Biography of performer and composer Chris kelmi. Chris kelmi - biography Name of chris kelmi


Russian rock and pop musician, composer.

Biography of Chris Kelmi

Anatoly Kelmi(some sources indicate that Kelmi is a pseudonym, the real name is Kalinkin, but the artist refutes this version) was born on April 21, 1955. His mother and father were metro workers. The father came to the capital from Kokand, and the mother from Manchuria. Chris Kelmi was born in a tent where 30 workers lived.

In 1971 he received a passport, which was issued in the name of Kelmi. She is also listed on the birth certificate. In 1972, Anatoly Kelmi took the pseudonym Chris in honor of the hero of "Solaris" Chris Kelvin.

At the age of four he began to play the piano and guitar, and from the age of five he was already studying music with a tutor. When the boy was eight years old, he entered the Dunaevsky Music School. His father brought him first to a football school, and then to a tennis school, a candidate for master of sports in tennis, he was a member of the youth team, trained with Shamil Tarpishchev, and was in the top three tennis players in Moscow.

In 1969, Kelmi graduated from the music school. Dunayevsky in piano. He studied at MIIT on the same course with Vladimir Kuzmin and Vladimir Slutsker. In 1977 he became a graduate of the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers. He studied there in graduate school from 1977 to 1980. Kelmi participated in the construction of a tunnel in the Krasnodar Territory. In 1983 he entered the Musical College. Gnesins to the pop faculty, where he again studied with Kuzmin. After graduating from college, Kelmi received a pianist diploma.

The creative path of Chris Kelmi

In 1970, the young man became interested in rock and roll and founded the group " Sadko". Then Kelmi was only 15 years old, and "Sadko" was the backup of the popular Moscow rock band " Rubies». In 1979, together with Alexander Sitkovetsky created a group Autograph».

In 1988, the song "Night Rendezvous" was performed, which became a hit and inspired the poet Alexander Vulykh to publish the newspaper of the same name.

As a composer, Kelmi, together with the Rock Atelier team, wrote music for the director's cartoon Yefim Hamburg Puss in Boots based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas Three Musketeers". He also composed the music for the 1982 adult cartoon Rock Paradoxes.

The musician took part in several editions of the popular music competition for young performers "Star Factory".

In total, Kelmi wrote more than 200 songs and released 13 albums (as part of Rock Atelier and solo).

Personal life of Chris Kelmi

Chris Kelmi lived with his wife Lyudmila for more than thirty years. The couple had a son on November 29, 1988 Christian Anatolievich Kelmi. The young man studied at the Institute of Information Social Technologies, graduated from the Academy of Law and Management, played the piano, guitar, went to judo, taekwondo, skied, skated. His father bought him a two-room apartment in the center of Moscow. The couple divorced in 2016.

In an interview in 2015, Chris Kelmi said that he lives in a country house, keeps 17 cats at home, equipped a recording studio in the house, composes new music, hopes to return to show business, recorded an anthem for the Kremlin Cup in tennis and a song for the World Cup ; he receives royalties, gives concerts in the cities of Russia and Germany, and performs at tennis tournaments. However, the name of the artist increasingly began to fall into the newspaper pages in connection with scandals.

On March 26, 2012, Chris Kelmi was released after five days of arrest for drunk driving. On July 18, 2014, he was again arrested, this time for 22 days, because, being deprived of the right to drive a vehicle, he refused to undergo a medical examination for intoxication. In October 2015, he twice got into similar incidents. So, on the territory of the Olimpiysky sports complex, Kelmi, driving a foreign car, wanted to leave the sports complex. The guard made a remark to the driver, as he was moving along the pedestrian zone. After a verbal skirmish, the musician ran into a security guard.

In 2017, Kelmi followed suit and underwent treatment for alcohol addiction in one of the Thai clinics.

Twice he came to talk shows on federal channels in a drunken state: first, Chris Kelmi appeared in “Let them talk” in a state of intoxication at the anniversary of Sergei Chelobanov and tried to give him his dentures, and then appeared in the same form in the studio of “Direct ether."

In November 2018, it became known that the musician was being treated for epilepsy in a Moscow clinic. After completing treatment, he returned to his own country house in the suburbs, where he was looked after by a specially hired assistant. According to the singer's brother, his condition left much to be desired. Kelmi even wrote a will in which he wrote off all the available property to his ex-wife and son.

Musician and singer Chris Kelmi died at the age of 63 on January 1, 2019 from cardiac arrest at his home in the Moscow region.

Kelmi suffered from cirrhosis of the liver and complained of heart pain. The musician's health deteriorated months before his death. Ambulance doctors came to the artist every few days. On the day of the death of the musician, the ambulance team also went to the call, but the artist passed away before the arrival of the doctors.

Chris Kelmi

Chris Kelmi is considered a legend of the national stage of the 80s. That was the period when the format of Soviet music changed dramatically. Rhythmic motifs inherent in rock came into fashion. It was by them, but in a soft, lyrical performance, that Kelmi conquered the audience. The song "Night Rendezvous" made the singer popular in an instant. She regularly sounded on radio and television, became popularly loved. The success of the composition was grandiose not only in the USSR. Chris was invited to perform abroad, including in the USA.

Biography of Chris Kelmi

The real name of the singer is Anatoly, he was born in Moscow. Chris's parents came to the capital for a construction site. The artist's father, Ariy Kelmi, most likely had Lithuanian roots, but before moving to Moscow he lived in Uzbekistan. Mother came to the Soviet Union from Mongolia. Tolya's talent for music manifested itself early: from the age of 4, he began to play the piano and sing. From 1963 to 1969, the future artist studied at the Isaac Dunayevsky Music School. Another guy's hobby was sports - tennis and football.

At the age of 15, Anatoly founded his first musical group. The Sadko team existed for two years. The next project of the young musician, who by that time had changed his name to Chris, was Leap Summer. The team began performing in 1972. In the same year, Kelmi entered the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, which at that time was the center of the rock and roll movement. In 1979, after the breakup of Leap Summer, Chris created the Apostrophe group. In parallel, the artist as part of the Rock Studio team performed on the Lenkom stage.

At 33, Kelmi decided to get a professional musical education and entered the Gnesinka. At the school, fate brought Chris with another famous singer and musician - Vladimir Kuzmin. Both artists actively participated in the creation of Alla Pugacheva's "Christmas Meetings". Kelmi, for example, wrote the music for the title track of the annual concert - the song "Closing the Circle".

In 1987, "Rock Studio" collaborated with Olga Kormukhina. Later, after the departure of the singer, Kelmi became the lead singer of the group. It was during this period that the singer's popularity peaked: his compositions "Night Rendezvous" and "Lady Blues" became hits. Chris spent the 90s in the USA. Unable to realize himself abroad, he returned to Russia.

Chris Kelmi wants to give up alcohol for the sake of his son

Chris Kelmi wants to give up alcohol for the sake of his son

Chris Kelmi wants to give up alcohol for the sake of his son

Chris Kelmi wants to give up alcohol for the sake of his son

Chris Kelmi wants to give up alcohol for the sake of his son

Forgotten stars of the nineties and zero: Gubin, Bynes, Borisova and others

2 chord selections


In 1971, Chris Kelmi played in the amateur group Sadko, then from 1972 with Alexander Sitkovetsky in the Leap Summer they formed.

Leap summer.

Leap Summer is one of the brightest and most popular bands on the Moscow rock scene of the 70s. was formed on the wreckage of two lesser-known groups - "Airport" and "Sadko" - consisting of: Alexander Sitkovetsky (guitar, vocals), Chris Kelmi (bass, keyboards, vocals), Yuri Titov (drums). At first, the band played mostly hard rock standards and performed mostly at student nights out.
A new stage began in the biography of the group in the middle of the decade, when the musicians "V. L." abandoned the English-language repertoire and turned to composing their own songs and instrumental pieces, in which, following the canons of art rock, they sought to synthesize traditional rock styles and chamber music.
Then, as part of V. L." new members appear: Alexander Kutikov (ex-“Time Machine”) - bass, vocals and drummer Anatoly Abramov (instead of Titov). Subsequently, Abramov, who left for Araks, is replaced by Valery Efremov.
The first significant success of "V. L." there was a performance at a rock festival in Tallinn (1977), where the group showed a diverse program, demonstrating not only a high professional level, but also an abundance of new solutions for domestic rock, interesting texts (author - Margarita Pushkina). One of the first in our country musicians “V. L." tried to create a visual equivalent to their songs, playing spectacular performances on stage with make-up, costumes, wigs, skillfully used lighting design and stage pyrotechnics. "Shop of Miracles", "Dream Thief", "Mona Lisa" - recognized hits of those years. In 1972-1979. the group performed a lot in Moscow, successfully toured in Leningrad, Riga and Arkhangelsk, recorded 7 tape albums and even staged the rock opera Chained Prometheus. In 1978, he participated in the rock festival in Chernogolovka, where, along with The Time Machine, he had the greatest success and received awards for professionalism and theatricalization. At the same time, inside V. L." differences were brewing, and as a result, in May 1979, the group split in two: Kutikov and Efremov went to the reorganized "Time Machine", and Sitkovetsky continued experiments in the field of art rock in the "Autograph" formed by him, which Chris Kelmi soon joined for a short time , together with which the group took 2nd place at the 1st All-Union Festival in Tbilisi in 1980.

Rock atelier

In 1980, the Lenin Komsomol Theater offered Kelmi to recruit a new group, instead of Arax, who had gone to the professional stage, and Kelmi accepts the invitation. At different times, excellent musicians work in the Rock Studio - the Smeyany brothers, bassist Valentin Lezov, drummer Yuri Kitaev, Alexander Barykin and others; the group participates in the staging of new performances, including the rock opera "Juno and Avos", makes a new edition of the play "The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta".
In 1987, Chris Kelmi moved to the A. Pugacheva Song Theater, where he participated in the production of the first "Christmas Meetings" and, together with "Rock Atelier", gave concerts around the country as well as at major Rock festivals in Spain and Switzerland ("Lesien Rock festival")
In 1988, Chris Kelmi gathered about 30 musicians to record a joint song "Closing the Circle". Among them are Andrey Makarevich, Alexander Gradsky, Konstantin Nikolsky, Alexander Barykin, Valery Syutkin, Alexander Kutikov and many others. others
Since 1989, "Rock Atelier" has been working independently, participating in foreign tours, in Holland, Germany and, of course, in Russia. Members of the group: Chris Kelmi - vocals, keyboards; Alexander Yarosh - guitar; “Valery Lipets - bass, guitar; Sergey Kokorin - keyboards; Vyacheslav Zakharov - drums; Illarion Davydov - saxophone; Valery Karimov - vocals.
As a composer, Chris Kelmi is known for his songs "Night Rendezvous", "Tired Taxi", "Closing the Circle", "Her Boy, Don't Hurry", the musical "Dog in Boots", the play "Lenkom" "People and Birds".
In 1993, MTV filmed a video for the song "Old Wolf", which had a successful showing on the East Coast of the United States.
From 1991 to the present, Chris Kelmi is the vice-president of the Starco Stars Football Club, as well as a regular participant in the Big Hat tennis tournaments.
Since 2000, Chris Kelmi has been performing and releasing new solo albums.

Chris Kelmi, real name Anatoly Arievich Kalinkin. Born April 21, 1955, in Moscow.

Soviet and Russian rock and pop musician, composer.

Anatoly Kelmi took the pseudonym Chris in 1972, in honor of the character Chris Kelfin from Tarkovsky's Solaris.

In the book " Reader of pseudonyms"(Moscow, Novy Vzglyad Publishing House, 1993) the story is told in detail: at school and university, the boy was listed as "Anatoly Kalinkin", but in 1985 he took the name of his father, Aria Mikhailovich Kelmi.

The surname "Kelmi" appears both in the birth certificate and in the musician's passport.

Chris Kelmi began learning to play the piano back in 1959 at the age of 4. In 1969 he graduated from the music school. Isaac Dunayevsky in piano.

  • In 1977 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers. He studied there in graduate school from 1977 to 1980.
  • In 1983 he entered the Musical College. Gnesins (variety faculty, teacher - Igor Bril), where he studied with Vladimir Kuzmin.
  • In 1970 he founded the amateur group "Sadko".
  • In 1972, together with Alexander Sitkovetsky, he created the Leap Summer group. As part of Alexander Kutikov(vocal, bass), V. Efremov (drums), A. Sitkovetsky (guitar, vocals), Chris Kelmi (vocal, organ) "Leap Summer" performed in Riga (Rock Festival on Singing Field, 1977). After the performance of "Satanic Dances", the city committee of the Komsomol banned performances.
  • In 1979, together with Alexander Sitkovetsky created the Autograph group.
  • In 1979-1980, as part of Autograph, he took part in the Tbilisi Spring Rhythms festival.
  • In the same 1980, at the initiative of Mark Zakharov (Lenin Komsomol Theater), he recruited musicians and created the Rock Studio group. At different times, musicians work as part of the Rock Studio - Pavel Smeyan and Alexander Smeyan, bassist Valentin Lezov, drummer Yuri Kitaev, Alexander Barykin ...
  • As part of this group, from 1980 to 1987 he worked at the Lenkom Theater, participating in the production of new performances, including the rock opera Juno and Avos, making a new edition of the play " The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta».
  • In 1985-1986, Alexander Barykin played in the Rock Atelier group.
  • In 1987 he worked at the Philharmonic of the city of Yoshkar-Ola.
  • Since 1987, in the Alla Pugacheva Song Theater, where he participates in the production of the first "Christmas Meetings" and, together with the "Rock Atelier", gives concerts around the country and abroad, at the Lesien Rock Festival.
  • In 1987, singer Olga Kormukhina joined the Rock Atelier.
  • The company "Melody" releases a record-minion "Olga Kormukhina and Chris Kelmi's Rock Atelier" with the songs "Tired Taxi", "I'm Not Yours", "The Time Has Come".
  • In 1987, Chris Kelmi gathered 27 musicians (and one journalist, Yevgeny Fedorov, the host of the Soundtrack of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper) to record the joint song Closing the Circle.

A similar experience is repeated in 1990 with the song "I Believe" and in 1994 with the song "Russia is Risen!" to the verses of A. Voznesensky, whose participants were Olga Kormukhina, Alexei Glyzin, Larisa Dolina, Igor Demarin and Irina Shvedova.

  • In 1988, singer Olga Kormukhina left Chris Kelmi's Rock Atelier.
  • In 2007, Chris Kelmi gathered some of the performers of the 1987 video and recorded a new version, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the event, on the air of the NTV program "Protagonist".
  • Since 1989 "Rock-Atelier" has been working independently. This year, the song "Night Rendezvous" was written and performed, which later inspired the poet Alexander Vulykh to publish the newspaper of the same name.
  • In the summer of 1990, at the initiative of his friend, a well-known journalist at that time, Evgeny Dodolev, MTV invited the musician to Atlanta, USA, to record a set. The executor of the order is the famous company Creative Video Jim Rocco (Eng. Jim Rocco). Kelmi is the first Soviet musician on an American music channel.
  • In 1993, MTV filmed a video for the song "Old Wolf", which was a success on the East Coast of the United States.
  • Since 2000, Kelmi has started a solo career.

Discography of Chris Kelmi:

  • 1981 - Open the window (Melody, minion)
  • 1982 - Fresh wind (Melody Firm, minion)
  • 1987 - Rise (Melody Firm, minion)
  • 1987 - Mirage (Melody Firm, LP)
  • 1987 - Closing the circle (Firm Melodiya, LP)
  • 1987 - Chris Kelmi's Rock Studio (Firm Melodiya, LP)
  • 1988 - We know ("Rock Studio" and Chris Kelmi) (Melody Firm, LP)
  • 1988 - O. Kormukhina and K. Kelmi (Melody Firm, minion)
  • 1990 - Open your Sesame (Firm Melodiya, LP)
  • 1991 - Lady Blues (Melody Firm, LP)
  • 1992 - Creates Hits K. Kelmi (Jeff Records, CD)
  • 1993 Greatest Hits (Jeff Records)
  • 1994 - Do not regret anything (Sintez Records, CD)
  • 1996 - Leap Summer (Best Songs 1972-79) (Sintez Records, CD)

Chris Kelmi is a talented Soviet musician who has become a legend of his time. The song "Night Rendezvous" in his performance once sounded everywhere. He became a real hero of the national stage, but eventually disappeared somewhere. The fate and career of the famous singer will be discussed in this article.

Childhood and youth

Anatoly Kelmi was born on April 21, 1955. His hometown was the capital of our country - Moscow. But according to his father, the singer has Estonian roots. The real name of the artist is Kalinkin. Under it, he is listed in school metrics. But the young man received his first passport for a more sonorous surname - Kelmi, inherited from his father - Ariy Mikhailovich. As for the name, here the singer refers to Lem's famous novel called "Solaris". The main character's name is Chris.

The boy from early childhood began to get involved in music. He played the piano from the age of four, and having matured a little, he began to go to a music school. He later taught himself how to play the guitar. In 1969, the young man founded his first ensemble - "Sadko". This fact was his first step on the road to fame. The team disbanded two years later. However, the musician, together with his best friend Alexander Sitkovetsky, founded another group. It was called "Leap Summer". With her, Chris Kelmi first began to speak to the public in 1972. This group became famous among rock fans. In 1978, due to internal contradictions, it broke up. In parallel with his musical activities, Chris studied at the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers. In 1980, the guy successfully completed it, and despite his education, he once decided to devote his life to music.

Star Trek

Together with a friend, Alexander Sitkovetsky, Chris Kelmi set about creating a new group. She received the name "Autograph". As part of this group, the musician took part in the festival "Spring Rhythms of Tbilisi". Here "Autograph" was awarded the second place. After that, the musicians of the group managed to get several lucrative contracts. They also managed to create several solo albums. At the same time, Chris Kelmi, whose biography is discussed in this article, began performing in the Rock Studio musical group. This group was created on the initiative of Mark Zakharov. There was a constant turnover of staff. Thanks to this, the creative style of the ensemble has become very multifaceted. Chris Kelma performed as part of the "Rock Studio" from 1980 to 1987. He participated in productions of musical performances at the Lenkom Theater. At the same time, the musician managed to collaborate with the Avtograph group.

Career Peak

In 1983 he entered Chris Kelmi. The biography of the singer was adorned with new fateful events. The musician met Vladimir Kuzmin, who, in turn, brought him together with Alla Pugacheva. Together with the singer, in 1987, Chris participated in the creation of the famous "Christmas Meetings". One of the most beloved and famous compositions of that period was the song "Closing the Circle". It was created by Kelmi in tandem with Margarita Pushkina. At the same time, the musician often toured the country with the "Rock Studio". At the very end of the 1980s, he created some very successful songs. One of them was the composition "Night Rendezvous". It was thanks to her that Chris Kelmi became an incredibly sought-after musician. On the wave of success, he left in 1990 for Atlanta. For some time he was quite famous in America, but then his career began to noticeably decline. Then the singer hid from the public for a long time and did not give any news about himself. In the 2000s, no one remembered this singer. Undeservedly forgotten among compatriots was Chris Kelmi. "Night Rendezvous" is perhaps the only song that the Russians remember in his performance.

Personal life

It is known that in 2000 the musician returned to Russia, but could not regain his former popularity. Now he is engaged in the fact that he writes music to order. The singer lived all his life with a single woman - his wife Lyudmila. The couple had a child in 1988 - the son of Christian. For a very long time, the relationship in this pair was cloudless. However, in 2013, Kelmi got into a scandalous chronicle. The press discussed his addiction to drinking. Allegedly, being in a state of intoxication, he raised his hand to his wife. This sad event was the last known fact that illuminates the life of the once famous musician.

Chris Kelmi is an example of a man who made a dazzling career at home and lost his dizzying success overseas. I would like to wish him longevity and inexhaustible creative inspiration in the future.

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