Biography of Balzac briefly. History of foreign literature XIX - early XX centuries


). Balzac's father made a fortune by buying and selling confiscated noble lands during the years of the revolution, and later became assistant to the mayor of the city of Tours. Has no relation to the French writer Jean-Louis Guez de Balzac (1597-1654). Father Honore changed his surname and became Balzac. Mother Anna-Charlotte-Laura Salambier (1778-1853) was much younger than her husband and even outlived her son. She came from a family of a Parisian cloth merchant.

The father prepared his son for advocacy. In -1813, Balzac studied at the College of Vendôme, in - - at the Paris School of Law, at the same time he worked for a notary as a scribe; however, he abandoned his legal career and devoted himself to literature. Parents did little for their son. He was placed at the College Vendôme against his will. Meetings with relatives there were forbidden all year round, with the exception of the Christmas holidays. During the first years of his studies, he repeatedly had to be in a punishment cell. In the fourth grade, Honore began to come to terms with school life, but he did not stop mocking teachers ... At the age of 14, he fell ill, and his parents took him home at the request of the college authorities. For five years, Balzac was seriously ill, it was believed that there was no hope of recovery, but soon after the family moved to Paris in 1816, he recovered.

The director of the school, Maréchal-Duplessis, wrote in his memoirs about Balzac: "Starting from the fourth grade, his desk was always full of writings ...". Honore was fond of reading from an early age, he was especially attracted by the work of Rousseau, Montesquieu, Holbach, Helvetius and other French enlighteners. He also tried to write poetry and plays, but his childhood manuscripts have not been preserved. His essay "Treatise on the Will" was taken away by the teacher and burned before his eyes. Later, the writer will describe his childhood years in an educational institution in the novels “Louis Lambert”, “Lily in the Valley” and others.

His hope of getting rich had not yet materialized (heavy debt is the result of his unsuccessful business ventures) when fame began to come to him. Meanwhile, he continued to work hard, working at his desk for 15-16 hours a day, and annually publishing 3 to 6 books.

In the works created during the first five or six years of his writing activity, the most diverse areas of contemporary French life are depicted: the village, the province, Paris; various social groups - merchants, aristocracy, clergy; various social institutions - family, state, army.

In 1845, the writer was awarded the Order of the Legion of Honor.

Honore de Balzac died on August 18, 1850, at the age of 52. The cause of death is gangrene, which developed after he injured his leg on the corner of the bed. However, the fatal illness was only a complication of several years of excruciating ailment associated with the destruction of blood vessels, presumably arteritis.

Balzac was buried in Paris, in the Père Lachaise cemetery. " All the writers of France came out to bury him". From the chapel where they said goodbye to him, and to the church where he was buried, among the people carrying the coffin were

One of the greatest prose writers of the 19th century is O. de Balzac. The biography of this writer is in no way inferior to the stormy adventures of the heroes he created. Until now, the world is interested in his personal life.

Bitter childhood

The founder of realism was born on May 20, 1799, in the city of Tours, which is located in the center of France. The prose writer came from a simple but enterprising family. His father, a local lawyer, Bernard Francois Balssa, bought up and resold the lands of the ruined nobles. This business brought him profit. This was the reason that he changed his surname and boasted of his relationship with the popular writer Jean-Louis Guez de Balzac, to whom he had nothing to do.

Subsequently, he acquired the noble prefix "de". Bernard married a girl, Anne-Charlotte-Laura Salambier, who was 30 years younger than him. Honore's mother comes from an aristocratic family. The woman was freedom-loving and did not hide her novels. From connections on the side, the writer's brother appeared, who was Anna's favorite. And the future writer was given to the nurse. After that he lived in a boarding house.

In a house where everything except the family was put in the first place, it was not easy for the boy. Honore de Balzac received little attention as a child. The biography is briefly described in some of his works. The problems that he experienced when he was young were later present in his work.

Failed Lawyer

Apparently, the genius inherited the main features of his parents, since in the future they were clearly expressed in his character. At the request of the father and mother, the son was sent to the College of Vendôme, where he studied law. The institution was distinguished by severe discipline, which the boy constantly broke. For this, he earned a reputation as a slacker and a robber. There the child discovered the world of the book. At the age of 12, he first tried himself as a writer. Then all his classmates scoffed at his works.

Due to constant stress and lack of attention, the child fell ill. His parents took him home. The guy was ill for several years. Many doctors did not give a guarantee that the child would live. Nevertheless, he pulled through.

The young man continued to study the business of a lawyer in Paris, where his parents moved. He studied at the school of law in 1816-1819. At the same time he works as a notary. But it was only the world of literature that really attracted him. Balzac was drawn to him. The biography could have turned out differently, but the parents decided to support their son's hobby and give him a chance.

First love

The father promised to support Honore for two years. During this time, the young man had to prove that he could work in the chosen direction. During this time, the future talent was actively working, but none of his works were taken seriously. The first tragedy "Cromwell" was ruthlessly condemned. In general, until 1823 he wrote about 20 volumes. Later, the writer himself called his early works a complete mistake.

From time to time the young man left Paris for the province where his parents had moved. There he met Laura de Berni. His biography is closely intertwined with this woman. Balzac Honore, who received a minimum of maternal affection, found warmth and tenderness in the arms of Madame (20 years older than him). Unhappy in family life, with six children in her arms, she became his love and support.

When the time came to report to his relatives for the two years that they financed his passion, Balzac had nothing to provide. All attempts to break into the world of words have failed. Therefore, the family refused him money.

Entrepreneur's Vein

Since childhood, the master of words dreamed of getting rich indecently. While literature did not work out, the prose writer tried to earn money. At first he issues single-volume editions of the classics. Also organizes a publishing house. Then he goes to Sardinia to find the silver of the ancient Romans in the mines. Another plan that did not justify itself was the cultivation of pineapples near Paris. The biography of Balzac is full of complex and fantastic business schemes. Briefly describe all his plans can be in one word - a fiasco.

From the failures, the already large debts have grown even more. He was saved from prison for bills by his mother, who partially repaid the loans.

For a long period of life, a genius was pursued by poverty. So, one night a thief got into his simple apartment. He groped for something he could steal. The owner, who was in the room at that time, did not lose his head and said: “You are looking in vain in the dark for something that I can’t even see in the light.”

Way to success

Submission was not among the virtues that Honore de Balzac had. The biography of the writer would not have evoked so many emotions if it were not for his unshakable faith in his destiny. The master continued to work, no matter what.

In 1829, the prose writer took up his pen again. He made a tough schedule for himself. Went to bed at 6pm, woke up at midnight. I wrote all the time. Dozens of pages came out from under his hand. He maintained his strength with numerous cups of strong coffee.

Efforts were crowned with success. Fame brought him the historical novel "Chuans". The world did not yet know who Balzac was. The author's biography notes that he has used various pseudonyms so far.

This book takes place during the French Revolution. Here the talented author skillfully described the struggle of the Republican troops with the Chouans.

Foundation of the main work

On the wings of success, the master decides in 1831 to create a series of stories. It was supposed to be a description of the then morality. The title is "The Human Comedy". Work began with scenes from the life of Paris in the 18th-19th centuries.

Many doors were opened by the name of Honore de Balzac. The biography of a man after lightning popularity has acquired new colors. In the most fashionable salons, he was received as a distinguished guest. There, the author met many of the heroes of his future works, which were included in the "Human Comedy". The purpose of the work was to combine all his written works into one cycle. He took all the previously published novels and partially changed them. The heroes of different books have acquired family, friendship and other ties with each other. The epic was supposed to consist of 143 novels. But the French did not succeed in bringing the idea to the end.

comedy theory

"The unsurpassed novelist" - that's what Balzac received from the critics. The biography of the writer is forever associated with the "Human Comedy". It consists of three parts. The first and widest, which included previous works - "Etudes on Morals". Here the audience meets the miser Gobsek, the disinterested father of Goriot, the French officer Chabert. The second section is "Philosophical". It helps the reader to reason about the meaning of life. This included the novel Shagreen Skin. The third part is "Analytical studies". The books in this segment stand out for their over-the-top thinking, and sometimes overshadowing the plot.

The biography of Balzac is full of curious situations. Creativity was profitable, but did not cover all expenses and past debts. There is a story that the author went to his editor weekly to ask for an advance on future royalties. The boss was stingy, so he rarely gave out money. Once the writer, as always, came for payment, but the secretary said that today the owner does not accept. To which Balzac replied that it didn’t matter to him, the main thing was that the leader gave money.

Balzac women

The unattractive-looking Honoré nevertheless conquered many ladies. They were struck by the fuse and passion with which the prose writer spoke. Therefore, the man spent all his free time from writing with numerous mistresses. Many noble ladies sought his attention, but often in vain. Balzac loved women of "elegant" age. The biography of the writer is full of romantic adventures. Their heroines were ladies who are well over 30. He described such persons in his works.

The most popular was the character of the novel "The Thirty-Year-Old Woman". The main figure is the girl Julie. Through this image, the author clearly conveys the psychology of the fair sex. It was because of this work that the expression "woman of Balzac's age" was born, that is, a lady from 30 to 40 years old.

A dream come true

Love plays a big role in a person's life. The Polish Countess Evelina Hanska became the biggest passion that Honore de Balzac ever felt. The biography briefly describes their acquaintance. The woman, like hundreds of other fans, sent a confession to the writer. The man answered. The correspondence began. For a long time they met in secret.

Evelina refused to leave her husband and marry a prose writer. The relationship continued for 17 years. She became free when she became a widow. Then the couple got married. This happened in May 1850, in the Ukrainian city of Berdichev. But Balzac did not have time to enjoy married life. He was seriously ill for a long time and died the same year on August 18, in Paris.

The master carved out each of his heroes. He was not afraid to make their life not only bright, but also realistic. That is why the characters of Balzac are still interesting to the reader.

Balzac. Balzac. Biography Balzac. Balzac. Biography

Balzac (Balzac) Honore de (1799 - 1850)
Balzac. Balzac.
French novelist, considered the father of the naturalistic novel. Honore de Balzac was born on May 20, 1799 in the city of Tours (France). Honore de Balzac's father - Bernard Francois Balssa (some sources indicate the name of Waltz) - a peasant who became rich during the years of the revolution by buying and selling confiscated noble lands, and later became an assistant to the mayor of the city of Tours. Entering the service in the military supply department and being among the officials, he changed his "native" surname, considering it plebeian. At the turn of the 1830s. Honore, in turn, also changed his surname, arbitrarily adding to it the noble particle "de", justifying this with a fiction about his origin from the noble family Balzac d "Entreg. Honore Balzac's mother was 30 years younger than his father, which, in part, was the reason for her betrayals: the father of Honore's younger brother, Henri, was the owner of the castle.
In 1807-1813 Honore studied at the college of the city of Vendome; in 1816-1819 - at the Paris School of Law, while serving as a clerk in a notary's office. Balzac's father sought to prepare him for the profession of lawyer, but Honore decided to become a poet. At the family council, it was decided to give him two years to make his dream come true. Honore de Balzac writes the drama "Cromwell", but the newly convened family council recognizes the work as worthless and Honore is denied financial assistance. This was followed by a period of material hardships. Balzac's literary career began around 1820, when he began to print action-packed novels under various pseudonyms and composed moralistic "codes" of secular behavior. Later, some of the first novels appeared under the pseudonym of Horace de Saint-Aubin. The period of anonymous creativity ended in 1829 with the publication of the novel Chouans, or Brittany in 1799. Honore de Balzac called the novel Shagreen Skin (1830) the "starting point" of his work. Beginning in 1830, short stories from modern French life began to be published under the general title Scenes of Private Life. In 1834, Balzac decided to connect the common characters already written since 1829 and future works, combining them into an epic, later called "The Human Comedy" (La comedie humaine). Honore de Balzac considered Molière his main literary teachers. Moliere., Rabelais Francois (Rabelais) and Scott Walter (Scott). Twice Balzac tried to make a political career, putting forward his candidacy for the Chamber of Deputies in 1832 and 1848, but failed both times. In January 1849, he also failed in the elections to the French Academy.
In 1832, Balzac began to correspond with the Polish aristocrat E. Hanska, who lived in Russia. In 1843 the writer visited her in St. Petersburg, and in 1847 and 1848 in Ukraine. The official marriage with E. Ganskaya was concluded 5 months before the death of Honore de Balzac, who died on August 18, 1850 in Paris. In 1858, Honore de Balzac's sister, Ms. Surville, wrote a biography of the writer - “Balzac, sa vie et ses oeuvres d "apres sa correspondance". The authors of biographical books about Balzac were Stefan Zweig. Zweig ("Balzac"), Maurois Andre ( Maurois) ("Prometheus, or the Life of Balzac"), Wurmser ("Inhuman Comedy").
Among the works of Honore de Balzac are stories, short stories, philosophical studies, novellas, novels, plays (5 plays were published); about 90 works made up the epic "The Human Comedy" (La comedie humaine): "Chuans, or Brittany in 1799" (Les derniers Chouans; 1829; novel), "Shagreen Skin" (La peau de chagrin; 1830-1831; novel) , "Gobsek" (1830; original title - "The Dangers of Debauchery", the name of the edition of 1835 - "Papa Gobsek", under the name "Gobsek" the book was first published in 1842; story; the plot is connected with the novel "Father Goriot"), "Marriage contract" (1830), "Unknown masterpiece" (1831, new edition - 1837; philosophical study), "Mischievous stories" (1832-1837), "Assignment" (1832), "Unknown masterpiece" (1832), "Colonel Chabert "(1832; original title - "World Deal", the second title - "Count Chabert", the third - "Countess-bihusband", the name "Colonel Chabert" first appeared in the edition of 1844; story), "Abandoned Woman" (1832), "Father Goriot" (Le pere Goriot; 1832; first publication - in December 1834 - February 1835 in the journal "Paris Review"; novel; about thirty characters of the novel also appear in other novels or stories of Balzac's epic "The Human Comedy"), " Eugenie Grande" (Eugenie Graudet; 1833; novel), The Marriage Contract (1835), The Godless Mass (1836), The Guardianship Case (1836), Lost Illusions (1837-1843; novel), Nucingen's Banking House (1838; novel) , "Eve's Daughter" (1838; novel), "Pierrette" (1839), "Albert Savaryus" (1842), "Imaginary Mistress" (1842), "Honorina" (1843), "Provincial Muse" (1843-1844) , "Peasants" (1844; novel), "Cousin Pons" (1846-1847; novel), "Stepmother" (1848; play), "Country Doctor", "Country Priest", "Search for the Absolute". The number of actors in the works of Honore de Balzac reached four thousand.
Information sources:
Encyclopedic resource (Great Soviet Encyclopedia, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron)
Project "Russia congratulates!" -

(Source: "Aphorisms from around the world. Encyclopedia of wisdom."

. Academician. 2011 .

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    Balzac. Balzac (Balzac) Honore de (1799 1850) French writer novelist Aphorisms, quotes Balzac. Balzac. Biography At fifty, a man is more dangerous than at any other age, because he has expensive experience and often a fortune. … Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    - (Balzac, Honore de) HONORE DE BALZAC (1799 1850), French writer who recreated a complete picture of the social life of his time. Born May 20, 1799 in Tours; his relatives, peasants by origin, came from southern France ... ... Collier Encyclopedia

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    - (Balzac) (1799-1850), French writer. The epic "The Human Comedy" of 90 novels and stories is connected by a common idea and many characters: the novels "Unknown Masterpiece" (1831), "Shagreen Skin" (1830 1831), "Eugenia Grande" (1833), "Father ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

It is difficult to find a person as versatile as this writer was. He combined talent, irrepressible temperament and love of life. In his life, great ideas and accomplishments were combined with petty ambition. Excellent knowledge of highly specialized areas allowed him to boldly and reasonably talk about many problems of psychology, medicine and anthropology.

The life of any person is the addition of many patterns. The life of Honore de Balzac will not be an exception.

Short biography of Honore de Balzac

The writer's father was Bernard Francois Balssa, born into a poor family of peasants. He was born on June 22, 1746 in the village of Nugueire in the Tarn department. There were 11 children in his family, of which he was the eldest. The family of Bernard Balss predicted a spiritual career for him. However, the young man, who had an outstanding mind, love of life and activity, did not want to part with the temptations of life, and wearing a cassock was not at all part of his plans. The life credo of this person is health. Bernard Balssa had no doubt that he would live to be a hundred years old, he enjoyed the country air and amuse himself with love affairs until old age. This man was eccentric. He became rich thanks to the French Revolution, selling and buying the confiscated lands of the nobles. He later became assistant to the mayor of the French city of Tours. Bernard Balsa changed his last name, thinking it was plebeian. In the 1830s, his son Honore would also change his surname by adding the noble particle “de” to it, he would justify this act with the version of his noble origin from the Balzac d'Entrague family.

At fifty, Balzac's father married a girl from the Salambier family, receiving with her a decent dowry. She was younger than her fiancé by as much as 32 years and had a penchant for romance and hysteria. Even after his marriage, the writer's father led a very free lifestyle. Honore's mother was a sensitive and intelligent woman. Despite her penchant for mysticism and resentment against the whole wide world, she, like her husband, did not disdain novels on the side. She loved her illegitimate children more than her first-born Honore. She constantly demanded obedience, complained about non-existent diseases and grumbled. This poisoned Honore's childhood and was reflected in his behavior, affections and creativity. But a great blow for him was also the execution of his uncle, his father's brother, for killing a pregnant peasant woman. It was after this shock that the writer changed his last name in the hope of getting away from such a relationship. But his belonging to the family of nobles has not yet been proven.

Childhood years of the writer. Education

The childhood years of the writer passed outside the parental home. Until the age of three, he was taken care of by a nurse, and after that he lived in a boarding house. After that, he ended up at the Vendôme College of the Oratorian Fathers (he stayed there from 1807 to 1813). The time he spent within the walls of the college is colored with bitterness in the writer's memory. Honoré experienced a severe mental trauma of the writer due to the total absence of any freedom, drill and corporal punishment.

The only consolation at this time for Honore is books. The librarian of the Higher Polytechnic School, who taught him mathematics, allowed him to use them unlimitedly. For Balzac, reading supplanted real life. Due to being immersed in dreams, he often did not hear what was happening in the classroom, for which he was punished.

Once Honore was subjected to such a punishment as "wooden pants". Stocks were put on him, because of which he acquired a nervous breakdown. After that, the parents returned their son home. He began to wander like a somnambulist, slowly answering some questions, it was difficult for him to return to real life.

It is still not clear whether Balzac was treated at this time, but Jean-Baptiste Naccard observed his entire family, including Honore. Later, he became not only a friend of the family, but especially a friend of the writer.

From 1816 to 1819, Honore studied at the Paris School of Law. His father predicted the future of a lawyer for him, but the young man studied without enthusiasm. After graduating from an educational institution without obvious success, Balzac began working as a clerk in the office of a Parisian lawyer, but this did not fascinate him.

Later life of Balzac

Honore decided to become a writer. He asked his parents for financial help for his dream. The family council decided to help my son for 2 years. Honoré's mother was initially opposed to this, but was soon the first to realize the hopelessness of trying to contradict her son. As a result, Honore began his work. He wrote the drama Cromwell. The work read at the family council was declared useless. Honoré was denied further material support.

After this failure, Balzac began a difficult period. He performed "daily work", he wrote novels for others. It is still unknown how many such works and under whose name he created.

Balzac's writing career begins in 1820. Then, under a pseudonym, he releases action-packed novels and writes "codes" of secular behavior. One of his pseudonyms is Horace de Saint-Aubin.

The writer's anonymity ended in 1829. It was then that he published the novel Chouans, or Brittany in 1799. Works began to be published under his own name.

Balzac had his own rather rigid and very peculiar daily routine. The writer went to bed no later than 6-7 pm and got up for work at one in the morning. The work lasted until 8 am. After that, Honoré went to bed again for an hour and a half, followed by breakfast and coffee. After that, he stayed at the desk until four o'clock in the afternoon. Then the writer took a bath and again sat down to work.

The difference between the writer and his father was that he did not think to live long. Honore treated his own health with great frivolity. He had problems with his teeth, but he did not go to the doctors.

The year 1832 became critical for Balzac. He was already famous. Novels were created that brought him popularity. Publishers are generous and pay advances for unfinished works. The more unexpected was the writer's illness, the origins of which probably come from childhood. Honore develops verbal disorders, auditory and even visual hallucinations began to appear. The writer has a symptom of paraphasia (incorrect pronunciation of sounds or replacement of words with similar ones in sound and meaning).

Paris began to be filled with rumors about the strange behavior of the writer, about the incoherence of his speech and incomprehensible thoughtfulness. In an attempt to stop this, Balzac goes to Sasha, where he lives with old acquaintances.

Despite his illness, Balzac retained his intellect, thought and consciousness. His illness did not affect the personality itself.

Soon the writer began to feel better, confidence returned to him. Balzac returned to Paris. The writer again began to drink a huge amount of coffee, using it as a dope. For four years, Balzac had physical and mental health.

During a walk on June 26, 1836, the writer felt dizzy, unsteady and unsteady in his gait, blood rushed to his head. Balzac fell unconscious. The fainting spell was not long, the next day the writer felt only some weakness. After this incident, Balzac often complained of pain in his head.

This syncope was a confirmation of hypertension. For the next year, Balsa worked with his feet in a bowl of mustard water. Dr. Nakkar gave the writer recommendations that he did not follow.

After finishing another work, the writer returned to society. He tried to regain lost acquaintances and connections. Biographers say that he made a strange impression, being dressed out of fashion and with unwashed hair. But as soon as he joined the conversation, how those around him turned their eyes to him, ceasing to notice the oddities of appearance. No one was indifferent to his knowledge, intellect and talent.

The following years, the writer complained of shortness of breath and anxiety. Balzac had rales in his lungs. In the 1940s, the writer suffered from jaundice. After that, he began to experience twitching of the eyelids and stomach cramps. In 1846 there was a relapse of this disease. Balzac had a memory impairment, there were complications in communication. Forgetting nouns and names of objects has become frequent. From the late 40s, Balzac suffered from diseases of the internal organs. The writer suffered from the Moldavian fever. He was ill for about 2 months, and having recovered, he returned to Paris.

In 1849, heart weakness began to increase, shortness of breath appeared. He began to suffer from bronchitis. Due to hypertension, retinal detachment began. There was a short-term improvement, which was again replaced by deterioration. Hypertrophy of the heart and edema began to develop, fluid appeared in the abdominal cavity. Soon, gangrene and periodic delirium joined everything. He was visited by friends, including Victor Hugo, who left very tragic notes.

The writer died in agony in the arms of his mother. Balzac's death occurred on the night of August 18-19, 1850.

Writer's personal life

Balzac was very timid and clumsy by nature. And he felt timid even when a pretty young lady approached him. Next to him lived the de Bernie family, who occupied a higher position. The writer had a passion for Laura de Berni. She was 42 years old and had 9 children, while Balzac had just crossed the line of 20 years. the lady did not immediately surrender to Honore, but was one of his first women. She revealed to him the secrets of a woman's heart and all the delights of love.

His other Laura was the Duchess d'Abrantes. She appeared in the fate of the writer a year after Madame de Berni. She was an aristocrat inaccessible to Balzac, but she fell before him after 8 months.

Few ladies were able to resist Honore. But such a highly moral woman was found. Her name was Zulma Carro. It was the Versailles friend of his sister Laura de Surville. Honore had a passion for her, but she had only maternal tenderness for him. The woman said firmly that they could only be friends.

In 1831 he received an anonymous letter, which turned out to be from the Marquise de Castries aged 35. the writer was fascinated by her title. She refused to become the writer's mistress, but was a charming coquette.

On February 28, 1832, he will receive a letter mysteriously signed "Outlander". It turned out to be sent by Evelina Ganskaya, nee Rzhevusskaya. She was young, beautiful, rich and married to an old man. Honore confessed his love to her in the 3rd letter. Their first meeting was in October 1833. After that, they parted for 7 years. after the death of Evelina's husband, Balzac thought about marrying her.

But their marriage took place only in 1850, when the writer was already mortally sick. There were no invitees. After the newlyweds arrived in Paris, and on August 19 Honore died. The death of the writer was accompanied by the obscenity of his wife. There is a version that in his last hours she was in the arms of Jean Gigou, an artist. But not all biographers trust this. Later, Evelina became the wife of this artist.

The work of Honore de Balzac and the most famous works (list)

Chouans, published in 1829, was the first independent novel. Fame also brought him published next "Physiology of marriage". The following were created:

1830 - "Gobsek";

1833 - "Eugenia Grande";

1834 - "Godis-sar";

· 1835 - "Forgiven Melmoth";

· 1836 - "Lust of the atheist";

1837 - "Museum of Antiquities";

· 1839 - "Pierre Grasse" and many others.

This also includes "Naughty Stories". The real fame to the writer was brought by "Shagreen leather".

Throughout his life, Balzac wrote his main work, the "picture of manners", called "The Human Comedy". Its composition:

· "Etudes on Morals" (dedicated to social phenomena);

· “Philosophical studies” (play of feelings, their movement and life);

· "Analytical studies" (about morals).

Writer innovation

Balzac moved away from the novel personality of the historical novel. His desire is to designate an "individualized type". The central figure of his works is bourgeois society, not the individual. He describes the life of estates, social phenomena, society. The line of works is in the victory of the bourgeoisie over the aristocracy and the weakening of morality.

Quotes by Honore de Balzac

Shagreen Skin: "He realized what a secret and unforgivable crime he committed against them: he eluded the power of mediocrity."

· "Eugenia Grande": "True love is gifted with foresight and knows that love causes love."

· "Shuans": "In order to forgive insults, you need to remember them."

· “Lily of the Valley”: “People are more likely to forgive a blow received in secret than an insult inflicted in public.”

Balzac's life was not ordinary, nor was his mind. The works of this writer conquered the whole world. And his biography is as interesting as his novels.

Balzac Honore de (1799 - 1850)
French writer. Born into a family of immigrants from the peasants of Languedoc.

The original name of Waltz was replaced by his father, starting a career as an official. The particle “de” was already added to the name by the son, claiming a noble origin.

Between 1819 and 1824 Balzac published half a dozen novels under a pseudonym.

The publishing and printing business involved him in large debts. For the first time, under his own name, he published the novel The Last Shuat.

Period from 1830 to 1848 devoted to an extensive cycle of novels and short stories known to the reading public as "The Human Comedy". Balzac gave all his strength to creativity, but he also loved social life with its amusements and travels.

Overwork from colossal work, problems in his personal life and the first signs of a serious illness overshadowed the last years of the writer's life. Five months before his death, he married Evelina Hanska, whose consent to marriage Balzac had to wait for many years.

His most famous works are Shagreen Leather, Gobsek, Unknown Masterpiece, Eugenia Grande, Nucingen's Banker's House, Peasants, Cousin Pono, etc.

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