Biography. Albert Likhanov


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Birthday: 13.09.1935

Zodiac sign: Pig, Virgo ♍

Born September 13, 1935 in Kirov. Father, Anatoly Nikolaevich, a worker-fitter, mother, Milica Alekseevna, is a medical laboratory assistant. Paternal great-grandfather, Mikhail Ivanovich, came from hereditary nobles of the St. Petersburg province, rose to the rank of colonel of the Maloyaroslavsky regiment, retired and settled in Vyatka.

Albert (Gleb) Likhanov was born in Kirov, graduated from high school there, left for Sverdlovsk, where in 1958 he graduated from the journalism department of the Ural State University. Returning to Kirov, he works as a literary employee of the Kirovskaya Pravda newspaper. In 1960, he becomes not only a witness, but also a participant in the story that formed the basis of the story "Good Intentions". Editor-in-chief of the Komsomolskoye Plemya newspaper in Kirov (1961-1964). For two years he leaves for Western Siberia, where he works as his own correspondent for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper in Novosibirsk (1964-1966), which was later reflected in the story "Flood".

While still in Kirov, he tried his hand at literature, the first story "Shagreen Skin" (1962) was published in the journal "Youth". Almost simultaneously, he became a participant in the IV All-Union Conference of Young Writers in the seminar of the classic of children's literature, Lev Kassil.

Later, Albert Likhanov was invited to work in Moscow. Then he becomes a long-term employee of the popular youth magazine "Change" - first as an executive secretary, and then, for more than thirteen years, as an editor-in-chief.

During these years literary fame came to him. One after another, "Youth" prints his stories.

The publishing house "Young Guard" publishes "Selected" in 2 volumes (1976), and then - the first collection of works in 4 volumes (1986-1987).

All the years of his literary development, A. A. Likhanov pairs with social activities - he is elected secretary of the Writers' Union of Moscow, a member of the Boards of the Unions of Writers of the USSR and the RSFSR, president of the Association of Literature and Art for Children and Youth of the Union of Soviet Societies for Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries (SSOD).

After Likhanov's letters to the authorities in 1985 and 1987, Decrees of the Government of the USSR on assistance to orphans were adopted. In 1987, on his initiative, the Soviet Children's Fund named after V. I. Lenin was created, which in 1992 was transformed into the International Association of Children's Funds, and in 1991 the Russian Children's Fund was established. Both of these public organizations are headed by the writer A. A. Likhanov.

In 1989, the writer was elected People's Deputy of the USSR and a member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. He is given the opportunity, on behalf of the USSR, to express his attitude to the draft World Convention on the Rights of the Child, to speak in the Third Main Committee of the UN during the final consideration of this draft, and then to participate in the solemn session of the General Assembly of the United Nations when signing this Convention as deputy head of the Soviet delegation (head was Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR E. A. Shevardnadze).

Returning to Moscow, Likhanov is doing a lot of work to prepare this important document for ratification. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR ratified the Convention, and it entered into force on June 13, 1990. Later, all the republics that were part of the USSR, having received the status of independent states, confirmed the legality of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in their territories.

Likhanov also established and headed the Research Institute of Childhood, created the Molodist literary club for novice authors, created the Dom publishing house, the magazines We for teenagers and Tram for kids, and later the magazines Guiding Star. School reading”, “God's world”, “Child of man”, “Foreign novel”. Opened the publishing, educational and cultural center "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth". On his initiative, a rehabilitation children's center of the International Association of Children's Funds was established in the Moscow region. In the Belgorod region, there is an orphanage in the regional center of Rovenki, built with the financial participation of the Russian Children's Fund and also named after him. In Kirov there is a library for children and youth named after Albert Likhanov. The Albert Likhanov Children's Library operates in the city of Shakhty, Rostov Region, and the Belgorod Regional Children's Library has been given the status of A. A. Likhanov's Library.

His works were published in Russia in 30 million copies. Back in 1979, the publishing house "Young Guard" released "Favorites" in 2 volumes. In 1986-1987, the same publishing house published a collection of works in 4 volumes with a circulation of 150 thousand copies. In 2000, the publishing house "Terra" publishes a collection of works in 6 volumes. In 2005, the Library "Love and Remember" was published in 20 books. And in 2010 "Terra" publishes a new collection of works in 7 volumes. In the same year, 2010, the publishing, educational and cultural center "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth" published a collection of works for children and youth by Albert Likhanov in 15 volumes with color illustrations and large print.In 2014-2015, the same publishing house released the novel "Russian Boys" in the form of a cycle of 11 large-format and high-quality illustrated books.In 2015, the publishing house "Knigovek" published collected works in 10 volumes

In the Belgorod region (since 2000) and in the Kirov region (since 2001), the annual Likhanov social and literary and literary and pedagogical readings are held, in which many children, parents, teachers, creative intelligentsia, and the public take part. In the Kirov region, an award named after Albert Likhanov was established for librarians of school, children's and rural libraries. For elementary school teachers, he established a prize named after his first teacher A. N. Teplyashina, who taught him during the war years and was awarded two Orders of Lenin. At the initiative of the writer, a memorial plaque was erected to her. Outside of Russia, 106 books of the writer were published in 34 languages.

Corresponding member of the APS of the USSR (1990), academician of the Russian Academy of Education (2001).

Honorary citizen of the city of Kirov, honorary citizen of the Kirov region.


In 1962 he published the first story "Shagreen Skin" in "Youth", in 1963 he published a historical story "Let there be sun!". The main theme of Likhanov's work is the formation of the character of a teenager, the formation of his worldview, relationships with the adult world: the stories "Stars in September" (1967), "Warm Rain" (1968), the trilogy "Family Circumstances" (the novel "Labyrinth", 1970, stories "Clean Pebbles", 1967, "Deception", 1973), a novel for young children "My General" (1975), the novels "Golgotha", "Good Intentions", "The Supreme Measure" (1982), the book "Dramatic Pedagogy" (1983), a dilogy of novels in the stories "Russian Boys" and "Men's School", the recent stories "Nobody", "Broken Doll", "Sletki" and "paired portrait" of a tragic childhood - the story "A Boy Who Doesn't Hurt" and "The Girl Who Doesn't Care" (2009).

The first collection of works in 4 volumes was published in 1986-87 ("Young Guard"). In 2000 - in 6 volumes ("Terra", Moscow). In 2005 - Albert Likhanov's Library "Love and Remember", which included 20 non-standard books ("Childhood. Adolescence. Youth"). In 2010 - a collection of essays for children and youth in 15 volumes ("Childhood. Adolescence Youth") and collected works in 7 volumes ("Knigovek") as an appendix to the magazine "Spark".

The period of maturation of Likhanov's talent can be conditionally designated as 1967-1976. At this time, he creates such significant works as the novel "Labyrinth", the novels "Pure Pebbles", "Deception", "Solar Eclipse" and others. The theme of the formation of the younger generation becomes the main one in his work. The writer pays special attention to the role of the family and the school in the upbringing of the child, in shaping his character.

Likhanov wrote a number of remarkable works about military childhood. The military theme in the writer's work acquires special significance and organicity, because it embodies his ideas about life values, honor, duty, heroism, and human dignity. The works about military childhood were created by the writer on a life basis - the memory of his childhood. In them, the author conveys a sense of what he experienced during the Great Patriotic War. Journalism, enthusiasm, truthfulness are characteristic features of Likhanov's style in all literary genres. One of the most dramatic works about military childhood is the story "The Last Colds" (1984). This story, the novels "The Beloved Aids Store" and "Children's Library", the novel "Men's School", constitute a kind of literary cycle about military childhood. Likhanov touches on the military theme both in the story "Military Echelon" and in the novel "My General". In the writer's books, the author's personality is felt, it manifests itself primarily in the pathos of his work, in how he relates to the moral searches of the characters, to their irrepressible desire to find themselves, to discover all the best in themselves.

1970-1990 - the period of active writing Likhanov. He publishes works of various genres, addressed to readers of different ages. From reflections on letters from readers, the idea was born of a book on modern education, Dramatic Pedagogy: Essays on Conflict Situations (1983), which has been translated into many languages. For this book in 1987, A. A. Likhanov was awarded the International Prize. Janusz Korczak. Likhanov successfully combines creativity with active social work in defense of children.

Albert Likhanov takes an active civic position as a defender of the moral values ​​and traditions of his Fatherland, therefore he fights with the words of the writer and the deeds of the Children's Fund to preserve happiness in the life of every child, for adults to understand the problems of the younger generation.


  • Confessional awards Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" III degree (2005)
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2000)
  • Order of Honor (2016)
  • Order of Friendship (2010) - for many years of active social work and development of humanitarian cooperation
  • Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1984)
  • Order of the Badge of Honor (1979)
  • Order of Honor (Georgia, 1996)
  • Order of Merit, III degree (Ukraine, 2006)
  • Order of Saints Cyril and Methodius, 1st class (Bulgaria, 2007)
  • Order of Francysk Skaryna (Republic of Belarus, 2015)
  • Order of Friendship (Republic of South Ossetia, 2010)
  • Order of Honor (Republic of South Ossetia, 2015)
  • medals of the USSR, Armenia and Belarus
  • Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education (2003) - for the creation of family orphanages
  • Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of culture (2009) - for the dilogy "Russian Boys" and "Men's School"
  • State Prize of the RSFSR named after N. K. Krupskaya (1980) - for the novel "My General" and the novels "Deception" and "Solar Eclipse"
  • Lenin Komsomol Prize (1976) - for books for children "Music", "Family Circumstances", "My General"
  • International Prize named after J. Korczak (1987) - for the book "Dramatic Pedagogy" (The prize was transferred by the writer to the Polish Fund of J. Korczak)
  • The international medal "Ecce Homo - Gloria Homini" ("Here is the Man - Glory to the Man"), was awarded on March 4, 2013 in Poland at the Royal Palace of Warsaw by the outstanding Polish actress Beata Tyszkiewicz and the well-known public figure Stanislav Kowalski, President of the Hurry with Help Foundation. The award has the number 2, the first medal was presented to the Minister of Health of Poland, the famous doctor Zbigniew Religa, quite a while ago.
  • The Russian Ludwig Nobel Prize (2014) was awarded on March 30, 2014 at the residence of the President of the Russian Federation - the Konstantinovsky Palace in Strelna.


Maxim Gorky International Prizes, Janusz Korchak International Prize, V. Hugo French-Japanese Cultural Prize (1996), Cyril and Methodius Prize (Bulgaria, 2000), Sakura Prize (Japan, 2001), Oliver Prize (USA, 2005). Prizes named after Nikolai Ostrovsky (1982), named after Boris Polevoy (1984), named after Alexander Grin (2000), "Prokhorovskoye Pole" (2003), "Big Literary Prize of Russia" SPR and campaign "Diamonds of Russia" (2002) for the novel "Nobody ”and the story“ Broken Doll ”, the award named after D. Mamin-Sibiryak (2005), named after Vladislav Krapivin (2006), named after N. A. Ostrovsky (2007). Special Prize named after I. A. Bunin "for outstanding contribution to Russian literature for children and youth" (2008).

International Literary Prize. Fyodor Dostoyevsky (2011), Tallinn; Russian Literary Prize. A. I. Herzen (2012) for the volume of social journalism “For these little ones (Letters in defense of childhood)”, 5th edition - the writer donated the material part of the award to the Library for Children and Youth on Orlovskaya Street in Kirov to perpetuate the memory of A. And Herzen, V. Zhukovsky, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and other remarkable people who were there. On September 27, 2013, at the Republican Drama Theater of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Albert Likhanov was awarded the Russian Literary Aksakov Prize by the Decree of the President of Bashkortostan R. Khamitov. In December 2013, he was awarded the Golden Knight award - "for an outstanding contribution to children's literature." In July 2015, the All-Russian Prize "Russian Way" named after F.I. Tyutchev was awarded.

A young graduate of the Pedagogical Institute Nadezhda Georgievna accidentally turns out to be a teacher of first-grader orphans. But her choice is direct and noble. She takes on the burdens of someone else's betrayal and serves the children.
A. Likhanov said: "... the new story "Good Intentions" is about a young teacher, about little orphans whom she happened to raise" ...

Boris Andreevich Tsarikov - scout of the 43rd Infantry Regiment of the 106th Infantry Division of the 65th Army of the Central Front. Corporal. Hero of the Soviet Union.

On the altar of their own well-being, generally prosperous people sacrifice their son Igor, and only grandmother Sofya Sergeevna hears and sympathizes with him, about whom Igor once learns that she is not native and not blood.

The hero of this story is a front-line soldier, a driver by profession, decommissioned after being wounded, accidentally knocking down a woman carrying a cart of bread downhill, a mother of three children. He is found not guilty of the tragedy, but he judges himself, by his own high court.

Albert Likhanov brought together his books for the younger ones and for the older ones, brought together his little heroes and teenage heroes. And let "Your Birthday" live freely, not knowing the impenetrable partitions between classes. Let him live like the guys in the same yard and on the same street, all together.
The youngest in this book is Anton from the novel for young children "My General".

The war is over, but the father of the boy, the hero of the story, still does not return home. But we'll fix it. But his friend Vaska's father will never return. The grief of the whole village comprehends the boy.

Albert Anatolyevich Likhanov - writer, journalist, chairman of the Russian Children's Fund, president of the International Association of Children's Funds, director of the Childhood Research Institute, academician of several academies, honorary citizen of Kirov and the Kirov region.

Albert Anatolyevich Likhanov was born on September 13, 1935 in the city of Kirov. His father was a mechanic, his mother worked as a honey. laboratory assistant in the hospital, and during the war years - in the hospital. In 1953 he entered the Ural State University in Sverdlovsk at the department of journalism. In 1958, after graduating from the university, Albert Likhanov returned to Kirov, where he worked as a literary employee of the Kirovskaya Pravda newspaper, and since 1961 he headed the editorial office of the Komsomolskaya Plemya newspaper.

Many are offended by the truth. They are not offended by a lie. They say thank you for a lie. But they cannot forgive the truth.

Likhanov Albert Anatolievich

In Kirov in 1959 his first book "On the Noble Queen, Golden Grains and Warm Hearts" was published. In 1963, a book was published, with which the writer leads his creative countdown. "Let there be sun!" is a story about the 19th century Italian artist Elviro Andriolli. Then he leaves for Western Siberia, where for two years he works as his own correspondent for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, then he is transferred to the apparatus of the Central Committee of the Komsomol.

Since 1975, he has been the editor-in-chief of the Smena magazine (20 years he worked in this magazine, 13 of them as editor-in-chief). Work in the youth press enriched the writer with the necessary experience, introduced him to the problems, made him “get into the thick of things” that young people and teenagers live in our country. Having once turned to this topic, Likhanov remains faithful to it throughout his entire creative life. “My main theme and audience,” says the writer, “I consider teenagers. This emerging man requires deep reflection. It is necessary to write about him and for him.

The period of maturation of Likhanov's talent can be conditionally designated as 1967-1976. At this time, he created such significant works as the novel "Labyrinth", the stories "Pure Pebbles", "Deception", "Solar Eclipse", etc. The theme of the formation of the younger generation becomes the main one in his work. The writer pays special attention to the role of the family and the school in the upbringing of the child, in shaping his character.

A. Likhanov wrote a number of wonderful works about military childhood. The military theme in the writer's work acquires special significance and organicity, because it embodies his ideas about life values, honor, duty, heroism, and human dignity. The works about military childhood were created by the writer on a life basis - the memory of his childhood. In them, the author conveys a sense of what he experienced during the Great Patriotic War. Journalism, enthusiasm, truthfulness are characteristic features of Likhanov's style in all literary genres.

One of the most dramatic works about military childhood is the story "The Last Colds" (1984). This story, as well as the stories "The Beloved Aids Store" and "Children's Library" and other stories of this cycle, as well as the novel "Men's School", constitute a kind of dilogy about military childhood. Likhanov also touches on the military theme in the story "Military Echelon" and the novel "My General". In the writer's books, the author's personality is felt, it is manifested primarily in the pathos of his work, in how he relates to the moral searches of the characters, to their irrepressible desire to find themselves, to discover all the best in themselves.

1970-1990 - the period of active writing Likhanov. He publishes works of various genres, addressed to readers of different ages. From reflections on letters from readers, the idea was born of a book on modern education, Dramatic Pedagogy: Essays on Conflict Situations (1983), which has been translated into many languages. For this book, A.A. Likhanov was awarded the International Prize. Janusz Korczak in 1987 Likhanov successfully combines creativity with active social work in defense of children.

Likhanov Albert Anatolievich
Born September 13, 1935 in the city of Kirov.
In 1958 he graduated from the Ural State University. M. Gorky (Sverdlovsk), Faculty of Philology, Department of Journalism.
Academician of the Russian Academy of Education (2001), Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (1993), Honorary Professor of the Vyatka State Pedagogical University (1995), Honorary Doctor of the Belgorod State University (2001), Honorary Doctor of the Tyumen State University ( 2007), Honorary Doctor of the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions (2007), Honorary Doctor of the Japanese Soka University (2008), Honorary Professor of the Moscow Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute (2008), Honorary Doctor of the Ural State University. A.M. Gorky (2009)
1958-1961 - literary employee of the newspaper "Kirovskaya Pravda",
1961-1964 - editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Komsomolskoye tribe",
1964-1966 - own correspondent of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in Western Siberia (Novosibirsk),
1966-1968 - instructor of the department of propaganda and agitation of the Central Committee of the Komsomol,
1968-1987 - magazine of the Central Committee of the Komsomol "Change": executive secretary (1968-1975), editor-in-chief (1975-1988),
1987-1992 - Chairman of the Board of the Soviet Children's Fund. V.I. Lenin,
1991-present - Chairman of the Board of the Russian Children's Fund, President of the International Association of Children's Funds, Director of the Research Institute of Childhood of the Russian Children's Fund (since 1988).
Writer, public figure. In 1986-1987 published his collected works in 4 volumes. In 2000, a collection of works in 6 volumes was published. In 2005, a uniquely published collection of works by Albert Likhanov was published in the form of a library of 20 books. More than 100 of his books have been published abroad. Seven of the writer's works have been filmed, three have been staged.
The main literary works are the stories "Clean Pebbles", "Deception", "Labyrinth" (trilogy "Family Circumstances"), "Good Intentions", "Calvary", "Innocent Secrets", "The Supreme Measure", "Flood", "Nobody ”, “Broken doll”. The novel in the stories "Russian Boys" and the novel "Men's School" constitute a dilogy about military operations.
Creative and social-pedagogical activity of A.A. Likhanova was awarded numerous domestic and international awards: the State Prize of Russia, the Russian Prize. A.S. Green, Lenin Komsomol Prize, International Prize. M. Gorky, International Prize. Janusz Korczak, International Cultural Prize. Victor Hugo, the American Oliver Prize, the Japanese Sakura Prize, awards - them. N. Ostrovsky, them. B. Polevoy, the Great Literary Prize of Russia, the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education.
He was awarded many medals of the USSR, the medal of K.D. Ushinsky, N.K. Krupskaya, L. Tolstoy, the Order of the Badge of Honor and the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III and IV degrees, the Georgian Order of Honor, the Ukrainian Order of Merit, medals of Belarus and Armenia.
A.A. Likhanov was recognized as the Person of the Year in Russia and the United States in 2005, and in 2006 he was awarded the World Medal of Freedom "Freedom" in the United States "for his hourly and daily practical contribution to the world treasury of good."
The sphere of scientific interests of A.A. Likhanova - the rights of the child, the protection of domestic destitute childhood. The main publications on this “subject” are: “Rights of the Child”, “Social Portrait of Childhood in Russia”, “Protection of Orphans”. "Dictionary-reference book "Childhood"", "White Book of Childhood in Russia", "Non-Childish Cares of the Children's Fund", "Dramatic Pedagogy", "Letters in Defense of Childhood", "Country of Childhood: Dialogues", "Philosophy of Childhood".

Likhanov Albert Anatolyevich is known as a cheerful, kind writer. He is over 80 years old, and he is still actively involved in the work of the Russian and International Children's Fund. He continues to publish a series of his novels, which have already sold around the world in huge numbers.

The writer received the title of Honorary Professor of the Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute of Moscow in 2008; and in 2009 - the title of Honorary Doctor of the Ural University named after A. M. Gorky.

How was the writer's life? What goals did he set for himself when he sat down at his desk?

Likhanov Albert Anatolievich: biography

Well-known public figure, publicist, writer of books for older youth. The future writer Albert (Gleb) Likhanov was born in 1935. Graduated from the university with a degree in journalism. Subsequently, he worked as a literary employee of the Kirovskaya Pravda newspaper in his native Kirov. And then the editor-in-chief of Komsomolskaya Pravda in (1961-64). Further, in 1964-66 he worked in the newspaper of Novosibirsk.

The beginning of his literary activity is a story called Shagreen Skin. This story was published in 1962.

Immediately after publication, the writer receives recognition and becomes a participant in a meeting of young writers at a seminar on children's literature.

Since 1967, there has been a rise in Likhanov's popularity. His books "Deception" and "Labyrinth" are published.

In the period from 1968 to 1987 he worked in the magazine of the Central Committee of the Komsomol "Change". First as executive secretary (1968-1975), and then as editor-in-chief - until 1988.

A huge work experience in journalism then became the "main engine" of his literary activity. His entire creative biography was formed thanks to a living heart, which saw a lot of injustice towards children and tried to somehow fix it. He changed a lot in Soviet reality.

Until 1991, he was busy managing the Vladimir Lenin Children's Fund. And after the collapse of the USSR, all those fundamentals relating to the rights of children remained unchanged in the legislation of each independent power.

The most productive years of creativity - 1970-90s. During this time, many worthy books were written:

  • "Last cold" (1984);
  • "Shop of beloved aids";
  • "Dramatic Pedagogy: Essays on Conflict Situations" (1983) - for this book the writer was awarded the J. Korchak Prize;
  • "My General" is a novel that has become a classic of Soviet children's literature;
  • "Letters in Defense of Childhood";
  • "The Boy Who Doesn't Hurt"

In 2000, a collection of works by a public figure was published in 4 volumes (Terra publishing house). In 2005, a series of 20 best books by the author was published in modern color binding.

From 1991 to the present, the author of children's stories and youthful novels is the chairman of the Russian Children's Fund, and the President of the International Association for the Protection of Children. He claims that he himself is afraid of "falling out of childhood", losing this faith in children. Indeed, this is our future.

These are the foundations of the literary talent of Albert Likhanov. His biography is full of evidence of love for the souls of the most defenseless touching creatures - children.

Albert Likhanov awards

Thanks to literary fame and active work in defense of children, the writer received not only public recognition, but also state awards. He was awarded several orders: "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the 4th degree in 2000, and in 2005 the order of the same name of the 3rd degree.

Has a medal of K. Ushinsky, L. Tolstoy, N. Krupskaya. And also 2 medals of the USSR. He received the Janusz Korczak International Prize and the Grand Prize for Literature. In 2016, he was awarded the Order of Honor by the President of the Russian Federation. In addition, the writer was awarded honorary medals of Armenia and Belarus.

But the highest award is the recognition of children who grew up on his books and, having become adults, remember their favorite books and their adaptations.

Problems of works

Albert Likhanov, whose biography is devoted to literature, touches upon the problems of personality formation and teenage throwing in his creative activity. All those difficult trials that fall on the heads of young children in harsh reality. The famous work “Good Intentions” tells about a girl who decided to devote herself to children from an orphanage. He considers her a worthy heroine.

If we briefly describe the biography of Albert Likhanov, we can say that he is a defender of childhood and youth, who devoted his entire conscious life to educating children and their moral education through books. The writer's ideas are also recognized abroad. Over 100 books translated and published in other countries.

Dmitry Likhanov is a worthy son of the writer

Albert Likhanov, whose biography is connected with the protection of childhood, of course, also has his own son. Dmitry Albertovich was born in November 1959. He, like his father, went to university and studied at the Faculty of Journalism.

Now he is a big businessman and one of those who started investigative journalism in the early 90s. In addition to working in the media, he publishes the book Comrade Godfather. Developed and launched several Internet projects - for example, an electronic magazine to help parents "Nanny". He is also a member of the Writers' Union of Russia.

Likhanov's participation in the UN Congress on the Rights of the Child

A popular writer was in 1987-1991. Chairman of the Board of the Soviet Children's Fund. Vladimir Lenin, in 1989 he became a People's Deputy of the USSR. On behalf of the government, he is sent to participate in the Third Main Committee of the United Nations when considering a project on the rights of the child. And then, as deputy head of the delegation from the USSR, he participates in a meeting of the UN General Assembly, at the signing of the Convention.

Popular books

Most of the books of the famous writer of the Soviet times are devoted to the development of moral inclinations in the difficult post-war years. His own human attitude to moral education and to the problems of duty to society can be seen in every line.

The most popular books by Albert Likhanov are those that carry a strong life philosophy of honesty, dignity and duty in any politically difficult time. These books include:

  • "My general";
  • novel "Men's School";
  • "The Boy Who Doesn't Hurt";
  • "Clean pebbles";
  • "Nobody";
  • "Broken Doll"

Albert Anatolyevich Likhanov has a huge number of works. And all of them are written with the aim of the moral and strong-willed education of adolescents, the maintenance of childhood. The writer himself once said: "... without childhood, it's cold in the soul." And apparently, his whole life consists in helping the development of fragile souls. This is what he continues to do in his 80s.

Novel "Broken Doll"

A saga about three generations of women bearing the biblical name Mary - mothers, grandmothers and girls. Their hard fates are mentioned in the book Broken Doll. All three women are highly educated, intelligent, but equally unhappy and lonely.

In the center of the story, the smallest Mary is a schoolgirl with pure faith in God. A very sweet and fair girl. Masya (as her mother and grandmother call her) meets a boy who reads poetry with the same pure soul. But their childhood love is overshadowed by harsh reality. Masya is subjected to violence. How will a child cope with a non-childish challenge?

Albert Likhanov's book "Broken Doll" is extremely dramatic, it tells about the cruelty of "market relations", about the broken destinies of children as a result of the sins of their parents. Like Likhanov's other books, it was written in the genre of social realism.

The novel in the stories "Russian Boys" by A. Likhanov

This novel is in two parts. The first one is called “Russian Boys”. And the second part is already about the grown-up guys in the post-war years - "Men's School".

In these books, Likhanov Albert Anatolyevich reveals the theme of the formation of a solid male character.

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