Biography of Kirkorov with date of birth. Children of Philip Kirkorov - latest news, photos, biography


The name of Philip Kirkorov in our country, and far beyond its borders, is known to everyone without exception - both the older generation, and the middle one, and even small children. And this success is well deserved. Today he is not only a famous singer, but also a talented composer, a successful producer, and just a charismatic personality.

An outstanding singer was born in Bulgaria in 1967 in the spring, April 30, in the resort town of Varna. The surname Kirkorov is not quite a real surname. His paternal grandparents were Armenians and had the surname Krikorian. When their son, Philip's father, went to school, he had to change his Armenian surname to its Bulgarian sound, otherwise he would not have been accepted to school. My maternal grandmother had gypsies in the family, and my grandfather had Irish, French and Russian.

Philip's father, a famous Bulgarian singer, toured a lot, and his mother accompanied him, often working as a presenter at concerts. They took their little son with them, and he carefully watched their performances from behind the scenes. At the age of 7, the boy went on stage with his father. Soon the family moved from Bulgaria to Moscow and settled on Taganka. He met Alla Pugacheva as a child, since she lived nearby, and even visited her, making friends with Christina, her daughter. The father of Philip and Pugachev then worked in the same concert organization.

Philip graduated from school with a gold medal. He wanted to enter GITIS, but did not pass the exams, he was told that his vocal abilities still needed to “grow”. And then he went to Gnesinka ... and passed.

Phillip Kirkorov's career

For the first time, he was shown on the central channels when he was 18 years old, and he sang the song “Alyosha". Then he was invited to the "Blue Light" with the song "Sinbad”, The director of Ogonyok had to defend his participation in the program, since they did not want to take Philip there for too outstanding external data.

Then there was participation in the concerts of I. Reznik " Vernissage", which the singer himself considers his serious debut. On them, the next meeting with Alla Pugacheva took place, only as a colleague. Due to the final exams at the university, Philip had to refuse to tour with her. Making this choice was a big step.

After graduating from Gnesinka with honors there was a competition Yalta-88, where he did not perform very well, since he was literally pursued by failures on stage, and became just a diploma student.

And since December of the same year, at the invitation of Pugacheva, he began to work in her " Song Theater". Allah introduces him to Leonid Derbenev, who wrote for Kirkorov a number of great songs that became hits for many years. Philip annually takes part in competitions " Song of the year”, each time becoming its laureate. He appears on TV screens more and more often and is gaining more and more all-Union popularity. Little by little, another glory is assigned to him - Pugacheva's favorite.
However, at the end of the 89th year, Philip left the theater of Alla, explaining that he should find out for himself whether he had already become an independent artist or “they go to him” only because of Pugacheva.
He works on his own, as planned, and soon becomes convinced that he also has his fans, journalists give him an assessment of one of the brightest stars. He is recording two new albums, giving solo concerts at the best concert venues in the country, preparing a new program with the brightest scenery that he created for him Boris Krasnov. His performances are accompanied by new stage effects. He tours a lot in other countries and in Russia, giving concerts almost daily. Philip can be called a real workaholic, he is able to work 24 hours a day, demanding the same from his team and administrators.

Phillip Kirkorov in the comedy "Love in the City"

Philip also tried himself as a film actor in the films " Sex and the City”, and his debut was successful.

Phillip Kirkorov's personal life

There were only legends about the singer’s personal life, but no one really knew about his real feelings until unexpected news appeared in the world of show business - Philip marries Alla Pugacheva.

Philip Krikorov marries Alla Pugacheva.

Few believed in the feelings of this couple then. Most considered it nothing more than a PR move and a kind of farce. Their marriage took place in the spring of 1994 and lasted 9 years.

After parting with Alla, he no longer married, although novels were attributed to him. with Anastasia Stotskaya, With Ani Lorak with whom he worked as a producer. But no one really knew about the true feelings of the singer.

And not so long ago, Philip decided to become a single father, and he did it quite consciously. In 2011, his daughter Alla-Victoria was born, and a year later, his son Martin. What other surprises this ambiguous person will bring, we will probably find out soon. You can be sure of one thing - he will not leave anyone indifferent.

There are always a lot of new photos, interesting stories about the life of Russian theater and film stars, read this.

Philip Kirkorov is a shocking and bright star of the Soviet, and then the Russian stage. Bulgarian by origin, was born in the Bulgarian seaside city of Varna on April 20, 1967.

Family and childhood

Philip's father is a famous and popularly beloved singer in Bulgaria, an Armenian by nationality from a family of a simple shoemaker who actually lived in two countries. He had a magnificent, powerful voice and was engaged in singing since childhood. At a young age, the composer Arno Babadzhanyan noticed the beginning self-taught singer and invited him to study singing in Moscow. In 1962, Bedros and his family moved to the capital of the USSR.

In childhood

After graduating from GITIS, he returned to Varna again, where little Philip was born. During the years of study in Moscow, Bedros became practically a symbol of Soviet-Bulgarian friendship. He often performed at concerts with other popular Soviet performers, and little Philip stood backstage, absorbing the spirit of the big stage.

A little later, the Kirkorovs return to Moscow again, and there Philip goes to school, where he studies in Russian. But if he didn’t have a question about choosing a profession at all - the boy knew from childhood that he was born for the stage, then exactly which creative path to follow remained unclear almost until the final exams.

Restless and artistic, yet Philip saw himself rather than a singer, but a dramatic artist. Moreover, he had an outstanding appearance. Therefore, at first the documents were submitted to GITIS, but Kirkorov failed the exams miserably. But his musical talent was not subject to any doubts. And in 1984 he easily enters the famous Gnesinka.

Star Rising

Kirkorov made his debut in the second year of study, appearing on TV screens in the popular music program "Wider Circle". He sang a song in Bulgarian, but then the audience did not remember too much. After graduating from college, he moves to Leningrad and becomes a music hall artist, with whom he goes on his first foreign tour in his life.

In 1988, he performed for the first time at a song festival in the Crimea and shot a video for the song "Carmen", which gets into the rotation of the central channels and makes it popular. A year later, Philip accompanies Alla Pugacheva on a tour, performing as an opening act, and after that makes trial solo concerts in the Russian outback.

And already in 1990, he loudly declares himself as an independent mature performer and even receives the main prize at the Schlager 90 competition. By this time, he had already accumulated a fairly large repertoire, which was enough for a full-fledged solo album, and he recorded his first disc, which was immediately sold out in a million copies.

This year begins a truly triumphal procession of Kirkorov through the best stages and concert halls of the Soviet Union. His songs are heard from every window, his CDs are sold out in millions of copies. And every year his collection is replenished with prestigious music awards, including the Golden Orpheus, Ovation and many others.

Pugacheva and Kirkorov

1994 becomes a landmark for the artist in many ways. In just 12 months, several grandiose events took place that influenced the future fate of the singer. At the beginning of this year, he launches his new concert show "I'm not Raphael", which is becoming super popular. In the spring, he is struck by a serious blow - the singer's beloved mother dies. It took him several months to recover from the loss.

With Alla Pugacheva

Nevertheless, the tight tour schedule does not allow Kirkorov to relax. Two more significant events complete the year - a grandiose joint concert with Pugacheva in America and the announcement of their engagement, officially made by Pugacheva after the concert. From that moment on, the singer's life was divided into "before and after" Pugacheva.

Their relationship was complicated from the very beginning. Starting with the fact that Philip's father and the prima donna's daughter, Kristina Orbakaite, were fierce opponents of this marriage. Not trying to prove anything to his loved ones and inspired by sincere love, Kirkorov continues his confident ascent to the top of the musical Olympus.

In 1995, she and Pugacheva make a sensational tour of the best concert halls in Israel, where, by the way, the couple got married. And in the same year, Kirkorov represents (though not very successfully) Russia at the next Eurovision Song Contest. The failure upset the singer, but not his plans. Actually, in Russia he has already become a star of the first magnitude.

He collects thousands of concert venues, releases new discs that instantly acquire the status of gold and platinum. He tours a lot around the country, near and far abroad. The family dreams of a joint child, but he was not destined to be born. After 11 years, the star couple broke up, and Kirkorov went on a solo voyage.

Former spouses continue to support each other at premieres and speak warmly about each other. Years after the divorce, Philip recalls his marriage to the Primadonna as a valuable life experience. He calls Alla Borisovna principled, tough in her personal life and notes that this quality must have made her a star.

Star Trek

Divorce Philip is going through very hard. Moreover, Pugacheva’s romance with a young rising star Maxim Galkin, who is 26 years younger than the singer, becomes its cause. This event hit Kirkorov's pride hard, especially since it later turned out that his wife's romance with Galkin began back in 2001, but for a long time he could not even believe in the possibility of such a relationship.

Obviously, it was family troubles that became the main reason for the scandalous story when Kirkorov publicly insulted the journalist who sued him at a press conference. She won the court, and the singer was washed with bones for a long time and was not invited to government concerts. In addition, he had to pay a huge fine for those times.

Having recovered a little from the blow, he continues his solo career and begins producing young performers. His first experience was not successful. Angelica Agurbash, whom the singer is preparing for Eurovision, took only 13th place there. Dmitry Koldun, a young singer from Belarus, turned out to be more successful.

The real success of Kirkorov's production activities was Ani Lorak, who brought Ukraine the 2nd place of honor at Eurovision. He is the godfather of Ani Lorak's daughter and they are still connected by the warmest and most friendly relations. The singer actively continued to tour until 2010, when another scandalous story happened to him.

At the beginning of December 2010, the cause of a new scandal was the lighting error on the set of the Golden Gramophone. A searchlight was directed at Kirkorov's face and he released anger at the head of the program, Marina Yablokova. He attacked her with fists and threats. The couple was separated, but the scandal was covered by all the media. Before the New Year, the singer made a public apology, and the story was hushed up.

However, since that time, Philip has become more involved in producing and writing music. He is active in films and musicals. But most importantly, he decided to fulfill his old dream of becoming a father.

Personal life of Philip Kirkorov

In November 2011, Filmpp had a daughter from a surrogate mother, named Alla-Victoria in honor of the only sincerely beloved woman of Kirkorov - Pugacheva. And a year later, the same way, the son of Martin-Christo is born.

With children

Currently, Kirkorov is trying to give the kids as much time as possible. Although the children live on another continent - in his American home. But every free minute Kirkorov flies there to visit the kids. Now he has a new meaning to life and the place of music in it, though still significant, but not the first. However, Kirkorov himself does not regret it at all.

These events are pushing women who want to become famous to declare themselves the mothers of Kirkorov's children. At the end of 2018, a new scandal erupted when a 52-year-old woman told reporters that she was expecting triplets from the singer. The pregnancy turned out to be false, and Philip did not even know the lady.

In the same year, Philip Kirkorov was credited with an affair with a DJ, but she herself denied rumors of an affair with the singer.

Philip Bedrosovich Kirkorov is a popular domestic singer, actor, composer, producer and an incredibly talented person who conquered millions of fans on a global scale with his vocal skills and outstanding acting talent.

Photo: Serge Serebro, Vitebsk Popular News

Biography of Philip Kirkorov

1. The legendary Russian singer was born on the last day of April, in the Bulgarian city of Varna. In the family of the famous singer Bedros Kirkorov and the host of concert programs Victoria Likhacheva.

2. From his Armenian father, the boy inherited dark skin color and expressive brown eyes.

3. Thanks to the annual sunburn, the child’s body acquired a bronze hue and friends began to call him “mulatto”.

4. According to the sign of the zodiac, the pop king of the national stage is a calf, according to the eastern horoscope - a fiery goat (born in 1967). Perseverance and purposefulness are the qualities that accompany the singer all his life.

5. According to the composer himself: "he is a man who made himself." And colleagues characterize him as an unprecedented hard worker, able to work day and night.

6. The only bad habit is smoking.

7. As a child, Philip was a very mischievous child. He loved going to the circus, was actively fond of tricks, and for one of his birthdays he asked his parents for circus props.

8. Philip loves dogs, at a young age his best friend was the black poodle Styopa.

9. The future idol of a multi-million audience, already in his youth, was distinguished by perseverance and hard work. After graduating from high school, the boy enters a music school, majoring in piano and guitar. And in 1988 he graduated with honors from the legendary Gnesinka.

10. At a young age, Philip suffers a serious illness, and desperate parents take the child to the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, who even then saw great potential in him and prophesied a stellar future for him.

11. Philip Kirkorov's height is 198 cm.

12. Weight 98 kg.

13. Every morning, the singer starts by browsing the news feed on social networks, claiming that secular gossip invigorates him.

14. Like many people, singer Kirkorov is very afraid of flying on planes, so most of his trips take place on a private train.

15. One of the weaknesses of the pop idol is the love of fast driving. However, he allows himself such a luxury only abroad, where there are no Moscow traffic jams.

Philip Kirkorov's career

16. For the first time, the boy appeared on stage at the age of three, when his mother led one of the concerts. Announcing the next performer, Victoria Kirkorova did not even have time to finish the phrase, when her little son appeared and loudly shouted the name of the song into the microphone. The audience began to laugh out loud and applaud the young presenter.

17. After 2 years at his father's concert, five-year-old Philip took the stage with a small carnation, which he proudly presented to Bedros. At the sight of such a touching scene, the hall burst into applause, which, according to the singer himself, became very significant in his life.

18. The creative activity of the young artist began in 1985, when on the set of the TV show "Wider Circle" a young Bulgarian singer sang a song in his native language.

19. In 1987, the first European tour of the artist took place as part of the Leningrad Music Hall.

20. 1988 becomes a turning point in the creative career of the young Kirkorov. During this period, he begins to work closely. He meets Derbenev and other authors of his future hits.

21. At the end of 1989, the future king of the pop scene begins a solo career.

22. Since 1992, the artist's enormous popularity has taken off. His shows are recognized as "the best shows of the year", songs take first place in domestic charts.

23. 1994 is sacred for the great artist, it is in this year that his solo program “I am not Raphael” is released, which he dedicates to his parents.

24. In 1995, Kirkorov participates in Eurovision for the first time, he takes 17th place, but in subsequent years he actively helps his young colleagues, who, in turn, achieve great results. It is because of this that friends call the producer "Mr. Eurovision".

25. In 2001, in the United States, this selfless person was awarded the title of "Goodwill Ambassador" as a singer whose boundless talent and unique voice can unite countries, bring goodness, give love and inspire hope.

26. In the same year, the charismatic Philip received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

27. Starting from 2000 and to this day, this incredible person annually receives several domestic and foreign awards for his huge contribution to the development of Russian culture.

28. The artist's Instagram has 1,309,000 followers.

29. In 2002, the singer staged a musical for the first time on the Russian stage, in which he himself plays one of the main roles.

30. The filmography of this wonderful actor has 47 roles of the first and second plan. And his infinitely charming "Saint Valentine" won the hearts of millions of women.

31. To date, this many-sided talent is one of the most popular singers in Russian show business, a witty host of several author's shows, a fair member of the jury, a wonderful son and father.

32. In May 2004 an event occurred, after which Kirkorov disappears from television screens and print publications for some time. Interviewing the singer, the Rostov journalist Irina Aroyan asked him several provocative questions, and covertly accused the singer of plagiarism. To which the angry artist yelled at the girl, using obscene expressions addressed to her. The victim filed a lawsuit and sued the offender for 60,000 rubles.

33. The next scandal related to the outrageous performer occurred in December 2010. This time, the verbal skirmish between him and the assistant director of the Golden Gramophone award, Marina Yablokova, turned into a fight. According to the girl, Kirkorov hit her in the face, grabbed her by the hair, threw her to the floor and kicked her. Witnesses from the side of the singer denied the fact of the beating, but a criminal case was nevertheless opened. At that time, some show business stars, in particular: Valeria and Joseph Prigogine, Alexander Novikov and the victim. Many colleagues of the artist supported him. The singer himself at that moment left for Israel, where he underwent a rehabilitation course in a psychiatric clinic. Returning after treatment, Philip Bedrosovich publicly apologized to Yablokova, justifying his behavior by the presence of a serious illness.

34. After 2 years, a new scandal erupted on Twitter, involving a people's artist. This time, the well-known Russian rap artist became his opponent, who published on his Twitter his disagreement with the fact that most of the music awards went to Kirkorov undeservedly. The singer's response was immediate and quite harsh, after which the founder of "Black star" sang the humiliating song "Come on, goodbye"!

35. To date, the conflict between these stars has been settled. Moreover, at the last Muz TV award, both performers sang a duet.


36. The first and only wife of the people's artist was the Russian pop prima donna Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. The soothsayer Vanga predicted the wedding with her still little Kirkorov, who said that the boy would marry the woman whom he would see first after his illness. By an amazing coincidence, having come to his senses, the young man went into the room of his father, who was watching TV, on which Pugacheva was just speaking. Philip's parents were friends with Alla Borisovna's family, and he himself often played with Kristina Orbakaite, so he repeatedly appeared in their house and could watch his beloved for hours. For many years, an ardent admirer did not dare to confess to the Primadonna his feelings. They worked together, traveled a lot, and were there all the time.

37. Caring for Alla Borisovna, a young man in love gave her a bouquet of roses every day, increasing the number of flowers every day.

38. The most magnificent bouquet consisted of 113 roses.

39. Romantic Kirkorov came to his bride in a huge fairy-tale carriage drawn by three horses.

41. The wedding took place in one of the most magnificent cathedrals in Jerusalem 2 months after the wedding.

42. At home, the prima donna called her famous husband "camel."

43. The marriage lasted 11 years. However, the former spouses still maintain warm friendly relations.

November 44, 2011 for the singer became one of the most important periods in his life. On November 26, Philip's daughter was born. Beauty Alla Victoria was born in America. The father gave the child a double name, saying that he named the girl Alla in honor of his only muse Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, and Victoria in memory of his mother Victoria Likhacheva. Kirkorov admitted that these three women are the most important people in his life.

45. June 29, 2012 Honored Artist of Russia became a father for the second time. The younger heir of Kirkorov is his son Martin-Christin.

46. ​​As you know, both times the singer resorted to surrogate motherhood.

47. Today, his children live in a huge house near Moscow with their dad and grandfather.

48. The well-known TV presenter and co-owner of a network of fashion boutiques Natalya Efremova became their godparents.

49. Pope Philip spoils his kids a lot and shows them to the public more and more often.

50. In one of the interviews, he admitted that his children live in a full-fledged family and they are raised by mom and dad. However, it is not yet known what kind of woman lives in the Kirkorov family, and who she is to the singer.

Other facts

51. Hobby Kirkorov

He is actively involved in sports, which allows him to keep a good shape, and also devotes a lot of time to reading.

52. A joke on Pugacheva

Alla Pugacheva was forced to make excuses to many friends after Kirkorov published a star on the Alla of Fame in Hollywood with Alla's name on one of the social networks.

It was just a joke from her ex-husband, but Pugacheva immediately began to call and congratulate, for which she was clearly not ready. Most likely, the name was superimposed on one of the empty stars.

Name: Philip Kirkorov

Age: 49 years old

Place of Birth: Varna, Bulgaria

Height: 198 cm

Weight: 95 kg

Activity: singer, composer

Family status: divorced

Philip Kirkorov - biography

Philip Kirkorov is a star that has been shining on the national stage for many years. At times, extremely intrusive. He is known for his songs, turbulent personal life and numerous scandals. In recent years, Philip Bedrosovich has been mainly engaged in producing. In his free time, to the delight of journalists, he stirs up conflicts and files lawsuits. The biography and creative path of the singer is the topic of this article.

Philip Kirkorov - childhood

Philip's father is a Bulgarian singer of Armenian origin. The name of Bedros Kirkorov is known in Russia, first of all, thanks to the famous son.

Philip got used to touring life from an early age. Parents often took a five-year-old boy with them on trips. Once a young son, after his father's performance, went on stage and presented the performer with a bouquet of red carnations. Bedros introduced the future singer to the public. The little boy was applauded for the first time.

Philip Kirkorov, of course, is an eccentric personality. But on the Russian stage there is hardly a person about whom so many legends would be created. Stories about Kirkorov are usually negative. When he was at the zenith of fame, out of nowhere, former classmates and "friends" of childhood began to appear, assuring that the singer was unbearable in adolescence, he studied poorly, and dressed exclusively in women's tights for physical education lessons. For which he was awarded general contempt. Kirkorov has neither the strength nor the time to pay attention to such stories. His creative life is in full swing, and he prefers to direct accusations of slander and dissemination of false information against representatives of the "yellow press".

Philip Kirkorov - the beginning of a career

For the first time, Kirkorov performed on stage as part of the Wider Circle project. The debut in his creative biography was the performance of a song in Bulgarian. After school, Philip applied to GITIS. However, he did not pass the competition and went to Gnesinka. The boy of Armenian-Bulgarian origin was not rejected at the Academy of Music. Unlike the admissions committee of the Institute of Theater Arts, Gnesinka's teachers appreciated the applicant's vocal abilities.

In Moscow, Ilya Reznik helped Kirkorov realize his creative potential. At one of the concerts organized by the popular songwriter, Philip made his real debut. And around this period, Kirkorov met his future wife Alla Pugacheva.

According to family tradition, Kirkorov met Vanga as a child. The soothsayer promised him that he would marry quite successfully. And his wife will be the first woman he sees upon returning home. When the boy, exhausted from a long journey, was brought home, he slept soundly. On TV, meanwhile, broadcast the concert. Little Philip, according to the stories of his parents, suddenly woke up at the moment when the famous Alla Pugacheva was announced on television.

Many years later, the young singer came to work at the Song Theater, organized by the prima donna of the Russian stage. Pugacheva reacted favorably to the young performer. However, they soon fell out. They got married only five years later. Star marriage was registered by the mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak (Father of the notorious Ksenia Sobchak). The guests invited to the wedding were all celebrities. The singer's daughter, Kristina Orbakaite, learned about this event from the evening news.

The family personal life of Pugacheva and Kirkorov lasted more than ten years. The reason for the divorce is not known for certain. There is a version based on the debts of Kirkorov, which appeared as a result of his activities as a producer. There are other assumptions. But the most common version is that the marriage of Pugacheva and Kirkorov is a kind of project aimed at raising the rating. Her marriage, as well as the life of Kirkorov Pugacheva, was excellently staged. But every project, as you know, has a beginning and an end.

Philip Kirkorov's career

In the late nineties, Kirkorov was awarded several awards, including the Ovation Prize. In 1995, the singer represented Russia at Eurovision. However, participation had a symbolic meaning. Kirkorov took 17th place. But a year later, the singer's creative career took off. Since 1996, he has become known not only in Russia, but also abroad. It was at this time that he was awarded the prestigious World Music Awards.

Producer activity of Kirkorov

In 2002, Kirkorov received the right to stage the Russian version of the famous musical Chicago. The singer participated in this project not only as a producer, but also as a performer.

The failure at Eurovision haunted the ambitious artist. However, Kirkorov did not try his hand again as a performer. He began writing songs and producing. However, the singer's wards also did not enjoy success at the international competition. Angelica Agurbash took thirteenth place. Dmitry the sorcerer - the sixth. With Ani Lorak, Kirkorov was much more fortunate. The Ukrainian singer took an honorable second place.

In 2016 he represented Russia at Eurovision

Philip Bedrosovich Kirkorov - the king of the Russian stage, singer, actor, people's artist of the Russian Federation, producer, arranging chic shows with a crowded and professional ballet and with the best musicians

Date of Birth: April 30, 1967
Place of Birth: Varna, Bulgaria
Zodiac sign: Taurus

"Yes, I've always wanted to please and I'm not ashamed of it! That's why I'm doing these crazy tours, that's why I'm doing these painted planes and these expensive shows!”

“I immediately open up, my soul is wide open, I immediately give everything away. From the outside it seems that I fell in love, that my roof went crazy. And if I'm friends, then I'm friends, if I hate - that's all! And then, over the years, it somehow became quieter. I already protect myself, I can sometimes have heart problems from an overabundance of some feelings in one direction or another.

Biography of Philip Kirkorov

Bulgarian father, Russian mother, and they met and fell in love in Moscow. Mom, Victoria Markovna (nee Likhacheva) - the host of the concerts. Father, Bedros Filippovich - pop tenor. Among Kirkorov's ancestors are Bulgarians, Jews, Gypsies, Armenians and a "pinch" of Russians.

The parents were always there. Mom was and is his guardian angel. Even now, when she is no longer there (she died on Philip's birthday - April 30, 1994). And without a dad, an artist is nowhere: dad is at all presentations, tours, concerts, he controls the whole situation. As Kirkorov himself says, “My dad is a talisman. He must be everywhere with me. This is the only close adult left in my life.

Philip in childhood, at school, as he himself puts it, was an ugly duckling until grade 6-7: small, fat, chubby. And suddenly, in one summer, he stretched out. He understood that he was far from Apollo, not James Bond, and not a superstar. But in the 10th grade he made up his mind, graduated with honors from school. There was a desire to become an actor, but he failed in the exams at GITIS. And he entered the Gnessin State Musical College, and in 1988 he graduated with honors.

Kirkorov's career

After the Gnessin School, Philip Bedrosovich had to go on distribution to the Omsk Drama Theater. But a chance acquaintance with the director of the Leningrad Music Hall Ilya Rakhlin and ... an incredible resemblance to the then popular singer Sergei Zakharov provided him with completely different prospects. And soon he was already performing with the theater troupe in the then famous revue theater in the center of Berlin "Friedrichstadtpalast" - as a presenter and as a soloist.

And then he fled to Moscow, unable to withstand the St. Petersburg climate. He came to the Alla Pugacheva Theater and stayed there for two years.

During this period, Philip performed for the first time at the "Christmas Meetings" in 1990 the song "Heaven and Earth", which brought Philip his first popularity. Could Kirkorov then think that only a few years would pass, and he would become the most desired performer for the viewer after the prima donna Alla Borisovna? Not only will everyone know him - recognition does not at all guarantee audience love. People will want to listen to it!

But back to the time when Kirkorov was in the troupe of the Alla Pugacheva Theater. At first, it somehow didn't work out. And one day he plucked up the impudence and asked Pugacheva: “You don’t love me? I sang the song “You are not more beautiful”, and you cut it out!” Well, Alla Borisovna kicked out the young singer ... for bad behavior.

It was then that Philip began his solo career. And two years later, Kirkorov and Pugacheva got married. The influence of Alla Borisovna affected all areas of Philip's life, including the formation of his sense of style.

Now Kirkorov is a star of such a level that they are happy in all cities and countries.

Creative failures and ups of Kirkorov

The first major failure was Eurovision 1995: 17th place with 23 participants. Then Kirkorov's production project, the musical "Chicago", failed. Philip was responsible for the show here, and Alla Borisovna attracted investors. But the project went bankrupt and was closed in 2003. Six months before that, a tragedy happened - a terrorist attack in the building of the Theater Center on Dubrovka during the musical "Nord-Ost", and people simply stopped going to theaters, and even more so - to musicals.

Well, in 2004, there was that memorable press conference in Rostov-on-Don on the occasion of Kirkorov's all-Russian tour, at which journalist Irina Aroyan asked him a question: “Why are there so many remakes in your repertoire?” - and received a "multi-story" obscene answer. The organizers of the concerts and colleagues in show business announced a boycott to Kirkorov ... however, after six months everything was forgotten.

In December 2010, Kirkorov broke loose again: now he beat the director's assistant Marina Yablokova. Then the artist confessed to a mental disorder. At the same time, according to the results of 2010, according to VTsIOM polls, Kirkorov again became the number one singer in Russia.

But Philip Bedrosovich had many successful projects - these are concert programs: "Atlantis", "I'm not Raphael", "The best, beloved and only for you!", "Oh, mom, chic ladies!", "DruGOY", "I ".

He is the winner of awards: "Ovation", "Golden Gramophone", "Singer of the Year", World Music Awards - as the most popular performer in Russia.

Kirkorov produced and quite successfully, many stars - such as Anastasia Stotskaya, Ani Lorak, Dmitry Koldun, Anzhelika Agurbash, Greek star Sakis Rouvas, Danila Kozlovsky, Sergey Lazarev.

Kirkorov's maternal grandmother, Lydia Mikhailovna Manion, was a circus performer and took little Philip to the circus from childhood. Maybe that's why he loves dressing up so much, bright, sometimes even clown costumes. Yes, he says about himself: “I change costumes, carnival bags, and I like it wildly. I am a clown."

Personal life

For more than 10 years, Kirkorov was married to the prima donna of the national stage - Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. But their marriage fell apart.

In 2011, Philip Bedrosovich became a father: first, the daughter Alla-Victoria was born - the girl was named after Alla Pugacheva and Philip's mother, Victoria. And then the son Martin-Christine was born.


Studio albums
1990 - "Philip"
1990 - "Sinbad the Sailor"
1991 - "You, you, you"
1991 - "Heaven and Earth"
1992 - "So-and-so"
1994 - "I'm not Rafael"
1995 - Primadonna
1995 - "Tell the Sun:" Yes! ""
1998 - "With love for the only"
1998 - “Oh, mom, chic ladies!”
2000 - CheloFilia
2001 - Magico Amor (Spanish language album)
2001 - "In love and insanely lonely"
2003 - "Stranger"
2004 - Duets
2007 - For You
2011 - "DruGOY"
2016 - "I"

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