Twin character. Bad character traits of twins


Charming and unpredictable women born under this zodiac sign will be given in the article. Gemini women are dual natures, their life is an eternal search for an ideal and, ultimately, the realization that such does not exist in nature. The conflict of dreams and reality is not a reason to be sad. Women of this sign are full of optimism and are always ready for a new search for a handsome prince.


People born in the period from May 22 to June 21 are characterized by ease of communication, intelligence, friendliness. They know how to consider any situation from two sides. They immediately see the good and the bad in a person. Gemini has many acquaintances, friends. However, their desire for truth leads to frequent quarrels and conflicts. Former friends often become enemies.

Mobility, liveliness of mind, speed of action of these people are fascinating. The incredible charm, subtle humor of Gemini make them the soul of the company. They are always on the lookout for new information. This is food for the mind, without which the Twins begin to get bored and sad.

What kind of partner should they look for? What will the horoscope advise? Gemini, woman or man - it doesn't matter, they are always looking for a partner with the same level of intelligence. They need a smart, interesting interlocutor with whom they can argue, brainstorm, swear and put up. Geminis are always hungry for change, and their partner must come to terms with this.

Gemini women. Characteristic

A sweet, witty, charming lady born under this sign knows how to listen carefully and give interesting advice. The versatility of nature allows her to come up with new moves and situations, to solve complex problems in simple ways.

She is often impulsive and unpredictable. Her emotions sparkle and shimmer with all kinds of shades. Gemini women easily move from languid bliss to active actions, from ringing laughter to tears, from gentle thoughtfulness to sarcastic statements. This sign is very changeable. Gemini women can be cheerful. And at the same time very vulnerable and impressionable. They need a strong male shoulder.

Women of this air sign are always in action. They need to change and remake something, find something new and abolish the old. This may be a change of scenery or work, city or partner. Gemini-women are busy searching for new emotions, sensations. It is difficult for them to live in peace and stability.

Sign element

Gemini refers to the air verse. They are like the wind - light, mobile, elusive. "Air" women intuitively achieve their goals with charm and intelligence. Thanks to charm and intellect, they evade unpleasant duties. Originality, love of freedom give them the air element and a horoscope. Gemini, a woman and a man, are fair, honest. They are ready to help in difficult times.

planet sign

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury. She gives the talent of an inventor and orator. Thanks to the influence of Mercury in Gemini, the philosophical perception of life, ingenuity, a penchant for languages, the ability to negotiate, diplomatic abilities, and quick wit are so developed. Amorousness, changeability, inconstancy, sense of humor - this small planet endows Gemini with many polar qualities.

Positive and negative traits


  1. Ingenuity, objectivity.
  2. Ability to make friends and communicate.
  3. Developed intelligence, intuition.
  4. Independence, honesty.
  5. Willingness to help.


  1. Talkativeness, tendency to gossip.
  2. Indifference, cynicism.
  3. Stubbornness.
  4. Duplicity, prudence.
  5. Unreliability.

Sexuality of the sign

The variability and inconstancy of a woman of this zodiac sign gives a special touch to relations with her. Either proud, or modest, or a minx and a laugher, or an icy and indifferent one - each time it is a different woman, and the partner will not have to look for diversity on the side.

A lover of experiments and non-standard situations, she has been looking for the perfect man all her life, who would suit her spiritually, emotionally, physically. Thanks to her rich imagination, she can play any roles and images, fulfill her partner's most secret dreams.

Gemini women do not tolerate speed and haste in sex. The characteristic of the sign dictates their own pace of relations to them. They will not agree to inept actions and timid foreplay. Only an attentive, experienced partner will be able to find a common language with this passionate lady.

Sign compatibility

The Gemini woman is dazzling and cheerful. Compatibility due to charm and sociability is possible with almost all signs of the zodiac. Love at first sight can flare up with representatives of the air element. Relations with Aquarius can be stormy and passionate, but will not lead to marriage.

With Gemini, the commonality of characters will give happy love or mutual hatred. A harmonious union is possible with Libra, but everything can destroy their slowness and hesitation. If the Gemini does not get tired of waiting, then a happy marriage is guaranteed for this couple.

With the signs of the fire element, a Gemini woman can become a happy woman. Compatibility with Sagittarius is almost perfect. These two are light and restless. Their union will bring spiritual harmony to both.

Leo will add brightness to the holiday, confidence in the future. Amazingly romantic relationships can happen with Aries. But they have little common interests for a long-term relationship.

Year of birth according to the eastern calendar

According to the eastern calendar, a certain animal rules each year. It brings its own features to the character of a person, adds interesting facets to temperament. How do Gemini women born in different years differ from each other? The characteristic of the sign varies depending on the dominant animal.

Rat. She gives diligence to the Gemini woman, responsibility, efficiency to the bitter end. Thrift and thrift can lead to a successful financial career. The main thing is not to rush, to be able to concentrate.

Bull. Gives a sense of duty, responsibility. Such Gemini can overcome all obstacles on the way. The bull gives the ability to control a flurry of emotions, to restrain. A woman born this year prefers a family to a career.

Tiger. Gemini born this year are endowed with activity and purposefulness. Tiger Woman is full of new ideas. Things are going well, only interest in them disappears quickly. She is patient, can look for an ideal partner for a long time.

Rabbit (Cat). This woman is dual in everything. Strives for comfort and immediately abandons him in search of adventure. Activity alternates with apathy, curiosity - with despondency. She wants to find a comfortable state for herself and is always in search.

The Dragon. He will give many opportunities, hidden talents. You should beware of stubbornness and nervousness - they can nullify all successful undertakings. Lightness, optimism will make a woman's life bright, rich.

Snake. Positive, friendliness carries the Snake. A Gemini woman born this year is able to stop, think, make the right decision. She does not fuss, even her frivolity eventually becomes wisdom. Looking for a soft, calm man.

Horse. Constant movement, physical and spiritual, will give the Horse. Gemini woman is open, friendly. But it is also capable of conflict in defending its rights. She must be supported, so only a confident man can bring happiness.

Goat (Sheep). Change of images, impressions, people - this is the motto of this woman. Can be moody and fickle. Good beginnings, but his ideas will not be able to implement. Lack of will to see things through.

Monkey. This woman wants to shine. She is smart, interesting, and there are always a lot of spectators around who want to applaud her. Developed intelligence will help make a career. But the inconsistency and monotony of work can stall it.

Rooster. The Gemini woman born this year is restless and open. He has talents, bright temperament, artistry. His charisma can captivate the crowd.

Dog. Organization and control will bring order into the life of this woman. She is smart, energetic, sociable. She has many friends who love men. She prefers not to show her emotions, for a long time she may not talk about what worries her.

Pig. Mysterious, lovely woman. Emotional, sensual, but always gets into ridiculous situations. The dispersion of interests unsettles her. She needs to prioritize goals and follow them.

Gemini (lat. Gemini) is an adventurous, bright, intellectual sign, whose representatives are complex dual natures. They are not only prone to mood swings, but also to situations of mental turmoil, self-discovery, involvement in adventures and dubious undertakings.

The element of Gemini is the changeable and mobile Air, and their planet is the restless Mercury, which endows this sign with sociability, dexterity and liveliness of mind. As a rule, they are rarely completely happy and satisfied with their lives, their ambitions and endless ideas move them forward - only in movement and search for new horizons do Gemini feel good.

Gemini are the most mobile and sociable people, outwardly friendly, dependent on society and new information. These are strong and determined people, and intelligence and cunning allow them to manage, avoiding the use of physical force. The ability to always be in the center of important events and the ability to properly deal with the data received allow them to deftly juggle facts, and therefore most often representatives of this sign become lawyers, journalists, public figures and public figures. Among Gemini, both geniuses and scammers are often found. Despite the seeming invulnerability, Gemini is painfully vulnerable - a sensitive nature is hidden behind the armor of ostentatious indifference. Unbalance and lack of stability can sometimes destroy even the most talented nature. Twins, as a rule, are not distinguished by good health, prone to depression and allergies. In love, they never rely only on the physical attractiveness of a partner - for Gemini, intrigue, psychological battles, complex and interesting relationships are important.


The Gemini man is an innovator, a revolutionary, a fighter against dullness and predictability. He loves non-standard moves, unexpected decisions, fantastic surprises and vivid emotions. The pulse of life of Gemini is always at the limit, while behind the external attractiveness of the image sometimes lies a complex and contradictory nature that does not tolerate restrictions, lack of freedom and the slightest routine. Even the most physically attractive woman will make the Gemini squeamishly retreat if she is suspected of being conservative, striving for the ordinary and lacking depth.

The ability to surprise, be different and comprehensively developed are the keys to the heart of a typical Gemini man.

More than anything, the Gemini man loves ambiguous situations, intellectual disputes, uneven and difficult relationships - to interest him, it is best to show character and willingness to participate in games. A woman who is not capable of intriguing flirting, mundane and conflict-free, is of no interest to him. There are many typical Don Juans among the male Gemini who are interested in talking with different women, getting to know them, collecting them, each time adding something new to their collection of sensations. Rejecting templates, they oppose restrictions. To conquer such a man, you need to abandon the hackneyed phrases, show your intelligence and out-of-the-box thinking. Gemini men value in women, first of all, brains and a sense of humor.


Gemini women love mystery, mystery, and therefore there is always a veil of fog and understatement around them. At the same time, they do not close in on themselves, but are socially active and bright, while leaving a reserve for the most unexpected interpretation of the image.

Games are Gemini's favorite pastime. They love experiments and run the risk of falling in love with someone who can seriously surprise and conquer - but not with impudence and primitive courtship, but with elegant and non-standard moves. Strong, lively and sociable, the Gemini woman, despite her sharp mind and ambition, can often be painfully sentimental. In addition, she is emotional in making even the most important decisions. The emphasized desire for freedom and independence sometimes prevents her from building harmonious relationships - for Gemini, only partnership and spiritual and mental kinship will be an acceptable option. These women cease to be interested when they subjugate a man, and are also hardly ready to meekly give the reins of power to a man. Their main weakness is a passion for change, and therefore only the same freedom-loving natures can get along with a Gemini woman.


Emotional and harmonious unions will develop between Gemini with Aries and Aquarius - the first will give him passion, will not let him get bored and energize, the second shares the desire for freedom, lightness and adventure. Surrender to the charm of Gemini more calm and refined

Gemini Men
Alexander Pushkin, Che Guevara, Joseph Brodsky, Johnny Depp, Tom Cruise, Colin Farrell, John F. Kennedy, Paul McCartney, Hugh Laurie.

Gemini women
Marilyn Monroe, Natalie Portman, Adriana Lima, Angelina Jolie, Courteney Cox, Nicole Kidman, Naomi Campbell, Liz Hurley.

Unpredictable and versatile. This zodiac constellation symbolizes the unity of two brothers - the twins of Castor and Pollux, one of whom stands firmly on the ground, while the other lives in the heavens. However, there is another interpretation of the Gemini sign, which explains it as a symbol of the harmonious unity of the transforming and potential female energies. One way or another, but in the character of people born under the sign of Gemini, there are a lot of qualities that contradict each other, which, nevertheless, are nothing more than a complement to each other.

Twins, is nature itself, unpredictable, changeable, diverse. They successfully combine the physical, sensual and highly spiritual essence. Geminis are quick to think and act, they are mobile, unaffected by conventions and do not recognize authorities. These people are active, inquisitive, intellectual, that they can overcome very significant life obstacles. Twins persistent and tireless in achieving their goals, they are able to achieve success in such situations, for the successful resolution of which other signs of the Zodiac usually quickly lose hope. At the same time, if they lose interest in something (and this happens quite often), they can give up everything, even almost achieving a result.

People of this sign are very sociable and easily find a common language with representatives of all social strata of society. They like to talk on different topics, while attaching a lot of importance to their own words and the words of the interlocutor. The thoughts of Gemini quickly jump from one topic to another, so they often seem to be superficial people. However, this is not so - Gemini is multifaceted and able to comprehend the essence of things, covering all its aspects, in a matter of minutes.

They are incredibly curious and have an unstoppable desire to learn everything and everything in the world. Lacking proper education and upbringing, Twins become incorrigible gossipers, and in the presence of these factors, very well-read erudite. But, even being intelligent, they will not miss the moment to take an interest in the details of the personal lives of strangers - Gemini constantly needs new information of any kind. However, they do it without malice, malice and envy. These qualities are not inherent in most Gemini.

People born under this sign are resourceful, and often find the most unexpected solutions to some issues. Moreover, this ingenuity does not always benefit both themselves and others. Elementary, time-tested ways to eliminate problems are not interesting for Gemini. Therefore, in search of something original, they can turn any trifle into a large-scale problem. And then, in order to cope with it, it will really take significant efforts.

The mood of Gemini often changes and depends not so much on external circumstances as on their emotional state. It, in turn, is regulated by thoughts that in the head of Gemini are forever carried by a whole swarm. And in which direction they will carry a person of this sign, it is impossible to predict. Gemini, on the other hand, react very sharply to everything that happens in their minds - they are extremely suspicious and forever tormented by inner fears and doubts. It is because of the quiet fears and doubts that Gemini is subject to frequent mood swings.

The appearance of the Gemini often changes, which can be either careless or neat and smart. These are born actors, constantly playing different roles. And changing styles for them is tantamount to changing costumes when going on stage in one way or another. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that today, dressed in worn and old T-shirts, Gemini tomorrow may appear in society in a strict suit or elegant dress.

People of this sign are restless, enterprising, eloquent. They adapt well to any circumstance and have great survival potential. Inexhaustible energy allows them to captivate many people with their ideas. However, to implement these ideas, Gemini needs a guide. They rush too fast to the goal, they may not notice the existing dangers, and, as a result, fall into the abyss along with those who, carried away by their ideas, rushed after them.

As for love, Gemini is also fickle in it. This applies especially to Gemini women who feel towards their chosen ones with intellectual rather than physical attraction. And, if they do not satisfy him, then they quickly lose interest in a person. twin men they are often incorrigible womanizers and great lovers until old age.

Gemini love attention from others, but this is not pathological love. Excessive interest in their person often causes them irritation and a desire to retire for a while. True, this solitude is never long - the lack of information is unbearable for the Gemini, and they again begin to seek communication.

Negative character traits of the Gemini sign expressed in insecurity, a tendency to not very honest resourcefulness, inability to deep lasting feelings and lack of respect for others. Gemini is extremely adventurous, and if they are planning some kind of scam, they can act completely unscrupulously. Therefore, they feel quite comfortable in a criminal environment.

Geminis have excellent intuition and are often endowed with remarkable creative abilities. People born under this zodiac sign make excellent businessmen, journalists, writers, officials and politicians. In general, professions that exclude monotony and stability of actions are suitable for them.

Kocheva Olga
Women's magazine JustLady

Describe features Gemini not easy, because they are constantly changing, are in constant motion. In their changeable nature, there are always, as it were, two people.

Duality can be seen even in appearance. Hair is light and dark, both, as if in a strip. Geminis are usually tall, slender and agile in their movements. Their features are as if carved from stone. Beautiful eyes are gray, green, blue or light brown. The look is restless. The nose may be long and straight or more refined, and the forehead is most often high.

Their appearance is not affected by age, for many years they look young due to their swiftness, mobility, dexterity and quick reaction.

It is painful for true Gemini to sit quietly in one place, they are in constant motion all day long: they call somewhere, talk to someone, rush somewhere. They constantly have new ideas, plans, ideas. Thirst for activity is the normal state of Gemini. Without it, they get bored and may become depressed. They can jokingly do several things at the same time. In their activities, monotony and monotony are unacceptable.

Punctuality from Gemini never wait. They are always late, five minutes are not enough for them to come to work, to a meeting on time, because in the last minutes they are trying to do the work that would have to be done after the working day.

Routine work turns them into dull and uninteresting people. While we are struggling to do one thing, they manage to do twice as much. Just as quickly they can change jobs, lifestyles and places of residence, the speed at which thoughts rush through them. They talk fast and listen at the same speed. Because of the speed of mental processes, a clear opinion on a certain issue, slow-witted people, conservatives irritate them.

Gemini can easily get out of any situation with minimal losses, easily adapt to circumstances due to their resourcefulness and dexterity. They are reputed to be talkative and sociable, they rarely manage to keep their mouths shut.

In the depths of their souls, Geminis strive for the ideal, but despite their great imagination, they cannot define it. Money, fame, love - this is not enough for them to be happy. They are rarely satisfied with what they have achieved. It constantly seems to them that in another place and in another business great success and appreciation await them. To achieve all this, they lack constancy and patience. Since the impulse does not always coincide with the expected result, the Gemini often experience a feeling of self-doubt, get nervous, annoyed. Nervousness permeates everything around.

Sociability and isolation are replaced by them so quickly and unexpectedly that others can never guess what they will be in the next moment. With a sweet charm, they infect their acquaintances with an easy attitude to life. Gemini patronizes everyone, and this is also done with a sweet charm.

Geminis often have a deep need to behave in the exact opposite of their desires. The amazing liveliness of speech makes them clever politicians. They know how to hide their true intentions deeply, turning even a difficult situation into personal gain.

Gemini tend to lead a discussion with an amazing onslaught. Usually they like to talk, but do not know how to listen.

Twin interests are versatile - literary creativity, the study of foreign languages, politics. They do not achieve great success only because they like to chase two hares at the same time. Always in pursuit of something elusive. Consistently, they do only what they are very interested in.

Deep and lasting attachment to old memories, places, people and things is not typical for Gemini.

Loneliness scares them, and at the same time, in love, Gemini needs personal freedom or the feeling that they have it. Loving them is difficult. They have an urgent need to be loved and to feel care and affection around them, but they refrain from deep manifestations of their feelings and sympathies. Talking about love, feelings, tenderness unbalance Gemini. They try to slip out of their hands, and all attempts to stick to the Gemini with a "knife to the throat" are in vain. In such situations, they are heartless and may accuse people of lack of faith and understanding. Loyalty and devotion are retained only by their constant life partner.

In dealing with Gemini, offensive intonations or criticism should be avoided, they cannot stand even a hint of it.

Gemini is one of the most interesting signs of the Zodiac in terms of psychology. We have prepared for you information about 10 unusual facts about these people that may amaze you.

Fact six: Geminis love to travel. Even they themselves do not understand why, but they just like to drive a car with music to another city. They love roadside romance - roadside cafes, sleeping in the car. They are ready to go somewhere even alone, just to go.

Fact seven: absolutely in everything these people are looking for a reason to think and reflect. This applies to music, movies, books. They cannot do without it, because it seems to them that their brain is gradually atrophying. They are born philosophers.

Fact eight: they are good friends. Do you need to pull the car out of the mud at 4 o'clock in the morning? They will come even if they cannot help. Appreciate their friendship because they love you with all their hearts. They are liars, but there is no place for lies, so if they tell you that you mean a lot to them, then you are.

Fact nine: they often cannot repay a person for kindness. This applies to soulmates and parents. If they see that they are helped by those who live with them, then it is not always possible to hear a loud thank you. They just quickly get used to the good, including sincere kindness.

Fact ten: They are gossips. Gemini love to talk about mutual acquaintances, telling secrets. In most cases, this is harmless, but sometimes they can go too far, so they receive physical punishment in the form of beatings. Oh yes, they never learn from mistakes, and in principle.

Find out which metal suits you according to your zodiac sign. The power of nature, expressed in metal jewelry, can be a great help in finding happiness and good luck. This is especially true of our Gemini, whose energy balance is especially unstable. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.09.2016 05:33

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