Biography. International Public Foundation "Experimental Creative Center" (Center Kurginyan MOF-ETC) Sergey Kurginyan politician

Sergei Yervandovich Kurginyan is a geophysicist, politician, political scientist, artistic director of the theater-studio "On the Boards", founder of the left-wing movement "The Essence of Time", advocating for the restoration of the USSR, head of the Kurginyan Center Foundation.

He is the author of many articles analyzing world political processes, topical problems of social life, catastrophe theory, decision-making strategies, has written more than a dozen books (“October Lessons”, “Political Tsunami”), and also acted as a co-host in television programs and was a participant various TV programs.

In a number of media, he was attributed to the "sixth column" inside the Kremlin, which initially stood for European values, for Russia's non-interference in the events in the Donbass, for integration into the Western world, seeing in its representatives not so much enemies as competitors.

Childhood and youth of Sergei Kurginyan

Kurginyan was born on November 14, 1949 in the capital in the family of a historian and philologist. His father was a professor specializing in the study of the Middle East and was born in a small Armenian village, his mother was a researcher at the Institute of World Literature. A. Gorky. Native mothers, grandfather and grandmother of Sergei, were nobles.

As a child, Serezha dreamed of becoming an artist, so he actively participated in amateur performances, attended a school drama club and played in performances. However, he failed to enter the theater school after school. But he became a student at a geological exploration university, where already in his 2nd year he began to direct the created amateur theater.

After graduating from the university in 1972, the young man worked at the Institute of Oceanology, and over time became a researcher and candidate of science. In 1980, he went to work at his native geological exploration institute.

Combining scientific activity with a passion for artistic creativity, Sergei remained the director of the theater-studio organized during the student period, and also graduated in absentia in 1983 from the school named after. B. Shchukin.

Bibliographers noted with interest that the current adherent of the USSR in Soviet times was not at all a supporter of the existing system. On the contrary, he emphasized the horror and bloodiness of the Stalinist regime and the fact that he, a descendant of a noble noble family and the grandson of his grandfather, had nothing to respect the Soviet government for.

Sergey Kurginyan Center

In 1986, the geophysicist's favorite brainchild, his theater, was recognized as a state theater and acquired the name "On the Boards", and Sergei himself left work in his first specialty and devoted himself to creativity.

The activities of the future political scientist as a drama director were not very successful in those years. The only performance "Shepherd" based on the play "Batum" by Mikhail Bulgakov, staged by him in 1992 on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater, failed. However, in economic activity, on the contrary, he succeeded.

In 1987, on the basis of his theatre-studio, the Experimental Creative Center (ETC) was established. With the support of his initiative, Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Moscow City Council Yuri Prokofiev, the Center was provided with a number of premises in the very heart of the capital in Vspolny Lane and allocated funds.

In 1990, the ETC received the right to be called the International Public Foundation or the Kurginyan Center. In 2004, the center also earned the high status of an organization affiliated with the UN Department.

Political career of Sergei Kurginyan

Sergei Yervandovich supported perestroika and all the undertakings of Mikhail Gorbachev. But he never wanted the collapse of the USSR, but advocated the modernization of the administrative-command system. He joined the ranks of the CPSU in order to implement his ideas of preserving and improving statehood, opposed the democrats, who were eager for the death of the empire.

Thanks to the mediation of the head of the Moscow City Executive Committee Prokofiev, he, as part of a group of political experts, visited Baku to assist in resolving the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. The report on the results of the trip, presented by him to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the party, contained accurate forecasts of the development of the situation. Therefore, Kurginyan began to be attracted as an expert in the future. He traveled to Karabakh, Lithuania, Dushanbe.

In 1991, he was an unofficial adviser to Gorbachev, who proposed a plan for the country's exit from the crisis being implemented by the president. However, Sergei Yervandovich himself claimed that he had differences of opinion with the head of state regarding ways to lead the party and the USSR out of the impasse.

He supported the State Committee for the State of Emergency during the August coup, announcing this in the publication "I am the ideologist of the state of emergency." He subsequently accepted one of the conspirators, the head of the KGB, Vladimir Kryuchkov, into his ETC.

During the internal political conflict of 1993, he ended up in the premises of the Supreme Council. Adherents of the move to Ostankino put him out the door as an opponent of this decision. He immediately informed the public about their intentions.

Sergey Kurginyan about Navalny

In 1996, the politician called on big businessmen to take the pro-state side. As a result, the appeal “Letter of 13” appeared in the press, signed, in particular, by the heads of LogoVAZ Boris Berezovsky, the Siberian Oil Company Viktor Gorodilov, AvtoVAZ Alexei Nikolaev, Alfa Group Mikhail Fridman, Menatep Mikhail Khodorkovsky containing proposals for a way out of the crisis and support for Boris Yeltsin. Later, the result of the interaction of big business with the head of state was the emergence of an oligarchic political system in the Russian Federation.

Personal life of Sergei Kurginyan

The politician is married to Maria Mamikonyan. They met and got married while studying at the institute. Today she is an artist of the theater "On the Boards", an employee of the ETC, the head of the "Parental All-Russian Resistance" (RVS), which deals with the problems of family protection and education. The organization denies the Western model of education, advocates a ban on sexual education of children.

In April 2015, in St. Petersburg, the action of the RVS to distribute its newspaper in the schools of the country caused a public outcry. Many deputies of the Legislative Assembly were outraged that children were actually made the target of political propaganda. Moreover, according to parliamentarians, the publication presented a distorted view of the country's history.

The couple has an adult daughter, Irina, born in 1977, who also works at the Kurginyan Center. By education, she is a historian, candidate of sciences. Ira is raising a daughter.

Sergei Ervandovich was fond of new types of theatrical forms. Therefore, he was among the first participants in the experiment to organize self-financing theatrical groups, creating "On the Boards". When it turned out that Melpomene was not inclined to reciprocate his feelings, he found an equally interesting calling - he discovered and developed the talent of an expert analyst. The center named after him, working on the principle of a kind of family contract, publishes newspapers, magazines, books of political content.

Sergey Kurginyan today

In 2011, the "aggressive patriot", as he was called in the media, founded the left-wing patriotic movement "The Essence of Time". His appearance is associated with the talk show "Court of Time" and subsequent lectures on the global network, where he expounded his views. Being the leader of the established structure, he held rallies, burned a sign of purity and protest in front of the public - a white ribbon.

In 2012, the politician was among the initiators of measures to prevent the "Orange Revolution" in the Russian Federation, like the Ukrainian one - in particular, he established the "Anti-Orange Committee", which opposes the collapse of the Russian Federation. Representatives of the opposition forces accused him of working for Vladimir Putin.

In 2013, Sergei organized the Parents' Congress, which established the All-Russian Parental Resistance, chaired by the wife of the politician, Maria Rachievna Mamikonyan. The President of the country looked at the event and made a short speech.

Political scientist Sergei Kurginyan about Vladimir Putin

In 2014, the political scientist visited Donetsk, where he convicted Igor Strelkov of betrayal, causing outrage and controversy in Internet forums. As noted in the media, a politician has a unique quality - the ability to take the pose of an oppositionist and at the same time maintain absolute loyalty to the current government.

"Aggressive patriot" - this is how the leading media call Sergey Kurginyan. His biography is amazing: despite the fact that he belongs to the opposition, Sergei never spoke out against the current government, demonstrating loyalty. Kurginyan belongs to the "6th column", which stands for integration with the West, for the development of strong partnerships.

Childhood and youth

Sergey was born in 1949 in Moscow, his parents are scientists. Father Yervand Amayakovich is a historian, mother Maria Sergeevna worked as a senior researcher at the Institute of World Literature. Gorky. Sergey's nationality is Armenian. The maternal grandmother is a nee princess, and the grandfather along the same line is a hereditary nobleman of Swedish blood.

Little Seryozha wanted to become an artist, so he was an active participant in amateur performances at school, participated in productions. He failed to enter the theater. But in the 2nd year of the geological exploration university, where Kurginyan was taken, he created an amateur troupe and began to lead it.

After receiving a diploma in 1972, Sergei was hired by the Institute of Oceanology, where he defended his Ph.D. After 8 years, the young scientist returns to his native geological exploration already as a researcher. Despite the stormy scientific activity, he does not leave either the theater-studio founded, or the dream of a theatrical future. In 1983 he graduated from the school in absentia. Shchukin, receiving the specialty "drama directing".

In 1986, the theater was recognized as a state theater, it was renamed "On the Boards". Sergey leaves science and completely devotes himself to creativity. His directorial activity in those years cannot be called successful - the only production based on the play "Shepherd" in 1992 failed. But Kurginyan discovered a talented business executive in himself.

In 1987, on the basis of the studio, an "Experimental Creative Center" was established, which was allocated a building in the center of the capital and funds for development. Three years later, the "ETC" was renamed the International Public Foundation "Center Kurginyan".

Politics and journalism

Vigorous activity led the former researcher into politics. He initially advocated perestroika and supported politics. However, he did not understand the meaning of the ideas of the collapse of the USSR, he proposed steps to modernize and strengthen the union. He became a member of the CPSU, opposed the Democrats and tried to introduce the ideas of preserving a great country. In 1991, Sergei became an unofficial adviser to the head of state.

Thanks to his acquaintance with the head of the Moscow City Executive Committee, Prokofiev, Sergei Kurginyan, together with political experts, was sent to Baku to help resolve the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. The report, which he submitted at the end of his trip to the Central Committee, contained accurate forecasts of the further development of the situation. Sergei began to be regularly involved in such events, sent to Lithuania, Tajikistan and Karabakh.

In the August coup, he supported the Civil Code of the State of Emergency. In 1996, Sergei called on influential businessmen to turn their faces to the state. As a result of painstaking work, the "Letter of Thirteen" was issued, which was signed by the mastodons of entrepreneurial activity, Gorodilov, and 9 other people. The letter contained real proposals for a way out of the economic crisis and support.

Since coming to power, he has not been active in politics, becoming a political scientist and analyst. In 2011, he founded the patriotic movement "The Essence of Time", held rallies and recorded lectures with his views, posting them on his official website. But in general, his vision does not contradict the activities of the current president, some left-wing activists even accused him of working for Putin.

Personal life

The political scientist has been married since his student days to Maria Mamikonyan. The wife also leads an active social activity, plays in the theater "On the Boards" and heads the association "Parental All-Russian Resistance". Maria, together with like-minded people, denies the European model of education, opposes the lessons of sexual education in Russian educational institutions.

In 2017, at the third congress of her organization, Mamikonyan presented an alternative report to the president on the sensitive topic of juvenile justice in Russia, citing horrific, unreasonable examples of the removal of children from families. Note that this congress was attended by deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council, and Vladimir Putin himself was present at the first congress in 2013.

Maria and Sergey are accomplished parents, their daughter Irina is already 41 years old, and she is raising her daughter herself. Irina has an education in history, she is a candidate of sciences, she works for her father at the Kurginyan Center. The woman is not a public figure, she does not maintain accounts in social networks, there are much more articles with her authorship on the Internet than photos.

Sergey Kurginyan now

Sergey is an emotional person, and, as they say in his circles, narcissistic. Sometimes Kurginyan's actions and speeches seem provocative: in 2011, on the radio Echo of Moscow, he threw a glass of water in Roman Dobrokhotov's face. In 2014, a political scientist, having visited Donetsk, tried to convict him of betrayal. Nevertheless, he often becomes a guest of analytical and political programs, an expert and critic.

In 2017, the political program "Right to Know" was released with the participation of Kurginyan. The program is full of interesting arguments, historical facts, looks at one go. Until now, on the TVC website, where the recording is located, viewers leave reviews about the ingenious and consistent logic of Kurginyan.

Currently, Sergei writes articles and books, periodically travels around the country with lectures, which, according to rumors, are forcibly driven to students. On the eve, he wrote down and posted on the Web an opinion about the candidates, including Fr. He supports changing the KPRF representative, but admits that the candidate is too inexperienced for this level of political office. The day after the presidential election, a program was released with Sergei admitting that he had voted in support of Putin.


  • 1993 - "Post-perestroika"
  • 1994 - "Russia: Power and Opposition"
  • 1995 - "The Russian Question and the Institute of the Future"
  • 2006 - “Weakness of strength. Analytics of closed elite games and its conceptual foundations”
  • 2008 - “Swing. The conflict of the elites - or the collapse of Russia?
  • 2011 – “Political tsunami. Analysis of events in North Africa and the Middle East»
  • 2012 - "The essence of time in 4 volumes"
  • 2015 - "Red Spring"

Soviet and Russian politician, theater director, political scientist and leader of the Essence of Time movement

Sergey Kurginyan

short biography

Sergey Yervandovich Kurginyan(born November 14, 1949, Moscow, USSR) - Soviet and Russian politician, theater director, political scientist and leader of the Essence of Time movement. Until 2012, he was a permanent co-host of the political talk show "Historical Process" on the TV channel "Russia".

Born in a Moscow family of scientists. Father - Yervand Amayakovich Kurginyan (1914-1996), historian, "originally from a remote Armenian village." Mother - Maria Sergeevna Beckman (1922-1989) was a senior researcher at the Literary Theory Department of the Gorky Institute of World Literature, a specialist in T. Mann, and the author of a number of monographs. Maternal grandfather, Sergei Nikolaevich Beckman - a hereditary nobleman, a descendant of the Swede Beckman, who came to Russia and entered the service of Ivan the Terrible, and the Polish noble family Bonch-Osmolovsky, a white officer who went over to the Reds, was shot in 1938. Maternal grandmother - Maria Semyonovna Beckman, nee Princess Meshcherskaya from Smolensk.

Graduate of the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute with a degree in geophysics (1972). In 1978 he defended his thesis "Development of methods for quantitative interpretation of the frequency characteristics of the field on the complex frequency plane in the methods of electrical exploration and deep geoelectrics", becoming a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. He was a researcher at the Institute of Oceanology of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1974-1980), until 1986 he was also a senior researcher in the laboratory of applied cybernetics of the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute.

Theatrical career

Since 1968, he directed the theater group at the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute. In absentia he graduated from the Theater School. B. Shchukin (1983) majoring in drama directing.

He was a member of the commission on new theatrical forms of the Union of Theater Workers of the RSFSR and the initiator of the socio-economic experiment "Theatre-studio on a collective contract." Participation in this experiment in 1986 took part in the theater-studio created by S. Kurginyan in his student years, together with the studios of M. Rozovsky, “In the South-West”, “Man”, etc. Based on the results of the experiment, the theater received the status of an experimental state theater with self-financing ( professional theater-studio "On the boards"). The theater of S. Kurginyan professes a philosophical and metaphysical approach to the phenomena of our time.

In 1992, he performed at the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky's production of the play "The Shepherd" based on the play by M. A. Bulgakov "Batum".

Experimental Creative Center

According to economist Sergei Aleksashenko, Kurginyan took part in the so-called "nomenklatura privatization", against which he himself repeatedly actively opposed. As Aleksashenko noted, by special permission of the district executive committee, Kurginyan received two buildings for the “Experimental Creative Center”. Kurginyan himself confirmed that he really received these buildings on the balance sheet, but denied the assessment of this as "receiving ownership."

Since the 1980s, Kurginyan, in parallel with theatrical activities, has been analyzing the political process. In November 1987, the Executive Committee of the Moscow City Council, by decision No. 2622, created the "Experimental Creative Center" on the basis of the theater-studio "On the Boards" and provided it with a complex of premises in Vspolny Lane, opening funding for their reconstruction. In January 1989, Kurginyan headed the organization of a new type, the Experimental Creative Center, created by the Moscow City Executive Committee on the basis of the theater. In 1990, he received the name of the International Public Foundation "Experimental Creative Center" (MOF ETC, "Center Kurginyan"), Kurginyan became its president. On July 4, 1991, the MOF ETC was registered with the Ministry of Justice as an independent public organization. Since December 2004, the ETC has had the status of a non-governmental organization associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information.

Political activity

In 1988, he joined the CPSU to try to stop the collapse of the USSR. After applying to the Central Committee of the CPSU with a proposal to provide expert assistance in resolving the looming Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict through the mediation of Vyacheslav Mikhailov (at that time an employee of the apparatus of the Central Committee of the CPSU, head of the department of the Central Committee of the CPSU for interethnic relations), he was sent with a group of analysts to Baku. The result of the trip was the report "Baku" dated December 15, 1988. The report went directly to the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, after that S. Kurginyan was involved by the CPSU Central Committee as a consultant and repeatedly traveled to "hot spots" (Karabakh, Vilnius, Dushanbe) on behalf of Central Committee of the CPSU and the Supreme Soviet of the USSR for the examination of conflicts.

In the course of working with the Central Committee of the CPSU, he received the support of the second (then first) secretary of the CPSU MGK Yuri Prokofiev, who supported the idea of ​​​​S. Kurginyan about relying on the intellectual layer (primarily the scientific and technical intelligentsia) in order to take the modernization barrier by the country. In September 1990, at a brainstorming session at the USSR Council of Ministers, Kurginyan proposed to carry out harsh confiscation measures and mass repressions against "shadow economy businessmen". At that time, he maintained close ties with the People's Deputy of the USSR, the head of the Soyuz deputy group Viktor Alksnis.

Sergey Kurginyan ( on the background) at the forum "Caucasus Today and Tomorrow: Open Dialogue of Youth".

In the spring of 1990, he ran in the elections for people's deputies of the RSFSR on the lists of the Block of Social and Patriotic Forces "Towards People's Consent" in the Chertanovsky territorial district No. 58 of Moscow. The election program of candidate S. Kurginyan proposed a strategy for the national salvation of Russia, aimed at preventing the collapse of the Russian economy, society and state. In an appeal by a group of voters who supported candidate S. Kurginyan, in response to the question of where to get the money for the implementation of this program, it was indicated that Russia annually loses huge amounts of money due to the unfair distribution between the Union republics of the USSR, for long-term construction and allied "projects of the century" etc. With the seceding republics, it was proposed to switch "to settlements at world prices for raw materials." The Russians were offered "sparingly and prudently", like the Japanese, to invest all the released funds in the program of national salvation of Russia.

In July 1990, Kurginyan wrote a memorandum to the Central Committee of the CPSU, which stated that “the USSR is becoming essentially a fictitious state entity, an unnecessary and burdensome superstructure for all, without exception, subjects of statehood, de facto already declaring their fullness as states in full sense of this word.<…>The only possible course for the current political leadership of the USSR is the so-called. “royal idea”, that is, the most powerful conceptual idea that allows you to create a new subject in the shortest possible time.<…>Such a state should be a part of the USSR, larger than Russia, and inevitably smaller than today's USSR.

According to Kurginyan, in 1991 he refused to become an adviser to the President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev due to differences in views on ways to bring the Communist Party and the country out of the impasse. However, according to the former People's Deputy of the USSR Viktor Alksnis: “S. Kurginyan was an unofficial adviser to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU and even M. Gorbachev. It was S. Kurginyan who then proposed to Gorbachev his plan to bring the Soviet Union out of the crisis, and he began to implement it. Briefly, the essence of this plan was that Gorbachev should unite the centrist forces of the Soviet Union, cut off the radicals from the left and right, create a powerful centrist bloc of political parties and movements, relying on which to begin reforms in the country.

He politically and morally supported the State Emergency Committee (whose speech was not directly related), shortly after the failure of whose speech he published the article "I am the ideologist of the state of emergency." According to Kurginyan himself, he learned about the State Emergency Committee on the morning of August 19, entering the office of Oleg Lobov, First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. After the release of the former Chairman of the KGB of the USSR Vladimir Kryuchkov from custody in January 1993, he took him to work at the Experimental Creative Center.

In May 1992, on behalf of the Postperestroika club, he distributed the document “At the last line. Memorandum on the Possible Reconciliation of Russia's Constructive Forces", in which he called for the creation of a coalition government of "democrats who have not tarnished their honor by cooperating with an anti-people course, advanced and progressive-minded patriots, communists oriented towards the future development of the country, as well as representatives of the leadership of industry devoted to the national interests and agriculture, farmers, entrepreneurs, bankers, leading trade unions of the country.”

In March 1993, according to some reports, Kurginyan became an adviser to the chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, Ruslan Khasbulatov. However, Khasbulatov himself denies that Kurginyan worked as an adviser to him. During the events of September - October 1993, he was in the building of the Supreme Council, opposing the supporters of the forced solution of the crisis by force from among the opposition security forces and political radicals (V. Achalov, A. Barkashov, A. Makashov, S. Terekhov, etc.) and pointing on the dangerous lack of resources - power, political, information and others - among the supporters of the Supreme Council for the success of such actions. He was the developer of a scenario for the behavior of the opposition forces, an alternative to the one that was implemented on October 3 (“the march on Ostankino”). In his opinion, the plan to march on Ostankino was provocative. Several times he disrupted provocations organized among the defenders of the building of the Supreme Council (the so-called "Sokolov rebellion", etc.), categorically objected to the incorporation into the environment of the defenders of the Barkashovites and other provocative elements. Conducted political dialogue and information campaign in favor of the Supreme Council. On September 30, the “party” of supporters of the campaign against Ostankino, who was inside the building of the Armed Forces, achieved the expulsion of S. Kurginyan as their dangerous opponent (according to another version, Sergei Yervandovich was escorted out of the territory by Barkashov’s associates, along with a Yakut found in a washstand). On the same day, S. Kurginyan addressed all the supporters of the Supreme Council with a warning about the impending provocation. The warning was transmitted through the channels of the Koltso information system that existed at that time, and also appeared on the tapes of official news agencies.

In March 1996, he invited representatives of big business to unite and take a constructive pro-state position, which was supposed to be a guarantee of maintaining the legal democratic political regime in the country. The result of this was the well-known "Letter of Thirteen", which was signed by such famous people as Boris Berezovsky, Mikhail Fridman, Mikhail Khodorkovsky. The publication of the letter became an important element of the political process that blocked the beginning development of events along the lines of 1993 (on March 17, 1996, deputies of the State Duma were unexpectedly evacuated from the building), associated with the fear of a part of the elites about the consequences of the expected loss of the 1996 presidential election by B. N. Yeltsin Head of the Communist Party G. A. Zyuganov. As a result, Boris N. Yeltsin was convinced that the elective option of extending his powers was promising. The escalation of events and the introduction of a state of emergency were prevented (the State Duma resumed its work, elections were held in the summer of 1996). However, the result of the interaction between Boris Yeltsin's entourage and major businessmen during the preparation and conduct of the 1996 elections was the emergence in Russia in 1996-1999. oligarchic political regime, the so-called. "seven bankers".

Kurginyan claimed that he participated in the dismissal of General A.I. Lebed from the post of Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

In early 2011, he created and led the Essence of Time movement, which included supporters of red revenge and the restoration of the renewed USSR, who gathered around the Essence of Time program cycle.

  • "Essence of Time"- the author's program of Sergei Kurginyan, which marked the beginning of the movement of the same name. Published from February 1 to November 17, 2011. A total of 41 issues and 2 special issues were published.

In December 2011, he twice publicly burned a white ribbon (a symbol of the protest movement in Russia at the turn of 2011-2012), which he called the symbol of a new edition of perestroika, Perestroika 2.

In the winter of 2012, together with a number of politicians, he spoke out against the threat of the "orange revolution" in Russia (it was named by analogy with the Ukrainian Orange Revolution), which, having begun in the form of the "Movement for Fair Elections", according to these politicians, used the form and methods of the Ukrainian scenario . In order to counter this threat, a broad “anti-orange coalition” of political and public organizations was assembled, in which the main unifying principle was to prevent the launch of the “orange revolution” in the country and which took the position of an alternative opposition, the “Third Force” in the events that took place. At the same time, on the initiative of S. Kurginyan, the “Anti-Orange Committee” was created, which included Maxim Shevchenko, Mikhail Leontiev, Alexander Dugin, Vadim Kvyatkovsky, Marina Yudenich. Kasyanov, Ryzhkov, Sobchak) and the “liberoids” was that, according to Kurginyan, they were striving for the “disintegration of Russia” and the launch of Perestroika-2.

During 2011-2012 at the head of the movement, the Essence of Time, together with a number of affiliated movements, organizations and public figures, holds a number of rallies in Moscow.

At the first stage (December 2011-March 2012) they were mainly devoted to the fight against the "orange coalition":

  • December 24, 2011, Altermiting "Collection Point", Vorobyovy Gory
  • February 4, 2012, Anti-orange rally, Poklonnaya Gora
  • February 23, 2012, Third Force Altermiting, All-Russian Exhibition Center
  • March 5, 2012, Mobilization rally, square

According to S. Kurginyan, by launching a series of rallies, he solved two problems: firstly, he counteracted the "orange" seizure of power by the radical non-systemic opposition; secondly, fixing the position “against the Orange, in opposition to Putin” to play along with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in order to develop its electoral success in the elections to the State Duma in December 2011. However, largely due to the lack of a clear position of the leadership of the Communist Party on the issue of opposition or vice versa , support for the "orange opposition" did not happen. Accordingly, the entire effect of the actions of S. Kurginyan was received by V. Putin, who won the presidential election and, most importantly, managed to consolidate this victory. An important factor in this was the loss of dynamism and, to a large extent, authority by the non-systemic opposition (the situation “the people against the authorities” did not happen). This was one of the results of mass rallies both by V. Putin's supporters themselves and by Kurginyan's "third force"; as a result, opposition representatives actively criticized S. Kurginyan, accusing him of working for Putin. Kurginyan became the object of a tough information campaign by the united non-systemic opposition, both radical left (“new left”, neo-Trotskyists, the most radical part of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, etc.), and liberal (B. Nemtsov, Ekho Moskvy, etc.).

In the future (since May 2012), the main attention is paid to the fight against juvenile justice (which, in addition to the main result, expands the socio-political base of support for the movement of S. Kurginyan "The Essence of Time"), moreover, as part of a broad coalition, including representatives of the ROC MP , and on their own resources:

  • May 15, 2012, Meeting against juvenile justice, Pushkinskaya Square
  • June 17, 2012, Coalition rally against the liberal course of the Kremlin, Revolution Square
  • July 1, 2012, Coalition rally of the broad patriotic opposition, Revolution Square
  • September 22, 2012, March and rally against the adoption of juvenile laws, Krymskaya embankment
  • On February 9, 2013, Sergey Kurginyan delivered an opening speech at the First Congress of Parents, in addition to him, the head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation Sergey Ivanov, the chairman of the synodal department for interaction between the church and society of the Moscow Patriarchate Vsevolod Chaplin, and also the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin spoke there. The forum was devoted to criticism of juvenile justice, reform of school education and the practice of adoption of Russian orphans by foreigners. Sergei Kurginyan called the organization "Parental All-Russian Resistance" "patriotic and opposition."

In June 2014, Kurginyan arrived in Donetsk. At the height of the Ukrainian crisis on July 7, Kurginyan criticized Igor Strelkov, the commander of the defense of Slavyansk, accusing him of leaving the city, trying to surrender Donetsk and going to Russia to overthrow Putin. In Donetsk, guarded by the Vostok battalion, Kurginyan held a press conference. Strelkov, who was then in Donetsk, sent Pavel Gubarev to Kurginyan, inviting Kurginyan to his place for a conversation and guaranteeing the safety of the Moscow guest. Kurginyan refused to come and insisted that Strelkov himself come to him.

Participation in TV projects

From July to December 2010, he was co-host of the TV program "The Court of Time" (together with Leonid Mlechin and Nikolai Svanidze as a judge) on Channel Five.

Author and host of the "anti-show" program "The Essence of Time", published since February 2011 on the Vimeo video hosting, the site of the Experimental Creative Center and the site of the virtual club "The Essence of Time". In the program, among other things, he expresses the idea of ​​the messianic role of Russia in the modern world.

From August 2011 to February 2012 - co-host (together with Nikolai Svanidze) of the Historical Process project on the Rossiya TV channel. In the spring of 2012, he announced his retirement from this program.


Wife - Maria Mamikonyan, Sergey's classmate at the Geological Prospecting Institute, actress of the On the Boards Theater, political publicist, employee of the Kurginyan Center, chairman of the Parental All-Russian Resistance.

Daughter - Irina, candidate of historical sciences, employee of the Kurginyan center.

There is a granddaughter.

Beliefs, attitudes

In 1991, he supported the idea of ​​the "Democratic Union" to create a Constituent Assembly to change the socio-political system:

My position is very much in line with the position of the Democratic Union, which speaks of a Constituent Assembly. I also believe that in order to change the Constitution and the socio-political system, we need a Constituent Assembly.

He also spoke out against Soviet democracy as a democracy that is no longer controlled by law, for the dictate of laws and strict adherence to the principle of a single lawmaker in the person of the union leadership:

After all, we have it like: either - Stalinism, or - the winds of democracy. The system is designed for an idiot. The whole political experience of the world suggests that just when these winds of democracy begin to blow in full force, everything ends in totalitarianism. Sooner or later, the people say: "We need a king, so that he cuts off everyone's head, but only one." And the Russian game begins: from lawlessness to dictatorship, from dictatorship to lawlessness, from lawlessness again to dictatorship ... After all, when I tell you about my hostility to democracy, I mean Soviet democracy. A democracy no longer controlled by law.

Newspaper "Change". No. 104-105, May 8, 1991

He advocated the transfer of power to the manufacturer:

And most importantly - this is my personal point of view - the power should be transferred to the manufacturer.

Newspaper "Change". No. 104-105, May 8, 1991

In 2007, before the presidential elections in Russia, he expressed the opinion that “the very principle of presidential power in Russia is more fundamentally constitutional than the principle that speaks of two terms of presidency,” and also expressed concern that “if Putin tries to move from the presidential post, although even a millimeter, he will ruin the system.

In 2011, after the congress of the United Russia party, commenting on the nomination of Prime Minister V. Putin by D. Medvedev as a candidate for the post of President of Russia, S. Kurginyan said that “the process that they wanted to turn towards a return to radical liberalism did not turn in this direction ", and also that "with the de-Stalinization of radical liberalism, the return to the already dead mythologems and types of social and other cultural life - all this is over for the near future." Addressing his supporters, S. Kurginyan also stressed that this did not happen thanks to "including our modest efforts."

He respects Lenin, Stalin and Beria and regrets that he failed to save the USSR. According to him, he feels personally guilty for the collapse of the USSR:

- I believe that my fault lies in the fact that I did not bring people out into the street. In 1991, I didn’t take people out into the street, because I loved the CPSU, I thought that it had potential, I worked for the CPSU, and I thought that it would take them out into the street. I placed the social energy in the hands of an institution I trusted. That's the only fault. I saved the situation there six times as an expert. But I did not become a street politician in 1991, because I thought that the street was right there, close by, so I would reinvent the wheel. But in 2012, I did something different.

From an interview with the Anti-Crisis Club

He characterizes the state of consciousness of modern Russian society as a catastrophe of meanings, which became one of the consequences of Perestroika and consisted in replacing ideal values ​​(communist ideals and related meanings) with material ones (consumption as the goal of life) instead of an equivalent replacement of some ideals with others. In the book “Esau and Jacob”, S. Kurginyan draws a parallel between this exchange and the plot of the biblical parable about Esau and Jacob, which describes how Esau, being the elder brother, sold his birthright to Jacob for lentil stew.

He believes that the only possible form of existence for our country is an empire as a union of equal peoples, and the Russian people should play a state-forming role in it and become its core, around which other peoples gather.

I am sure that Russia should abandon the idea of ​​joining Europe, since it is incompatible with the preservation of the integrity of the country and can take place only if the country collapses. He believes that Russia cannot enter Europe also because Russia is Europe, but different, that it is an alternative Europe, part of the Christian world, based on European culture and inheriting it, but leading its history from the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium), while modern Western Europe is the successor to the Western Roman Empire.

He notes the existence of a global development crisis: “A world without development is monstrous - it is a world of countermodern and postmodernity. And it becomes more and more impossible to develop according to the laws of modernity.” He claims that our country is the owner of a unique experience of an alternative (non-European) development path, since its modernization was not classical, it took place differently than in all other developed countries (these views are set forth in the series of programs "The Essence of Time"). So, in the release of the program "The Essence of Time" dated 10/25/2011, based on the concepts of a number of scientists, including V.I. Vernadsky, Nikolai Fedorov, A.A. not as it is prescribed by modernity" and that "Russia's desire to develop not according to the rules of modernity is not a whim, it is not Russian nonsense, but it is a world-historical salvation." He believes that the application of this experience will allow Russia not only to overcome regression itself and begin development, but also to show messianism by offering the whole world a way to overcome the crisis of modernity, in which development through classical modernization is no longer possible, because our country is “a source of knowledge about how develop not according to the rules of modernity”:

The question of the world-historical significance of Russia, its world-historical uniqueness, even at the bottom of its fall, lies in its exclusivity! What is she in?

The fact that only Russia in the whole world is capable of developing differently from what is prescribed by modernity. And she has not just an abstract ability to develop in this way. She has the historical experience of this other development! A century of historical experience!

He argued that for this reason they want to remove Russia from the historical stage:

Right now, at the bottom of its fall, Russia is the savior of mankind, because right now the world-historical task of development beyond modernity has arisen. Or development beyond modernity - or non-development, that is, fascism and death. The question is as acute as ever. And it is precisely because they want to remove Russia from the historical stage that it remains an opportunity for development in the 21st century - a living keeper of the knowledge of how to do it.

The Essence of Time Program, issue 38

Adheres to anti-liberal oppositional views and occupies an alternative oppositional niche, criticizing both the government and the liberal opposition, while considering the government a lesser evil. Since December 2011, he has been discussing political events and expressing his point of view on the political process in the cycle of analytical programs "The Meaning of the Game".

  • "The Meaning of the Game"- the author's analytical program by Sergei Kurginyan, which discusses issues of current politics. Published since December 9, 2011.

The word "liberoid" for S. Kurginyan is abusive, he uses this term to refer to that part of Russian liberals, which is characterized by extreme rejection of traditional Russian values ​​and conviction in the depravity of all stages of its history; at the same time, he notes that their political behavior violates all liberal norms accepted in the West. He also criticized Russia's entry into the WTO and spoke out in support of Patriarch Kirill.


Author of a number of books and many articles in the press, a frequent guest of analytical programs of the central channels of Russian television. Several times he participated in the TV show "To the Barrier" and "Duel", his "rivals" became:

  • Mark Urnov
  • Konstantin Borovoy
  • Nikolai Zlobin
  • Alexey Venediktov
  • Boris Nadezhdin
  • Leonid Gozman
  • Grigory Amnuel
  • Vyacheslav Kovtun
  • Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Creator, permanent leader and chief director of the theater-studio "On the Boards". Among the many performances of the theater during the years of perestroika, the performance "Transcript", staged on the basis of documentary materials from the XIV conference of the CPSU (b), sounded topical. In 1987, in European newspapers and magazines, the original production of the drama by A. S. Pushkin "Boris Godunov" was called "a play about the collapse of the first Russian perestroika."

In the early to mid-1990s, he was a permanent member of the Analytical Group of the Foreign Policy Association (the "Group of the Immortals", named after the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Alexander Bessmertnykh).

Since 1994, he regularly participates in international congresses and symposiums. Since 2001, he has been leading a permanent Russian-Israeli seminar on counterterrorism and international security.

In 1995 he participated, together with a group of other young intellectuals (S. Chernyshev, A. Belousov, V. Glazychev, A. Kuraev, V. Makhnach, V. Radaev, Sh. Sultanov and others), in the collection “Other. Reader of the new Russian self-consciousness.

He developed the concept of the fourth (besides modernity, countermodernity and postmodernity) option for the development of society - "supermodernity" (set out in the book "Esau and Jacob" and developed in the series of programs "The Essence of Time") as the only one suitable for the development of Russia.

He is the editor-in-chief of the scientific journal "Russia-XXI", which has been published since 1992, and the almanac "School of Holistic Analysis" (since 1998). Manages the intellectual discussion club "Meaningful Unity". He is engaged in the analysis of political processes in Russia and the world, post-capitalist ideologies, political philosophy and decision-making strategy.


  • response field
  • The Russian Question and the Institute of the Future
  • Post-perestroika: a conceptual model for the development of our society, political parties and public organizations 1990
  • The seventh scenario (in three parts: part 1 Before the putsch, part 2 After the putsch, part 3 Before the choice) 1992
  • Lessons of October (Lessons of bloody October) (published in the magazine "Russia XXI", No. 11-12, 1993) 1993
  • Russia: power and opposition 1993
  • The Weakness of Strength: Closed Elite Games Analytics and Its Conceptual Foundations 2006
  • Seesaw: Elite conflict or collapse of Russia? 2008
  • Kurginyan S.E. Esau and Jacob. - M.: MOF ETC, 2009. (information about the book on the MOF ETC website)
  • Current archive. Theory and practice of political games 2010
  • political tsunami. Analysis of events in North Africa and the Middle East 2011
  • Kurginyan S.E. The essence of time. Philosophical substantiation of Russia's messianic claims in the 21st century. - M.: MOF ETTs, 2012. - 1500 copies. (The book "The Essence of Time" on the website of the MOF ETC)

Criticism, reviews


  • Alexander Yanov in 1995 attributed Sergei Kurginyan to the smartest of the opposition ideologists.
  • The editorial of the Russian Journal notes that “on the basis of the “School of Holistic Analysis” created by Kurginyan, in recent years it has really been possible to obtain a new quality in the description of macro-regional and global processes, to ensure high efficiency in forecasting the development of a number of processes”
  • Simon Kordonsky described Kurginyan as "an outstanding intelligent person who combines all forms of research attitude to the world (director-conceptual, reductionist and expert)". According to Kordonsky, “The world of Kurginyan is a stage on which, under the unsleeping director’s eye of Kurginyan, a performance is unfolding, constructed by an expert Kurginyan on the basis of a reductionist (Kurginyanov’s) model of a fragment of history. The creative and political failures of such comprehensively developed intellectuals only add to their ardor, ambition and popularity in their native environment.
  • Vadim Joseph Rossman in 2002 considered Kurginyan one of the most consistent statesmen (etatists), who opposes fascist and Nazi ideologies
  • Vyacheslav Kuznetsov singled out the works of Sergei Kurginyan among "significant studies that offer interesting approaches to creating a methodology and theory of development culture."
  • Doctor of Historical Sciences Dmitry Levchik came to the conclusion that S. Kurginyan in 1991-1993 "demonstrated the continuity of the historical path of the USSR - Russia." He noted the merits of Kurginyan in debunking the ideological cliche about the "historical mistake" "on the path of development of our country."

Neutral and moderate

  • Doctor of Historical Sciences Alexander Repnikov (RGASPI), commenting on S. Kurginyan's article on the virtualization of life, the struggle of postmodernism with the individual and the ideology of "citizens of the world", generally shares the position of the author and regrets that now "this is the desire not to be, but to seem, the desire of the individual dissolves itself into nothing, in a kind of virtual game, the main goal of life for many.
  • In an article in the Izvestia newspaper, columnist Irina Petrovskaya, speaking of Kurginyan, noted: He takes it with his throat, temperament, often turning into a hysterical rage, the availability of arguments and a populist appeal to the people. This, in her opinion, is the reason for the regular support of Kurginyan in television voting.
  • According to APN observer Eric Lobach, Kurginyan is fulfilling two political technology orders. First: pre-election criticism of all political forces, except for United Russia; the second: "to drive a wedge between Russian patriots and Russian nationalists."


  • According to political scientist Andrei Piontkovsky Kurginyan unscrupulous enough in his means to defend a cause he sincerely believes to be right. As an example, he cites the Historical Process program dedicated to the fate of Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Kurginyan brought down on a man sentenced to a slow and painful death accusations so false and demagogic that even the official investigation, which hates its victim, does not dare to present them for a decade- said Piontkovsky. Piontkovsky also classifies S. Kurginyan as a major left-wing patriotic thinker.
  • Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Historical and Philological Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Pivovarov, opposing S. Kurginyan on the air of the “Historical Process” program and answering the question “Capitalism is able to stop wars?”, Answered: “I don’t know what capitalism is, I I don’t use the language, it’s not my language”, “your language of a semi-educated political economy teacher of the 70s doesn’t convince me, you can’t describe Western society in your categories, this is nonsense, stupidity and inadequacy.”
  • Andrey Kuraev called Kurginyan and other speakers at the February 4, 2012 rally "punk-Stalinists" and accused them of desecrating Poklonnaya Gora.
  • Economist and publicist Mikhail Khazin said live on the RSN: "Kurginyan is a political scientist ... he works to order."
  • Boris Altshuler, Deputy Commission of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation for Social Policy, Labor Relations and the Quality of Life of Citizens, President of the regional public organization for the protection of children's rights "Right of the Child": "For opponents of juvenile justice, in particular for Sergei Kurginyan, the law on public control over boarding schools goes in conjunction with the law on social patronage. The fact that they combine these laws is very bad. I know the pros and cons of the law on social patronage, but opponents, when they criticize the law on social patronage, do it unconstructively”

"Foundation in Cyprus"

In February 2012, information appeared on the Internet that Kurginyan "has a fund in Cyprus." For a little over a year, this information has been circulating on the Internet. Speaking to the public in Vladivostok in October 2012, Kurginyan made a statement that he has a foundation in Cyprus.

In March 2013, a publication on quoted Boris Nemtsov with a link to his Facebook page that Kurginyan has a fund registered in Cyprus. Kurginyan filed a lawsuit against him for the protection of honor and dignity and immediately denied this information, adding a public promise that if anyone proves that he has a fund registered in Cyprus, he will leave politics. Nemtsov commented on this situation in the following way: “The clownery consists in the fact that Kurginyan himself admitted that he has a fund in Cyprus, speaking in Vladivostok in October 2012. And then I forgot. Age…". During the meeting, Kurginyan's own lawyers suggested that the court not trust the words of his client, stating that he could accidentally or deliberately mislead listeners. On March 29, Nemtsov published a video on his blog where Kurginyan says that he has a fund in Cyprus, accompanying them a link to an extract from the Russian Unified State Register of Legal Entities, where on the 7th page there is information about the registration of the representative office of the Kurginyan Center Foundation in the Cypriot city of Larnaca, which is a branch of the Russian ETC and is not an independent legal entity in accordance with the legislation of both the Russian Federation and the Republic Cyprus, whose legislation provides for such a type of legal entity as a "Fund". Nemtsov also demanded that Kurginyan fulfill his promise and leave politics.

The case was considered on September 13 in the Presnensky District Court of Moscow. According to the defendant himself (Nemtsov), his statement contains inaccuracies that the MOF ETC (“Kurginyan Center”) is registered in Cyprus, since it is registered in Russia, and in Cyprus it has only a representative office, but this inaccuracy does not discredit the honor of the plaintiff. According to the court, these words of Nemtsov did not discredit part of the plaintiff, therefore he refused to satisfy Kurginyan's claim. Nemtsov said on his page on the social network that he won the lawsuit against Kurginyan: “ This faithful Putinist, patriot and statesman has a fund in Cyprus". On the same day, in a video message, Kurginyan drew attention to the fact that the defendant himself refuted his words, and also expressed his intention to appeal this decision.


  • On February 17, 2008, during the broadcast with E. Albats, after the presenter refused to apologize to him and turned off his microphone, S. Kurginyan left the studio.
  • On December 16, 2008, in the Clinch program on Ekho Moskvy, S. Kurginyan, who is a consistent opponent of Nazi ideology, threw a glass of water on Roman Dobrokhotov after he told him: “The same protest wave can go the way of Kurginyan - this is the most terrible path is the fascist path, brown" and "it seems to me that you treat blues better than oranges."
  • In 2010, after the tragedy at the Raspadskaya mine and a wave of protest rallies that swept across the country, Kurginyan organized a political landing in Mezhdurechensk. In the Zavtra newspaper, S. Kurginyan accused opposition media of “low-grade lies” that reported on low wages, poor working conditions for miners, and also overestimated the number of victims. Having made a psychological portrait of the co-owner of the mine G. Kozovoy, S. Kurginyan came to the conclusion that "the Raspadskaya mine for Kozovoy is a passionately loved woman." Analyzing the possible causes of the tragedy, S. Kurginyan argued that Raspadskaya is the most advanced mine in terms of mining technology and safety control technology, and also called a man-made special disaster as one of the versions of what happened.


Kurginyan Sergey Ervandovich

Russian Politician

Theater director

Leader of the Essence of Time movement

Sergei Kurginyan was born on November 14, 1949 in Moscow. He grew up in the family of a historian and philologist. His father was a professor specializing in the study of the Middle East and was born in a small Armenian village, his mother was a researcher at the Institute of World Literature. A. Gorky. Native mothers, grandfather and grandmother of Sergei, were nobles.

As a child, Serezha dreamed of becoming an artist, so he actively participated in amateur performances, attended a school drama club and played in performances. However, he failed to enter the theater school after school. But he became a student at a geological exploration university, where already in his 2nd year he began to direct the created amateur theater.

After graduating from the university in 1972, the young man worked at the Institute of Oceanology, and over time became a researcher and candidate of science. In 1980, he went to work at his native geological exploration institute. Combining scientific activity with a passion for artistic creativity, Sergei remained the director of the theater-studio organized during the student period, and also graduated in absentia in 1983 from the school named after. B. Shchukin.

Bibliographers noted with interest that the current adherent of the USSR in Soviet times was not at all a supporter of the existing system. On the contrary, he emphasized the horror and bloodiness of the Stalinist regime and the fact that he, a descendant of a noble noble family and the grandson of his grandfather, had nothing to respect the Soviet government for.

In 1986, the geophysicist's favorite brainchild, his theater, was recognized as a state theater and acquired the name "On the Boards", and Sergei himself left work in his first specialty and devoted himself to creativity.

The activities of the future political scientist as a drama director were not very successful in those years. The only performance "Shepherd" based on the play "Batum" by Mikhail Bulgakov, staged by him in 1992 on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater, failed. However, in economic activity, on the contrary, he succeeded. In 1987, on the basis of his theatre-studio, the "Experimental Creative Center" was established. With the support of his initiative, Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Moscow City Council Yuri Prokofiev, the Center was provided with a number of premises in the very heart of the capital in Vspolny Lane and allocated funds.

In 1990, the ETC received the right to be called the International Public Foundation or the Kurginyan Center. In 2004, the center also earned the high status of an organization affiliated with the UN Department.

Sergei Yervandovich supported perestroika and all the undertakings of Mikhail Gorbachev. But he never wanted the collapse of the USSR, but advocated the modernization of the administrative-command system. He joined the ranks of the CPSU in order to implement his ideas of preserving and improving statehood, opposed the democrats, who were eager for the death of the empire.

Thanks to the mediation of the head of the Moscow City Executive Committee Prokofiev, he, as part of a group of political experts, visited Baku to assist in resolving the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. The report on the results of the trip, presented by him to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the party, contained accurate forecasts of the development of the situation. Therefore, Kurginyan began to be attracted as an expert in the future. He traveled to Karabakh, Lithuania, Dushanbe.

In 1991, he was an unofficial adviser to Gorbachev, who proposed a plan for the country's exit from the crisis being implemented by the president. However, Sergei Yervandovich himself claimed that he had differences of opinion with the head of state regarding ways to lead the party and the USSR out of the impasse. He supported the State Committee for the State of Emergency during the August coup, announcing this in the publication "I am the ideologist of the state of emergency." He subsequently accepted one of the conspirators, the head of the KGB, Vladimir Kryuchkov, into his ETC. During the internal political conflict of 1993, he ended up in the premises of the Supreme Council. Adherents of the move to Ostankino put him out the door as an opponent of this decision. He immediately informed the public about their intentions.

In 1996, the politician called on big businessmen to take the pro-state side. As a result, the appeal “Letter of 13” appeared in the press, signed, in particular, by the heads of LogoVAZ Boris Berezovsky, the Siberian Oil Company Viktor Gorodilov, AvtoVAZ Alexei Nikolaev, Alfa Group Mikhail Fridman, Menatep Mikhail Khodorkovsky, containing proposals for a way out of the crisis and support for Boris Yeltsin. Later, the result of the interaction of big business with the head of state was the emergence of an oligarchic political system in the Russian Federation.

Sergey Yervandovich is married to Maria Mamikonyan. They met and got married while studying at the institute. Today she is an artist of the Na Doskakh theater, an employee of the ETC, the head of the All-Russian Parental Resistance, which deals with family protection and education. The organization denies the Western model of education, advocates a ban on sexual education of children.

The couple has an adult daughter, Irina, who also works at the Kurginyan Center. By education she is a historian, candidate of sciences. Ira is raising a daughter.

Sergei Ervandovich was fond of new types of theatrical forms. Therefore, he was among the first participants in the experiment to organize self-financing theatrical groups, creating "On the Boards". When it turned out that Melpomene was not inclined to reciprocate, he found an equally interesting vocation - he discovered and developed the talent of an expert analyst. The center named after him, working on the principle of a kind of family contract, publishes newspapers, magazines, books of political content.

... read more >

The February 4 rally on Poklonnaya Hill was a real benefit for its organizer and presenter Sergei Kurginyan. Never before had this obscure theater director attracted such a massive audience. Yes, and will not collect. His next action at the All-Russian Exhibition Center on February 23, optimistically announced for 15,000 participants, turned out to be capable of gathering no more than a few hundred without administrative resources.

However, for Sergei Kurginyan The important thing is not to win but to take part. His theater "On the Boards" convenes the audience for free. After the performances, a buffet is invariably arranged. The breaks between them are weeks. And the performances still take place in a half-empty hall. According to reviews, theater Kurginyan The spectacle is not for the faint of heart.

“I can’t even call him my colleague,” the director told the Interlocutor. Mark Rozovsky.- In Soviet times, he really led the theater studio "On the Boards", but there was little art there. I was able to master only half of one of his performances. But in 1986 four Moscow studios, including mine and Kurginyan, received the status of theaters, which were allowed to self-support. We did not have a single ruble of subsidies, but we were allocated premises. Moreover, Kurginyan somehow turned out to be a whole complex of buildings. I think Pavlov personally did his best here, Prime Minister. And the KGB. Sergey Kurginyan quickly turned this theater into a political club, contacting all sorts of trash. I heard that after the coup they arrested the chairman of the KGB Kryuchkov, he had the text on his desk Kurginyan with underlined areas. I immediately broke up with him after that. Then only rumors reached that instead of performances, stormtroopers were training in his theater.

Privy Councilor

Immediately after the putsch, Nezavisimaya Gazeta published a huge article entitled “Privy Councilor to the Kremlin Leaders,” accusing Kurginyan of supporting the putschists and treason. Twenty years later, the author of this article, Mikhail Leontiev, stood hand in hand with his former ideological opponent on Poklonka.

- Kurginyan was right then, but I was not. And I confessed my guilt to him, - the TV presenter himself explained to the Interlocutor. – I wrote this article at the request of my then political partners who advocated fundamental changes. At that time, Kurginyan and I were in different trenches, although I was the only full-time employee in his Experimental Creative Center, where I lectured on philosophy. People of different views gathered there - activists of the Polish "Solidarity", Evgeny Yasin - it was a wide discussion platform ... However, Kurginyan himself was wrong in those years: he made a bet on the wrong people.

With a bet on Kryuchkov, Kurginyan really miscalculated, although he arranged him after prison as his adviser at the Center. He himself, according to him, continued to be an adviser to the country's leadership. Moreover, the adviser is so secret that the leadership did not even suspect about it.

- Kurginyan says that he was my adviser in 1993? - laughs the ex-speaker of the Supreme Council Ruslan Khasbulatov. Not this year or any other. Maybe he attended one of my meetings with political scientists? Even so, I don't remember him. And I didn't need his advice. I had more ... well-known people working as advisers.

The next time Kurginyan's name surfaced only in 1996, when the "letter of thirteen" appeared - the oligarchs' election appeal in support of the stability of the Yeltsin regime. In addition to Berezovsky, it was signed by Gusinsky, Potanin, Fridman, Khodorkovsky, etc., but Sergei Kurginyan is still considered the author.

Not funny

It seems that now the situation is repeating itself, especially since Sergey Yervandovich has obviously not lost his connection with the pro-Kremlin business. In 2010, on the night of May 9, an explosion took place at the Raspadskaya mine - dozens of people died. And Kurginyan with a group of assistants urgently flies to Kuzbass with someone's money, meets with the management of the mine and with officials, blames the miners themselves for all the troubles, who in retaliation called Kurginyan "the lawyer of the oligarchs." The co-owner of Raspadskaya, who does not know, is Roman Abramovich. Poklonnaya's slogan "We have something to lose!" quite applicable to him.

These theatrical performances can be staged "on the boards", but political ones need a tribune. Tribune Kurginyan, after his trip to Raspadskaya, was provided by Channel Five, which belongs to the pro-Putin National Media Group.

“Before the “Court of Time” program, I was not familiar with Kurginyan, his co-host Nikolai Svanidze told the “Interlocutor”. - I learned about his participation in the project from producer Alexander Rodnyansky, who offered to become a referee between Mlechin and Kurginyan. At first, Kurginyan was still calm - Mlechin's relaxation extinguished his emotions, but in the "Historical Trial", where there is no referee, I no longer extinguish them. I do not understand his positioning himself as an oppositionist. Kurginyan formally distances himself from the authorities, but at the same time criticizes the real opposition with the arguments of the same authorities. Before the rally on Poklonnaya Street, I even told him: “You can’t even sit on a Christmas tree and not get scratched.” He is often compared to Zhirinovsky. Visually similar, I do not argue. And there is ambition, and artistry. But Zhirinovsky is funny. Kurginyan is not funny.

Members of the Rossiya film crew told Interlocutor that once they had the feeling that Kurginyan had seriously decided to provoke Svanidze into a fight. And he continued to do this even after the cameras were turned off. This is no longer just a public game. Last December, Kurginyan doused oppositionist Roman Dobrokhotov with water on Ekho Moskvy radio, although listeners could not see it.

“It seems to me that he had a scene prepared and he brought it to life, without even having time to comprehend my words, simply realizing that there was some kind of attack against him,” Dobrokhotov explained to the Interlocutor. - I talked with him back in 2005 - then he was just as unbalanced and narcissistic. But now he is in demand by the authorities, because he mobilizes that part of the public who, like him, suffers from conspiracy mania.

Today, Kurginyan travels around the country with might and main, tells the people about the threats to Russia, students are forcibly driven to his lectures (the last case was in Tver), “anti-orange” rallies of his supporters are held in different cities. Kurginyan scares the layman with the return of the 90s. Looking at him, it seems that they have already returned.

And it's all about him

Alexander Prokhanov:

“A delightful, in my opinion, dazzling comet called Kurginyan has now arrived in Earth's orbit. And we are in this sparkle, in this radiance, in this brilliance of this comet.

Mark Rozovsky:

“This is a sparkler that will burn out soon. Kurginyan is an absolutely Dostoevsky type: not even a demon, but an obscurantist with political ambitions, which was needed first by the KGB, and then by the new Kremlin administration.”


Sergei Kurginyan was born in 1949 into a family of Moscow humanities scholars. By the first specialty - geophysicist. The second is a theater director. On the third - an oceanologist. On the fourth - cybernetics. On the fifth - a political scientist. On the sixth - a journalist. On the seventh - playwright. On the eighth - a public figure. On the ninth ... Maybe that's enough already!

In his student years, he created the On the Boards studio, which received the status of a theater during perestroika and grew into the Experimental Creative Center political club. Until recently, he was known only for pathos articles in the patriotic press. From July to December 2010, he worked as a co-host of the Judgment of Time program on Channel Five, and from August 2011 he became a co-host of the Historical Process on Russia. Created the Essence of Time movement.

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