Boyan the Prophet is a singer and storyteller. See what "button accordion" is in other dictionaries

puyan "rich", common Turk. buy"rich", from the verb baj- to become rich. In the Kazakh language bayan means "to narrate, expound, report."

Veliky Novgorod, information board on Boyana street

The name Boyan is also very common among the South Slavic peoples, especially among the Serbs, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Montenegrins. In addition to the name Boyan, in the territories with a predominantly Bulgarian population, names that are etymologically similar have been attested since the 10th century - Boimir (10th century), Boyana (16th century), Boyo (15th century) and others. It is also worth mentioning the legendary founder of the Avar Khaganate Bayan I and the ancient Bulgarian prince Batbayan.



  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


See what "Boyan" is in other dictionaries:

    Boyan- (XI century) - Old Russian poet and singer. As a “creator of songs”, B. is named in the beginning of “The Tale of Igor's Campaign” (see the author of “The Tale of Igor's Campaign”): “Boyan is prophetic, if anyone wants to create a song, then it spreads with thought on the tree, with a gray wail on the ground, shizy ... ... Dictionary of scribes and bookishness of Ancient Rus'

    In East Slavic mythology, the epic poet is a singer. Known according to the “Word of Igor's Campaign” (B.'s name is also found in the inscriptions of St. Sophia of Kiev and in the Novgorod chronicler): “Boyan is prophetic, if anyone wants to create a song, then the thought will spread over ... ... Encyclopedia of mythology

    Archaeological culture of the Neolithic era (4th millennium BC), on the territory of Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova. Lake name. Boyan (Romania). Remains of settlements, ornamented pottery. Economy: agriculture, cattle breeding, hunting, fishing ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    And husband. Slav. editorial note: Boyanovich, Boyanovna; unfold Boyanych. Origin: (From the fight (cf. fighter, fight)) Name day: April 10. Dictionary of personal names. Boyan See Bayan. Day Angel. A guide to names and birthdays ... Dictionary of personal names

    Bayan, poet, singer Dictionary of Russian synonyms. boyan n., number of synonyms: 4 button accordion (17) singer (95) ... Synonym dictionary

    Modern Encyclopedia

    BOYAN. see button accordion. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    A, m. Slav. rare Reporter: Boyanovich, Boyanovna; unfold Boyanych. [From fight (cf. fighter, fight).] † 10 Apr. Dictionary of Russian personal names. N. A. Petrovsky. 2011 ... Dictionary of personal names

    Boyan- (Bayan), Russian songwriter of the 11th-12th centuries, who composed songs of glory in honor of the exploits of the princes. First mentioned in the Lay of Igor's Campaign (nightingale of the old time, prophetic singer); in Zadonshchina he is called in Kyiv a great buzzard. The name has become a household name for ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Nasty weather, exchange rates, new laws, housing prices, bad cafes, dogs pooping on lawns, mediocre musicians, idiot neighbors - Belarusians have more than enough reasons to whine. It seems that every day the wave of nationwide moaning is growing. Complainers with us - it's almost a profession. A positive outlook on anything is a sign of infantilism, bad taste. But, apparently, the universe does not tolerate unipolarity - in contrast to a thousand whiners, dozens of bright, enterprising guys appear who say: all problems lie exclusively in us, and they can only be solved on our own, stop complaining, it's time to get down to business.

The music scene is the quintessence of the Belarusian depression. How to overcome despondency and mediocrity? What can be done to make our musicians brighter, livelier and charge everyone around with their creativity? Many people asked such questions, but they did not find a panacea. But there are examples of how performers develop, create, conquer peaks - and do it effortlessly, despite all the problems that the majority is concerned about. It turns out it's possible! Today's conversation is about an inexhaustible source of cheerfulness.

Who is this?

Vitaly Voronko is a multiple winner of classical international music competitions. But they began to recognize the artist when he put aside Rimsky-Korsakov and Liszt, put on a superhero costume and began to rock at numerous contemporary music competitions not only in Belarus, but also far beyond its borders. The performance of the Bayan Man, who was born a year ago, literally always becomes an event. And if the jury sometimes does not indulge him with high marks, the audience present in the hall always expresses its gratitude with a storm of applause.

I was always amazed at how disgusting Belarusians treat their performers. You go to the same Poland - they adore their rappers, rockers, popsaries - yes, everyone! Literally wear them on your hands. The same picture in Lithuania, Germany, Latvia. Believe me, I don’t whine at all, I just ask myself: why do you people dislike your countrymen so much? Why not ready to support them?

- So, maybe the reason is banal - there is nothing to adore them yet?

Well, here's where to look. After all, it is a reciprocal process. The musician plays, his work is praised, he is inspired and ready to play better, and so on. But there are problems, of course. Let's start with the fact that we still do not know how to create a high-quality product to the end. Maybe it's about budgets, but most likely it's about ideas. In addition, you will agree that we still do not trust the Belarusian production. In the sense of milk there, butter, tractors - this is still possible, but something more sublime - music, cinema, fine arts - this seems to be beyond our brother's strength.

But at the same time, literally all Belarusians have a huge potential. But we are, s ... ah, lazy! Many musicians received a classical education from the state. Whatever one may say, it simply obliges to look at the world a little wider, to strive to experiment, fantasize, develop. And instead, they choose the easiest way - they “loose” what they know how, without trying to strain, change and move forward. Too many graduates of music schools play music that they do not like at all. Why? Probably, "prytsyarpelissya." To change a little, to try something new for them is akin to a feat. Think about it: it’s easier for a person to routinely pluck the strings for years, strum the keys, thinking with disgust that tomorrow you will again rise to the same stage, just not to strain your brains, just not to enter a zone of discomfort in which you have to decide something on your own.

- It is not so easy to create a quality product with empty pockets...

So you have to start somewhere! My main place of work - by distribution - brings a salary of 1.5 million Belarusian rubles, I drive an old rusty fourth "golf", I live in a rented apartment. Probably, by collecting the money earned on "hack-work", I could buy a newer car, save it in reserve. But instead, over the past year I have traveled to Australia, the United Arab Emirates, Poland, Lithuania, Austria, Norway, Britain. Money must be invested in development, to overcome our generational mentality of fear for the future. Do you have arms and legs? Is there a head? So you will earn. What is there to be afraid of?

Of course, someone will say that here, in Belarus, it is impossible to build your own business, create and so on. But guys, let's get it right. This land and these people gave you opportunities at the start: education, initial capital ... In general, by and large, whiners who blame their country cannot be re-educated. Therefore, it is necessary, finally, for all of us who love our country to tell them: “Don't like Belarus? So why are you still here? Get down, no one is holding you. Can't get off? Then think: why? Maybe because no one needs you there either?”

- That is, the best, in demand, will leave, and only mediocrity will remain here?

Why are we so afraid that someone will leave us? If they want to leave, will you chain them up? It is necessary to look wider: other countries are a broadening of horizons. Who has the opportunity to study abroad - study. Someone can immediately "get into a fight" - try to perform at competitions, TV shows, or just play on the street - go for it! Probably half of Minsk residents have Schengen visas, a ticket to Vilnius costs quite a bit. And there low-costs give huge room for maneuvers. I bought a round trip ticket to Norway for €9. I climbed into the fjords in a superhero costume and kind of felt like one. No money? Economic crisis? Come on, guys, admit it: the problem is only in the heads! I brought with me a sea of ​​energy, inspiration and ideas.

And then he also flew to Australia, performed at the Pacific Bayan World Cup - and won it. I got into debt up to my ears, but it was worth it, believe me. I believe that a strong desire to move forward changes the world and adjusts it to you, sometimes in the most amazing, I would even say paradoxical way. Here's an example for you. I came to Australia for ten days. In order not to waste time, he received a license as a street musician (for this he had to pass an exam before the municipal commission). I go out into the street to play, for the sake of laughter I drag out "Without you, without you ...". And then he comes up to me and starts to sing along ... who do you think? Stas Mikhailov! Let's just say I'm not a big fan of him. But it seems to me that this universe sends me signs, they say, you are doing everything right, just don’t stop, don’t ask questions like “How can I start doing something?”, but do it.

It would be possible to start a career as a street musician on the wrong side of the world ... That would benefit his native country.

About nine years ago, I only tried to play in transition in Minsk. I bought myself an expensive button accordion, I was eager to try it out. We were walking with a saxophonist friend, stopped - and let's play. It's 11 degrees below zero outside. Immediately people began to gather, and in 15 minutes of the game we earned $20 at the current rate. I think: this is a cool business! But it quickly ended, we were chased away by the police.

Indeed, many talented musicians start with street concerts. This hones the ability to work with the audience, to feel it. Now in Moscow they have adopted rules according to which you can play on the street only after you pass a special exam. Personally, I think this is a very cool idea. Having such permits, our guys could play, without fear of reprisals from the police, play, make people happy, earn money and gain experience. Everyone would benefit from this. By the way, here is a real step towards developing the Belarusian show business. The state could even make money by accepting a small fee for such permits.

Belarusians are constantly "driven" about whether we won Eurovision or not. You tried three times to get into this competition, but you did not go beyond the finals of the selection, then you tried your hand at Russian, Ukrainian and Polish music competitions. Everywhere these attempts ended in failure. Where do the forces come from for more and more new visits?

Why do you think these performances were unsuccessful? I "lit up" in front of the audience, got high from the performance. Some of the videos have received over a million views on YouTube. So there is a result. Let's move on: my last performance at the British competition Britain's Got Talent was still successful. I went to the semi-finals and will soon fight for the right to be the first. You are right when you say: the Belarusians are “driven” about the victory, they are not so much rooting for their own people as they are waiting for results from them. I get the feeling that, without creating a damn thing, we just want to guess the recipe for success. That doesn't happen. In order to find it, you need to shovel a sea of ​​​​material, you need a critical mass in which a star is born. And participation, experience, fun are important for me. I get all of this.

But let's face it. You stand up for promoting Belarusian music, and you go to Europe to perform...

As I say, I'm going there to gain experience. You can generate ideas in any country in the world, but still, the starting point will be here, at home. It all started with her, and if you are a holistic person, everything will continue and end here. Moreover, Belarus in musical terms is just an unplowed field. Today there is virtually no competition. Look, eminent foreign performers are striving here, hoping to earn extra money. Not just like that! My friends from Europe, looking at the Belarusian music market, say: "Wow! This is just an ideal country to start and develop.” We, Belarusian performers, only need to plow like the visiting "stars", and everything will be just fine.

- Where did the "Bayan Man" come from?

Remember, on the TNT channel, a program flashed in which the superhero "Bruise Man" appeared? At first it seems that this is a pure “rzhak”, but if you think about it, the image is quite deep. In Russia, with its current problems (as, by the way, in our country), the main trouble is that everyone is waiting for the arrival of heroes who can change the world. But no one sees himself in their role. Of course, it’s scary, after all, you ask yourself the question: why am I, in fact, special in order to stand out like that, to declare myself? But in the end, everything will turn around only when those who have nothing to lose begin to become heroes. For example, the same "bruises" - they really can. Everyone can. The rest, looking at "mere mortals" ready for exploits, will finally understand that there is a hero in each of us, everyone has superpowers. I'm playing the button accordion well - and that's how the “Man-button accordion” turned out. Consider this my protest against boredom, lack of initiative and laziness. Is it difficult for you to tear your w ... from the chair? Then the "Bayan Man" is coming to you!

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Meaning of BOYAN (BAYAN) in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia


Boyan or button accordion - a singer whose name is mentioned several times in "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". The very word "boyan" or "button accordion" (these two forms have been used indifferently from time immemorial; the same person is sometimes called Boyan, then Bayan) is well known among all Slavs: among Russians, Bulgarians, Serbs, Poles, Czechs. It comes from the Old Slavonic "Bati", meaning, on the one hand: "to tell fortunes", "to speak", on the other - "to tell fables". Hence the Old Slavonic words: "baalnik", "baalnitsa", "sorcerer", "sorcerer"; "baanie", "banie" - divination, "fable"; "banik", "ban" - baitel, "incantator". Hence the later Russian forms: "button accordion", "boyan", "balyan" - a rhetoric, a bell driver who knows fairy tales, fables; Belarusian "bayun" - a hunter to chat, a storyteller. Together with the common noun among all Slavs, the word "bayan", "boyan" is also found as a proper name, as the name of a river, area or person. So, for example, one of the sons of the Bulgarian king Simeon was called Boyan; in Bulgaria there is a locality Boyanovo. Boyanya Street has long been known in Novgorod; in the Kaluga province, the village of Boyanovka still exists. The author of "Zadonshchina", a literate of the beginning of the 15th century, recalls "the prophetic Boyan in the city in Kiev, much buzzer", who "given the glory of the Russian prince" ... Based on the actual mention of Boyan in the "Lay of Igor's Campaign", the name is the first publishers of this monument was also introduced into Russian science as the name of a historical person, "the most glorious Russian poet in antiquity." At the same time, Karamzin added it to the Pantheon of Russian Authors. "We don't know," he remarks, "when Boyan lived, and what was the content of his sweet hymns." Karamzin concludes from some passages in the Lay that Boyan lived under Vseslav I, Prince of Polotsk (Pantheon of Russian Authors, 1801). Later, in the "History of the Russian State", outlining "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", Karamzin considers "bogatyr tales", the songs of Boyanov and many other poets who disappeared in the space of seven or eight centuries to be its sources, models for the author. "Metropolitan Yevgeny vigorously rebels against there is no doubt about the historical authenticity of Boyan and introduces his name as an ancient Russian singer in his "Dictionary of Secular Russian Writers" (1845). Doubt about the existence of Boyan as a historical person was expressed by Pushkin. In "Ruslan and Lyudmila" he used the word "bayan" in the sense common noun, generally "singer"

Brief biographical encyclopedia. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is BOYAN (BAYAN) in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • ACCORDION in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    Bayan, see Boyan ...
    or Boyan, a mythical singer whose name is mentioned several times in The Tale of Igor's Campaign. The "Bayan" form has now become popular ...
    Or Boyan? a mythical singer whose name is mentioned several times in The Tale of Igor's Campaign. The "Bayan" form has now become popular ...
  • ACCORDION in the Dictionary of thieves' jargon:
    - 1) a liter of vodka, 2) a fingerprinting machine, 3) a saw, 4) a syringe for injection ...
  • ACCORDION in the Slang Dictionary of Sevastopol:
    Brand car...
  • ACCORDION in the Dictionary of the meanings of Kazakh names:
    (masculine) (another Turk.) infinitely happy (female) (another Turkic) strong, powerful, ...
  • BOYAN in the Directory of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    in East Slavic mythology, an epic poet-singer. Known for the "Word of Igor's Campaign" (the name B. is also found in the inscriptions of St. Sophia of Kyiv and ...
  • ACCORDION in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    see "The Word of the Shelf ...
  • ACCORDION in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • BOYAN in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    village of Elisavetpol province. and county, on rch. Kochkara-chai, with Armenian population in 1995 d. floors, houses - 274. Through ...
  • BAYAN GAZ. in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    weekly newspaper; see Musical...
  • ACCORDION in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Russian chromatic harmonica. The name is named after the ancient Russian singer-storyteller Bayan (Boyan). It is used as a solo and ensemble instrument, is included in the orchestra of folk …
    (Bayan), Russian songwriter of the 11th - 12th centuries, who composed songs of glory in honor of the exploits of the princes. First mentioned in "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"...
  • ACCORDION in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Russian chromatic harmonica. The name is named after the ancient Russian singer-storyteller Bayan (Boyan). Used as a solo and ensemble instrument, part of the orchestra ...
  • ACCORDION in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, m. A kind of large harmonica with a complex system of frets. II prsh. button accordion, oh, th. Russian button accordion…
    BOJAN, archaeologist. Neolithic culture (4th millennium BC) on the territory. Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova. Named after the settlement on the lake. …
  • ACCORDION in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    BAYAN, one of the most perfect and common types of chromatic. harmonics. Named after the legendary other Russian. singer-storyteller Bayan (Boyan). …
  • BOYAN in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    ? village of Elisavetpol province. and county, on rch. Kochkara-chai, with Armenian population in 1995 d. floors, houses? 274. ...
  • ACCORDION in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    ? weekly newspaper; see Musical...
  • ACCORDION in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    bye "n, bye" us, bye "on, bye" new, bye "well, bye" to us, bye "n, bye" us, bye "nom, bye" by us, bye "not, ...
    -a, m. Reed musical instrument, manual button accordion with a full chromatic scale on the right keyboard, basses and ready-made chord accompaniment ...
  • BOYAN in the Popular Explanatory-Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    \u003d Ba "yan, -a, m. The legendary ancient Russian singer and poet of the 11th - early 12th centuries, who composed songs of glory in honor of exploits ...
  • ACCORDION in the Popular Explanatory-Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    cm. …
    Harmony ...
  • ACCORDION in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
  • ACCORDION in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
    Not simple...
  • ACCORDION in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
    Why is he a goat, she already ...
  • ACCORDION in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
    Russian …
  • ACCORDION in the Dictionary of synonyms of Abramov:
    cm. …
    button accordion, singer, ...
  • ACCORDION in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    boyan, harmonica, instrument, singer, poet, …
  • ACCORDION in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    1. m. 1) The legendary old Russian singer-storyteller. 2) Poet, performer of songs, legends. 2. m. Large harmonica with a complex system ...
    ba`yan, ...
  • ACCORDION in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
    Ba`yan, -a (legendary ...
  • ACCORDION in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    accordion, ...
  • ACCORDION in the Spelling Dictionary:
    ba`yan, -a (legendary ...
  • ACCORDION in the Spelling Dictionary:
    ba`yan, ...
  • ACCORDION in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
    a kind of large harmonica with a complex system ...
    archaeological culture of the Neolithic era (4th millennium BC), on the territory of Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova. Lake name. Boyan (Romania). …
  • ACCORDION in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    one of the most perfect and common types of chromatic accordion. Named after the legendary ancient Russian singer-storyteller Bayan ...
  • BOYAN in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    Cm. …
  • BOYAN in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
    m.; - ...
  • BOYAN in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    m.; = ...
    Boyan Nikolov (April 27, 1882, Shumen - June 25, 1927, Sofia), Bulgarian literary critic, critic, corresponding member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1918). Graduated from Sofia University (1907). Associate Professor (since 1909) ...
  • BOJAN (NEOLITHIC CULTURE) in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Boian), a Neolithic culture common in the modern territory of Romania and Bulgaria (4th millennium BC). Named after the settlement on the lake ...

Boyan or Bayan is an old Russian character mentioned in. Boyan is ancient Russian singer and storyteller. Boyan is considered the patron saint of music, poetry and creativity, as well as the grandson of a pagan god.

The name Boyan is translated by linguists in different ways. Boyan is a common Old Slavic name that has a double designation: 1. fearsome and 2., spells, sorcerer; Puyan - of Bulgarian-Turkic origin, means - Rich; Bayan - Kazakh origin, meaning - to narrate, tell; Baalnik, baanie - to tell fortunes, to speak; Bayan is a sorcerer, wizard, sorcerer. The image of the poet is associated with both meanings of his name and is understood as a magician storyteller. After the name of the narrator Boyan became mythological, it began to mean a legend, conversations and songs - accordion, bayan, fable, bayat, lull, etc. In the literature of the 20th century, Boyan became a household name for indicating a Russian singer and gusliar. Karamzin introduced Boyan to the Pantheon of Russian Authors as "the most glorious Russian poet in antiquity."

The most common point of view of researchers of Russian history is that the ancient Russian Boyan the Prophet was the court singer of the Russian princes of the 11th century (presumably the Chernigov-Tmutorokan princes). The Word about Igor's Campaign says that Boyan sang of three princes: Mstislav Vladimirovich the Brave, Yaroslav the Wise and Roman Svyatoslavich (Yaroslav's grandson). Vseslav of Polotsk is also mentioned, whom Boyan blamed for capturing Kyiv. Here we see a manner typical for court singers of composing songs of praise and songs of blasphemy. He was the author and performer of his songs, he sang and played a musical instrument himself. Here is one of the refrains of his song about Vseslav Polotsky: “ Neither cunning, nor much, nor a bird is much judgment of God". Other words quoted by the author of the story: Start your song according to the epic of this time, and not according to Boyan’s plan, “It’s hard for your head except for your shoulder, anger for your body except for your head". However, all the information on this subject is taken from one source, to trust which or not - scientists are still arguing.

The author of the Word about the regiment says that Boyan is not only a singer, but also a prophet who is capable of shapeshifting - “ Boyan is prophetic, if anyone wants to create a song, then he will spread his thoughts along the tree, like a gray wolf on the ground, a shiz eagle under the clouds". The author calls him the grandson of Veles, from whom he was endowed with special poetic abilities.

It is worth saying that a very old Boyana street has been preserved, probably on behalf of the Novgorodian who lived here. On this occasion, there are a lot of assumptions, one of which is that Boyan was the same Novgorodian. B.A. Rybakov offers us a very interesting study. This story refers to the baptism of Novgorod in 988. The high priest of the Slavs, Bogomil, who lived in Novgorod, actively resisted the new faith of Prince Vladimir and raised a real rebellion. Dobrynya and Putyata defeated the resistance of Novgorod, crushed idols and temples. So, that same priest of Bogomil was called the Nightingale, nicknamed so from his eloquence. Bojan was also called a nightingale. Later, in the Novgorod Land, in a layer dating back to 1070-1080, a harp was found with the inscription "Slovisha" i.e. Nightingale, which supposedly belonged to the same priest and sorcerer Bogomil-Nightingale. All this, and even the almost identical time of existence of both of them, gives the right to make the assumption that Bogomil and Boyan could be one and the same person.

Surely, many Internet users have come across such a concept as button accordion. What this word means is known to many, but not all, so for some this article will be informative.

Most often, the word "button accordion" can be seen on various forums, in chat rooms, as well as on social networks, such as VKontakte. Let's say a group or public exposes an interesting picture or a funny anecdote. At least one of the participants will say that this is a button accordion. What does this word mean, of course, you can ask, but the unwillingness to be ridiculed is unlikely to allow the ignorant to do this. It's easier to find out for yourself. Meanwhile, information about what the button accordion means in VK remains a question that has to be answered.


If you "are" on the Internet for more than one year, you probably look at different sites. You see pictures, read posts and funny/scary/sad stories, wonder, laugh or feel nothing. you remember those images or stories that caught your eye. Several years pass, and now you see in one of the VK groups, for example, the same picture that you once saw on another site or in another group, or in the same one. You know for sure that you saw the image, and not yesterday / the day before yesterday / last week, but a long time ago, several years ago. This is the button accordion, which means "stale" information, a joke or a picture.

So, from the foregoing, we make a complete definition. Bayan - a word expressing the disapproval of persons of the fact that they are shown information, news, a picture, a joke, etc., which either has been roaming the Internet for a long time, or has already been in the same place before (for example, repeated in a group in VK "same post). That's what bayan means on the Internet.


Most words or phrases have an origin, and "bayan" is no exception. There was once a joke: “They buried their mother-in-law. They broke two button accordions. He fasted so often on the same site that he finally got tired of all the participants. Negative comments flowed like water, among which at some point words like “button accordion” began to appear, which means “again this boring anecdote about these boring button accordions”. Someone picked it up, put it on the Internet, and away we go - this word began to spread everywhere in a slightly modernized sense than it was originally invested in.

Another version, albeit less plausible, but also having the right to exist is this: in order not to write the same word several times, people began to use the sign -//- to indicate repetition. Since these symbols are similar to a button accordion, and Internet users who themselves wrote these signs in written speech began to designate with them information that was unsuitable for "breaking news", the name "button accordion" appeared.

Related concepts

A synonym for the word "button accordion" is the phrase "bearded joke". It is this phrase that is closest to its meaning. True, the button accordion extends to larger content. That is, for example, a sad story about a cat seen for the 13th time can be called an accordion, but it cannot be called a bearded anecdote. And a funny story about some dog that appears somewhere almost every day can be called either way.

A bearded joke is a term meaning a joke that has been known to everyone for a long time. He has such a name because, ridiculing the person who told him, people said that, they say, even their grandfathers laughed at this “funny thing”. And since, when remembering grandfathers, associations with bearded men come, a similar name has gone.


Yes, button accordions annoy many. But never forget those who may not have seen the famous picture or story. Some rarely access the Internet, so for them most of the information they receive seems new, which means that as long as there is demand, offers will be born. As long as new users appear on the Internet, button accordions have been, are and will be.

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