Biography. Petya Listerman: biography, personal life and interesting facts Who did Listerman work in a modeling agency


Listerman, Pyotr Grigorievich

Peter Listerman
Petr Grigorievich Listerman

"escort agency" owner, TV presenter, writer

Date of Birth:



Grigory Abramovich Listerman


Christina Semenovskaya


daughter of Alexander

External images
Peter Listerman

Petr Grigorievich Listerman(October 4, Saransk) - the owner of an "escort agency" that organizes acquaintances of Russian businessmen with young girls. By origin - a Jew. The character of the "gossip column" is often called "pimp" and "pimp" in the media. He hosted a television show on the Muz-TV channel.


In Moscow, Listerman married a French woman and left the USSR for France before the start of Perestroika. In Paris, he tried to engage in various commercial activities. According to Novaya Gazeta, in 1995 in France he was arrested by the police on charges of illegal use of stolen cars. Listerman spent about a year in prison. After his release from prison, Listerman married Russian fashion model Kristina Semenovskaya, who was then 16 years old. Semenovskaya at that time represented Christian Dior, receiving large fees. In the late 1990s, their daughter Sasha was born.

Information about Listerman's activities and his own words are contradictory. Many of Listerman's own claims have been questioned or refuted by the media, who believe that Listerman is trying to draw scandalous attention to himself and advertise his business. According to Listerman, he has extensive connections among Russian millionaires, show business figures.

In 2007, Listerman was mentioned in connection with the Courchevel scandal, when the head of Norilsk Nickel, billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov, was detained in France, whom the police were checking for possible connections with minors.

Host of the show "Beauty and the Beast" on the Muz-TV channel, author of the books "How to confuse an oligarch" (2007), "How to confuse Listerman" (2009). Together with Trash-Chapiteau KAC he recorded the album "Expensive" (project "KACH & Li$terman").

In works of popular culture

Listerman is the prototype of the hero of the film "Gloss" by Andrei Konchalovsky. Listerman also became the prototype for the main character in the film Plato, which was released in November 2008. The main role, Plato himself, was played by Pavel Volya. He starred in the clips of the pop groups "HOLLYWOOD" and "Singing Panties" - "Do not offer intimacy", as well as in 2008 in the clip of the Russian metal band ANJ about Gorbachev. Listerman is mentioned by Sergei Minaev in the story "The Chicks".

In the story “The Hall of Singing Caryatids” from the collection “P5. Farewell songs of the political pygmies of Pindostan "(2008) by the writer Viktor Pelevin, one of the characters is "Uncle Petya", who oversees the recruitment of girls to work in an elite brothel for oligarchs.

There is an episode in Boris Nemtsov's book Confessions of a Rebel, where the author claims that after the 2000 presidential election, he himself, as well as newly elected President Vladimir Putin and businessman Vladimir Potanin, were vacationing in a ski resort in the Austrian Alps. According to Nemtsov, Listerman met them at the hotel with several girls: “We go downstairs, and here I see long-legged girls - ten people. Potanin and I pass by in shock. It turns out that Petya Listerman brought the girls. Later, Nemtsov told reporters that "we did not use Petya's services, I can tell you one hundred percent"

His world is parties in Saint-Tropez and Miami, big money and Hollywood beauties. Models and aspiring show business stars are frightened by his name. His way of life is to introduce beautiful, gentle and kind girls to rich men. Further - continuous improvisation, which sometimes ends with a wedding. He became the prototype of the protagonist of the film "Gloss", and today on "Muz-TV" he hosts the program "Beauty and the Beast". So who is he - a kind matchmaker or a cynic disappointed in people - the "great and terrible" Peter Listerman? This is for the readers of Cleo to judge.

Peter, what do you call what you do?

Blitz Poll

Are you friends with the Internet?
The Internet is my real wife - I'm with him 24 hours a day - I sleep, eat, bathe in the shower.

What is an unaffordable luxury for you?
Come to Hollywood, take Larry Flynt, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp and drag everyone to a club in Beverly Hills.

Where did you spend your last vacation?
Now my vacation is in Malibu at the house of Nicolas Cage. He gave it to me for 30 days, while he left to shoot in the Mexican desert.

What animal do you associate yourself with?
With a monkey.

Did you have a nickname as a child?
Even then my name was Ochkarik.

What turns you on?
Pretty chicks pecking at golden grains from my palm.

Are you an owl or a lark?
I am an owl that will devour any lark.

Do you have a talisman?
Yes. Published in Paris and now very rare book "How to confuse the oligarch."

How do you relieve stress?
I'm leaving for my island in the Indian Ocean. I'm there at night dancing a striptease with turtles under the palm trees.

What ringtone is on your mobile phone?
Famous melody: “This is not a lie - I am Petya Listerman».

What is your favorite aphorism?
A woman is an invitation to happiness. (Charles Baudelaire)

What is your mental age?
I am infinitely young at heart and at the same time wise as a hundred elders.

I call my business entertainment. I entertain people. I give them romance, buzz, mood. I wonder when people meet beautifully, when a man takes care of a girl - gives her chinchilla fur coats from Nijole or a new exclusive BMW SUV. Or when they ask me to introduce you to a Hollywood star and "confuse" her. In my business, I consider myself an eternal student and cannot say that I have developed widely. I am still learning and developing.

For a long time no one knew anything about you, and now you are a star. Why do you need this?

Well, I was in the shadows because I lived in Paris for twenty years. Those in need have known me all these years. Then I hung out all the oligarchs who came to Paris. I had a bureau of excursions and entertainment, all sorts of agreements with the Louvre, with the Dorce Museum, with various parties. Yes, I was a shadow figure, and now I have become a public figure. I like to entertain people, and it's also interesting to test public opinion: how much do modern girls need to get acquainted with rich men? And I discovered such a thing - a new generation of young modern girls want to rely only on themselves. Beautiful but stupid girls come to Petya Ochkarik. But smart and gentle girls want to study and make their careers. I think two or three more generations, and the need for me will disappear. I will die, and the business will die with me. That's why I don't even prepare heirs.

Maybe you will introduce beautiful guys to rich brides?

Yes, that will be the next direction. It is in my plan for 2030. I will prepare young handsome boys for oligarchic grandmothers or widows.

And how do you make a provincial girl interested in a cool oligarch?

First of all, I talk to her. I look at her eyes, what lips, what ears. I'm looking to see if her image can inspire anyone. I know how to abstract if she has the wrong hair, or the wrong makeup.

I look at her and I feel - you can change your hair, do a different make up, take off your white boots and a flashy blouse and put on a black Von Dutch T-shirt, and it will be super. I look at her the way a jeweler looks at a gem. But if I feel that everything is useless, no matter what I take off her, no matter what I put on, no matter what text I put into her lips - I will not change her soul - she is no good. This girl is not for me, not a citizen of my world. She will not receive a residence permit in the country Listerman ii. But I never offend girls, I always give them hope so that they are happy, do not remember something bad. I always say: “We will look for a groom for you. In the meantime, learn the language, go to college.”

If you like a girl, how do you start working with her, what's next?

I'm slowly starting to educate her. I send them to the library to read the classics: Kuprin, Bunin, Turgenev. Then she must tell what she learned from this, what conclusions she drew. At the same time, I slowly tangle it from all sides. I learn about dad, about mom, the whole pedigree. If in the third generation she had an alcoholic grandfather or a prostitute grandmother, I make a note to myself: a bad animal, I can’t breed a pure breed with another, oligarchic dog. ( Listerman laughs - adj. auth.)

Tips for Cinderellas from Peter Listerman A
- In order to become the one for the oligarch, the only one at least for a while, you need to learn to look gently into the eyes, to talk about gentle and romantic things.
- In order to promote an oligarch for money: you must by no means want money. Do not need the dollar and euro in the eyes. As my favorite hero said: never ask someone who is stronger than you - they themselves will offer everything and give it themselves!
- You can't hide your fat ... soul behind any Dolce Gabana and Gucci. That is, clothes - it does not matter, any oligarch can buy them for you. What matters is who you are!
- If you hunt the oligarch yourself, remember that in those places where they "live" - ​​crazy competition. Any chick in places like this is happy to give herself to the oligarch in the first second. Just don't be surprised if the man in the Bentley with the diamond ring turns out to be not an oligarch, but a manager in a mediocre firm. Real, technical, beautiful, soulful dating is the science that I study and teach! It is very difficult for me to get into the courses.
- The bespectacled man does not make girls jump into the bed with men. He wants the relationship to be beautiful. A beautiful girl should be inaccessible. At least until the end of the first date.

And after literature, what other lessons do you give?

Then comes psychology. I tell the girl that if the oligarch says something, you keep quiet like a dog. If he laughs - you laugh, if he cries - you should cry with him, if he is sad - you should be sad too. You have to feel it and be on the same wavelength with it. Well, the worst thing is...

What's the scariest thing?

I teach a girl to walk. Nice to move.

Is it true that actress Anna Azarova contacted you?

Anna Azarova contacted me under a pseudonym in Paris ten years ago. She calls and says: “My name is Gala, I urgently need a very rich groom in Paris. And such a fiance that he immediately gave me 25 thousand dollars, because I broke someone else's car. I say: “I don’t have such suitors.” And she: "I need it urgently." And I sent her and did not help then. Now I regret. Then I figured out that it was Anna Azarova.

She is now married, but I still keep her on the waiting list, in the schedule for 2015. I already have a huge queue to meet her, about fifteen people. I took money from them. And it will be seen there - either the padishah will die or the donkey will die.

They say you can introduce Hollywood stars. How does this happen?

Well, for example, so. One dude says to me: "I want to meet Scarlett Johansson." I say: "The work is difficult - three hundred thousand bucks." He replies: "I can only give a hundred." Then I go to Sweden and pick up five Johansson lookalikes, bring them to the Cannes Film Festival and check into the same hotel where the real Johansson is staying. And introduce that dude to one of these girls. The dude is happy. And here's the coolest thing: he sits, drunk in the ass, in a restaurant with this chick. And suddenly the real Scarlett Johansson passes by. And I, pouring myself and him Nemiroff vodka, say: “Old man, I deceived you. There - the real one ”And he looks at her and says to me:“ Bespectacled man, fuck you .., mine is better. ”

How many people work for you?

I have small offices in twenty main cities of Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, where my people work. I can confuse any right person - I get to know him, we drink fifty grams of whiskey, smoke a cigar, I tell him my stories, and after that my man. In all areas where beautiful girls can appear - rhythmic gymnastics, ballet, dance groups, modeling and acting agencies - there are my people.

I have entangled everything with my web and place my little spiders everywhere. And as soon as beautiful heifers appear somewhere, they immediately call me, all the information flows down the web to the main spider: “Bespectacled man, 120 heifers came to Mosfilm today at 12 o'clock. Two of them are great! And I say: "Delay until my arrival." And I leave immediately.

Peter Listerman, Petya Ochkarik - the owner of an elite network marriage and modeling agency. Every day he looks through up to a hundred letters from girls who come to his email. Live "through his hands" every month passes 5-10 new beauties. Peter Listerman married fifth marriage. Has five children from different wives.

Is there competition in your business?

Of course, I have a huge number of small competitors. And I really need them. Because the oligarch comes to my little competitor and gets very bad service - he is introduced to five ill-mannered, greedy, green crocodiles. Then he comes to me, and I tell him: "I can introduce you to a little fluffy squirrel, but it will cost twenty times more." My competitors work for me.

What kind of girls are "in fashion" now?

Fashion changes all the time, but I always keep my finger on the pulse. Previously, thin models were in fashion, then athletes, and now everyone really likes TV presenters and actresses. But the longest queue is at VIA Gro.

Why can't the rich get to know each other, why is everything so complicated?

The rich man is shy. He has complexes. If he comes to get acquainted, and they send him: “Fuck you on x ..”, this is a tragedy for him. If people weren't shy, if they didn't have complexes, then I would be a beggar.

And what are the main complexes of the rich?

One of the main complexes is that they are loved for their money. So I take money from them to the best of my ability.

How is the relationship between Cinderella and the oligarchs developing?

The oligarch has the following scenario in his head: “I want to meet and have an affair, and if I really like the girl, then I’ll get married.” They don't want a one-time relationship. I do not work with men who come to me with one-time wishes. I take only the most complex, heavy orders. When no one can introduce him anymore, or the girl rejected him twenty times, this is mine.

Not only the girls themselves turn to you, but also their parents?

Yes, not only the girls themselves. Mom offers her daughter. Or dad writes: “My daughter works in Washington as a lawyer, find her a cool diplomat guy or a hockey player.” Now grandmothers have become advanced - they send me photos of their granddaughters: “Petya, help me. Find a good groom."

Have you been disappointed in women during your business?

A woman is an interesting animal. I really like him, I study all his habits. I don't feel tired and satiated.

Does it happen that a nondescript girl can charm an oligarch?

Yes, it happens that a girl is so thin, freckled. It seems that no one will ever like her. But she approaches a foreigner, transforms - so much so that all busty blondes fade against her background. And bam - successfully married.

How do you feel about online dating?

It’s too bad, because only I, Bespectacled, can help you find your happiness. And most of these dating services are just a scam for suckers. Fall in love and get acquainted on your own, and even better - contact me.

Petr Listerman organization of speeches on the official website of the agency. Ordering a presenter or tour, as well as invitations to a holiday. Call +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40

Welcome to the official website of the agent Petr Listerman. He was born in 1957. His parents were teachers at the school. Peter graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Mordovian State University. Already in his student years, he stood out among fellow students with a "commercial streak" - he speculated in chewing gum, jeans, and even worked as a ski instructor.

Creative achievements

In Moscow, Peter Listerman met a French woman and married her. Even before perestroika, the young family moved to his wife's homeland. In France, Peter Listerman began to engage in commercial activities. However, due to suspicion of financial fraud, Peter was sentenced to a year in prison. Listerman's second marriage was to a Russian model, who at that time was only sixteen years old.

In the late 90s they had a daughter. In Russia, Petr Listerman became famous as a "procurer" of Russian beauties and successful businessmen. The showman often acts as the host of private parties, and is invariably surrounded by dazzling, long-legged beauties. Petr Listerman is the founder and head of an export agency in Russia. He is a regular participant in secular parties and the most fashionable parties. Today, the name of Peter Listerman regularly appears on the pages of the press, in connection with scandals. Peter Listerman was the host of the popular TV show Beauty and the Beast. Together with Trash-Chapiteau KAC Petr Listerman recorded the disc "Expensive". The outrageous presenter is also the author of several books that have gained great popularity. Petr Listerman served as the prototype of the hero in Andrei Konchalovsky's popular film Gloss.


A witty, expressive, bold showman is one of the most sought-after presenters in the country. Read more about Petr Listerman on the official website.


Petr Listerman host order, contacts. Organization of performances, participation of the artist at your holiday, corporate party. With an application, you can contact us by phone in Moscow +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40, on the official website of the agent, write to the mail, in the contacts menu.

The main matchmaker of Rublyovka and its environs told OK! about how he almost married Monica Bellucci to a Russian rich man and why he never found a groom for Sati Kazanova

Photo: Vadim Zholobov/Natalia Rodionova

In one of his interviews, Philip Kirkorov said: “Even if one of the readers hates me, he will read the interview with me first of all. I can arouse interest." By no means comparing Philip Bedrosovich with Peter Listerman, we dare to note that Peter also knows how to arouse interest. And so much so that everyone forgives him. He derogatoryly calls the girls "chicks" and "chicks", but they send him 200 letters a day. He calls the richest oligarchs “boys” and “dudes” without fear, but they first rush to him for valuable advice, and even pay. This is because Petya Listerman can easily arrange a date with the best beauties for any of them. He is the owner of the world's largest online dating agency. His grooms are from the Forbes list, and his brides are models and actresses of the first magnitude. They say that Olga Kurylenko's acquaintance with the producers of the new James Bond film, thanks to which the Ukrainian model got the main role, is also his work. Recently, Peter reveals the secrets of pandering in his show "Beauty and the Beast" on the Muz-TV channel. But he left something for OK!

Wondering what are you dreaming about?

Even in a dream, I introduce girls to the oligarchs! And I get money in a dream. I have special sleepy girls - more romantic ones. They fly, they have wings there.

And after you give them in marriage, they fall to the ground? I'm not talking about sleep...

They either descend to the level of an oligarch if he is down to earth, or they take him to the sky with him if he also likes to fly. And then, five years later, they both fly back, he gives it back to me and says: “Give me a new one, this one’s wings are worn out.”

Don't they get used to each other?

If the girl has become attached, and the oligarch is embarrassed to explain to her that her time with him has expired, then I take on this mission. I told her: “Listen, in six months your love will end and the war will begin. Let me take you back in advance - you will be secure, happy. With yours, you will remain friends for life, and I will find you an even better groom. Half agree, half disagree, and end badly.

How do you find beautiful girls?

Well, for example, an Italian calls me, a rich dude from Monte Carlo. He needs to find a bride. He wants a beautiful, incorruptible, decent, back and forth and gives a selection criterion. And I have 2,000 mobile phones of all the most beautiful models in Moscow. And I send them a mailing list on behalf of a non-existent oil company. For example: “The president of an oil company, Italian, lives in Monaco, saddened by loneliness, lost the meaning of life. Looking for a blonde, 25-30 years old, slim, 175 cm, speaking good English. Let me know if you're interested in getting to know me." The girls answer. Then I ask them for pictures, which I send to the groom. But there are also difficulties. For example, the groom is 57 years old. And no one will bite at 57, who needs this?! The same models will say - we, like, everything is in order in our personal lives, give us only modeling work. So I have multiple options for capturing these chicks. For example, you can simply invite a girl to a modeling job in Monte Carlo, force an Italian to hire a photographer and pretend to shoot, or actually shoot a New Year's calendar for his oil company. We don’t say to the model that they want to meet her, we just technically make it clear that there is such a dude, but all the time we continue to talk with her only about the calendar: “How awesome you turned out, what a beauty you are!” In general, we technically push her to him. I came up with this 20 years ago when I lived in Paris. I had a hundred girls there in a modeling agency, all beautiful and happy, and I began to understand their psychology. Then they all wanted to live abroad, I offered to introduce them to the oligarchs, and they said: "No, I'm shy." They want, but they are afraid. And I came up with this cartoon. Then everything is in the hands of the oligarch. He communicates with the girl, invites her to dinner, asks who her father, mother, what she loves. It is revealed, for example, that she loves scuba diving. The next morning - wow! - a scuba boat swims up to the house, an awesome instructor in a killer suit, a mask on him with a snorkel ...

Are oligarchs generally frivolous?

Drunkards! Loafers! Everything that he earned during the day, he skipped at night.

Which of the girls who went through you do you remember the most?

About 15 years ago in Paris, Russian oligarchs came to me - the boys were engaged in gas. I tell them: "Let's go, I'll technically introduce you to some superchick." We go to the agency, and there is Monica Bellucci. She worked as a model. One of the dudes says: "I like this chick, there is something in her." I say: “Yes, she’s a terrible, stupid Italian!” She really was terribly ugly, fat, she was kicked out of the agency. She hasn't acted in any film yet. I suggest: “Let me pick up Russian chicks for you!” And he: "No, this one for me." So I introduced them, Bellucci was 25 years old, he was 50, he looked after her for two weeks. I was very surprised how he fell in love, got stuck, gave her flowers. I told him all the time: "Get away from this terrible aunt, I'll find you better." I thought they would end up getting married. But then they parted, he disappeared, and she disappeared. And so I still, by the way, do not know who is with her now. Vincent Cassel? Should I ask them, who is her first child with? Maybe from that "gas" dude.

Do you have days off? Or solid weekdays?

Weekdays! So a dude calls me and says: “I will be in Australia from January 1 to January 5, I’m going to a conference and I want to meet a girl.” I immediately send letters to all Australian agencies - they say, I'm coming with the NTV channel to shoot a film for Russia about their business and make them awesome free advertising. I am writing this letter on NTV-Plus letterhead.

Have you got everything on NTV?

I don't really know anyone there, but for different programs I give them exclusive interviews every week. So I'm almost like a staff member with them... In general, in Australia I say that I need to interview the directors of agencies and, of course, interviews with several Russian girls who work for them. Under this pretext, they send me all the portfolio, I send them to an interested dude, he tells me that he wants to meet these five girls in person ... By the way, I can take the form of the OK magazine! and do everything on it! Why do we need NTV?

And it was such that the oligarch opens the magazine OK! and points his finger: “I want this one”?

Was. He calls and says: “So and so, divorced, find me a new wife, the budget is unlimited.” I answer: “Old man, go to the cinema, watch a few Russian films, choose any actress for yourself. If you don’t choose, go buy yourself all the glossy magazines and choose any girl for yourself.

And if, for example, he wants your wife?

15 years ago, my wife was a Yakut top model, a beauty. Love, all things, she even gave birth to my son Ruslan. And one Russian oligarch fell for her. “I want,” he says, “only her, I can’t think of anyone, introduce me!” I could, in principle, pull out any award from him. On the one hand - the wife, love. On the other hand, love passes, but money is money. In short, I decided that I would introduce them for 200 thousand dollars. If he starts courting, I’ll take another three hundred, and if everything is serious there at all, then half a lemon, my wife after all! As a result, I introduced them beautifully, my wife really fell in love with this oligarch, and six months later they got married. I'm left with broken love and... a million bucks!

With your current wife, you also recently quarreled. Because of which?

Because of my transmission. He says you bring too many chicks to castings, and you, they say, will leave your family. I won't leave my family! And she said: “I forbid you these castings! Or me, or Beauty and the Beast. I said: "Choose a career."

How long, on average, did you live with each of your wives?

Roughly five years. Then - to hell!

But Begbeder wrote a book about you...

Well, yes! For two years he collected information about me all over the world - in Hollywood, Paris, London, Monte Carlo, Tokyo, in the ass ... They called me and said: “Some shaggy, stoned dude is asking about you.” For two years he collected - and wrote a book, making me a prototype. For the first time in my life I met him recently in Kyiv, he didn't even know me by sight. I came to his press conference. There were many journalists, I started asking him questions, and after one of them he asked: “Are you by any chance Petya?” - "I". "Damn, I knew it!" That's how we got to know him. He lived in the Hyatt Hotel in Kyiv, I held a casting in it - I drove 120 Ukrainian chicks. The owner of the hotel shouted: “Fuck, we have not seen this!”

Did you have misses?

Yes! For example, I liked one girl, and I wanted to breed her personally for myself, so that she would be my bride. She came from the provinces, and I had to impose on her from all sides. First, of course, I had to show her the delights of her life: let's say she becomes a star in Hollywood, and before that - in Moscow, if I follow her career. I told her: “Let's make a musical film about you, I have an order from the TV channel. 30-minute, about how you arrive at the station, go to the agency, take pictures, go to the shooting, and eventually become a model. I ask her what is her favorite actress. She replies: "Anfisa Chekhova." I'm calling Anfisa. Anfisa breeds her. Then I ask which of the singers do you like? She replies, "Enrique Iglesias." I call the promoter of Iglesias, I say that I have two busty blondes, like Anna Kournikova, and ask Enrique to give me a pipe. I tell him: “Old man, a heifer will come to you, you will give her advice on how to become a singer.” That is, everything that a girl does not want, I give her! The girl in my head is already a superstar! And at the end I tell her: “Listen, and now I want you to be my bride, leave everything that you had before and hang out with me.” And I look at her, and she has tears in her eyes. “I can’t,” he says, “you are old, and I am young, beautiful, how is it?” I answer: “Fool! I’ll make you an awesome career in 3 years!” “Well,” he says, “I can’t trade love for a career. I disagree". Here is my failure. It was real yesterday. I even felt sorry for the girl.

Are you very worried?

Exactly three minutes! Because three minutes later someone else calls me from Australia or Japan, and I immediately forget all my failures, open my notebook ... By the way, I’ll show you now. (Brings a thick notebook. - Note. OK!) I get two hundred letters a day from girls. And I have 20-30 suitors who have divorced and are asking to find them a new one. Yesterday I sent pictures of one to a Brazilian who lives in Rio. And today - here I have it written down - they have a meeting. Next - another divorced dude is now flying to Madrid. He liked one Ukrainian girl who lives in Italy, and I specially send her to him in Spain so that they get to know each other.

Do you have any complaints?

I'm a wizard, but how can you sue a wizard?! The girl would rather call and say: "Wizard, give me something good in return." And I will. The wizards live in one world, the courts in another, and the girl in a third. If she comes to me, it means that she has chosen the magical world, and not the world of courts, and she will always be under my hypnosis. And if she is unhappy, she will first of all tell me about it - not even mom, not dad, and not her dog.

I see Sati from the "Factory" in the photo with you in an embrace. Did you help her arrange her personal life?

Sati did not have time to help - Britney Spears arrived, I began to deal with her.

Did Robski and Sobchak turn to you for help?

This is another corporation, they are my competitors! I wrote the book "How to confuse the oligarch", they - theirs. That is, we hunt the same animal. Sobchak and I have an agreement: she offers me as a groom to oligarchic widows, and I offer her to Hollywood. Grandpa Hilton already called me, and we agreed with him that he would give me his granddaughter Paris for re-education, and I would give him Sobchak. She will manage two hotels.

Nemtsov said that many cool moments in his life are connected with you. Which?

Oh, a lot of episodes: Boston, Washington, Davos... We've been friends for ten years, we meet every three months in different parts of the world. The coolest episode was when Boris spoke at an economic forum in London and said from the podium to the participants: “Your forum was a success because Listerman came to you.”

Did you take acting lessons before the show on Muz-TV?

I do not have the talent of an actor, Konchalovsky told me about this. He first gave me a role in Gloss so that I could play myself. But I was too lazy to learn the text. I went to audition three times, and as a result, Konchalovsky tells me: “You don’t pull on Listerman.” I was confused: “Wow! It's me! But to learn lyrics, to play emotions, to cry, to laugh - I can't do any of that. And I decided to show my life on Muz-TV. There is a profession called a janitor, there is a fireman, and there is, like mine, a magician.

Did your five wives have anything in common?

Yes. They all wanted to have a son from me. Three succeeded, two did not - they gave birth to daughters. They all also think that I am a cheerful crazy person, that I am a kind bespectacled cow! They understand that I only play the role of evil, but in fact I am the kindest.

What are your children doing?

They are all great stars, actors, singers, dancers. They live all over the world - in New York, Stockholm, Moscow, Kyiv. All are very wealthy, all hurt them, all are already adults. Petka doesn't speak Russian at all. He is now 20 years old. I tried to attract him to my business, but he loves something completely different. He flies around the world with the Swedish national football team. They have a group of fans there, a hundred people. So, they fight with other fans. In short, football hooligans!

Could you find a groom or a husband for your children?

Certainly! We will arrange a competition: the sons are looking for me, and I am looking for them. Who will find it faster?

Do you have a favorite joke?

The Jew found money. Counted - not enough.

Irina Vinogradova

February 26, 2010, 17:21

Petr Listerman was born in October 1957 and spent his childhood in the small town of Iskitim, 65 km south of Novosibirsk. They still remember and speak warmly about his parents, their fellow teachers. His father started as a shepherd, worked and studied a lot, and after graduating from the Pedagogical Institute he became the director of the school. He taught the Constitution and history. Mom is a teacher of foreign languages. Sister Alla sang in the choir, and later continued the teaching dynasty, becoming a music teacher. When Petya was 10 years old, their family was forced to leave Siberia for Saransk, Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Peter graduated from school already there, then - teacher :) at the Mordovian State University at the Faculty of Civil Engineering. At the same time, he was engaged in what at that time was called fartsovka: he sold chewing gum, music records, jeans, which he brought from Moscow and St. Petersburg. A little later, he began to travel to Cheget and Dombay - to the International Youth Center "Mountain Peaks", which received foreigners. He himself does not hide the fact that he officially worked there as an instructor in alpine skiing, and unofficially organized leisure activities for bosses of various ranks who came to rest. Among the clients, according to his own confessions in the press, there were people from the criminal world - "katals" and "guild workers". Since then, the paths of Petya and his family have diverged. The family leaves for Odessa for 20 years, and in the late 90s they emigrate and settle in one of the old European towns. Peter, on the other hand, goes to Moscow, marries a French woman there, and thanks to this, even before perestroika, he leaves the USSR for France. He has two citizenships: Russian and French. It is known about his life in Paris that he tried to do business in various fields, including model castings for Russian women. In 1995, in France, he was listed as an employee of a small real estate company. At the same time, together with his 26-year-old partner Yuri K., he was arrested by the French police on charges of illegal use of stolen cars. This detention came after the arrest of Yury K.'s wife, Lyudmila, who, according to the police, managed the activities of Russian prostitutes who arrived in France on tourist visas. Peter Listerman spent about a year in a French prison, and then married a famous Russian model, who already at the age of 16 worked as the “face” of Christian Dior and received large fees. Together they lived for 5 years, they have a common daughter. After the divorce, Peter repeatedly stated in the media that he sold her for $ 1 million, but his ex-wife denies this.
Young people who are not experienced in the fashion industry call him a model producer, but there are those who prefer to call his service a pimp. Listerman is trying to refute both of them, calling himself a "seller of happiness." He builds his own statements literally on the verge of a foul: “Girls from the Bespectacled Man are like a Rolls-Royce.” Expensive, beautiful and very prestigious” (official site of P. Listerman). “If the first echelon of oligarchs needs to be served, I always personally. And the second, third echelons are my managers” (Medved magazine). “I only specialize in Russians... Russians hold on to their man. If they say directly to them: “Write here that he took money from you, introduced you to girls for money.” They will say: “What are you doing? This is my friend, he introduced me to create a family” (newspaper “Izvestiya”). Listerman's services, he says, can cost his clients tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. It is also known that information about the “product” offered by him is in the laptop. This is a virtual catalog with photos and profiles of girls. Peter said more than once that if an order for a particular model was paid for, then his client would receive a complete dossier on the girl. Including the most personal details of her life. From the correspondence in Listerman's Guest Book, in which Peter's real contacts appear Galina, Kirov: I have attractive external data, 20 years old. What kind of photos are required? Listerman: Photos are required as much as possible from different angles. If you interest Peter, in Moscow he will receive you personally. Elena, Krasnoyarsk: Free cheese is only in a mousetrap. Can I first talk with the “groom” before leaving for the capital? Listerman: No free cheese! It's just that men pay for our services, and that's more than enough for us. A man chooses from a catalog. You reserve the right to refuse to meet him. Nastya - Listerman's manager: How is your diocese different from the diocese of Listerman? Listerman: Listerman personally works only with the most beautiful girls and the richest oligarchs. Alice, Moscow: Who else has access to your database? Listerman: Leakage of information is absolutely impossible. To become a Listerman client and even look at the catalog, you have to pay a lot of money (and go through face control). Inna, Norilsk: Do I have a chance of getting into the Listerman database if I'm 38 years old, have a child, pretty pretty? Listerman: For Listerman, with absolutely ideal external data, the limit is 30-35. If you think that you are more beautiful than Madonna, try sending a questionnaire. Lisa: You say - high prospects, but what is it expressed in? Listerman: Prospects are determined by appearance: very beautiful girls can meet very rich men, simply beautiful - with simply rich, pretty - with wealthy, ordinary - with ordinary, ugly - with the poor. The last two categories are outside the scope of our interests. Listerman personally works with the most beautiful (about one out of ten incoming profiles). You will not be required to be a goddess in bed, you will not feel like a prostitute. Angela, Moscow: Is this just prostitution for the rich? Listerman: Our clients are after external beauty. Therefore, the girls coming to us should look accordingly. And we explain to not very smart girls in addition that you do NOT need to agree to sex at the first meeting. Alexander, Dubai, United Arab Emirates: How can you access your database? Listerman: There is no single source where all the questionnaires are presented. Some of them are scattered across various sites, some can be sent personally by e-mail, some are shown only with face-to-face contact. The cost of services is about $ 5,000 for an acquaintance and another $ 10,000 in case of a successful continuation. If the order suits you, leave the phone, Peter will contact you - all this is within his prerogative. Opinions and comments Yakov GILINSKY, Doctor of Law, Professor of the St. Petersburg Institute of the Prosecutor General's Office: - I heard about Petr Listerman in connection with Courchevel. How to assess the situation? I only know what was in the media. Listerman is probably a pimp. According to one sign - he supplies girls and earns money on it. But he is unlikely to involve them in prostitution (Article 240 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Rather, they are happy to get involved. Moreover, if those girls who stand on the highway at the exits of Russian cities are driven there to one degree or another by need, then here it is not need, but the desire for a beautiful life and glamour. Rather, in criminal law terms, we can talk about organizing prostitution (Article 241 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Because “organization” is a fairly broad concept and can cover the actions performed by Listerman. But I do not think that he faces real criminal liability. In the West, your own Listerman would hardly have appeared. A person will not brag about a dubious business - they will do the same, but keep quiet. In addition, there is no such layer, a class of people who will throw millions at who knows what - I mean not so much the use of the services of prostitutes (this takes place everywhere), but the very image and style of life - such as the infamous "pranks" of Russian merchants … Maria TIMOFEEVA-RISOVSKAYA, businesswoman, writer, resident of Rublyovka, author of the book “Troubles a la Rublyovka”: - Wives don't treat him very well, because many husbands use his services. I know that indeed he arranged many marriages and many divorces. If it worked out, people paid for these services. Just a normal business - bought and sold. This is not the same as prostitution - this business is quite secular. To Petya Listerman, girls of a different plan get into computers. They can be there for one night, or you can buy them for the rest of your life. Those people who have reached a certain level, they already have a completely different scale of values. It's further than a good suit, a car, a house. A close friend of ours recently made a request about a girl. The man himself is an adult, famous and spoiled. Very traditional - the family lives abroad. By Russian standards, this is called idle. Each of them says - if I meet something interesting, naturally, I will get divorced and remarry. He turned to Petya. As far as I know, there are also wives in the card index, and any of them can be viewed. If you like her, you can pay some amount and get someone's wife. As a business, this is a very well promoted brand with the right PR. A product sold in our community. In our dusty black and yellow society, saturated with all these stupid relationships, I think that he sells happiness. Why not? Georgy DZHIKIDZE, founder and president of Grace Models (Russia) and Viva (France) agencies, manager of Natalia Vodianova and Evgenia Volodina, who are among the top ten top models in the world: - I consider models as ambassadors of Russia's image in the West, and therefore what happened in Courchevel is a super-negative phenomenon. Now, because of Courchevel, Russian girls, even normal models who want to go to the West, have begun to be denied visas. We are categorically against showing girls in nightclubs. This is not a modeling job. We need models who wake up without bruising under their eyes. And Petr Listerman has an escort model agency. He is a product of Russian society. He would not have appeared if there were no customers ... Can the oligarchs do without Petya? I don’t know, maybe they can, but it’s easier through him. The reaction of the oligarchs Speaking about the nature of relationships with Russian oligarchs, Petr Listerman touched on the nuances of professional ethics, as he understands them in this case: “When oligarchs have personal problems, they turn to me. And the oligarchs, whom I have known for 30 years, know that I, as a doctor, keep medical secrecy or, as a lawyer, legal.” And how are Petr Listerman and his business perceived by the entrepreneurs of the “VIP class” themselves? official answers Press service of Mikhail Prokhorov, General Director of OAO MMC Norilsk Nickel, represented by Viktor Borodin: “We know this person, but only from the reports that appeared in the media.” John Mann, spokesman for businessman Roman Abramovich: "As I suggested during our phone call yesterday, we will not comment on this article." PR consultant for Andrey Melnichenko, member of the Board of Directors of JSCB MDM-Bank and SUEK: “Thank you for your offer. Andrei Igorevich does not give interviews or comments to the media.” Informal comments (from telephone conversations with press secretaries of well-known Russian companies):“This is such a delicate topic. He is an honored man. It seems to me that it is incorrect to ask him such questions.” “He does not comment on anything, he generally lives abroad. It is not clear why you are directing arrows against him in this particular situation? He answers journalists' questions, but only on serious topics. He does not get into such situations, he does not participate in them, we have enough other problems.” “We showed the letter. To be honest, our leader did not really understand the tone of your letter. He does not know you personally and does not understand why letters come in such a context and variant. We won't answer anything because we don't have to." “We will not take part in this survey. It's just that the phrase "Peter Listerman" next to the name of our company is inappropriate. I have an attitude that we give comments only on issues of global importance. on respectable topics. I hope the article will not roll over. Who will make the decision - who is mentioned there? Let's work it out somehow."

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