Biography of the host of the first channel, Marina Kim. Marina Kim: a talented presenter with an exotic appearance Marina Kim TV presenter personal life children husband

October 19, 2016

In an exclusive interview with TV program magazine, the host of Channel One honestly spoke about why the first months of her second child's life became a real test for her.

In an exclusive interview with TV program magazine, the Channel One host honestly spoke about why the first months of her second child's life became a real test for her.

In early October, Marina Kim returned to Good Morning, although only three months had passed since her second birth. July 2, she gave birth in a clinic in Miami. The gender of the child and his name until this moment remained a secret. Many wrote that Marina gave birth to a son. For the first time, Marina doest all the "i" in this interview.

- I found out about my pregnancy.

I trained very hard. For several months I literally slept and ate in the car in order to do everything. I endlessly jumped on a trampoline, did somersaults there, all this was with wild compression. I was so immersed in work that I didn’t even notice the delay in the cycle. I came to my senses only after three months, I thought: “I need to go to the doctor.” It turned out that I was pregnant. At the same time, my hCG hormone went through the roof. And this is one of the likely signs that the child may be unwell. I was terribly frightened, but the doctor explained that this happens at such a time - three months. “What, the doctor asked, jumping on a trampoline, you really didn’t know that you were pregnant?” I didn't know the gender of my baby until after the birth. On the ultrasound, at first they said that it was a girl, then they said that it was a boy, then there was a girl again ... I was ready for any option. But a daughter was born!

Briana was also born in America. I liked everything very much then, therefore, solving the issue with the second birth, I decided to fly to the States again.

— Were you not afraid of flying when you were pregnant? There is an opinion that it is dangerous.

I don't believe in all this nonsense. My doctor thinks that even a 12-hour flight is safe.

Did you come up with a name beforehand?

- In general, there were no options and blanks. During childbirth, doctors and nurses tortured me: “How can we say hello to her when we get her?” I say, "I don't know!" They laughed, “Okay. Let's call her Klava then. For some reason, American doctors only knew this Russian name. And then I decided - let it be Darina. After all, this girl is a real gift. Thank God I was able to save it. I'm glad that my daughter is in good health. I was very worried about this! After all, I had very intense workouts, I ate all kinds of sports supplements - I started and ended the day with them. And in spite of all this, God sent me this gift.

- You now have a beautiful combination, two daughters - Briana and Darina.

- Yes. I, however, now all the time confuse who's name. My mother also has two children: me and brother Anton. And all her life she called me Anton, and him - Marina. I resented her so much! And now I understand that when you have two children, this is normal.

The TV presenter admits that sometimes she confuses the names of her children in a hurry.

My boss is also worried about this. But I don't breastfeed. Almost from the first month of his life, the child has been living on formula, so I can leave him with a nanny or grandmother. Two years ago, when Briana was born, I also went to work three months later. Only then it was September, and now it's October. Feeling of complete deja vu. The eldest daughter was breastfed. I was very nervous, I left the milk all the time. Then the "Ice Age" began, daily training. And it was, of course, a nightmare! I sent milk with a driver, he got stuck in a traffic jam, at that time the child was screaming from hunger at home ... Everyone was on edge. A month later, I switched Briana to formula, and then we exhaled. All working mothers who breastfeed their children should be given a monument! It's terribly hard! For example, I realized that I can’t, I can’t cope. Either breastfeeding or work. I thought I would have a well-fed and calm child, I would stop being nervous - and this is the most important thing. But, unfortunately, my expectations were not justified! Darina behaved exactly the same as her sister. In the second month of life, my children become like mad. Something is bothering them - either the stomach, or something else. We didn't sleep day or night. I already thought to open the window and jump out.

How often do you have to be out all night?

- Schedules are subject to change. But in general, the night air (when you come to work at five in the evening and leave at 9 am the next day) happens 1-2 times a week. Plus, once a month there is one week that you work five days from 7 to 9 in the morning in a mobile studio. I have nannies, they change. And grandmother.

- You said that you were looking for a nanny for Briana for a very long time.

“We really have a difficult history with this. The casting is still going on. I am constantly looking for new nannies and it is a very difficult process. It is necessary that the person approached not only the child, but also me. Now the nanny who raised Briana has moved on to the baby, because she copes better with babies. And for the eldest, it turns out, another nanny is needed. We have a terribly active child, grandmother can not cope with her. The selection of a second nanny is still in the process.

Briana was ill for seven days. It was a real horror! I have a hard time dealing with childhood illnesses.

Why is the search taking so long?

- I think this is the most difficult selection that I have carried out in my life. I talked to people I know who run big corporations. They have hundreds and thousands of people under their control, but at home with nannies the same story. The nanny lives with us in the house 24 hours a day. In fact, she becomes a member of the family. It's like getting married or adopting a child. In general, I hardly worry when some new people appear in the house. It's hard for me. Plus, another difficulty is that Darina is not an easy girl. The first months she cried all the time, did not sleep. Either colic or intracranial pressure interfered with her. I don't know. We did not even begin to find out the reason, because on the example of Briana, I understood: all this will pass. Now Darina has a peculiarity: we feed the child only in a dream. She needs to be rocked, laid down so that she falls asleep, and only then can she eat. If you feed her in a state of wakefulness, she worries, worries, gasps for air. And he can't really eat. Here is such a feature. By the time we realized this ourselves, three months had passed. You just had to get used to it. But not all nannies are ready for such a turn. Someone comes, scared. In general, for me, the selection of nannies is a juicer. A very difficult, painful process.

- Have you thought about the kindergarten for Briana?

- She went there a little in America, in Miami. There they have, however, not gardens, but schools for children. Everything was going great, she was absolutely happy. But, when I gave birth, literally two weeks later Briana came down with some cruel intestinal virus that she picked up in the garden. She had a temperature of 42 degrees. We called an ambulance and rushed to the hospital. Briana was ill for seven days and did not eat or drink anything. I was very scared then for her and for the younger one - I was afraid that she would also catch this infection. It was a real horror! I decided that for the first six months of Darina's life I would not take Briana anywhere to protect the baby. Because all these kindergartens, even the best ones, are still a bacillus collector. I am very hard going through childhood illnesses, I can not rid myself of this anxiety.

To give birth to a second child, like the first, Marina decided in America

"We will have a war at home"

How did Briana receive her little sister? Already faced with jealousy?

- She's very jealous! He lays down on the changing table, his legs hang down at the same time, and says: “Mom, swaddle me. Mom, change your diaper." Takes sister's nipples, sucks. “Mom, take me in your arms too. Mom, give me some milk." Climbs into her bed. Rides on her rocking chair. She is trying in every way to show that she can also be small, so a second girl is not needed. Tells me: “Leave her. Put. Give it to the nanny.

— Were you ready for this?

- Yes, sure. The first time after giving birth, while I was in America, I tried to spend as much time as possible with Briana. A mistake when mothers, having given birth to a baby, immediately switch to it. If there is no opportunity, there is no nanny, then, of course, there is no choice left. Now the eldest daughter completely occupied me. The little one is just lying down, joining us only in moments of wakefulness. But when she starts running, crawling, saying something, I think a war will start. Briana is still a commander by nature. Tells everyone what to do. She will build a small one.

Briana doesn't look like you at all, she's a blue-eyed blonde. And Darina, whose appearance did she take? Judging by the first photos from the hospital, her hair is yours - dark.

- Briana was also black at first. Then she began to brighten and reached an absolute blonde. Everyone asks me: “Why doesn’t the child look like you?”. I have already prepared a joke for this: “Yes, we dye her blonde!”. Darina is also brightening now. And her eyes are exactly like her sister's - gray-blue. Turns out she's not my type either. At least for now.

- Your girls, it turns out, went more to dad?

To be honest, they don't look like anyone at all. Briana is more like my Russian grandmother. And nothing is known about Darina yet.

- How much does the father of girls participate in their lives?

- Like all men. Prefers to do it at a distance. You know, there is a category of husbands who help a lot. Now there is even such a fashion: mom is at work, and a young dad in the park cuts circles with a stroller. This has never happened in my life. Love, attention - it's all there. But for the girls' father to become an analogue of the nanny - this does not work.

— Would you like it?

- I take it easy. To each his own.

"Confusion and helplessness"

Marina did not know the sex of the child until the very birth. First, the doctors said that there would be a girl, then - that it was a boy ...

- You said that it was difficult for you to switch to motherhood. And now you have all these chores in double size. How do you deal with it mentally?

- Oh, even worse. The second birth was a big blow. I didn't even expect. It seemed to me that I was so prepared, nothing could break me. But in fact, the first month after giving birth, I was in an absolutely shock state. Of course, all this is due to the fact that you are not sleeping, you are solving the problem with your breasts, and you are adjusting feeding. Then, on the contrary, you try to reduce. The child does not take the breast, then the pacifier. Anyone who has experienced this is familiar. And accordingly the brain is occupied only by this. I experienced great stress. Feelings can only be compared with some kind of natural disaster - a tsunami or an earthquake. This is a whole restructuring - not only physiological, but also at the level of the soul, the subconscious. It seems to me that I have just now moved away from this state.

Was it like postpartum depression?

No, there was no depression. But inside it feels like the world has collapsed. I remember going through this with Briana. Thought it would be easier the second time around. But here, too, the world collapsed again. And this, despite the fact that I had both nannies and help, is all the same. I experienced confusion and helplessness. I realized that I just couldn’t cope with two children.

The transformation is painful. I want to feel sorry for myself, stay at home, do nothing

Are you happy to go to work?

- Certainly! I want to switch my head. Talk and think not only about children, but also about something else. Now I am compiling a program for myself - I will actively lose weight, go in for sports, go on a diet, try new cosmetic procedures. I have a goal - in three months I want to be in the form in which I was before giving birth. I will talk about all this in my video blog - to share my experience with other mothers.

- Now, probably, it seems to you that nothing in life is scary anymore?

- Not really, there was a feeling of some kind of immunity, greater stability, personal wealth. It's like you've reached a new level within yourself. Any transformation is, of course, very painful. I want to feel sorry for myself, stay at home, do nothing. Already neither one nor the second child pleases. You think: “Take it. But I want to go somewhere." All this was. But now, fortunately, it passes.

Private bussiness

Marina Kim was born on August 11, 1983 in Leningrad. She graduated from the Faculty of International Relations of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, as well as courses for TV presenters at the Institute for Advanced Studies of Radio and TV Workers. In 2004, she began hosting the Markets program on RBC-TV. In 2007, she switched to the Rossiya channel, where she hosted Vesti, including evening editions paired with Ernest Mackevicius. In 2012, she participated in Dancing with the Stars (with Alexander Litvinenko), took 2nd place. In 2014, she switched to Channel One, where she hosts the Good Morning program. She was a participant in the show "Ice Age" and "". Mother of two daughters - Briana (2 years old) and Darina (3 months old). Marina says about her father: “I am a public person, but I want to keep this part of my life for myself.”

To begin with, Marina Kim said that the birth of a second child for her is a gift of fate. Actually, that's why she named her daughter Darina. It turns out that the TV presenter actively trained for the show "Without insurance", taking special supplements twice a day. The fact that the baby was born absolutely healthy, Marina considers a miracle.

Darina has been fed formula almost from birth. Kim decided to bottle-feed after the stress of breastfeeding her eldest daughter Briana. “I was very nervous, I left milk all the time. Then the Ice Age began, daily workouts. And it was, of course, a nightmare! A month later, I switched Briana to formula, and then we exhaled, "Kim explained.

According to the TV presenter, in the second month of life, both of her girls became some kind of "mad": either colic, or something else. For example, with Darina I had to work out an unusual feeding scheme. “Now Darina has a peculiarity: we feed the child only in a dream. She needs to be rocked, put to sleep, and only then can she eat. If you feed her in a waking state, she gets worried, worries, gasps for air. to eat. Here is such a feature. While we ourselves understood this, three months passed. We just had to settle down to this, "said Marina.

“I was very scared then for her and for the younger one - I was afraid that she would also catch this infection. It was a real horror!”

Briana is jealous of Darina for her mother. “He lays down on the changing table, his legs hang down at the same time, and says: “Mom, swaddle me. Mom, change the diaper." She takes her sister's nipples, sucks. "Mom, take me in your arms too. Mom, give me some milk. He climbs into her bed. Rides on her rocking chair. He tries in every possible way to show that she can also be small, so the second girl is not needed. He tells me: “Leave her. Put. Give it to the nanny, "TV program quotes Marina Kim.

Now, while Darina is still very small, the host tries to devote all the time to Briana. However, when the youngest daughter grows up, Marina is sure that a real war for her mother will unfold between the girls. “Briana is still a commander by nature. She tells everyone what to do. She will build a little one,” Kim stated.

There was also talk about the father of the girls, whom the presenter does not advertise. According to Marina, dad prefers to keep his distance from girls. “You know, there is a category of husbands who help a lot. Now there is even such a fashion: mom is at work, and a young dad is making circles with a stroller in the park. This has never happened in my life. Love, attention - all this is there. But for dad girls has become an analogue of a nanny - this does not work. I take this calmly. To each his own, "said the presenter.

Marina thought that the second birth would be easier, because she already knew what to prepare for. However, the process was still a big blow for her. In addition, the first month after the birth of Darina seemed like hell for the presenter. “All this is due to the fact that you are not sleeping, you are solving the problem with the breast, you are adjusting feeding. Then, on the contrary, you are trying to reduce. The child either does not take the breast, then the nipple. . I experienced a lot of stress, "Marina admitted.

While some stars are hyping their every breath online, others are so secretive that the public does not even know about the most important events in their lives. There are few such people in the world of show business, but they exist. A striking example is TV presenter Marina Kim. For a long time, viewers could watch her pretty face on the main channels of the country. But here's what happens in the personal life of a journalist - only a few knew about it. And only now Kim herself told in detail about her fate.

At work, I forgot about my personal life

Marina Kim has Korean roots and therefore a colorful appearance. At twenty-four, she became a news presenter on the country's main TV channel. Later she made serious documentaries. And in the new television season of Channel One, she began to wish us good morning in the program of the same name. This year, the TV presenter turns thirty-two years old.

At some point, the girl realized that there was too much work around her. She confessed:

“While my girlfriends were thinking about a new handbag and sandals, I was captured by the problems of Syria, Ukraine and relations with the United States. I realized that I needed to change something, to be included in my own life, to worry about it. That my future is not only news releases, but also something more. Before that, I have repeatedly tried to combine personal life with work. But nothing came of the order. Only when I realized the importance of what was happening, while not rushing myself and not setting any deadlines, did I launch irreversible processes in my life. And after some time, a child appeared in her.

News about the child Korean Kim keeps a secret

Yes, back in 2014, Marina became a mother. But the public, despite the efforts of journalists, still does not know either the gender or the name of the child. There is no exact data about who is the father of the baby. Although, judging by the stories of Kim herself, this is not difficult to guess.

Marina explained:

“According to Korean traditions, strangers should not know anything about the identity of the baby. To protect him from negative energy.

But Kim talks about her lover willingly. Together with the American director Brett Ratner (the films The Family Man, Skyline, Beverly Hills Cop, etc.), she was noticed in 2014. But Marina herself admits that their relationship has been going on for several years. She recalls:

“At first it was a short, meaningless meeting. We chatted for about ten minutes and scattered to different countries and continents. Then there were text messages from Brett, which I did not attach too much importance to. The flight in an airplane became symbolic for me a year after our meeting. I decided to watch the movie. And out of five hundred options, she chose Ratner's movie. When I landed, I received an SMS from him on my phone with the question “How are you?”. I realized that this is a sign. Our next meeting in Budapest was much more romantic. Although she, too, was almost random. I was sent to Hungary on a business trip, where Brett was filming. I remember that he really surprised me then, saying that he wanted a child from me.

Marina and Bratt have a relationship of free birds

But Kim got pregnant between two trips to North and South Korea, about which she filmed a documentary.

Regarding the fact that Marina gave birth quite late, the TV presenter shares her experience of childbirth in the United States:

“You know, I was the youngest woman in labor in our ward. Next to me gave birth to women who are already over forty and under fifty. In America, the limits of reproductive age are expanded. And everyone is calm about such age-related pregnant women. Also, a man is not called a “bobyl” if he did not marry after forty. Even at sixty-five, such a nickname does not stick to him. At this age, some still create families and rejoice in their family successes.

It should be noted that before meeting with Marina, forty-five-year-old Brett Rattner had never been married, except for a less serious relationship. The director also had no children. He was completely absorbed in his work. The current format of relations with Kim also does not fit into the usual family framework. These man and woman can hardly even be called a couple. They are like two free birds that sometimes fly to the same place, enjoy each other's company, and again fly away each to their own business. At the same time, cherishing the thought of a new meeting.

Marina does not force events, understanding with which creative person she connected her life path. But still, she hopes that in the future, the relationship with the father of her child will be as strong as it is free.

Marina Kim spoke about her documentary "Undressed Pyongyang":

An elegant woman, a caring mother, an actress and a brilliant dancer - all this is about an excellent journalist named Marina Kim (TV presenter). The personal life of such a beauty is of interest to many viewers. She brings up two small children, but this does not prevent her from building her successful career on television year after year. You can only learn from her the ability to plan time and be in time everywhere. What is her secret?


The future famous TV presenter was born and raised in the hero city of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Marina Kim is a mestizo, her father is a Russified Korean, and her mother is Russian, whose childhood was spent in the Baltics. Marina's relatives have nothing to do with cinema or television, the head of the family is a businessman, and her mother works as a teacher at a higher educational institution.

From childhood, Marina was a very artistic and creative child, the girl really liked ballet and choreography classes. In high school, namely at the age of 16, Kim began to try herself in the field of modeling. Her appearance, non-standard for central Russia, has become a kind of calling card of a future star. The girl began to be invited to shoot music videos.

Studying at the University

After graduating from the 11th grade, Marina Kim studied for 2 years at St. Petersburg State University. Then she moved to Moscow and studied at MGIMO, where she specialized in North American studies. At some point, the ambitious girl realized that a career as a diplomat was not for her, and therefore decided to take TV presenter courses, which were conducted by the Institute for Advanced Studies of Television and Radio Workers. In her last year of study at MGIMO, Marina began her career on TV.

Marina Kim (TV presenter): photo, career

The first place of work for the future famous presenter was the RBC-TV channel, where she told viewers about the analytics of Asian stock indices in the Markets program. In 2007, Marina Kim was invited to work as a host of regional news on the federal channel "Russia". And already in 2008, she was approved for the role of the host of the Vesti program, which was broadcast throughout Russia. In addition, Marina Kim interviewed and worked as a correspondent for the programs "Vesti on Saturday", "Vesti Nedeli", "Vesti".

Marina's huge popularity with the audience led her to the show "Dancing with the Stars", where she won 2nd place (her partner was Alexander Litvinenko).

In 2013, Kim hosted the Week in the City program for some time, where she talked about the events in Moscow. In 2014, Marina Kim changed her job, now she is the host of the morning program on Channel One.

Participation in documentaries and feature films

The well-known TV presenter has 2 roles in feature films, as well as participation in the filming of documentaries. The role in the film "Serko" (directed by Joel Farge) became the debut for Marina, where she played along with Alexei Chadov. In the comedy "Bishkek, I love you" she got the main role. In 2013, she took part in the creation of a documentary film about North Korea.

Marina Kim (TV presenter). Personal life

Unlike many domestic and foreign stars, Marina does not like to put her life on public display. But by doing so, she only increases interest in her person. After participating in the entertainment program "Dancing with the Stars", the public began to attribute Kim an affair with Alexander Litvinenko, with whom she performed. But young people did not confirm the speculation of the press and the audience.

In 2011, Marina Kim met an American director named Brett Ratner. They met on New Year's Eve. The talented cinematographer really liked the Russian TV presenter. He is older than Marina by almost 15 years. Brett was the producer of several famous films: Horrible Bosses, The Revenant, Hercules, The Water Seeker, 21.

After a while, the couple confirmed the rumors about their romance. It's hard to believe, but despite the fact that Marina and Brett have been together for a long time, they still have not formalized their marriage. In many of her interviews, Kim admits that she is a happy woman, and she is very lucky in her personal life.


As mentioned above, the heroine of this article is not married. Filming and business trips take her a lot of time, Marina Kim is a TV presenter. Personal life, children - it would seem that there may simply not be time left for this in her busy work schedule. But that's not the case at all! Surprisingly, Marina is the mother of daughters of the same age!

In 2014, in one of the maternity wards of a clinic in Los Angeles, the famous Russian TV presenter gave birth to her first child, daughter Briana. Journalists and fans of the star wondered - who is the girl's father? But the newly-made mother was in no hurry to reveal all her secrets.

Recovery after pregnancy and childbirth did not take Marina long; already in 2015, viewers saw her in the show “Without Insurance”, which was broadcast on Channel One. In the middle of the season of the popular program, it became known that Kim was pregnant, so she would not be able to continue participating in the dangerous numbers of the project.

In the summer of 2016, the whole country learned that Marina Kim (TV presenter) had given birth to her second child. This time, a clinic in Miami was chosen for childbirth. The girl was called an unusual name - Darina. Marina still has not officially named the father of her children, but many viewers guess that this is Brett Ratner. At the moment, Kim has already returned to work on Channel One to again delight her fans with interesting news and advice.

In the modern world, where television and cinema are so developed, it is not easy to break through to success and become famous. But nevertheless, the brightest personalities - the "stars" of cinema and television are known by sight to millions of viewers across the country, they gather thousands of fans and are always in the spotlight. One of these popular personalities is Marina Kim, a presenter, as well as an actress and journalist.

Star biography

The TV presenter of Channel One does not like to share data about her personal life with fans and journalists. But well-known facts about her childhood, training and career still exist.

Childhood, youth

Marina Kim, a TV presenter, has a rather interesting biography. She was born in Leningrad on August 11, 1983. She grew up in an international family. Her father, Eugene, is from Kabardino-Balkaria and is Korean by nationality. Worked in business. Marina's mother is a teacher from the Baltic states, Russian. Kim also has an older brother.

The main hobby of the girl in childhood was choreography, ballet. At the age of 16, she changed her occupation and began to work as a model, appear in clips and on magazine covers.

After successfully graduating from school, the TV presenter entered the St. Petersburg Institute with a degree in regional studies (at the faculty of international relations). After two years of study in it, Marina transferred to the Moscow Institute for a similar specialty. Already in her last year, she became interested in television and began attending advanced training courses in the specialty of radio and television. After graduating from the institute, she did not begin to work by profession - a diplomat, but went on television.

Career Growth

Her first practice on TV - the program "Markets" on the RBC channel. The girl was supposed to talk about the economic situation in Asian stock indices. Then she was invited to the Rossiya TV channel in the Vesti program. Marina Kim was a news presenter for the Far East, and then began to conduct morning and afternoon TV shows. In 2008, she began working with partner Ernest Mackevicius in the evening editions. It was a great success for the young TV presenter. She became a recognizable personality, quickly gaining popularity and received recognition from the audience.

In 2012, in addition to conducting daytime editions with Alexander Golubev, Marina herself began to create reports for the Vesti program. Thus began her career as a journalist.

Vocation in the field of cinema

Besides, Marina is also an actress.

Change of activity

Meanwhile, Marianne's television career takes a sharp turn. She leaves the second channel, having accepted the offer to host the Good Morning TV show on Channel One. The program has an entertaining character, and therefore it will be easier to conduct it from a psychological point of view. Kim becomes a successful host of Channel One. And again, thousands of fans and fame await her.

In 2012, paired with Alexander Litvinenko Marina took part in the notorious project "Dancing with the Stars". They became finalists and laureates of the second degree. So the girl's childhood passion found a response in her adult life.

Personal life

Marina Kim does not like to talk about her personal life and children. The more interesting the public is whether the famous TV presenter Marina Kim has a husband and children.

She is not married, but has two daughters: Briana and Darina.

She brings them up on her own, the name of the father is not disclosed.. Presumably, this is an American actor Brett Ratner, who starred in the films "Beverly Hills Cop", "Family Man" and others. She and Marina confirmed their relationship publicly, but are not married. How many they meet is also unknown, but as Marina said in an interview, they met on New Year's Eve during her vacation on the islands.

In 2015, she starred for Channel One in the project Without Insurance, where she had to perform difficult stunts. During filming, she found out that she was pregnant, because of which she had to leave this project.

After the birth of her daughter, the TV presenter returned to Channel One again in the Good Morning program.

Also in 2017, she was on the jury of the well-known television contest Miss Russia 2017.

Now Marina Kim is 34 years old and she:

  • famous TV presenter;
  • journalist;
  • actress;
  • loving mother.

It is not always possible to lift the veil of all the secrets of celebrities, and little is known about many of them. But the more mysterious and interesting is the life of stars from the outside. These include Marina Kim - a brilliant TV presenter, a wonderful mother and just a beautiful woman.

Attention, only TODAY!

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