Biography and personal life of Soso Pavliashvili. Worthy women of the bright Georgian Soso Pavliashvili Soso Pavliashvili with his wife


The famous Soso Pavliashvili is an ardent man, to whom the hearts of countless representatives of the weaker sex of all ages, nationalities, religions and social strata are given. His voice makes hearts beat faster. When he cries on stage, we cry with him. He is handsome, talented, sexy, unique. For decades, he has been the leader of armies of admirers. His voice penetrates our souls. Its plasticity is unique. He is the king of oriental music, the knight of the mountains, the cherub, the guardian angel.

This man leaves no one indifferent: you can either love him or hate him. He changed styles, images: we did not have time to follow his reincarnations. But the main thing remained unchanged: when he sings, he takes his heart out of his chest and holds it out to us - listeners, admirers - on his strong male palm. Nobody compares to him. He is a living legend. When he presses his hand to his chest, speaking on stage, we instinctively direct our palm to our heart. Because indifference is impossible when his heart echoes ours.

We do not get tired of being amazed at the style and impressiveness of Soso. He is almost always wearing a three-piece suit: from snow-white to the most flashy shades, which, however, do not detract from his infinite masculinity. This man deeply evokes the instinct of femininity in all the fairer sex. He is a virtuous demon, he is a vicious angel.

Soso Pavliashlivili: biography

Soso Pavliashvili's date of birth is June 29, 1964. Born under the sign of Cancer, Soso actually represents all the positive qualities of this constellation. This is a water sign. Soso really possesses the sincerity inherent in the elements, the deepest patriotism, dreaminess and loyalty to his loved ones (we all know his deep connection with his son). Soso is educative, imaginative, enterprising, romantic. Those born on this day also have qualities in which we easily recognize Soso: caring, survival. Soso takes care of others like a true horseman. And there is no such decade in show business in which Soso would not be lucky. He is always afloat.

Soso was born in Tbilisi. His father was an architect, and his mother was a housewife, however, this did not prevent the mother of the future star from becoming exactly the person who fatefully influenced his choice in life - to devote himself to music.

At the age of 6, Soso mastered the violin and began to take part in competitions for talented children. After school, the boy had no questions about what to devote his life to. Of course, the choice fell on a musical career. And so the young, obsessed with music, entrant becomes a student at the Tbilisi Conservatory. The years of study were remembered by the future idol of women as the best in his life. And the pride of these years was for him the fact that after passing the state exams, Soso became and to this day remains one of the most successful graduates of this educational institution.

A real man could not but repay his debt to the Fatherland: after the conservatory, service in the army followed. Curious is the fact that it was there that the future heartbreaker of millions of fans sang into the microphone from the stage. After the army, the handsome singer ended up in a small Georgian pop group "Iveria", which gained popularity in the narrow circles of the then Soviet space. And although he stayed in the Soso group for only a year, he managed to master the skills necessary for the future conqueror of the pop Olympus. Thus began his path to real popularity.

In the late 80s, Soso decided to prove to himself and to the entire Soviet space (and not only!) that he was a self-sufficient solo artist. His first major achievement was the victory at the competition of young performers in Jurmala. Thus began his era of real recording contracts: tours, albums, fans, fame.

By 1997, it was already an accomplished solo artist, whose songs brought tears to the eyes of thousands of fans. After moving to Moscow at the turn of the 1990-2000s, the frequency of the release of the singer's albums became regular. In 1998, Soso's cult single "Let's Pray for Parents" became an indispensable attribute of all music stores in the former USSR. Another mega hit, "Me and You", for a long time was the most ordered track on the radio stations of the post-Soviet space.

The most defining fact in the history of Soso Pavliashvili's popularity is that he is the author of the vast majority of his hits. But if he turned to songwriting services, it was only to cult personalities and no one else. Among them: Ilya Reznik, Mikhail Tanich, Simon Osiashvili.

In addition to his career as a singer, Soso tried himself as an actor in TV series and feature films. He also regularly does charity work.

Soso Pavliashvili: personal life

Soso is an almost monogamous male. It is not in his principles to lead a wild life. Throughout all these years, you could not see his face in the tabloids, accompanied by dozens of different women. His heart was given to only three.

Soso concluded his first marriage with a Georgian named Nino, it was from her that Soso's first-born, Levan, was born in a legal marriage (now the artist's son is 28 years old). Soso maintains a cordial relationship with Nino to this day. After breaking up with Nino Soso, for many years he was in a long-term relationship with Russian pop star Irina Ponarovskaya. The couple did not marry. After parting, they also maintain friendly relations. Since 1997, Soso has been happily married to singer Irina Patlakh. The couple have two adorable little daughters, Lisa and Sandra.

Soso Pavliashvili: photo

Admire how beautiful Soso is surrounded by his family and adored children:

This wonderful man is a stronghold of true masculinity, family devotion, friendliness, romance, kindness. Why do we cry when we hear his songs? The answer lies in our hearts. It reaches our depths, it plays on the strings of our soul. Thanks Soso!

Georgian singer Soso Pavliashvili has been on the Russian stage for decades. It would seem that every generation knows him. Even just listening to his songs, you feel some kind of spiritual connection with the singer. The words of his songs penetrate right into the soul, and the eyes look right into the heart.

Soso connected his life with music as a child. At the age of five he played the violin. Moreover, he learned to play this instrument absolutely independently.

As a schoolboy, Soso took part in numerous competitions held in Tbilisi. Even then, the guy decided that his life would be connected with music.

After graduating from school, the guy entered the Georgian Metropolitan Conservatory. Now Pavliashvili recalls the years spent at the conservatory as the best in his life. In the future, in the musical career of a young man, everything developed in the best possible way.

The singer's personal life was no less successful. He had two official wives and one civil marriage. Pavliashvili has three children. He had an older son from his first marriage and two daughters from his second.

In searching of love

Information about the first wife of Soso Pavliashvili is practically absent. It is known that the girl was taken by Nino and was originally from Georgia. They got married in 1985, after the guy returned from the army. In marriage, their son Levan was born.

But it was difficult to call the marriage happy. Almost immediately after the wedding, Soso went to conquer Moscow and luck smiled at her. He became a recognizable singer there and his career gradually went uphill.

While Soso sought fame and recognition, Nino lived with her son in Georgia. She kept getting information about the love affairs of her husband.

In numerous interviews, the singer himself admitted that their long-distance relationship was doomed. He visited Tbilisi no more than a week a year, in Moscow he was surrounded by many beautiful women.

With one of these, the singer Irina Ponarovskaya, the rumor married the Georgian singer. Information about their relationship is very contradictory.

According to some sources, it was a stormy and passionate romance, according to others - a creative union with a touch of romance. At the time of the development of a romantic relationship between the two artists, they were both married.

How long exactly the relationship between Ponarovskaya and Pavliashvili lasted is difficult to say. But they ended abruptly. Simply - without quarrels and accusations. Irina was waiting for a marriage proposal from her chosen one, but he did not dare to do so.

Arriving home in Tbilisi, Soso had a difficult conversation with his wife. He tried to deny the affair on the side, even if it was such a long one. But Nino did not believe it and the couple broke up.

Fateful meeting

In 1996, the singer suffered a terrible accident, after which he recovered for a long time. Doctors after a long stage of rehabilitation allowed him to resume concert and touring activities. But then there were other health problems.

Pavliashvili began to complain of frequent epileptic seizures. Doctors could not determine the nature of these phenomena in him.

During this period of life, on the way Soso Pavliashvili met a young girl. At the time of their meeting, Irina was only 16 years old. One fine day, she approached the singer to ask for an autograph and immediately sunk into his soul.

They talked for a few minutes about music. The girl admitted that she really likes Pavliashvili's songs, which surprised the singer indescribably. He was surprised that such a young girl is familiar with his work and loves him.

From that moment on, the singer decided to woo the girl. It was very easy to do this, because Irina the artist was very nice. They were comfortable with each other. They were each other's support, friends and lovers. This union was also supported by Irina's parents, which helped young people make a choice.

Exemplary family man

For a very long time, Irina and Soso lived in a civil marriage. The girl was happy in this relationship and did not insist on a stamp in her passport. So in a civil marriage, the couple had two beautiful daughters.

During one of his performances, Soso Pavliashvili asked Irina to come on stage with her daughters. There, on the stage, he got down on one knee and handed the girl a box with a ring. With an audience of thousands, he invited Irina to become his wife. And of course she happily agreed.

Interesting Notes:

Before meeting with the singer, Irina was engaged in choreography and even took her first steps in her singing career. Now she has completely devoted herself to the house and the upbringing of her two daughters.

She also intends to equip the house, which was built in the suburbs. The girl has absolutely no regrets and is completely happy in family life.

Friendly and big family

Despite the fact that Pavliashvili is happy in his second marriage he is on excellent terms with his first wife. She didn’t get married after the divorce, and the main man in her life is her son. The son has been living with his father in Moscow for a long time and is engaged in the construction business.

The current Pavliashvili family, Irina's parents and his son from his first marriage live in the same house, which is located in the center of Moscow. The apartments of Soso and his relatives are located on different floors. Their doors are open to guests at any time.

Very often, Nino also flies to visit his son in Moscow. Her relationship is developing well not only with her son and ex-husband, but also with Irina Patlakh, as well as her children.

Today, Soso Pavliashvili considers himself a happy man, because there is something in his life that gives meaning and that pulled him out of the abyss of hopelessness.

Photos of a happy family

Soso (Joseph) Pavliashvili is a famous Georgian singer currently working most of the time in Russia. His songs are known to many viewers, his image has been and remains one of the brightest on the Russian stage. That is why, looking at this artist, sometimes it seems that we have known him for a very, very long time. But is it really so? And what do we really know about the talented Georgian performer? We will try to find all the most interesting facts from the life of a popular pop singer today by presenting to our readers a brief story about the life and work of a talented Georgian.

Early years, childhood and the Soso Pavliashvili family

The future famous pop performer was born in the capital of Georgia - the city of Tbilisi. His father, Ramin Iosifovich, was an architect by profession. Mom - Aza Alexandrovna - a housewife. It was at her insistence that our today's hero began to study music for the first time.

Soso Pavliashvili. let us pray for our parents

Already at the age of six, he learned to play the violin well, and also began performing at various competitions and concerts for talented youth. In this area, Soso Pavliashvili managed to achieve great success, and therefore, after graduating from a comprehensive school, he did not even think about where to go next. The only dream of that period for the young musician was to enter the Tbilisi Conservatory. And very soon it became a reality. Our today's hero began to learn to play the violin from the best teachers in Georgia. He put his soul into musical studies, and such dedication was not in vain. At the final exams, Soso received the highest score and became one of the most famous graduates of the Tbilisi Conservatory throughout its existence.

After graduation, our today's hero went to serve. It is noteworthy that it was in the army amateur club that Iosif Pavliashvili first picked up a microphone and began to perform as a vocalist. It turned out well, and therefore very soon the young artist made a decision for himself that he would later develop precisely as a pop performer. At that time he was 24 years old.

Star Trek Soso Pavliashvili, songs and great success

After demobilization, our today's hero almost immediately got into the legendary Georgian musical group Iveria, which in the seventies was known in all parts of the USSR. In this ensemble, the young artist worked for only a year, but during these months he managed to gain invaluable experience and become a truly successful and professional singer.

In 1989, Soso Pavliashvili decided to prove to everyone and everything that the public could be interested in as a solo artist. With this desire, he went to a competition in Jurmala, where he won the main prize of the festival very soon.

From that moment on, a completely different life began for the young artist. Having signed several lucrative contracts, he began touring the CIS countries, as well as recording solo compositions. In 1993, there was enough material to release the first studio album, which brought even greater success to the Georgian singer.

Following the first disc was followed by another one, which also became very successful. In 1997, the popularity of the artist was also strengthened by the picture “The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio”, which appeared on the screens, in which Soso Pavliashvili played one of the roles.

It is worth noting that in the late nineties, our today's hero began to often go on tour in Russia, and very soon moved to live in Moscow. Some time later, the Georgian singer received Russian citizenship and began working on the release of new albums.

Soso Pavliashvili. Heaven in the palm of your hand

In 1998, the album "Me and You" appeared on the shelves of Russian music stores, followed by several more records. The album of 2003 "Georgian is waiting for you" gained the greatest popularity. It was during this period that Soso Pavliashvili's career seems to have reached its peak.

In total, to date, the Georgian-Russian singer has released eight studio albums, many of which have become very popular. In this context, it is worth noting the fact that most of the presented compositions were written by the artist himself. Only occasionally did Soso Pavliashvili decide to include compositions by other authors in his repertoire. So at present, the artist's repertoire includes songs by Ilya Reznik, Mikhail Tanich, Simon Osiashvili and some other no less famous composers.

In addition, throughout his career, the singer and musician has also repeatedly worked as a film actor. To date, his filmography includes twelve different films and television series.

Murder charges. Soso Pavliashvili now

In March 2013, news broke out in Georgia and Russia that a popular singer could face trial. A few weeks earlier, an official arrest warrant for Soso Pavliashvili was issued by Tbilisi law enforcement agencies. The artist was charged with the contract killing of his longtime friend, entrepreneur Avtandil Aduashvili.

In addition to Joseph himself, six more people were detained in this case, including the brother-in-law of pop singer Vakhtang Chkhapelia.

After a protracted trial, the case against Soso Pavliashvili was dismissed. The Prosecutor's Office of Georgia withdrew all the charges against him earlier and released the artist to freedom.

Personal life of Soso Pavliashvili

Concluding our story on a more positive note, let's say a few words about the personal life of the famous Georgian-Russian performer. So, in different years, Soso Pavliashvili was in a serious relationship with three different women.

For the famous singer Soso Pavliashvili, the glory of a real horseman has long been entrenched. In an exclusive interview with two years ago, the singer said: “If any woman in my environment or in the hall thinks that I am in love with her, that I adore her, that's great! Let him think so! But I'm not a womanizer and I'm not chasing every skirt.

And there are good reasons for that. For ten years now, the heart of the "singer of love" has been given to one single woman - the former dancer and singer of the Pavliashvili musical group and just a wonderful person - Irina Patlakh. Two years ago, their daughter Lisa was born. Now their family is in complete harmony. But it was preceded by a whole series of trials, misunderstandings and gossip.

Soso and Irina overcame all difficulties and today, in the MOST exclusive interview with our portal, they talk in detail about their relationship - without hiding and embarrassment.

- Tell us about your first impressions, how you saw each other ...

Irina: Tell me!

Soso: No, tell me! Come on, come on!

Irina: It was in the Palace of Pioneers, where I went to study at the drama studio. Soso's studio was and still is nearby. One day I saw him, I decided to get an autograph. Came up and said: "Hello!" He was sitting with his back to me. And so slowly, slowly turned around. With a serious face - and broke into a smile. And I thought: “Here, cool such! Not pretentious!”

Soso: Although Irochka was very young, I immediately noticed that she was a very beautiful girl, I saw her roundness. I remember she stood on like

their huge heels, similar to irons - such a platform was then in vogue. And at first I thought: “Shizanuty! But appetizing! She was then sixteen. And after the first minutes of communication, I was touched by something else. This new generation girl said that she was crazy about my songs, especially one of the most lyrical songs - “I'm with you!”

Irina: In principle, I came to ask for a soundtrack of this song, because I also sang and wanted to ask permission to perform this composition.

Soso: I was very pleased. Because then everyone listened to “Tender May”, and then a young girl comes up and just asks for good music. Do not think, I do not praise myself: it's just that the music that I write comes from outer space, I pass it through myself. Something worse, something better...

- Which of you was the first to be active in a relationship?

Soso: As a man, of course, I started to take the initiative first. But as a girl, for her part, Irina was also not idle. It was obvious to me that our interest in each other was mutual.

Irina: Oh! He was very proactive! But I, as far as possible, restrained this initiative. Although it was not easy (smiles).

- Sos

What did you like most about Ira?

Soso: Her parents! When I met her family, I realized that they are very advanced, modern people. And somehow, without much effort, we became friends. If not for this, Irishka and I would not have stayed together.

- And what struck you Soso?

Irina: I remember how on the first day I stayed at the studio when he was recording the song "Me and You". We sat until night, and I talked with his musicians, watched him. Then I realized what a great guy he is, what a creative person and what he does in music. This attracted me greatly. Only in this way I realized what an expressive and bright man he is.

Did you do any surprises for him?

Irina: At first, we talked as if we were going to reconnaissance. I was interested in everything about this adult man, the artist. For my part, I tried to impress him somehow, to make him laugh. I came to the concert under the guise of a journalist and pretended to be interviewing him.

- What about the distance between you?

Irina: He was too temperamental, and I had to restrain this pressure. But there was a pleasant feeling - that he was delighted with me.

- Didn't it scare you that he had a lot of women, a lot of experience and a lot of fans?

Irina: A

why should this scare me? (smiles) On the contrary, I was pleased that among all the fans he chooses me. And why do I need an abandoned man who no one needs? On the contrary, I relied on his experience, and the development of our relationship was interesting to me. It was immediately obvious that he was a sincere person, that there would be no meanness from him. And everything else is great when there is real passion between people, a romance!

- Why did you need such a young girl? Couldn't you have chosen a more experienced lady?

Soso: If we are talking about sex now, then I can sleep with anyone. But Irka was special. I can't even draw parallels. She became for me not just a girl whose location I sought. I was pleased to feel her spontaneity. This girl had a sincere reciprocal feeling for me, she was all at a glance. And I, along with a purely masculine interest, from the first minutes of communication with her felt responsible for her as a senior. It was an unusual, wonderful feeling for me. Our relationship developed not only as a stormy romance, but also as a friendship. She was interested in me, and I was interested in her.

Irina: Just during this period of serious courtship, Soso began

there were health problems. And then I no longer doubted that he needed it.

Soso: I could call at three in the morning, say that I feel bad, and not even hint: come! She herself came. Despite her beautiful rounded shapes (smiles), Irochka still turned out to be a true friend. And I needed this friendship much more than sex. Ira will not let me lie: I then tried my best to make sure that she did not get used to me. Didn't really connect. I considered myself a lone wolf, a person around whom there are too many problems. And I didn't want her to be constantly in the circle of these problems. But Irka is stubborn by nature, and even now I cannot defeat this stubbornness. If she sets a goal, she will simply achieve it.

- So which one of you sought location?

Soso: I succeeded in picking her “bud”, and she achieved this state: today Irochka and I and our little daughter are a real family.

- Ira, did you boast to your girlfriends that you had an affair with Pavliashvili?

Irina: And I never had real girlfriends either. Most of my peers are not very goal-oriented people, many got into bad company. And I

I didn’t share my life with them, because we were, as it were, from different planets.

Soso: But I also had a hand in ensuring that all her girlfriends left us alone. Because even those few friends who surrounded her usually called when they had difficulties of a different nature. And I just sent them all in three letters (smiles). We are together. And we do not need anyone in life. Irka, indeed, in education and mind was different from her peers. And one of our first conversations with her parents was just about this. I said: “Look at her classmates, peers! Do you want her to repeat their path? To watch in the entrance how they smoke or drink beer? Let her be better with me, learn a lot of good things from me, be protected!”

- Did they believe you?

Believed! God bless them for entrusting their daughter to me, although there was no question of any guarantees. The question of marriage was not even discussed. But I felt a huge responsibility for Ira. I just couldn't offend her under any circumstances. She was not just a friend to me - she was a daughter, a child ... And she trusted me much more than her parents.

- Ira was at that time

for you alone?

No one dared to encroach on my personal freedom. I continued to date women. But, apparently, such a serious feeling was already arising in me, which I myself did not understand at first. Irka has already become truly dear to me. And if I were an ordinary pop singer, I wouldn't care what happens to this girl. But I just had no right to offend her. I needed her devotion.

- So the relationship did not develop right away?

Gradually, with trials. When I didn’t have a penny of money, but only problems, I told her: “You are a young beautiful girl, your father is a wealthy person, plays tennis with Yeltsin, works in prestigious places ... You will find your happiness, you will go abroad ... Don't get attached to me. It is forbidden! I am a man without tomorrow." I had that feeling of life at that moment.

- How did Ira react to this?

She said in response: “But I am not interested in tomorrow. I live for today. I am happy with you today! And she didn't leave me. And then, little by little, things began to unravel. You know, in principle, I deserved a good attitude: after all, I was not a drug addict, al

naked, psychopath. I am an artist who needs understanding. And I am grateful to this young stubbornness and loyalty of her (smiles).

- Really for so much time she did not give a reason to be jealous? After all, a young girl loves to play pranks, flirt, flirt ...

My horoscope is Cancer. Jealousy is the lot of every Cancer. And this is normal. If you don't love, don't be jealous. We've been together for ten years. And, probably, outbursts of jealousy do not allow us to fall asleep and miss each other. Jealousy is a good paint in a relationship. Orgasm from jealousy is brighter. And I don't even think about cheating!

- Can I say that you helped Ira take an adult look at the relationship between a man and a woman?

Irka's character is this: she wanted to show herself in front of me. Not even as a woman, but as a teenager. And I had to be patient to educate her, as I raised my son Levan. And this is not just a relationship between a man and a woman, but a completely different approach. There was a time: I put pressure on her and showed aggressiveness. But now, looking back, I understand: if I had not done this, we would not have been together.

- Did Ira have enough wisdom not to be offended and not to accumulate resentment?

save it! She is too determined. She just wanted to be with me and nothing else mattered. I did not understand then why she needed it. And now I am grateful to her for her patience and natural wisdom: we are all happy people together. And this is our common world. And Lisa is with us.

- It is believed that each song of the composer is a love story. Some composers say that they dedicate all the songs in their lives to one woman. And how are you?

If I say tomorrow: “Ira, I don’t recognize a single woman except you!” She will spit in my face. My art belongs to all people. My songs are my heart. And I put my whole male being into it. Ira is absolutely right about this. I would like women to always believe me and cry only from happiness. All my songs are written for this. Irka has always been proud that women love me and trust me. She herself is always for women, in any conflict she takes the female side - so that no one oppresses them, does not humiliate them.

- How did Ira find a common language with Levan?

They were not looking for a common language, they just grew up together. Ira, Levan and Irkin brother Danya. And when it was time to explain something, I sat Levan next to me

asked: "Do you want me to be happy?" He agreed. And then I said: "Wait for my sister."

- Who made the decision to live together as one family? And how did you decide to live with Ira's parents?

And we love it! And we found a common language a long time ago. And now, when it became possible to build a family country house, where everything is good and spacious, it is generally wonderful. Ira's mother, Larisa, bought a piano especially for me, because I miss my piano, which I left in my apartment. We also go on vacation with the whole family. And we are very good together. Now I have my own flock.

- Can we say that you brought the traditions of the Georgian family into the family of your girlfriend?

Certainly! I am a Tbilisi person. And in Moscow, I really missed such a family life. My heart is in Tbilisi. And the closer we live, the better! We are now building new apartments in Moscow, and I also intend to move my mother and father from Tbilisi.

- What determines the intensity of passions in the family? How not to get bored with each other in a relationship?

Soso: It all depends on the woman! If I wake up in the morning and wonder every day how scary she is, I'd rather run away from her altogether. Why husband

ranks start looking for something somewhere? Because in their lair they see no joy.

- At the beginning of your relationship, Ira danced and sang in a team. Now she has completely forgotten about creative activity?

Soso: We came up with this creative activity later, so that we had something to do (smiles). And at first I just fell in love with her as a man. I had a simple desire to possess a beautiful girl. Well, then I already did everything so that this beautiful woman would be with me as much as possible - both on tour and in Moscow.

Irina: I have not stopped being a creative person. I like to sing and dance. And in Moscow now I am again performing with Soso, and we go on tour together when it is possible to take Lisa with us, and the conditions allow us to live as a family.

- Soso, are you a happy man?

As a man, I am absolutely happy. I know that not only do I get happiness, but I also bring happiness and pleasure to my loved ones. The main thing is that I am not alone, as I was a few years ago.

- Ira, and you?

I have the same feelings and thoughts. But I would like to realize myself more in creativity. Now I am a beloved mother, a beloved daughter, a beloved woman. Everything is great with me.

But still, I love to sing and I want to do it further. But this does not mean that I want to become a pop star ...

Soso: You are already a star! Trust my word...

Irina: You are witnessing the beginning of a family scandal ... (exchanging glances, laughing)

- What can you wish to couples who are just starting to live together?

Soso: Don't look for yourself. Everything will come by itself. I believe that any two people can get along with each other if they are united by the main goal - to be together. If someone does not want to give in, but wants to prove something, this is the cause of all conflicts. At the beginning of my life together, I had a conversation with Ira: if we want to be together, then we will be together. And if we don’t want to, then we don’t have to torture each other. And it's not about the child, not about some kind of responsibility: if you don't want to live with a person, then you shouldn't do it.

Irina: The mistake of many young people who start a life together is that they try to figure everything out “on the shore”, proving something to each other, forgetting about compromises. No need to run ahead of the locomotive, you should not invent conflicts when there are none. Let everything go by itself. You just need to be able to enjoy each other.

Mom instilled in her son a love of music. By the age of six, little Soso mastered the violin and began to take an active part in various competitions and youth concerts. After graduating from school, Pavliashvili entered the Tbilisi Conservatory. At the final exams, Son received the highest score and became one of the most famous graduates of the Tbilisi Conservatory throughout its existence.

After graduating from the university, Soso Pavliashvili was called up to serve in the army, where he began to perform in an ensemble. It was there that he first discovered himself as a vocalist, and not just as a violinist. After the end of the service, he decided to pursue a career as a pop artist, but he did not do it right away.

After demobilization, Soso Pavliashvili soon became one of the musicians of the legendary Georgian band Iveria, whose fame came in the 1970s. Together with the ensemble, Soso gained irreplaceable experience, touring throughout the Soviet Union.

In 1989, Pavliashvili went to a music competition in Jurmala, deciding to prove himself as a vocalist, where he was awarded the main prize of the festival. The victory brought him popularity, and already in 1993 he released his debut album entitled "Music to Friends".

In 1996, he recorded his second disc "Sing with me", which, like the first one, was a success. In 1997, Soso played a role in the film "The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio".

In 1998, the third album of the artist "Me and You" was released, followed at intervals by "About my love", "A Georgian is waiting for you!", "Best songs for you", "Remember a Georgian" and "Oriental songs" .

Pavliashvili also took part in the filming of several feature films and TV series - these are: "Ice Age", "Friendly Family", "On the Corner of the Patriarchs - 3", "33 Square Meters", "Lost the Sun", "First Ambulance", " Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors", "Daddy's Daughters", "Happy Together", "Golden Key", "New Year's Matchmakers", "Kiss Through the Wall", "Aladdin's New Adventures", "8 First Dates" and "The Last of the Magikians".

Now the artist continues to conduct active concert activities and tour, performing with joy for his devoted fans his favorite hits: "White Veil", "Let's Pray for Parents", "Please", "Heaven in the palm of your hand" and others.

Personal life

He was married to Nino Uchaneishvili, who bore him a son, Levan. Now the artist is in a civil marriage with Irina Patlakh, the backing vocalist of the Mironi group. With a common-law wife, Soso had two daughters: Lisa in 2004 and Sandra in 2008.

Interesting Facts

Collaborates with Ilya Reznik, Simon Osiashvili, Georgy Karapetyan, Konstantin Gubin, Karen Kavaleryan and others

Loves football and KVN

His birth as a vocalist took place in Calgary, in 1988, during the Winter Olympics. Soso played the violin in the ensemble "Iveria" and decided to sing the composition "Suliko" on the stage, installed on the square in the city center. His singing caused a flurry of applause from the 50,000th audience

After he performed in 2004 on the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, by a decree of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan, the artist’s creativity and performances were banned in the country

Makhmud Esambaev called Pavliashvili "Tuning fork of Georgia"

The song "Greetings from Soso" by the Ukrainian duet "Carlos and Pindos" is dedicated to him.

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