Biographies, histories, facts, photographs. The Last Days of Paganini The Posthumous Journey of Paganini


The name of Nicolo Paganini is known even to those who have never been to a violin concerto. The figure of this famous Italian virtuoso violinist, guitarist, composer was surrounded by legends during his lifetime. First of all, the very appearance of Paganini, the description of which was left by his great contemporaries Goethe and Balzac, was impressive: a deathly pale face, as if fashioned from wax, deeply sunken eyes, thinness, angular movements and - most importantly - thin super-flexible fingers of some incredible length, as if twice as long as normal people. At the same time, Paganini had a very peculiar character, committed incomprehensible, picaresque acts. In the crowd listening to his improvisations on the Roman streets, some said that he was in cahoots with the devil, others that his art was the music of heaven, angelic voices. Until the 20th century, many believed rumors that in his youth, Niccolo had resorted to the help of a surgeon who performed an operation on him to increase the flexibility of his hands.

Niccolò Paganini (Italian Niccolò Paganini; October 27, 1782, Genoa - May 27, 1840, Nice) was an Italian violinist and virtuoso guitarist, composer.

One of the brightest personalities in the musical history of the 18th-19th centuries

Paganini's violin works are among the most difficult to perform. Not every virtuoso is able to follow the author's instructions exactly. He himself, without visible effort, extracted incredible trills from the violin, performed the most complex variations on one string. He played in such a way that it seemed to the listeners that a second violin was hidden somewhere, playing simultaneously with the first. Humanity has not yet received another Paganini.

The secret of Paganini's incredible violin technique was explained by the American physician Myron Schoenfeld. In an article that was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, he argues that the musician suffered from a rare hereditary disease, the so-called Marfan syndrome. This disease was described in 1896 by the French pediatrician A. Marfan. It is caused by a hereditary malformation of the connective tissue and is characterized by damage to the musculoskeletal system, eyes and internal organs. The reasons for it are not well understood. Patients with Marfan's syndrome have a characteristic appearance: pale skin, deep-set eyes, a thin body, awkward movements, "spider" fingers. This absolutely coincides with the description of the appearance of Paganini.

At the end of his life, the great musician almost lost his voice. This is additional evidence in favor of the fact that Paganini had Marfan's syndrome. A frequent complication of this disease is severe hoarseness, aphonia, caused by periodic paralysis of the superior laryngeal nerve. The diary of the doctor who treated Paganini has been preserved. What he writes about his patient's disease largely coincides with the classic symptoms of Marfan's syndrome: asthenic build, pronounced kyphosis and scoliosis, "bird" facial expression, narrow skull, protruding or cut chin, eyes with blue sclera, loose joints, disproportions in the size of the trunk and limbs, hands and feet are long with thin "spider" fingers. This is where Paganini's demonic appearance comes from.

There is a legend that on the very first night after Teresa Paganini gave birth to her second child, an angel appeared to her in a dream, who announced: “This boy is destined to become a musician, and he will glorify your name all over the world ...” She did not give this dream any and soon forgot about him for a long time, thinking: “I’ve had enough of my hubby, who, instead of looking for a job, strums on a mandolin all day long ...” Then time passed, Teresa gave birth to three more children, and they all made such a noise in their small peeled courtyard, that drove her crazy. But the boy Nicolò, with his father's hooked nose, was not like the others. It turned out that he had absolute pitch and often listened with fascination to the ringing of church bells in their native Genoa and the game of his father, for whom playing the mandolin was the last opportunity to earn a penny to feed the family ...

One day, his father handed Nikolo his old musical instrument, offering to play. A five-year-old boy picked up a mandolin, ran his fingers along the strings and, hearing magical sounds, ... smiled. Since the former port worker Antonio Paganini had plenty of time, he began to teach Nicolo how to play the instrument with the idea of ​​taking him with him to parties and celebrations in the future - after all, they would pay more! To his surprise, his son mastered the mandolin very quickly. And then Antonio decided to buy him a violin with the same selfish goal: when he teaches his son to play it, they will have a small ensemble. ... Nikolo began exhausting lessons on learning to play the violin. No matter how much the boy wanted to run away into the street, where the neighboring children frolicked, but his father was adamant. Once at dinner, Teresa remembered that strange dream-prophecy about the fate of Nikolo ... After this, classes began to drag on for 8-10 hours, and until the boy learned what his father had given him, Antonio did not let him out of the basement. Often he punished his son for non-compliance, leaving him without food ...

Antonio Paganini achieved his goal - his son Nicolo began to play better than himself. At the age of 9, he already perfectly performed variations of the Cormagnola and his other compositions. Father and son were invited to celebrations more often and paid more. They now performed not only in front of commoners, but also in front of noble people. At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, patronage in Western Europe was held in high esteem, and every wealthy person sought to help those in need, knowing that this help was pleasing to God. I met such a rich man in the life of Nikolo. Marquis Gianfranco de Negri once heard Nicolo play the violin and was so amazed that he decided to give money for the further education of a talented teenager. So for Nicolo Paganini, the time came to study with the recognized violinists of that time - first with Antonio Cervetto and Giacomo Costa, then with the cellist Gasparo Ghiretti, who taught him to compose music. The famous musician Alessandro Rolle, having listened to the game of the young talent, was so amazed that he was silent for a long time, and then admitted that he "had nothing to teach this young man."

In the early 1800s, the first tour of the violinist Nicolo Paganini began in his native Italy - they brought him a resounding success. His virtuoso playing attracted thousands of listeners, they spoke of him as a miracle. Nicolò was increasingly burdened by the care of his father, and as soon as he received an offer to become the first violin in the orchestra of the city of Luca, he immediately agreed and moved there. At the same time, from time to time he continued to give solo concerts during tours in Pisa, Florence, Bologna and other cities. The townsfolk who were present at his performances often passed from mouth to mouth that, apparently, the devil was leading Paganini with a bow, that a simple person could not play like that ... Since 1805, Nicolo began to serve as the first violin in the orchestra at the court of Napoleon Bonaparte's sister Elisa Bachokki, later he headed her orchestra. Soon a passion broke out between the noble lady and the violinist, which lasted four years. But Eliza did not allow him to tour anywhere, and Nicolo did not like it. Elise Paganini dedicated his composition Love Scenes for B and A strings. Eliza demanded to continue, and after a while the musician created the sonata "Napoleon" for one G string (during the performance of both works, unnecessary strings were removed). Since Nicolò masterfully mastered the technique of playing the violin, his performance has always made a splash. Eliza, not hiding her feelings, looked at him with loving eyes. But this love was not enough for Nikolo, he was eager to see the world, he wanted to play on the best concert stages in Europe. As soon as the opportunity presented itself, Paganini left Baciocchi's court to tour as a freelance artist.

At this time, Nikolo composed many works for the violin, he himself performed them at concerts, causing constant delight. Despite the fact that, according to the memoirs of his contemporaries, he was ugly, women were crazy about him and his playing and even fainted at his concerts. Love adventures with noble ladies and commoners brought him so far that he did not escape an unpleasant incident that ruined his reputation - in 1814 in Genoa, the tailor's daughter Angelina Cavanna, whom he met after a concert, became pregnant from him. When Nicolo found out about this, he hastened to send her to his friends until she was relieved of her burden. But the girl's father accused Nicolo of kidnapping his daughter and raping her and sued him. The child, barely born, died, but the judge sentenced Nicolò to pay 3,000 lire in favor of Angelina. Paganini's reputation in the eyes of the townsfolk was damaged, and he hastened to leave his homeland in order to quickly forget this incident.

Touring Europe, Paganini always gathered full houses of enthusiastic listeners who, seeing his virtuoso playing, were sure that the devil was helping the violinist. Paganini himself supported rumors about his superhuman talent, confident that this contributed to a successful career. So, when in 1828, due to illness, he lost all his teeth, Nicolò explained this by "the touch of the devil on his appearance."

... At the end of 1816 in Venice, Paganini met the aspiring singer Antonia Bianchi and undertook to teach her music. Joint classes brought young people so far that in the end, Nikolo took the beauty with him. ... Until 1821, the violinist gave many concerts in different cities of Europe. He prepared and published his compositions - 24 caprices - subsequently included in the world musical treasury of mankind. But over time, constant nervous tension, an intense touring schedule undermined Nicolo's already poor health - at the end of 1821 he became seriously ill with tuberculosis and for a long time was between life and death. During that period, his relationship with Antonia was interrupted, as Nicolò, accompanied by his mother, left for treatment in Pia. And rumors spread throughout Europe that the violinist Nicolo Paganini had died. In those days, consumption was a serious disease. Nicolo, fortunately, was able to avoid death, but he had a painful cough for the rest of his life. When he met Antonia Bianchi again in 1824, she was already a famous singer and shone on the best stages of her native Italy. The old feelings flared up between the young people, and a year later they had a son, who was named Achilles. However, their life together lasted only three years.

Antonia was unable to resist the temptations of a bohemian life - Nicolo more than once had to take her away from noisy companies, turn a blind eye to many things. However, when he received irrefutable evidence of his wife's infidelity, he decided to break up, suing custody of his son in his favor. Perhaps, left alone, he also went into all serious trouble and after some time fell ill with syphilis. The treatment of this disease with a medicine based on mercury, which was very common in those years, finally undermined the health of Nicolo Paganini. In the last years of his life, the brilliant violinist toured little, but composed a lot of music, including sonatas and violin concertos...

In October 1839, the already very ill Paganini came to his homeland, to Genoa, for the last time. And less than a year later, on May 27, 1840, in Nice, when the brilliant violinist was only 50 years old, he died. Here one could put an end to the story of Nicolo Papanini, but, alas... It must be admitted that some kind of evil fate pursued Paganini even after his death. The fact is that for some mysterious reason the body of the brilliant violinist was not interred, and when this happened, his grave was disturbed twice. At first, the deceased Paganini was not buried due to the ban of the church, because he allegedly refused communion before his death. But if Nicolo Paganini, as foreign sources testify, died of cancer of the larynx, then, perhaps, on his deathbed, he simply physically could not - due to excruciating pains - utter a single word. The priests took his behavior as a refusal. After Paganini's death, when Achilles brought his father's coffin to be buried in Genoa, he was denied entry into the city. For five long years, Achilles had to store the coffin in a deep basement while he sought permission through the courts for burial. When Achilles Paganini finally received it and buried the body in the ground, for a strange, inexplicable reason, the coffin was dug up again - for some reason, the Czech violinist persuaded Achilles to do this.

... Only in 1876, the body of Nicolo Paganini was forever lowered into the land of his native Genoa. Today, his tomb is one of the attractions of this Italian city, which is visited by thousands of tourists every year. Nicolò Paganini's favorite violin "Il Cannone" (Cannon), created by the great Giuseppe Guarneri, is now kept in the Town Hall of Genoa. Once a month, a specially appointed curator takes it out of the window and plays ... works by Nicolo Paganini. And it seems that the great violinist himself is bowing his famous left pizzicato...

On November 1, 2005, a violin by master Carlo Bergonzi, owned by Niccolò Paganini, was purchased at Sotheby's in London for $1.1 million (starting price was $500,000) by Maxim Viktorov, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Violin Art Foundation.


Name: Niccolo Paganini

Age: 57 years old

Activity: violinist, composer

Family status: was divorced

Niccolo Paganini: biography

The mystical violinist, whose hands were led by Satan himself, still excites people's hearts with his own works and makes people think about the innermost, although many years have passed since the death of the genius.

In the late autumn of 1782, a second child was born in a poor Genoese family, who was named Niccolò. Parents were very worried about the baby, as the baby was born prematurely and was painful and frail. Niccolò's father's house was in a narrow alley called the Black Cat. Antonio Paganini (father) in his youth worked as a loader in the port, but a little later he opened his own shop. Teresa Bocciardo (mother) ran the household.

Once Teresa dreamed of an angel who predicted a brilliant musical future for the second child. When the woman told her husband about the dream, he was incredibly happy, because he himself adored music. Antonio constantly played music on the mandolin, which greatly irritated the neighbors and his wife. The man instilled a love for musical instruments in his older child, but was not successful.

The father, believing in a prophetic dream, began to intensively engage in violin lessons with Niccolo. From the first lessons it becomes clear that the child is gifted by nature with the finest hearing. Therefore, the baby's childhood years passed in exhausting activities, from which he even ran away. But dad took extreme measures, locking his son in a dark barn and depriving him of a piece of bread. The child was forced to play the instrument for many hours at a time, which led to catalepsy. Doctors declared death, and heartbroken parents began the funeral procedure.

Niccolo Paganini in childhood and youth

But at the farewell ceremony, a miracle happened - Niccolo woke up and sat in a coffin. As soon as the baby recovered, Antonio again handed him his favorite torture toy - the violin. Now the man stopped independent lessons with his son and invited a teacher, who was the Genoese violinist Francesca Gnecco. Paganini early began to create the first compositions of his own composition. Thus, already at the age of 8 he pleased his relatives with a violin sonata.

Rumors spread around the town that a talented musician was growing up in the poor family of the shopkeeper Paganini. This news did not pass by the ears of the chief violinist of the chapel of the Cathedral of San Lorenzo, who decided to see for himself the genius of the boy. After the audition, Giacomo Costa offered his own services in the development of the young talent. Costa taught Niccolo for six months, passing on the skills and secrets of the art to him.


After classes with Giacomo, the child's life has changed beyond recognition, now his biography is full of meetings with creative people. The road to concert activity opened before the young man. In 1794, the Polish virtuoso August Duranovsky performed in Genoa, who inspired the young violinist so much that he decided to give his own concert. After that, the Marquis Giancarlo di Negro, who was known as a famous music lover, became interested in the boy. Upon learning that a gifted child is growing up in a poor family, the Marquis takes on the responsibility of raising and supporting Niccolò.

Giancarlo di Negro pays for the services of a new teacher for the boy. The popular cellist Gasparo Ghiretti, who taught Pagini the technique of composing and developed in him the ability to compose music without an instrument, became the newcomer. Under such guidance, the young man composed two concertos for violin and 24 fugues for piano four hands.

In 1800, Paganini began serious work and gave 2 concerts in Parma. After that, he is invited to the court of Duke Ferdinand of Bourbon, where the young man speaks confidently. At this moment, Antonio Paganini understands that it is time to earn money from his son's talent. Becoming an impresario, he organizes tours of Northern Italy.

The talented young man gives concerts in Pisa, Florence, Bologna, Milan, Livorno. Huge halls gather in the cities, people want to see the young violinist. But despite the heavy tour, the father insists on the constant playing of music by Niccolò, who is already creating masterpiece capriccios. These 24 caprices revolutionized the world of violin music. The hand of a genius touched the dry formulas of Locatelli, and the works sparkled with fresh, sparkling images and paintings. No other violinist could do that. Each miniature out of 24 sounds incomparable, causing the listener to laugh, and tears, and wild horror at the same time.

Tired of the authoritarian and cruel father, the grown-up young man decided to live independently. At this moment, he was offered the position of the first violinist in Lucca, and in order to get rid of parental care, Niccolo agrees. This moment is described in the diaries, where he shares his impressions of the feeling of intoxicating freedom and the feeling of wings behind his back. This was reflected in the concerts, which sounded passionately and passionately. Now the life of a genius has become a series of trips, card games and sexual adventures.

Niccolo Paganini returns to Genoa in 1804. Having stayed at home for a short time, he managed to create 12 violin and guitar sonatas. After that, he again goes to the Duchy of Felice Baciocchi, where he works as an orchestra conductor and chamber pianist. In 1808 he moved, following the rest of the courtiers, to Florence. The musician spent seven years at court, interrupting his service only for the duration of the tour. This dependence so unnerved the young man that he decided on a desperate act in order to get rid of the fetters of the nobility.

Niccolo Paganini was called "the fiddler of the devil"

Appearing at the concert in the uniform of a captain and flatly refusing to change clothes, he was expelled from the palace by his sister. At that moment, the French commander was defeated by Russian troops, and the violinist's act so excited the society that he miraculously escaped arrest. Further, the creative path continues in Milan. In the theater "La Scala" he was so fascinated by the dance of the witches from the ballet "The Wedding of Benevento" that he wrote variations for orchestral violin on this theme in one evening.

In 1821, Paganini interrupted his concert activity due to a protracted debilitating illness. Things are so bad that the man asks his mother to come to have time to say goodbye. Mother makes efforts to save her son and transports him to Pavia. Here the violinist is treated by Ciro Borda, who bleeds the patient, rubs mercury ointment and writes a personal diet.

But Niccolo is tormented by several diseases at once: fever, cough, tuberculosis, rheumatism and intestinal spasms. Even an eminent doctor cannot cope with the disease. Even during an illness, a talented musician does not leave creativity and with weak hands goes over the guitar strings, thinking over the compositions. Mother's prayers are not in vain, and the man recovers, although the hysterical cough remains for years.

Strengthened, Paganini gives 5 concerts in Pavia and composes 20 new works. The following years, the man travels, speaking in Germany, Rome, Westphalia, France. Now tickets for Paganini cost a lot of money, a talented violinist earns a fortune and even buys himself the title of baron.

Personal life

Despite the unpresentable appearance, Niccolo Paganini did not lack mistresses. Looking at the photo, contemporaries wonder how he managed it. The yellowish face, pointed nose, jet-black eyes and matted dark hair are the portrait of a great musician. As soon as the young man turned 20, he had a lady who took the violinist in the evenings to her own estate to relax after concerts.

Niccolo Paganini at 20

The next man's muse is Elisa Bonaparte Bachokki, who brought her beloved closer to the court and supported him in every possible way. The relationship was not easy, but so passionate that during this period the violinist writes 24 caprices in one breath. The sketches reveal everything that the young man felt for the beautiful princess: pain, fear, love, hatred and delight. This work still haunts listeners, many of whom believe that at that moment the devil himself controlled the composer's hand.

After parting with Eliza, Niccolò returned to the tour, where he met Angelina Cavannah. The girl is the tailor's daughter and gave her last money for the opportunity to see the great virtuoso. Since the musician was shrouded in mystical rumors, Angelina decided to see for herself the "Satanism" of the violinist and made her way backstage. Young people instantly fell in love with each other. In order not to part with her lover, the beauty went on a joint tour to Parma, without even notifying her father. After 2 months, she delighted her roommate with the news that she would soon become a mother.

The musician sends his girlfriend to Genoa to visit relatives, where her father finds her. The tailor accused Paganini of corrupting his daughter and sued. During the trial, Angelina gave birth, but the child died. The violinist paid monetary compensation to the Cavanno family.

After 3 months, the amorous violinist struck up a relationship with the singer Antonia Bianchi, who performed on the stage of LaScala. The couple lived so strangely that they repeatedly attracted the attention of others. Antonia loved Niccolo, but she constantly cheated. The girl explained this by the fact that the man was often sick, and she did not have enough attention. The singer did not hide her own betrayals. Beloved, too, did not remain in debt and started an affair with anyone.

In 1825, the couple had a son, who was named Achilles. The violinist, dreaming of children, was insanely happy about this fact. In order to create conditions for the child and ensure his future life, the young father plunged into creativity and earning capital. Not forgetting to pay attention to the beloved Achilles. The couple separated when the child was 3 years old. Niccolo won sole custody of the baby.

Despite his love affairs, he is tied to only one woman - Eleanor de Luca. From youth to maturity, a man visited his beloved, who meekly accepted a prodigal friend.


In the autumn of 1839, Paganini came to visit Genoa, but the trip was not easy. The great virtuoso was crippled by tuberculosis, which caused the man to suffer from a debilitating cough and swelling of his legs. The last months before his death, he did not even leave the house. In 1840, Niccolò devoured the disease, who, on his deathbed, plucked the strings of his favorite violin with his fingers, unable to lift the bow. In the same year, the great musician died.

According to one version, the clergy forbade the burial of the body due to the fact that the man did not confess before his death. Paganini was cremated, and Eleonora de Luca kept the ashes. From another source, it follows that Niccolò was buried in Val Polcevere, and 19 years later, Achilles secured the burial of his father's remains in the Parma cemetery.

  • In 2013, the film "The Devil's Fiddler", based on the biography of Paganini, was released.
  • He was able to "talk" with strings.
  • He was fond of gambling, leaving the last money in gambling houses.
  • He arranged such shows at concerts that some listeners lost consciousness.
  • One violin replaced the orchestra.
  • He categorically refused to write psalms.
  • Belonged to the society of Masons.
  • Did not write down his own compositions on paper
  • He did not interrupt the game if the strings burst on the violin. Sometimes even one string was enough for a masterpiece performance.
  • He was known as a great lover of pleasure.


  • 24 Caprices for violin solo, Op.1, 1802-1817
  • Six sonatas for violin and guitar, Op. 2
  • Six sonatas for violin and guitar
  • 15 quartets for violin, guitar, viola and cello
  • Violin Concertos No. 1-6
  • Le Streghe
  • Introduction with Variations on "God Save the King"
  • Venice Carnival
  • Concert Allegro Moto Perpetuo
  • Variations on Non pi? place
  • Variations on Di tanti Palpiti
  • 60 variations in all tunings on the Genoese folk song Barucaba
  • Cantabile, D major
  • Moto Perpetuo (Perpetual motion)
  • cantabile and waltz
  • Sonata for Grand Viola
  • Nicolo Paganini was born on October 27, 1789 in Genoa (Italy). The alley in which his parents lived was called the Black Cat.
  • Nicolo's father, Antonio Paganini, was once a port loader, after which he became a small shopkeeper. His hobby was playing the mandolin, which annoyed his wife and neighbors immensely.
  • Nicolò's mother's name was Teresa Bocciardo. Nicolo was her second child. He was born very small and was sick a lot as a child. Once in a dream, Teresa saw an angel who told her that her son had a great future, that he would become a famous musician.
  • From childhood, his father makes Nicolo play the violin for many hours in a row. He even locks the child in a dark barn so that he does not run away from classes. Antonio Paganini, not doubting the veracity of his wife's dream, dreams of making a great violinist out of his younger son, especially since the eldest son does not please his father with success in this field. As a result, constant studies finally undermine Nicolo's already poor health, and periods of tireless violin playing now alternate with illnesses. Many hours of classes bring the child to catalepsy - a state between life and death. Nicolo shows no signs of life, and his parents are going to bury him, but suddenly the boy stirred in the coffin.
  • As soon as Nikolo grew up, teachers began to invite him. The first is the Genoese violinist and composer Francesco Gnecco.
  • The fame of an unusually gifted boy spreads throughout the city. Giacomo Costa, the first violinist of the chapel of the Cathedral of San Lorenzo, begins to study with Nikolo once a week.
  • 1794 - the first concert of Nicolo Paganini. The boy falls into the circle of professional musicians, he admires them, and they admire him. An aristocrat, the Marquis Giancarlo di Negro, takes care of the boy and his education.
  • 1797 - eight-year-old Nicolo Paganini composes his first piece of music - a violin sonata. Several other variations followed immediately.
  • Thanks to the Marquis di Negro, Nicolò continues his education. Now he studies with cellist Gasparo Ghiretti. The new teacher forces his pupil to compose music without an instrument, guided only by his inner ear. For a short period, Paganini composed 24 fugues for piano four hands, two violin concertos and several pieces. None of these works have survived to our time.
  • Early 1800s - first tours. First, Nicolo performs in Parma, and the performances are held with great triumph. After Parma, the young man receives an invitation to speak at the court of Duke Ferdinand of Bourbon. Father Nicolo understands that the time has finally come to earn money from his son's talent and takes over the organization of tours throughout Northern Italy. Paganini performs with great success in Florence, Pisa, Bologna, Livorno, Milan. But active touring does not cancel his studies and continuing his studies, and Nicolo, under the guidance of his father, continues to learn to play the violin.
  • During this period, Nicolo Paganini composes 24 caprices.
  • Dependence on a harsh father begins to burden the grown son more and more, and he uses the first opportunity to get rid of it. In the city of Lucca, he is offered the position of the first violinist, and he immediately agrees.
  • In Lucca, Paganini was soon entrusted with the leadership of the city orchestra. At the same time, it is not forbidden to conduct concert activities, and Nikolo performs in neighboring cities.
  • First love. For three years, Paganini did not tour, he, in his own words, only "plucks the guitar strings with pleasure." The muse of the musician becomes a certain "Signora Dide". Paganini writes music, and during this period 12 sonatas for violin and guitar were born.
  • 1804 - Paganini returns to Genoa, where he again only writes and does not perform.
  • 1805 - 1808 - Nicolo again in Lucca. He serves as chamber pianist and orchestra conductor.
  • In Lucca, Nicolò falls in love with Elisa, Napoleon's sister and wife of Felice Baciocchi, ruler of the Duchy. Elise is dedicated to "Love Scene", written for the strings "Mi" and "La". In response, the capricious princess demands a composition for one string. Paganini "accepts the challenge" and a few weeks later the sonata "Napoleon" for the string "Sol" appears. In both the first and second cases, the remaining strings from the violin are removed during the performance.
  • August 25, 1805 - the sonata "Napoleon" was performed with great success by Paganini at a court concert.
  • The same period - Paganini completes the Grand Violin Concerto in E minor.
  • 1805 - 1808 - Nicolo gets tired of relations with Elisa, the ducal court, the world. He actively tours, trying to return to Lucca less often.
  • 1808 - Elisa becomes the owner of the Duchy of Tuscany with its capital in Florence. She gives ball after ball, and here it is already impossible to do without her beloved musician.
  • 1808 - 1812 - Nicolo Paganini serves in Florence.
  • 1812 - having actually escaped from Florence, Paganini moved to Milan and regularly visits the La Scala theater.
  • Summer 1813 - Nicolò is watching Süssmeier's ballet The Marriage of Benevento at La Scala. The dance of the witches makes a special impression on the musician. On the same evening, Paganini sets to work, and a few months later, in the same La Scala, he presents his Variations for violin and orchestra on the theme of this dance. Since the composer used in his music previously unused expressive violin means, the success was enchanting.
  • End of 1814 - Paganini arrives in Genoa with concerts. At home, he meets the daughter of a local tailor, Angelina Kavanna. A strong feeling flares up between them, and Nikolo continues his concert travels, no longer alone. Soon it turns out that Angelina is pregnant. Paganini, fearing a scandal, sends the girl to her relatives living near Genoa.
  • 1815 - the scandal still occurs. Angelina is found by her father and immediately sues the musician for kidnapping and raping his daughter. The daughter gives birth to a child, but he soon dies. The case receives wide publicity, and society turns away from Paganini. The court sentences him to a fine of three thousand lire in favor of Angelina.
  • The lawsuit disrupts Nicolo Paganini's tour of Europe, for which a new concerto in D major (known to us as the First Concerto) has already been written.
  • The end of 1816 - Paganini goes to perform in Venice. Here he meets the choir singer Antonia Bianchi. The composer undertakes to teach the girl to sing and as a result takes her away with him.
  • 1818 - Paganini in Rome and Naples.
  • The end of the 1810s - Paganini collects his 24 caprices for publication.
  • October 11, 1821 - the last performance in Naples.
  • The end of 1821 - Nicolo's health deteriorates sharply. He has rheumatism, cough, tuberculosis, fever ... The musician calls his mother and together they move to Pavia, to one of the best doctors of that time, Siro Borda. There are rumors in Italy that the composer has died. Having more or less regained health, Paganini does not play - his hands are weak. The musician teaches the violin to the little son of one of the merchants of Genoa.
  • April 1824 - again concerts, first in Milan, then in Pavia and Genoa. Paganini is almost healthy, but he will not be able to get rid of a painful cough throughout his life.
  • The same period - the connection between Paganini and Antonia Bianchi (who by that time had become a famous singer) was renewed. They have a son, Achilles.
  • 1824 - 1828 - at this time, Nicolo Paganini composes the "Military Sonata", "Polish Variations" and three violin concertos.
  • 1828 - 1836 - Paganini's last concert tour. First, he goes to Vienna with Antonia and his son. In Vienna, Nicolò composes the "Variations on the Austrian Anthem" and conceives the "Carnival of Venice".
  • August 1829 - February 1831 - Germany.
  • Spring 1830 - in Westphalia, Paganini buys himself the title of baron. Nicolo does this for the sake of his son, as the title will be inherited by him. After this event, Paganini rests from concerts for six months. He completes the Fourth Concerto, almost finishes the Fifth, composes the “Love Gallant Sonata”.
  • February 1831 - France. As elsewhere, Nicolo Paganini's performances are a resounding success. Increasingly, at his concerts, the musician plays with guitar accompaniment.
  • December 1836 - Nice, where Paganini gives three concerts. His health is rapidly deteriorating.
  • October 1839 - Paganini visits Genoa for the last time. He is very weak.
  • May 27, 1840 - Nicolo Paganini dies in Nice.

The personality of Niccolo Paganini has always attracted the attention of the public, some saw him as a real genius, while others saw him as a swindler, refusing to believe in such an extraordinary talent. Even today, no one can deny the fact that he was a real Maestro, and although the virtuoso violinist has gone into eternity, his works, as well as memories of his phenomenal talent, remain. The whole life of the great musician is shrouded in secrets and omissions that accompanied him everywhere.

Read a brief biography of Niccolo Paganini and many interesting facts about the composer on our page.

Brief biography of Paganini

The future musician was born in Genoa on October 27, 1782. His father was a small merchant, but at the same time, Antonio Paganini was very fond of music and dreamed that his son would become a great musician. Niccolo devoted almost all his childhood to playing the instrument. By nature, he got an unusually sharp ear, and every day his father realized that Niccolo was waiting for the glory of a real virtuoso, so it was decided to hire a professional teacher for him.

So his first mentor, not counting his father, was Francesca Gnecco, who was a composer and violinist. These classes helped to further reveal the talent of the little musician, and already at the age of eight he created his first sonata.

The rumor about the little genius gradually spread throughout the small town, and violinist Giacomo Costa paid close attention to Niccolo, who now began to study with the boy every week. These lessons were of great benefit to the novice musician and, thanks to this, he was able to start a concert activity. So, the first concert of the future virtuoso took place at the age of 12, in 1794.

After that, many influential people drew attention to Niccolo. For example, Giancarlo di Negro, a famous aristocrat, became a patron and true friend of a talented musician, helping him with further education. Thanks to his support, Gasparo Ghiretti became Paganini's new teacher, who taught him composition. In particular, he taught the musician to use his inner ear while composing melodies. Under the guidance of a teacher, in a few months Paganini was able to compose 24 fugues, plays and even violin concertos.

Inspired by the success of his talented son, Antonio Paganini hastened to take on the duties of an impresario and began to prepare a tour of the country. The performance of such a gifted child made a splash. It was during this period that the famous capriccios came out from under his pen, which made a real revolution in the world of violin music.

Soon Niccolo decides to start a life and career independent of his parents, all the more he receives a tempting offer - a place of the first violin in Lucca. He becomes not only the manager of the city orchestra, but also continues to perform successfully throughout the country. The musician's concerts are still brilliant and cause great delight among the public.

It is known that Paganini was very amorous and it was during this period of time that the virtuoso violinist met his first love. He even stopped touring for three years and is seriously interested in composition. Niccolò dedicates his works, composed during this period of time, to Signora Dida. It is no secret that Paganini is credited with many novels, even with the most august persons. We are talking about Napoleon's sister Elisa, who was married to Felice Baciocchi (ruler in Lucca). The composer even dedicated the “Love Scene” to her, which he wrote for only two strings. The public liked this work very much, and the princess herself suggested that the maestro compose a piece already for one string. In the biography of Pagania there is such a fact that after some time the maestro presented the Napoleon sonata for the G string. It is also known that a few years later the violinist himself decided to stop communicating with Eliza.

After a while, returning to his hometown, Niccolò was already carried away by the tailor's daughter, Angelina Kavanna, whom he even took with him to Parma. However, it soon became clear that the girl was in a position, and therefore she was forced to go back to Genoa. Information has been preserved that Angelina's father filed a tribunal against the musician and a court that lasted two years, which decided to pay the victim a significant amount of money.

In 1821, Paganini's health deteriorated greatly, because he devoted a lot of time to music and did not take care of himself at all. The musician tried to relieve coughing and pain attacks with various ointments, trips to seaside resorts, but nothing helped. Because of this, Nikolo was forced to stop his concert activity for a while.

In the spring of 1824, the violinist unexpectedly visits Milan, where he immediately begins to organize his concert. After that, he already successfully performs in Pavia and his native Genoa. It was at this time that he again meets his former love Antonia Bianca, a famous singer. After some time, their son Achilles is born.

During this period of time, Paganini devotes a lot of time to composition, constantly composing new masterpieces: "Military Sonata", Violin Concerto No. 2 - these works become the real culmination of his creative path. In 1830, after a successful performance in Westphalia, he was awarded the title of baron.

In 1839, Niccolo went to Nice, where he rented a small house for himself and literally did not go anywhere for several months due to poor health. His condition was so weakened that he could no longer pick up his favorite instrument. The famous violinist and composer died in 1840.

Interesting Facts

  • It is still unknown whether the famous musician ever attended school at all. The researchers note that there are a lot of gross errors in his manuscripts, even in those written in adulthood.
  • It is no secret that Paganini was born in the family of a small merchant, although initially his father even worked as a loader. However, as it became known later, during the census, Napoleon ordered to indicate in the documents that Paganini's father was a "holder of mandolins."
  • The story has been preserved that the mother of the future virtuoso once saw an angel in a dream, who told her that their son Niccolo was waiting for a career as a great musician. Father Paganini, hearing this, was very inspired and delighted, because he dreamed about this.
  • Already from the age of 5, little Niccolo began to study on mandolin, and a year later violin. His father often locked him in the attic so that he would spend more time with the instrument, which subsequently affected the health of the musician.
  • For the first time on the stage, Paganini performed on July 31, 1795 at the theater of Sant'Agostino, his native city. With the proceeds from the concert, the 12-year-old Niccolò was able to travel to Parma to continue his studies with Alessandro Rolla.
  • When Antonio Paganini and his son came to Alessandro Rolla, he could not receive them due to poor health. Next to the musician's room lay his instrument and notes of a work composed by him. Little Niccolo took this violin and played what was written on music paper. Hearing his game, Alessandro Rolla went out to the guests and said that he could not teach this performer anything more, since he already knows everything.
  • Paganini's concerts always made a splash, and especially impressionable ladies even lost consciousness. He thought through everything down to the smallest detail, even a “suddenly broken string” or a detuned instrument, everything was part of his brilliant program.
  • Because of Paganini's ability to imitate birdsong on the violin, human conversation, playing the guitar and other instruments, he was called the "Southern Sorcerer".

  • The musician categorically refused to compose psalms for Catholics, thereby incurring the wrath of the clergy with whom he later clashed for a long time.
  • It is known that Paganini was a Freemason and even composed a Masonic hymn.
  • Among all the rumors that circulated around the person of the violinist, the legend that he specifically turned to the surgeon for a secret operation, which allowed him to significantly increase the flexibility of his hands, stands out.
  • Niccolo was very distracted, he could hardly remember even the date of his birth. Often in the documents he indicated the wrong year, and each time it was a different date.

  • In the biography of Paganini there is a story about how the maestro once refused the English king himself. Having received an invitation from him to perform at court for a rather modest fee, Paganini invited the king to his concert in the theater so that he could save even more on this.
  • Paganini had a very strong passion for gambling, because of this, the famous musician very often remained without funds. He even had to pawn his instrument several times and ask for money from his comrades. Only after the birth of the heir, he tied up with the cards.
  • He was a highly sought-after performer, and Niccolo's performances received huge fees by those standards. After his death, he left a legacy of several million francs.
  • Surprisingly, the musician did not really like to write down his compositions on paper, as he wanted to be the only performer of them. However, one violinist was able to surprise him very much, we are talking about the composer Heinrich Ernst, who performed Paganini's variations at his concert.

  • Even during his lifetime, there were many rumors around the maestro, even his parents were sent letters by “well-wishers” in which they tried to tarnish the name of the musician. What is the legend that he honed his skillful game in prison. Even Stendhal's novel mentions this strange fiction.
  • The press quite often in the last years of the musician's life reported erroneously about his death, later they had to write a refutation, and Paganini's popularity only increased in connection with this. When the composer died in Nice, the press again published the obituary and even made a small note that they hoped that a refutation would soon be printed again.
  • There were several violins in the maestro's collection, among them works by Stradivari, Amati, but he bequeathed his most beloved - Guarneri, to the town in which he was born. One of his instruments is now kept in Russia. We are talking about a violin by Carlo Bergonzi, which was purchased by Maxim Viktorov in 2005 for $1.1 million.

History of the Paganini violin

The composer himself gave a very unusual name to his favorite instrument - "Cannon". This was due to the events that took place in his country in the first half of the 19th century. The violin was made by Bartolomeo Giuseppe Guarneri in 1743. Researchers point out that a Parisian merchant gave the 17-year-old musician an instrument. The violin immediately attracted Niccolò's attention with the power of sound and became his favorite. He was very kind to her and once even turned to a violin maker, because the instrument had lost its voice. Arriving a few days later, the Maestro was relieved to hear the familiar sound of the violin and, as a reward, he gave the master Vilhom a valuable box studded with gems. He explained his generous gift by the fact that at one time he had two such caskets. He presented one of them to his doctor for curing his body. Now he gave the second to the master, as he healed his “Cannon”.

In his will, Paganini indicated that his entire collection of tools should be transferred to Genoa, where he was born, and henceforth not leave the city. This also applied to "Cannon", which later received the name "Paganini's Widow". This was due to the fact that no one else could extract from it a similar sound, which was obtained from the Maestro.

Paganini's violin is currently under close observation in the Palazzo Doria Tursi Museum, and there are also some other personal belongings of the musician. Despite the fact that the instrument is kept permanently in the museum, sometimes it can still be heard in the concert hall. True, only the winner of the Paganini Music Competition is allowed to play on it..

The secret of Paganini's extraordinary talent

Legends have always circulated around Paganini's extraordinary talent, and what stories contemporaries did not invent to try to explain his brilliant violin playing. Collusion with otherworldly forces, a special operation, fraud - all these rumors are just a small part of the many others that surrounded the musician. The American physician Myron Schoenfeld also tried to explain the secret of the maestro's violin technique. In his opinion, the whole point is a hereditary disease from which Paganini suffered.

For contemporaries, he was a mystery. Some saw him as a genius, others as a charlatan and a swindler. His name was shrouded in legends and mysteries.

Birth of a genius

At the end of October 1782, in Genoa, in the alley of the Black Cat, the second child, the son of Niccolo, was born in the family of Antonio Paganini and Teresa Bocchardo. The boy was born weak and sickly. From an exalted and sensitive mother, he inherited fragility and susceptibility to disease. From his father he inherited temperament, perseverance, seething energy.

One day his mother saw in a dream a beautiful angel who predicted that her second son would be a great musician. The boy's father, a music lover, also believed in this. Antonio was very disappointed that the eldest son Carlo did not please his parents with success in music. That is why he directed all his energy to making his youngest son constantly practice playing the violin. Thus began the biography of Paganini. He was practically devoid of childhood. It took place in exhausting music lessons.

An extraordinary gift

As if compensating for the physical weakness of the child, nature generously rewarded him with perfect, extremely sensitive hearing. Making music, Niccolo Paganini, whose photo you see in our article, discovered a new world, painted with unusual colors. He tried to recreate it by playing guitar, mandolin and a small violin who was both his best friend and tormentor.

The father early considered the abilities of his son. Every day he understood more and more clearly that his son was endowed with a huge talent, which in the future would lead to fame and big money. He was well aware that his time with his son was over and it was time to hire professional musicians. In order for the classes to take place almost constantly, the little musician was locked in a dark closet, and his father carefully watched that the music flowed continuously. For being deprived of food. Such activities undermined the already fragile health of the boy.

First teachers

Niccolo Paganini felt music with all his soul. Despite the fact that classes exhausted him physically, in music he found peace and satisfaction. His first teacher was the Genoese poet, composer and violinist Francesca Gnecco. Paganini's biography is full of interesting meetings with creative people.

Niccolo very early began to create music himself. Already at the age of eight he wrote a sonata for violin and several difficult variations. Gradually, the rumor about the little genius violinist began to spread around the city and the famous violinist in the city from the chapel of the Cathedral of San Lorenzo drew attention. His name was Giacomo Costa. He began to study with Paganini once a week, carefully observing his development and passing on the secrets of mastery to him. These sessions continued for more than six months.

Beginning of concert activity

After classes with Costa, Paganini's life changed. He was able to start doing concert activities. This happened in 1794, when the young musician was barely twelve years old. At this time, he met people who greatly influenced his future destiny. It should be noted that Paganini's biography is full of meetings with people who helped the young talent improve his skills.

The wealthy aristocrat and music lover Giancarlo di Negro from Genoa became not only an admirer of the young violinist, he became his friend, who took care of his further education. Niccolò's new teacher was Gasparo Ghiretti, a good polyphonist who managed to instill in the young man an excellent composing technique. He taught Paganini to compose music without an instrument, using his inner ear.

In just a few months, the musician composed twenty-four fugues for

piano, several pieces, which, unfortunately, were lost and did not reach us, and two violin concertos. After a brilliant performance in Parma, they wanted to listen to the young musician at the court of the Duke of Bourbon.

Niccolo's father quickly realized that the time had come to receive money for his son's talent. He took on the role of impresario and organized a tour of Northern Italy. In all cities Niccolo expected a stunning success. The young man, like a sponge, absorbed new unprecedented impressions, continuing to train a lot, improving his skills.

Capriccio of the great maestro

During this period, the famous capriccios are born, in which one can easily see a change in the principles and techniques that were introduced by Locatelli. The maestro's teacher had technical exercises, while Niccolò had brilliant, original miniatures. Capriccio Paganini made a real revolution in violin music. He was able to achieve the maximum concentration of expressiveness, collecting its artistic meaning into a compressed spring.

The beginning of an independent life

The Italian temperament of Niccolo, the formed character began to increasingly lead to conflicts and quarrels in the family. Complete dependence on the father becomes more and more tiring for the young man. He wants freedom. That is why, when he was offered the position of first violin in Lucca, he accepted the offer with joy and gratitude. He became the head of the city orchestra. In addition, he had the opportunity to give concerts. He performs with great success in Milan, Pisa, Livorno. The enthusiastic reception of the public is dizzying.

Paganini: biography, personal life

Niccolo was passionate and ardent not only in music. It was at this time that he met his first love, and his name disappeared from posters for almost three years. Several guitar compositions dedicated to the mysterious "Signore Dida" appear. In 1804, the musician returned to Genoa, where he was engaged only in writing. Then he returns to Lucca again, where Felice Bacocchi ruled, who at that time was married to Napoleon's sister, Princess Eliza. The composer's relationship with the princess soon ceased to be purely official.

Paganini writes and dedicates to her the "Love Scene" for two strings ("La" and "Mi"). During the performance of the composition, other strings were removed. The product created a sensation. Then the princess wished that a piece for one string be written for her, and Paganini accepted the challenge. He created the sonata "Napoleon" for one string "Sol", which he triumphantly presented at the Court Concert.

Three years later, relations with Princess Eliza began to weigh on Niccolo Paganini. Biography, the maestro is full of love affairs and scandals. However, such feelings that he experienced for his first passion, a noble lady, who was most likely older than him, he no longer experienced for any woman.

At the end of 1814, the maestro comes to his homeland with concerts. All his performances

pass with unprecedented success. The papers call him a genius, whether he's an angel or a demon. Here he met another woman whom he became passionately interested in - the daughter of a tailor, Angelina Kavanna. He took the girl with him to Parma. It soon became clear that she would have a child, and Paganini secretly sent her to her friends in the suburbs of Genoa.

In May of the same year, her father took Angelina and sued Paganini. lasted two years. Angelina gave birth to a child. Unfortunately, he died soon after. The court decided to pay the girl three thousand lire.

The price of talent

Niccolo Paganini, whose biography is inextricably linked with music, unfortunately, devoted very little time to his health. In 1821, his career was suddenly interrupted by failing health. He was increasingly tormented by bouts of severe coughing, pain in the intestines and kidneys. His condition kept deteriorating. Rubbing mercury ointment, the strictest diet does not help him. There are even rumors that the maestro has died. But these are just rumors. The biography of Paganini is not finished yet.

The condition improved a little, but even after coming out of the most difficult crisis, the great musician did not take up the violin.

Resumption of concert activity

In April 1824, Niccolo unexpectedly arrives in Milan and announces his desire to give a concert. Then he gives a concert in Pavia and Genoa. At this time, he resumes relations with his former mistress Antonia Bianchi, who by that time had become a famous singer who had success at La Scala. They have a son, Achilles. Paganini works hard. At this time, new works appeared - "Military Sonata", "Polish Variations", "Companella". The second violin concerto in B minor becomes the culmination of the musician's creative work. After him, he did not create anything more light, exciting and joyful.

The biography of Paganini consists of an interweaving of happy and tragic events. In the spring of 1830, the great musician gave concerts in Westphalia, where he received the title of baron, which is inherited.

In October 1839, Niccolò Paganini visited his native Genoa for the last time in his life. He already feels very bad. For the last five months of his life, he cannot leave the house, his legs swell up badly, and he is exhausted to the point of not being able to pick up the bow. His favorite violin lay next to him, and he plucked its strings with his fingers.

The great musician, composer, virtuoso performer died in Nice on May 27, 1840 at the age of fifty-eight.

Today we introduced you to the life of Nicolo Paganini. The biography summarized in this article, of course, cannot give a complete picture of this bright and extraordinary personality.

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