Goddess of the stars in Greek mythology. ancient greek goddesses

Hades God is the ruler of the realm of the dead. Antey- the hero of myths, a giant, the son of Poseidon and the Earth of Gaia. The earth gave her son strength, thanks to which no one could cope with him. Apollo- the god of sunlight. The Greeks portrayed him as a beautiful young man. Ares- the god of perfidious war, the son of Zeus and Hera. Asclepius- the god of medical art, the son of Apollo and the nymph Coronis Boreas- the god of the north wind, the son of the titanides Astrea (starry sky) and Eos (morning dawn), brother of Zephyr and Nota. Depicted as a winged, long-haired, bearded, powerful deity. Bacchus One of the names of Dionysus. Helios (Helium)- the god of the Sun, brother of Selena (goddess of the moon) and Eos (morning dawn). In late antiquity, he was identified with Apollo, the god of sunlight. Hermes- the son of Zeus and Maya, one of the most ambiguous Greek gods. The patron of wanderers, crafts, trade, thieves. Possessing the gift of eloquence. Hephaestus- the son of Zeus and Hera, the god of fire and blacksmithing. He was considered the patron saint of artisans. Hypnos- deity of sleep, son of Nikta (Night). He was depicted as a winged youth. Dionysus (Bacchus)- the god of viticulture and winemaking, the object of a number of cults and mysteries. He was depicted either as a fat elderly man, or as a young man with a wreath of grape leaves on his head. Zagreus- god of fertility, son of Zeus and Persephone. Zeus- the supreme god, the king of gods and people. Zephyr- god of the west wind. Iacchus- the god of fertility. Kronos- Titan, the youngest son of Gaia and Uranus, the father of Zeus. He ruled the world of gods and people and was overthrown from the throne by Zeus .. Mom- the son of the goddess of the Night, the god of slander. Morpheus- one of the sons of Hypnos, the god of dreams. Nereus- the son of Gaia and Pontus, meek sea god. Note- the god of the south wind, depicted with a beard and wings. Ocean- Titan, son of Gaia and Uranus, brother and husband of Tethys and father of all the rivers of the world. Olympians- the supreme gods of the younger generation of Greek gods, led by Zeus, who lived on the top of Mount Olympus. Pan- the forest god, the son of Hermes and Dryopa, a goat-legged man with horns. He was considered the patron saint of shepherds and small livestock. Pluto- the god of the underworld, often identified with Hades, but unlike him, who owned not the souls of the dead, but the riches of the underworld. Plutus- the son of Demeter, the god who gives people wealth. Pont- one of the older Greek deities, the offspring of Gaia, the god of the sea, the father of many titans and gods. Poseidon- one of the Olympian gods, brother of Zeus and Hades, ruling over the sea element. Poseidon was also subject to the bowels of the earth, he commanded storms and earthquakes. Proteus- sea deity, son of Poseidon, patron of seals. Possessed the gift of reincarnation and prophecy. satires- goat-footed creatures, demons of fertility. Thanatos- the personification of death, the twin brother of Hypnos. Titans- the generation of the Greek gods, the ancestors of the Olympians. Typhon- a hundred-headed dragon, born of Gaia or a Hero. During the battle of the Olympians and the Titans, he was defeated by Zeus and imprisoned under the volcano Etna in Sicily. Triton- the son of Poseidon, one of the sea deities, a man with a fish tail instead of legs, holding a trident and a twisted shell - a horn. Chaos- an endless empty space from which at the beginning of time the most ancient gods of the Greek religion arose - Nikta and Erebus. Chthonic gods- deities of the underworld and fertility, relatives of the Olympians. These included Hades, Hecate, Hermes, Gaia, Demeter, Dionysus, and Persephone. cyclops- giants with one eye in the middle of the forehead, children of Uranus and Gaia. Evre (Eur)- god of the southeast wind. aeolus- lord of the winds. Erebus- the personification of the darkness of the underworld, the son of Chaos and the brother of the Night. Eros (Eros)- god of love, son of Aphrodite and Ares. In ancient myths - a self-arisen force that contributed to the ordering of the world. Depicted as a winged youth (in the Hellenistic era - a boy) with arrows, accompanying his mother. Ether- deity of the sky

Goddesses of ancient Greece

Artemis- Goddess of hunting and nature. Atropos- one of the three moira, cutting the thread of fate and cutting off human life. Athena (Pallas, Parthenos)- the daughter of Zeus, born from his head in full combat weapons. One of the most revered Greek goddesses, the goddess of just war and wisdom, the patroness of knowledge. Aphrodite (Kythera, Urania)- Goddess of love and beauty. She was born from the marriage of Zeus and the goddess Dione (according to another legend, she came out of the sea foam) Hebe- daughter of Zeus and Hera, goddess of youth. Sister of Ares and Ilithyia. She served the Olympian gods at feasts. Hecate- the goddess of darkness, night visions and sorcery, the patroness of sorcerers. Hemera- the goddess of daylight, the personification of the day, born of Nikto and Erebus. Often identified with Eos. Hera- the supreme Olympic goddess, sister and third wife of Zeus, daughter of Rhea and Kronos, sister of Hades, Hestia, Demeter and Poseidon. Hera was considered the patroness of marriage. Hestia- Goddess of the hearth and fire. Gaia- mother earth, mother of all gods and people. Demeter- Goddess of fertility and agriculture. Dryads- lower deities, nymphs who lived in trees. Ilithyia- patron goddess of childbirth. Irida- winged goddess, assistant to Hera, messenger of the gods. calliope- the muse of epic poetry and science. Kera- demonic creatures, children of the goddess Nikta, bringing misfortune and death to people. Clio- one of the nine muses, the muse of history. Clotho ("spinner")- one of the moira, spinning the thread of human life. Lachesis- one of the three moira sisters, who determines the fate of each person even before birth. Summer- Titanide, mother of Apollo and Artemis. Mayan- a mountain nymph, the eldest of the seven pleiades - the daughters of Atlanta, the beloved of Zeus, from whom Hermes was born to her. Melpomene- muse of tragedy. Metis- the goddess of wisdom, the first of the three wives of Zeus, who conceived Athena from him. Mnemosyne- mother of nine muses, goddess of memory. moira- the goddess of fate, the daughter of Zeus and Themis. Muses- patron goddess of the arts and sciences. naiads- nymphs-guardians of waters. Nemesis- the daughter of Nikta, the goddess, personifying fate and retribution, punishing people in accordance with their sins. Nereids- fifty daughters of Nereus and the oceanides of Dorida, sea deities. Nika- the personification of victory. Often she was depicted with a wreath, a common symbol of triumph in Greece. nymphs- the lowest deities in the hierarchy of the Greek gods. They personified the forces of nature. Nikta- one of the first Greek deities, the goddess is the personification of the primordial Night. Orestiades- mountain nymphs. Ora- the goddess of the seasons, tranquility and order, the daughter of Zeus and Themis. Peyto- the goddess of persuasion, the companion of Aphrodite, often identified with her patroness. Persephone- daughter of Demeter and Zeus, goddess of fertility. The wife of Hades and the queen of the underworld, who knew the secrets of life and death. polyhymnia- the muse of serious hymn poetry. Tethys- the daughter of Gaia and Uranus, the wife of the Ocean and the mother of the Nereids and Oceanids. Rhea- the mother of the Olympian gods. Sirens- female demons, half-woman half-birds, capable of changing the weather at sea. Waist- muse of comedy. Terpsichore- Muse of dance art. Tisiphone- one of the Erinyes. quiet- the goddess of fate and chance among the Greeks, companion of Persephone. She was depicted as a winged woman standing on a wheel and holding a cornucopia and ship's steering wheel in her hands. Urania- one of the nine muses, the patroness of astronomy. Themis- Titanide, goddess of justice and law, second wife of Zeus, mother of mountains and moira. Charites- the goddess of female beauty, the embodiment of a kind, joyful and eternally young beginning of life. Eumenides- another hypostasis of the Erinyes, revered as goddesses of benevolence, preventing misfortunes. Eris- daughter of Nikta, sister of Ares, goddess of discord. Erinyes- goddesses of vengeance, creatures of the underworld, who punished injustice and crimes. Erato- Muse of lyrical and erotic poetry. Eos- Goddess of the dawn, sister of Helios and Selena. The Greeks called it "pink-fingered". Euterpe- the muse of lyrical chanting. Depicted with a double flute in her hand.

Ancient Hellas… A country of myths and legends, a land of fearless heroes and brave sailors. The birthplace of the formidable gods, seated on the high Olympus. Zeus, Ares, Apollo, Poseidon - these names are familiar to everyone from school history lessons.

Today we will talk about their wives and daughters - the almighty ancient goddesses of Greece, who deftly manipulated their husbands, being the real mistresses of Olympus and mistresses of mortals. These great beings ruled the world, ignoring the miserable people below, because they were directors and spectators in the greatest theater in the world - Earth.

And when it was time to leave, the proud goddesses of Hellas left traces of their stay on Greek soil, albeit not as noticeable as in the male half of the Pantheon.

Let's remember the myths about the beautiful, sometimes incredibly cruel daughters of Olympus and take a short trip to the places associated with them.

Goddess Hera - the patroness of the hearth and family life

Hera is the goddess of ancient Greece, the highest among equals and the nominal mother of almost all other goddesses of Olympus from the fourth generation (the first generation is the creators of the world, the second is the titans, the third is the first gods).

Why? Because her husband Zeus is very far from the ideal of a faithful man.

However, Hera herself is good - in order to marry the then not even supreme god, but only the killer of Kronos (the strongest of the titans), Hera fell in love with Zeus, and then refused to become his mistress until he did not vow to make her his wife.

Moreover, the waters of the Styx appeared in the oath (the river that separates the world of the living and the dead, and has tremendous power over both gods and people).

In a love frenzy, the oath was pronounced and Hera became the main goddess on Olympus. But Zeus soon got fed up with family life and gladly made connections on the side, which embittered Hera and forced her to look for ways to take revenge on those who were preferred by the unfaithful husband, and at the same time his illegitimate children.

Hera is the goddess-keeper of the hearth and family, helps abandoned wives, punishes unfaithful husbands (which often pushes her nose to nose with her windy daughter-in-law, Aphrodite).

Hera's favorite son is Ares, the god of war, despised by his father for his love of fighting and constant killing.

But the hatred of the first lady of Olympus is shared by two creatures - the daughter of Zeus Athena and the son of Zeus Hercules, both born not by his legal wife, but nonetheless ascended to Olympus.

In addition, Hera is hated by her own son Hephaestus, the god of crafts and the husband of Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, who was thrown from Olympus by Hera as a baby for his physical deformity.

The largest trace of this cruel lady can be considered the temple of Hera in ancient Olympia.

The religious building was built at the end of the 7th century BC. e. The massive temple has long been turned into ruins, but thanks to the efforts of several generations of archaeologists, the foundation of the temple and its preserved parts have been restored and are now open to tourists.

In addition, in the Olympia Museum, you can see fragments of statues dedicated to Hera and understand how her worshipers depicted the goddess.

The ticket price for Olympia is 9 euros, which includes admission to the excavation area and the museum. You can take a ticket only to the excavation area, it will cost 6 euros.

Aphrodite - Goddess of Love in Ancient Greece

The beautiful Aphrodite, whose beauty could only be compared with her own frivolity, is not the daughter of Zeus or Hera, but comes from a much older family.

She is the last creation of Uranus, the first of the Titans castrated by Kronos during the first war for Olympus.

The blood of a titan deprived of a certain part of the body mixed with sea foam and from it arose an insidious and cruel beauty, who hid in Cyprus from the eyes of Kronos until he was overthrown by Zeus.

Thanks to Hera's cunning plan, Aphrodite married the powerful but ugly Hephaestus. And while he worked in his workshop, the goddess either basked on Olympus, communicating with the gods, or traveled the world, falling in love with the gods and people, and falling in love herself.

The most famous lovers of the windy beauty were Adonis, a hunter beautiful in body and spirit, with whom the goddess fell in love so much that after his tragic death from the fangs of a boar, she threw herself down from the Lydian rock.

And Ares is the god of war and destruction, who secretly sent a boar to Adonis.

It was Ares who filled the cup of patience of the proud Hephaestus, who set a trap for the lovers - forged a strong net, so thin that the lovers simply did not notice it when the net was thrown over the bed.

When the god of crafts returned to Olympus, he laughed for a long time at the unlucky lovers, and the disgraced Aphrodite fled for a while to her temple in Cyprus, where she gave birth to the sons of Ares - Phobos and Deimos.

The god of war himself appreciated the elegance and softness of the trap of Hephaestus and accepted defeat with dignity, leaving the beautiful Aphrodite, who was soon forgiven by her husband.

Aphrodite is the goddess of love and love madness. She, despite her youthful appearance, is the oldest goddess on Olympus, whom Hera often turns to for help (especially in those cases when the center of love for her wife begins to fade in Zeus again). Also, Aphrodite is considered the goddess of fertility, and also one of the sea goddesses.

Aphrodite's favorite son is Eros, also known as Cupid, the god of carnal love, who always accompanies his mother. She has no permanent enemies on Olympus, but her frivolity often leads to quarrels with Hera and Athena.

Aphrodite's greatest legacy is Paphos, a city in Greek Cyprus, located in the place where she once emerged from the sea foam.

This place was appreciated not only by women, but also by men - in some parts of ancient Greece there was a belief that a girl who visited the temple of Aphrodite and entered into a relationship with a stranger in the vicinity of the temple received the blessing of the goddess of love for life.

In addition, the temple housed the bath of Aphrodite, into which the goddess sometimes descended in order to restore her beauty and youth. Greek women believed that if you enter the bath, there is every chance to preserve youth.

Today, only ruins remain of the temple, open to tourists. Not far from the temple of Aphrodite in Paphos, you can always find both newlyweds and single people, because according to legend, those who find a heart-shaped stone on the coast will find eternal love.

Warrior Goddess Athena

Goddess Athena is the owner of the most abnormal birth myth.

This goddess is the daughter of Zeus and his first wife Metis, the goddess of wisdom, who, according to the prediction of Uranus, was to give birth to a son, and he, in turn, would soon overthrow his thundering father.

Upon learning of his wife's pregnancy, Zeus swallowed her whole, but soon felt wild pains in his head.

Fortunately, the god Hephaestus was on Olympus at that time, who, at the request of the royal father, hit him on the sore part of the body with his hammer, splitting his skull.

From the head of Zeus emerged a woman in full combat garb, who combined the wisdom of her mother and the talents of her father, becoming the first goddess of war in ancient Greece.

Later, another lover of swinging a sword, Ares, was born, and tried to claim his rights, but the goddess in numerous battles forced her brother to respect herself, proving to him that fighting madness was not enough to win.

The goddess is dedicated to the city of Athens, which she sued from Poseidon in the legendary dispute over Attica.
It was Athena who gave the Athenians an invaluable gift - an olive tree.

Athena is the first commander of Olympus. During the war with the giants, the goddess fought on a par with Hercules until she realized that the gods could not win.
Then Athena retreated to Olympus and while the sons of Zeus held back the hordes of giants, she brought the head of Medusa to the battlefield, whose gaze turned the surviving warriors into stones, or rather into mountains.

Athena is the goddess of wisdom, "smart" warfare and the patroness of crafts. The middle name of Athena - Pallas, was received in honor of her breast sister, who died due to an oversight of the then girl Athena - the goddess, unwittingly, accidentally killed her friend.

Growing up, Athena became the most perspicacious of the goddesses of Olympus.

She is a perpetual virgin and rarely gets into conflicts (other than those involving her father).

Athena is the most faithful of all the Olympians, and even during the exodus of the gods, she wished to remain in Greece in the hope that one day she could return to her city.

Olympus is a mountain range in Greece, which was revered as the abode of the ancient Greek gods. The maximum height of the mountain is 2917 meters. Olympus is a sacred mountain. According to ancient Greek mythology, they live here the gods of Olympus or Olympians. Zeus is considered the main god on Olympus.

Due to the fact that, as we have already discussed in, Greek mythology is quite similar to Slavic, since it comes from the Indo-European culture common to us, it is worth continuing to consider various aspects of ancient Greek paganism in order to better understand our own paganism. It is also worth noting that the gods that inhabit the Greek Mount Olympus are most likely part of the beliefs that arose at a time when a certain part of the Indo-Europeans settled these lands and transferred the ancient Indo-European beliefs to the area in which they settled. This is evidenced by the beliefs of other peoples, who also inhabited the high peaks with a host of supreme gods. In Ancient Rus', such a belief was not preserved, apparently because most of central Russia is plains. Most likely, the gods inhabiting the sacred mountains from Indo-European mythology, among the Slavs became gods that live in heaven.

According to ancient Greek mythology, the gods of Olympus are the third generation of gods. The first generation of gods were: Nikta (Night), Erebus (Darkness), Eros (Love). The second generation of gods were the children of Nikta and Erebus: Ether, Hemera, Hypnos, Thanatos, Kera, Moira, Mom, Nemesis, Eris, Erinyes and Ata; from Ether and Hemera came Gaia and Uranus; from Gaia came such gods as: Tartarus, Pontus, Keto, Nereus, Tamant, Forky, Eurybia, as well as titans, titanides and hecatoncheirs (hundred-armed fifty-headed giants). All these gods, as well as their descendants, are very interesting from the point of view of mythology and faith, but we will focus only on children of the titan Kronos and the titanide Rhea.

Kronos and Rhea, as mentioned above, are the gods of the second generation. There were 12 titans and titanides in total. All of them are sons and daughters of Uranus and Gaia. Six sons-titans of Uranus and Gaia (Hyperion, Iapetus, Kay, Krios, Kronos and Ocean) and six daughters-titanides (Mnemosyne, Rhea, Teia, Tethys, Phoebe and Themis) entered into marriage with each other and gave birth to a new, third generation of gods . It is worth here to move away from the line of narration and note that the gods cannot be humanized and everything can be taken literally. Marriages between gods who are conditional brothers and sisters cannot be understood as a forbidden relationship between relatives. In simple words, the gods do not have sex in order to beget sons and daughters. This can be understood as a connection of certain elements, as a result of which a new element is generated, or a connection of certain energy or other entities, but in fact, all these assumptions are unlikely to have a real basis, since the essence of the divine is hardly accessible to human understanding.

The most interesting for us from the point of view of ancient Greek mythology are the children of the titan Kronos and the titanides Rhea. It was their children, who were called Kronids, who became the first gods of Olympus. Six gods, descendants of Kronos and Rhea: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades (not the god of Olympus), Demeter and Hestia. Next, we will consider these gods in more detail. Also, the Olympians were the descendants of Zeus (the main god of Olympus): Athena, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes, Apollo and Artemis. There are 12 gods of Olympus in total.

So, what kind of gods lived on the sacred Mount Olympus?

Zeus the supreme god of Olympus. In ancient Greek mythology, he is the god of the sky, thunder and lightning. In Roman mythology, Zeus was identified with Jupiter. In Slavic mythology, Zeus is similar to the god Perun, who is also the god of thunder and lightning, the ruler of the sky. In Norse mythology, Zeus is also identified with one of the highest gods - Thor. Interestingly, the attributes of Zeus in ancient Greek representations were a shield and a double-sided ax. The ax is also an attribute of Perun and Thor (mjolnir). Researchers suggest that the ax attribute appeared in this god in connection with one of his divine duties - a lightning bolter that splits trees in half, as if the god of thunder struck from above with an ax. In ancient Greece, Zeus was not only the father of the gods, but also the father of all people.

Hera- the most powerful goddess on Olympus. She is the wife of Zeus. Hera is the patroness of marriages and women in childbirth. It is difficult to say which of the Slavic goddesses Hera can be identical with, since in her functions she is similar to both Makosh (the supreme goddess, patroness of marriages and women in childbirth), and the woman in labor Lada. It is interesting that Hera with a human face began to be depicted in relatively late times, however, even after that she was often depicted according to ancient customs - with a horse's head. In the same way, the ancient Slavs Makosh and Lada depicted in the form of deer, elk or horses.

Poseidon- one of the most revered gods of Olympus. He is the patron saint of the seas, fishermen and sailors. After the gods defeated the titans, Poseidon got into the possession of the water element. Poseidon's wife is Amphitrite, a Nereid, daughter of the sea god Nereus and Dorida. The son of Poseidon and Amphitrite is Triton. Extremely meager evidence of the existence of a sea god among the Slavs has come down to us. It is only known that in the Novgorod lands he was called the Lizard.

Demeter- the goddess of Olympus, the ancient Greek goddess of fertility and agriculture, birth and prosperity. In ancient Greece, she was the most revered goddess, since the harvest depended on her favor, and therefore the life of the ancient Greeks. It is believed that the cult of Demeter is an Indo-European or even pre-Indo-European cult of the mother goddess. The Mother Goddess or Great Mother in the Indo-European era was Mother Earth. In our Slavic paganism, Demeter is certainly the identical Slavic goddess Makosh.

The daughter of Demeter is Persephone. Persephone is a complete correspondence to the Slavic goddess Morana. Persephone, despite the fact that she was the daughter of the revered Olympic goddess, is not involved in the gods of Olympus. Persephone is the goddess of the underworld of the dead, so she is not present on Olympus.

For the same reason, Hades (the son of Kronos and Rhea) is not included among the gods of Olympus. Hades is the god of the underworld of the dead. In Slavic mythology, it corresponds to Chernobog.

Another goddess of Olympus is Hestia. Goddess of the home. It represents purity, family happiness and peace. Hestia was the patroness of not only the hearth, but also the patroness of the eternal fire, which should never go out. In the ancient world, the eternal flame was present among different peoples, including the Greeks and Slavs. The eternal flame was maintained in honor of the gods and the souls of the dead people. As a phenomenon of eternal memory, the eternal flame has survived to this day.

Athena- goddess of war Daughter of Zeus and the goddess of wisdom Metis. Athena inherited strength from her father, Zeus, and wisdom from her mother. She was depicted in armor and with a spear in her hands. In addition to her warlike trait, Athena is the goddess of wisdom and justice. According to legend, Athena gave the ancient Greeks the olive (olive tree). For this reason, famous warriors, heroes and winners of sports games and competitions have always been awarded with an olive wreath.

Another god of war, also living on Olympus, is considered Ares. Son of Zeus and Hera. Athena and Ares are slightly opposite gods. If Athena is a fair goddess who advocates war for the sake of truth, then Ares patronizes war for the sake of war or even insidious war. His companions are the goddess of discord Eris and the bloodthirsty goddess Enyo. The horses of Ares are named: Flame, Noise, Horror and Shine.

Aphrodite- Goddess of beauty and love. Daughter of Zeus and Dione. One of the twelve Olympian gods, that is, one of the most revered deities in the ancient Greek pantheon. In Rome, this goddess was called Venus. And in our time, Venus is the image of beauty and love. Born from the foam of sea waters. Aphrodite is also considered the goddess of spring, the birth of life and fertility. The love power of this goddess is considered so strong that not only people, but also gods obey her. Aphrodite's husband was Hephaestus. Children of Aphrodite - Harmony and Eros.

Hephaestus- blacksmith god, patron of blacksmithing. Son of Zeus and Hera. In Slavic mythology, Hephaestus is compared with the god Svarog, who is also a blacksmith god who bound the Earth and taught people how to work metal. In addition to being the god of blacksmithing, Hephaestus was also the god of fire. In Roman mythology, Hephaestus was called Vulcan. His forge is located in a mountain that breathes fire, that is, in an active volcano.

Hermes- the god of trade, eloquence, wealth, profit. It is considered the messenger of the gods, an intermediary between the gods and people. Hermes was also represented as the patron of all travelers. As an intermediary between heaven and earth, Hephaestus is also considered the guide of the souls of the dead to another world. Travelers, merchants, wise men, poets, and even thieves called for help and protection from this god. Hermes has always been considered a cunning and rogue. In early childhood, he stole cows from Apollo, as well as a scepter from Zeus, a trident from Poseidon, tongs and Hephaestus, a belt from Aphrodite, arrows and a bow from Apollo, a sword from Ares. Hermes is the son of Zeus and the mountain nymph Maya. In terms of his divine characteristics, Hermes is very similar to the Slavic god Veles, who is also represented as the patron of wealth and trade, an intermediary between people and gods, and a conductor of souls.

Apollo- Ancient Greek god, one of the Olympians. Apollo was also called Phoebus. Apollo is the god of light, the personification of the Sun. In addition, he is the patron of the arts, especially music and singing, the god of healing. In Slavic mythology, Apollo is very similar to Dazhdbog - the patron of sunlight, the god-giver of light, warmth, and vitality. The god Apollo was born from the union of Zeus (Perun) and Leto (Lada). The twin sister of Apollo is the goddess Artemis.

Artemis Goddess of beauty, youth and fertility. Protector of hunting. Goddess of the Moon. The Moon (Artemis) and the Sun (Apollo) are twin brother and sister. The cult of Artemis was widespread in ancient Greece everywhere. Ephesus had a temple dedicated to Artemis. In this temple there was a statue of the many-breasted patroness of childbearing. In Slavic mythology, Artemis is compared with the daughter of Lada, the patroness of spring, beauty and youth - the goddess Lelei.

The Pantheon of the Gods of Ancient Greece is an intriguing, interesting and colorful journey full of questions and unusual facts. A journey where the worlds of the real and the fictional are closely intertwined. How understandable, and at the same time - it sounds strange, in modern realities, this concept. But, despite the time, the pantheon of the gods of Greece is of undisguised interest today. It is a real treasure chest for studying the culture, history, life and customs of Ancient Greece.

Interesting to know: the word "pantheon" in a broad sense refers to the burial place of famous people, and in the context of ancient history - a group of gods who belong to the same religion (sometimes mythology).

The religion of the ancient Greeks is pagan polytheism, and the pantheon of gods itself consisted of a huge number of celestials who lived on the sacred Mount Olympus. Each god had his own special role and performed the function assigned to him. The most important, the only unchanging and fundamental thing in the Greek pantheon is the immortality of the gods. In appearance and behavior, the gods of Greece were similar to people, and therefore they had quite human manners in behavior: they quarreled and reconciled, deceived and weaved intrigues, loved and cunning, were merciful and formidable. The relationship of the gods, over time, overgrown with many myths, which today are an inexhaustible basis for the study and admiration of the ancient religion.

Gods of Ancient Greece: list and description


Zeus is the supreme deity of ancient Greek mythology. He is a great thunderer who commanded the sky, thunder, lightning and the whole world. Zeus had unlimited power not only over people, but also over the gods. Zeus came to Olympus through meanness, throwing his father Kronos into Tartarus. Titanide Rhea, the mother of Zeus, saved her youngest son from her husband, who was afraid of the birth of a strong heir and ate all his children immediately after birth. By cunning, Rhea raised Zeus, who was able to overthrow his father from Olympus. The ancient Greeks honored and feared Zeus, brought him the best sacrifices and tried in every possible way to earn his favor. The whole life of people was saturated with the praise of God and blind subjugation. Children from the cradle knew about the great Zeus, and all failures were attributed to the wrath of the great deity.

The Greeks built a large number of temples in honor of Zeus, and the statue of Zeus is one of the seven wonders of the world.

Zeus had two more brothers, with whom he shared power over the world. Thus, Zeus received the sky, Hades - the kingdom of the dead, and Poseidon became the lord of the sea.


Poseidon among the ancient Greeks was the personification of strength, courage and tough temper. He ruled the seas, rivers, lakes and oceans. Having become the patron of fishing and sailors, he could decide their fate, sink ships or induce hunger. He was often called the Earthshaker to explain the incomprehensible changes in the world, called today an earthquake.

Poseidon, having drawn the kingdom of the sea by lot, considered himself deceived and tried to win back their kingdoms from other gods, but to no avail.

In all the myths of Ancient Greece, Poseidon is described as a strong and angry god, prone to destruction and having a quick temper. The stormy temper of the god was replaced only by generous gifts, but not for long.


Hades was the ruler of the underworld or underworld. It was to Hades that all the dead souls went. In the power of Hades were great wealth and a world of tranquility. The ancient Greeks were afraid to even pronounce the name of this god, because he was always invisible, and his decisions were binding. For people, this meant death. Mythology does not depict Hades as evil or bad, on the contrary - he is always indifferent, always coldly doing his job. This terrified the ancient Greeks. In the kingdom where the rays of the sun do not penetrate, you can only enter. There is no way back from there.

Zeus, Hades, Poseidon - the main names of the gods of ancient Greece. But the mythology of this period is so rich that it is represented by many other influential characters. Let's get to know them.

Gods of Ancient Greece - list

  • Apollo is the god of sunlight, artistic beauty, healing and spiritual purity.
  • Hermes is the god of roads, travel, the patron of merchants and trade.
  • Ares is the god of war.
  • Eros is the god of love.
  • Hephaestus is the god of blacksmithing.
  • Dionysus is the god of winemaking.
  • Morpheus is the god of dreams and dreams.
  • Phobos is the god of fear.
  • Deimos is the god of terror.
  • Plutus is the god of wealth.

Goddesses of Ancient Greece: list and description

The pantheon of Greek gods is represented not only by strong and powerful gods, but also by goddesses. The original role was played by:


Hera, in ancient mythology, was the wife of Zeus. This is the main goddess who patronized marriage and conjugal love. The goddess was vicious and strict, very jealous and kind of cruel. Hera was especially hard on her husband's betrayal. In a state of rage, she could call great troubles on the earth and people. Hera was portrayed as a beauty, with big eyes, long hair and a beautiful figure. This image was both beautiful and evil at the same time. But the cult of Hera, the cult of the main goddess of Olympus, was so great that she was revered on a par with Zeus.


The goddess Aphrodite personified love and patronized not only the gods, but also people. She was beautiful and beautiful, easily falling in love with everyone around her, falling in love herself. According to legend, the goddess arose from sea foam, but mythology says that Aphrodite was the daughter of Zeus and the goddess Dione. Aphrodite was an unfaithful wife and often cheated on her husband, but this was not a vice, rather a destiny. Holding in her hands the great power of love, she rewarded people with real feelings if they were sincere. The ancient Greeks greatly respected the goddess, built magnificent temples for her and made great sacrifices.


Athena is the revered goddess of just war and wisdom. The story of her birth is the most unusual, because she was born from the head of Zeus in full combat gear. The wisdom of the goddess, justice and patronage of knowledge made Athena one of the most beloved inhabitants of Olympus, in the pantheon of the ancient Greeks.

Hera, Aphrodite and Athena are the main names of the goddesses of Ancient Greece, but not the main ones. In the list of beautiful goddesses who were revered and feared, there are several more important inhabitants of Olympus. Namely:

The mythology of Greece and its main characters today have turned into myths and drawings, and therefore the gods of Ancient Greece in the pictures are the most important information material that tells about the great gods of the ancient people. Often, pictures of the gods of Greece are similar to real characters or images, since they are a modified copy of real sculptures. The subtle connection between the past and the present is felt in every contact with ancient history, and therefore it is so important to study.

The names of the Greek gods and goddesses are still heard today - we know the myths and legends about them, we can use them to convey the image. Often in modern literary works some motifs known since ancient Greece are mentioned. Consider a brief information about the Greek gods and goddesses, the mythology of this country.

Greek gods

There are many Greek gods and goddesses, but we will focus on those of them whose names are to some extent familiar to a wide range of people today:

  • Hades is the famous ruler of the world of the dead, which in myths is often called the kingdom of Hades;
  • Apollo - the god of light and the sun, the most beautiful young man who is still mentioned as a model of male attractiveness;
  • Ares - aggressive god of war;
  • Bacchus or Dionysus - the eternally young god of winemaking (who, by the way, was sometimes depicted as an obese man);
  • Zeus is the supreme deity, ruler over people and other gods.
  • Pluto is the god of the underworld, who owned innumerable underground riches (while Hades commanded the souls of the dead).
  • Poseidon is the god of the entire sea element, who could easily control earthquakes and storms;
  • Thanatos - the god of death;
  • Eol - the lord of the winds;
  • Eros is the god of love, the force that contributed to the emergence of an orderly world from chaos.

As a rule, the Greek gods and goddesses were symbolically depicted by people living on Olympus, beautiful and powerful. They were not perfect, they were connected by intricate relationships and simple human passions.

Goddesses of ancient Greece

Consider the most famous ancient Greek goddesses. There are a lot of them, and each of them is responsible for something of its own:

  • Artemis - the goddess of nature, the patroness of hunting and hunters;
  • Athena is the famous goddess of wisdom and war, patronizing sciences and knowledge;
  • Aphrodite - the goddess of love and beauty, was considered the standard of female perfection;
  • Hebe - the deity of eternal youth, who participated in the feasts of the Olympians;
  • Hekate is a slightly lesser-known goddess of dreams, darkness, and sorcery;
  • Hera - the supreme goddess, the patroness of marriage;
  • Hestia - the goddess of fire in general and the hearth in particular;
  • Demeter - the patroness of fertility, helping farmers;
  • Metis - the goddess of wisdom, the mother of Athena herself;
  • Eris is the warrior goddess of dissection.

This is not a complete list of all Greek gods and goddesses, but here are the most famous and recognizable of them.

Greek mythology has always attracted attention with its diversity. The names of the Greek gods and goddesses began to appear in a variety of ballads, stories and movies. A special role has always been given to the goddesses of Hellas. Each of them had its own charm and zest.

Greek goddess names

This list is quite wide and varied, but there are those goddesses who played a crucial role in Greek mythology. One of them was Aurora, whose name was increasingly given to daughters. Daughter of Hyperion and Thea, goddess of the dawn and wife of the titan Astrea. The Greek names of the goddesses and their images have always been carefully thought out and carried a special semantic load. Aurora brought daylight to people and was often portrayed as winged. Often she sat on a chariot drawn by horses in red and yellow blankets. A halo or crown was depicted above her head, and in her hands she held a burning torch. Homer described her image especially vividly. Rising early in the morning from her bed, the goddess sailed out on her chariot from the depths of the seas, illuminating the entire Universe with bright light.

Famous Greek goddess names also include Artemis, a wild and unrestrained young maiden. She was depicted in a tightly tucked dress, sandals, with a bow and a spear behind her back. A hunter by nature, she led her nymph friends, and they were always accompanied by a pack of dogs. She was the daughter of Zeus and Latona.
Artemis was born on the quiet island of Delos in the shade of palm trees along with her brother Apollo. They were very friendly, and often Artemis came to visit her beloved brother to listen to his magnificent playing on the golden cithara. And with the dawn, the goddess again went hunting.

Athena is a wise woman, whose image was the most revered among all the inhabitants of Olympus, who glorified Greek names. There are many goddesses-daughters of Zeus, but only she was born in a helmet and shell. She was responsible for the victory in the war, was the patroness of knowledge and crafts. She was independent and proud of being a virgin forever. Many believed that she was equal in strength and wisdom to her father. Her birth was rather unusual. After all, when Zeus learned that a child superior to him in power could be born, he ate the mother who carried his child. After which he was overcome by a severe headache, and he called on his son Hephaestus to cut his head. Hephaestus fulfilled his father's request, and the wise warrior Athena came out of the split skull.

Speaking of the Greek goddesses, it is impossible not to mention the beautiful Aphrodite, the goddess of love, who awakens this bright feeling in the hearts of gods and mortals.
Slender, tall, radiating incredible beauty, pampered and windy, she has power over everyone. Aphrodite is nothing but the personification of unfading youth and divine beauty. She has her servants who comb her golden sparkling hair and dress her in beautiful clothes. Where this goddess passes, flowers instantly bloom, and the air is filled with amazing aromas.

The famous Greek names of the goddesses are firmly established not only in Greek mythology, but also in world history as a whole. Many name them after their daughters, believing that they will acquire the same qualities that the great goddesses possessed.

Who knows all the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece?? ? (name!!!)

Free as a wind**

Gods of ancient Greece
Hades - god - the lord of the kingdom of the dead.

Boreas is the god of the north wind, the son of the titanides Astrea (starry sky) and Eos (morning dawn), brother of Zephyr and Not. Depicted as a winged, long-haired, bearded, powerful deity.
Bacchus is one of the names of Dionysus.
Helios (Helium) - the god of the Sun, brother of Selena (goddess of the moon) and Eos (morning dawn). In late antiquity, he was identified with Apollo, the god of sunlight.

Hypnos - the deity of sleep, the son of Nikta (Night). He was depicted as a winged youth.

Zephyr is the god of the west wind.
Iacchus is the god of fertility.
Kronos is a titan, the youngest son of Gaia and Uranus, the father of Zeus. He ruled the world of gods and people and was overthrown from the throne by Zeus. .

Eol is the lord of the winds.

Ether - god of the sky

Laria and Ruslan f

1. Gaia
2. Ocean
3. Uranus
4. Hemera
5. Chronos
6. Eros
7. Cyclops
8. Titans
9. Muses
10. Rhea
11. Demeter
12. Poseidon
13. Summer
14. Pan
15. Hestia
16. Artemis
17. Ares
18. Athena
19. Aphrodite
20. Apollo
21. Hera
22. Hermes
23. Zeus
24. Hecate
25. Hephaestus
26. Dionysus
27. Pluto
28. Antey
29. Ancient Babylonia
30. Persephone

Nikolai Pakhomov

Lists of gods and genealogy differ from different ancient authors. The lists below are compilations.
First Generation of Gods
First there was Chaos. The gods that emerged from Chaos - Gaia (Earth), Nikta (Nyukta) (Night), Tartarus (Abyss), Erebus (Darkness), Eros (Love); the gods that appeared from Gaia - Uranus (Sky) and Pontus (inner Sea). The gods had the appearance of those natural elements that they embodied.
Children of Gaia (fathers - Uranus, Pontus and Tartarus) - Keto (mistress of sea monsters), Nereus (calm sea), Tawmant (sea wonders), Phorky (guardian of the sea), Eurybia (sea power), titans and titanides. Children of Nikta and Erebus - Hemera (Day), Hypnos (Sleep), Kera (misfortune), Moira (Fate), Mom (Slander and Folly), Nemesis (Retribution), Thanatos (Death), Eris (Strife), Erinyes (Vengeance) ) , Ether (Air) ; Apata (Deceit).


Hades - god - the lord of the kingdom of the dead.
Antaeus is a hero of myths, a giant, the son of Poseidon and the Earth of Gaia. The earth gave her son strength, thanks to which no one could cope with him.
Apollo is the god of sunlight. The Greeks portrayed him as a beautiful young man.
Ares is the god of perfidious war, the son of Zeus and Hera.
Asclepius - the god of medical art, the son of Apollo and the nymph Coronis
Boreas is the god of the north wind, the son of the titanides Astrea (starry sky) and Eos (morning dawn), the brother of Zephyr and Not. Depicted as a winged, long-haired, bearded, powerful deity.
Bacchus is one of the names of Dionysus.
Helios (Helium) - the god of the Sun, brother of Selena (goddess of the moon) and Eos (morning dawn). In late antiquity, he was identified with Apollo, the god of sunlight.
Hermes is the son of Zeus and Maya, one of the most ambiguous Greek gods. The patron of wanderers, crafts, trade, thieves. Possessing the gift of eloquence.
Hephaestus is the son of Zeus and Hera, the god of fire and blacksmithing. He was considered the patron saint of artisans.
Hypnos - the deity of sleep, the son of Nikta (Night). He was depicted as a winged youth.
Dionysus (Bacchus) - the god of viticulture and winemaking, the object of a number of cults and mysteries. He was depicted either as a fat elderly man, or as a young man with a wreath of grape leaves on his head.
Zagreus is the god of fertility, the son of Zeus and Persephone.
Zeus is the supreme god, the king of gods and people.
Zephyr is the god of the west wind.
Iacchus is the god of fertility.
Kronos is a titan, the youngest son of Gaia and Uranus, the father of Zeus. He ruled the world of gods and people and was overthrown from the throne by Zeus ..
Mom is the son of the goddess of the Night, the god of slander.
Morpheus is one of the sons of Hypnos, the god of dreams.
Nereus is the son of Gaia and Pontus, a meek sea god.
Not - the god of the south wind, was depicted with a beard and wings.
The ocean is a titan, the son of Gaia and Uranus, the brother and husband of Tethys and the father of all the rivers of the world.
The Olympians are the supreme gods of the younger generation of Greek gods, led by Zeus, who lived on the top of Mount Olympus.
Pan is a forest god, the son of Hermes and Dryope, a goat-legged man with horns. He was considered the patron saint of shepherds and small livestock.
Pluto is the god of the underworld, often identified with Hades, but unlike him, he owned not the souls of the dead, but the riches of the underworld.
Plutos is the son of Demeter, the god who gives people wealth.
Pontus is one of the older Greek deities, a product of Gaia, the god of the sea, the father of many titans and gods.
Poseidon is one of the Olympian gods, the brother of Zeus and Hades, who rules over the sea element. Poseidon was also subject to the bowels of the earth,
he commanded storms and earthquakes.
Proteus is a sea deity, the son of Poseidon, the patron saint of seals. Possessed the gift of reincarnation and prophecy.
Satyrs are goat-footed creatures, demons of fertility.
Thanatos is the personification of death, the twin brother of Hypnos.
The Titans are the generation of Greek gods, the ancestors of the Olympians.
Typhon is a hundred-headed dragon born of Gaia or Hera. During the battle of the Olympians and the Titans, he was defeated by Zeus and imprisoned under the volcano Etna in Sicily.
Triton - the son of Poseidon, one of the sea deities, a man with a fish tail instead of legs, holding a trident and a twisted shell - a horn.
Chaos is an endless empty space from which at the beginning of time the ancient gods of the Greek religion arose - Nikta and Erebus.
Chthonic gods - deities of the underworld and fertility, relatives of the Olympians. These included Hades, Hecate, Hermes, Gaia, Demeter, Dionysus, and Persephone.
Cyclopes - giants with one eye in the middle of the forehead, children of Uranus and Gaia.
Eurus (Eur) is the god of the southeast wind.
Eol is the lord of the winds.
Erebus is the personification of the darkness of the underworld, the son of Chaos and the brother of Night.
Eros (Eros) - the god of love, the son of Aphrodite and Ares. In ancient myths - a self-arisen force that contributed to the ordering of the world. Depicted as a winged youth (in the Hellenistic era - a boy) with arrows, accompanying his mother.

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