Big ethnographic dictation 2016. Dictation questions Big ethnographic dictation pass the test


1. What is the name of an imaginary line on the surface of the Earth, to the north of which polar night and polar day are possible at certain periods of the year?

Answer: Arctic Circle

2. What is the name of the lowland formed by river sediments and cut through by a network of branches and channels at the mouth of a river flowing into a shallow section of a sea or lake?

Answer: Delta

3. What is the name of a historically established stable group of people, united by language, religion and features of traditional culture?

Answer: ethnos

4. What is the name of the voluntary and long-term movement of the population from one area of ​​the country to another?

Answer: migration

5. On a map with a scale of 1:50,000, the distance between points is 5 cm. What distance (in kilometers) on the ground does this correspond to?

Answer: 2,5

6. Name the largest right tributary of the Volga.

Answer: river Oka

7. Name the largest Russian-owned island in the Pacific Ocean.

Answer: Sakhalin Island

8. On the territory of which subject of the Russian Federation does the only people in Europe who profess Buddhism live?

Answer: Republic of Kalmykia

9. In this city on the Volga, the Niva car and most of the Russian Lada cars are produced.

Answer: Togliatti

10. In this subject of the Russian Federation, there is the northernmost of the operating spaceports in the world.

Answer: Arhangelsk region

11. Name the largest freshwater lake in the European part of Russia.

Answer: Ladoga lake

12. Name the hero city and the seaport where the Northern Sea Route begins.

Answer: Murmansk

13. Name the mountain system - a UNESCO natural heritage site, which is also called the "Golden Mountains"; it is located on the borders of Russia, Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan.

Answer: Altai mountains

14. Name the strait that separates the Krasnodar Territory from the Republic of Crimea.

Answer: Kerch Strait

15. Name the southernmost millionaire city in Russia.

Answer: Rostov-on-Don

16. Arrange the mouths of Russian rivers in sequence corresponding to the direction from west to east: A) Neva; B) Don; B) Pechora; D) Volga.

Answer: A) Neva; B) Don; D) Volga C) Pechora

17. Select from the list a city that is located in the drainage basin of Lake Baikal:

A) Bratsk; B) Kyzyl; B) Blagoveshchensk; D) Ulan-Ude; D) Yakutsk.

Answer: D) Ulan-Ude

18. Arrange the subjects of the Russian Federation in sequence from west to east: A) Kamchatka Territory; B) the Republic of Adygea; B) the Udmurt Republic; D) Republic of Altai.

Answer: B) the Republic of Adygea; B) the Udmurt Republic; D) Republic of Altai; A) Kamchatka Territory

19. Name the subject of the Russian Federation, within which the wettest (according to the average annual precipitation) territory in Russia is located.

Answer: Krasnodar region

20. What is the date and time on the clock of a tourist climbing to the top of Klyuchevskaya Sopka, when on the clock of his friend, resting on the Curonian Spit, 22 hours on May 31.

Answer: Crimean peninsula. Possible answer: Crimea

Answer: Pyatigorsk

Answer: Barencevo sea

Answer: in the Bering Sea

Answer: mixed forest

Option 2

1. What is the name of dark-colored soils rich in humus, formed in a temperate continental climate under steppe vegetation? In Russia, they are distributed in the south of the European territory and Western Siberia.

Answer: Chernozem

2. What is the name of a vast area with low atmospheric pressure in the center, characterized by a system of winds blowing counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern?

Answer: Cyclone

3. What is the difference between the number of births and the number of deaths in a certain period of time called?

Answer: natural population growth

4. What is the name of the system of nearby urban settlements interconnected by economic, transport, cultural and other ties?

Answer: urban agglomeration

5. On a map with a scale of 1:25,000, the distance between points is 10 cm. What distance (in kilometers) on the ground does this correspond to?

Answer: 2,5

6. Name the mountain - the highest point in Russia.

Answer: Mountain Elbrus

7. Name the northernmost millionaire city in Russia, where the headquarters of the Russian Geographical Society is located.

Answer: Saint Petersburg

8. Name the subject of the Russian Federation, which ranks first in the country in terms of oil production. In it, the Irtysh River flows into the Ob River.

Answer: Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

9. Name the city located at the confluence of two large Russian rivers, in which Gazelles are produced.

Answer: Nizhny Novgorod

10. Name the city located at the easternmost point of the Volga, in which Soyuz launch vehicles are manufactured.

Answer: Samara

Answer: Yamal Peninsula

Answer: Novorossiysk

13. Name the island - a UNESCO natural heritage site, through which the 180th meridian passes. This island is also called the "polar bear nursery".

Answer: Wrangel Island

Answer: Mount Belukha

Answer: city ​​Novosibirsk


Answer: B) Tver


Answer: Black Sea

21. “Beginning somewhere right behind the Riphean ridge, ... the Chusovaya river cut through that ridge that the stale hump of bread is the only river that managed to overcome such a strong barrier - it rolled its stormy waters between the rocks-fighters, near the cliffs, through the rapids , shiver and rifts and flowed into the Kama. What is the name of the mentioned V.P. Astafiev mountain system?

Answer: Ural mountains

22. “Four to five kilometers wide and seventy kilometers long, sheer cliffs on both sides, elongated almost strictly along the meridian, and between the rocks there is, as it were, a huge and transparent stone, shimmering with cold light.” Which lake - the "pearl of Altai" - is described by S.P. Zalygin?

Answer: teletskoye lake

23. "His indefatigable hand brought military ships to the White, Azov, Varangian and Caspian Seas and showed Russian naval power to all neighboring powers ...". What is the name of the Varangian Sea in our time, mentioned by M.V. Lomonosov in describing the merits of Peter I?

Answer: Baltic Sea

24. “Providence Bay is a typical fiord. The narrow and long bay is squeezed by the slopes of the hills. Their black cliffs hang over the water, and a little to the side with a hellish interweaving of rocky ledges, gloomy towers and just some black stone fingers sticking into the sky, the Sorcerer Mountain rises ... The Eskimos and the seaside Chukchi - seal hunters - settled here first of all ”(O. Kuvaev). What sea is this bay in?

Answer: In the Bering Sea

25. “Nothing in nature could be better; the entire surface of the earth seemed to be a green-golden ocean, over which millions of different colors splashed ... the wheat ear, carried in God knows where, poured into the thick ... In the sky, the hawks stood motionless, spreading their wings and motionlessly fixing their eyes on the grass ... ". What natural zone did N.V. Gogol?

Answer: steppes

3 option


Answer: geyser

Answer: population density

Answer: urbanization

5. On a map with a scale of 1:10,000, the distance between points is 10 cm. What distance (in kilometers) on the ground does this correspond to?

Answer: 1 kilometer

Answer: Lake Baikal

Answer: Cape Chelyuskin

Answer: The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Answer: Komsomolsk-on-Amur

Answer: Amur region

11. Name the city of the Russian Federation, in which, not far from the obelisk "Center of Asia" at the confluence of Biy-Khe?ma and Ka-Khe?ma, the Yenisei begins.

Answer: Kyzyl

12. Name the largest of the Siberian cities located beyond the Arctic Circle, it is the center of mining and smelting of copper and nickel.

Answer: Norilsk

13. Name the rocks - a UNESCO natural heritage site, located along the Lena River.

Answer: Lena Pillars

14. Name the highest active volcano in Russia.

Answer: Klyuchevskaya Sopka

15. Name the only river flowing from Baikal.

Answer: Angara river

16. Arrange the basins of Russian rivers in sequence corresponding to the direction from west to east: A) Khatanga; B) Indigirka; B) Onega; D) Nadym.

Answer: C) Onega, D) Nadym, A) Khatanga, B) Indigirka

17. Select from the list a city located in the drainage basin of the Kara Sea: A) Yakutsk; B) Irkutsk; D) Naryan-Mar; D) Magadan.

Answer: B) Irkutsk

18. Arrange the subjects of the Russian Federation in sequence from north to south: A) the Republic of Kalmykia; B) Republic of Ingushetia; C) the Republic of Mari El; D) Republic of Karelia.

Answer: D) Republic of Karelia, C) Republic of Mari El,) Republic of Kalmykia, B) Republic of Ingushetia

19. What is the name of the mountain system within which the wettest (in terms of average annual precipitation) territory in Russia is located.

Answer: Greater Caucasus

20. What is the date and time on the clock of a tourist climbing to the top of Elbrus, when on the clock of his friend, resting on the shores of Peter the Great Bay, 5 am on May 1?

21. “In Kandalaksha, dazzling mountains covered the horizon with snow domes. At the roadbed, the Niva River with black clear water roared like a continuous waterfall. Then Lake Imandra passed - not a lake, but a sea - all in blue ice, surrounded by steps of blue and white mountains. Khibiny slowly went to the south with smoothed domes. What peninsula did K.G. Paustovsky?

Answer: Kola Peninsula

22. About this current city-millionaire D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak wrote: “In the motley environment of Russian cities ... is really a“ living knot ”... At the pass itself, two large rivers almost meet - Iset and Chusovaya. It was at this point that Tatishchev outlined the future city ... The Iset River ... connected the actual mining region with the blessed [land] - a golden bottom, where forests, pastures and steppe Siberian black soil were widely scattered.

Answer: Yekaterinburg city

23. “Conversations and descriptions of Vaigach, which the Dutch call Nassav Strait, hearing in Holland, many nobles zealously undertook to send another large parcel in order to pass to China and India ... Barens was appointed leader on the largest of the two ships that were sent from Amsterdam ... ". What geographical object bears the name of the mentioned M.V. Lomonosov of the Dutch navigator?

Answer: Barencevo sea

24. “... our guys, ..., were flying at that moment on a small An-2 plane north of the Novosibirsk Islands, where there are points of the De Long Islands: Jeannette Island, Henrietta Island, and Zhokhov Island are also there ... "(O. Kuvaev) . In which sea are the De Long Islands located?

Answer: in the East Siberian Sea

25. “... this is a virgin and primeval forest, consisting of cedar, black birch, Amur fir, elm, poplar, Siberian spruce, Manchurian linden, Dahurian larch, ash, Mongolian oak ... cork tree ... And all this was mixed up with vineyards, lianas and sour." What kind of Russian forest is V.K. Arseniev?

Answer: Ussuri taiga

Online testing

For those who for some reason could not take part in the dictation at the RGS venues, online testing was conducted on the portal. Those who decided to try their hand online were less fortunate than those who took part in the “live” dictation: the big educational campaign that we had been preparing for so long, so enthusiastically and seriously, acquired a different scenario. We, who are well aware that in recent years, geography has been given in schools, delicately speaking, not the closest attention, and could not think that it is so in demand, and the number of people who want to evaluate their geographical literacy will many times exceed our expectations!

Unfortunately, the RGS server could not withstand such a load (which, in fairness, we note, happens with much larger, technically equipped organizations). On the one hand, it is, of course, very sad. But on the other...

Yes, all of us - both the organizers and, most importantly, the participants - are offended that the first geographical dictation in the history of the country did not go as planned. However, the fact that so many people responded to the "geographic call" that there is a genuine interest in geography in society did not let us give up. And he clearly showed that everything we do is not in vain.

In the end, the problem was solved, and those who were not indifferent to geography were able to write a dictation. In total, more than 27 thousand people took part in it.

Thanks to everyone who treated the current situation with understanding and patience and did not shy away from temporary difficulties!

Questions for the online test were combined from those tasks that were distributed to visitors to offline sites. We bring to your attention questions and answers online testing on.

Online option

1. Name the phenomenon of a global scale, which is spread over 60% of the territory of Russia. It is most widely represented in Eastern Siberia and Transbaikalia. The greatest depth of distribution of this phenomenon (1370 m) is noted in the upper reaches of the Vilyui River in Yakutia.

Answer: permafrost (permafrost)

2. What are the names of hot springs that periodically eject fountains of hot water and steam, which are common in areas of volcanic activity, for example, on the Kamchatka Peninsula?

Answer: geyser

3. What is the indicator that characterizes the number of inhabitants per 1 km? territory and determines the demographic and economic potential of the country or region.

Answer: population density

4. What is the name of the process of urban growth and increase in the proportion of the urban population?

Answer: urbanization

5. On a map with a scale of 1:10,000, the distance between points is 10 cm. What distance on the ground does this correspond to?

Answer: 1 kilometer

6. Name the oldest and deepest lake in the world, which contains 20% of all fresh water on the planet.

Answer: Lake Baikal

7. Name the extreme northern mainland point of Russia.

Answer: Cape Chelyuskin

8. What is the largest subject of the Russian Federation in terms of area, in which the easternmost of the peoples of the Turkic language group lives?

Answer: The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

9. Name the city located in the Pacific Ocean, where the Sukhoi Superjet 100 passenger aircraft is manufactured.

Answer: Komsomolsk-on-Amur

10. Name the subject of the Russian Federation in which the construction of the easternmost cosmodrome of Russia is underway.

Answer: Amur region

11. Name the peninsula located to the west of the Gulf of Ob, the subsoil of which contains the richest reserves of natural gas.

Answer: Yamal Peninsula

12. The largest seaport in southern Russia, located in this hero city, often suffers from strong cold winds that rapidly “fall” from the mountains. Name this city.

Answer: Novorossiysk

13. Name the island - a UNESCO natural heritage site, which is divided in half by the 180th meridian. This island is also called the "polar bear nursery".

Answer: Wrangel Island

14. Name the highest point of the Altai Mountains.

Answer: Mount Belukha

15. Name the city in which the Trans-Siberian Railway crosses the Ob River.

Answer: city ​​Novosibirsk

16. Arrange the mouths of Russian rivers in sequence corresponding to the direction from east to west: A) Pechora; B) Taz; B) Kolyma; D) Angara.

Answer: C) Kolyma, D) Angara, B) Taz, A) Pechora

17. Select from the list a city that is located in the catchment area of ​​the Caspian Sea:

A) Voronezh; B) Krasnodar; B) Tver; D) Kursk; D) Smolensk.

Answer: B) Tver

18. Arrange the subjects of the Russian Federation in sequence from east to west:

A) the Chechen Republic; B) Kaliningrad region; C) Perm region; D) Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

Answer: D) Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, C) Perm Territory, A) Chechen Republic, B) Kaliningrad Region

19. Name the sea or lake that washes the wettest (according to the average annual precipitation) territory of Russia.

Answer: Black Sea

20. What is the date and time on the watch of a tourist climbing to the top of Klyuchevskaya Sopka, when on the clock of his friend, who is resting on the Curonian Spit, 20:00 on June 12?

21. “For the first time I saw from the sea distance ... the entire solemn turn of its shores from Cape Fiolent to Karadag. For the first time, I realized how beautiful this land was, washed by one of the most festive seas on the globe. We are approaching the shores, colored with dry and sharp colors ... The vineyards were already aflame with rust, the snow-covered peaks of Chatyr-Dag and Ai-Petri were already visible. What peninsula did K.G. Paustovsky?

Answer: Crimean peninsula.

22. In what city did M.Yu. Lermontov? “The view from three sides is wonderful. To the west, the five-domed Beshtau turns blue, like “the last cloud of a scattered storm”; Mashuk rises to the north, like a shaggy Persian hat, and covers the entire part of the sky; it’s more fun to look to the east: below in front of me ... healing springs rustle, a multilingual crowd rustles, - and there, further, the mountains are piled up like an amphitheater, bluer and foggier, and at the edge of the horizon stretches a silver chain of snowy peaks, starting with Kazbek and ending with the two-headed Elbrus ... ".

Answer: Pyatigorsk

23. “... In winter, the sea winds thaw, and from the mother earth they bring frosts with them, because in St. thaw breathe." Which sea M.V. Lomonosov calls Normansky?

Answer: Barencevo sea

24. Anadyr depression. It is very flat, and Anadyr wags a huge boa constrictor along it ... “Anadyr is a yellow river,” - you can call the essay like that later. Tundra and lakes throughout the depression. It is difficult to understand what is more: either lakes or land” (O. Kuvaev). What sea does this river flow into?

Answer: in the Bering Sea

25. “Huge trees formed a green tent. And under it - dense thickets of hazel, bird cherry, honeysuckle, elderberry and other shrubs and small trees. In some places, a gloomy dark spruce forest has moved in. On the outskirts of the clearing, a large pine tree spread its branches, under the shade of which a young Christmas tree nestled ... And then again birches, poplar with its gray trunk, mountain ash, linden, the forest is getting thicker and darker. What kind of Russian forest is L.M. Leonov?

Answer: mixed forest

November 4 is National Unity Day in Russia. However, for many people, the essence of this public holiday remains rather vague, and the words about unity sound formal. How exactly to unite and with whom?

The answer to this question is given by the action "Great ethnographic dictation". It invites everyone to test their knowledge of the culture of numerous peoples of Russia and abroad, as well as learn something new about the country and its closest neighbors.

For the first time "Ethnographic dictation" was held in Udmurtia. In 2017, the action expanded its geography. The Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs, which is one of the organizers, notes that this year, in addition to Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Abkhazia and South Ossetia will join the project.

What will be in the tasks?

Participants will have to answer 30 test questions, 20 of which are devoted to federal issues, and the remaining 10 - to regional issues.

In order to successfully pass the test, you will need knowledge about the peoples of Russia and the CIS countries - their languages, religion, cuisine and traditional crafts. Information about the federal structure of the Russian Federation is also useful.

The total score for the dictation is 100, and 45 minutes are given to complete.

Ethnographic dictation: what questions turned out to be the most difficult for Kazan citizens

How well do you know the culture of your native country? And the region? This knowledge could be tested by writing the Great Ethnographic Dictation. This year, residents of 85 regions of Russia and 11 countries of the near abroad are “renting” it. We asked why people on a working day are ready to sit down at a desk and answer questions about the peoples of the country

This year it was possible to test one's ethnographic literacy in Kazan at two sites: at the House of Friendship of the Peoples of the Republic of Tatarstan and at Kazan Federal University. In the districts of the republic, 20 sites were organized for those wishing to join the cultural and educational action.

At the entrance to the dictation, everyone was given identification numbers by which you can find out your results. At 10 o'clock volunteers handed out forms with questions. It looks a little like a dictation, but rather like an exam, only without ringing frames, controllers and selected phones. But the organizers still did not advise using "cheat sheets" and google answers on the Internet, because dictation is a test of knowledge, otherwise what's the point?

Maybe because the action took place on a working day, there were few people who wanted to write a dictation. The site of the House of Friendship of Peoples was only half filled.

We came to write an ordinary dictation for knowledge of the Russian language, we came and found that we were writing an ethnographic test, - he says before the dictation Faniya Gabitova. - Now we have to collect all our knowledge, concentrate and remember everything we know about the peoples of our country. But we always hope for good results. Probably, there will be questions about traditions, the ethnic group of the people, perhaps about the language culture, dances, cuisine, we are ready for them.

The participants of the action were not mistaken in their assumptions. The dictation consisted of 30 test questions. 20 questions are the same for all of Russia and neighboring countries, and 10 are compiled taking into account regional specifics. In Tatarstan, these were questions about Tatar culture, history, customs and prominent people. For example, the question about the Tatar poet, the hero of the USSR, who was born in the Orenburg region. Last year, all issues were federal.

Residents of Russia and foreign countries who speak Russian, regardless of education, social class, religion and citizenship, could become participants in the dictation. The main thing is to be over 15 years old.


30 is the maximum amount of points that can be scored for the correct completion of all tasks this year (one point for each correct answer).

45 minutes are given to write the Great Ethnographic Dictation.

They don’t give marks - you can know history and geography perfectly, but you can’t imagine why Tatar women need an izyu bib or what the name of the Kryashens holiday, celebrated on the day of memory of the apostles Peter and Paul, is called.

The texts of the questions contained useful information and history about other similar peoples. For example, in the question about women craftsmen, you can find out that the first woman in Dagestan in the processing of metal jewelry was Manaba Magomedova, and the woman engraver in Chukotka was Vera Emkul. But the craft, in which Maria Sycheva became famous, had to be named by herself.

Retired English teacher Alia Nurgaliyeva says that she came to the dictation for the sake of interest:

Dictation of medium difficulty. The most difficult questions were about the diversity of peoples, their customs and traditions... Dagestanis, Udmurts, Karelians. This dictation makes it possible to understand that we live in a large multinational state and must live in peace and harmony. I think I will have average results, closer to 30. For schoolchildren, the test is still difficult, if only for the 11th grade, and even then for advanced students who are well versed in geography and history, she says.

For those who could not test their knowledge at regional sites, online testing has been organized on the website of the Great Ethnographic Dictation, which can be taken on November 3 from 10.00 to November 5 until 23.59.

By the way, an hour after the start of online testing, 3,425 people wrote.

The all-Russian results of the action will be summed up by the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation on December 12. Residents of Tatarstan will be able to find out their results on November 8 on the website of the House of Friendship of the Peoples of the Republic of Tatarstan.

By the way

The Great Ethnographic Dictation campaign was first launched in 2016. The dictation was written by almost 90,000 people: 35,000 in person and more than 50,000 online.

The youngest participant in the dictation was a 12-year-old girl from the Ulyanovsk region, the oldest was an 80-year-old man from Mordovia. The average score for the dictation in the country was 54 points out of 100 possible. Tatarstan showed the best result in Russia - the highest average score was 81.3.

Conversation about the Great ethnographic dictation with I.V. Oktyabrskaya, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Head of the Department of Ethnography of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Novosibirsk. 01.10.2016.

The All-Russian action "Great Ethnographic Dictation" will allow assessing the level of ethnographic literacy of the population, their knowledge of the peoples living in the Russian Federation.

The dictation is carried out in order to assess the level of ethnographic literacy of the population, their knowledge of the peoples living in the Russian Federation. The action will help to strengthen interethnic peace, harmonize interethnic relations, as well as draw attention to ethnographic science.

The Great Ethnographic Dictation" will allow assessing the level of ethnographic literacy of the population, as well as people's knowledge of the peoples inhabiting Russia, will assist the national and cultural development of the peoples of the Russian Federation, will be aimed at preserving their ethno-cultural identity, strengthening international peace and harmony.

The action will be held on a single day on the territory of the Russian Federation on October 4, 2016. The results will be solemnly summed up on November 4 - the day of national unity.

Conducting the Dictation will not only allow for a kind of monitoring of competence, but will also draw attention to ethnography as a science and once again help to demonstrate that the multinationality and multiculturalism of our country is the source of our strength and competitiveness.

We invite various institutions to become a platform for dictation, and we promise that any resident of Russia will be able to write an ethnographic dictation, participation in it will be free.

The event will take place simultaneously in all regions of the country at the local time of the regions, the participants of the dictation will receive tasks of the same level of complexity that will need to be completed within a certain period of time.

Alexey Egorovich Zagrebin

Chairman of the Assembly of Peoples of Udmurtia, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The topic of cultures and traditions of the peoples of Russia is inexhaustible and cannot fit into 30 questions of ethnographic dictation. But our task is to ensure that after this action the inhabitants of Russia have a desire to study their roots, the traditions of their ancestors, to learn more about those who live nearby. Because knowledge is the basis for mutual respect and harmony between people of different nationalities

Igor Barinov

R Head of the Federal Agency for Nationalities Affairs

Big ethnographic dictation will be held throughout Russia

The All-Russian educational action "Great Ethnographic Dictation" will be held in each subject of the Russian Federation on October 4, 2016.

Residents of Russia and foreign countries who speak Russian, regardless of education, social class, religion and citizenship, over the age of 15 can become participants in the dictation.

The dictation will allow assessing the level of ethnographic literacy of the population, their knowledge of the peoples living in Russia and will draw attention to ethnography as a science that occupies an important place in the harmonization of interethnic relations.

The dictation tasks will consist of 30 questions. Participants will be given test tasks of the same level of complexity, which will consist of two parts: federal and regional questions. They will need to be completed within a certain amount of time. The total amount of points that can be scored for completing all tasks is 100.

In Russia, a large-scale action is held for the first time. The organizers are the Federal Agency for Nationalities Affairs together with the Ministry of National Policy of the Udmurt Republic, the autonomous non-profit organization "Assembly of the Peoples of Udmurtia" with the support of the All-Russian Public Organization "Association of Anthropologists and Ethnologists".

You can become a member of the Dictation by contacting any Regional platform for writing it, regardless of where you live. The address of the nearest Regional site can be found on the website

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