Biography: Olga Buzova - from a student to a socialite. Olga Buzova: biography, personal life

  1. Olga was born in 1986 in the northern capital of Russia in a military family. From infancy, she was very capable: she learned to write and count early, from the age of three she began to learn a foreign language. And two years later, the baby has already gone to first grade. The future star liked to study at school, she had only good marks in her diary. She had excellent relationships with her classmates and teachers.
  2. In addition to Olga, her younger sister Anya also grew up in the family. In childhood, girls often competed and quarreled with each other. There were enough reasons for disagreement: starting from outfits and jewelry, ending with boys. Already, being adults and accomplished personalities, the sisters found a common language with each other, and now they have a warm relationship.
  3. When Olya was a fifteen-year-old teenager, she began to earn extra money as a fashion model. According to the star, the schoolgirl bought the coveted jeans with the first cash she earned, in which she then felt like a queen. At school, the girl was a solid good student, she graduated from a general education institution with a silver medal. Inspired by her modeling experience, the girl dreamed of an acting career, but she came across a categorical ban from her parents. Therefore, after graduating from school, she applied to the St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of Geography. A capable student graduated from the university with a red diploma.

House 2

  • when Olya was eighteen years old, she became a member of the popular project "House 2". Since at that time she was studying at the university, she had to take an academic leave. On the show, the sociable participant quickly joined the team. Soon, violent feelings flare up in her for a project colleague, Roman Tretyakov;
  • their couple, according to fans, was the brightest in the history of the show. Three years later, the young man left the project, he was waiting for his "Buzenysh" (as the fans called Olya) to follow him. But the girl preferred fame to relationships and stayed on reality TV, deciding to build a career as a TV star;
  • at the end of 2008, after spending about four years on the project, the star of the show hinted at her intention to leave. But the organizers did not want to let go of one of the best participants and offered her to become the co-host of the project.

TV career

Still, being a member of "House 2", the blonde, along with Roman, simultaneously hosts the TV show "Romance with Buzova". The couple even hosted a radio program of the same name. Added to the popularity of the girl and the program "Morning on TNT", where she was the host of her own heading. The telediva also distinguished herself in a stream show in a computer action game called "Black Label". The TV star has been the face of more than one popular show in her career.

She has such well-known projects as:

  1. Beauty contest "Miss Russian Radio" (presenter).
  2. TV show about the supernatural "Battle of psychics" (guest).
  3. Talk show “Cosmopolitan. Video version.
  4. Entertainment project "Attack of clowns" (participant).
  5. Transfer "Taxi" (guest).
  6. Entertainment show "Robot Child" (participant).
  7. Talk show "Let's get married" (participant).
  8. Entertainment project "Dancing with the Stars" (participant).

Theater and film actress writer

  • for the first time Olya tried herself as an actress in 2008. The debut role of the girl was the role of Kuzi's friend in an episode of the youth sitcom "Univer", then she plays the role of Sautkina's girlfriend in the series "Zaitsev + 1". Two years later, Buzova is already playing one of the main roles on the stage. The production was called "Honeymoon", in which the newly-made actress and her colleagues on the stage talked about the eternal problems between the sexes. The next performance with her participation is the performance "Elegant Wedding";
  • five years later, the stylish blonde once again pleases fans with another film role: she plays Victoria in the film "Bartender", in the same year she dubs Kate in the film "Fashionable Thing". In 2016, the girl starred in the serial film "Poor People", where she plays herself. After that, she participates in the filming of the comedy film "Take the hit, baby" with the role of Sveta's classmate. Also on her account is the role in the continuation of the fantastic saga “Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone";
  • In 2006, a talented girl discovers another talent in herself: this time for writing. Her first literary work “Romance with Buzova. The most beautiful love story. She created this creation in collaboration with her then boyfriend Tretyakov;
  • according to the Book Business edition, the book was recognized as the best project of the year. Inspired by success, the girl next year releases a sequel called “Romance with Buzova. Love online. Her subsequent book was “The Case in the Hairpin. Tips for a stylish blonde, where she gives advice to young fans on how to look good. And the biographical work “The Price of Happiness” helped to consolidate success in the writing field.

Singer and businesswoman

  1. A multi-talented person never ceased to amaze fans. Since 2011, the TV star has periodically shown her musical talents to the audience. So, together with the famous rap artist T-killah, the blonde recorded a song called "Don't Forget".
  2. And the first solo composition of the newly minted singer was the work “To the Sound of Kisses”. At the beginning of 2017, Buzova again reminded the fans that, among other things, she was also a singer, releasing a new song, “I Get Used to it.”
  3. Like most socialites, the telediva is close to the topic of fashion and beauty. Therefore, she tries her hand at the design field. The blonde has developed an author's clothing line, which was revealed to the public at the Estet fashion week. In addition, the girl also worked part-time with the well-known company C&C.
  4. Together with her younger sister Anna, Olga founded the Bijoux brand and a chain of stores with the same name, where you can buy jewelry from star sisters.

Personal life of a TV personality

  • The personal life of a star is by no means a closed topic. Since the days of "House 2" her relationship with men has always been in the spotlight. After the breakup of the “most beautiful couple of the project”, she had minor affairs with Materazzo and Karimov.
  • In 2011, Olga met the famous Russian footballer, the star of FC Lokomotiv Dmitry Tarasov. According to media reports, the man even divorced his wife because of Buzova. After several months of a bright and stormy romance, the young people got married.
  • The celebration was "modest", only for a narrow circle of people: in total, about seventy people attended the wedding. Having become the wife of an athlete, Olga devoted all her free time to creating a cozy nest. She cared for and supported her husband in every possible way.
  • But the star marriage did not last long: four years later, the couple broke up. The girl was very upset by the gap, in order to get a little distracted, she radically changed her image: the beauty appeared to the fans in the form of a “chocolate” brunette.

Interesting Facts

  • in 2009 Olga participated in the Youth Train volunteer movement;
  • in the fall of 2017, the girl recorded her first music album, To the Sound of Kisses;
  • at the Estet fashion week, the girl showed her abilities as a DJ by playing a set for the show

What do you think of Olga Buzova? We are waiting for your comments.

Forbes magazine has published a new annual ranking of the highest paid Russian stars. The top ten included TV presenter and singer Olga Buzova. The girl earned $ 3.9 million in a year. How did Buzova manage to turn from an ordinary participant in a reality show into one of the richest businesswomen in the country?

2004: what Buzova came to Dom-2

Many people remember Buzova from the moment when in 2004 she came to the Dom-2 TV project as a participant. Then she was a simple 18-year-old girl - naive, perky and bright. She later admits in an interview more than once that she was never satisfied with her appearance. But Olga knew how to present herself.

Buzova and Sobchak at the Dom-2 project

Buzova came to Dom-2 a week after the start of the television set. Her arrival was spectacular. The girl was brightly dressed. She impressed everyone with long white hair and a sincere smile. Olga said that she works as a model, and the girls on the TV project began to be jealous of their young people for her.

2005-2007: platinum blonde on a project about love

Due to the huge popularity, the Dom-2 project has been going on for many years. Many of those participants who first came to the show lived for years under the guns of television cameras. During this time they changed their image more than once.

Olga as a platinum blonde

Olga Buzova also changed. An ordinary girl could afford more fashionable and expensive outfits than before. But she remained faithful to the image of the blonde.

2008: a discreet image of the host "Dom-2"

How Buzova became the host of Doma-2, her fans remember well. In 2008, Olga decided to leave the TV project, which became her true family. But the producers did not want to let the girl go. They invited her to become the host of the show.

Olya changed her image to a more restrained one

Now Olga had to conduct serious conversations with the participants, resolve conflicts. The image of a naive blonde no longer suited her. Buzova has become more serious and restrained in her choice of outfits.

2009: experiments with hairstyles and hair color

In 2009, Olga Buzova wanted to change her image. At that time, she did not dare to change her hair color. Olga very carefully approached changes in appearance. And even consulted with her mother, which haircut to choose.

Olga with a new haircut

As a result, the choice was made in favor of a square. The girl called it the best option. She began to look "like a lady", and at the same time - remained herself.

2010: what actress Olga Buzova looked like

In 2010, Buzova decided to try herself as a theater actress. The girl first appeared on stage in the play "Honeymoon". In the same year, she successfully replaced Maria Kozhevnikova in the production of "Elegant Wedding".

Buzova in the production of "Elegant wedding"

The emotional game of Olga Buzova was perceived by the audience with a bang. Buzova remained the same gorgeous blonde, but became more sophisticated.

2011-2013: singer Buzova wins the hearts of fans

In 2011, the formation of Buzova as a singer began. First, several of her songs were included in the music collection “Stars of the House-2. Laws of love. After that, she, along with the popular rapper T-killah, released the single "Don't Forget". Gradually, Olga's popularity is growing.

Olga together with rapper T-killah

She appears in many projects on TNT: “Cosmopolitan. Video version”, “Robot Child”, “Taxi”, “Attack of the Clowns”. In 2011, the girl was one of the brides on the Let's Get Married program on Channel One, and in 2012 she took part in the Dancing with the Stars project.

2014-2015: everything should be natural and natural

In marriage, Olga devoted a lot of time to her husband Dmitry Tarasov. However, during this period, Buzova has her own business, she opens designer clothes and jewelry stores.

Buzova with her husband Dmitry

Olga is often invited to the Comedy Club, she easily accepts jokes addressed to her and makes new friends here. The aspiring business lady can be seen in more formal outfits, sometimes she wears glasses.

2016: high-profile divorce and a radical change in image

The end of 2016 brought unexpected news, Olga Buzova's marriage broke up. An unpleasant parting was not without mutual barbs.

Olga after divorce

It was impossible not to notice how Olga had changed after the divorce. The girl radically changed her hair and became a brown-haired woman.

2017: businesswoman changes image

In 2017 Olga records new songs, shoots videos. She often goes on tour with concerts and works as a presenter. Buzova talked a lot on TV shows and on social networks about her husband's betrayal and about her feelings.

Olga as an elegant businesswoman

She has a multi-million audience on Instagram and many advertising contracts. Olga Buzova's singles took first place in iTunes 10 times in a row. This is the only such case in the history of show business.

Olga is no longer the naive blonde she was when she arrived at Dom-2. Now many have seen in her a business woman who works very hard and stubbornly goes towards her goal.

2018: Instagram star - long hair

In 2018, Olga remains among the Russian stars. She creates her own and opens . The girl has changed, now she has long hair, but the brown-haired color remains her favorite.

Buzova is one of the most popular girls on Instagram

Olga tells subscribers that now she not only enjoys success in business or a good concert. She is happy as a woman, but not a word about the personal.

Thousands of participants passed through the Dom-2 project, but not all the names remained on the lips of the public. Olga Buzova is one of the few who was able to achieve real popularity and success. Olga changed externally, becoming stronger internally.


The great potential and versatility of talents allowed Olga Buzova to achieve considerable success in show business. Today she is at the peak of popularity, and she changed her career as a TV presenter of the Dom-2 show project to the solo life of the singer. Olga has millions of admirers and fans, but her heart is currently free. After an unsuccessful marriage with Dmitry Tarasov, the girl completely immersed herself in creativity. However, it seems that the next marriage of a charming beauty is just around the corner.

Olga in childhood, her parents and family

A girl was born on a January afternoon in 1986 in Leningrad, in a completely "unartistic" family. The girl's parents loved their children very much, and in addition to Olga, they also raised their daughter Anyuta. The couple denied themselves in many ways in their desire to provide girls with better living conditions - high-quality clothes, travel, attending circles. The photos of Olga Buzova and her family speak best of the friendly atmosphere.

Olga with her parents and sister Anyuta

Olga's father worked as a civil servant, her mother worked as a dentist. Olga Buzova's family still lives in Leningrad, today's St. Petersburg, the mother does not work, and the head of the family is engaged in entrepreneurship.

Olya grew up as a smart child, learned to write and read early, and at the age of 3 she already spoke English. Her mother sent her to school early, when the girl was only 5 years old. First-graders of the age of seven at first offended the baby, but then unconditionally accepted her. Throughout the school years, the girl has always been the soul of the class.

Olga in childhood

She was imitated by many, because even then she skillfully experimented with fashionable images. Olga spent her first fee (and she earned money on her own at the age of fifteen) on fashionable jeans.

After successfully graduating from school, Olga enters St. Petersburg University at the Faculty of Geoecology and Geography. True, her studies at the university had to be interrupted, because at that time she "built love" at the television construction site "Dom-2". However, Olga's perseverance served her well here too, she successfully completed her studies at the university, starting lectures after academic leave. Olga got to the casting of the Dom-2 project thanks to Anyuta's sisters, because it was she who, having seen the ad, hurried to tell her sister about it. After a successful selection, the girl shone in a television project, and millions spoke about the Buzova-Tretyakov pair.

Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov - relations on the Dom-2 project

Olga's couple with Roman was recognized by viewers as the most beautiful and romantic in those days. Moreover, she entered the history of the project and is immortalized in the Moscow Wax Museum. Unfortunately, these three years of relationship were unsuccessful, the couple broke up without officially marrying. Tretyakov put a fat point in this novel, having decided to leave the project, he called Olga after him, but the girl was in no hurry to leave the “television construction site”. After Roman, the girl tried to start relationships with the guys on the project, but they were all fleeting. But even here Olga did not lose heart, she changed the role of a project participant to a career as a TV presenter, replacing Ksenia Sobchak.

Olga with Roman Tretyakov

The first official marriage - marriage with Tarasov

In 2011, fate favored Olga, she met her true love - football player Dmitry Tarasov. It is worth noting the fact that Olga took Tarasov away from the family. The football player was married before the affair with her and raised his daughter Anastasia. It took Olga only two months to "fake" a famous football player, and in 2012 the lovers officially registered their marriage.

The new husband showered Olga with luxurious gifts, sponsored her cool parties, took her to famous resorts, and in the rays of glory she wrote the book “The Price of Happiness”, in which she gave valuable advice on how to build your love. At that time, about “Tarabuziki”, this is exactly what the couple called themselves - every second spoke, but alas, a strong marriage did not work out.

Olga with ex-husband Dmitry Tarasov

In her interview, Olga says that she dreamed of living with this man all her life, and as a result, the fairy tale turned into dust, leaving a bitter residue.

In 2016, the Tarabuziki divorced, and the reason for the gap was a banal betrayal, Dmitry was seen in a relationship with model Anastasia Kostenko, and they say that she is pregnant from him.

Friends and acquaintances of couples say that children can also be the reason for the gap, the footballer wanted to have a strong family with children, and Olga did not plan a birth, she was building her career.

Personal life of Olga Buzova today - facts, rumors and speculation

After a divorce from Dmitry, the girl carefully looks at each man, no longer making hasty decisions. But her name is full of rumors. The girl is credited with an affair with the famous showman Dmitry Nagiyev, as well as with Sergey Svetlakov, although the girl has only friendly relations with them.

Olga - photo 2017

The last scandalous situation with Olga arose due to feuds with Viktor Drobysh, he publicly ridiculed her work on the musical Olympus. But Olga does not give up, taking criticism hard, she nevertheless made her debut in November 2017 in Moscow with a solo concert, where she performed such popular songs as:

  • "I'm getting used";
  • "Few halves";
  • "Equilibrium";
  • "Wrong" and others

There is no doubt that the determination and charm of the girl will soon affect her fate and she will meet the man of her dreams.

Olga Igorevna Buzova. She was born on January 20, 1986 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian TV presenter, radio host, model, actress and singer.

She became widely known as a participant, and then the host of the Dom-2 television project on the TNT channel. Since December 2008, he has been the editor-in-chief of the World of Reality Show. House 2"...

Father - Igor Dmitrievich Buzov.

Mother - Irina Alexandrovna.

She grew up sociable and sociable, in high school she worked as a counselor in children's summer camps. From the age of 15 she worked in a modeling agency.

I studied well. She graduated from school with a silver medal. Entered St. Petersburg University at the Faculty of Geoecology and Geography.

In 2004 she got on the TV show "Dom-2".

She spent four years on the project as a participant, according to the results of the audience voting, she was recognized as the best participant in the entire history of the television project.

In "Dom-2" she met with Roman Tretyakov.

Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov

In 2007, wax figures of Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov, the most popular members of Doma-2, appeared in the Moscow Wax Museum.

Over the four years of her life in Dom-2 as a participant, Olga Buzova wrote two books "Romance with Buzova" And “It's a hairpin. Stylish Blonde Tips ».

In 2007, together with Roman Tretyakov, Buzova published the book “Romance with Buzova. Love online.

After parting with Tretyakov, whom Buzova, according to Roman, abandoned because he was not able to provide her with a luxurious life, she had a relationship with Stas Karimov.

And after breaking up with Karimov, Olga Buzova started an incomprehensible affair with Alessandro Materazzo.

Materazzo himself subsequently stated that the relationship was staged. In addition, he made it clear that Buzova is the mistress of Alexei Mikhailovsky (producer of the project).

Here's what he said Materazzo "Express Gazeta" in his scandalous interview about Olga Buzova:

- Sasha, our readers are interested in how your relationship with the participants of the show is developing today?

There are almost no adequate people left in the "House". With people like Buzova, what to talk about? She is the "six" of the project producer Alexei Mikhailovsky. He does whatever he pleases with her. Can grab in front of people for any place. And nothing. Maybe he sleeps with her, who knows. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case. Rumors have been around for a long time. Buzova is ready for anything and anyone. As long as the money is paid.

Have you ever had good feelings?

- We had a purely gaming relationship. The producers, of course, wanted something serious to happen between us. Mikhailovsky set up every day: “Alex, it’s time to move on to action! Get Buzova to say “yes” in front of the camera, and you are guaranteed a salary of five thousand dollars!” I had to take care of her. Make-believe, of course.

Did the courtship lead to anything?

Once I took her to a nightclub. Buzova pretty much drank there, softened. Let's go to my house. Olga went to take a shower, I went to the kitchen. Then I go to the bathroom. I see that she is no longer there, and extremely unsympathetic little black panties are hanging on the dryer. Buzova, after all, dresses at flea markets. I'm going to the bedroom. And there Olya lies ready. Completely naked. Lord, I think I don't need such happiness. Who would have seen her pimply body - tin! And I went to sleep in another room. It always seemed to me that Buzova was madly in love with me. But Mikhailovsky pumped her up all the time: “Materazzo doesn’t love you. He only needs “grandmothers.” Olga herself screamed about it in a rage. She even wanted to leave the project. Although the producers PRed her as soon as possible. Mikhailovsky never hid his relationship with Buzova : "She's mine and only mine!"..." He almost called Olga his own thing. But when she was made the host, all the participants were indignant. She can't put two words together.

During her stay on the Dom-2 project, Olga participated in several media projects as a host.

In 2005-2006, Olga, together with Roman Tretyakov, hosted the youth talk show Romance with Buzova on TNT. Radio Popsa offered them to host their own talk show on the radio every Saturday with the same name - Romance with Buzova.

On May 31, 2007, on World Blonde Day, Lyubov Voropaeva, the producer of the Golden Person award, presented the award to Olga Buzova as the country's most stylish and brightest blonde.

Since September 2007, she has become the host of her own column "Caution, stylists!" in the program "Morning on TNT".

Olga Buzova also acted as a TV show host in the Black Label computer game.

Since December 2008, she has been the host of the reality show Dom-2 and the editor-in-chief of the World of Reality Show magazine. House 2".

In 2007, Olga was the host of the 7th international beauty contest "Miss Russian Radio 2007".

Olga Buzova about love

Olga Buzova took part in the filming of other TNT programs, such as Cosmopolitan. Video version”, “Attack of the Clowns”, “Robot Child”, “Taxi”, “Battle of Psychics”. Repeatedly became a guest of TV programs of other TV channels - First Television, MUZ-TV, MTV, NTV and others.

In August 2008, Olga Buzova made her debut as an actress in the TV series "Univer" on TNT in the role of an Internet friend of Eduard "Kuzi" Kuzmin.

Since November 2008, Olga began her solo career, touring in Russia and neighboring countries. Her songs are presented in the album "Stars House 2. Laws of Love".

As part of the popularization of the volunteer movement in 2009, Olga was the host and participant of the special campaign team "Train of Youth" under the auspices of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation.

At the end of 2009, Olga entered the top three TV presenters in the country.

In September 2010, the first theatrical debut took place. Olga Buzova replaced actress Maria Kozhevnikova in the theatrical production of "Elegant Wedding".

In October 2010, she hosted 3 issues of Cosmopolitan. Video version" on TNT with Dmitry Olenin.

Olga Buzova has released several clothing collections together with the C&C brand.

Since 2011, Olga also began an active musical activity. The singer's first single was the song "Don't Forget", performed by a duet with rapper T-killah. In addition to singing, Olga is also DJing.

In 2012, she took part in the show "Dancing with the Stars", Andrey Karpov was a partner.

She has released several clothing collections in collaboration with the C&C brand.

In 2016, a perfumed book by Olga Buzova called "The Price of Happiness" was published.

In the same 2016, she tried herself as a singer, recording the song "To the Sound of Kisses." At the beginning of 2017, the single "Get Used" was released.

In November 2017, it became known that Olga Buzova would host the Babi Riot program on Channel One. Her co-hosts were, and Elena Abitaeva. The daily informational talk show "Baby Revolt" is a female look at everything that happens in the world.

Personal life of Olga Buzova:

Wedding of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov

In the fall of 2016, it became known about the crisis in the relationship of the couple. First, they stopped posting joint pictures on social networks and appearing in public, then Dmitry Tarasov began to allow himself harsh statements about Olga (for example, he called her an "alcoholic"). Also, Buzova and Tarasov began to live separately. Thus, it became clear that the couple was on the verge of breaking up. As Olga Buzova made it clear,.

On November 29, 2016, Olga Buzova filed for divorce at the Meshchansky registry office in Moscow. became known after hackers hacked the TV presenter's personal correspondence.

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov

Filmography of Olga Buzova:

2008 - Univer - cameo
2011 - Elena from polypropylene - cameo
2012 - Zaitsev + 1 - cameo, friend of Olya Sautkina
2015 - Bartender - Vika
2016 - Take a hit, baby - classmate of Sveta Bogatyreva
2016 - Poor people - cameo
2017 - - newscaster
2017 - - cameo

Dubbing by Olga Buzova:

2015 - Fashionable thing (After the Ball) - Kate

Singles by Olga Buzova:

2016 - "To the sound of kisses"
2017 - "Get Used"

Olga Buzova about her height 179 cm:

"My height is really high - 179 cm. By the way. This is another problem of the complexes of many girls who are born tall, then they begin to be shy and stoop. You should always walk with straightened shoulders, because tall girls are wonderful."

Olga Buzova about her breasts of the first size:

"Yes, small. But natural. It seems to me that natural breasts are always more beautiful than silicone ones ... I have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. I don't understand women who pump up their breasts or lips. I think that you can resort to silicone only if you are not very comfortable to live, something interferes. And why should I spoil what is given to me by nature?! My upper lip is not very big, but I like it very much! I'm like a fish. There is some kind of zest in this.. ."

"I confess: I'm in love"

You again added fuel to the fire, “accidentally” being on vacation with Timur Batrutdinov.

I met Tim 14 years ago when I was a member of Dom-2 and I was invited to the Comedy Club as a guest. I confess, in love with his sense of humor. It's cool when a person can make you laugh. Timur also values ​​his family - in this we are similar. I was very glad to see him in Thailand, to spend time together.

Are you afraid that friendship will grow into love?

Yes, everything can be ... But now another man is caring for me, and I'm thinking of reciprocating, because my heart has already thawed, and the pain has almost passed. My friends at my birthday party asked me if I was ready for a change on the personal front. If earlier she said that I live only by work, then for the first time in a long time I answered “yes”!

By the way, this is not your first year celebrating abroad. Why did you fly away again? Wanted to run away?

To be honest, it's already a tradition. And I have long wanted to get to Thailand - lie on the beach and swim a lot. And the girls also liked the option, they chose the place together. I invited Yana, Olga Buzova Design brand assistant, sister Anya and best friend Olya with me.

Fans were tormented by the question: how many swimsuits did you take on vacation?

A lot - at least 30! I had a separate suitcase for them. Women will understand. I changed my bathing suits every day, sometimes two or three times. Moreover, this is the first full vacation in two years. I dreamed about it and brought with me a bunch of everything to come off to the fullest! Of course, I flew to Dubai, Kemer, Marbella, but only for work - with tours. It was possible to lie down on a sun lounger, but only a couple of hours before the concert.

The girls gave a diamond, a live elephant! They even made a documentary film about you called “Girl of the Year”… And what would you wish for yourself?

In 2018, she added the purchase of an apartment to the list of goals. It's time to start thinking about your own home. Roughly imagine how it should be. I'll be looking at options soon. Of course, it would be nice to get a cottage in the suburbs and a house in Spain for mommy. I want to wish myself more strength, because there are a lot of plans. Arriving from vacation, she immediately began to prepare for filming a video for the song Wi-Fi. The tour in Russia will soon continue, then I will go on tour to the USA and Europe. And I also dream of meeting a new love.

"I do what I want"

You already have marriage experience behind you. What kind of man do you see next?

She always singled out intelligence, loyalty, sense of humor and devotion in people. It is impossible to live with a person who is trying to be good for everyone, and says nasty things behind his back. My chosen one should be able to support in a difficult moment.

Well, if he asks to leave Dom-2, what will you do?

I have given up a lot of things in my time. Enough! I do not need a loved one who constantly forbids everything. Let him be loyal to his career, because it is immediately clear in what schedule I exist. You either accept it or you don't. But at the same time I love joint breakfasts and dinners. I like to cook for my man.

You can't tell by your figure that you are in the kitchen! Share the secret of harmony.

Honestly, I love healthy food. I love soups, steamed cutlets, Greek salad and seafood. Indifferent to sweets and rolls. The only thing I can not deny myself is tea with honey or raspberry jam. And the second weakness is sausage. I try to eat less of it, but so far it does not work out. I also dance for 3-4 hours a day.

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