Biography of Nadezhda Granovskaya. Nadezhda Granovskaya about raising three children: “It seems that I am not a strict mother” Granovskaya and her children


“The black one from VIA Gra,” as Nadezhda Meikher was called for many years, has long been unrelated to the girl group, and the news about her life is still interesting to fans of that “legendary” trio. The father of the baby, who was born in one of the clinics in Kyiv, businessman Mikhail Urzhumtsev, is completely happy, although that pregnancy, according to the parents, was not “planned”.

Granovskaya gave birth to a third child

Nadezhda decided to give birth naturally and refused all painkillers in advance. But everything went easily, and three days later she returned home, where her older brother and sister were already waiting for her mother and newborn. Recall that Nadezhda Meikher is raising her 13-year-old son Igor, whose father is a Moscow businessman. And the three-year-old daughter Anechka - the first-born in marriage with Mikhail Urzhumtsev.

By the way, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, the first to know about the interesting position of his wife was her husband Mikhail.

He had a dream, - Nadezhda Meikher said on one of the broadcasts on the Ukrainian channel, - Misha saw my and his mother, who told him that I was pregnant. The dream turned out to be "in hand"!

Nadezhda Granovskaya gave birth to a third child in 2015

Nadezhda Granovskaya gave birth to a girl from her husband, businessman Mikhail Urzhumtsev. The baby was born in one of the clinics in Kyiv a few days ago, but it became known only now. Granovskaya has already been discharged from the hospital and is with her daughter in her Kyiv apartment.

“I really became a mother, I'm already at home! Everything is fine with me, ”Granovskaya told the StarHit website. The artist's husband admitted that he was very happy, and assured that he takes an active part in caring for a newborn daughter. “A girl was born to us, very calm, but sometimes, like all children, she is naughty. At night, sometimes you have to not sleep. Now everything is in worries, we are walking, growing, learning to smile. Everything is good, I'm happy. I change diapers, walk with a stroller, I get great pleasure from everything, ”Urzhumtsev shared.

Nadezhda Granovskaya gave birth to a third child photo

The daughter became the third child for Nadezhda Granovskaya. The former soloist of VIA Gra also has a 13-year-old son Igor from his first marriage and a three-year-old daughter Anya from her current husband Mikhail Urzhumtsev.

Natalia Granovskaya and Mikhail Urzhumtsev got married last year. Attentive journalists came to this conclusion, having found a wedding ring on the ring finger of the artist's right hand.

Nadezhda Meikher gave birth to a third child

The singer claimed that it was never a priority for her to get married. “I love Misha very much and I feel that this is mutual. We are good together, and this is the main thing. Both Misha and I are spontaneous people, we can live without a stamp in our passport, or we can become a legal husband and wife in an instant. This spontaneity is what makes relationships strong. He is the brain of the family, and I am the palette of emotions, ”Granovskaya shared in an interview.

Do you believe in fairy tales about a poor girl and a handsome prince who saves a beautiful woman and takes her to live in his palace? Do you think this is impossible in real life?

A provincial girl named Nadia was able to prove that a fairy tale can be brought to life. She conquered with her beauty and talent first the capital of Ukraine, and then the entire post-Soviet space.

Her brilliant career as a singer is associated with the pop group VIA Gra, in which she stayed the longest. But it all started rather gloomy and futile ...

provincial childhood

In 1982, in the small village of Zbruchivka, Nadya Meikher was born. Mother - Galina Granovskaya, worked all the time, and her father abused alcohol.

Therefore, the family soon broke up. The girl had to grow up quickly and take care of herself on her own. At school she liked to study, she was a good student.

Because of her appearance, she had many admirers. Nadezhda's first childhood hobby was dancing. She could devote 6 hours a day to them.

For some time, the girl was brought up by her grandmother, as her mother left to work in Italy. At the end of the 9th grade, she went to a pedagogical school to be a choreographer.

Upon graduation, she got a job at the Khmelnitsky House of Culture as the head of a dance circle. If not for one happy accident, then now Nadezhda would still be a teacher.

Once Valery Meladze came to the city with a concert. He spotted a beautiful teacher and invited her to apply to Kyiv for a casting in a new pop group, which at that time was organized by his brother Konstantin.

Without thinking twice, Nadia organized a photo shoot for herself and sent the photos to the capital. And so the story of the sexiest group "VIA Gra" began.

Nadezhda Granovskaya as part of the VIA Gra group

Finest hour in "VIA Gra"

Already at the start of their work, the young team receives the prestigious CIS music award - the Golden Gramophone.

Their first hit "Attempt No. 5" simply blew up the audience, and the release of the video with sexy performers conquered the male audience of listeners.

Frame from the clip "Attempt No. 5"

The song did not disappear from the top of the charts of radio stations in Russia and Ukraine for weeks in a row.

In 2001, VIA Gra released several more songs and signed a contract with the Sony recording studio. At the same time, Nadia leaves the group due to her pregnancy, but not for long.

After 4 months, she returns to the squad and continues to work with the old team.

The beginning of a solo career

In 2006, the singer decides to make cardinal changes in her life. Nadia tries herself as a TV presenter, in the Ukrainian shows "Dancing with the Stars" and "Incredible Love Stories".

By the way, at the time of filming, the star returns to himself the name Meyher. Also, she releases her collection of poems "Momentary Attraction", and also starred in several videos.

In 2011, Granovskaya returned to VIA Gro for some time, but her work was again interrupted by pregnancy. And this time she finally decides to part with the stellar team.

In 2014, Nadia returns to the big stage with the composition "It's not about the body." But it does not reach its former popularity. In the Ukrainian charts, the song takes 88th place.

Family in the background

Constant touring, recording songs and rehearsals left almost no free time. But, nevertheless, the singer took care of her personal life.

For a long time there was no information about her first chosen one, except that he was the father of Nadezhda's son, Igor.

And only in recent interviews, the star admitted that the guy's name was Alexander and that he was 10 years older than her. Their romance began when the girl was in Kyiv and was just starting her musical career.

In 2012, she gave birth to a daughter, Anna. This time, the father was immediately known, he was the Russian businessman Mikhail Urzhumtsev. But the couple was in no hurry to formalize the relationship.

And only 2 years later they got married. And from the latest news it became known that Nadia gave birth to Mikhail's second child.

So the star seems to have decided on life priorities, aiming at creating a strong family.

Who else was in the group "VIA Gra" read in the articles

Hope Alexandrovna Meikher (this is the real name of the girl) was born on April 10, 1982 in the Western Ukrainian village of Zbruchivka. The Meikhers lived poorly and not well: their father drank heavily. Soon the family moved to their relatives, in the Volochisk district center of the Khmelnytsky region. Here Nadia went to a local school.

The principal of the school, Vladimir Pokhtun, taught Nadya Meikher in the ninth grade: "She studied well, she also managed to run to the dance club," the director recalls. As a child, Nadya dreamed of becoming a ballerina. She dreamed of conquering the stage with her talent. To fulfill her dream, the girl, after graduating from school, entered the College of Culture at the choreographic department. At the end of it, she began to teach dances to children in the house of culture, teaching them to control the body and feel the rhythm. In the meantime, in Kyiv, there was a selection for the group "VIA GRA" and producers Dmitry Kostyuk and Konstantin Meladze were looking for a vocalist with a bright artistic appearance. Many people met these criteria, but Konstantin went further, he went on a tour with his brother around the cities of Ukraine. In one of the cities, an amateur photo session of Nadia Granovskaya fell into his hands, which later played a decisive role in Nadia's appearance in the group.

Nadya stood out in her article and voice among her peers, but, as her friends say, she “didn’t really get close to anyone”: “She said that she wanted to escape from our backwoods by any means! She seemed to have a patron who was going to become a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, and she instead of classes, she went to dance in front of the voters."

In her second year of college, she danced striptease, considering this a successful start to her career. In a year Hope already with maternal surname Granovskaya in her passport she went to Kyiv, where she became a member of the first composition of VIA Gra (then it was a duet). However, in order to sing in a group, she had to lose a lot of weight.

Nadia: "For me, our popularity was not a big surprise. I always knew for sure that if a person works hard and tries, then the return will definitely happen, regardless of any life facts. Since childhood, I dreamed of a stage, dreamed of giving people joy and warmth, open your soul, and finally, it happened."

Nadezhda Granovskaya had a break in performances - on August 15, 2002, she gave birth to a son, Igor. The child was named after his father, a Kiev businessman who left him his last name and, as they say in the pop crowd, is still ready for anything except marriage: he already has a family. It took only a month for the young mother to regain shape and return to the team.

Leaving Via Gru Granovskaya-Meikher changed beyond recognition. A short haircut, tightly buttoned sweaters, discreet makeup - it's just hard to believe that the former "bomb" is hiding behind all this.

Here is how the singer herself comments on the changes: “At one point, I told the master in the salon: “Cut!” - and that’s all. And this is not even related to appearance, rather an internal need.”

In addition to experimenting with appearance Hope all this time, after leaving the group, she was engaged in simple everyday affairs: “For two months I didn’t get out of bed - I slept. I did housework. I took my son to the kindergarten herself - this is a wonder for me. shared Granovskaya.

But not for long Nadia was able to go with the flow. She took up her career again. True, this time not in the musical field. “I was invited to work on television. But the fact that I became the host turned out quite by accident. After all, I went nowhere from Via Gra,” she said. Hope.

Granovskaya for more than a year now he has been hosting the weekly program "Incredible Love Stories" on the Ukrainian channel STB. Topics of the programs: is it possible to start life from scratch with a stranger, is true love able to overcome ethnic and religious prejudices, and much more. "By the way, I "thrown away" my pseudonym Granovskaya- this is left in a past life, - Nadia notices. “Now in the credits they write my real name - Meikher.”

Nadezhda has always had many fans. Now their army has been replenished with those who fell in love with her as a TV presenter. “One of the letters that came to the channel was from my fellow countryman, a tenth-grader from Khmelnytsky,” says Granovskaya. - He said that he really likes me, that his mother knows my mother, that he talked with my choreographer. Moreover, he studies at the school where I studied. In another letter there was a photograph of a young boy with a dog and the caption: I loved you, love you and will love you. But the message was the most memorable. The guy said that he was going to get married. But he doesn’t want to start a family life in a hostel. His request was this: We want to have children, but we have no housing. Could you lend us $30,000?"

While fans of the beautiful Nadezhda Granovskaya froze in anticipation of the promised opera arias in her performance, she continues to tell us in her program about the most incredible, bewitching and attractive stories that turn the very perception of the word "Love" upside down.

Zodiac sign: Fiery Aries, which corresponds to
Height: 170cm
Clothing style: classic
Favorite drink: apple juice
Favorite city: Kyiv
Favorite book: V. Pikul "Rasputin" and other historical novels
Favorite movie: "4 rooms"
Favorite season: spring
Favorite vacation spot: Just being at home
Favorite animal: big cats
Biggest achievement in life: son and work
The motto of life: the advice of the cat Behemoth Margarita: "Never ask for anything, they themselves will come and give everything themselves!"

Five facts from life:
1) "I have a great love for everything beautiful."
2) "Life wouldn't make sense to me if it wasn't for: my child, my job, my family, my friends, love:"
3) "I look best when I'm in a good mood."
4) "My most stupid waste of money is only on myself, which is madness:."
5) "My attitude towards same-sex love is not fish, not meat"

The ex-soloist of the VIA Gra group, Nadezhda Meikher, shared moments of her personal life and talked about raising children.

Mother of three children 35-year-old Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya-Urzhumtseva does not often talk about her husband and children. But sometimes he makes exceptions. So recently, she spoke about her relationship with her 10th grade son and two little daughters.

Source: instagram @nadyameiher

So the singer noted that 15-year-old Igor often argues with his mother on various occasions - and this is not surprising, because the boy is now going through a difficult transitional age. But at the same time, according to Meikher, her relationship with her son is rather friendly and she extinguishes conflicts, preventing them from flaring up. In Igor, Nadezhda Meikher sees herself in her youth - she was just as independent and had her own opinion on any occasion. Therefore, she believes that she should not put pressure on the boy, but is obliged to express her opinion - this form of communication helps to avoid protest on his part. In addition, Igor has an excellent relationship with his stepfather, she even sometimes calls Mikhail Urzhumtsev, the husband of Nadezhda Meikher, dad.

Source: instagram @nadyameiher

5-year-old Anechka is the first common child of Meikher and Urzhumtsev, outwardly very similar to her grandmother Zoya, mother-in-law of Nadezhda. Anechka is an amazingly creative child, she loves to dance, like her mother used to, loves to draw, sings with pleasure. The girl is more like a grandmother in character - she is just as open and sociable, she loves to be among children and makes her first acquaintances with pleasure. True, Nadezhda sometimes has to be strict with Anechka - the girl is sure that she should receive gifts every day. Dad spoils his pet, and is not going to limit her in gifts.

Source: instagram @nadyameiher

The youngest baby Mariyka is a copy of her father. Although the girl is not yet two years old, her purposeful character is already clearly visible - she always achieves what she wants, by any means and does not accept the word “no”. It is still difficult to say what Masha will grow up to be, but her mother shared a little secret. It turns out that when she found out that she was pregnant for the third time, she was sure that this time a boy would be born. Therefore, at first I didn’t even believe it when, after an ultrasound, she was told that it was a girl.

Nadezhda Alexandrovna Granovskaya is a singer, actress, designer, TV presenter, member of the first composition of the VIA Gra group, one of the brightest soloists of the group in its entire history. Currently he is building a solo career, raising his son Igor and daughter Mariyka (Masha).

The childhood of Nadezhda Granovskaya

Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya (Meikher is the real name of the singer, Granovskaya is her stage name) was born in the west of Ukraine, in the village of Zbruchivka on April 10, 1982. The future celebrity was born right in her home, on the couch - Nadia's pregnant mother did not have time to bring her to the maternity hospital.

The baby was brought up in unfavorable conditions: when she was 4 years old, the singer's mother divorced her drinking husband and moved from her native village of Nadia with her daughter to relatives in Volochisk, which is located 60 kilometers from the city of Khmelnitsky. But already at the age of 6 she had an interest in classical music and dance. All TV programs were dotted with small ticks with which little Nadya Meikher marked ballet broadcasts.

In Volochisk, Nadya Meikher went to a local school. The schoolgirl brought home only “fours” and “fives”. Young people began to pay attention to Nadia already in elementary grades. These were boys of the same age and older boys. Everyone showed their sympathy in different ways. Most often, the singer recalls, they pulled her hair (Nadya had a long braid), joked and laughed. However, for insulting remarks peers got. Sometimes it came to a fight. An angry Nadezhda could drive the boy under the desk and kick him. And in the middle classes, Nadia constantly won her peers in arm wrestling.

At the age of 11, Nadezhda became interested in dancing and joined an amateur group. Before that, the girl was fond of athletics. After that, she wanted to go to a ballroom dancing club, but there she didn’t have enough couples, so she had to learn folk dances.

Nadezhda Meikher - VIA Gra Interview of the first cast in 2001

By the way, as a child, Nadezhda was crazy about Vladimir Lenin. Ilyich's photographs were pasted all over the girl's room. Sometimes Nadia arranged her "October demonstration". However, a little later, the singer switched to Michael Jackson and tried to repeat his "lunar path". Under the aggressive songs of the pop king, the little girl danced so that everyone's mouths opened. Later, Nadezhda realized that dancing was her vocation, and began to dream of becoming a ballerina. To fulfill her desire, she danced for 6 hours a day.

However, the young talent was also thinking about other professions. At one time, she dreamed of becoming ... a salesman, like her mother, and sometimes even replaced a parent at work. Later, Nadezhda wanted to become a dressmaker, like her grandmother. However, her ardor was cooled by an unsuccessful experience - the girl stitched her fingers so that the needle went through. While Nadia dreamed of becoming a ballerina, her mother and grandmother saw her as a lawyer or translator. At one time, the girl went to English courses, but the girl went there with absolutely no interest. As a result, the girl's parents could hardly persuade her to enter the teacher's college at the faculty of musical education and choreography.

And so, after the 9th grade of the school, Nadezhda Meikher went to a teacher training college. And she still remembers her graduation: the girl walked several kilometers to the first dawn of her adult life. “We have a place outside the city in Volochysk, in Khmelnytsky region, where the rising sun is perfectly visible, where all graduates make a pilgrimage. We also went there. We walked for a very long time, on the way we lay down on the grass to rest, even fell asleep, but we reached it. At that time, I was wearing black patent leather platform sandals and a white prom dress, which my mother and I bought specially. I wound my hair in curlers in the evening, and then gathered it into a curly tail, ”recalled Nadezhda.

A little later, Nadya was invited to work at the Podolia cultural center. There, the girl staged dances, worked as a choreographer and musical designer.

Nadezhda Granovskaya in VIA Gre. Start

In 2000, Valery Meladze came to Khmelnitsky on tour. A popular artist performed in the same Central Committee where Nadezhda worked. There she met a celebrity. From Valery, the girl learned that his brother, Konstantin Meladze (Nadya did not even know about his existence) was recruiting artists for a new group. Nadia immediately arranged a photo shoot for herself and sent the pictures to Kyiv.

Businessman and owner of the BIZ-TV music channel Konstantin Meladze, together with producer Dmitry Kostyuk, invited the girl to the casting, however, before that they advised the future artist to lose some weight. The intense struggle with extra pounds lasted several months. Only after that, Nadezhda came to audition, successfully passed the casting and was accepted into the VIA Gra team. The producer advised her to take a pseudonym and chose the surname "Granovskaya". The first part of the group also included Alena Vinnitskaya. By the way, before VIA Gra, Nadya never did vocals.

Nadezhda moved to Kyiv, where she had been striving for a long time. At first, it was not easy for her in the new city. There were no friends, and Alena had her own company. For six months, the girl in her free time just walked around the Ukrainian capital and constantly improved her choreographic skills in gyms.

The first clip of "VIA Gra" - "Attempt number 5"

After the very first clip "Attempt No. 5", the group became insanely popular, not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia. The debut composition soared to the top of the charts, and the video became the winner of the Golden Gramophone and Golden Weight awards. During 2000, VIA Gra formed its repertoire of seven songs, with which the girls began touring their native Ukraine. By the way, about 4 thousand fans came to the first concert in Dnepropetrovsk.

Two years after the start of performances on stage, Nadezhda Granovskaya left the group. She exchanged work in a popular team for the happiness of motherhood - the girl became pregnant.

However, Granovskaya did not want to stay on maternity leave. A month after the birth of her son Igor, the girl returned to the stage and took part in the filming of the clip "Good morning, dad." Returning after a six-month absence, she met new members of the team - Anna Sedokova and Tatyana Naynik. And if Tatyana soon left the group, then Anna stayed at VIA Gre for another 2 years. Soon, the composition of the group changed twice - first, Svetlana Loboda came to the trio, who performed as part of the team for 4 months, then Albina Dzhanabaeva took her place.

In 2006, Nadezhda Granovskaya left the group again - at the very peak of her popularity and began working on the Ukrainian TV channel "STB" as the host of the weekly program "Incredible Love Stories", as well as continuing to study academic vocals.

"Incredible Love Stories" with Nadezhda Meikher

“Of course, there are reasons, and quite a lot of them have accumulated over the past six years. But it would be correct to say that everything has its time - just like people sometimes have to part, so here - I worked for a long time, and then something happened. First of all, in myself. I felt that the time had come to radically change my life, to cross out something .. And I left. To be honest, at first I was even surprised at my condition - there was no feeling of loss, on the contrary, I was completely happy that I was starting my life from scratch, so to speak. I didn't even think about television. By chance, I learned from friends about the casting for STB and thought: why not? ”, Nadezhda once shared with reporters.

In the same 2006, Nadya briefly moved to England, and at home she takes part in the project "Dancing with the Stars" of the 1 + 1 channel.

"Dancing with the Stars": Nadezhda Meikher

As a solo singer, Nadia made her debut with a composition from Bizet's opera "Carmen" - "Habanera".

From the very moment of her departure, Konstantin Meladze went out of his way to bring the girl back: he lured Nadezhda with the most professional teachers, crazy fees, the best dancers, and in 2009 she finally agreed, taking the place of Meseda Bagaudinova. Together with Albina Dzhanabaeva and Tatyana Kotova, they started recording new singles: Anti-Geisha and Crazy.

In the autumn of the same year, a collection of poems "Momentary Attraction" by Nadia Meikher was published. They were based on the personal experiences of the singer. and Erica Herceg. They showed themselves to be the most permanent members of VIA Gra - this line-up lasted longer than any of the previous ones.

“I want to Via Gru”: Nadezhda Granovskaya and her group

Personal life of Nadezhda Granovskaya

In her youth, Nadezhda Granovskaya lived with the Kyiv deputy Alexander Lishchenko. There were rumors in the yellow press that Alexander's occupation was not too legal and that in the 90s he was known as a crime boss named Licha. It is impossible to say for sure whether this is true or ordinary gossip. It is only known that in 2002, 20-year-old Nadya, who had only recently begun her career as a singer in VIA Gre, gave birth to a boy from Lishchenko, who received the name Igor.

In 2008, Nadezhda Granovskaya met a famous Russian businessman, General Director of Melon Fashion Group LLC Mikhail Urzhumtsev. The couple did not advertise their relationship for a long time, however, the paparazzi periodically photographed either Nadia near her lover's house, or Mikhail near the singer's house.

The wedding of Granovskaya and Urzhumtsev took place in 2014. The ceremony was secret. In October 2015, the couple had a daughter, Mariyka (Maria).

Nadezhda Granovskaya now

Today, Nadezhda Granovskaya continues her creative activity under her real name - Meikher. She tries herself in different areas, for example, in 2016 she presented a new video that combines theatrical entertainment and dance plasticity.

Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya - "Historia de Un Amor"

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