Tickets to the Children's Musical Drama Theatre. Moscow Regional State Puppet Theater


Theater-studio "A-Ya" opened with a play based on the play by E. Schwartz "The War of Petrushka and Styopka-Rashrepka"

A children's theatrical and circus studio was organized at the theater. Acrobatics, acting, music, etc. classes are held with children.
Premiere of the play based on N. Simon's play "The Last Passionate Lover"

A series of puppet-drama performances based on popular children's fairy tales "38 parrots", "Where did the New Year go", "The stork and the scarecrow"

The theater takes part in a seminar for directors of children's amateur and school theaters in Russia
The studio becomes the Moscow State Children's Theater "A-Ya" - the Creative Center.
Premiere of the performance based on the play by V. Anzikeev "Piglets-96"
Premiere of the play based on the play by G. Marella "Cry of the Lobster"

The first tour of the theater in the Vladimir region. The theater participates in the festival dedicated to the 100th anniversary of E. Schwartz

Premiere of the performance based on the play by V. Myutnikov "Incredible Adventures in the Flower Kingdom or Why the Rose Has Thorns"
Premiere of the play based on the play by Y. Uralsky "Little Red Riding Hood"

Premiere of the play based on the play by G. Sokolova "Get the Star"

Premiere of the play based on the play by V. Anzikeev "Wonderful Nonsense"
Premiere of the performance based on the work of G. Oster, D. Kharms and A. Pushkin "One day in the life of a little rascal"
Premiere of the play based on the play by A. Dobrovolskaya "An Extraordinary Journey Beyond the Royal Clock"
Premiere of the play based on the plays by M. Pavlova "If you die, then lie still"

Premiere of the play based on the play by A. Ostrovsky "Festive dream before dinner"
Premiere of the play based on the play by A. Dobrovolskaya "Alice & Stranger and Stranger"
Premiere of the performance by the Children's Theater and Circus Studio at the Mukha-Tsokotukha Theater

Premiere of the play "Bravo, Figaro!" based on the play by P. Beaumarchais "The Barber of Seville"

Premiere of the play "Masha and the Mouse King" based on the play by A. Dobrovolskaya

Premiere of the play "Scenes from Moscow Life (Not All the Cat's Maslenitsa)" based on the play by A. Ostrovsky.
Premiere of the play "The New Tale of the Old Watchmaker" based on the play by A. Dobrovolskaya

Premiere of the play "The Merry Flute Sings Sadly" based on the play by A. Dobrovolskaya.
Premiere of the performance "Best of all" based on the play by A. Dobrovolskaya.
Premiere of the play "Etudes in Orange".

Premiere of the performance dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War "Triangular Years".
Premiere of the restored performance "Why does the Rose have thorns" based on the play by V. Myutnikov.
Premiere of the play "How the monkey outwitted the king of the sea" based on the play by I. Kryachun

Premiere of the performance based on P. Ershov's fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse or Miracles and nothing more"

Premiere of the play "Children's Surprise. Verbatim" (A. Dobrovolskaya, V. Zabaluev, A. Zenzinov)
Premiere of the musical "FLY" by E.Bargman-A.Dobrovolskaya

2008 - 2009
Premiere of the fashion comedy based on the play by A. Griboedov "Woe from Wit" - "SIN IS NOT A TROUBLE"
Premiere of the play based on the play by A. Dobrovolskaya based on the Norwegian folklore "Violin and a Little Sun"
Premiere of the performance based on the fairy tale by E. Fedorichev "Wind"

2008 - 2009
The play "TSIPA-DRIPA" for children aged 3-6 is being prepared for staging, based on children's poetry of the 20th century.

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