Laureate of international and all-Russian competitions.

At the age of seven, Dudinsky and his parents moved to live in Russia (Tula).

From early childhood, Sergei begins to show himself. An endless love for music is born in his heart literally from birth. By chance, the boy was invited to take part in the then-popular television show competition for young pop singers "50 × 50", which was held in Moscow, he performs the soundtrack from the movie "Titanic" - My Heart Will Go On - fate gives him victory in this competition. But his further plans change, and he chooses for himself the classical direction in singing, which is surprising and almost uncharacteristic for the younger generation of pop performers.

Sergei is a graduate of the Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky in the class of solo singing (class of Professor, People's Artist Zurab Sotkilava).
His singing begins to sound at the best concert venues in Russia, Europe and Asia. Dudinsky's voice is distinguished by its original timbre and a range of four octaves. His special drama and lyricism, voice expression - are able to recreate a performance at the moment of performance. All the power of the voice and virtuosity of the young, talented singer were able to appreciate the great masters of classical music: Montserrat Caballe, Galina Vishnevskaya, Zurab Sotkilava ...

In 2008, Sergei was invited by M. Caballe to master classes held as part of the Opera Singing Festival in Barcelona (Spain).

In 2009, he received an award for the best performance of the part of Lensky in the opera Eugene Onegin in Magnitogorsk at the Vivaopera international festival, and also toured with the same part at the Beijing Opera and Ballet Theater (China).

In one of the interviews, Sergei Dudinsky mentioned his special sympathy for the image of Lensky “... Lensky as a hero is very close to me. We are similar in the sense of peace, harmony in it. Sometimes it seems to me that I am Lensky, and Lensky is me. I could talk about him for hours, but it's better to see him live in my performance. I can say one thing, that when I first read the novel "Eugene Onegin", I immediately realized that my first role would be Lensky, sensual, temperamental, with a subtle soul and a strong character, who won hearts with his romanticism and words. On stage, I wanted to reveal it completely. What is the point of making him weak, crying? He's not like that. Why do some people think if romantic, then weak? This is not true at all. The only thing that moved him was love, he lived in the name of love. I also live, sing in the name of love. For me, faith is love. Love gives strength."

In 2009, Dudinsky performed the role of Alfred in La traviata by G. Verdi, it was a clear success, and they started talking about him as a rising star with a rich and beautiful voice.

In 2010, Sergey became the 1st prize winner in the international competition "Romansiada 2010", where he was called the new king of romance. So the Moscow newspaper Sobesednik wrote.

In 2010, he also entered the Galina Vishnevskaya Opera Center. In 2011, he began to collaborate with the Lyudmila Zykina Rossiya orchestra conducted by Dmitry Dmitrienko, as well as with the BOYAN orchestra conducted by Anatoly Poletaev.

In 2012, Dudinsky received the first prize at the international competition "Spring of Romance", St. Petersburg.

In 2012, the opening of the nominal star "Sergey Dudinsky" in Sokolniki Park on the symphony stage was held by the Ministry of Culture for his contribution to the promotion of classical and romance music.

Sergey is constantly developing, improving, trying his hand at pop songs (pop and euro-pop, jazz), he is able to perform Russian hits and foreign world pop and approach the author's song with new variations.

Each performance of the singer is a life lived in a song, this is a completely unusual concert-performance, filled with deep meaning, light, the experience of the hero and giving
love for people, expressing it in his songs, in his voice, in character. His heart is always open to new ideas in music.

Music must be beautiful… Interview with Sergey Dudinsky

RG "Mil": What was the beginning of your creative path in the capital? Tell us about your studies at the Moscow Conservatory, in the class of Zurab Sotkilava.

Sergey Dudinsky: My first step in Moscow was to enter the school at the Moscow Conservatory named after Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. When I came to enter - and immediately to the conservatory - I was seventeen years old. For the conservatory, of course, this age was very young. And I was so ambitious and I am sure that I will immediately be accepted into the conservatory! But in fact, everything turned out to be not so colorful. And when I came to the audition - I was auditioned by Kudryavtseva, Lemeshev's wife - and said that I would really like to study here, performed a romance, performed a Russian aria, Kudryavtseva told me: yes, young man, you have all the data, but you still very young for the conservatory, and you need to study at the school. And at that time I had already completed three courses at the Department of Choral Conducting at the Dargomyzhsky College. And I thought that here, again, the school, again all over again ... Especially since I already knew the whole program and, in general, there was nothing to learn. But since my dream to get into the conservatory was stronger than anything else, I decided to take this step and entered the first year of the Tchaikovsky School. I ended up in Viktor Viktorovich Goryachkin's class. Goryachkin - People's Artist, baritone. When I started to study with him, I realized that he was absolutely not my teacher! I wanted to study with a teacher who knows how to grow a tenor. In general, I realized that I had to run from there. And one fine day - it was March, Saturday - I was walking past the conservatory and absolutely at random decided to go in. Even then I thought, what if there is Zurab Lavrentievich Sotkilava there. And, wow, he really was there! Sotkilava is a great man, maestro, and I always thought that to get to such a person one must be very talented. And at that moment I was just trying my hand. And so I go up to the class, open the door and see Zurab Lavrentievich. He is alone, sitting so imposingly in a chair. By the way, at that time I didn’t know Sotkilava’s patronymic, and I had to run all over the conservatory to find out from someone that he was Lavrentievich. In general, I go up to him - it was terribly crazy - and I say: “Zurab Lavrentievich, I really want to study with you. How can I listen?" He looked at me and asked: “How old are you?” I say: “I am very young, but I really want to learn from you!” Then he said: "Let's do this - in a week you will come to me with your notes and sing everything that you have." I was amazed! "Is it true? Is this how you can come?" And Zurab Lavrentievich says: “Yes, of course, you can.” And then the long-awaited hour came when I came to him with the notes. I had a whole pile of notes - all sorts of complex romances, arias ... I ask: “Zurab Lavrentievich, what should I sing to you?” “Give it the simplest,” he says. And I sang Handel, called " P ieta signore". I remember how I started to sing - I sing, I sing, and Zurab Lavrentievich listens to everything, listens, and he looks past me somewhere in the distance ... Finally, I finished the last lines - and there was such a pause, silence ... Then Zurab Lavrentievich slowly said: “ You know what…” I sighed and said, “Well, it must be very bad.” And he: “No, it was not bad, it was great!” Of course I was confused! This work was still sung by the great Caruso, and Sotkilava told me that he was very struck by the fact that in my youth I was able to convey all the subtleties of this song. As a result, Zurab Lavrentievich accepted me into his class - first for a sub-course, and then for the first year of the conservatory. Together we prepared very good, interesting programs. He took me to concerts with him and that's how I started to get on the big stage. It is our common merit with him that I became the first tenor who, at the age of twenty-one, sang the part of Lensky (Eugene Onegin, ed.). The professors of the conservatory were, of course, indignant: how so? - The young singer could damage his fragile voice! And Zurab Lavrentievich believed in my voice and believed in my talent! And I am very grateful to him for everything!

RG "Mil": Tell us about your activities with Montserrat Caballe. Did she give you any personal advice?

Sergey Dudinsky: I passed a huge competition among young performers and was selected to take a master class from Montserrat Caballe herself! The master class was held in the Spanish city of Zaragoza. Montserrat Caballe, of course, is an amazing singer, she said such the right things, placed the accents so correctly. In this regard, he and Zurab Lavrentievich were "on the same wavelength." Personally, Caballe recommended me to sing more dramatic repertoire. She liked that when I sing a work, I completely immerse myself in it, I am interested in everything connected with it.

RG "Mil": What did you plan to do after graduating from the conservatory?

Sergey Dudinsky: At first, there were no plans as such, but after graduating from the conservatory, I accidentally found out that Galina Pavlovna Vishnevskaya was recruiting singers for her opera house, and I went to her for an audition. I remember that the audition was not without curiosity. I went on stage and forgot to turn off my phone! And so, it means - the opera house of Galina Pavlovna, the accompanist is playing, I am standing on the stage - performing a romance, and suddenly: tryn-dyn-dyn, the music began to play. I take out my phone, try to turn it off, and at this time I continue to sing! Galina Pavlovna looked at me and said: “What, New York calls?” In general, I was accepted into the theater, and Galina Pavlovna personally worked with me, we prepared parts together. Vishnevskaya was a radically different teacher. She was strict, she told everyone only the truth, and in response, too, she asked her never to lie. If you can't sing, if you can't, then she said it like that, to her face.

RG "Mil": Is it possible to say that you prefer romance to other genres? What are the features of the performance of the romance?

Sergey Dudinsky: By the way, I never liked romances at all. It was my least favorite genre. And then suddenly they announce a romance contest, in which I decided to take part. And, according to the results of this competition, I was awarded the first prize, and the press called me the king of romance! Now the romance is an integral part of my repertoire, but I only perform unknown romances that the public does not know. Even a popular romance I am trying to remake as if it were performed not by a person who has experienced a lot, but, on the contrary, by a young, young one. Romance, in fact, is very difficult to sing, for me it is much more difficult than to perform arias. The romance should have a completely different breath, completely different phrases, the technique should have a special filigree. For example, the romance "Spider Web" - I modified it and performed it in the understanding of a young man with my own, modern, point of view of the world. The romance "Spider Web" has become a kind of hallmark of my repertoire.

RG "Mil": What is the most significant song in your repertoire that you wrote yourself?

Sergey Dudinsky: Probably the most significant song is "Sky". At a music competition, as the author of this song, I was awarded an honorary diploma. "Heaven" began to be performed by other singers, and for me this is the biggest reward.

RG "Mil": What foreign languages ​​do you sing in, and how important is knowing the language for competent performance of parts?

Sergey Dudinsky: In Spanish, French, Italian… Once he performed a part from a modern opera in Chinese. Of course, it is desirable to know the language and be able to grade the sounds inherent in a particular speech. To some extent, I was lucky - I easily perceive and reproduce by ear. But I work a lot on this, I hone each letter.

RG "Mil": What is the uniqueness of your style of performance?

Sergey Dudinsky: I try to combine several genres in one song.

RG "Mil": Tell us about your upcoming solo concert.

Sergey Dudinsky: The solo concert will take place in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior on December 10, 2016. It is called - "White-winged flight", according to the song of the same name by Evgeny Martynov. With this work, the author seems to sum up his creative path. Fantastic song! And I feel like this is my song! I performed it for the first time in St. Petersburg, in the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall - it caused a real delight at the hall! Great song! A symphony orchestra will sound in the Temple. It was my dream! Since childhood, I dreamed that I was going on stage to the sounds of a symphony orchestra, and this is my solo concert. This dream is like a guiding star that I have been following all my life ...

RG "Mil": What do you expect from this concert? What are your further creative plans?

Sergey Dudinsky: For me, the most important thing is that people have fun, so that I can convey my creativity to them - this is very important for me! I put a lot of effort into preparing this concert. Created the vocal ensemble "Moveton". These are brilliant guys from the Sveshnikov State Academic Russian Choir. High professionals, we became very good friends with them. After the concert, together with this group, I will go on tour to Yaroslavl, and then on a tour ... We will try! Because music is my whole life!

Editorial board of the information and educational publication

"Peace and Personality » in the person of editor-in-chief Elena Chaplenko thanks Sergey Dudinsky for an interesting conversation

Interview conducted by Elena Chaplenko

Photo - from the personal archive of Sergei Dudinsky

Sergei Nikolaevich Dudinsky, born on May 19, 1985, in Ashgabat (now the Republic of Turkmenistan), is an opera singer (tenor), as well as a performer of a romance song, currently working in the musical direction of a crossover.
Laureate of international and all-Russian competitions.
At the age of seven, Dudinsky and his parents moved to live in Tula, Russia.
From early childhood, Sergei begins to show himself. An endless love for music is born in his heart literally from birth.
By chance, the boy is invited to take part in the then-popular television show competition for young pop singers "50 × 50", which was held in Moscow, he performs the soundtrack from the movie "Titanic" - "MyHeartWillGoOn" fate gives him victory in this competition.
But his further plans change, and he chooses for himself the classical direction in singing, which is surprising and almost not typical for the younger generation of pop performers.
Sergey is a graduate of the Moscow State
Conservatories. P.I. Tchaikovsky in the class of solo singing
(class of Professor, People's Artist Zurab Sotkilava).
His singing begins to sound at the best concert venues in Russia, Europe and Asia.
Dudinsky's voice is distinguished by its original timbre and a range of four octaves. His special drama and lyricism, voice expression - are able to recreate a performance at the moment of performance.
All the power of the voice and virtuosity of the young, talented singer were able to appreciate the great masters of classical music: Montserrat Caballe, Galina Vishnevskaya, Zurab Sotkilava ...
In 2008, Sergei was invited by M. Caballe to the master
classes held as part of the Opera Singing Festival in
city ​​of Barcelona (Spain).
In 2009 he received the award for the best performance of the part
Lensky in the opera "Eugene Onegin" in the city of Magnitogorsk
at the international festival "Vivaopera", as well as
toured with the same part at the Beijing Opera and
ballet (China).
In one of the interviews, Sergei Dudinsky mentioned his special sympathy for the image of Lensky “..Lensky, as a hero, is very close to me. We are similar in the feeling of peace, harmony in it. Sometimes it seems to me that I am Lensky, and Lensky is me. I could talk about him for hours, but it's better to see him live in my performance. I can say one thing, that when I read the novel "Eugene Onegin" for the first time, I immediately realized that my first role would be Lensky, sensual, temperamental, subtle in soul and strong in character, who won hearts with his romanticism and words. On stage, I wanted to reveal it completely. What is the point of making him weak, crying? He's not like that. Why do some people think if romantic, then weak? This is not true at all. The only thing that moved him was love, he lived in the name of love. I also live, sing in the name of love. For me, faith is love. Love gives strength."
In 2009, Dudinsky performed the role of Alfred in the opera La Traviata by G. Verdi, it was a clear success! The party was distinguished by impudence and fresh performance by Dudinsky, while the canons of the operatic, classical genre were not violated.
After that, they started talking about him as a rising star with a rich and beautiful voice. And also about his indescribable charisma.
In 2010, he became the winner of the 1st prize in the international competition "Romansiada 2010", where he was called the new king of romance. So the Moscow newspaper Sobesednik wrote.
In 2010, he also entered the Galina Vishnevskaya Opera Center.
In 2011, he began to collaborate with the Lyudmila Zykina Rossiya orchestra conducted by Dmitry Dmitrienko, as well as with the BOYAN orchestra conducted by Anatoly Poletaev.
In 2012, the first prize was awarded at the international competition "Spring Romance" in St. Petersburg.
In 2012, an amazing event took place in the life of the singer, the opening of the nominal star "Sergey Dudinsky" took place - in SOKOLNIKI Park on the symphony stage by the Ministry of Culture for his contribution to the promotion of classical and romance music. In this glorious place, the stars of such great performers as Edita Piekha, Muslim Magomayev and others are immortalized…
Sergey is constantly developing, improving, trying his hand at pop songs (pop and euro pop, jazz), skillfully able to perform Russian
hits and foreign world stage, and approach the author's song with new variations.
Each performance of the singer is a life lived in songs, it is
concert performance is completely unusual, filled with
deep meaning, light, experience of the hero and giving
love for people, expressing it in his songs, in his voice, in character ... His heart is always open to new ideas in music.

DUDINSKIY - singer, composer, performer of classical and pop music, symphonic rock and romance songs. Laureate of international and all-Russian competitions. Currently working in the music direction


*new pop crossover - this is a genre that combines the symphonic and pop sound of a pop song. In the era of the USSR, it was called "Soviet song", "classical stage". A genre that died out a long time ago, but in our time, POP Crossover is starting to gain momentum. More and more often we hear on TV channels rehashings of famous Soviet songs that sound in new arrangements, that is, cover versions. Our goal is to create a new song, new material, the development of this wonderful POP CROSSOVER direction, which carries culture, beauty, nobility, a rich palette of musical sounds and, of course, the most important VOICE.

Dear friends!

My team and I are raising funds for the realization of my first song, which is written in the style of POP CROSSOVER, as well as a professional video, which I have not yet had. I really want to work in this genre and write new author's songs for it.

To do this, I need your help in making my dream come true.

Let's create beautiful music together, songs combined with a symphony orchestra.

Artists such as Lara Fabian, J.Groban, Vittorio Grigollo, IL Divo, Shirley Bassey, and others work in this pop crossover style.

But after all, not long ago, we were also proud of the constellation of Soviet artists such as Muslim Magomayev, Yevgeny Martynov, Maya Kristalinskaya, Valentina Tolkunova, Anna German.

Unfortunately, now in Russia this style has begun to be forgotten, so I would like to sing such songs in Russian, opening this romantic genre for the Russian listener.

The collected funds will be used to record the song in a professional recording studio with a symphony orchestra. After the end of the recording, we will start filming the video. An amazing team of craftsmen, creative people, will be working on this project. I promise we won't disappoint you.

Thank you all for your support and as they say with God!

DUDINSKIY (Sergei Dudinsky) a graduate of the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky in the class of solo singing (class of Professor, People's Artist Zurab Sotkilava). His voice begins to sound at the best concert venues in Russia, Europe and Asia.

His special drama, lyricism and vocal expression are capable of creating a whole performance at the time of performance. All the power of the voice and virtuosity of the young and talented singer were appreciated by the great masters of the opera stage: Montserrat Caballe, Galina Vishnevskaya, Zurab Sotkilava. In 2008, Montserrat Caballe even invited Sergei to master classes held as part of the Opera Singing Festival in Barcelona (Spain). In 2009, Dudinsky performed the part of Alfred from the opera La Traviata by G. Verdi, and it was a clear success. His performance was distinguished by boldness and novelty, and at the same time the canons of the classical opera genre were not violated. After that, they started talking about him as a rising star with a rich and beautiful voice, as well as his indescribable charisma.

In 2010, DUDINSKIY won the first prize of the international competition "Romansiada-2010", and the Moscow newspaper "Sobesednik" called him "the new king of romance." In the same year, Sergei entered the Galina Vishnevskaya Opera Center, and in 2011 began to collaborate with the Lyudmila Zykina Rossiya Orchestra conducted by Dmitry Dmitrienko, with the Russian Philharmonic State Orchestra, and with the BOYAN Orchestra conducted by Anatoly Poletaev. In 2012, the first prize of the international competition "Spring of Romance", held in St. Petersburg, was awarded. And in 2012, an amazing event took place in the life of the singer: the opening of a nominal star took place in Sokolniki Park on the symphony stage. Thus, the Ministry of Culture noted his contribution to the promotion of classical and romance music. In this glorious place, the names of such great performers as Edita Piekha, Muslim Magomayev and others are immortalized. DUDINSKIY is able to masterfully perform Russian hits and masterpieces of the world foreign stage, with new variations to approach the performance of an author's song. Each performance of the singer is a life lived in a song, it is a concert performance filled with deep meaning, the experience of a hero and giving people love!

// Winner of the TV project "Live Sound" Russia 1 //

In 2013 in St. Petersburg, DUDINSKIY won a diploma in the nomination for the best romance song "SKY", the author of which is himself. The artist is constantly developing, improving, and even tries his hand at the stage (pop, euro-pop and jazz).

In 2014, DUDINSKIY becomes the winner of the musical television show "Live Sound" on channel Russia 1. Also, the channel Culture becomes a participant in the "Romance of Romance" program.

In 2015, the singer toured all over Russia with the Talents of the World Foundation.

2016 Sergey with GARKh them. A.V. Sveshnikova is touring London, performing at the legendary Barbican Concert Hall, where he performed the famous hit "Yesterday".

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