Biography. Malakhov Gennady Petrovich Folk medicine Malakhov


Nina Mikhailovna Malakhova


Leonid and Ekaterina Malakhov


Gennady Petrovich Malakhov(September 20, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov region) - Russian TV presenter, promoter of a healthy lifestyle, author of non-academic publications on ways to improve the body.


In 1986, Malakhov organized his Vigorous club, in which he told how "cleanse the liver and eat right". A lot of people came. We did yoga, gymnastics, a little wu-shu.

In the mid-1990s, Malakhov's first books were published - "Healing Forces" 1 and 2 volumes.

In September 2010, Gennady Petrovich suddenly disappeared from the television screen - he did not appear at the next recording of the Malakhov + program, due to the fact that he simply disappeared in an unknown direction. Later he was found at his dacha near Rostov. Malakhov said he was tired of filming.

A television

Since January 2011, he has been filming in the project of the Ukrainian TV channel INTER "Healthy Boules with Malakhovim". Since May 2012, after a two-year break, he returns to Russian TV to host the program “Visiting Gennady Malakhov” on Channel Eight.

Since June 2012, he has been participating in the TV show “With the New House” on the Russia-1 TV channel as an expert in traditional medicine.

Treatment Methods

Most of the treatments recommended by Malakhov, without reference to specific scientific medical publications, have nothing to do with the treatment and prevention of specific diseases. Gennady Petrovich, guided only by abstract methods of treatment that do not have official medical verification in practice, promotes “healthy” nutrition, fasting, and various options for cleansing the body using “folk” methods. Responsibility for the application of the means and procedures recommended by him may be assigned to only for patients and, due to lost time for treatment, they can lead to more painful and difficult treatment procedures in formal medical institutions.


The medical figures below warn that the prescriptions offered by Malakhov can lead to serious health consequences, even death. The danger of the recipes promoted by Malakhov (urine therapy, treatment with kerosene, etc.) is exacerbated by their widespread advertising in the media and books published in millions of copies. So, V. D. Topolyansky, associate professor at the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, calls Malakhov's advice "nonsense":

Malakhov says that ground eggshells and bones of marine fish will help with coxarthrosis. But this is nonsense. Coxarthrosis has a different nature, and, without knowing the reasons, this shell can bring a person to disability ... The host Malakhov evokes one association in me - Malakhov Kurgan in Sevastopol, where there was a monument to an unknown sailor. And I don't know how many people, having listened to his advice, will lie down in the new Malakhov Kurgan. I'm not talking about the recommendation for a wet cough to exclude dairy products. She looks fantastic to me. With the air of an augur, he broadcasts that they promise us a lunar day. It turns out that on December 14 they will stimulate aggression and appetite. When a psychiatric patient says this, I don't argue with him. But I'm not going to argue with Malakhov either.

S. Varshavchik, television critic for Novye Izvestia, reports that “Specialists consider the healing methods of Gennady Malakhov nothing more than pseudoscientific”.

Yuri Polyakov, psychiatrist, candidate of medical sciences, believes that

Scandal on the Internet

"Special" breathing does not affect the diabetic in any way, but squats can slightly reduce blood sugar. But the fact that the boy allegedly "cured" is not Malakhov's merit! The fact is that the child is now on the so-called "diabetes honeymoon", starting about a year after the confirmation of the diagnosis of "diabetes of the 1st degree". Insulin levels rise sharply at this time.

But this is the natural course of the disease! And now you can’t cancel insulin for a child. The task of doctors is to stretch the "honeymoon" for as long as possible.

But, unfortunately, over time, the disease still comes back. And how the boy will survive this is unknown!

Chief Physician of the Clinic of Endocrinology of the Moscow Medical Academy. I. M. Sechenov Vyacheslav Pronin confirmed in an interview with Gazeta.Ru that “it is possible to “burn sugar” with squats, but this will not lead to a cure for diabetes, diabetes today is generally incurable. In addition, heavy physical activity, which undoubtedly includes squats, in light of the cessation of insulin use, will lead to a very poor prognosis. Specifically - to a coma and death. The positive impact of specific sharp breathing in the treatment of diabetes is also nonsense. In general, if we start from evidence-based medicine, all these methods do not stand up to criticism.

sudden disappearance

In early September 2010, Gennady Malakhov did not go to the shooting of the Malakhov + program. The administration of Channel One failed to contact the healer and find out the reason for his absence. A few days later, Gennady Malakhov gave an interview in which he said that he had left for his hometown of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky in the Rostov region and was not going to act in the program anymore, explaining this by the expiration of the contract and severe fatigue.

Gennady Malakhov launched a talk show on the Inter TV channel.


  • G. P. Malakhov Creation of own system of improvement. - St. Petersburg. : Kit, . - T. 4. - 320 p. - (Healing powers). - ISBN 5-88596-008-9
  • G. P. Malakhov Biorhythmology and urinotherapy. - St. Petersburg. : Kit, . - T. 3. - 352 p. - (Healing powers). - ISBN 5-88596-008-9
  • G. P. Malakhov Biosynthesis and bioenergetics. - St. Petersburg. : Kit, . - T. 2. - 320 p. - (Healing powers). - ISBN 5-88956-005-64
  • G. P. Malakhov Body cleansing. - St. Petersburg. : Kit, . - T. 1. - 368 p. - (Healing powers). - ISBN 5-88596-007-0
  • G. P. Malakhov Healing powers. - M.: Kit, . - 376 p. - ISBN 5-88596-007-0
  • He was parodied five times in the TV show Big Difference as a co-host of the Malakhov + program on Channel One by the artists of the group Fyodor Dobronravov and Sergey Burunov.

see also


  1. Author of books Gennady Petrovich Malakhov
  2. Malakhov: a locksmith who wishes you well
  3. Newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda"
  4. Malakhov G.P. Excerpt from the book “I am 50 years old - a spiritual experience”.

Collection of books

The methods of treatment of Gennady Malakhov were based not only on a combination of certain substances, plants, medicinal herbs. At some point, gymnastic and yogic exercises and practices were also added to them. Thus, the healing effect on the body was carried out by several methods at once.

Living water

The book describes the mechanism of the impact of urine on the human body. The ancient methods of urine therapy are disassembled, an explanation is given for a number of healing mechanisms using urine. Based on the author's research, an extended multifaceted urine therapy is proposed.

healthy eating

All questions related to nutrition and digestion are considered. Practical recommendations are given on the proper preparation and use of food, on the combination of various products. Recipes of dishes most useful for human health are given.

Healthy spine - beautiful posture, excellent health

The author offers readers a complete course of recovery and strengthening of the spine, based on the author's method of recovery. "The system of recovery of the spine, which I propose in this book is a natural and drug-free approach to your own body."

Women's health: every woman should know

Everyone needs health, but women need it doubly. A sick woman is a disaster for the whole family and, of course, for herself. Only in rare, exceptional cases, men, children, people around, and even women themselves consciously do everything to become sick, to lose their health as quickly as possible.

Men's health: treatment and prevention of diseases

Most of the diseases that men face are often related to their lifestyle. Alcohol, smoking, overeating, lack of physical activity entered their daily lives. But it is this lifestyle that leads to the appearance of various diseases. Knowing the causes of their occurrence, you can choose effective ways to help your body.

Wellness tips for every day 2006

This diary calendar is a specialized reference guide for those who study Malakhov's books. This calendar book provides health recommendations based on the best time to use them in 2006, as well as a variety of tips and explanations to help promote health.

Wellness is the way to life

Health is the most valuable gift that nature brings us. A man in the bustle of life imprudently squanders it. I realized it - troubles began, trips to doctors, pharmacies, the search for scarce medicines. To restore health, the author believes, is possible in another way - by overcoming one's habits, inclinations that create a comfortable, but destructive life for one's own body. This work is not easy, but grateful, for it brings healing.

Rejuvenation and restoration of the body

The author offers the most effective and proven methods of cleansing the colon, liver, kidneys, body fluids, frontal and maxillary sinuses, joints. After the correct implementation of cleansing procedures, an elderly person will feel renewed, rejuvenated.

Developing your own wellness program

How to find "one's own" among the numerous health systems? An analysis of the most famous domestic and foreign copyright healing systems will help you choose the one that suits you from the existing systems of Shatalova, Ivanov, Garbuzov and Gogulan. The author's advice will help readers take the best, given their problems and characteristics.

Self-healer of the XXI century

The well-known author Gennady Malakhov helps the reader understand the causes of his illness and take independent steps to restore and strengthen it. Health-improving measures for the treatment of a number of diseases (recipes, tips, recommendations) with scientific justification and the sequence of their implementation are given. For a wide range of readers. Be healthy!!!

The secret and hidden meaning of the Malakhov system

This book is a necessary addition made by me, R. Chabrov, in collaboration with G.P. Malakhov and commented by him. This addition reveals the deepest meaning of the practice of cleansing the body and offers the reader a sensational decoding of G. Malakhov's system.

Healing powers. Volume 1

In the book you will find unique recommendations for healing with non-traditional methods; exercises that allow you to mobilize the body's defenses and get rid of various diseases; methods of cleansing the body of decay products that depress vitality. The book is intended for a wide range of readers.

Reader Comments

Artem/ 23.12.2018 Rare charlatan

Light of Reason/ 1.12.2018 Gennady, I am very happy for you, but the fact is the fact - there is NO SYSTEM in Malakhov's books. So there can be no talk of any "linking them as a whole with a complete recovery system".

Michael, I have been doing martial arts, qigong and TCM for over 40 years. Indeed, this has nothing to do with Malakhov's "system". As for urinotherapy - it's all very individual. On the contrary, I know people who have been helped by drinking their own urine. As for external use - I can say from experience - for cuts and burns - THERE IS NO BETTER MEANS THAN URINE.

Michael/ 4.07.2018 Let's continue the criticism of this "teaching". In modern yoga, Ayurveda, Tamil siddha recipes, Tamil siddha recipes, TCM, there is no urine anywhere as a medicine. Again, nowhere. And once again - in the yoga tradition, urine was practically not used, in the Taoist tradition ((Huang Lao Xue) - there was nothing like that either.
Secondly, only a very proud person could call himself Ganesha (i.e. God of Wisdom) - i.e. subject to the sin of pride. And the founder of all pride, according to Christianity - the Fallen Angel - he is Lucifer.

Gennady/ 4.06.2018 I am 65 years old. I am full of strength and vigor, I have overcome several serious health problems. And this is only thanks to the books of Gennady Malakhov, which I have been using since 1995 in everyday life. One can argue a lot about where he got these materials from, about their non-systematic nature and the like, but these are the words of those who really did not delve into the essence of his healing methods and did not apply them correctly on themselves.
During this period of my life, I have read many books by various healers, but I have not found a more complete and systematic practice of maintaining health and getting rid of diseases. His books contain the best recipes and practices from around the world, including yoga and chshud shi, Chinese and Japanese teachings.
Criticism of his books is typical for those who, without understanding the fullness of his teachings, try to criticize individual Malakhov's methods without linking them as a whole with a complete system of healing.
If you want to be healthy - read, apply, share with others!

Michael/ 04/07/2018 Consider some of the practices proposed by G. Malakhov from the perspective of Taoist practices and qigong.
A healthy person does not need to fast. A sick person with lack of appetite may go hungry a little and better in the warm season. Prolonged fasting not only debilitates, but also cools the body. If you combine it with douches and an ice hole, then cold (Yin) easily penetrates the body and subsequently this can lead to early rheumatism, kidney disease, and impotence. The way out of hunger on citrus fruits - cools the body even more - these fruits are very yin.
If we talk about urinary starvation, then one of my acquaintances died from it (more precisely, from its consequences).
If we talk about vegetarianism - then here's an example for you - one familiar Kalmyk of 50 years old told me that those people who are now 80-90 years old - at a young and mature age, flocks of sheep grazed all day, and their only food was mutton broth , which was cooked on fire for several (!) Hours. To this was added a few herbs and that's it. Not raw or vegan. And many of these old people have kept all their teeth, they hear well and they have no problems with their joints. Why so? Sufferers will find the answer in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), as well as the proper way to make this soup.

Light of Reason/ 02/24/2018 "With the world on a thread - a naked shirt" - Russian folk wisdom says. It is on this principle that the "healing system" of Gennady Petrovich Malakhov was built. Disappointed (and rightly!) in the "official" "pill" medicine, he began to look for alternative methods of treatment. And found. BUT! Being a lonely self-taught, Malakhov simply "picked up" techniques from all the sources available at that time - a few officially published books on oriental medicine (like Gavaa Luvsan) and, to an even greater extent, "samizdat" photocopies (like John Armstrong's "Living Water"). Hence - fragmentary, unsystematic, chaotic nature of his (pardon the tautology) "system".

Meanwhile, much of the so-called "folk" medicine is completely incompatible with the same "eastern" medicine. For example, COLD PURCHASES, rubbing with snow and other techniques from "Kids" by Porfiry Ivanov. Because, according to the canons of Tibetan medicine, cold can accumulate in the body, and "hardening" procedures in childhood, having really given a "positive effect" in those years when a person is "at the peak" of his health (20-40 years old), can "backfire" when the body's energy supply runs out or decreases significantly (after 50-60 years). That's when the accumulated "cold" and will make itself felt in the form of all kinds of articular and other sores. The only exception here is yogis who practice "tummo" techniques, which dry wet pieces of fabric with the heat of their bodies in 40-degree frost. However, they will not come up with the bad idea of ​​dousing children with icy water in the cold or forcing them to trample snow with their bare feet.

In general, the "Malakhov system" is a "hodgepodge". And before you use any of it, try to get acquainted with the PRIMARY SOURCES. Moreover, now, unlike the times of the USSR, there are a dime a dozen good books on zhen-chju, and on Ayurveda, and on other oriental and folk healing systems.

Another point that I would like to draw attention to is that Malakhov began to "tailor" his recommendations "to the consumer." In the first editions of his books, he wrote about cleansing the liver, that you need to use lemon juice. In response, I received a bunch of letters from readers on the topic "in our city you will not find lemons at this time of the year during the day with fire." And therefore, in subsequent editions of his books, he wrote that, in the absence of lemons, a SOLUTION OF CITRIC ACID can be used. "Citric acid" is a PRODUCT OF CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS. DO NOT use it as a substitute for natural lemon juice!

In general, when reading Malakhov, ALWAYS "turn on your brains." And do not do anything until you firmly understand WHAT EXACTLY you are doing, FOR WHAT, WHY, and WHY EXACTLY THIS.

Lena/ 10/17/2015 I am writing my review with joy because my sense of smell has become aggravated, my vision has improved and I believe that my hearing will improve in speed!!! Oh, I forgot - my headache instantly disappeared without a trace - for two days I just treated sinusitis and what results, Lord !!! Bravo, bravo to you, Gennady, Warrior of Light! I have always been your supporter, and when the Disease "got" - I opened your book, read it and Ayda! My bow to you, admiration and recognition for your work, thank you a hundred times, be happy, create and dare! We are with you, your fans. I love!

Vladimir/ 03/18/2015 It is necessary to drive him with a filthy broom, a fucking charlotte, and television to responsibility for false information.


Julia Savelyeva/ 2.04.2014 I really want to know about Uncle G.P. Malakhov, whose recipes he shares. This man spoke on the Moscow Region radio, telling wonderful things about restoring health. At the end of the 20th century, he was already under 100 years old. Unfortunately, I don’t know his first and middle names, but his last name is the same. He was very offended by his nephew, who never mentioned and does not mention him anywhere.

Guest/ 15.12.2013 anida
ochen jal chto peredelali programmy dobrogo zdorobisa nam ona ochen nyjna

Vera/ 4.12.2013 I came across your book "Water of Life" I suffered a lot from itching in my genitals during menopause. This went on for several years. I didn't want to live. Cataracts developed, I could not read and knit. I suffered from constant constipation to the point that it was difficult to walk. A mole has grown on his chest. She was brought down with a diuretic, I washed my eyes with urine - I read and knit, the rest passed from microclysters with morning urine, the weight falls. I spent four months on this and not a cent of money.

Guest/ 2.12.2013 Now I am 58. At 30 I had health problems. I read all the books then.

Guest/ 10/22/2013 Vivat, Gennady Petrovich! May God bless you with health and long life! And don't pay attention to those who bark - as the saying goes...

Gennady Petrovich Malakhov was born on September 20, 1954, in the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov Region. In 1988 he graduated from the Central Order of Lenin Institute of Physical Culture in Moscow.

According to Malakhov himself, he came to the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle when, while trying to get involved in sports, he suffered a severe disease of the tonsils. Gennady tried to cope with the disease through self-treatment and for this he turned to a certain Yuri Pavlovich, a yoga practitioner who managed to raise himself to his feet with the technique of “correct” breathing. Later, Malakhov met the writer Vladimir Cherkasov, who gave him books by Paul Breguet and Shelton.

In 1986, Malakhov organized his Vigor club, in which he told how to cleanse the liver and eat right. A lot of people came. We did yoga, gymnastics, a little wu-shu.

In the mid-90s, Malakhov's first books were published - "Healing Forces" 1 and 2 volumes.

Married, has two children.

A television

Since 2006, together with Elena Proklova, she has been broadcasting Malakhov + on Channel One.


“Life is the most precious thing a person has, and it is strange that, having gained intelligence by the age of thirty or forty, a person no longer has the strength and health to go further with this mind. Illness is an inferiority complex, overt or covert, it is a barrier to what you could be. And for those people who subtly feel their illness, life becomes a curse. But a lot can be fixed.”


Doctors warn that the recipes offered by Malakhov can lead to serious health consequences, even death. The danger of the prescriptions promoted by Malakhov (urine therapy, treatment with kerosene, etc.) is exacerbated by their widespread advertising in the media and books published in millions of copies. So, V. D. Topolyansky [source?], an associate professor at the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, calls Malakhov’s advice “nonsense”: “Malakhov says that ground eggshells and bones of marine fish will help with coxarthrosis. But this is nonsense. Coxarthrosis has a different nature, and, without knowing the reasons, this shell can bring a person to disability ... The host Malakhov evokes one association in me - Malakhov Kurgan in Sevastopol, where there was a monument to an unknown sailor. And I don't know how many people, having listened to his advice, will lie down in the new Malakhov Kurgan. I'm not talking about the recommendation for a wet cough to exclude dairy products. She looks fantastic to me. With the air of an augur, he broadcasts that they promise us a lunar day. It turns out that on December 14 they will stimulate aggression and appetite. When a psychiatric patient says this, I don't argue with him. But I’m not going to argue with Malakhov either.”

S. Varshavchik, a television critic for Novye Izvestia, reports that "specialists consider the healing methods of Gennady Malakhov nothing more than pseudoscientific."

Yuri Polyakov, psychiatrist, candidate of medical sciences, believes that “for specialists, the pseudoscientific essence of Gennady Malakhov's theories of recovery is obvious. The situation is by no means neutral. One can easily demonstrate the danger of some of his recommendations. Firstly, it concerns the urine therapy widely advertised by him (treatment using urine). It is known that the daily amount of urine in humans contains up to 20-40 mg of corticosteroids and their metabolites. Evaporation of urine “according to Malakhov” leads to an increase in the concentration of steroid hormones. As a result, patients undergo long-term uncontrolled hormonal "treatment" in unacceptable doses. Receiving additional portions of hormones, the adrenal cortex is rapidly aging, the result - diseases of the elderly will come much earlier: menopause, osteoporosis, obesity ... Another recommendation - "cleansing the liver" with large doses of oil - is categorically contraindicated in the presence of gallstones, it can complications. Meanwhile, Malakhov advises performing this cleansing even with cholelithiasis, essentially putting patients on the verge of life and death.

Place of Birth Website FreakRank

Gennady Petrovich Malakhov(September 20, 1954, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov Region) - Russian TV presenter, "folk healer", promoter of a healthy lifestyle, author of numerous books on various methods of healing the body, many of which most experts call pseudoscientific.


Gennady Petrovich Malakhov was born on September 20, 1954, in the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov Region. After school, he graduated from vocational school with a degree in electrical engineering. In 1988 he graduated from the Central Order of Lenin Institute of Physical Culture in Moscow.

According to Malakhov himself, he came to the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle when, while trying to get involved in sports, he suffered a severe disease of the tonsils. Gennady tried to cope with the disease by cleansing the body and for this he turned to a certain Yuri Pavlovich, a yoga practitioner, who managed to raise him to his feet with the technique of “correct” breathing. Malakhov later met writer Vladimir Cherkasov, who gave him books by Paul Bragg, Shelton.

In 1986, Malakhov organized his Vigor club, in which he told how to cleanse the liver and eat right. A lot of people came. We did yoga, gymnastics, a little wu-shu.

In the mid-1990s, Malakhov's first books were published - "Healing Forces" 1 and 2 volumes.

Married, has two children.

Gennady Petrovich is an academician of the Uzbekistan Institute of Traditional Medicine, a member of the International Union of Charitable Organizations "World of Good", holder of the highest public awards of Russia, included in the Golden Book of the nation.

A television

On April 10, 2006, Channel One first aired a TV show about a healthy lifestyle called Malakhov plus Malakhov with the main presenter - Gennady Malakhov and co-host - Andrey Malakhov.

Since May 2006, after Andrey Malakhov left the TV show, the program was renamed Malakhov + and Elena Proklova became the co-host of Gennady Malakhov.

Treatment Methods

Most of the treatments recommended by Malakhov, without reference to specific scientific medical publications, have nothing to do with the treatment and prevention of specific diseases. Gennady Petrovich, guided only by abstract methods of treatment that do not have official medical verification in practice, promotes “healthy” nutrition, fasting, and various options for cleansing the body using “folk” methods. Responsibility for the application of the means and procedures recommended by him may be assigned to only for patients and, due to lost time for treatment, they can lead to more painful and difficult treatment procedures in formal medical institutions.


Doctors warn that the recipes offered by Malakhov can lead to serious health consequences, even death. The danger of the recipes promoted by Malakhov (urine therapy, treatment with kerosene, etc.) is exacerbated by their widespread advertising in the media and books published in millions of copies. So, V. D. Topolyansky, associate professor at the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, calls Malakhov's advice "nonsense":

Malakhov says that ground eggshells and bones of marine fish will help with coxarthrosis. But this is nonsense. Coxarthrosis has a different nature, and, without knowing the reasons, this shell can bring a person to disability ... The host Malakhov evokes one association in me - Malakhov Kurgan in Sevastopol, where there was a monument to an unknown sailor. And I don't know how many people, having listened to his advice, will lie down in the new Malakhov Kurgan. I'm not talking about the recommendation for a wet cough to exclude dairy products. She looks fantastic to me. With the air of an augur, he broadcasts that they promise us a lunar day. It turns out that on December 14 they will stimulate aggression and appetite. When a psychiatric patient says this, I don't argue with him. But I'm not going to argue with Malakhov either.

S. Varshavchik, television critic for Novye Izvestia, reports that “Specialists consider the healing methods of Gennady Malakhov nothing more than pseudoscientific”.

Yuri Polyakov, psychiatrist, candidate of medical sciences, believes that

Scandal on the Internet

"Special" breathing does not affect the diabetic in any way, but squats can slightly reduce blood sugar. But the fact that the boy allegedly "cured" is not Malakhov's merit! The fact is that the child now has a so-called “honeymoon”, starting about a year after the confirmation of the diagnosis of diabetes of the 1st degree. Insulin levels rise sharply at this time.

But this is the natural course of the disease! And now you can’t cancel insulin for a child. The task of doctors is to stretch the "honeymoon" for as long as possible.

But, unfortunately, over time, the disease still comes back. And how the boy will survive this is unknown!

Chief Physician of the Clinic of Endocrinology of the Moscow Medical Academy. I. M. Sechenov Vyacheslav Pronin confirmed in an interview with Gazeta.Ru that “it is possible to “burn sugar” with squats, but this will not lead to a cure for diabetes, diabetes today is generally incurable. In addition, heavy physical activity, which undoubtedly includes squats, in light of the cessation of insulin use, will lead to a very poor prognosis. Specifically - to a coma and death. The positive impact of specific sharp breathing in the treatment of diabetes is also nonsense. In general, if we start from evidence-based medicine, all these methods do not stand up to criticism.

See also section

Gennady Petrovich Malakhov is one of the most discussed personalities on Russian television. The author of several books on health, popularizer of non-traditional methods of treatment and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the author of many of which is himself, the TV presenter is sharply criticized by qualified doctors. Are there those who have been helped by Malakhov's methods to recover from serious illnesses?

Early years: place and date of birth, childhood

TV presenter, author of several books and pseudoscientific publications about various methods of healing, urinotherapist was born on September 20, 1954. The biography of Gennady Malakhov began in a small industrial town in the center of the Rostov region - Kamensk-Shakhtinsky. There is no information about the parents of Gennady Petrovich in open sources. From numerous interviews and publications, it is known that in childhood he was the most ordinary guy, was not interested in non-traditional methods of treatment and did not even dream of working on television. Gennady went in for sports, studied at school for a full eleven classes.

The education of a Russian writer

After leaving school, Gennady Malakhov entered a vocational school, where he began to study as a locksmith, while simultaneously doing physical training. After graduating, he received the specialty "electrical fitter" and a rank. Gennady Petrovich got a job in his specialty, but did not stay in the working profession for long. The young man decided to continue his education and entered the Central Institute of Physical Culture. He dreamed of a good education, so he went to conquer the capital of our country - Moscow. Gennady managed to enter the chosen university the first time. Gennady graduated from the Institute in 1988, when he was already 34 years old. It would seem that it was training in this profile that determined the future activities of Gennady Malakhov, but fate decreed otherwise.

Passion for a healthy lifestyle

How did Gennady Malakhov begin to get involved in non-traditional methods of treatment and healing of the body? This did not happen at the institute, although the young man went in for sports since childhood and, one might say, followed the principles of a healthy lifestyle. But a common illness became decisive in his later life and career. When trying to leave the sport, Gennady Petrovich suffered a severe pathology of the tonsils. He tried to cope with a complex disease on his own, as traditional medicine did not help. To do this, he turned to a certain Yuri Pavlovich.

What is known about Yuri Pavlovich is only that he is a yoga coach who helped Gennady Petrovich improve his health. He managed to recover by doing breathing exercises. The disease receded, but left behind a passion for non-traditional methods of treatment. Then Malakhov began to get involved in the works of famous authors from the USA and Europe. He read Norman Walker, Paul Bragg, Herbert Shelton and others. It was these authors who influenced his worldview and life attitudes.

It is also known that Gennady Malakhov (he would write books on his own later, at that time the man had just begun to “comprehend” alternative medicine) met a follower of the teachings of P. Ivanov, writer V. Cherkassov. Ivanov called himself the Winner of Nature, the Teacher of the people and the God of the Earth. He was also known by the nickname Parshek. This is the creator of the health system, which gained some popularity in the USSR. Ivanov himself went barefoot, could easily endure frost and cold, dressed only in shorts, went without food and water for a long time, and practiced dousing. He led this way of life for 50 years, in total he lived 85 years.

Jobs: alternative medicine and writing books

Gennady Malakhov on television

In 2006, a TV show about a healthy lifestyle was first broadcast on Channel One. The program of Gennady Malakhov was called "Malakhov plus Malakhov", he hosted it together with Andrey Malakhov - a showman, journalist, editor of StarHit magazine and a teacher of journalism at the Russian State University for the Humanities. A month and a half later, Andrei left, then they changed the name - "Malakhov +". Gennady's co-host was Elena Proklova, a Soviet and Russian actress and TV presenter.

Four years later, an exceptional case occurred. The program of Gennady Malakhov did not go on the air, it was urgently replaced by "Meet the Parents". A follower of alternative medicine simply did not show up for the shoot. His neighbors said that Gennady tried to commit suicide but stopped in time. Later, he told reporters that he was tired, he had neither moral nor physical strength left to continue working on television. In addition, the presenter said that his brainchild has recently "lost its nationality", "became heavy."

The program changed its name, so Malakhov decided to terminate the contract with Channel One. Representatives of the TV company replied that he could do this only if he paid a penalty. It was necessary to pay 1.5-2 million rubles. Malakhov then complained that he had a weak heart, during the filming he injured his back. The program was closed, until November 2012 only reruns aired.

After this incident, in 2010, Malakhov switched to Channel Eight. There he became the host of the program "Visiting Gennady Malakhov." Then he became widely known for saying on the air about the possibility of treating chickenpox with vodka. In 2011, Gennady Malakhov began talking about cleansing the body already at Inter (Ukraine). The telecast was called "Healthy Boules with Malakhovim."

In 2012, Malakhov took part in the program "With the New House" on "Russia-1". There he acted as an expert on non-traditional methods of treatment. From 2012 to 2014 Gennady Petrovich worked with Angelina Vovk. He led "Good health!" on Channel One. In addition, he took part (2016) in the Tabletka program. Since the autumn of the same year, he became the host of Tabletka on TV-3.

Sharp criticism of treatments

Qualified doctors have repeatedly argued that the methods of treatment offered by Gennady Petrovich not only do not help, but can also be dangerous. The consequences are up to death. Malakhov offers treatment with kerosene, urine therapy and other very unusual ways to eliminate diseases. This is aggravated by widespread advertising in the media and large circulations of books by his authorship. So, associate professor of the medical academy. Sechenova calls the recommendations of the TV presenter "nonsense." Experts consider Malakhov's methods to be pseudoscientific.

Most of the viewers who watched his programs also leave negative reviews. People understand that the advice of an adherent of alternative medicine can be life-threatening. Nothing is known about whether the recommendations of Gennady Malakhov helped someone. Such reviews in open sources could not be found.

Internet scandal involving Malakhov

Once again, the name of Gennady Malakhov was recalled in a scandal in 2010. Then the “medic” showed in the program a boy with diabetes who “jumped off” insulin. The boy was treated with proper breathing and squats. Experts commented on this by saying that the little patient had just observed the so-called “diabetes honeymoon”. This condition, which occurs about a year after confirmation of the diagnosis, is characterized by an increase in insulin levels. But this is a normal course of the disease, and in no case should the patient stop insulin.

Personal life of Gennady Petrovich

The personal life of Gennady Malakhov is not discussed in the media, but it is known that he is married to Nina Mikhailovna Malakhova. The couple have a daughter, Ekaterina, and a son, Leonid. Gennady notes that the family helps him in writing "medical" books. This applies primarily to the wife, little information is known about the children. Leonid managed to start a family, and Ekaterina received the specialty of a linguist-translator.

Malakhov Gennady Petrovich now

What is the presenter doing now? The last project at the moment with the participation of Gennady is the ABC of Health. The program is aired on the TV-3 channel. In an interview, Gennady Petrovich continues to give advice on a healthy lifestyle. For example, for the general tone of the body, providing energy and improving health, he recommended doing enemas with coffee. This was in 2017.

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