Biography: Olga Buzova - from a student to a socialite. Olga Buzova: Personal life, biography Olga Buzova biography personal life husband


This bright girl burst into the life of the entire post-Soviet space rapidly like a hurricane, gaining momentum in popularity every day. Sometimes it seems that every day Olga discovers new talents in herself, which millions of her fans learn about every day. Who is Olga Buzova really, what is in her biography and what is the singer silent about when talking about her personal life.

The birth and childhood of a star

Olga is a native Petersburger. She was born on January 20, 1986. Her parents did not own factories and plants, as some reporters write. They were regular soldiers. The development of the girl can be called abnormal. This is a new generation of children who successfully master foreign languages ​​at the age of three. Parents, seeing in their daughter the ability to languages ​​and other sciences, sent the child to school at the age of 5. The girl at school showed brilliant abilities, was developed beyond her years, sociable and sociable.

As a teenager, Olga worked as a pioneer leader, and at the age of 15 she decided to earn money on her own as a model.

In 2002, Buzova graduated from high school with a silver medal. Since childhood, the girl dreamed about acting, stage and cinema. But the parents stopped the aspirations of their daughter and forbade her to think in this direction.

All abilities Buzova had to send to study at the university. But the girl, secretly from her parents, increasingly began to attend auditions of various TV shows, without thinking about her studies. That is how it appeared on the television screens of the country, whose biography and personal life haunt the fans of the star.

Popular TV set

It was a real shock for parents when they saw their daughter in 2004 in a new show on TNT called "Dom-2". Olga decided to try her luck and build her love, like all the construction participants. Buzova understood that this was a great chance to get settled in life and build a career that she had dreamed of so much. Many novels that ended in parting did not bring Olga proper peace of mind. Having decided to realize herself as not only a participant, Buzova wrote two books during the years spent on the project.

Parents could not allow their daughter to be left without education and forced her to enter the university at the Faculty of Geoecology and Geography, which she graduated with honors.

She was repeatedly recognized as the most stylish and popular participant in the project. The girl had the longest relationship with. This couple had common goals other than building a relationship. Roma and Olya managed to be presenters on television and radio on their own talk show "Romance with Buzova". Their couple lasted two years, after which they broke up.

In 2006, Tretyakov decided to leave the project and called his companion along with him. But Olga Buzova chose a career instead of a relationship, and thanks to her decision, every Russian now knows her biography, and millions of fans follow her personal life.

In 2008, Olya, tired of loneliness and unsuccessful romances with Stas Karimov and Alexander Materazzo, decided to leave the show. The TNT channel could not miss the bright girl gaining momentum in popularity. The producers offered Olga to become the leading heading in the project "Beware, stylists!".

In December 2008, the organizers of the TV show decided that it was time for Olga to take a new step in her career and she took the place of the host on Dom-2. In addition to this role, Olga was asked to become the editor-in-chief of a magazine about the TV set and the life of its members.


But the versatile blonde seemed boring just to be the leader. The girl decided to signify her vocal career while on the project, and today on every television channel you can hear the voice of Buzova. The debut video of the aspiring singer was a joint hit with the title "Don't Forget".

No one could imagine that the project participant in the future would recruit full venues and concert halls of fans who would go crazy with the mere sight of their idol.

Olga Buzova also successfully realized herself as a DJ, which became a new chapter in her biography and personal life. Not so long ago, Buzova presented to the public a clip with "the most beautiful criminal in the world." Jeremy Meeks flew to Moscow specifically to star in the singer's video. And almost the other day, the Russian Internet blew up Philip Kirkorov's video "Mood Color Blue", where many trendy stars of Russia starred, including Olga Buzova.

Other projects

You can list for a very long time all the projects and shows where the girl took part. Among them are "Let's Get Married", "Taxi", "Battle of Psychics", "Dancing with the Stars", "Dancing on TNT" and others.

Acting in film and theater

The girl decided not to stop there and took up an acting career. She can be seen in youth comedies.

  1. "Bartender".
  2. "Zaitsev+1".
  3. "Univer ".
  4. "Take the hit, baby!"
  5. "Poor people" and others.

Olga dared to conquer the theatrical stage and today she has several successfully played theatrical roles.

A new book

In memory of her formation as a singer, actress, TV presenter and other areas of creativity, in 2016 Olga published a new bookwith the intriguing title "The Price of Happiness". In it, the girl talked about how difficult the path of a simple girl walking towards her dream can be. The writer told her readers what she has to go through in order to achieve her goals.


Olga Buzova decided to try herself as a successful designer, and her biography was supplemented with a new item. Her personal life, as well as creativity, is always in full view of the multi-million army of fans. Fans closely follow the impeccable style of the star and are ready to buy all the things that Olya herself wears.

Together with the Italian company, Buzova developed her own clothing line and successfully presented it at the Estet fashion week. By the way, the fashion designer acted not only as a designer at the show, but also demonstrated her musical abilities as a DJ. Together with her sister Anna, the singer runs a network of stores of her own branded clothing and jewelry.

    Do you like how Olga Buzova sings

Olga Buzova was not fired

Spiteful critics are haunted by the reactive career of the presenter, and rumors appeared on the network that Buzova was fired from the TNT channel. The producers had to give an interview where they dispelled all speculation. The girl has been working flawlessly for 10 years as a presenter on a television set and the channel administration does not intend to look for a replacement for such a popular star.

Olga will continue to lead the project going forward. The press service also emphasized that no scandalous circumstances related to the personal life of the star would change the opinion of the producers about Buzova as the host.

Personal life

Olga deliberately made her personal life public, where any viewer could see her developing relationship with partners. This is what happened with her marriage. Olga Buzova, whose creative biography and personal life is on display, this time did not change herself.

Hundreds of reporters followed her and her companion at every step, who was married at the time of their acquaintance. The TV star decided that she suited Tarasov more than his wife and took the footballer away from the family.

For a long time, the couple hid their relationship. The football player fiercely defended his companion from the attacks of the press, explaining that his divorce was inevitable and Olga had nothing to do with it.

Tarasov made an offer to Buzova in Dubai. At that time, they had known each other for 2 months. In the summer of 2012, the couple signed in the circle of their closest people. For the whole country, Olga remained Buzova, although she took her husband's surname at the time of registration. The artist honestly tried to become an ideal wife. She had to abandon many projects, including films where she took part.

The whole country followed their romance, wedding and subsequent family life for 4 years. But a beautiful relationship ended in divorce. Before parting, the couple began to post joint photos on social networks less and less, after which the fans of the spouses realized that their beloved "Tarabuziki" were no longer together.

As it turned out later, Dmitry Tarasov had a new one on the side girl Anastasia Kostenko, whom he later married. To date, Anastasia is pregnant and she and Dmitry are impatiently waiting for pchild's clothing.

Olga Buzova was very upset by this divorce and all the suffering could be seen on her pages on social networks. In her biography, there were no such sad circumstances associated with divorce, and her personal life after parting ceased to exist at all. After the divorce, Buzova did not receive anything from her ex-husband, since at one time a marriage contract was signed between them. It stipulated that all Tarasov's property was indivisible.

The footballer himself argued his divorce by the fact that Olga did not want to have children and wanted to pursue only her career. Tarasov accused his ex-wife of the fact that for her money was more important than their relationship. And the spiteful critics vyingly told each other that Buzova had an affair with Nagiyev during her marriage, which was the reason for the divorce.

Rumors of a new romance

Olga decided to celebrate her last birthday on a grand scale in Thailand. She spent a ten-day vacation in the company of her closest people in a luxurious villa. Colleagues from the TNT channel, including Timur Batrutdinov, attended the celebration of the teledives.

In multiple photos captured from a vacation in Thailand, fans were able to notice that Buzova and Batrutdinov are constantly together. The presenter decided to stir up public interest in their personas and began to post ambiguous comments under each photo. Knowing that Dmitry Tarasov is still jealously monitoring the personal and creative life of his ex-wife, the star decided to stir up his interest in his person.

Batrutdinov himself gave interviews several times, where he told reporters about his long-term friendship with Buzova. But no matter how much the fans would like to see the new relationship of their favorite, this novel did not continue.

Rehabilitation after divorce and the new Buzova

After the divorce, Olga radically changed her image, turning from a blonde into a sultry brunette. She took up her career with triple strength and seemed to be trying to prove to everyone, including Tarasov, that her life goes on.

Observant fans note that Olga has done several plastic surgeries. But we must pay tribute to the singer, who, thanks to her ability to work, always looks great.

Opening your own restaurant

Olga Buzova could not dwell on what heights she had reached in a short time. The star decided that her biography lacks the name "restaurateur". Since her personal life did not work out at all, the girl decided to try herself again in a new field. The other day, the TV presenter personally opened her own restaurant called Buzfood.

Olga chose a place for her offspring near the Timati restaurant. Thousands of the singer's fans came to the opening, eager to see their idol and try the restaurant's menu. It came to a stampede when the doors of the institution were opened.

Car traffic was blocked by people, and the singer, in turn, delighted fans with her creativity and fed everyone for free.

The sentimental nature of the star played its role and the restaurateur wanted to shake hands with everyone in recognition, which is why she stumbled and fell unsuccessfully. But the fans did not pay attention to force majeure and did not give the new restaurateur a pass. Many stars came to the opening of this institution, including Philip Kirkorov, Vlad Topalov, Andrey Malakhov, Grigory Leps and others.

Olga Buzova is a rather ambiguous personality of Russian show business, but it was her brightness and dissimilarity to others that helped her achieve everything that she now has.


Her popularity began to grow from the moment the television project Dom 2 appeared on TNT. Now Olya is acting in TV series, recording albums, participating in shows and hosting several of them. In addition, she is constantly involved in business and charity. We will tell the most interesting facts about it in this article.

Biography of Olga Buzova

She was born on 01/20/1986 in a family of real intellectuals. There was no shortage of money in the family, so the girl often received expensive gifts and travel.

2. First successes

She learned to walk and talk early. From the age of three she began to study English.

3. To school from the age of 5

I went to school from the age of five. It was quite difficult for the girl, but thanks to her perseverance and hard work, she coped with the curriculum and managed to build normal relationships with her classmates.

4. Dream of becoming an actress

As a teenager, she dreamed of an acting career. The parents were categorically against it.

5. Education.

She received her first higher education at St. Petersburg State University, graduating with a red diploma in the specialty of a geographer. In 2016, it became known that the girl began to receive a second higher education in psychology.

6. Career start

In 2004, the future star came to the television project "Dom 2", where her dizzying career began.

Olga Buzova's career

7. Relations on the project "House 2"

On the TV project, the girl began a relationship with Roman Tretyakov, which lasted more than three years. The couple was considered the most romantic and strongest. After Roman left the project, arguing that he was tired of flaunting his personal life. The man was waiting for Olga to follow him. Olga chose to stay on the project and continue her career on a reality show.

8. The beginning of a leading career

In 2008, the star decided to finally leave the project. The producers could not afford to lose Buzova, so they persuaded her to stay as the host, together with. In parallel, the girl was engaged in other successful projects on the TNT channel and on the radio.

9. Designer

The girl realized herself as a fashion designer and opened a chain of boutiques. She has released several clothing collections in collaboration with the C&C brand.

10. Borodina vs Buzova

In 2018, a new show "Borodina vs. Buzova" was launched on the TNT channel. The girls, together with experts, discuss a variety of events on the Dom 2 project from different points of view and decide who exactly should leave the project.

Married to Buzova

11. New reality show

By analogy with the show "The Bachelor", the reality show "Marry Buzova" was launched on the TNT channel. In this project, the girl will try to find her soul mate. There will be 8 episodes in total, but it is possible that the show will be renewed for a second season.

Olga called this project the craziest act in her life.

The show was not only advertised a lot before the start of the show on TV, but they did it very aggressively. So there were a lot of provocative remarks in the commercials: “the last chance to get married”, “it’s not normal when such a beautiful girl has no sex for two years” and others.

13. Wrestling 15 men

In the struggle for Buzova's heart, 15 men will converge, but it is rather difficult to call them ordinary. Basically, these are models, musicians, businessmen and participants in other projects on television.

14. Filming location

Filming of the show takes place in different cities of Italy, where the participants will be next time becomes a surprise for everyone.

15. Constant deceptions

Buzova admitted that from the very beginning of the project she was faced with lies from the participants. Someone lied about their lack of bad habits, someone confessed their love, but started a relationship immediately after leaving the project.

Unlike the show "The Bachelor", in this project the participants knew in advance that they would fight for the heart of Olga Buzova. At the same time, many did not come to her, but for PR. So some of the participants immediately began to use the name Buzova on social networks to promote their name.

16. Is everything according to the script?

After the release of the 5th series of the show, a real scandal erupted. One of the participants, Alexander Grinev, was dissatisfied with the editing of the series, believing that he was presented in the wrong "light". In a fit of anger, the man wrote stories on Instagram with a very ambiguous remark: “Guys from TNT, I really respect everything that you do, your work. Despite the role that you gave me in this series. But the material in the 5th series is absolutely not ethically edited ... "

The entry was soon deleted, but it will now be quite difficult to refute the presence of a pre-written script.

17. “Am I worth 2 million rubles?”

In one of the episodes, the show participant was offered 2 million rubles in exchange for his refusal to fight for Buzova's heart. Yevgeny Nazarov agreed to take the money and leave the show, which offended Olga Buzova very much, who indignantly asked: “Am I worth 2 million rubles?”.

Nazarov himself, who was introduced to the show as a dollar millionaire, commented on his act with Olga's lack of interest in him. He promised to spend the money on charity.

The show really has the opportunity to take money and leave the project, with each release the amount of remuneration increases. In the very first issue, abandoning Buzova cost 100,000 rubles.

Personal life of Olga Buzova

18. Wedding with Tarasov

After breaking up with Roman Tretyakov, the girl began dating football player Dmitry Tarasov. The guy soon divorced his wife for the sake of a new romance with Olga. A year later, he made Buzova an offer. In 2012, a magnificent wedding took place.

19. Divorce from Tarasov

Four years later, the first rumors of an impending divorce appeared. Tarasov accused his wife of excessive demands and greed. According to him, the TV personality constantly asked for expensive gifts and payment for all her trips and entertainment. A version about Tarasov's betrayals appeared in the media.

20. Reasons for divorce

According to another version, everyday life became the reason for the divorce. This became known when hackers hacked Buzova's account and published messages that her mother had written to her. In SMS, the woman scolded Olya, accused her of not striving for cleanliness and not wanting to learn how to put the house in order for the sake of her loved one.

Interesting facts about Olga Buzova

21. Buzova and Borodina

It is known that Olya developed a friendship with Borodina. After the divorce, the Buzova girls stopped appearing together at parties and social events, and colleagues in the shop say that there was a clear discord between the stars. The reason was the new girlfriend of Dmitry Tarasov, with whom Borodina introduced him shortly before the divorce. The version is not officially confirmed, but it seems the most plausible in this situation.

22. Conflict with Borodina

In 2017, at the Muz-TV award, Ksenia personally allowed herself to voice a series of barbs against Buzova about her musical career, her voice and personal life, mentioning that Olya still had no children.

23. The beginning of a career as a singer

After parting with her husband, the girl decided not to become depressed, but recorded her own album and shot several clips in which she touches on deeply personal topics and shares her experiences.

24. Departure from "House 2"

After the release of the album, Olya began to devote more time to music and decided to leave Dom 2, which upset the audience. According to another version, the channel's leaders decided to "ask" for the star, as her behavior has recently caused a public outcry.

Shortly before this, a video appeared on the social network, where Buzova, being in a strong alcoholic intoxication, says that she hates the participants of House 2 and remained in the project for the sake of money. The video was quickly deleted, it is impossible to confirm its authenticity.

Buzova's popularity in social networks is constantly growing. In this regard, advertising on her page has also risen in price. Previously, an advertising post on a star's Instagram cost 100 thousand rubles. Now, according to some reports, this amount has grown to 400 thousand rubles. Considering that such posts appear two or three times a day, it is easy to conclude that the hype around the divorce brought a good profit.

26. Fake Instagram Followers

Experts noted that the number of subscribers on the telediva’s Instagram exceeds the Russian-speaking segment of this network, which indicates the cheating and purchase of bots. It is calculated that the actual number of people does not exceed two million, and the price of advertising in her account is unreasonably high.

27. Loboda

32. Conflict with Yegor Creed

But a little later, Olga began to swear at. He, after the finale of the show "The Bachelor", noted that the girls had much more subscribers on social networks, but he did not feel sorry for the girls PR in his name. Buzova, in turn, noted that the girls "untwisted" due to the popular channel and the good timing of the show.

33. Role in the TV series “Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone".

In the popular series, she received the role of a news anchor on television. Recall that in this series an alternative reality is recreated, in which the USSR did not collapse.

34. Unsuccessful hymn "House 2"

In the summer of 2018, Buzova, together with the scandalous rapper AK-47, sang a song that was supposed to become the new anthem of the Dom 2 project. The song was criticized by fans of both artists.

Naturally, there is no talk of any official recognition of the anthem now, but the performers are already filming a video for their song with the involvement of Russian pop stars and the most scandalous participants in the project..

Quick Facts

  • 35. Buzova's height is 180 centimeters, weight is about 56 kilograms.
  • 36. Olya constantly has to face criticism and outright condemnation from the public and stars.

Full name: Olga Igorevna Buzova

Stage aliases: Olga Buzova

Age: 33 years

Father: Igor Dmitrievich Buzov

Mother: Irina Alexandrovna Buzova

Zodiac sign:♑ Capricorn

Place of Birth: Russia, St. Petersburg

Nationality: Russian

Height: 178 cm

Family status: Single

Education: higher (St. Petersburg State University)

Activity: TV presenter, singer, actress

Annual income:$3.9 million (2018)

Who is Olga Buzova

Olga Buzova, a well-known person in Russian show business, made a successful career herself, noting that she inherited her strong-willed character from the parents of military personnel. She gained fame after participating in the reality show "Dom-2", later she became the host of the program.

TV presenter and singer Olga Buzova

Currently, Buzova is a popular singer, actress, writer and business woman. Her Instagram is by the number of followers.

Biography of Olga Buzova

Olga maintains a close relationship with her family. Parents now live in their hometown of St. Petersburg. They often come to the capital to visit. The sister settled in Moscow. Her singer and TV presenter calls her "the most dear person in the world."

Buzova's family: parents and sister

Olga was born in January 1986 in the city on the Neva. The girl was very sociable and active. Parents raised their daughters in severity. Olga recalls that she did not have time for pranks. She was constantly doing something: drawing, learning English or doing gymnastics.

Olga was born into a military family

Father, Igor Dmitrievich, is a military man by profession, but managed to work as a builder and manager. There is a lot of information on the Web that he sponsored his daughter on the Dom-2 project. This is not true. The man did not have the financial means to do so.

Olga with her father Igor Dmitrievich

By the way, Buzova said several times that her father was against her participation in the famous project. Igor Dmitrievich is a non-public person. The public knows little about him. He lives in St. Petersburg in an ordinary apartment, and does not boast of kinship with a famous show business person.

Igor Dmitrievich, Anna and Olga Buzova

Mother, Irina Alexandrovna, from childhood told her daughters that they needed to work hard: “Children remain small only until they are 18 years old. After coming of age, they are already independent and independent individuals.

Olga with her mother Irina Alexandrovna

She was very supportive of the girl during her difficult divorce proceedings with football player Tarasov. Irina Alexandrovna behaved emotionally, openly expressing her dislike towards the famous athlete.

Sisters Buzova with mom

Sister Anna is 2 years younger than Olga Buzova. The girl also participated in the Dom-2 project, but not for long.

Anna Buzova

Now, together with her famous sister, she is developing a designer collection of clothes and accessories. He is actively involved in sports and conducts.

"You and I, we are of the same blood"

By the way, Anna has a rather popular microblog with 1.5 million subscribers. Lives in a civil marriage, no children.

Olga Buzova in childhood

Olya received an excellent pre-school education, learned to write and read early. Her parents decided to send her to school at the age of 5. Buzova graduated with a silver medal, the girl grew up as a very serious child.

Little Olya Buzova

Parents tried to give their daughters rare but memorable gifts. Olga recalls that once on New Year's Eve she received a bobtail dog. She called her Eva and, together with her sister, took care of her, without the help of adults: “Anna and I took turns taking our pet for a walk, fed and cleaned up after her. It was a good time!” And on one of her birthdays, Olya received a piano as a gift.

Olga was a serious child

The father and mother spent maximum effort and money on the education and all-round development of the girl. Since childhood, Olga has played chess. The family had an average income, and often did not travel. Basically, the Buzov sisters spent their summer holidays visiting their grandmother in Riga.

Olga plays chess enthusiastically

From the age of 13, the girl worked as a cleaner, an assistant to the seller, and a counselor in a children's camp. Olga recalls that with her first salary of 2000 rubles she bought herself chic red pants, and proudly wore them to school for a whole year.

Olya in childhood

The girl sang, danced, participated in school theater productions. She wanted to go to study as an actress, but her parents were categorically against it, her daughter had to learn a serious profession. Buzova agreed and, after graduating from high school No. 631, applied for the geographical department of St. Petersburg University, which she graduated with honors.

Career and creativity of Olga Buzova

The first "step" of a brilliant career was the TV show "Dom-2" in 2004. It is interesting that Olga did not come to the project immediately, but 10 days after its launch. This decision was not easy for her, because her parents did not approve of the idea, and Buzova was only 18. As the star recalls, she felt that this had to be done: “It was a strange feeling, as if something from above dictated me to go to the casting. Maybe it's intuition, who knows."

Such Olga came to the project "Dom-2"

Buzova passed the selection, and after a while the whole country started talking about her, and millions of people followed her life. For 4 years, Olga tried to find her love on the project. She has proven herself to be a sweet but persistent girl. Here she went through a good school of interpersonal relations and learned what show business is.

"Dom-2" launched Olga's career

Since 2005, the star begins to try to work on television and radio. She can be seen in such projects: "Black Label", "Beware, stylists!". In 2008, Olga told the producers of the Dom-2 show that she wanted to leave. Realizing that Buzova is one of the last bright participants in the 1st season, they invited her to become the host of the show.

Olga becomes a TV presenter

The girl really liked this work: “I got a tremendous experience, I learned how to behave under the camera lenses. The project really gave me a lot.” Olga released several books, which, although they did not become bestsellers, sold quite well.

Olga Buzova on stage

The celebrity began singing on stage in 2011. The first serious work was the composition “Don't Forget” jointly with the famous rapper T-killah. She has a solo album, dozens of songs and videos to her credit. Each of her musical work immediately becomes a hit.

"Thank you all!"

In 2016, Olga recorded 5 singles, a year later - 6 songs and video clips each. Fans noted the work "One Night", which for several months was at the top of the charts. For the past two years, the girl’s musical career has been developing even more rapidly: Buzova has been touring Russia, receiving music awards.

"Love ❤️ waiting for all my people"

In March 2017, a serious concert took place at the Crocus City Hall, the hall was full. After the concert, Olga said that she "given 100%": "It's so exciting - a solo concert in such a place! I promise that I will meet your expectations." Buzova communicates with fans for a long time after performances, signs autographs, receives many flowers and gifts.

Olga Buzova today

Andrey Cherkasov and Vlad Kadoni will manage the process in this program. In the video, you can hear them saying “Now Olga Buzova’s son will appear in this studio.” After these words, a boy appears on the stage with a bouquet of flowers for the heroine of the issue. In response to the bouquet, the star hugs and kisses the child.

This scene caused a flurry of questions from subscribers. "Ol, do you have a son?" (the spelling and punctuation of the author are preserved hereinafter. - Approx. ed.), “Oli has a son?”, “son ???”, “Do you have a son?”, “Does she have a son”, “I first learned that Olya has a son. Really, I’m shocked”, “Do you have a son? What??”, “Does she have a son?” – wrote surprised fans.

The most observant fans, of course, realized that the boy is actually the godson of the star. And for many subscribers, the topic of the TV project caused indignation and negative remarks rained down on Buzova.

“There is nothing to film. They are already filming about the presenters”, “Family ??? not a husband, not children ... what kind of family evening? Borodina is more suitable for this evening, ”“ The stars no longer pay attention to her, she writes a program to herself so that at least somehow making her look at her such humiliation, ”Internet users were indignant.

Publication from Olga Buzova(@buzova86) Feb 8, 2018 at 2:15 AM PST

Well, there are no comrades for the taste and color, there are many fans of Olga Buzova's work. What part of the viewers do you consider yourself to be?

    Buzova Olga Igorevna - a former participant in the long-running project "Dom-2" - is a bright and unusual person who either annoys everyone or amazes with her spontaneity.

    She is an all round personality. Few people know, but this stylish and slightly eccentric blonde proved herself not only as a TV presenter. Olya Buzova is an actress and aspiring fashion designer, a writer and a successful businesswoman, a radio DJ and a very extravagant singer.

    Bright Buzova always tells the truth in her eyes, she is strict and arrogant, but this is only at first glance.

    Height, weight, age. How old is Olga Buzova

    In Russia and the world, there is probably not a single person left who was not interested in what the height, weight, and age of the spectacular platinum blonde are. How old is Olga Buzova is also easy to understand, knowing her date and year of birth.

    Olga Buzova was born in January 1986, so this year she turned only thirty-one. January gives her the sign of fickle, creative and incredibly hardworking Aquarius according to the zodiac horoscope. According to the eastern horoscope, Olga Buzova is a decisive, courageous and persistent Tiger. This sign indicates that its owner often seeks and finds adventures on the fifth point, which do not always end well.

    Buzova's height is standard, it is one meter and seventy-six centimeters. A woman weighs quite a bit, namely, fifty-three kilograms, and this parameter constantly deviates downward.

    Biography of Olga Buzova

    The biography of Olga Buzova began in 1986, when a cute child was born who was destined to become a child prodigy and a famous media person. The girl was very smart, she learned to write and read early. Olechka learned English at the age of three.

    Mom did not know how to develop a talented baby, she sent her to school as soon as Olya turned five. At first, the girl was a little offended by seven-year-old classmates, but then they saw that Olechka was a surprisingly bright and sociable child who was not at all arrogant.

    Olya found many friends at school, she became an excellent student and the soul of the class. The girl loved to dress up and travel, and her mom and dad did everything so that their daughter did not need anything. Olga mastered the piano and masterfully played chess.

    A thirteen-year-old girl has already earned her first money by working as a counselor in a children's pioneer camp, and at fifteen she worked as a model in an agency. Olya received the first fee of two thousand rubles, which, like a true fashionista, she spent on cool velvet jeans in a spicy red color.

    The girl dreamed of the world of cinema, but her parents were categorically against such a future for their daughter. After graduating from school with a silver medal, Olga entered the State Institute of St. Petersburg at the Faculty of Geography.

    At this time, the girl saw an announcement about a casting for the new show "Dom-2", but came to the reality show after it had started. At the same time, Olya acted very responsibly, since she took an academic leave from Leningrad State University. By the way, the university was graduated with honors later, when she was twenty-four.

    The eighteen-year-old blonde captivated the participants of this project with her spontaneity and natural charm. The girl found her couple, who was recognized as the most beautiful and romantic this season. And in 2007, statues of Olya and Roma appeared in the Moscow Wax Museum, although they had already parted.

    Since 2008, Buzova has been a member of the Dom-2 reality show team, as the editor of the exclusive World of Reality Show magazine. House 2".

    The well-known presenter collaborated for a long time with the TNT channel with the TV programs “Romance with Buzova”, “Morning on TNT”, “Black Label”. Olga was often invited to participate in entertainment format shows, including Robot Child, Attack of the Clowns, Taxi, Battle of Psychics, Let's Get Married!, Dancing with the Stars.

    Buzova is known as an aspiring writer who conquered her fans with the books “Romance with Buzova. The story of the most beautiful love”, “Romance with Buzova. Love online”, “It's about the hairpin. Stylish blonde tips”, “The price of happiness”.

    The girl nevertheless fulfilled her childhood dream and appeared on the blue screens in the series "Univer", "Bartender", "Poor People", "Zaitsev + 1", and also dubbed Kate in the movie "Fashionable Thing".

    Buzova made her debut on the stage in the productions of "Elegant Wedding" and "Honeymoon". The woman sings great, shoots videos and tours the country with her program.

    She launched her own clothing line, became the owner of the Bijoux jewelry brand and stores where they are sold.

    There are many bright and tragic moments in Buzova's biography, but the girl is not very happy in a love relationship. Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov broke up the latest news for today, the girl changed her hair color and became a brunette.

    Personal life of Olga Buzova

    The personal life of Olga Buzova is very stormy, she amazes with romantic and incredibly beautiful moments. A bright girl was noticed during her studies, so we can assume that she had school romances.

    Buzova had a relationship with Stas Karimov, whom they all met on the same famous Dom-2 project. After some time, the guys realized that they had nothing in common, and dispersed. Olya got along with Roman, and Stas was jealous for a long time and fought for his girlfriend. Then the young people decided to remain friends, and even recorded several songs together.

    Olya's first and most striking novel was a relationship with Roman Tretyakov. The guys found each other on the set of the Dom-2 project, where they created a couple. Their relationship lasted more than three years, and then gradually faded away, because Roma left the project, and Olya was in no hurry. This couple was recognized as the most beautiful, romantic and bright on the project. The guys maintained friendly relations, they jointly broadcast on radio and television, wrote books.

    The most interesting and unexpected was Buzova’s romance with Alessandro Materazzo, who left the reality show Dom-2 back in 2009. The guy came to the project and tried to prove to everyone that he was cool. Olya Buzova decided on a relationship with a luxurious Italian, and then she was horrified to find out that he was a deceitful and unreliable person. The guy's name is Sasha Kuryshko, and he has a very real woman outside the set.

    The guy, by the way, decently tarnished Olya's reputation, saying that she had a long relationship with the show's producer Alexei Mikhailovsky and saying a lot of nasty things about her.

    Recently, the girl got into a scandalous story when Olga Buzova and Dmitry Nagiev's correspondence came out. There were also videos and photographs of a rather intimate nature that Olya and Dmitry exchanged. The correspondence appeared after a hacker attack on Buzova’s smartphone, in which the subscriber Dmitry Nagiev asks for dates and intimate photo shoots. These messages appeared long before Buzova's divorce, however, celebrities did not comment on this information.

    Olga Buzova and Sergey Svetlakov have never met, but they have friendly relations. Sergei ugly made fun of the blonde, who during the show "ProjectorParisHilton" sang a song to the soundtrack. The girl was not upset, but laughed and even posted the video on the Internet, providing it with funny comments.

    Family of Olga Buzova

    The family of Olga Buzova is not artistic, but very friendly and understanding. Her parents constantly supported their daughter from childhood. They denied themselves in many ways so that Buzova could dress well, travel and do what she loves.

    Father - Igor Dmitrievich - was a civil servant and received a technical education, is currently a private entrepreneur. Although Buzova's parents divorced, her dad took an active part in her daughter's life. Now he speaks about Olya with respect and pride, supports all her decisions in her personal and creative life.

    Mom - Irina Aleksandrovna - has been working as a highly qualified dentist for a long time.

    Olga has a younger sister - Anya, who was born in the middle of summer 1988. She imitated her sister, so she studied English, dressed like Olya. In 2006, the girl also showed up on the Dom-2 project, where she immediately found her fans in the person of Moscow, Mikhailov and Aleksandrov.

    Buzova felt herself on the sidelines after her sister, so she asked the girl to leave the reality show. Anna lives in a civil marriage, she has no children.

    Olya and Anya run a joint business selling exclusive jewelry. Anna is responsible for preparing documents and contracts.

    Children of Olga Buzova

    The children of Olga Buzova are only in the project, as the young girl tried to make a career. Married to the famous football player Dmitry Tarasov, no babies appeared due to the fact that Olga was engaged in opening a business, her favorite reality show. Dmitry intensively built his football career. Young people were practically not at home at the same time, which cannot have a fruitful effect on childbearing.

    Sometimes rumors appeared on the Internet about problems with women's health and Olga's infertility, however, the TV presenter denied them. Young people claimed that they were completely healthy, but did not have time to make children.

    Another version is that Tarasov already has a baby in his first marriage, and is no longer ready for the second. The girl said that her fans should not speculate, and when and with whom she will have a child, she will decide for herself.

    On her Instagram page, Olga wrote that her husband and children prevent her from going on a diet. Fans ridiculed the woman, pointing out that she divorced her husband and did not have children.

    Olga Buzova's husband is Dmitry Tarasov. Wedding and separation of the couple

    Olga Buzova's husband, Dmitry Tarasov, appeared on the horizon in 2012, when young people entered into a legal marriage. The guy played for Lokomotiv and was a midfielder.

    The guys met in the company of mutual friends when Olya was still at a construction site in the Dom-2 program. Dima and Olga behaved like teenagers in love, constantly talking, calling back.

    The guy was married and raised his little daughter Angelinka, who was born in 2009. This circumstance did not deter Tarasov, he filed for divorce a couple of months after meeting the fatal blonde.

    After the couple signed, this event was celebrated by friends and acquaintances on a rented boat. The family lasted five years, celebrating every year they lived together and Valentine's Day with chic gifts and bouquets of flowers. The girl was constantly rooting for her husband at football matches in which Lokomotiv took part.

    The marriage broke up unexpectedly, and the reasons for this event are called the absence of common kids. Another problem is found in the fact that Dmitry and Olga constantly cheated on each other, and were simply incompatible in character. Fans even signed a petition, according to which Buzova and Tarasov should talk and remain spouses.

    Naked Olga Buzova watch videos

    You can watch naked Olga Buzova videos on the Internet and without censorship at all. It includes footage that was filmed during the participation of the girl in the TV show "Dom-2".

    On the frames of photo and video materials it is possible to see the charms and gorgeous body of the platinum blonde, as well as her partner Roman Tretyakov. Fans of this couple can enjoy twenty-six candid photographs that fall into the category of erotica.

    A nude video starring Olga Buzova was also leaked to the Internet after hackers hacked into her smartphone.

    Photo by Olga Buzova before and after plastic surgery

    Photos of Olga Buzova before and after plastic surgery quite often appear on the Internet, and cause heated debate. Fans are divided into two camps, one of which is delighted with the changes that are happening to the girl, and the second proves that it's just awful.

    Olga claimed that she would never have plastic surgery, as she was pleased with her face and body. Fans carefully compare photos of Buzova, which were taken before or after plastic surgery. Buzova herself does not react in any way to rumors about plastic surgery.

    One way or another, but there are suggestions that Olga pumped up her lips and did rhinoplasty. Fans claim that the woman slightly overdid it with Botox injections and became like an alcoholic.

    Olya Buzova says that she previously did eyebrow tattooing and eyelash extensions, but she still does not agree to another intervention. The girl achieves everything with the help of sports, proper nutrition and high-quality cosmetics.

    Instagram and Wikipedia Olga Buzova

    Instagram and Wikipedia Olga Buzova, of course, are available, and they are quite official. More than two million subscribers have subscribed to Olya's Instagram page. In this source, you can get acquainted with reliable information from the personal and creative life of Buzova. The girl regularly uploads bright and funny photos from her home archive.

    VK has several pages on which information is posted on behalf of Buzova. Olga has a verified page on this social network, on which there is a checkmark after her last name.

    YouTube is also full of interviews, clips and performances of a TV star. Buzova does not agree with many videos and videos created by her fans, but she cannot do anything: this is a payment for fame.

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