Boris Zakhoder - Gray Star (Tales for people): Fairy tale. Boris Zakhoder - gray star


Well, then, - said Papa Pzhik, - this fairy tale is called “Grey Star”, by the name you will never guess who this fairy tale is about. So listen carefully and don't interrupt. All questions later.

Are there gray stars? - asked the Hedgehog.

If you interrupt me again, I won’t tell you,” Pzhik answered, but, noticing that his son was about to cry, he softened: “Actually, they don’t exist, although, in my opinion, this is strange: after all, gray is the most beautiful color. But there was one Gray Star.

So, once upon a time there was a toad - clumsy, ugly, in addition, it smelled of garlic, and instead of thorns it had - you can imagine! - warts. Brr!

Fortunately, she did not know that she was so ugly, nor that she was a toad. Firstly, because she was very small and knew little at all, and secondly, because no one called her that. She lived in a garden where Trees, Bushes and Flowers grew, and you should know that Trees, Bushes and Flowers only talk to those they love very, very much. Why wouldn't you call someone you love very, very much a toad?

The hedgehog sniffled in agreement.

Well, the Trees, Bushes and Flowers were very fond of the toad and therefore called it the most affectionate names. Especially Flowers.

Why did they love her so much? - quietly asked Hedgehog.

The father frowned, and the Hedgehog immediately curled up.

If you keep quiet, you will soon find out, ”Pzhik said sternly. He continued: - When the toad appeared in the garden, the Flowers asked her name, and when she answered that she did not know, they were very happy.

“Oh, how great! - said Pansies (they were the first to see her). "Then we'll come up with a name for you!" Do you want us to call you ... we will call you Anyuta?

“It’s better with Margarita,” said the Daisies. “This name is much prettier!”

Then the Roses intervened - they suggested calling her Beauty; The bells demanded that she be called Tin-Din (that was the only word they could speak), and the flower, named Ivan da Marya, suggested that she be called "Vanechka-Manechka."

The Hedgehog snorted and looked at his father in fear, but the Hedgehog was not angry, because the Hedgehog snorted in time. He calmly continued:

In a word, there would be no end to disputes if it were not for the Asters. And if not for the Scientific Starling.

“Let her be called Astra,” said the Asters.

“Or, better yet, Starling,” said the Learned Starling. - It means the same thing as Astra, only much clearer. In addition, it really resembles an asterisk. Just look at her sparkling eyes! And since she's grey, you can call her Gray Star. Then there will be no confusion! Seems clear?

And everyone agreed with the Learned Starling, because he was very smart, he could speak a few real human words and whistle almost to the end of a piece of music, which, it seems, is called ... “Pzhik-Pyzhik” or something like that. For this, people built a house for him on a poplar tree.

Since then, everyone began to call the toad Gray Star. All but the Bluebells still called her Tinker Bell, but that was the only word they knew how to say.

“Nothing to say, little star,” hissed the fat old Slug. He crawled onto a rose bush and crept up to the tender young leaves. - Good "asterisk"! After all, this is the most ordinary gray ... "

He wanted to say "toad", but did not have time, because at that very moment the Gray Star looked at him with her radiant eyes - and the Slug disappeared.

“Thank you, dear Starlet,” said Rose, pale with fear. “You saved me from a terrible enemy!”

And you need to know, - Pzhik explained, - that Flowers, Trees and Bushes, although they do no harm to anyone - on the contrary, one good! - also have enemies. A lot of them! It's good that these enemies are quite tasty!

So Starlet ate that fat Slug? - asked the Hedgehog, licking his lips.

Most likely, yes, - said Pzhik. “Really, you can’t vouch. No one has seen Starlet eat Slugs, Gluttonous Beetles, and Bad Caterpillars. But all the enemies of the Flowers disappeared as soon as Gray Star looked at them with her radiant eyes. Disappeared forever. And since Gray Star settled in the garden, Trees, Flowers and Bushes began to live much better. Especially Flowers. Because the Bushes and Trees protected the Birds from the enemies, and there was no one to protect the Flowers - they are too low for the Birds.

That's why the Flowers loved Gray Star so much. They bloomed with joy every morning when she came into the garden. All that was heard was: “Asterisk, to us!”, “No, first to us! To us!.."

The flowers spoke the most affectionate words to her, and thanked her, and praised her in every way, but the Gray Star was modestly silent - after all, she was very, very modest - and only her eyes shone.

One Magpie, who loved to eavesdrop on human conversations, once even asked if it was true that she had a gem hidden in her head and that was why her eyes were so shining.

"I don't know," said Gray Star, embarrassed. “I don’t think so…”

“Well, Magpie! Well, empty! said the Learned Starling. - Not a stone, but confusion, and not in the Star's head, but in yours! Gray Star has radiant eyes because she has a clear conscience - after all, she is doing a Useful Deed! Seems clear?

Dad, can I ask you a question? - asked the Hedgehog.

All questions later.

Well, please, daddy, just one!

One - well, so be it.

Dad, are we... are we useful?

Very much, - said Pzhik. - Rest assured. But listen to what happened next.

So, as I said, the Flowers knew that the Gray Star was kind, good and useful. The Birds knew it too. Of course, the People also knew, of course, the Smart People. And only the enemies of the Flowers did not agree with this. "Vile, harmful scum!" they hissed, of course, when Starlight wasn't around. "Freak! Disgusting!" - voracious Beetles creaked. "We have to deal with her! - the Caterpillars echoed them. “There is simply no life from her!”

True, no one paid attention to their scolding and threats, and besides, there were fewer and fewer enemies, but, unfortunately, the closest relative of the Caterpillars, Butterfly Urticaria, intervened in the matter. In appearance, she was completely harmless and even pretty, but in fact she was terribly harmful. It happens sometimes.

Yes, I forgot to tell you that Gray Star has never touched Butterflies.

Why? - asked the Hedgehog. - Are they tasteless?

That's not why, stupid. Most likely, because Butterflies look like Flowers, but Starlet loved Flowers so much! And probably she did not know that Butterflies and Caterpillars are one and the same. After all, Caterpillars turn into Butterflies, and Butterflies lay eggs, and new Caterpillars hatch from them ...

So, the cunning Urticaria came up with a cunning plan - how to destroy the Gray Star.

"I will soon save you from that vile toad!" she said to her sisters the Caterpillars, her friends the Beetles and Slugs. And flew away from the garden.

And when she came back, a Very Stupid Boy was running after her. He had a skullcap in his hand, he waved it in the air and thought that he was about to catch the pretty Urticaria. Skullcap.

And the cunning Urticaria pretended that she was about to get caught: she would sit on a flower, pretend not to notice the Very Stupid Boy, and then suddenly flutter in front of his very nose and fly over to the next flower bed.

And so she lured the Very Stupid Boy into the very depths of the garden, to the path where Gray Star sat and talked with the Learned Starling.

Urticaria was immediately punished for her mean act: the Learned Starling flew off the branch with lightning and grabbed it with his beak. But it was too late: the Very Stupid Boy noticed the Gray Star.

Gray Star did not at first understand what he was saying about her - after all, no one had yet called her a toad. She did not move even when the Very Stupid Boy swung a rock at her.

At the same moment, a heavy stone slammed to the ground next to Gray Star. Luckily, Very Stupid Boy missed and Gray Star jumped aside. Flowers and Grass hid her from sight. But the Very Stupid Boy did not let up. He picked up a few more stones and kept throwing them where the Grass and Flowers were stirring.

"Toad! Poison frog! he shouted. - Beat the ugly!

“Fool-ra-chok! Fool-ra-chok! shouted the Learned Starling to him. - What's the confusion in your head? After all, she is useful! Seems clear?

But the Very Stupid Boy grabbed a stick and climbed straight into the Rose Bush - where, as he thought, Gray Star was hidden.

The Rose Bush pricked him with all her might with her sharp thorns. And the Very Silly Boy ran out of the garden, roaring.

Urraa! - shouted the Hedgehog.

Yes, brother, thorns are a good thing! - continued the Hedgehog. - If Gray Star had thorns, then perhaps she would not have to cry so bitterly on this day. But, as you know, she did not have thorns, and therefore she sat under the roots of the Rose Bush and wept bitterly.

“He called me a toad,” she sobbed, “ugly! So the Man said, but people know everything, everything! So, I'm a toad, a toad! .. "

Everyone consoled her as best they could: Pansies said that she would always remain their dear Gray Star; Roses told her that beauty is not the most important thing in life (it was no small sacrifice on their part). “Don’t cry, Vanechka-Manechka,” Ivan da Marya repeated, and the Bells whispered: “Ding-Ding, Ding-Ding,” and this also sounded very comforting.

But Gray Star wept so loudly that she did not hear consolations. It always happens when you start comforting too soon.

The flowers did not know this, but the Learned Starling knew this very well. He let Gray Star cry to his heart's content, and then he said:

"I won't console you, dear. I can only tell you one thing: it's not the name. And, in any case, it doesn’t matter at all what some Silly Boy with one confusion in his head will say about you! To all your friends, you were and will always be the sweet Gray Star. Seems clear?

And he whistled a piece of music about ... about Pjik-Pyzhik to cheer up Gray Star and show that he considers the conversation over.

Gray Star stopped crying.

"You're right, of course, Skvorushka," she said. “Of course, it’s not the name that matters… But still… still, I probably won’t come to the garden during the day anymore, so that… so as not to meet someone stupid…”

And since then, Gray Star - and not only she, but all her brothers, sisters, children and grandchildren come to the garden and do their Useful Work only at night.

Pzhik cleared his throat and said:

Now you can ask questions.

How many? - asked the Hedgehog.

Three, - answered Pzhik.

Oh! Then... The first question is: is it true that Stars, that is, toads, do not eat Butterflies, or is it only in a fairy tale?

And the Very Stupid Boy said that toads are poisonous. This is true?

Nonsense! Of course, I do not advise you to take them in your mouth. But they are not poisonous at all.

Is it true… Is this the third question?

Yes, third. All.

As everybody?

So. After all, you already asked it. You asked: "Is this the third question?"

Well, daddy, you're always teasing.

Look how smart! Okay, so be it, ask your question.

Oh, I forgot... Oh, yes... Where did all these nasty enemies disappear to?

Well, of course, she swallowed them. It's just that she grabs them so fast with her tongue that no one can follow it, and it seems like they just disappear. And now I have a question, my fluffy one: isn't it time for us to sleep? After all, you and I are also useful and must also do our Useful Work at night, and now it’s already morning ...

Boris Zakhoder
Gray Asterisk

Artist: Clara Rumyanova
audio fairy tale

Description: Once upon a time there was a toad in the world, clumsy and ugly. But, fortunately, she did not know that she was so ugly, nor that she was a toad.
She lived in a garden, and trees, bushes, and flowers loved her very much. When she first came to the garden, the flowers asked her name. But the frog didn't know that. The flowers were delighted and decided to choose a name for her...
But there was one creature that hated Gray Star, although she did not offend anyone. It was a very beautiful butterfly, which believed that
flowers should love only her - she is so beautiful (butterfly). She decided to destroy Gray Star by luring a boy with a net to her. The boy began to scream that she was a nasty ugly toad ...
Gray Star was very worried that she turned out to be a nasty toad, but the flowers began to affectionately call her Star, and she calmed down. Indeed, if you do everything well, then it does not matter at all what some stupid boy will say about you.

Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder (September 9, 1918, Cahul, Bessarabia - November 7, 2000, Moscow) - Soviet Russian poet, children's writer, translator, popularizer of world children's classics.
Boris Zakhoder published his first poem for children "Sea Battle" in 1947 under the pseudonym Boris West in the magazine "Zateynik". The main theme of Zakhoder's poems for children is the world of animals. Among the characters in his children's poems are ferrets, ostriches, kangaroos, antelopes, camels and other animals. As befits the heroes of children's works, animals in Zakhoder's poems for children do evil and good deeds, talk and argue with each other and with people, make requests for justice and protection. The famous writer Lev Kassil spoke highly of the work of Boris Zakhoder, predicting great fame for the poet. In Russian children's literature, Zakhoder is also known as a translator. He translated into Russian such famous works for children as Winnie the Pooh, Mary Poppins, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, the Bremen Town Musicians.

Zakhoder Boris fairy tale "Grey star"

Genre: fairy tale about animals

The main characters of the fairy tale "Gray Star" and their characteristics

  1. A gray star, a toad with radiant eyes, which was beneficial - protected flowers from pests.
  2. Flowers, Roses, Asters, Bluebells, Pansies and others, were very fond of their Gray Star.
  3. A learned starling, very smart and kind, a good singer.
  4. Urticaria, an evil and insidious butterfly, which was akin to caterpillars.
  5. A very stupid boy, a foolish boy who didn't know that toads were very useful.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Gray Star"
  1. Tale of Papa Hedgehog
  2. Toad in the garden
  3. Name for a toad
  4. learned starling
  5. Slug
  6. Magpie and radiant eyes
  7. Hatred of Enemies
  8. Hives
  9. very stupid boy
  10. rose bush
  11. The gray star is crying
  12. starling comfort
  13. Gray Star Solution
  14. Three questions of the Ezhonok.
The shortest content of the fairy tale "The Gray Star" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. A toad lives in the garden
  2. Flowers with the help of the Learned Starling come up with a name for her
  3. Gray star protects Flowers from enemies
  4. Urticaria Leads a Very Stupid Boy
  5. The boy throws stones at the Gray Star and calls her a poisonous toad.
  6. The boy is driven away, everyone consoles the Gray Star and she decides to do useful work at night.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The Gray Star"
It is not the name that paints a person, but a person's name by good deeds.

What does the fairy tale "Grey Star" teach
This fairy tale teaches us not to pay attention to appearance, but to appreciate the benefits that a living being brings. Learn to be kind and fair. Learn to avoid stereotypes. Teaches gratitude. It teaches you not to pay attention to very stupid people.

Review of the fairy tale "Grey Star"
This is a very beautiful story that I really enjoyed. I had not thought before about how many benefits the common toad brings to plants. But the Gray Star opened my eyes. I think the Very Stupid Boy should have learned more about toads first, rather than throwing stones at them.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Gray star"
Not all that glitters is gold.
Don't look at the face, look at the actions.
Life is given for good deeds.

Summary, brief retelling of the fairy tale "Gray Star"
Papa Hedgehog tells the little Hedgehog a fairy tale about the Gray Star. He says that the stars are not actually gray, but there was one gray star.
In one garden where Trees, Bushes and Flowers grew, a toad settled. She did not know that she was a toad and that she was ugly. When Flowers asked the name of the toad, she replied that she herself did not know this, and the Flowers were very happy. They began vying to offer beautiful names to the toad.
They suggested calling her Anyuta, Beauty, Margarita or Tinkerbell.
But the Asters suggested naming the toad Astra, and the Learned Starling Gray star, because the toad was gray, and the aster is the star. And the toad had very kind, radiant eyes.
The Slug tried to be indignant, but the Gray Star looked at him with radiant eyes and the Slug disappeared.
Rose was very happy and thanked the Gray Star.
After all, the Flower, Trees and Bushes have many enemies, but if the Trees and Bushes protect the birds, then there was no one to protect the Flowers. Therefore, the Flowers were very fond of the Gray Star and praised her.
And the Gray Star was silent because she was very modest.
Magpie even thought that the Gray Star had a gem in its head and that was why its eyes sparkled so much. But the Learned Starling said that it was because the Gray Starling had a clear conscience.
Only Gluttonous Beetles and Caterpillars were not happy, but they were becoming less and less.
And so Urticaria decided to help her friends. Although she was a butterfly, she was related to the Caterpillars and therefore promised to save them from the vile toad.
She brought a very stupid boy into the garden who was trying to catch Urticaria with a skullcap. Urticaria was immediately punished for a dirty deed - it was eaten by the Learned Starling, but the Boy had already seen the Gray Star.
He shouted about the vile toad and began to throw stones at the Gray Star. The gray star hid in a rose bush and it hurt the Boy painfully. The boy ran away, and the Gray Star cried for a long time.
The flowers tried to console her, but she did not listen to them. But the Learned Starling said that the main thing is not in the name, but in the fact that for everyone in the garden she will still remain a cute Gray star.
The gray star was consoled, but after that she did her useful work only at night.
After the end of the tale, the Hedgehog asked three questions. He asked if it was true that toads don't eat butterflies and it was true. He asked if it was true that toads were poisonous and that was a lie. He asked where the Slugs and Caterpillars disappeared, and Papa Hedgehog replied that the Gray Starlet ate them, but her tongue caught insects so quickly that it could not be noticed.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "The Gray Star"

Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder


Well, so, - said the father of the Hedgehog, - this fairy tale is called "Gray Star", but by the name you will never guess who this fairy tale is about. So listen carefully and don't interrupt. All questions later.

Are there gray stars? - asked the Hedgehog.

If you interrupt me again, I won’t tell, - answered the Hedgehog, but, noticing that the son was about to cry, softened: - Actually, it doesn’t happen, although, in my opinion, it’s strange - after all, gray is the most beautiful. But there was one Gray Star.

So, once upon a time there was a toad - clumsy, ugly, in addition, it smelled of garlic, and instead of thorns it had - you can imagine! - warts. Brr!

Fortunately, she did not know that she was so ugly, nor that she was a toad. Firstly, because she was very small and knew little at all, and secondly, because no one called her that. She lived in a garden where Trees, Bushes and Flowers grew, and you should know that Trees, Bushes and Flowers only talk to those they love very, very much. Why wouldn't you call someone you love very, very much a toad?

The hedgehog sniffled in agreement.

Well, the Trees, Bushes and Flowers were very fond of the toad and therefore called it the most affectionate names. Especially Flowers.

Why did they love her so much? - quietly asked Hedgehog.

The father frowned, and the Hedgehog immediately curled up.

If you keep quiet, you will soon find out, - the Hedgehog said sternly. He continued: - When the toad appeared in the garden, the Flowers asked her name, and when she answered that she did not know, they were very happy.

“Oh, how great! - said Pansies (they were the first to see her). "Then we'll come up with a name for you!" Do you want us to call you ... we will call you Anyuta?

“It’s better with Margarita,” said the Daisies. “This name is much prettier!”

Then the Roses intervened - they suggested calling her Beauty; The bells demanded that she be called Tin-Din (that was the only word they could speak), and the flower, named Ivan da Marya, suggested that she be called Vanechka-Manechka.

The Hedgehog snorted and looked at his father in fear, but the Hedgehog was not angry, because the Hedgehog snorted in time. He calmly continued:

In a word, there would be no end to disputes if it were not for the Asters. And if not for the Scientific Starling.

“Let her be called Astra,” said the Asters.

“Or, even better, Starling,” said the Learned Starling. - It means the same thing as Astra, only much clearer. In addition, she really resembles an asterisk - just look at her radiant eyes! And since it is gray, you can call it Gray Star - then there will be no confusion! Seems clear?

And everyone agreed with the Learned Starling, because he was very smart, he could speak a few real human words and whistle almost to the end. For this, people built a house for him on a poplar tree.

Since then, everyone began to call the toad Gray Star. All but the Bluebells, they still called her Tinker Bell, but that was the only word they knew how to say.

"Nothing to say, little star," hissed the fat old Slug. He crawled onto a rose bush and crept up to the tender young leaves. - Good star! After all, this is the most ordinary gray ... "

He wanted to say "toad", but did not have time, because at that very moment the Gray Star looked at him with her radiant eyes - and the Slug disappeared.

“Thank you, dear Starlet,” said Rose, pale with fear. “You saved me from a terrible enemy!”

And you need to know, - explained the Hedgehog, - that Flowers, Trees and Bushes, although they do no harm to anyone - on the contrary, one good! - also have enemies. A lot of them. It's good that these enemies are quite tasty!

So Starlet ate that fat Slug? - asked the Hedgehog licking his lips.

Most likely, yes, - said the Hedgehog. “Really, you can’t vouch. No one has seen Starlet eat Slugs, Gluttonous Beetles, and Bad Caterpillars. But all the enemies of the Flowers disappeared as soon as Gray Star looked at them with her radiant eyes. Disappeared forever. And since Gray Star settled in the garden, Trees, Flowers and Bushes began to live much better. Especially Flowers. Because the Bushes and Trees protected the Birds from the enemies, and there was no one to protect the Flowers - they are too low for the Birds.

“Well, then,” said Papa Pzhik, “this fairy tale is called “The Gray Star”, by the name you will never guess who this fairy tale is about. So listen carefully and don't interrupt. All questions later.

— Are there gray stars? asked the Hedgehog.

“If you interrupt me again, I won’t tell,” Pzhik replied, but, noticing that his son was about to cry, he softened: “Actually, they don’t exist, although, in my opinion, this is strange: after all, gray is the most beautiful color. But there was one Gray Star.

So, once upon a time there was a toad - clumsy, ugly, in addition, it smelled of garlic, and instead of thorns it had - can you imagine! - warts. Brr!

Fortunately, she did not know that she was so ugly, nor that she was a toad. Firstly, because she was very small and knew little at all, and secondly, because no one called her that. She lived in a garden where Trees, Bushes and Flowers grew, and you should know that Trees, Bushes and Flowers only talk to those they love very, very much. Why wouldn't you call someone you love very, very much a toad?

The hedgehog sniffled in agreement.

- Well, the Trees, Bushes and Flowers loved the toad very much and therefore called it the most affectionate names. Especially Flowers.

Why did they love her so much? asked the Hedgehog quietly.

The father frowned, and the Hedgehog immediately curled up.

“If you keep quiet, you will soon find out,” Pzhik said sternly. He continued: “When the toad appeared in the garden, the Flowers asked her name, and when she answered that she did not know, they were very happy.

“Oh, how great! said Pansies (they were the first to see her). "Then we'll come up with a name for you!" Do you want us to call you ... we will call you Anyuta?

“Better than a Marguerite,” said the Daisies. “This name is much prettier!”

Then the Roses intervened - they suggested calling her Beauty; The bells demanded that she be called Tin-Din (that was the only word they could speak), and the flower, named Ivan da Marya, suggested that she be called "Vanechka-Manechka."

The Hedgehog snorted and looked at his father in fear, but the Hedgehog was not angry, because the Hedgehog snorted in time. He calmly continued:

“In a word, there would be no end to the disputes if it were not for the Asters. And if not for the Scientific Starling.

“Let her be called Astra,” said the Asters.

“Or, better yet, Starling,” said the Learned Starling. “It means the same thing as Astra, only much clearer. In addition, it really resembles an asterisk. Just look at her sparkling eyes! And since she's grey, you can call her Gray Star. Then there will be no confusion! Seems clear?

And everyone agreed with the Learned Starling, because he was very smart, he could speak a few real human words and whistle almost to the end of a piece of music, which, it seems, is called ... “Pzhik-Pyzhik” or something like that. For this, people built a house for him on a poplar tree.

Since then, everyone began to call the toad Gray Star. All but the Bluebells still called her Tinker Bell, but that was the only word they knew how to say.

"Nothing to say, little star," hissed the fat old Slug. He crawled onto a rose bush and crept up to the tender young leaves. - Good "star"! After all, this is the most ordinary gray ... "

He wanted to say "toad", but he did not have time, because at that very moment the Gray Star looked at him with her radiant eyes - and the Slug disappeared.

“Thank you, dear Starlet,” said Rose, pale with fear. “You saved me from a terrible enemy!”

And you need to know, - Pzhik explained, - that Flowers, Trees and Bushes, although they do no harm to anyone - on the contrary, one good! There are also enemies. A lot of them! It's good that these enemies are quite tasty!

“So Starlight ate that fat Slug?” asked the Hedgehog, licking his lips.

“Most likely, yes,” said Pzhik. “Really, you can’t vouch. No one has seen Starlet eat Slugs, Gluttonous Beetles, and Bad Caterpillars. But all the enemies of the Flowers disappeared as soon as Gray Star looked at them with her radiant eyes. Disappeared forever. And since Gray Star settled in the garden, Trees, Flowers and Bushes began to live much better. Especially Flowers. Because the Bushes and Trees protected the Birds from the enemies, and there was no one to protect the Flowers - for the Birds they are too low.

That's why the Flowers loved Gray Star so much. They bloomed with joy every morning when she came into the garden. All that was heard was: “Asterisk, to us!”, “No, first to us! To us!.."

The flowers spoke the most affectionate words to her, and thanked her, and praised her in every way, but Gray Star was modestly silent - after all, she was very, very modest - and only her eyes shone.

One Magpie, who loved to eavesdrop on human conversations, once even asked if it was true that she had a gem hidden in her head and that was why her eyes were so shining.

"I don't know," said Gray Star, embarrassed. “I don’t think so…”

“Well, Magpie! Well, empty! said the Learned Starling. - Not a stone, but confusion, and not in the Star's head, but in yours! Gray Star has radiant eyes because she has a clear conscience - after all, she is doing a Useful Deed! Seems clear?

"Daddy, can I ask you a question?" asked the Hedgehog.

All questions later.

— Well, please, daddy, just one!

- One - well, so be it.

“Daddy, are we… are we useful?”

"Very," said Pjik. - Rest assured. But listen to what happened next.

So, as I said, the Flowers knew that the Gray Star was kind, good and useful. The Birds knew it too. People knew, of course, and Smart People, of course. And only the enemies of the Flowers did not agree with this. "Vile, harmful scum!" they hissed, of course, when Starlight wasn't around. "Freak! Disgusting!" creaked the gluttonous Beetles. "We have to deal with her! echoed the Caterpillars. “There is simply no life from her!”

True, no one paid attention to their scolding and threats, and besides, there were fewer and fewer enemies, but, unfortunately, the closest relative of the Caterpillars, Butterfly Urticaria, intervened in the matter. In appearance, she was completely harmless and even pretty, but in fact she was terribly harmful. It happens sometimes.

Yes, I forgot to tell you that Gray Star has never touched Butterflies.

- Why? asked the Hedgehog. - Are they tasteless?

“Not at all, silly. Most likely, because Butterflies look like Flowers, but Starlet loved Flowers so much! And she probably didn’t know that Butterflies and Caterpillars are one and the same. After all, Caterpillars turn into Butterflies, and Butterflies lay eggs, and new Caterpillars hatch from them ...

So, the cunning Urticaria came up with a cunning plan - how to destroy the Gray Star.

"I will soon save you from that vile toad!" she said to her sisters the Caterpillars, her friends the Beetles and Slugs. And flew away from the garden.

And when she came back, a Very Stupid Boy was running after her. He had a skullcap in his hand, he waved it in the air and thought that he was about to catch the pretty Urticaria. Skullcap.

And the cunning Urticaria pretended that she was about to get caught: she would sit on a flower, pretend not to notice the Very Stupid Boy, and then suddenly flutter in front of his very nose and fly over to the next flower bed.

And so she lured the Very Stupid Boy into the very depths of the garden, to the path where Gray Star sat and talked with the Learned Starling.

Urticaria was immediately punished for her mean act: the Learned Starling flew off the branch with lightning and grabbed it with his beak. But it was too late: the Very Stupid Boy noticed the Gray Star.

Gray Star did not at first understand what he was saying about her, because no one had yet called her a toad. She did not move even when the Very Stupid Boy swung a rock at her.

At the same moment, a heavy stone slammed to the ground next to Gray Star. Luckily, Very Stupid Boy missed and Gray Star jumped aside. Flowers and Grass hid her from sight. But the Very Stupid Boy did not let up. He picked up a few more stones and kept throwing them where the Grass and Flowers were stirring.

"Toad! Poison frog! he shouted. - Beat the ugly!

“Fool-ra-chok! Fool-ra-chok! shouted the Learned Starling to him. What is the confusion in your head? After all, she is useful! Seems clear?

But the Very Stupid Boy grabbed a stick and climbed right into the Rose Bush - where, as he thought, Gray Star was hidden.

The Rose Bush pricked him with all her might with her sharp thorns. And the Very Silly Boy ran out of the garden, roaring.

— Urraa! shouted the Hedgehog.

— Yes, brother, thorns are a good thing! Hedgehog continued. “If Gray Star had thorns, then perhaps she wouldn’t have to cry so bitterly on this day. But, as you know, she did not have thorns, and therefore she sat under the roots of the Rose Bush and wept bitterly.

“He called me a toad,” she sobbed, “ugly! So the Man said, but people know everything, everything! So, I'm a toad, a toad! .. "

Everyone consoled her as best they could: Pansies said that she would always remain their dear Gray Star; The roses told her that beauty was not the most important thing in life (it was no small sacrifice on their part). “Don’t cry, Vanechka-Manechka,” Ivan da Marya repeated, and the Bells whispered: “Ding-Ding, Ding-Ding,” and this also sounded very comforting.

But Gray Star wept so loudly that she did not hear consolations. It always happens when you start comforting too soon. The flowers did not know this, but the Learned Starling knew this very well. He let Gray Star cry to his heart's content, and then he said:

"I won't console you, dear. I can only tell you one thing: it's not the name. And, in any case, it doesn’t matter at all what some Silly Boy with one confusion in his head will say about you! To all your friends, you were and will always be the sweet Gray Star. Seems clear?

And he whistled a piece of music about ... about Pjik-Pyzhik to cheer up Gray Star and show that he considers the conversation over.

Gray Star stopped crying.

"You're right, of course, Skvorushka," she said. “Of course, it’s not the name that matters… But still… still, I don’t think I’ll come to the garden during the day anymore, so that… so as not to meet someone stupid…”

And since then, Gray Star - and not only she, but all her brothers, sisters, children and grandchildren come to the garden and do their Useful Work only at night.

Pzhik cleared his throat and said:

“Now you can ask questions.

- How many? asked the Hedgehog.

“Three,” answered Pzhik.

- Oh! Then... The first question is: is it true that Stars, that is, toads, do not eat Butterflies, or is it only in a fairy tale?

- Is it true.

“And the Very Stupid Boy said that toads are poisonous.” This is true?

- Nonsense! Of course, I do not advise you to take them in your mouth. But they are not poisonous at all.

- Is it true ... Is this the third question?

- Yes, the third one. All.

- As everybody?

- So. After all, you already asked it. You asked: "Is this the third question?"

“Well, daddy, you always tease.

- Look how smart! Okay, so be it, ask your question.

“Oh, I forgot… Oh, yes… Where did all these nasty enemies disappear to?”

“Well, of course she swallowed them. It's just that she grabs them so fast with her tongue that no one can follow it, and it seems like they just disappear. And now I have a question, my fluffy one: isn't it time for us to sleep? After all, you and I are also useful and must also do our Useful Work at night, and now it’s already morning ...

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