Biography of Irina Ponarovskaya. Personal life of Irina Ponarovskaya: the singer lives in three countries and goes hungry for months


Ponarovskaya Irina Vitalievna (b. 1953) - Soviet and Russian pop singer, performed jazz and folk compositions, TV presenter, actress.


Ira was born in Leningrad on March 12, 1953. The girl was destined to be born into a musical family.

Dad, Ponarovsky Vitaly Borisovich, graduated from the Leningrad Conservatory in the cello class. He continued his professional path in a jazz orchestra as an artistic director and conductor. In 1996 he passed away.

Mom, Arnoldi Nina Nikolaevna, also graduated from the Leningrad Conservatory, only in the piano class. After receiving her diploma, she was offered the position of accompanist at the music school at this educational institution. She agreed and stayed to work at the conservatory. More than once she became a diplomat of international competitions in classical music in the nomination "For the best accompaniment".

Ira has two brothers, they are older than her. One of them, Sasha, studied at the same music conservatory as his parents and received a pianist diploma. In 1990, he left for America, where he still lives and works as a teacher at a music college.

Ponarovskaya's parents later divorced, dad had a new family, where in 1976 Ira's half-sister Nadya was born. My sister also chose a creative life path connected with music, she was a soloist in the project “Singing Radio Hosts”, now she works at the radio station “Vertical” in St. Petersburg as a music editor.

Childhood and school years

Naturally, Ira's parents, professional musicians, dreamed of their daughter's musical future. Only they wanted the girl to show love for musical instruments, and the baby liked to sing. The girl's grandmother Arnoldy Charlotte took this hobby seriously. She demanded that Ira's parents take her daughter and show it to vocal teachers. Ira is still sure that it was her grandmother who determined her future life profession for her granddaughter.

Ira was six years old when she first tried to play the piano. Therefore, it is not surprising that the girl was sent to study at a music school at the Leningrad Conservatory, where her mother worked. There she mastered musical instruments - harp and piano, and at the age of 15 she began to study vocals with the famous teacher Arkhangelskaya Lina Borisovna.

In high school, Irina became interested in Soviet pop songs, listened to records by Klavdia Shulzhenko, Lydia Klement, Edita Piekha and Maria Pakhomenko.

In the secondary school, Irina did not show any special achievements. She did not have brilliant results in her studies, she did not occupy leadership positions, she was considered an ordinary girl, a strong and even student. In 1971, Ira received a certificate of secondary education and entered the Leningrad Conservatory.

The beginning of the creative path

In September, Ira began her studies at the conservatory, and already in November she performed as a soloist of the Singing Guitars ensemble.

It so happened that one of the first vocal and instrumental groups in the Soviet Union "Singing Guitars" urgently needed a soloist. The artistic director of the group was familiar with Irina's dad, and Vitaly Borisovich asked him to listen to his daughter. Ira liked singing, so the first-year student became the soloist of the group. She performed the compositions "Water can be bitter", "Inconspicuous beauty" and vocal improvisation in the ballad "Salaspils".

The fact that she was called the soloist of the group, for Ponarovskaya was already some kind of the highest title. After all, even in the school choir, the teachers did not trust her to sing in the first voice, the girl stood in the last row as the second soprano.

In "Singing Guitars" Ira sang for almost 5 years, until 1976. Then for some time she was a soloist in the musical group "Korobeiniki", where at that moment Alexander Zaitsev played the keyboard synthesizer, who later switched to "Time Machine".

And in 1975, the grandiose premiere of the first rock opera in the USSR, Orpheus and Eurydice, took place. It was written by playwright Yuri Dimitrin and composer Alexander Zhurbin. The work was staged at the opera studio of the Leningrad Conservatory, and the director Mark Rozovsky was doing this on the basis of the Singing Guitars team. The main parts of Orpheus and Eurydice were sung by Albert Asadullin and Irina Ponarovskaya. In Leningrad, the opera was continuously performed for ten years. In addition, the team toured the Soviet Union, and everywhere in the concert halls there was a full house. In 2003, the rock opera "Orpheus and Eurydice" entered the Guinness Book of Records as a musical, which the same group played the maximum number of times (2350 by the time the record was registered).

In 1975, Ira was invited to take part in the international festival in Dresden, where she sang Yakov Dubravin's composition "I Love" and the song in German "Get on the train of your dreams." In the GDR, Ira won a lot of applause from the audience and the first prize from the jury.

Polish triumph

In 1976, the singer represented the Soviet Union at the international song festival in the Polish city of Sopot. For the composition "Prayer" Ira received the Grand Prix, and at the final concert the audience called her to the stage nine times. And, despite the fact that this is contrary to the traditions of the festival, Irina still sang the song for an encore.

In the GDR and in Poland Ponarovskaya suddenly became a star. While at home, Irina was not particularly honored. When she was sent to the festival in Sopot, the Minister of Culture had no idea what kind of singer she was and where she came from.

In Poland, she was accommodated in a hotel in the same room with some woman from Zaporozhye, who was there on a business trip. When Ira entered the room, the woman was visiting a man, there were glasses on the table, and chopped garlic sausage lay. Ponarovskaya became so sad that no one gave a damn about her, she sat on the bed and burst into tears. And then the Ukrainian woman quickly escorted her guest out and began to calm young Ira. Since then, Ponarovskaya has been very fond of rural and ordinary people for their purity, sincerity and sincerity.

True, after the first day of the festival, where Ira sang the song “I Was a Bird” in Polish, she was received so warmly in the hall that the singer stopped worrying and crying. The Poles especially fell in love with a girl with overseas features, and even singing in Polish, they generally mistook her for their compatriot. Only the song "Prayer", which Ira performed on the second day, clarified the situation, and everyone understood that she was indeed from the USSR.

Her photographs were on magazine covers, on the street people took autographs from Ira, and there were baskets of flowers at the door of her hotel room.

In Dresden, Ira received the title "Frau Festival", and in Sopot "Miss Lens" as the most beautiful, charming and photogenic singer.


In 1976, returning from Sopot, Irina, as the winner of the festival, took part in a combined concert, which took place in the Moscow hall "Russia". Her performance was heard by Oleg Lundstrem, who was just looking for a soloist for his orchestra. He sent the director of the orchestra to negotiate with Ponarovskaya. We agreed that Ira left for the capital and for almost two years was the main soloist of the jazz orchestra.

Irina did not give up her conservatory studies and in 1978 she graduated from a higher educational institution with a pianist diploma. During exams she played:

  • plays by Debussy, Shchedrin and Shostakovich;
  • 32 Beethoven variations;
  • Rachmaninoff's first concerto for piano and orchestra.

Ponarovskaya always loved her listeners. She had to perform not only in thousands of concert halls and crowded stadiums. And in the Far East, she happened to sing, and in collective farm fields, standing on a truck. Ira compares her profession as an artist with the profession of a doctor. After all, a person sometimes needs spiritual help, and in these cases a song helps out. Therefore, despite the hardship of artistic life, colossal emotional and physical labor, Irina enjoys her profession.

Ponarovskaya had periods in her life when she toured constantly. At home, there was a suitcase in the room, it only had to change things according to the season. Sometimes she left in a light coat, and took a fur coat with her, because when she returned, everything was already covered with snow.

Ira released seven discs with her songs, the following compositions became especially popular at one time:

  • "You are my God!";
  • "I know - I loved";
  • “This is how my life goes”;
  • "I'm sorry";
  • "A woman is always right";
  • "Rowan beads";
  • "Thanks for the love";
  • "I do not want any more";
  • "You're wrong";
  • "Requiem".

Ponarovskaya was repeatedly invited to the jury of such famous music competitions and festivals as "Jurmala" and "Slavianski Bazaar".

In 1997, Irina Ponarovskaya's name plate was laid on the Square of Pop Stars.


Since 1976, in addition to music, cinema has appeared in the life of Irina Ponarovskaya. Her first role was Korabelnikova Regina Mikhailovna in the film "It Does Not Concern Me" directed by Herbert Rappaport.

The following year, 1977, Ira played the Fairy of Time in the film "Nut Krakatuk", based on Hoffmann's fairy tale "The Nutcracker".

Irina has six more paintings on her account:

  • "Urban Fantasy";
  • "Robbery at midnight";
  • "Blue Cities";
  • "Gold fish";
  • "The Trust That Burst".

In addition to cinema, Ira took an active part in many television programs:

  • "Song of the year";
  • "Alarm";
  • "Hit Parade Ostankino";
  • "Both on!";
  • "Morning Post";
  • "Blue Light";
  • "Addresses of the young";
  • "Around laughter";
  • "Obvious-incredible";
  • "Angle Show";
  • "Theatrical Encounters"

Irina was also the host of the author's program "Irina Ponarovskaya's Fitness Class", where she gave lessons on the methods of healthy eating and physical activity, which she developed herself. According to the singer herself, if she had not chosen a creative life path, she would definitely have become a doctor.

In 1991, Irina starred in the detective film "He'll get his own" based on the work of Chase. Times were difficult then for cinema and for the whole country of the USSR. The director persuaded Ira to shoot, but the film had such a low budget that she had to bring a bunch of her clothes with her to film. Ponarovskaya did not receive pleasure from her role, as well as money for her work. The only thing that was nice was the beautiful places near Tallinn. After filming, almost two years passed when the picture was released. Not only was the rental narrow, but instead of Irina, a completely different woman spoke. Since then, Ponarovskaya vowed to act in films, she said, now only if Nikita Mikhalkov or Steven Spielberg invites her, she will not work with others.

Personal life

Irina's first husband was the artistic director of the Singing Guitars Kleimits Grigory Davidovich. The marriage lasted a year and a half, perhaps Ira was still too young, and the eight-year age difference affected.

The second time Ira married a black jazz musician and singer Weiland Rodd. The marriage lasted seven years, in the fall of 1984 the couple had a son, Anthony. Doctors forbade Ponarovskaya to give birth because she had serious kidney problems, but Irina did a serious job of cleansing the body and gave birth to a healthy boy.

Ira's third husband was ten years younger than her. Pushkar Dmitry Yuryevich met Irina in a clinic where she was treated for kidney disease. He is a famous urologist, a member of the Presidium of the Russian Society of Urology, a member of the European and American Urological Associations, and lectures abroad. But this marriage was also not destined to end in a happy ending, the marriage broke up.

There were civil relations in Ira's life with a dancer from her musical group Vlad and a short romance with singer Soso Pavliashvili.

As a child, Ira was a complete child. From the age of 15, she began to take care of her figure and health, she loves to swim.

Since her school years, Ira has been fond of knitting and sewing. These hobbies in adulthood resulted in his own atelier and two lines of designer clothes. On the stage of Russia, Ponarovskaya has more than once been recognized as the most elegant woman. In 1990, the French Fashion House "Chanel" awarded Irina the title of "Miss Chanel of the Soviet Union".

Ira has a house in Estonia near Narva, but mostly she lives with her son, daughter-in-law and grandson in Norway.

In the 80s, it was difficult to find a singer more beautiful and more stylish than Irina Ponarovskaya. They say that Primadonna Alla Pugacheva herself was a little jealous of her. Incredible outfits, refined taste, charisma - Irina was adored by all Soviet men, all Soviet women wanted to be like her.

In the late 90s, she abruptly disappeared from the stage, and later briefly reminded herself of herself already in the 2000s. And again - many years of silence. Fans of the star are rereading Wikipedia to find new details of the biography and personal life of Irina Ponarovskaya, looking for her photo now. will tell about the life of the singer.

It is hard to believe that Irina turned 65 in March. After all, the passport age does not correspond in any way to either her internal state or appearance. She was born in Leningrad, in 1953, in the family of a jazz musician (father) and an accompanist at the conservatory (mother). Irina has German, Italian and Estonian blood.

She often spent her childhood visiting her grandmother Charlotte, a German by birth, who noticed her granddaughter's musical abilities. At the insistence of her grandmother, the girl was sent to a music school at the conservatory, where Ira studied piano and harp. From the age of 15, she also began to study vocals.

She was born in Leningrad, in 1953

Interestingly, everyone in the family of musicians had perfect pitch, including Ponarovskaya's younger brother. He became a pianist and today teaches at the American College of Music.

Looking at the refined, slender Ponarovskaya, who remains so, even after exchanging her seventh decade, many do not believe that she was large in childhood. Until the age of 15, Ira suffered from her fullness, and when she was not accepted into the Kalinka ensemble due to being overweight, she realized that she needed to change. In the course went diets and starvation. Very soon she managed to get herself in shape.

Ponarovskaya admits that her own mother instilled good manners and taste in her. From childhood, she taught her daughter how a woman should behave in society. The observant girl spied something and adopted it from the adults who came to visit them at home.

Grandmother Charlotte, who was married to an Italian, shared many secrets with her. Perhaps it was from her that Irina inherited love for everything beautiful and elegant, as well as attention to detail.

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1971 for Ponarovskaya was marked by admission to the music conservatory. In parallel, she began to sing as part of the VIA “Singing Guitars”. The role of Eurydice, performed by Irina in the rock opera Orpheus and Eurydice, glorified the singer.

She began to sing as part of the VIA "Singing Guitars"

At one time, Irina was a soloist in a jazz orchestra and acted in films. Her songs “Rowan Beads”, “I Know, I Loved”, “I Don't Want Anymore” and other fans still know by heart. In 2000, Ponarovskaya received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Personal life

Amazingly, the personal life of the most beautiful woman of the national stage, “Miss Chanel of the Soviet Union”, the sex symbol of the 80s and 90s, did not work out. With their first husband, the head of the "Singing Guitars" Grigory Kleimits, they lived together for only a year.

With their first husband, they lived together for only a year.

The second husband of the singer was jazzman Wayland Rodd, from whom she gave birth to a son, Anthony. Rumor has it that the black husband, like Irina's first husband, was too loving, besides, he raised his hand to the woman. Ponarovskaya also divorced him. At one time, Irina decided to adopt a child from an orphanage, the mulatto Nastya, but after the divorce, her husband allegedly returned the girl back.

The couple did not have children for a long time, and when Anthony was born, Rodd deceived his wife that Nastya was taken by her own mother. A woman prefers not to remember this dark spot in her biography.

The second husband of the singer was jazzman Wayland Rodd

Before marrying for the third time, to the scientist Dmitry Pushkar, Irina had an affair with a married singer Soso Pavliashvili, but she managed to understand in time that she needed to end the vicious relationship. The new husband, Dmitry Pushkar, could not put up with his wife's popularity and her lifestyle, and also soon filed for divorce.

Officially, Ponarovskaya never married again. But novels, of course, started. For example, with the artist Nikas Safronov. She also has no children other than her son Anthony.

Officially, Ponarovskaya never got married again.

In an exclusive interview with Malakhov, Irina Ponarovskaya admitted that she was pleased with how her fate had turned out. She has known love. She was loved, she loved herself, she always had many admirers (one of them even named the mine after the singer), so the woman prefers not to regret anything.

A close friend of the singer Aziza recently stated that Ponarovskaya has a man and they are very happy. But the artist, of course, is not going to talk about the new novel. Irina Ponarovskaya on the program “Hi, Andrey” said that at her age it is indecent to bring personal life to the public.

Outrageous lady who loved to shock fans with her new appearance and new image, the first woman of the 90s who became an icon of style. The entire female half of the population of the Soviet Union was equal to her, many desired her fame, and many men of the country admired her elegance and femininity.

Despite this, in her biography there are many moments associated with sadness and disappointment. All this is about the singer, actress, TV presenter Irina Ponarovskaya.

A fragile blonde girl was born into a musical family. And it was not surprising that she also decided to connect her life with music. Irina Vitalievna Ponarovskaya was born in March 1953 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). In addition to her, the family also had an older brother who, like her sister, graduated from the Leningrad Conservatory.

From childhood, little Ira was drawn to singing and arranged home solo concerts. Everyone who was present at home at that time became her spectators. The vocal data of the girl was quite good. And Ira's grandmother from her mother's side decided to show her granddaughter to the best teachers, thereby predetermining her future. In addition to the secondary school, the girl attended a music school, loved to sew and knit.

Oddly enough, the idols of the girl were not foreign performers, but Soviet ones: Klavdia Shulzhenko, Edita Pieha and others. Ponarovskaya never dreamed of national fame. In addition, as a child, she was an "ugly duckling": short, plump, with squinting eyes. But everything changed when Ponarovskaya grew up and became a student.

Rapid takeoff

Having received a school certificate, Irina Ponarovskaya decided to continue the work of a musical family. Being in the first year of the conservatory, she became a soloist of the VIA "Singing Guitars". This happened thanks to her father, who proposed his daughter's candidacy to the artistic director of the ensemble. The girl was favorably received by both the members of the ensemble and the public, and even then her fans began to appear.

Soon the young performer was invited on tour to Germany. It was then that changes began in the appearance of the singer Irina Ponarovskaya. In public, the girl appeared with a short “boyish” haircut. This was rare in the Soviet Union, and vice versa abroad.

In Europe, Irina Ponarovskaya was greeted with open arms. Then the singer performed only two songs, but after that she became the most popular and recognizable Soviet artist. One of the songs was sung in German. As a result, the singer took the Grand Prix and received a loud standing ovation.

In 1976, Ponarovskaya went to an international festival in Poland, where she also became one of the brightest participants in the competition. Despite the fact that it was forbidden to sing "for an encore", Irina became an exception and re-sang the song "Prayer".

If at home Irina Ponarovskaya was not yet so popular, then abroad she was perceived closer than other domestic stars. Many glossy magazines wanted to print a photo of Ponarovskaya on the cover, and in the same Poland, the singer traveled in a personal Mercedes with her name instead of numbers, and the car was always accompanied by a crowd of loyal fans of the singer.

In Germany, the pop star received the title "Frau Festival", in Poland - "Miss Objective".

Soon Irina returned to her homeland, where she passed her final exams and successfully graduated from the conservatory. In addition, upon her return, the singer received an offer to work in Oleg Lundstrem's jazz orchestra, which she agreed to. Ponarovskaya worked with this team for more than two years.

In addition, Irina Ponarovskaya tried her hand at the film industry. At first she just sang songs. And already in 1976 she began acting in films as an actress. So, it can be seen in films:

  • "It doesn't concern me."
  • "Midnight Robbery"
  • "Thanks for the non-flying weather."
  • "Blue Cities" and others.

The last film of Ponarovskaya was the detective story "He will get his own." The actress did not agree to star in this tape for a long time, but the director still managed to persuade her. The artist did not receive a fee for shooting, but the big plus was that the film was shot in Tallinn. Irina even brought her costumes (due to the small budget of the film, there was not enough money for anything). As a result, the picture came out with a small number of rolling copies and failed miserably. After that, Irina Ponarovskaya said that she no longer wanted to act in films.

The star of the Soviet Union also felt confident on television. The singer was a frequent guest in various programs. In addition, she herself hosted programs on television. One day she received an offer to host her show, where she conducted telefitness, developing her own training and nutrition program. It is worth noting that she managed to do this with ease and excitement. Irina herself admitted that if fate had not given her a chance to become a singer, she would have gone into medicine.

In the early 90s, the first music video of the singer for the song “This is how my life goes” was released on television. At that time, the clips were very expensive, but Ponarovskaya said that her clip would be free, as "the star deserves it." As a result, the clip was shown on television only a couple of times.

By the end of the 90s, the singer opened her own PR club, where a year later a demonstration of her own clothing collection called "I - ra" took place.

Men of Irina Ponarovskaya

Ponarovskaya's personal life was as bright as the pop star herself.

The first husband of Ponarovskaya was the musician Grigory Kleimits. This union could hardly be called a couple in love - rather, it was a friendly relationship. The marriage lasted six months and broke up.

The second spouse of Ponarovskaya was the jazz singer Weiland Rodd. The husband was not an ideal family man. He often raised his hand to his relatives and cheated on Irina. Despite this, the marriage lasted seven years. During this time, the couple had the only son, Anthony, in whom Ponarovskaya does not care for the soul.

Before meeting her second husband, Irina could not have children for a long time, and in marriage, they, together with Weiland, adopted a girl from the orphanage, Antonika, whom the young mother at first spoiled immensely. But everything changed with the birth of a son. Irina began to pay all her attention to Anthony, and relations with her adopted daughter deteriorated sharply. Today it is not known where the girl is.

The third husband of the singer was a man far from show business - doctor Dmitry Pushkar. The lovers met in the hospital, where Irina got after the next concert, and Dmitry was her doctor. They began an affair that grew into a serious relationship. But the husband was jealous of Irina for her fame, he was annoyed by his wife's participation in social events, her openness to the outside world, her desire to constantly communicate with the public. And after 4 years of marriage, the marriage has outlived its usefulness.

After three unsuccessful marriages, Irina tried to build relationships with other men. Among them was the singer Soso Pavliashvili. The fact that the artist was married did not prevent Irina from starting an affair with him. But together the couple did not last long.

Today, Irina Ponarovskaya spends most of her time in Norway with her son. She does not have a soul in her granddaughter and claims that no men can replace her love for her son. She continues to maintain her figure in shape, leads a healthy lifestyle, eats right. At 64, Irina Ponarovskaya weighs 56 kg with a height of 166 cm. Author: Anastasia Kaykova

Anthony Rodd is the only son of the popular Russian jazz and pop singer, film actress and presenter Irina Ponarovskaya. At the moment, the young man is 33 years old, he is a jeweler by profession. What is known about the son of Ponarovskaya Anthony Rodd? Where does he live, and how is his personal life? We will talk about this in detail in our article.

Anthony Rodd: biography

Anthony was born in October 1984. For Irina, the birth of a boy was a real gift. The singer was very ill, and the doctors unanimously claimed that she would not be able to get pregnant. At that time, the famous singer Irina Vitalievna was 31 years old and she was married to a Negro jazz singer and musician named Wayland Rodd (the man was 7 years older than the singer). The TV presenter lived in a marriage with a musician for about 8 years.

Before the birth of little Anthony, a previously adopted dark-skinned girl named Nastya lived with Irina and Weiland. However, after the appearance of her own child, the girl was abandoned. Each of the spouses said that it was the other who gave Nastya to the orphanage. But the fact remains: after the appearance of Anthony, he grew up in a family alone. Ponarovskaya tried to find the girl, but faced an ultimatum from her husband, who claimed that he would take Anthony away from her. After the incident with Nastya, the popular singer decided to file for divorce.

Anthony's relationship with Weiland

Before the divorce, when Irina and Weiland were still living together, Rodd could, without hesitation, hit the child or raise his voice at him. In such situations, Ponarovskaya always stood up for her son and explained to her husband that he was wrong.

Anthony prefers not to communicate with his own father Weiland. He remembers well how his mother suffered when Rodd tried to kidnap him. Already after the break in relations, Ponarovskaya more than once found her son with Weiland, the man had fun in the company of girls of easy virtue. Anthony was returned to Irina, but how much did it cost the singer's nerves and health.

Weiland himself has not remembered his own son for 30 years. With the help of the name of his ex-wife, whom he has not seen for many years, the man is promoting himself on various TV shows, recalling the curious cases associated with Ponarovskaya.

Anthony Rodd - son of Irina Ponarovskaya

It is known that because of the unusual appearance, the guy, when he lived on the territory of the Russian Federation, was repeatedly attacked by informals. He was called names and severely beaten.

After another unpleasant event, Anthony Rodd was badly injured and ended up in intensive care. As it turned out a little later, 12 people attacked the guy. He was kicked and threatened with death. Of the people passing by, no one intervened, and the friend with whom he was walking immediately ran away and did not call anyone for help.

Anthony's personal life

It is known that now Anthony Rodd lives with his family in Estonia. His wife Anna Chainikova is an artist by profession, like Anthony. At the moment they are raising two children (a boy and a girl). The son of Irina Ponarovskaya Anthony Rodd is engaged in jewelry art.

A popular singer sometimes comes to visit relatives. However, it stops elsewhere. Ponarovskaya has her own dacha in Estonia, where she periodically visits to rest and gain strength.

Birth of children

In 2014, the son of Ponarovskaya and his wife had their first child, who was named Eric. The singer herself and her heir decided to hide this fact until the very birth of the baby. As the singer's agent then said, Ponarovskaya was too tired of the attention of the press, so she does not want to once again give a reason to talk about herself.

In the spring of this year, it became known that Anthony Rodd had a daughter. Information appeared in the media, according to which it appeared in April 2018. At birth, the granddaughter of Irina Ponarovskaya was given the rather exotic name Charlotte (that was the name of Anthony's great-grandmother). Also, based on the photographs, it is noticeable that already at such an early age the girl is very similar to her dad.

Irina Ponarovskaya herself, according to the latest information, is now in love and happy. She has a man who loves and pampers her. The singer retrained as a designer and opened her own business.

On stage, the performer of the hit "Rowan Beads" appears extremely rarely. For about 8 years she has been living either in Norway or in Estonia, and only occasionally visits her native St. Petersburg. The singer practically lives by flights.

Sometimes Irina can be found at exhibitions and theatrical performances. At 65, she looks great and, despite all the vicissitudes of life, continues to enjoy every moment. Ponarovskaya devotes a lot of time to her figure and is on a strict diet, which was prescribed to her by medical professionals as a method of general recovery.

Such a direction in music as jazz and folk is not very common in the countries of the former Soviet Union, but we also have stars in this musical field. Irina Ponarovskaya is just such a person. But besides this, she is also known to us as an actress and TV presenter. The woman has musical roots, her father also studied music, so the talent was inherited by her. During her career, which continues to this day, she has shown herself to be an original and interesting performer.

Height, weight, age. How old is Irina Ponarovskaya

In her style, performance and behavior, one can see a real intelligent upbringing and aristocracy, this is noted by all friends and fans of Ponarovskaya. Irina's appearance has always been her main highlight, the average height is 166 cm, while her weight is 56 kg. Not so long ago, Irina made several operations for herself, and as fans notice, she only spoiled her appearance. Despite the fact that the natural data of the singer were good. A sweet, smiling and fragile girl who sang so chic, collected stadiums. Now you know the information about her height, weight, age. How old is Irina Ponarovskaya, the question is also quite common and at the moment she is 64 years old.

Biography and personal life of Irina Ponarovskaya

Almost no one knows that that Irina Ponarovskaya, who once simply blew up the stage with her talent and beautiful appearance, was a real ugly duckling in her childhood. She was plump, while suffering from strabismus.

A girl was born in St. Petersburg, her parents were connected with music, so the young Ponarovskaya had special musical talents from childhood. Irina had a good voice, and she began to study vocals. But the girl herself did not dream of a stage and simply did what the soul lay down to. So she went to study at a music school in piano and harp. Irina's vocal abilities were first noticed by her grandmother, who insisted that the girl be given vocals. So young Irina entered the Leningrad Conservatory.

Almost immediately after entering the conservatory, the girl's career as a singer began. To begin with, she tried herself as a soloist in the Singing Guitars group. She got there thanks to her father, who knew the leader of the group. It was here that the real success of the girl began.

Throughout her career, she has remained loyal to the group, but has also performed solo. And then she completely tried herself as an actress and the psychological detective with the title: “This does not concern me” became her debut picture. Then Irina will appear many more times as an actress.

Where is Irina Ponarovskaya now and what is she doing, the question is also quite exciting. But starting in 2000, her career began to decline, and the woman left for Estonia, and later received a residence permit in Norway. Now there are rumors that the star has returned to St. Petersburg.

The biography and personal life of Irina Ponarovskaya is currently in the shadows from prying eyes.

Family and children of Irina Ponarovskaya

As already known, the girl was born in a creative family and both parents have been involved in music throughout their lives.

Also in the family, in addition to Irina, there are two older brothers and one paternal sister from another marriage. Alexander, Irina's brother, also followed in the footsteps of his parents, worked as a pianist for some time, and now he is a teacher at a music college in the USA.

Irina's sister, Nadezhda, also keeps up with her musical "legacy", and works as a music editor on the radio, before that she worked as a singer.

The personal life of the singer, it cannot be said that it was stormy, but not without bright battles. The first time she married, for the head of the group, which later became a star ticket for the girl, Grigory Kleimits, but they did not share family life for long, six months later they broke up

She entered into a second love union with the black jazzman Weiland Rodd. They were married for 7 years, and from the marriage the singer had her only son, who was named Anthony.

For some time she had an affair with singer Soso Pavliashvili, but it was just entertainment, as the singer herself later admitted.

For the third time, Irina married Dmitry Pushkar, a famous doctor. It can be considered Irina's most successful marriage, which lasted for 11 years, but in 1997 the singer filed for divorce for the third time, this marriage also collapsed.

A request from the singer’s biography: “Irina Ponarovskaya today is a photo of her son and daughter now,” becomes the most popular among Irina’s fans, and all because fans are trying to find out what is currently happening in her life and the life of her family.

The son of Irina Ponarovskaya - Anthony Rodd

The son of Irina Ponarovskaya - Anthony Rodd became a real gift from God for Irina. The fact is that the girl was sick and the doctors said that she would not be able to have children at all. And when the girl arrived at the hospital, the doctors looked at her medical history and were simply shocked by everything that was happening. Anthony lives in Norway where he completed his studies in jewelry design. For a while, the guy lived in Russia, but because of his unusual appearance, he was attacked several times by informals and once after such an incident he even ended up in intensive care, so his mother and son decided to move back to Norway, for the sake of Anthony's safety.

Daughter of Irina Ponarovskaya - Antonika

Since the doctors told the girl that she would not be able to have children, Irina decided to adopt a child from an orphanage. Her choice fell on the mulatto girl Antonika. And at first, Irina really did not have a soul in the baby, she was a responsible and loving mother, but everything changed after Ponarovskaya gave birth to a son. She admits that she lost interest in her daughter and practically did not pay attention to her. Relations between them deteriorated greatly. Later, when the girl grew up, she tried to establish contact with her mother, but Irina did not want to communicate. The daughter of Irina Ponarovskaya - Antonika is now unknown to the public.

Former husband of Irina Ponarovskaya - Grigory Kleimits

The ex-husband of Irina Ponarovskaya, Grigory Kleimits, was the leader of the Singing Guitars group. A man was born in Tashkent, like Irina, in a musical family, therefore, being in this environment since childhood, he could not remain indifferent to music. Now Gregory has two children, son Anatoly, who is engaged in design and second son Ilya, who decided to follow in the family footsteps and became a musician. The family union between Irina and Gregory lasted only half a year, and the couple was not passionately in love, it was more of a friendly relationship.

Former husband of Irina Ponarovskaya - Wayland Rodd

The ex-husband of Irina Ponarovskaya, Weiland Rodd, became the true love story of our heroine. Weiland is a jazz singer and generally talented musician. They have been married for seven whole years. But as Irina admits, her husband was not perfect. Weiland was very jealous, but at the same time he regularly cheated on the singer. With all this, he also raised his hand to her. But love did not allow her to leave her husband, and for seven years Irina was tormented by doubts. The couple even had a son, for which she is very grateful to Weiland.

Former husband of Irina Ponarovskaya - Dmitry Pushkar

Irina's third husband was a member of the presidium of urologists in Russia, America and Europe. The woman did not choose ordinary men, she was always attracted to success. But the couple also could not stay together for a long time, and Irina's publicity became the reason for the divorce. The ex-husband of Irina Ponarovskaya, Dmitry Pushkar, simply could not stand the fact that there is no privacy in life, and at the same time, the wife is often absent and spends time at various meetings and ceremonies. Irina has changed many men in her life and, as she herself says, she does not regret anything, because it was her conscious choice.

Wikipedia Irina Ponarovskaya

It is also worth mentioning that for a long time Irina was a style icon, women of all ages looked up to her. And in 1990, the house of Chanel even awarded her the title of "Miss Chanel of the Soviet Union." Such a title means a lot, because the Chanel fashion house has always been one of the most prestigious. And in 1998, Irina became the face of an Italian clothing company. Such success speaks volumes. Wikipedia Irina Ponarovskaya will help you learn better about all the achievements and successes of the actress and singer. Irina is the person who should be leveled up and whose example must be followed.

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