Biography of Aleister Crowley. Aleister Crowley - a crazy genius or an ordinary charlatan


Name: Crowley

A country: USA

Creator: Eric Kripke

Activity: Demon and Crossroads King

Family status: not married

Crowley: character history

Each cinematic work demonstrates the contest between good and evil, truth and lies, bad and good. Any story introduces both positive characters and negative characters. TV shows are no exception. In one branch of the narrative of the serial film, the Winchester brothers and the demon Crowley coexist, whose image can hardly be called noble. What is curious about his biography and what is the mission of the hero in the plot?

History of creation

It seems that the demon Crowley is an authentic character, typical for the demonology of the series and other similar projects. In reality, everything is more complicated, because the existing personality served as a prototype for the hero. The negative image is created in the likeness of the English poet, born in 1875. The writer was famous for his craving for the occult sciences and Kabbalah, he was interested in tarology and knew how to interpret the Knight of Wands card. The directors created Crowley in a modern format and endowed him with unpleasant functions.

The hero is attracted by everything connected with otherworldly forces, and the features of black magic. This is given a rationale in the seraglio: Crowley's mother was a witch. The meaning of the name Crowley is deciphered by etymology as "hardy hero." A worthy name for someone who escorts people into a sleepless world.


In the serial television movie, Crowley became a vivid and controversial image. His appearance is specific, but attractive. A sense of humor and the ability to use sarcasm appropriately allows the hero to attract the attention of the fair sex. He is accompanied by beautiful women, gambling, alcohol and the trappings of a luxurious life. All Crowley's actions are calculated for profit. In his case, the end justifies the means. The demon always has trump cards at the ready, and he chose bullying and torture as his favorite means of obtaining confessions.

At the beginning of the series, the character appears as a crossroads demon who catches victims and offers to sign a contract. The location for the deal with the mortal was the crossroads as a symbol of choice, and the document, as it is said in mythology, was signed with blood. The soul of a person fell into the hands of a demon in exchange for good omens and other benefits. In the course of time, Crowley was promoted to Assistant Priestess. The woman is the first to be created by dressing her in a supernatural image after descending from heaven. The new period in the demon's career is marked by the status of the king of hell. Crowley quickly settled in a new place, established laws and joined the fight against intriguers.

The character first appears in the fifth season of the series. He is mentioned by Becky Rosen, who follows books about the Winchester brothers. Crowley turns out to be the owner of the Colt, which is being sought by and. The hero is revealed as a being with human qualities, which indicates that the dark beginning did not swallow him to the end. In the confrontation with Lucifer, Crowley manifests himself as an envious, hungry for power.

Lucifer from Supernatural

Once he even helps to hide an opponent in a cage. The punishment for this will be exile from hell and the loss of the prestigious demonic status of the king of the underworld. The game with Lucifer is not a fight on equal terms, but fun for the fiend and a test for Crowley, who is forced to cherish new plans to seize power.

The desire to conquer Lucifer forces the demon to cooperate with the Winchester brothers. The hunters, from whom no vampire can hide, willingly make a deal, after which Crowley again becomes the owner of the situation. The Winchesters and Crowley deftly interact throughout the series, getting rid of the leviathans and other representatives of the side of evil. The series contains references to the Bible. For example, in the situation with the search for the First Blade, which Crowley helps to get Dean. According to legend, he killed with this weapon. The cooperation of the dark and light sides cannot be cloudless, therefore skirmishes, betrayals and set-ups occur between partners. Minor skirmishes add excitement to the relationship between the demon and the hunters.

In the series, Crowley appears in the frame, accompanied by a reddish cloud of smoke. The demon is not capable of staying in this state for a long time. He needs a container in the form of a human body, which he fills with essence, like a vessel. The appearance preferred by the demon is Fergus Roderick MacLeod, a Scot born in 1661, a tailor. He was a petty man left by his mother. The witch Rowena left her son without maternal care, and her son was not satisfied with ordinary life. Fergus turned to the crossroads demon for help, and from that moment on, his existence was transformed.

According to the plot of the series, Crowley has superpowers, including immortality and resistance to bodily attacks. He teleports and heals wounds, and also turns out to be a telepath. The ability to bend time and move into someone else's body helps the demon manipulate events and people, achieving their own goals.

Screen adaptations

In the image of the demon Crowley, an actor appeared on television screens. His debut in the tape took place in the tenth episode of the fifth season. The actor starred in 49 episodes of Supernatural.

The character was loved by the audience, and his comicality brightened up the depressive mood of the project. The immoral type, capable of building mutually beneficial relationships, was attracted by the fact that human flaws and vices were the norm for him. The directors eliminated the hero in season 12. According to the script, Crowley died by stabbing himself. The directors justified the last act of the character by the need to save the world from the return of Lucifer. Crowley closed the portal with himself, preventing the appearance of Satan in the human world.


A man like Crowley is unlikely to be forgiven by God. Once in purgatory, the hero will not even be able to dream of trying to atone for sins. The character achieves goals by any means, so he does not consider failures as serious obstacles.

“Even when I lose, I win,” he says, confident that he will always have a chance to turn the situation in his favor.

Consisting of continuous contradictions and shortcomings, the demon philosophizes in the spirit of modern skeptics and objectively looks at life, distributing advice to others.

“Don’t drink tea where you are hated,” proclaims Crowley, who knows firsthand what other people’s dislike is fraught with.

Knowing that he does not cause sympathy and understanding, he is ready for low deeds, justifying his behavior with the words:

"It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission."

In popular understanding, an occultist is a person who goes out at midnight in a long black robe and, for some reason, always barefoot on wet grass. After that, he, together with other adepts, draws a pictogram and calls our master Satan. Having received clear instructions from his superiors, the adept with a calm soul goes to study the bestiary and indulge in sin with dissolute virgins.

The most surprising thing is that it is very difficult to imagine the always elegant and sophisticated Aleister Crowley in these raging ranks. Even though after many years and tons of books written by his hand, this simple British surname is still a symbol of world mysticism and occultism. Now all the knights of the purple outfit and strange things consider him their standard, almost God. Even some Satanists respect him much more than a showman.

To popularize the already well-known black magic and all kinds of hoaxes, he did much more than Voldemort and other fictional characters with all sorts of sticks, wands and toothpicks in their hands. But many have not decided who he is - a charlatan who successfully speculated on his eloquence, or really a person who saw and knew something. The commercial streak was in the blood of the descendant of successful brewers, but there was also a craving for the other world.

Be that as it may, the “demon in the guise of a man,” as he was called by especially quarrelsome inhabitants, or the Beast and Ankh-af-na-khons, as the hero himself called himself, left a huge mark on the world of living people. And not only in culture.

Antichrist from an early age

Aleister Crowley was born into a very wealthy and, oddly enough, devout family in the small town of Stardford-upon-Avon. Will was also lucky to be born here - the son of a glove maker named Shakespeare, who later grew into one of the greatest playwrights and poets in history. Therefore, in the town you can meet two groups of fans who come to "bow" to the birthplaces of idols.

Alexander's father (name given to Crowley at birth) is a hereditary owner of a brewery, his mother is a devout, conservative Protestant with three convolutions and a completely non-progressive approach to life. Every day the guy had to study the Bible. However, after the death of his father, all the attempts of his mother to strengthen Crowley in the Christian faith only provoked his skepticism. That's what happens when you try to forcefully tame a person into a cult.

The scandals reached the point that the mother called her own son "the beast 666" (quote from the revelation of John the Theologian). The rebellious boy liked the nickname, and later in his adult life he often called himself that way. Then there was college, the diligent squandering of my father's fortune. But unexpectedly, the guy was mowed down by an illness that pushed him to thoughts about the death and frailty of human existence. Since then, the “beast 666” began to study everything occult.

Arrivals at the cost of a career

Having left the university, he begins to travel a lot around the world, and the most fateful visit is to Stockholm, where, as he said, he was drawn like a magnet. Then the strangest thing that had ever happened in his life happened - an insight descended on him.

I awakened to the knowledge that I was involved in magical intentions... my nature, which until that moment had been essentially hidden from me. It was an experience of horror and pain, combined with a certain spiritual discomfort, and at the same time, it represented the key to the purest and most holy spiritual ecstasy possible.

Many attributed this to delirium or fantasies of a rake. But he believed that he knew almost the very secret of the universe.

Upon his return, he joined the Order of the Golden Dawn, whose organizers practiced medieval Kabbalistics and Eastern demonology with traditional Masonic rituals. The order was full of interesting personalities, some of whom, like the notorious Arthur Conan Doyle and the poet William Yeats, were looking for the truth. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the shores of occultism and mysticism, fertile for impressions and unique experience, attracted people, primarily creative people.

But Crowley ruthlessly despises his surroundings, displaying them in a not very pleasant light on the pages of his own junk masterpieces.

Loch Ness monster - also his handiwork

Tired of hanging out with peace-loving creative bastards, Crowley leaves for Loch Ness, buys the Boleskin House estate, converts two rooms into the Black and White Temples and, together with a friend, summons the demon Buer, the lord of 50 infernal legions, with the help of spells. Of course, there were no witnesses, and he told all his followers that the demon had come, but because of some interference, in the guise of a lizard. The one that looks like a swollen diplodocus mother from the cartoon "The Land Before Time". Simply put, the demon has not left and is still swimming in Loch Ness.

The whole essence of Thelema

Conducting the next course of world tours, Crowley began to claim that in Cairo he was visited by an interesting person in the form of the ancient spirit Aiwaz. It was the personality that dictated to him the Book of the Law, which later became the basis of the teaching.

According to Alistair, they didn’t come to the essence of the teaching right away - they suddenly remembered that according to Kabbalah, “thelema” (from the Greek “will”), “aywass” and “agape” (another Greek “love”) have the same the numerical value is 93. Thus Crowley concluded:

“Love is the Law! Do what you want - that's the Law! Do according to your Will."

As a result, the words "Do what you want - that's the whole law" became the main slogan of the movement.

Fascinated by the concept of the change of epochs, Crowley assured in every possible way that the very ominous Age of Aquarius was coming, and that people needed to massively change consciousness in order to become enlightened and invulnerable, like himself. In addition, there is a nice bonus - after the death of passengers, rebirth awaits.

But if you look carefully, then the "hoaxer" did not come up with anything of his own. Much has been borrowed from Nietzsche, Rabelais, the Kabbalah, the ancient mystical teachings of the "Path of the Left Hand" (not at all related to those vulgarities that you think about) and major world religions. In general, he had the peculiarity of attributing other people's merits to his beloved. But the people in the face of the intelligentsia, stoned by doses of drugs, worthy of the early Rolling Stones, through the mind, still drugged by legal cocaine and similar substances, actively absorbed the newfangled knowledge. So it's reasonable to say that Crowley was just elegantly mocking his main clients.

But since then, the world has been discussing Thelemites, who roam the earth as unfinished remnants. Who is this Thelemite? Too cowardly to become a Satanist; too depraved to be a Christian; and too unique to stumble upon another mystical ZAO? It is likely, you can’t say for sure - they are encrypted, bastards.

Tarot of the Beast

Everyone who was somehow connected with esotericism or tried to impress acquaintances with the presence of Tarot cards, and many whom the novice fortuneteller tried to seduce with fortune-telling in the style of “you and your girlfriend are not on the way, that’s what the cards say,” Crowley’s main creation, Tarot, is familiar Thoth. Sometimes this deck of cards is called the Aleister Crowley Tarot.

It is very popular among tarot readers, as each card has its own astrological correspondence, and many unique hidden symbols can be found on it. In order to make it convenient to work with the deck, Crowley even wrote a wonderful book in which, without his usual quirks, he explains the meaning of each card and each element depicted on it.

A short visit to Moscow

Shortly before the outbreak of the First World War, Crowley arrived in Moscow with the choir of girls "Reggid Ragtime Girls". Alas, he failed to recruit new supporters of Thelema's teachings in the city, and that is why his poem "The City of God" and the essay "The Heart of Holy Rus'" show through poorly hidden irritation.

Crowley called the Kremlin “a hashish smoker’s dream come true”, admired the barbaric beauty of the chimes, and spoke about the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, we quote: “a bad church in the modern European spirit, where the height is so disproportionate to the width that someone can imagine that he is in a cell torture of a sadistic god... As a result, the building turns into a kind of magical mouth with golden teeth, which sucks out the soul until it disappears.

But he really liked St. Basil's Cathedral, which he proposed to call only "Basilisk Cathedral".

Crowley and Nazism

The Nazis and Hitler are said to have been very interested in the esoteric. Considering the fact that in Germany Crowley found admirers in the person of Theodor Reuss, the head of the German order of the Oriental Templars, who even initiated him into the sacrament of the order and gave him the name “Brother Baphomet”, then it was not at all difficult to reach him. Moreover, there are facts that at the dawn of their power, even before the war, they supported it.

It is believed that Hitler was a follower of Crowley's teachings. But the "Beast 666" itself repeatedly spoke of Hitler as "a magician who could not understand the true essence of the sacrament." In addition, it is well known that Crowley's friend and sponsor, Karl Germer, was arrested by the Nazi government on charges of "cooperating with the enemy of the Reich" - Freemason Aleister Crowley. So, if earlier there was some kind of sympathy, then it turned out to be short-lived and fragile.

But it should be noted that during the First World War Crowley carried out pro-German propaganda and, according to rumors, he even tore his British passport at the foot of the Statue of Liberty. However, over time, he became persona non grata in Sicily and France, and not because of politics. For example, Mussolini personally drove him from Sicily. It's just that Crowley publicly announced that he would have sexual contact with a goat, and since it was unsuitable to plant a friend of German friends, he was offered to leave the island.

The man had a talent - to spoil relations, even the Nazis could not stand it. And Reuss, who adored him, eventually took offense at him, when Crowley founded his own Silver Star Order. The German friend did not like that Crowley revealed all the secrets of his order. Although initially the brainchild of Alistair was supposed to help the entire society to know the truth in every person and to know the will of God.

An unbridled bugger with twisted fantasies?

Our sorcerer was unbridled in his sexual desires, and therefore created Telem. Sometimes his preoccupation frightened even his followers. For example, when he began to actively hang out with English witches, who were all too often bored aristocrats, after a few mysteries the High Priestess drove him away for "sexual promiscuity and animal perversions."

Crowley did not disdain men either. Like Alexei Panin, gratefully accepting all the alms of the gods of lust and fornication, he kneaded clay. But not for pleasure, but for the glory of Satan, of course! The fact is that some rituals required a homosexual act. Why do you think the Loch Ness monster is so shitty? The guys just didn't try.

Crowley was also very fond of invoking Jupiter - also to the chords of sodomy. Even his numerous “insights” are attributed by many to the consequences of an overly vivid homosexual experience, which was also passive. In fact, bloody animal sacrifices and perverted sexual orgies were the norm in his life. This shows the whole personality of Crowley as a simple madman, and not a great genius. Among the sacrifices, one should separately note such a rite that he repeatedly repeated: he called the toad Jesus Christ and crucified it.

Crowley claimed that from 1912 to 1921, during his rituals, he killed 150 children annually during his rituals. However, this was just, if I may say so, a publicity stunt that attracted drugged aristocrats to him, who did not know where to put their money.

But the women were led to the "Beast"

But at the same time, Crowley had a family of his own. Strange, but still a family, with wives and even two children. The first wife, who already had a tendency to mental illness, after talking with her husband became completely “magical”. It was she who went into a trance with Aivaz. True, later, when his wife became completely ill, he dismissed her as expendable, and took the news of her death with surprising calmness. Soon he married again.

This trait had an amazing, almost diabolical charisma, with which he could make virgins from noble families crawl in sewage, bark, show their genitals to new supporters of the teachings of Thelema, engage in public masturbation, and also participate in orgies at the next meeting.

There is a simple explanation for all Alistair's strange behavior: Crowley constantly "improved" his "magical abilities" with the help of various hallucinogens, primarily mescaline. And all the bohemians were on drugs, and as they say, with whom you will behave ... They say that the hoaxer met his death in 1947 after he injected too much heroin.

The most anxious writer in the world

But his main legacy, of course, is literature. At one time, Alistair imagined himself a poet and borrowed the style of writing from Swinburne, and the themes and characters from De Sade. His poetry is sexual, sometimes homosexual, it borders on pornography and rudeness, it reflects the protest and rebellion of the author. True, the rebellion is so outspoken that even the Marquis would have vomited while reading it. Too Crowley was inventive in his descriptions.

His main book "The Book of the Law" is the main text of the teachings of Thelema. To read and understand it to the uninitiated is quite difficult, but interesting. Although there are plenty of books that Alistair wrote in a more legible and understandable way. For example, "The Diary of a Drug Addict", in which Aleister Crowley appears as he is! Psychopath and philosopher, occultist and poet. A person who received insight at a high, drug price.

In The Vision and the Voice, he tries to describe spiritual experiences and explorations of more subtle planes in completely normal and scientific language. The Goetia describes the ritual preparations, tools, and incantations needed to invoke the 72 spirits. And reading "Lectures on Yoga" can pleasantly surprise you. In this book, he does not talk about how glorious it is to drink vodka with Satan, but soberly describes each step as a technique of mental discipline.

Crowley's legacy

It would take even more words to describe Crowley's influence on culture in full, with dubious details, but not mentioning them at all is a crime against humanity.

His philosophy, based on unbridled, permissive sexuality and connections with the other world, turned out to be so close to the rockers that they openly sang praises to their inspirer. His "Doctrine 93" even gave the name to the group of the same name.

In addition, Alistair's face can be found on the cover of the legendary and no less mystical album by The Beatles - “Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

And that same song, with an ominous organ, as if borrowed from horror films? The legendary troublemaker wrote it, impressed by the biography of our hero. Moreover, even such a madman as Osborne could not believe in the scale of the infernal genius, and therefore the first words in the song are: “Mr. Crowley, what is in your head?”

But the main fan of this guy, of course, was Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin. He was ready, without bargaining, to buy up everything that Alistair had something to do with in one way or another. The most expensive were the mansions in which Jimmy settled personally. True, the fascination with the occult, as they say, almost ruined the group and Page himself, who miraculously did not drown in the alcoholic-drug sea in the 70s and 80s.

Skilled in various rituals with the help of Crowley's knowledge, Page is said to have even made a deal with the Devil to keep the group alive forever. And only a binge with the leader of the Corrosion of Metal made the lord of the underworld forget about Jimmy.

Rumor has it that it was from Crowley that he learned to lay hidden messages in songs that can be found if you scroll them backwards. Look, there is "The Beast 666" and kabbalistic attributes, so maybe it really is: Satan is alive, Crowley did not lie, and our whole life is a game?

Crowley is a powerful demon and the Crossroads King (which already makes him stronger than the regular red-eyed demons), Lilith's right hand, and later the King of Hell. For the first time, Becky Rosen is mentioned, who said that the colt was given not to Lilith, but to Crowley. Unlike other demons, Crowley does not support Lucifer, because he believes that Lucifer will kill them all after the people, and it is likely that he is right. Contents [Expand] Human Life During his lifetime, Crowley went by the name Fergus Roderick MacLeod and lived in Scotland in the 17th century. At least the events of his life in 1661 are mentioned. He worked as a tailor and sold his soul to a demon for an extra three inches below the waist (I wanted it to be a double digit number). He also had a son named Gavin, who died in a shipwreck and whom Crowley hated. Crowley himself mentioned that his mother was a witch and "taught" him a few things. In episode 21 of season 9, it is revealed that Crowley's wife was also a witch. In the same episode, Gavin was moved from 1723 to 2013 by Abaddon, where he remained. In episode 7 of season 10, Crowley meets his mother, the witch Rowena. Life of a Tumblr Demon mk2lvoxslX1qk653do1 500 In order to get rid of Lucifer, Crowley works with the Winchesters to help them retrieve the rider rings, which are the key to Lucifer's cage. After the apocalypse was stopped, Crowley rose to the top of the infernal hierarchy and became the King of Hell. Further, Crowley desired to obtain the souls of Purgatory in order to become even stronger and more powerful. To do this, he enters into an alliance with Castiel, under the terms of which Crowley would receive half the souls. After being tricked by Castiel, the demon hid in the trailer, having completely retired from ruling hell. Castiel again invites him to take the post of King of Hell. When the Leviathans were released, he tried to make an agreement with Dick Roman, but failed. Realizing the threat of the Leviathans, he helped the brothers kill Dick Roman by giving them his blood needed to kill him. With Castiel and Dean missing, Crowley kidnaps the prophet Kevin to translate the demon tablet for him. But in the end, Crowley is captured by the Winchesters, who are being tested to shut down Hell, and Crowley is the final ingredient. At the last moment, the Winchesters decide to stop testing and leave him in captivity. However, after he helps get Gadreel out of Sam, they let him go. After he begins to cooperate with Dean against Abaddon. Together with Dean, they go to Cain, who gives Dean the mark. After that, Dean kills Abaddon with a blade, but then dies at the hands of Metatron. Sam summons Crowley to resurrect Dean, but he simply awakens him and Dean resurrects as a demon. Quotes Abilities Immortality - like all demons, it is potentially immortal and does not age. He has been alive for almost three hundred years, and in hellish time for 48 thousand years, and can live forever. Invulnerability - He is not affected by conventional weapons. He can be killed by a supernatural weapon or a stronger being. Possession - Crowley (like other demons) can possess people. Teleportation - He can teleport to many places if they are not protected from demons. Resurrection - can resurrect people, but for this you need to make a deal for the soul. Reality Warp - Crowley is able to make deals with people, giving them what they want and taking their soul. By making a deal with Bobby, Crowley was even able to find Death. He can also cancel the deals of other demons. Super strength - Crowley is physically stronger than any human and many demons. Telepathy - Like other crossroads demons, he can read minds, however this has never been demonstrated. Pyrokinesis - the ability to ignite objects, cause fire or significantly raise the temperature at a distance with the power of thought. Telekinesis - He can move objects with his mind and pin a person to a wall. In addition, he can twist a person's neck without touching him. Perceptiveness in the supernatural - like other demons can see supernatural beings for what they are. Knowledge of magic - the mother of the future King was a witch, and during her lifetime she taught her son some tricks. Enhanced Senses - Crowley tasted the blood castiel gave him. Superhuman Stamina - Crowley doesn't need rest or food to survive. Regeneration - any wound received by conventional weapons, he can instantly heal. But if the wound is from a supernatural weapon, it will take much longer to heal. Vast Knowledge - Crowley has vast knowledge (he knows many ancient languages, including Enochian, knows a bunch of spells, including the binding of Death). In addition, Crowley is a good psychologist and knows what to put pressure on or suggest to a person. Hacking an Angel - Crowley can hack into an angel's brain and extract important information from it against his will. Ability to torture - Crowley knows a lot of sophisticated torture. Hellhound Control - As a crossroads demon, and most likely the King of Hell, Crowley is able to control hellhounds. King of Hell After becoming the king of hell, Crowley became stronger and his abilities increased. They were added: Biokinesis - capable of causing internal bleeding, pain, twisting the neck with a movement of the hand and blowing people up with a snap of the fingers. Trade Control - Crowley canceled all of Guy's trades with a snap of his fingers. Resistance - he is able to resist the power of some stronger demons (Abaddon could not suppress his power, however, Cain deprived Crowley of his voice). Invisibility - Crowley can become invisible and inaudible at will. Giving Information - Crowley taught his son to read by touching his forehead. Demon Control - Crowley controls the demons, the only ones who do not obey him are Meg, Abaddon and their supporters. Summon/Exorcise - how King of Hell Crowley can summon and exorcise demons with the snap of his fingers Mind Manipulation - he can affect the mind of a person, as he did with Kevin Killing Demons - with a snap of his fingers he turned a simple demon into smoke. Weakness God - can kill any demon. Death - can kill any demon. Leviathans - can kill any demon (maybe medium and small ones will not cope with the Knights, Azazel and white-eyed ones). Archangels - can kill any demon. Stronger Demons - Stronger demons will be able to kill Crowley (Cain, Azazel, Lilith, Alastair, Samhain, Abaddon). Although not all stronger demons can suppress it. For example, Abaddon cannot block his powers. Demons - even weaker demons have a chance to kill or harm him. Meg manifested the ability to biokinesis on him. Seraphim - can kill almost any demon, including Crowley (Castiel could kill him by touching his forehead, but Raphael saved him. Eve - she blocked the forces of the seraphim, which means she can easily defeat Crowley. Angels - can kill red-eyed demons. Colt - can kill anyone Demon, including Crowley Angel Blade - Can kill most demons Archangel Sword - A stronger version of the Angel Blade Death Sickle - Can kill any demon Celestial Armory - Can kill supernatural beings including Crowley with the weapons of heaven Other Demon Weaknesses - iron, salt, holy water, holy oil, demon traps Ruby's Knife - Kills weak to medium demons, including red-eyed ones and can severely injure stronger ones First Blade - Kills almost any supernatural creature, including any demon (not counting the owner of the mark). Season 5 In "The Real Ghostbusters", Becky tells Sam and Dean that Lilith does not have the Colt, but Crowley does. In Abandon Hope, Castiel follows Crowley after he made a deal with a banker and comes to his house. He tells the Winchesters about it. 63355833 Joe draws out the demon guards and Sam and Dean kill them. Then they get close to Crowley and try to drive him into the demon trap depicted under the carpet, but Crowley notices her, and at this time two demons sneak up on Sam and Dean from behind and grab them. Crowley pulls out a Colt and shoots at the demons. Crowley explains this by saying that they were Lucifer's followers and he was not. Crowley then gives them the Colt, asking them to kill Lucifer with it. Because when Lucifer arranges hell on Earth, he will destroy humanity, and after him the demons. Crowley himself reveals the whereabouts of Lucifer and Dean asks if he is signing his own death warrant, revealing the location of Lucifer, to which Crowley explains that if they do not kill Lucifer, then all the demons will die, and Lucifer will kill Crowley for what he gave Winchester colt. In "The Devil You Know", he appears in the back seat of the Impala and Sam tries to stab him with a knife, but Crowley teleports away. The car stops and the Winchesters look for him in disbelief, Crowley knocking on the car window outside, urging the brothers to get out. Outside, he explains that because of their failure, he went underground and lost all his acquired funds, and the demons ate his tailor. But he wants to help find the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, so he takes them to his hideout. There he says that he does not know where the Plague is, but he knows someone who does. Next, Crowley and Dean go to the Niveus Formaceticus office, and Crowley kills the guards on the first floor and sends Dean upstairs to the demon Braddy. Upstairs, Braddy beats Dean and he runs to the first floor through the elevator, Crowley throws a bag with signs over his head and knocks him out with a poker. Crowley then carves a special symbol into his chest that will prevent him from leaving this body. Braddy is driven home and tortured, but it's only after Crowley smashes the nest of demons that they slip him a coin, followed by a hellhound. Crowley tosses a coin to Dean and teleports away. Dean is forced to untie Braddy to avoid being killed and they try to fight back, but Crowley brings his Cerberus, which is much larger than the one sent by the demons to them, and they escape together. Afterwards, Braddy splits open and reveals the Plague's location. Then Crowley comes to Bobby and offers him a deal for his soul: he will tell where Death is, and Bobby will sell his soul. Bobby agrees, because Crowley said he would bring her back. After the conclusion of the deal, it turns out that Crowley made minor amendments to the deal and after its expiration, Bobby also received legs (at that time his legs were paralyzed, he was glad). After the Winchesters found out about the deal, they became wary, and Sam asked "Bobby, did you kiss him?!", but Bobby denies it, to which Crowley shows a photo he took on his phone. When Dean went to get Death, Crowley gave him the Sickle of Death with which to kill Death. Season 6 In the episode "Bobby's Weekend", Bobby tries to get his soul back and traps Crowley, but he was accompanied by his Cerberus, so Bobby had to let Crowley go. Torturing the Crossroads Demon, he learns that Crowley is now the King of Hell and his life name is Fergus McLeod. With the help of Rufus, he learns that Fergus lived in 1661 in Scotland, and Rufus brings a ring that can be used to summon the spirit of his son. They asked the spirit where Crowley is buried and threaten Crowley with burning his bones (which would have resulted in his death) to return Bobby's soul. In the episode "Family Matters", Samuel Campbell works for Crowley, supplying him with alphas to torture them into the location of purgatory. Crowley invites the Winchesters to cooperate, then he will return Sam's soul. In "All Dogs Go to Heaven", Crowley visits the Winchesters at a diner and intrigues them in capturing an alpha werewolf he believes is nearby (later revealed to be werewolves). In the episode "Passion Behind Bars", the Winchesters, along with Castiel and Meg, infiltrated the prison where Crowley was torturing the creatures. Meg stayed behind to deal with the hellhounds, where a demon grabbed her and began torturing her, while Castiel and the Winchesters ran away. But Samuel draws a sign with blood to drive away the angels, and Castiel disappears. Samuel was on Crowley's side all this time, as he promised that if he found purgatory, he would revive Mary, Samuel's daughter. The demons put the Winchesters in the cells. After escaping from the cells, the Winchesters free Meg and they go to Crowley and drive him into the pentagram on the ceiling, Meg comes up to kill him, and he snatches the knife from her and damages the circle of the pentagram with it, freeing himself, and scatters the Winchesters against the walls. Castiel shows up with a bag of Crowley's bones and asks "Can you give Sam back his soul?" To which Crowley replies in the negative and Castiel ignites the bones and kills Crowley. In the episode "Mommy Dearest", Eve reveals that Crowley is actually still alive and proceeds to torture her children. At the end of the episode, Crowley appears and it becomes clear that Crowley and Castiel are working together. In "The Man Who Knew Too Much", Crowley meets with Castiel and tells him that everything is ready, but Castiel says that he does not want to share all the souls with him and tells him "Run or die". Crowley left. Later, Crowley arrives with his new ally, Archangel Raphael. Then Castiel gives him everything he needs for the ceremony and leaves. But Crowley fails to open the gate, later it turned out that the bank did not have the right blood for this: the blood of a virgin and a creature from purgatory was needed, and the bank contained dog blood. Castiel comes and says that he opened the gate himself and absorbed all the souls and kills Raphael. Castiel calls himself a god, having devoured all souls. Season 7 In season 7, Crowley's hiding FkfbI9ueYDc is in a small trailer that's covered in anti-angel symbols, but Castiel finds it. He offers Crowley to take over as King of Hell or die, and Crowley accepts. Castiel needed Hell only to intimidate his enemies. Crowley continues to fulfill his role as King and forbids the demons from attacking the Winchesters to kill Dick Roman. With the supreme leviathan, Crowley tried to establish relations and coexist peacefully, but Dick only laughs at the demon and scornfully throws that if he had no more important things to do, he would have destroyed the demons. Then he enters into his own with the Winchesters, as they seem to him preferable to the Leviathans. Dick Roman learns that the tablet has fallen to the Winchesters and hurries to offer the demon a deal: Canada, in exchange for Crowley giving the brothers fake blood. Crowley goes to the Winchesters, where he meets Castiel and Meg. Seeing that the angel has gone mad, and the demoness is under Castiel's protection, Crowley does not touch them, but gives his blood. Before leaving, he promises to roast Meg in hellfire to a crust. After Dick's death, Crowley arrives at his headquarters, where he finds Sam and Kevin. The demon takes the prophet, and before that, two demons kidnapped Meg for him. Crowley says goodbye to Sam, noticing that for the first time he is completely alone and disappears, leaving a confused Sam. Eighth season In the eighth season, approximately pon Krouli ulybaetsya, his plans are clear: with the help of the captive angel Samandriel, he learns about the existence of the "Angels" tablet, which apparently contains very valuable information about angels. Surely there is information on how to kill an angel. In episode 21, he makes a small alliance with the angel Ion to let him know that Naomi has captured Castiel. He melts down the angel's blade into pistol bullets. His plan is working. He arrives at the captured Castiel, kills one angel, stabs Jon in the arm, and chases Naomi away. Crowley tries his hunch that the tablet is inside Cas and shoots him in the stomach, then teleports to him and removes the tablet from him. But two demons playing Dean and Sam for Kevin fall into a trap and ask Crowley for help. He goes to the Prophet and finds out how he knew that he was a prisoner of demons. Then he begins to strangle Kevin, but Metatron arrives, erases the anti-angelic symbols and protects the young man, leaving severe burns on the demon's body. Now Crowley is really angry, he has an angelic tablet, but while there is no demonic tablet, he decides to kill all the once very close and saved people by Sam and Dean, when he called Sam to say that he would kill Sarah if they did not stop, to his question how he replied, "I'm a witch's son." Sarah dies, Dean smashes the phone he used to talk to Crowley on the edge of the bedside table and sees that the witch's pouch has fallen out of it. In order to prevent Sam, he hides all the demons, and now the triumphant moment the brothers agreed to retreat, but at the last moment the deal breaks down and Crowley is trapped, Sam tries to heal him, and it seems he succeeds - Crowley cries ... But the test is not completed ... - Losyara... maybe... I would... like to ask you, Sam... earlier... when you were there... confessed... what did you say? I'm asking because (begins to cry)... with my... past... the question arises: where... to begin... to ask... forgiveness? You know... - Crowley's confession. Season 9 In "I Think I'll Like It Here", we learn that Dean has locked Crowley in the trunk of the Impala. 0 b622b cd966c24 XL He turns to him for help, as he thought he was the only one who could save Sam. But Crowley at first even refuses to knock back to show that he is alive. He eventually knocks it out, but Dean doesn't have time to ask anything as he was interrupted by an angel who wanted revenge on Castiel. In "The Devil Cares", Dean reveals that he left Crowley lying in the trunk instead of killing him, as he thinks he can use him. Locking Crowley in a locked room at the Men of Letters base, Sam and Dean wanted to force him to give up all the names of the demons on Earth, but he refuses. Therefore, they leave him in the dark so that he can think about the proposal. Crowley thinks about the fact that he almost became a man, and then starts to tease Kevin, as he is sitting in another room and hears him. Crowley pushes Kevin to beat him with the tools that are in the room. He then tells him that his mother is alive, and if he releases Crowley, he will tell him where she is. He also starts teasing Kevin with the fact that the Winchesters don't care about his fate at all and that they are just using him, and then they will replace him with someone else if something happens to him. Kevin does not release him, but is not sure if Crowley was lying. When Sam and Dean return, Crowley tells them the names of two demons and offers them a trade: they give him the things he asks for, and he helps them find the demons. Dean Winchester's relationship - during the apocalypse, he had an exclusively business relationship with the Winchesters. However, he only worked with Dean. Relations deteriorated after the apocalypse, but they were still better with Dean than with Sam. The relationship reached its peak in Season 8. However, after he helped pull the angel out of Sam, relations returned to normal and they became allies against Abaddon. After Dean took the mark of Cain, they basically became friends. In the tenth season, their relationship will improve a lot, but only for a while. Sam Winchester - We were allies during the apocalypse but didn't work together. After the apocalypse, the relationship deteriorated and was worse than with Dean. Crowley calls Sam Losyar. While healing Crowley, he made fun of Sam, but then he began to open his soul. Even after Crowley pulled the angel out of Sam, things didn't go back to normal. Crowley's attempts to normalize relations with Sam were unsuccessful, Sam still considered him an enemy, however, at the end of season 9, he nevertheless turned to him for help in resurrecting Dean. Castiel - During the apocalypse, they were allies but didn't work together. After the apocalypse, they became business partners in the search for Purgatory. Crowley tried to befriend him, but Castiel treated him with contempt. Then the relationship deteriorated due to the fact that Castiel did not allow Crowley to absorb the souls of Purgatory, despite the agreement to divide the souls between the two of them. Crowley later said that he dreamed of killing Cas for this, but did not kill him when he had the opportunity. Castiel also had a negative attitude towards Crowley, constantly seeing him as a threat and a deceiver. Bobby Singer - During the apocalypse, they were allies, and Bobby even sold his soul to him in exchange for the location of Death. Despite the promise to return the soul, after the apocalypse, Crowley refused to fulfill this, and Bobby had to blackmail Crowley with his bones, after which the demon canceled the contract. After the hunter's death, he took Bobby's soul to Hell, despite the fact that he was supposed to go to Heaven, as he caused him a lot of problems. However, the Winchesters then pulled Bobby out and Crowley was unable to get him back as Naomi interfered. Lucifer - Crowley is perhaps the only demon that does not support Lucifer. They did not meet in person, but the demon Braddy told Crowley that because he was working against Lucifer, the archangel would not let him die and would torture him forever for this. Dick Roman - Crowley tried to make a deal with Dick, but Dick immediately stated that treating demons is worse than humans, and that if he had more time, he would destroy all the demons. Soon Dick led him into a trap and said that his speech was a misunderstanding and offered a deal whereby he would give him Canada, and Crowley should give the Winchesters not his own blood. Crowley pretended to agree, but then gave the Winchesters the blood they needed. Naomi - Like all angels, Naomi treated him with contempt, however, unlike other opponents, Crowley did not see her as a special threat. When he wanted to return the Soul of Bobi Singer back to Hell, Naomi intervened, he called her a bureaucrat and told her to mind her own business, however, he did not dare to contact her. When Naomi captured Castiel, Crowley used a gun with angel bullets to kill the angel and scared her away. There may have been some kind of relationship between them. Rowena is one of the most powerful witches on Earth and the mother of King Crowley. Falls into the dungeon of the King of Hell, where he recognizes his mother in the witch. Rowena tries to manipulate her son in every possible way: she puts witch's pouches, casts an astral projection spell and spies on her son. But her plans failed when Crowley met with Dean and learned of Rowena's machinations. The witch was banished from Crowley's house. She decided to kill her son with the hands of Sam Winchester, making a deal with him and promising to save Dean from the Mark of Cain. After removing the mark, she threw off the iron shackles (in which Sam chained her) and set Castiel, enchanted by the spell, on her son.

Aleister Crowley was an English poet and writer, occultist and mystic. The founder of the teachings of Thelema and the author of many occult works, including The Book of the Law. He is the creator of the Tarot Thoth deck.

Childhood and youth

Aleister Crowley was born in the county of Warwickshire, in the city of Leamington Spa. At birth, the boy was named Edward Alexander Crowley. His father, Edward Crowley, was an engineer by profession, but did not work a day by profession. He owned a stake in the family business, Crowley's Beer Brewery. He made a considerable profit from this business, therefore, soon after his marriage, he joined the Christian sect "Plymouth Brethren", and later became their preacher.

Alistair's mother, Emily Bishop, was a housewife and also a member of the Plymouth Brothers sect. Of course, the boy spent his childhood in reading religious literature and listening to sermons. Every day, after breakfast, my father read one Bible chapter to them and their mother.

When the boy was 11 years old, his father died of tongue cancer, leaving his son an inheritance. With age, Alistair began to notice inaccuracies and inconsistencies in the Bible, so he did not find a common language with his mother, who continued to be a member of a sect and force the boy to study Christian treatises. They often cursed, once Emily Bishop called her son a beast, meaning the messenger of Satan, later he signed some of his works “The Beast 666”.

Crowley studied at the private school "Plymouth Brothers" in Cambridge. But he was expelled for bad behavior. After a few years he studied at Tonbridge School, Malvern College and Boarding School in Eastbourne.

At first he was interested in economics and psychology, later he became interested in English literature. But in essence, he did not find himself in any area, Alistair was very good at squandering his inheritance and enjoying life. But already in 1896, Aleister Crowley began to study in detail the occult, mysticism and alchemy.

Also, the man was fond of mountaineering, chess and poetry. By the way, he began writing poetry at the age of 10. With each passing year, he became more and more disillusioned with religion. He began to talk about this to his mentors, and the main manifestation of "disobedience" to Christianity was his sexual relations, and not only with familiar girls, but also with women of easy virtue.

Literature and occult practices

In 1898, the man met Julian Baker. The man was a chemist, so they found a common language on the basis of alchemy. Baker brought Crowley into the Order of the Golden Dawn, an occult organization dedicated to magic, alchemy, and theurgy. In the same year he was ordained a Neophyte of the Golden Dawn. At the same time, Crowley bought himself a luxurious apartment - he assigned one room for white magic, and the other for black magic. A fellow member of the Order, Alan Bennet, lived with him and became his mentor in ceremonial magic.

It is noteworthy that in the ranks of the Golden Dawn there were people in whom Crowley found enemies and rivals. Alistair made no secret of his relationship with his brothers in the order - he openly criticized William Yeats and Arthur Waite. Their personalities were reflected in his works of those years, he described them in an extremely impartial and humiliating way. But they did not skimp on the negative reviews of his books.

He soon became disillusioned with both his mentor and the order itself. Officially, Crowley left the Golden Dawn only in 1904. In 1900, he went to Mexico, where he continued to study magic on his own. Together with him goes his fellow climber Oskar Eckenstein. He practices meditation and raja yoga, which he teaches Alistair.

He later visited Hawaii, San Francisco, Hong Kong, Japan and Ceylon. He wrote his main book during a trip to Egypt. According to Crowley himself, The Book of the Law was written by him under the dictation of the holy spirit Aiwas. In the book, he described the foundations of religious teaching, known in the world as Thelema. It means "will" in ancient Greek. But some historians still believed that this teaching was directly borrowed from the ancient denomination "The Left Hand Path". Of course, Crowley denied any accusations of plagiarism.

In 1907, Aleister Crowley creates his own order, which he gives the name "Silver Star".

In 1920 he moved to Sicily, where he organized Theleme Abbey, which is a commune where Crowley is the leader. He leads an extremely immoral life. His followers fulfill all his requirements. They arrange orgies, use drugs. The end of the abbey came after one of Crowley's followers died.

There was a fuss about this, the newspapers cited a variety of reasons for his death, for example, that he was poisoned by cat's blood, which the mystic ordered the deceased to drink. After all, he often said to do what neither then nor now defies logic. For example, Crowley argued that anyone who wants to become a great magician must be ill with syphilis. He explained this by saying that in this way they would gain "valuable experience." Of course, in the end, the mystic and his commune were ordered to leave Sicily.

But it didn't upset him at all. He started traveling again. Traveled to Tunisia, North Africa, France and Germany. During this period of time, he published several books: "Magic in Theory and Practice", "The Equinox of the Gods", "Magic Without Tears", "The Diary of a Drug Addict" and others. True, it was at this time that he gained a reputation as a Satanist, sectarian and black magician.

Glory came to Crowley after he created the Tarot cards. The deck was called "Tarot of Thoth" and is still popular with esotericists. The maps are full of symbolism, he was helped to draw them by the Egyptologist Frieda Harris. Alistair also published a book of the same name, in which the mystic gives an explanation of each card.

A follower of Crowley from Germany argued that the work of the mystic had many influences on personality and life. True, historians were able to quickly dispel these speculations. But still, after the death of Aleister Crowley, this topic was extremely popular in the occult environment for a long time.

Despite the odious figure of Crowley, some of his books are not without meaning and logic. Many of his works are cited.

Personal life

In 1903, Aleister Crowley married the sister of his friend Gerald Kelly, Rose Edith Kelly. Initially, the marriage was arranged, but soon after the wedding, the man realized that he had fallen in love. The woman shared his love for the occult and mysticism and supported her husband in his endeavors.

Aleister Crowley and his first wife Rose Edith Kelly with their daughter Lola

In 1904, the couple had a daughter, they gave her an unusual name - Nuit Ma Ahator Hecate Safo Jezabel Lilith Crowley. But the girl did not live up to three years, she died. Some time later, their second daughter, Lola Zaza Crowley, was born.

Once Gerald Kelly introduced Crowley to a writer, he later wrote the novel The Magician, and the main character Oliver Haddo is the prototype of Aleister Crowley. Later, the feature film "Chemical Wedding" was shot, where Oliver Haddo also became the hero.

In 1929, in Germany, he met Maria Ferrari de Miramar. She was originally from Nicaragua. Soon they got married.


In the last years of his life, the popular mystic spent a lot of money in finances. He had to move from one hotel to another, trying to earn a living. Some biographers believe that during this period he began to use heroin. As a result, Crowley died on December 1, 1947 from asthma. He was 72 years old.

Even after his death, he remained true to himself: the funeral ceremony was gloomy and strange, during which the poem “Hymn to Pan” was sounded. This was requested by Crowley in his will.


  • 1904 - The Book of the Law
  • 1944 - Book of Thoth
  • 1945 - Magic without tears
  • 1961 - The Book of Aleph: The Book of Wisdom or Madness
  • 1969 - Tarot Thoth
  • 1904 - A depraved affair
  • 1912 - Through the abyss
  • 1913 - Testament of Magdalene Blair
  • 1917 - Cocaine
  • 1922 - Diary of a drug addict
  • 1929 - Moonchild
  • 1929 - Unworthy and other stories
  • 1970 - Lost Continent

Aleister Crowley is a famous English poet, tarot reader, occultist, kabbalist and Satanist of the 19th-20th centuries. For many followers, he remains one of the most significant ideologues of the occult.

In the article:

Aleister Crowley - Biography

Alistair's real name is Edward Alexander Crowley. He was born October 12, 1875 in the UK. The boy's father was an engineer and owned a private brewery. The mother was in charge of the household. Edward's parents became members of the Plymouth Brothers sect, forcibly forced the child to read the Bible and be faithful to Christianity.

Aleister Crowley

After Alexander's father passed away, his mother was unable to educate the boy's interest in faith. The more she tried to instill in him the love of God, the more she met with resistance.

Scandals reached the point that the mother called her son beast 666. The boy really liked the nickname and in adulthood he often called himself that way. In 1895, Crowley graduated from high school and entered the College of the Holy Trinity, Cambridge University.

He rushed to study economics, psychology and philosophy, however, not without the influence of his teacher, he realized that English literature was closer to him. During his studies, Crowley squandered a rich inheritance and enjoyed life.

From the winter of 1896, Edward realized that he was attracted to mysticism and the occult. The following year, he began to study magic, mysticism and alchemy in more detail.

Aleister's illness prompted him to think about the frailty of life. His first book was published in 1898, after which the guy left the university and made acquaintances with Julian Baker and Samuel Mathers.

Entry into the Order of the Golden Dawn

Since 1898, Alexander was a member of the Order of the Golden Dawn. There he made strong and influential rivals - William Yeats and Arthur Waite.

The conflict happened due to the fact that Crowley did not hide his attitude towards his brothers and positioned both as arrogant bores, constantly criticizing their works. Crowley managed to humiliate rivals subtly and skillfully. Their images were used to create extremely unpleasant characters in his novels.

In 1890, Crowley began to become disillusioned with his mentor, Samuel Mathers. Therefore, he goes to Mexico, where he continues to study the magical art on his own. Alistair officially left the Golden Dawn in 1904.

In 1901, a man is already actively practicing Raja Yoga. His knowledge is reflected in the essay "Berashit". There, meditation is presented as a method to achieve one's goal. Alexander speaks of the ceremony of magic as a way of tempering the will.

Thelema and the law of the left hand

Looking at the meaning of the word , in translation from ancient Greek it means "Will". Here we can recall the main principle of Alistair's teachings:

Do what you want, that's the whole Law and Love - the law, Love obeys the Will.

Thelema is a religious trend that Crowley developed at the time of membership in the Order of the Golden Dawn. Its basis was the magical teachings of the sage Abramelin, which was based on Kabbalah.

Aleister's meeting with the holy spirit Aiwas, who whispered to Crowley the text of his future Book of Laws, prompted the development of the thelema.

Almost all the teachings of the Great and terrible Satanist are borrowed from the ancient denomination "The Left Hand Path". It is worth noting that Crowley often tried to pass off other people's achievements as his own. At the same time, the foundations of the system that he allegedly created belong to Francois Rabelais and Pascal Randolph.

Everything that Alexander borrowed from more experienced like-minded people, he completely distorted and presented in a different light. For example, the original Left Hand Path involved using the feminine and masculine principles to master sexual magic. Moreover, the feminine was considered divine, and the masculine was only an addition to it.

As you know, Crowley was a terrible misogynist and racist, so he could not allow the supremacy of the feminine in his own cult. He believed that a girl could not become an initiate, as she was unworthy; it is just a tool to achieve goals. However, despite the obvious imperfections of the thelema, she had a lot of followers.

Crowley tried to build temples wherever he lived. The rituals performed there were not the most pleasant: bloody animal sacrifices, perverted sexual orgies. This is where Crowley's personality comes into play as a mere lunatic rather than a great genius.

The man begins to feed followers with strange ideas that are now beyond understanding. Alistair assured: to become a truly powerful magician, it is necessary to become infected with syphilis, as this is one of the most valuable experiences.

A ritual was also popular in which you need to catch a toad, give it gifts, like a little Jesus, and then crucify it on a cross. Having said this:

There you are, Jesus of Nazareth.

Such lawlessness could not go unnoticed for a long time. Crowley soon became persona non grata in many countries. They did not want to see him on the territory of Sicily, France, Germany. Traveling the world, Alex made enemies, among whom were famous domestic occultists. For example, Gurdjieff considered him a simple upstart and crazy.

Order of the Oriental Templars

1907 in the life of Alex Crowley became decisive. He ventured to open his own Order of the Silver Star. According to the Satanist himself, in 1912 he was accused by Theodor Reuss of revealing to the public all the secrets of the Order of the Oriental Templars. In Crowley's secret dreams, his order was to help society find the truth in every individual and know the will of God.

The man was sure: if you go through the rites of initiation, evaluate their significance, master outstanding occult techniques, you can not just become a member of the Order of the Eastern Templars. So you can get sacred knowledge for a dialogue with the guardian angel, the highest part of your nature, which keeps in touch with the entire universe and God.

As a result, man had to answer the eternal questions: Who am I? What is my mission?

In response to Theodore's accusations, Crowley stated that he did not reveal any secrets in his Holy Book, since he himself had not yet reached the required stage of development.

So, unlike other psychics ( , ), the magician Crowley won nothing but contempt and disgust.

Everyone who is associated with esotericism knows the name. Sometimes this deck of cards is also called the Aleister Crowley Tarot. It was created together with Frida Harris, an artist and Egyptologist. Today, the deck is popular among tarot readers. Each card has an astrological correspondence and many unique hidden symbols can be found on it.

Those who want to work with this deck should have in their arsenal the book of Thoth, where Crowley explains the meaning of the cards and each element on them. Most often, Crowley's Tarot is used for fortune telling.

The famous Satanist claimed that he was the reincarnation of Eliphas Levi. This opinion is expressed in his book Magic in Theory and Practice. Here are the explanations of the occultist: between the death of Levi and the birth of Crowley, half a year; some believe that in the case of reincarnation, this is the time needed for the soul to pass from one body to another.

Eliphas was remarkably similar in appearance to Alex's father. Not yet familiar with the writings of Levi, Crowley wrote the play "Fatal Force", which used a magical formula that, as it turned out, was present in the works of Eliphas.

Alex bought an apartment in Paris, which was familiar, familiar (as it seemed to him then), and only after many years did he find out that Eliphas had previously lived in the neighboring one.

At the end of his life, Crowley had to travel a lot, wandering and hiding. He tried to find followers and somehow earn a living. Some biographers claim that during this time he became particularly addicted to heroin. During this period, Edward meets Gerald Gardner, who later founded the Wicca movement.

Some historians believe that Crowley wrote books for Wiccans, but the information has not been confirmed. On December 1, 1947, Alistair's life ended, and on December 5 he was cremated. According to his will, the “Hymn to Pan” composed by him was read at the funeral.

Quotes by Aleister Crowley

This is not to say that the work of a crazy Satanist is devoid of common sense. In each of his works, books, you can find something for yourself that will lead to various (sometimes quite sensible) thoughts. For example.

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