Biography of Nicki Minaj: the most successful hip-hop artist of the new millennium. Nicki Minaj - biography, photos, songs, personal life, albums, height, weight

Known for her curvaceous figure, outlandish outfits and flamboyant looks, Nicki Minaj is currently the richest female rapper in the history of the genre (in 2018 her fortune was estimated at $70 million) and also a social media star. Born in Trinidad and Tobago, she was able to rise to the top of the musical Olympus in the United States and has held this high bar for several years in a row. A rare fan of the genre has not heard her "Superbass", "Starships", "Anaconda" or "Chun-Li".


Onika Tanya Marazh (this is the real name of Nicki Minaj) was born on December 8, 1982 in the capital of the Caribbean Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. The girl's parents, Carol and Robert Marage, have Indian and African roots.

As a child, Onika and her 3-year-old older brother Jelani were raised by her grandmother, while the baby's parents settled in Queens, an immigrant district of New York. Robert worked for the American Express courier service, and Carol was graduating.

When the girl was 5 years old, she moved in with her parents, but her life could hardly be called happy. Soon my father became addicted to drugs and became addicted to crack. He beat his wife and children, pawned furniture in a pawnshop, and one December night in 1987, he tried to burn down the house while Carol was inside. Luckily, she got out unscathed.

Subsequently, Robert overcame addiction and became an exemplary family man. But in those years, living with him under the same roof was a real nightmare. Niki consoled herself with one thought - she will grow up, succeed and be able to change everything.

Nicki Minaj's musical talents showed up at an early age. She took a course at the music school Elizabeth Blackwell Middle School and fine - Fiorello H. LaGuardia, played the clarinet in the school orchestra, participated in theatrical productions. However, the main dream of the girl has always been singing. She started rapping at the age of 12.

After school, the girl tried to become an actress, but it did not work out, and at the age of 19 she got a job as a waitress at the Red Lobster restaurant, but was fired due to a rude attitude towards customers. For the same reason, she was fired from about 15 different places.

The beginning of the creative path

In 2004, Nicki Minaj joined the rap group Hoodstars, which is remembered for creating songs for WWE wrestlers. But the long-awaited fame never came, and soon Niki left the group, deciding to build a solo career. She uploaded several demo versions of her songs to the MySpace social network and sent them to prominent members of the industry. Representatives of the Dirty Money Entertainment label responded to the message, offering the girl cooperation. At this time, the pseudonym Nicki Minaj was born.

Nicki Minaj

In 2007, Nicky released her debut mixtape Playtime is Over, followed by the mixtape Sucka free. In 2008, she was named Artist of the Year at the Underground Music Awards.

Nickie Minaj

In 2009, rapper Lil Wayne heard Nicki Minaj's songs. He offered her a contract with his label Young Money. Minaj became the first female artist in the label's history. She debuted with a solo verse on the single "Bed Rock", which was a commercial success and a long time at the top of the music charts. Then Mariah Carey invited the young artist to record a joint song "Up Out My Face", which was released in a video.

Career heyday

In November 2010, Nicki Minaj released her first studio album Pink Friday. The disc was a resounding success - Minaj became the first singer, whose 7 songs were simultaneously in the popular Billboard Hot 100 chart. In addition, the singles "Your Love" and "Super Bass" occupied the first lines of many US charts. At the same time, Nicki Minaj conducts the first mini-promo tour of major US cities and, as a personal initiative, visits his native St. James with a concert.

The debut album elevated Nicky to the highest echelon of world stars. The period of her collaboration with world famous performers such as David Guetta, Will.I.Am, Kesha Sebert, Mia, Madonna, Alicia Keys begins. The rapper became a regular on the show, and her curvaceous forms became the talk of the town in the musical beau monde. Nicky herself is not shy about shocking the public with either a figure, or outfits, or “doll” hair colors and does not like it very much when she is compared with Lady Gaga.

Nicki Minaj - "Starships"

She states that her sexy and provocative image is just a bright shell, under which you need to have something more substantial in order to succeed. Also during this period, she had a fictional male alter ego - the red-haired gay Roman Zolansky, whom Nicky "sent to the next world" in 2014, although she subsequently did not deny the possibility of his revival.

In 2012, she voiced the arrogant teenage mammoth Steffy from Ice Age 4 and began recording her second album, Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded.

The third album in the Pink Series, The Pinkprint, was released in December 2014. The performer pays tribute to the pink color in her images, in which it is always present in one way or another, and even repainted her own Lamborghini Aventador car in pink.

Nicki Minaj - Anaconda

Other projects

In 2013, her own perfume "Pink Friday" was released, then the fragrances "Minajesty" and "ONIKA" joined the collection. Among other things, Nicky produces his own alcohol "Myx Moscato".

In 2013, she starred in the Hollywood romantic comedy The Other Woman. On the set, she had a chance to work with Cameron Diaz, Kate Upton, Nikolai Coster-Waldau and other famous actors. Niki plays Lydia, the protagonist's overconfident assistant.

In 2016, the singer appeared in the comedy Barbershop 3, starring rapper Ice Cube. For this role, Nicky was nominated for the Teen Choice Awards.

Nicki Minaj's personal life

The singer tries not to talk about her personal life. For a long time there were rumors about her bisexuality. It is known that at the age of 16 the girl had an abortion - she talks about this in the songs "Autobiography" and "All Things Go".

She was romantically involved with rapper Safari Samuels from 2008 to 2014. Many of the songs on the Pinkprint album showcase the ins and outs of their relationship, most notably the song "Bed of Lies". The young man stated the following about the reasons for the breakup: “I just packed my things and left. I realized that she did not respect me.” Nicki Minaj admits she regrets relationship with Meek Mill

After that, for several months, the singer met with the rapper under the pseudonym Nas. They have known each other for a long time, and even kissed in the video for Minaj's song "Right By My Side".

In November 2017, Nicki Minaj's brother, Jelani, was sentenced to prison. He was accused of regularly raping his 11-year-old stepdaughter. The man's lawyers insisted that the case was fabricated by his ex-wife and the victim's mother in order to blackmail his wealthy sister. However, the court issued a strict guilty verdict - 25 years in prison (originally, the prosecutor requested a life sentence).

Nicki Minaj now

Nicki Minaj's last studio album was released back in 2014, but the singer's new work suggests that she is not going to leave the industry. In April 2018, she released two new tracks "Chun-Li" and "Barbie Tingz", then, together with Lil Wayne, she recorded the song "Rich Sex" and, together with Ariana Grande, the song "Bed". The release of the singer's fourth studio album is scheduled for August 10, 2018. The album will be called "Queen".

Do you love Nicki Minaj? Militta had long planned to dedicate a publication to this singer. Nicky deserves the closest attention, because she makes a lot of efforts in order to be a bright and popular singer.

Biography and style of Nicki Minaj

There is a bit of Russian in the real name of the singer - Onika Tanya Maraj, but she gained fame under the name Nicki Minaj (Nicki Minaj)

Onika Tanya was born on December 8, 1982 in St. James, Trinidad and Tobago. This is a small island state located in the southern part of the Caribbean Sea, not far (about 10 km) from the coast of Venezuela. On the islands of the Caribbean, Niki grew up to 5 years old, and then her parents settled in New York, where they took the future singer.

Nicki, like everyone else, went to school and tried to prove herself as a singer, but the real chance came only many years later. In 2009, Minaj met rapper Lil Wayne, who appreciated the girl's abilities and offered her assistance in promotion.

Nicki signed a contract, and took part in the recording of the single "BedRock", which received commercial success, reaching number two on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

Further successes and albums followed, only we will not delve into the details of Nicki Minaj's musical career. Militta is not a music site or a catalog of biographies, we are most interested in fashion and beauty. Therefore, it is better to look at the photo of the singer, she has a bright appearance and unusual style.

Nicki Minaj's style has undergone many changes, and at some periods it is a bit like girls in the style of "glamorous kitso". Niki has African, Indian and Chinese roots, which is very clearly reflected in her bright and unusual appearance.

Fashion critics and journalists accuse the singer of lack of taste and style, vulgarity and inability to choose the right make-up, but everything is relative, style and beauty…

If you evaluate the style of Nicki Minaj in general, the style is very crazy and will only suit the bright confident person from show business, which is Nicki. The singer loves to impress, and most importantly, thanks to her unusual style, the constant change of images and wigs, she is remembered. Simply put, many people would never pay attention to Nicky's musical compositions if it were for her bright and crazy appearance.

The singer in her outfits and makeup often breaks all the rules! Her makeup artists may apply too much powder, which will come in stark contrast with the actual skin color of the star. Nicki may appear with unrealistic, huge false eyelashes. She can afford to come to an official event in the form of a blonde with undyed hair roots, and much more, Nicky can afford ...

The words of one artist come true on it, who said - "The most important thing is that they always talk about me, something good can be done."

In the video, an experiment to recreate Nika's stage costume

Despite the madness and flamboyance of Nicky's outfits, she has a lot to learn, let's look at the best images of the singer. Nicki Minaj loves the most daring experiments, few people can afford this, and we will watch and remember what can and cannot be done, what decorates and what can spoil your image.

Personally, I envy Nicki Minaj a little, namely, her ability to change regularly. On Monday she is blonde, by the middle of the week she is brunette, on the weekend she has a whole rainbow on her head. I can easily buy such wigs and change my image according to the principle of a BJD doll, which has a hundred interchangeable wigs that open up fantastic opportunities for changing style and image, only unfortunately, what is allowed for a star is not allowed for ordinary girls ...

32-year-old American singer Nicki Minaj has already managed to win men's hearts with her amazing masterpieces, which many performers dream of. Her amazing songs, bright clips and incendiary - to the taste of the modern audience.

Many will be surprised that such a beauty does not yet have a husband. The star has been dating Safari Samuels for a long time, who could just become her husband this year. Unfortunately, the couple went public with their split in early 2015.

As you know, Safari and Nicky have been together for 10 years. In 2014, rumors began to circulate about their wedding, which they had just planned to play in 2015. So, at the end of last year, Minaj gave an interview to one of the well-known magazines, in which she stated that she and her boyfriend were already engaged, preparations for the wedding were in full swing.

The star happily announced that the ceremony will take place on the beach. She also noted that she originally planned to wear 10 wedding dresses on this significant day, but then settled on only three, one of which is a custom-made Alexander McQueen dress.

The ex-boyfriend of the mulatto performer has been working as a DJ for a long time. According to some reports, it is known that the musician comes from the ghetto. The media itself announced the break with his passion Safari. According to him, his beloved did not appreciate him, did not respect him, put her career above him. The last straw was that in a fit of anger she smashed his foreign car with a bat.

In turn, the singer in the spring of this year released her new album, dedicated to a difficult relationship with her former boyfriend and a difficult break.

Nevertheless, the rap artist did not grieve for a long time. In April of this year, the news appeared that she was engaged again, but with a new chosen one - Meek Mill. So, after love courtship, Mick made an offer to his beauty, and the girl could not refuse. Career, her new chosen one, who is 4 years younger than the singer, is acting.

As you know, the young actor and the world famous singer with curvaceous met for a couple of months before Mill asked her hand and heart.

Minaj was very happy with the offer, she even immediately posted a photo of the ring on Instagram and delighted her fans. According to some reports, it is known that now the lovers are actively preparing for the wedding ceremony, choosing a place. The singer does not announce the date of the ceremony, so we can only guess.

Nicki Minaj

The main films of the actor Nicki Minaj

  • short biography

    American singer, actress and producer. The winner of many awards in categories such as "Best Hip-Hop Artist", "Best Group", etc. In the film industry, she became known for her role as Lydia in the film "The Other Woman" by Nick Cassavetes.

    Nicki Minaj was born December 8, 1982 in St. James. Real name - Onika Tanya Maraj (Eng. Onika Tanya Maraj). She grew up in a poor family and lived with her grandmother for a long time while her mother and father tried to move to the United States and find work there. She studied playing the clarinet and graduated, in addition to the regular school, from the LaGuardia music school.

    Nicky often participates in all kinds of talk shows and ceremonies. She produced a mini-series about herself in 2012, which she called Nicki Minaj: MyTruth. Her full-fledged acting work is the role of Lydia in the comedy melodrama The Other Woman by Nick Cassavetes. In this film, she co-starred with actress Cameron Diaz, who played the title role. In addition, the singer took part in the dubbing of the cartoon "Ice Age 4: Continental Drift" by Steve Martino and Mike Termeier. The directors were delighted with Nicky, in one of his interviews, Steve Martino admitted: “We should have immediately seen how well she would fit, because when you listen to her music, Nicky relies on her voice and owns it perfectly. Our first recording session with her was where we were just blown away that not only is she a great performer and captures the essence of the character, but she also introduced us to two or three different versions of the character, allowing us to choose the direction in which we could go.”

    The main activity of Minaj is the performance of rap songs. Since 2009, the famous rapper Lil Wayne has been promoting the singer in the world of show business. He revealed the girl's talent and made her a world-class star. At the end of 2010, Nicky released her debut album called "Pink Friday". He brought her great popularity, because thanks to him she became the first performer, whose seven songs were simultaneously on the lines of the Billboard Hot 100 chat. She sang along with the popular group The Black Eyed Peas, releasing the single “Check It Out”. Then, together with rapper Drake, she performed the song "Moment 4 Life", which was an incredible success. In addition, she has worked with such world stars as Madonna, Rihanna and Britney Spears.

    Minaj often changes her look, wearing wigs of incredible colors and dresses from the most extraordinary designers. Following in the footsteps of many showmen, she released her own perfume, which was named after one of her music albums "Pink Friday".

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