Bodhi hand star wars. Star wars: rogue one - characters and vehicles


On December 15, the new Star Wars will be released on Russian cinema screens - not just another film in another trilogy, but a separate story.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... we can't wait for the usual rolling credits. Rogue One is not a movie from a trilogy (any trilogy), it's a standalone story - the first, perhaps from a collection of stories that tell about separate episodes that are hardly mentioned in the trilogies.

A New Hope begins with Darth Vader chasing Princess Leia, who has been revealed to have plans for the Death Star, the Empire's new planet-killing superweapon. But how did these plans come to Leia? That's what Rogue One is about.

A new set of heroes - although we will see a few old acquaintances; a new approach to old stories; And, of course, New Hope.

Gareth Edwards, who previously made low-budget Monsters and big-budget Godzilla, is moving in the same wake of war films: these are different aspects of it, but still war. For the entire Star Wars franchise, his Rogue One was the first movie to focus specifically on war as such: combat, intelligence, casualties, the price of human life, and the price of an idea that leads people into battle. Yes, there was a place for the Force, but it is not here - the main driving force (sorry for the tautology); the main force is Hope.

Is it a deliberate reference to the films of the Second World War (up to Churchill’s speech “ We will fight them on the beaches"in its visual form - they really fight on the beaches!) or unintentionally - but this is the first film in the franchise in which the emphasis is on the Wars, and not on the Star Wars.

We just need one victory, one for all, we will not stand up for the price.

Great movie, watch it, you won't regret it.

We will talk about 11 heroes of the film (although in fact, as in any war film, there are much more heroes) - and how the preparations for the images were going on.

Jyn Erso

Jean is not some girl in distress; Jin is independent, smart, tough and self-confident. Jean grew up in harsh conditions, and from childhood she knew what suffering and constant struggle are.

The daughter of Galen Erso, an Imperial weapon designer, is equally needed by both the Empire and the Alliance - and will hide equally from both until circumstances force her to make a choice.

When it became known that Jean would become the main character of the new film, theories poured out of a cornucopia of who she could be. The mother of one of the heroes of Episode VII - let's say Rey? Someone we know by a different name: maybe Jin is a pseudonym?

It's not that theories don't have a right to exist - but Jean is interesting in and of itself, and not just as a link with the main characters of other films. Jean - brave, desperate, harsh and at the same time very vulnerable - deserves to be interested in her as a person.

Many actresses were on the list of contenders for the main role. At some point, it seemed that it was enough to be an actress over 15 and under 60 to get into the list of contenders compiled by the press for the role. More often than others, the names of Tatiana Maslany ("Dark Child"), Olivia Cooke ("Me, Earl and the Dying Girl", "Ouigie: The Devil's Board") and Gina Rodriguez ("Virgin") were mentioned. But the role went to petite Briton Felicity Jones, an Oscar nominee (Stephen Hawking's Universe).

After the first trailer appeared, many saw the similarity of Jean with Katniss Everdeen (a harsh, dark-haired main character who rebels against a tyrannical regime), but, believe me, in fact, the similarity is quite superficial. But yes, the girls both there and there had a hard time - Felicity, recalling the shooting, says that it was as if “ spent seven months in the army».

Captain Cassian Andor

Alliance intelligence officer Andor only appears on the screen - and it immediately becomes clear that a person has a goal in life, and this goal is by no means to save every single human life. He is ready to make sacrifices, including human ones, for the sake of the victory of the Alliance. However, he is ready to sacrifice not only others - such work! — but also by yourself, and all in the name of the future.

When the creators announced that Mexican actor Diego Luna would play one of the main roles in the film, they began to wonder who he could play - especially since it was already known that the main role went to Felicity Jones. The Internet agreed that there is Jean - a thief and a criminal, then Cassian can get the job of attracting her to the tasks of the Alliance. Watch the movie and find out if the theorists were right.

Diego says that the main thing that attracted him to Cassian is his dedication to ideas and his lack of fear of getting his hands dirty. " Cassian is exactly the hero we all wish we were.", - adds the actor.

Diego Luna says that during filming, he watched Apocalypse of Our Day every month to get in the right mood and maintain this mood. A gloomy mood, I must say.


If Cassian is the grim protagonist, then the reprogrammed Imperial droid K-2SO, who often appeared with him in the frame, is endowed with quite a sense of humor. Yes, the hangman's sense of humor - but still; someone has to joke even in the most deadly situations, since this film did not get optimistic heroes like Han Solo or Poe Dameron?

The two-meter droid is played by Alan Tudyk - he is no stranger to it, in "I, Robot" he already played Sonny, a robot with quite a sense of humor. And Tudyk already controlled the spaceship too - in the Firefly series, he played Wash, the pilot of Serenity.

Tudyk compared his hero in an interview with an old man - it seems like the behavior of a droid, resulting from reprogramming, is similar to the behavior of an elderly person among young people. We then urgently come up with another robot hero with whom we want to compare the new droid: this, of course, is the melancholic Marvin from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Compared to Marvin, however, K-2SO is an optimist among optimists!

Edwards says that " K-2SO is like taking Chewbacca and C-3PO and combining them into one hero».

Chirrut Imwe

Blind Chirrut is like a return to the origins. Since A New Hope was a paraphrase of Akira Kurosawa's film, it's not surprising that its direct prequel also draws inspiration from Eastern cinema. For example, Empire magazine calls Chirrut "Space Zatoichi", and his fighting style is "Power Fu" (similar to kung fu); I would love to see more of this in the Star Wars universe.

Yes, yes, here he is - the bearer of the Force, but at the same time - not a Jedi; The Force has a place in the realistic world of total war, but it is only an element that gives hope to the heroes, and by no means the main thing in the galaxy.

The Chinese actor Donnie Yen, who plays the role of Chirrut, endowed his hero with not only a desperately charming smile, but also, it seems, the brightest sense of humor in the film.

Baze Malbus

Thanks to Chirrut and Baze, Rogue One got a couple of bickering characters that seem to be quite inspired by the characters in Akira Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress: we mean the peasants Tahei and Matashiti, of course.

Childhood friend Chirrut does not use the Force, but rather ordinary weapons, and assures that it is thanks to his help that the blind monk has not yet fallen in any battle.

Base is played by Chinese actor Jiang Wen. Director Gareth Edward said that Jiang Wen had not seen a single film from the entire franchise - not only until the moment of casting, but still, because Edwards begged the actor not to watch films until the premiere.

Bodhi Rook

An Imperial cargo ship pilot who (a pilot, not a ship!) leaves the service and goes to the rebels - more precisely, to Saw Guerrero. As the paranoid So and his entourage immediately begin to think, this is all a cunning plan of the Empire to infiltrate the rebels; You will see for yourself whether this is true or not.

Riz Ahmed, who has tried on the image of a pilot, has already made a name for himself this year, playing a major role in the popular TV series One Night; Rogue One will hopefully allow him to cement his reputation as a great actor. Previously, you could see him in the movie "Stringer", where he played along with Jake Gyllenhaal.

Unlike the previous character, Riz Ahmed grew up in Star Wars, and, in his words, " I would be happy to even serve tea on the set”, just to be part of the work on the film.

Gareth Edwards says that the character closest to him is Bodhi, because he seems to say all the time in the film, " What's crazy, how did I even get here?».

Principal Orson Krennic

Responsible for the creation of the Death Star, an imperial long-term construction, where taxes from more than one planet have clearly gone, is forced not only to return the fugitive engineer (we were shown this scene even in one of the TV commercials), but also to manage the construction, and somehow try to make sure that larger cones did not appropriate his laurels. In the end, when the Death Star is up and running (spoiler? no, not a spoiler for 39 years), it will have to destroy planets, it's worth a lot.

There were already villains with lightsabers and simply wielding power, and here is a bureaucrat, albeit with practically unlimited (compared to the rebels!) Possibilities.

The role went to Australian Ben Mendelsohn. You could see him in supporting roles in a large number of not the most high-profile (but excellent) projects: from "Casino Robbery" to "Due West"; he also has small roles in major films, including The Dark Knight Rises and Australia. This is the same person which you have definitely seen somewhere, and now, I would like to believe, it can be seen more and more.

Edwards says that while " Empire was kind of like the BBC, kind of like Oxbridge, right? And Ben and I wanted to show that Krennic is not someone who has built a career clearly from the bottom, but in what he does, he is extremely effective.

Ben Mendelsohn talks about the same. “Krennic is not one of the Imperial aristocrats, he is a man who has reached his position through his skills. His weapon is an old blaster because he's just an old warrior who's been put in charge of making sure everything is done right. And everything will be done. He's not Darth Vader, he doesn't use the Force; he's just using force."

Galen Erso

In just two months, we've seen Mads Mikkelsen on screen in two of Disney's biggest franchises - first in the Marvel universe (in Doctor Strange) and now in Star Wars. " To be in the same frame with Darth Vader is something incredible, like with James Bond., - says Mikkelsen (yes, he was also in the frame with James Bond, we remember!).

Galen Erso is Jean's father, the same scientist that Director Krennic really wants to get back to work on the Death Star.

Mads Mikkelsen says that " in some places it felt like we were making a small film, very realistic, like the ones I do in Denmark. Gareth is that kind of guy, he needs realism».

So Guerrera

A rebel who even members of the Alliance consider a terrorist; a man who decided to resist the Empire only and exclusively by violence and does not shy away from extreme measures. Saw Guerrera is a legendary figure in the Alliance, and it is he who is the link that will lead Jyn Erso to the rebels.

Saw Guerrero is a character we've already seen in the world of Star Wars, specifically the Clone Wars series. He knew both Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi; he's the bridge between the prequel trilogy and the new movie.

Oscar winner Forest Whitaker was Gareth Edwards' first choice for the role, and Whitaker accepted.

Kathleen Kennedy, the film's producer, notes with regret that " didn't manage to use Co as much as we would like". However, even in those few scenes where So is, he will impress you - and be remembered for a long time.

Governor Tarkin

If Saw Guerrera was the link between the prequel trilogy and the new movie, then Governor Tarkin is the bridge between the new movie and A New Hope. Along with another big man in the Empire - namely Darth Vader, who, of course, will also appear, albeit for a short time - he will try to suppress the aggression of the Alliance.

In the original trilogy, Tarkin was played by British horror film legend Peter Cushing; Unfortunately, the actor died in 1994.

We will not show you Tarkin in the new film. Let's just say you'll be surprised.


Despite the slight pitching, board 0608 falls into a dream almost at the same time. It is necessary to restore strength, it is not every day that one has to attack an imperial base with a small force. Bodhi moves around the meager makeshift bedding and settles into the uncomfortable pilot's seat. Neither stretch your legs, nor at least slightly lean back, but there is no choice - this is his appointed place, and he may not be the first pilot of the Galaxy, but still he is worth something, and that proves it in every possible way from time to time once. It's like this night is an exception... Staring at the empty space of space in front of you is still entertainment, and Bodhi shifts his gaze to the sleeping squad of suicide volunteers. Jin twitches in her sleep and wheezes something, but he does not dare to wake her up, after all, such a dream is better than none at all. He is not sure at all that Chirrut is sleeping, perhaps this is another meditation to help search for the Force in himself, but what, however, is the difference. Apparently, he alone is awake from all the motley composition of the “mission”. His gaze returns to the blackness in the shuttle's windshield just in time as the pitch begins to increase. Hyperspace almost spitting out the command while Bodhi tries to resolve everything so that a sharp jump does not affect the internal state of the ship in any way. A little meteor shower isn't much of a hindrance, but some of the extra-large fragments hit the shuttle's skin so hard that you have to set the engines on low thrust to avoid damaging anything. Apparently, the arrival will have to wait a bit - while this obstacle is on the way, it is not safe to return to hyperspace. Bodhi only realizes he's not alone when he hears a stifled cough behind him. From surprise, he almost jumps on the spot and turns around too abruptly, immediately rubbing his stretched neck. For some reason, Cassian isn't sleeping either, standing to himself, leaning against a box with some kind of military small things and crossing his arms over his chest, silently watching Bodhi rise from his seat. "Sit," he finally says, pushing Bodhi by the shoulder back into the seat, and sits down in the co-pilot's seat. - Can't sleep? “Meteor shower.” Bodhi nods at the “weather” behind the glass. However, this is not required, Cassian certainly feels the periodic quite strong shocks even without it. “You haven’t slept before, I saw. Are you worried? “Cassian, as usual, is completely rude and asks unnecessary questions. Bodhi only somehow embarrassedly smiles at this and shrugs his shoulders, peering into the darkness of the space behind the glass. “It’s just… Isn’t it too late?” Is it too late for me to follow this path? - for some reason, telling the truth seems so necessary now. As if there will be no more opportunities. “I delivered so many supplies to the orbital station, so many tons of kyber to build the Death Star reactor, that… This is all my fault, right? “Bodhi thinks too much, and that's what keeps him awake on this long, almost endless night. Not at all the excitement for the next hard day, as Cassian thinks. “Not yours,” Andor seems to have some kind of firm confidence in what he is saying. There were hundreds, thousands of you. And I am almost sure that most of you did not even know what exactly all the building materials that you delivered from the planets go to. Stop scolding yourself, you have already repaid the Alliance enough for us to believe that you are here for good, with us, - Cassian wearily closes his eyes. He would be glad to fall asleep, but now the heavy thought of the distant "tomorrow" gnaws at him. Bodhi blinks a couple of times in confusion, looking at the man next to him, then back into space. That's really from whom, from whom, and from him he definitely did not expect such words. “It’s never too late to go off the wrong path, the main thing is to do it at all,” he sums up, as if reading Bodhi’s thoughts without even opening his eyes. - But ... - Without a "but", Bodhi, you are a rebel and you will remain one, be kind, do not bother for an unnecessary reason, there are more important things to do here ... - Cassian opens his drooping eyes and shrugs his shoulders - cool. In cargo shuttles, the climate control is at the lowest level, the Empire, of course, did not bother with how the pilots in them would survive in outer space, relying on the power of hyperspace. - Yes, sure. Tomorrow is a hard day and… “And not many will make it out alive,” Cassian finishes for him, catching a slight hitch. - Yes, something like that I wanted ... - Is someone waiting for you, Bodhi? - Cassian interrupts, does not allow to finish, "shoots" directly in the forehead, forcing the pilot to cringe. - There, on Jade. You're from there, right? “Yes, but… No,” Bodhi exhales quietly, clasping his suddenly sweaty palms between his knees and looking away. “No one is waiting for me,” he adds quietly. “Maybe Gene thinks that those who have nothing to lose fight the best, but I think that those who have something to fight for go to the end. And for whom. Bodhi,” Cassian calls his name again, urging him to turn around, to look into his eyes, to do at least something to get out of this cocoon of thoughts in which he wraps himself from minute to minute. “Look at me.” He touches his open wrist lightly, then jerks his hand back when the pilot finally turns. “I have no one to fight for. For the millions of lives that the Empire has not yet managed to destroy, perhaps, but more ... - Bodhi seems to shrug his shoulders indifferently, and near the Mustafar fire inside burns at least some pleasant thoughts. - That's not it. Everything is not right. Not a single million people can compare with a single one for whom you will do anything, right? – Cassian stubbornly hints at something, and Bodhi either pretends not to understand, or really, the subtle meaning of this comparison simply does not reach him. He shrugs again, staring over Cassian's shoulder. And he would have to stay in this peculiar trance of his, only Andor quickly pulls his palms out of the captivity of his knees and squeezes them in his. “We'll be going hyper soon…” Bodhi starts, jerking nervously to the side, trying to break free, but Cassian doesn't give in. He moves closer, almost pinching his hand in his pilot's seat, and adds, “No one is waiting for me, either.” His eyes frantically search the man's swarthy face. And at some point, he nevertheless approaches so much that he becomes visible fine fine wrinkles in the corners of Bodhi's eyes. The pilot takes a deep breath, barely forcing himself to look at the man, and then more reflexively closes his eyes as his lips gently and gently touch someone else's lips. There is no thought that this is wrong. When you go to war, this concept disappears altogether, along with many other everyday ones. Bodhi doesn't respond, but he doesn't push Cassian away either, just accepting that this is happening. And when it's over, maybe after a couple of seconds, or maybe after an hour, he opens his eyes and finally understands what Andor meant. And it's not about the kiss. In a relationship. “And here you are… Excuse me,” Kay-Too seems to be embarrassed for the first time in the existence of his droid brains. And I am surprised by this. “I… yes, however…” Cassian is equally surprised by the fact that this creature ran out of vocabulary just at this moment. - I'll go, yes ... - the droid, which appeared at the door at the wrong time, shifts from one foot to the other and blinks the white lights of its eyes. “Don’t worry, Kay-Tussaud, we…finished,” Cassian smiles a little wryly, lightly pats Bodhi on the knee and rises to his feet. The meteor shower seems to be over. Go to hyperspace, - gives out the last instructions. “See you on Scarif,” he smiles with a corner of his lips only to the pilot, ruffles his hair tied in a knot at the back of his head and goes to his sleeping place. Now he must sleep. One item on the worry list can be crossed off, and the rest will not go anywhere. The war isn't going anywhere as long as the damn Death Star hangs over their heads. “Yes, Kay-Too, calculate the coordinates and time of arrival,” Bodhi mutters, still looking somewhere in space, and then shudders, shakes himself and reaches for the buttons, checking the condition of the skin on the instruments. He licks his lips and agrees that it is true, all this is true - it is better to fight for someone specific than for a million unknown people. And Bodhi will fight. He has not figured it out yet, this battle will end, he will definitely ask Cassian what it was. And will require supplements to taste. Will definitely ask. As soon as the battle is over. Now that there is something to fight for. “Hyperspace, Kay-Too,” Bodhi says, smiling. Hears the dissatisfied "people" from the droid and smiles only harder. See you on Scarif.

oh kiss me one more time before the sun goes down and all the creatures of the night crawling over this town

Characters and vehicles in

Website Jedi Library unexpectedly found interesting information in the catalogs Edelweiss about the first spin-off" ANDzgoy-one. Star Wars Tales".

It's not just about some rumors. Several pages of a future guide called "Rogue One: The Official Visual Story Guide" have been published on the site. At the moment, these photos are no longer on the Edelweiss website, since Disney asked them to be removed, but due to this error (if, of course, it was accidental), all published pages have already been leaked to the network.

There may be some spoilers for the movie itself, so if you don't want to know something in advance, it's best to refrain from further information.

The very cover of this book shows us a now familiar team assembled, including a first look at the droid played by Alan Tudyk (more on that below).

Now we know the names of the other main characters of the film:

  • Jyn Erso(Felicity Jones) - we have known the name of this character for a long time, it was officially confirmed in the trailer. Felicity plays a gifted soldier and warrior.
  • Captain Cassian Andor(Diego Luna) - initially, there was a rumor that the character's name was Cassein Willix, but in the end it turned out to be partially true and the character was named Cassian Andor. Diego Luna plays one of the Rebel officers.
  • base(Jiang Wen) - the famous Chinese actor will play a contract killer.
  • K-250(Alan Tudyk) - The American actor got the role of an Imperial battle droid who joined the Rebels. This role will help Tudyk to perform modern CGI-technologies.
  • Bodhi(Riz Ahmed) - The fact that a Pakistani actor will play a character named Bodhi Rook became known last November when BBC journalist Lizo Mzimba tweeted about it. Ahmed will play one of the Rebel soldiers.
  • Chirrut(Donnie Yen) - spelled in English as Chirrut. Another Chinese actor will play a spiritual warrior.
  • Pao(Pao) and Bistan (Bistan) - are characterized as ferocious warriors. They will most likely also be shown in the film using CGI technology. Or they will be characters completely created and animated using modern computer technology.

The following photo gives us a closer look at the new Imperial tank, which is called the Imperial Hover Tank.

Also in this photo we can see a new type of attack aircraft, which apparently will control this formidable weapon.

But the next page shows a new type of Imperial fighter called The TIE Striker.

This photo is very reminiscent of an old concept art that has been leaked online for quite some time. This is the concept we expected to see in the movie " Star Wars: The Force Awakens", but he was not there. Immediately there was an assumption that he might appear in " Rogue One' which is likely to happen.

Since the Empire got a new fighter, why not add a new kind to the Rebels. Looks like it's called U-Wing.

The next photo shows the already familiar, and in my opinion very clumsy, type of weaponry of the Empire - the AT-AT walker in a new version, which will be called AT-ACT. There was a rumor about this back in January of this year.

In the first trailer for the movie, we can see this walker at the very end. We will be able to assess how good it will be in December of this year.

The next page shows us those who will try to protect the Empire from the attack of the Rebels.

First of all, you should pay attention to the character of Ben Mendelsohn. This Principal Krennic. He is one of the Imperial military leaders who will be in charge of making sure that the Rebels cannot steal the plans for the first Death Star. Also in this photo we see another new type of attack aircraft called " Death Troopers", which were shown in the trailer. For the first time, in August last year, Donnie Yen published the first photo of the helmets of these stormtroopers, so their appearance did not come as a surprise.

The following photo allows a closer look at the battle droid. K-250.

The last photo shows us the heroes and villains of the film. Naturally in the spotlight Darth Vader.

The appearance of the Dark Lord of the Sith in this photo is, as it were, another confirmation that we will finally see again Darth Vader on big screens. It is possible that the last photo will be the basis for the official poster with the image.

The first Star Wars spin-off is released in December. Rogue One is about a group of rebels who managed to steal the plans for the Death Star. Almost all of the team members are new characters that we haven't encountered before. At the Star Wars Celebration held in London, the upcoming film has become one of the main topics. We managed to learn something new about the main characters of the picture - including from the actors who play them.

Jyn Erso is a heroine without introspection

The main character of the film is impudent, impetuous and has repeatedly violated the law. The girl is used to acting alone and, helping the Rebels, for the first time she will work in a team. According to actress Felicity Jones, unlike such heroes of the Saga as Luke and Ray, Jean does not ask questions about who she is and where her roots are. The girl already knows the answers to them, and this determines her motives and actions.

Galen Erso - a scientist who can change the world

Not much is known about Jean's father yet. Played by Mads Mikkelsen. According to the actor, Galen Erso is an outstanding scientist who has created something beautiful that can change the galaxy.

In the teaser, only shown to attendees at the Star Wars Celebration, we see Jean as a child, running across a field somewhere. And then on the same planet they show stormtroopers against the backdrop of a burning house. We dare to assume that Jean has had accounts with the Empire since childhood, and her father's invention is connected with the Death Star.

Cassian Andor - commander without squad

The team tasked with stealing the plans for the Death Star will be led by Alliance Intelligence Captain Cassian Andor. He is famous for his composure and the ability to perform the most difficult tasks. At first, the squad consists only of Cassian, Jean and a droid - they will have to recruit the rest during the operation.

K-2S0 - weirdo droid

Cassian's best friend is the former Imperial droid K-2SO (pronounced Kay-Tu-Es-O), who was personally reprogrammed by the captain. But the flashing did not go unnoticed and affected the behavior of the droid. Sometimes it seems as if he is not of this world. K-2SO is not shy about saying what he thinks candidly, even if it may offend the interlocutor.

Bodhi Rook - Former Imperial

Not only K-2SO has an imperial background. Pilot Bodhi Rook initially serves the Empire, although he does not like much of it. The Empire's actions on his home planet lead Bodhi to consider defecting to the rebels. True, Bodhi is a practical and slightly nervous person. He will have to muster all his courage to challenge the Empire.

Chirrut Imwe - blind monk

"Rogue One" promises to be the first film in the saga where we do not see the Jedi. The action takes place in an era when the Order was wiped off the face of the galaxy. But there are those who believe in the Force, like the blind monk Chirrut Imwe. He himself does not own the Force, but shares the ideals of the Jedi and, despite his blindness, in close combat can give heat to anyone. No wonder martial artists Donnie Yen took on his role.

Baze Malbus is a spoiler narrator!

Chirrut's best friend and partner is his complete opposite. Baze is a pragmatic man of action. He is not prone to long reflections, does not believe in the Force, and relies on his blaster in battle.

It's hard to believe, but during the presentation at the Celebration, actor Jiang Wen, who plays Blaze, made a slip that reveals one of the plot twists of the upcoming film.

The actor said that after the death of the hero Donnie Yen Blaze's behavior changes.

The presenter hurried to interrupt Wen, and the official recording of the presentation was not posted on the Web. But a word spoken in front of a crowd of fans and journalists is certainly not a sparrow.

* * *

The heroes of the future film look very interesting and colorful, and we can't wait to see them in action. The wait is not so long.

Although the time of the film "" refers to the period between "Revenge of the Sith" and "A New Hope", many previously unknown characters appear in the new picture. However, the audience should not be afraid of this: in the end, Luke Skywalker also once appeared on the screens for the first time.

Let's dwell on each hero of Rogue One in more detail.

Jyn Erso

Jyn Erso

Actress: Felicity Jones

Jean is the main character in Rogue One, who was recruited by Mon Mothma to lead a rebel force. From the age of 15, Jean had to survive on her own, which contributed to the formation of the strong-willed character of the heroine. Jean is not only well acquainted with the underworld of the galaxy, but she herself has long been engaged in activities that are not entirely consistent with the law. The Rebels seek Jean's help, as she is the daughter of Gallen Erso, the Imperial engineer who built the Death Star.

Cassian Andor

Cassian Andor

Cassian is a scout, known for his ability to find a way out of the most difficult troubles. During the mission, Andor must "look after" Jyn Erso, the reliability of which the members of the Resistance are not entirely sure.

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It is known that it was Cassian Andor who reprogrammed the Imperial droid K-2SO, turning him into an ally of the rebels.

Orson Krennic

Orson Krennic

Actor: Ben Mendelsohn

Orson Krennic is an ambitious careerist who quickly climbs the administrative ladder of the Empire. His position is director of the latest military developments, and the task is to complete the construction of the Death Star as soon as possible.

Under the command of Krennic is an elite unit of stormtroopers who pose a real threat to the rebels.

Chirrut Imwe

Chirrut Imwe

Actor: Donnie Yen

Rogue One is set in a time when few people remember the Jedi and the Force. However, Imwe is an exception: he firmly believes in the Force, and this allows him, despite his blindness, to become a skilled warrior and a valuable member of the Resistance. Chirrut is a devoted friend of another rebel, Beise Malbus.

Galen Erso

Galen Erso

Actor: Mads Mikkelsen

Galen Erso is Jean's father and a brilliant scientist, without whom the Death Star would not have appeared.

K-2SO (Key-two)

K-2SO (Key-two)

Actor: Alan Tudyk

No Star Wars movie is complete without droid heroes. Rogue One is no exception. However, Kei-2 is different from the familiar R2-D2, C3-PO and BB-8.

“This is an ex-imperial droid. He's over two meters tall and always follows orders without question," Alan Tudyk told Entertainment Weekly.

Once Kassian Andor reprogrammed Kay-2, and now the droid is boundlessly devoted to his companion.

Bodhi Rook

Bodhi Rook

Actor: Riz Ahmed

Former Imperial pilot who voluntarily defected to the resistance and betrayed important secrets of the Empire to the rebels.

Base Malbus

Base Malbus

Actor: Jiang Wen

Like Chirrut Imwe, Baze is a strong warrior, but unlike his friend, Malbus does not believe in the Force at all. His skepticism was the result of a hard life on a moon occupied by the Galactic Empire.

So Guerrera

So Guerrera

Actor: Forest Whitaker

Saw Guerrera's appearance in the film is a great gift for fans for several reasons. Firstly, this character is already familiar to viewers of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series. Second, Guerrera appeared in Star Wars Rebels Season 5 when the Jedi helped him save his planet from the Separatists. It is noteworthy that Guerrera is a conflicted character who is difficult to place on the "evil - good" scale.

By the time of Rogue One, Seo had become a veteran of the Resistance.

Mon Mothma

Mon Mothma

Actress: Genevieve O'Reilly

Mothma is the leader of the Rebel Alliance, first appearing in Return of the Jedi. Mon decides to recruit Jyn Erso for the Resistance's mission.

Darth Vader

Darth Vader

Actor: James Earl Jones

This character needs no introduction. He is one of the most popular villains of all time. According to rumors, in Rogue One, the director managed to create the darkest image of Vader from all the films in the franchise. Vader is also known to have Orson Krennic under his control.

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