Brazil. Geography, description and characteristics of the country


Brazil is the largest country in South America by area and population. The total area of ​​the country (including archipelagos) is 8,515,767 km²; water surface - 55,455 km². The length of the land borders of Brazil is 14691 km, sea - 7491 km. The country occupies the eastern and central parts of the mainland. In the north it borders with Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, in the south - with Uruguay, in the west - with Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia and Peru, in the northwest - with Colombia, in the east Brazil is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Federative Republic of Brazil ( Republica Federativa do Brasil) The country is made up of 26 federal states. the city of Brasilia. The official language is Portuguese, with some regions using Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Amerindian languages.

Climate. When is the best time to go to Brazil

Most of Brazil is located in the tropical zone, only the southern part of the country is located in the subtropical zone. The hottest part of the country is the northeast (cities: , Salvador , San Luis,Recife , , , ). In the northeast of Brazil, the cool period lasts from May to September with daytime temperatures around +28 ° C, the dry months are June, July and August, the rainy season is from December to March, you can swim in the ocean almost all year, the water temperature is - from +25 to +29 °C. Most of Brazil is characterized by high temperatures. The average monthly temperature ranges from +16 to +29 °C; on the high eastern massifs, the average temperature in July is from +12 to +14 ° C and in the winter monthsfrosts. For inland cities such as And , the temperature is moderate, with little chance of precipitation from May to September, with frequent rain in the remaining months. The hottest months in Brazil are September, October, November and December, with daily temperatures around +35°C. The rainy season in Brazil lasts from January to May.

The best months to travel to the central and southern states of Brazil are from October to May, to the northeastern states of the country - all year round. If you are going to travel along the Amazon River (city , Amazonia) then choose November, if you are hiking in the Amazonian jungle, then it is better to go in June-August.If you dream to seeIguazu Falls, then go there in November, at this time the waterfalls are filled with water and you can see a beautiful rainbow.

How to get to Brazil

Unfortunately, it is impossible to fly from Russia to Brazil by direct flight. Airlines fly to Brazil from Moscow and other cities of Russia with connections or transfers in Europe, Asia or America. Most often, flights are made to two major cities in Brazil: Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. The flight time depends on the number of transfers, which is most often reflected in the cost of air tickets. The minimum time that a flight from Moscow to Brazil takes is 16 hours 15 minutes, including transfers, usually the entire flight takes from 17 to 30 hours, depending on the number of transfers and their duration. From Russian cities you can fly to Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo by airlines:Turkish Airlines,emirates,etihad,Lufthansa,tam Airlines,AlItalia,American Airlines,Air France,swiss,klm,delta,Iberia,qatar,British Airways,Air Europe,TAP Portugal.Accepts international flights to Rio de JaneiroGaleão International Airport, in Sao Paulo -Guarulhos International Airport.

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Attractions in Brazil

Brazilian cuisine

national bRazilian cuisineis a mixture of Indian, Portuguese, African and Japanese, Arabic, Italian and French traditions that were brought to Brazil by colonizers or immigrants. Each region and state of Brazil has its own cuisine. Traditional products of Brazilian cuisine are: rice, beans, coconut milk, palm oil, chicken, beef, pork, sausages, shrimp, fish, farofa (a mixture of flour and butter), pasta, cheese, pumpkin, tomatoes. The traditional drinks of Brazil are mate, beer, coffee, caipirinha (cachaca cocktail with lemon juice, sugar and ice), guarana (a drink made from guarana fruit), cachaca (vodka made from processed sugar cane alcohol).

The most popular dish in all of Brazil is Feijoada, a combination of beans with various types of meat, cassava flour and cabbage, spices, garnished with rice and oranges. Feijoada is usually served with the national drink caipirinha (caipirinha), which includes cachaca (cachaça) - sugar cane vodka, lemon and sugar.

Tacaca no tucupi

In the northPopular in Brazil are guasado de tartaruga (turtle stew), pato no tucupi (pato no tucupi) - pieces of duck cooked in a thick cassava sauce,takaka no tucupi- a mixture of pasta and cassava flour with sauce, dried shrimp and jumbo,munguza (munguza)- corn kernels with small pieces of coconut, analogous to heatIn the north, green bananas, grated and fried in milk, protrude from potatoes.

Xinxim de galinha

In the northeast, such dishes are popular with residents: carpe de sol (came de sol) - salted and dried meat, lobster with coconut milk, fish cooked with coconut and coconut milk, African dish xinxim de galinha - chicken cooked in peanut sauce with cashews and shrimp, frigideira (frigideira) - fried fish and shellfish in egg and coconut milk dough.

In Rio de Janeiro, you should try the most popular Brazilian dish -feijoada (feijoada), meat barbecue - rodizio (rodizios), national drink - caipirinha (caipirinha). In Rio de Janeiro, coconuts and freshly squeezed juices are sold everywhere, try juice from mango, papaya, pineapple and other tropical fruits.

Brazil travel guides

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« What is the capital in Brazil? Rio de Janeiro or Brasilia? ask some travelers who skipped geography and history lessons at school.

The Three Chief Cities of the Land of Plenty

Three cities - the first, the historical capital of Salvador, the modern capital - Brasilia, Rio - the heart and soul of Brazil - its eternal capital. Each of them has got its own unique era.

Salvador is the first capital, the main point in the colony for the reception and distribution of slaves from Africa to the continent. The gold and emeralds mined by them have made Portugal a very influential country in Europe for 200 years. And Salvador is still considered the African soul of Brazil.

Brasilia is a unique city, laid in the geographical center of the country, created according to a single plan specifically to become the capital of the modern Brazilian Republic.

It has been 54 years since Brasilia became the capital of Brazil on April 21, 1960, Wikipedia tells us exactly about this date of the ceremony of transferring the capital from Rio de Janeiro to Brasilia. The official capital of the present time is a unique city, at the ceremony of its opening it was named by UNESCO as a “patrimony of mankind”, it has become the new administrative center of the country.

Juscelino Kubitschek, who was the country's president at the time, decided to move the capital, a move that had been considered for many years before. And not a single ruler could decide on it. And Kubizek decided to bring the country to a new level of development - economic and, above all, social. And he succeeded. Previously, life in Brazil revolved only around the former capital - the great city of Rio de Janeiro.

Rio de Janeiro the eternal capital of Brazil

A traveler who first arrived in Rio de Janeiro is struck by the fantastic landscape of the city. You can only talk about Rio using superlatives. It stretches along the beautiful bay of Guanabara, and there is no city in Brazil more beautiful. On the way from the airport to the city, favelas stretch, almost completely consisting of a suburban area, which slightly spoils the idealistic picture. But if you look at them from afar, they may seem picturesque. Some consider the favelas of Rio beautiful for their fragile and sad beauty. “Light, unpretentious buildings made of old boards, rusty sheets of iron, cardboard, bamboo, bags and other unpretentious building materials nestled on the slopes like bird nests.” It is poetic to read, but one of the creative intelligentsia is unlikely to want to live in these buildings. Difficulties with housing in Rio have always been.

Rio de Janeiro was the capital of Brazil from 1763 to 1960. The need to move the capital closer to the geographical center of the Republic was caused by an urgent need. The central part of Brazil was sparsely populated and practically undeveloped, and in Rio, on the contrary, there was a strong overpopulation and people literally lived on top of each other.

Despite the transfer of the capital to Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro remains the center of the country's intellectual life. cultural Brazilian capital Rio de Janeiro is a city of elite and creative bohemia. The richest and most famous live in the areas of the most prestigious beaches of the city: Ipanema, Copacabana, Botafogo, Leblon.

Brasilia - "City of Hope"

The glaring need for the social renewal of the country and the economic development of the sparsely populated areas of the central part of Brazil resulted in the founding of a new modern city that became the capital of Brazil, Brasilia, built in the desert in just 3 years, began to be called the locals "city of hope". The construction of the new capital was carried out using all the advanced technologies that were at that time. The architectural project of the capital is made in the poetic direction of architectural modernism, its main postulates are the absence of straightforwardness, sensuality and plasticity.

What is the capital of Brazil, Brasilia is a city of modern dreams

Brasilia is a man's dream come true. A city from the pages of a science fiction novel about the near future. Built according to a single plan, which was developed by local architect Lucio Costa.

The city looks like an airplane from above. The fuselage of which is the administrative center of the city, called the Square of the Three Powers. Here are unique, interesting buildings: the National Congress - the abode of the legislature, the Planalto Palace - the abode of the executive, and the Supreme Federal Court - the abode of the judiciary.

The residential quarters spread out like the wings of a gigantic aircraft. Each is completely independent of the others, it has all the necessary infrastructure for a comfortable stay of citizens: shopping arcades, cozy cafes, schools, clinics, parking lots, cinemas and a church. Brazilians are, for the most part, a deeply religious people.

In the bow of the city-airplane is the personal residence of the President of the Brazilian Republic. It is located at some distance from the very center of the city. The approach to the palace is decorated with unique sculptures of two women who are splashing in the water of the color of a clear sky, cast from pure bronze.

Capital of Brazil on Wikipedia is listed as the fourth largest city in the Republic. The construction of Brasilia was, in truth, the grandiose construction of the century. Having laid the first stone in 1957, the President of the Republic officially proclaimed Brasilia the capital already in 1960.

An interesting fact is that the foundation of the new capital cities in brazil brasilia was foreordained by the Salesian prophet in the 19th century, Don Joao, a clergyman elevated to the rank of saints after his death. In 1883, while in Turin, Italy, he predicted the emergence of a new civilization in the center of Brazil. And so it happened 77 years later. Brasilia now has two million inhabitants.

If you decide to ask yourself the question: which capital of Brazil to visit, then do not torture yourself with a choice, visit all three! Salvador is beautiful with its ancient provinciality and landscapes, tourists go there exclusively to sit back and feel the atmosphere of past centuries. Rio de Janeiro is the soul of Brazil - a dream city, it combines everything and nature, inexpressible beauty, an abundance of entertainment and historical past. Brasilia, the modern capital, is the city of the future, now recognized by UNESCO as a perfect creation of human hands, this is already enough to visit it.

Video about the capital of Brazil:

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About the country.

Before I go on any trip, I prepare the route for a long time, thinking through every detail of it: how to go, where to stay and, most importantly, what to see.

Everything related to each country of the route and each interesting place or attraction in it is viewed. I always look through the reports of other people who have visited these places and countries posted on other sites, or published in various guidebooks.

Based on all these materials, I compile my own guide to the country, its sights and the route, which I take with me on the road.
Therefore, when I come to this or that place, I always know why I am going to this place and what I want to see there.

So now I have my own, personal "Wikipedia" for Russia (USSR), the places where I have been and traveled, and most countries of the world. So that people who wish to repeat my route, if they like it, do not have to spend time on the work that I did, when describing my route I will briefly give this general information about the countries, cities and places that I visited. If the information in this section is of no interest to you, just skip it.
General information.
Brazil is the largest country in South America, occupying almost half of the continent, the fifth largest country in the world after Russia, China, Canada and the United States of America.

In the north it borders with Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, in the south - with Uruguay, in the west - with Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia and Peru, in the northwest - with Colombia. In the north and east it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

A Brief History of the State of Brazil.
The territories of the New World, present-day Brazil, were discovered by the Portuguese navigator Pedro Alvares Cabral on April 24, 1500. Attached to Portugal by the navigator Pedro Alvares Cabral, they were called by him the Land of the True Cross (Terra do Vera Cruz), then these territories became known as the Land of the Holy Cross (Terra do Santa Cruz).

Later, this country was given the name - Terra do Brasil. It is believed that this name is associated with the discovery of pau-brasil trees on the coast (pau-brasil - brazil tree), the wood of which was exported to Europe in large quantities. The Portuguese believed that they had found a place from where Arab traders took the so-called brazil (from the Portuguese word brasa - “heat”, “hot coals”) - valuable red wood that had come to Europe since the 12th century and was used to make paints, as well as for the manufacture of furniture and musical instruments.

From 1533, active Portuguese colonization of Brazil began and over the next three centuries this territory was inhabited by the Portuguese and became an important exporter, first of decorative wood, then sugar cane, coffee and, finally, gold.

In 1549, the Portuguese possessions in Brazil were directly subordinated to the King of Portugal. The viceroy of the Portuguese king was the captain-general, whose residence was in Salvador.

The main source of labor resources were slaves: first - Indians, and after 1570 - imported Africans. In 1574, a decree was passed prohibiting the conversion of local Indians into slaves, which led to the massive importation of black slaves from Africa. In 1640, the first viceroy of Brazil, the Marquis de Montalvan, was appointed. 1763 - Rio de Janeiro becomes the capital of Brazil.

In 1806, King João VI of Portugal fled to Brazil from Napoleon. After his father's return to Portugal in 1821, his son Pedro remained in Brazil as regent, and on September 7, 1822, he declared independence from the metropolis and declared himself emperor of the Brazilian Empire under the name Pedro I. He was succeeded by his son, Pedro II, who ruled until 1889, when A republic was proclaimed (the official name is the "Republic of the United States of Brazil"). The year before, in 1888, slavery had been abolished in Brazil. In the later years of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, Brazil attracted more than 5 million European and Japanese immigrants.

In 1930-1934 and in 1937-1945 the Vargas dictatorships.

In 1964, a military coup took place in the country, as a result of which Marshal Castelo Branco came to power. It was the third dictatorial regime in the history of Brazil. It lasted until 1985.
In 1999, the country was gripped by a financial crisis.

2006, May 11-16 - a wave of violence in Sao Paulo. Clashes between criminal gangs and the police led to the death of 150 people, including 40 police officers. The rebels (First Capital Team) set fire to buses, attacked banks and police stations, staged shootouts at metro stations

political device.
According to the form of government, Brazil is a presidential republic, the head of the executive branch is the president, who is elected for a 4-year term with the right of subsequent re-election.

The highest legislative body is the National Congress, which consists of two chambers: the federal Senate (81 seats) and the Chamber of Deputies (513 seats).
The highest judicial authority is the Supreme Federal Court, which is responsible for the correct interpretation and application of the Brazilian Constitution.

The area of ​​the country is 8,511,965 km2.
The greatest length from north to south is 4320 km, from east to west 4328 km. It borders on French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay. The length of the land borders is about 16 thousand km.
From the east it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, in which several islands also belong to Brazil. The length of the coastline is 7.4 thousand km.

The geography and climate of Brazil is determined by the following main factors:
- the two main regions of the country - the basin of the largest and most full-flowing river in the world - the Amazon (it was not possible to visit. A separate event) and the vast Brazilian Plateau (drove along and across).
- the proximity of the country to the equator.
The main rivers of Brazil are the Amazon, the To-cantins and the Sao Francisco. The Amazon is navigable for large ocean-going vessels for over 3,500 km. Other important rivers are Madeira, Tapajos, Rio Negro, Parnaiba, Uruguay.

The Amazon Basin occupies more than one third of the territory. Most of the basin is occupied by swamps and floodplains, as well as dense jungle.

The plateau occupies most of the southeastern half of the country. Its height is from 300 to 900 m, in many places it is crossed by river valleys and low mountain ranges. In the north of the Amazon Basin there is a mountain range - the Guiana Highlands - consisting of Sierra Tumukumak (height up to 850 m), Sierra Akari (up to 600 m) and Sierra Parima (up to 1500 m). On the border with Venezuela is the highest point in Brazil - Mount Pico da Neblina (3014 m).

Population - 198.7 million (2009 data, 6th place in the world).
The average life expectancy is 69 years for men, 78 years for women.
The ethno-racial composition is white 53.7%, mulattos 38.5%, blacks 6.2%, others (including Japanese, Arabs, Indians, etc.) 1.6% (according to the 2000 census).

In the north of the state of Brazil, in the impenetrable jungle of the Amazon - the territory of the Indians. The country is inhabited by 216 officially registered native tribes, numbering about 360 thousand people and speaking 170 languages ​​and dialects. More than 50 of these tribes are considered non-contact - their existence is known only from aerial photographs and traces of their presence found in the jungle. Here, those who wish are given the opportunity to travel back in time several thousand years ago and live in the era of the primitive communal formation of human society.
Summer is hot and humid (December - February). Moreover, the summer of 2010 was a record high temperature. The average monthly temperature ranges from 20 to 35 °C.

Winter (July - August) is dry and relatively cool. On the high eastern plateaus, the average temperature can drop to 10-12 °C. Frosts are even possible.
In the west of the Amazon, the equatorial humid climate (rainfall 2000-3000 mm per year); in the east of the Amazon and the adjacent gentle slopes of the Guiana and Brazilian plateaus - subequatorial with a dry period of up to 3-4 months. On the east coast, the climate is tropical trade winds, hot and humid, with a short dry season. In the south of the plateau, there is a constantly humid climate, tropical on the Paraná plateau and subtropical in the elevated eastern regions.

Brazil is the only country in Latin America that speaks Portuguese.
Brazilian Portuguese is used (the official and most common), Spanish, German, Italian, Japanese, English and Indian languages ​​are also used.

The majority of the population are Catholics - 73.6%, Protestants - 15.4%, Spiritualists 1.3%, Bantu / Voodoo 0.3%, other 2%, atheists 7.4% (according to the 2000 census).
There are approximately 900,000 Mormon followers and about 680,000 Jehovah's Witnesses.
There are approximately 28,000 Muslims, which is 0.015% of the total population.

Currency: Brazilian real. The course at the time of our stay: 1 real - 16 rubles; 1 US dollar - 1.8 real. There are many exchange offices and ATMs. Cards are accepted for payment in major cities.

The country is located in four time zones. Time - Sao Paulo, Rio, is 7 hours behind Moscow in winter and 6 hours in summer.
Useful phones:
Country code +55. Codes of some cities: Brasilia (61), Rio de Janeiro (21), Manaus (92), El Salvador (71), Sao Paulo (11).
Fire Department: 1-93;
Police: 1-90.

The main transport routes within the country are roads. The road system is quite developed and complex. All roads are of good quality, regardless of their rank. The throughput is very high and, accordingly, the high speed of movement. However, in some areas, during tropical downpours, roads become difficult and dangerous.

Rail transport in Brazil is used little and mainly for the transport of goods. There are only a few passenger railways in operation, the longest being between the cities of Belo Horizonte and Vitoria.

Maritime transport has traditionally been very important in Brazil, although it is now also used almost exclusively for the transport of goods. Almost all major cities along the Brazilian coast are also important trading ports. Also an important river transport, especially in the Amazon, where it is the main means of transport. In total, Brazil has about 50 thousand km of waterways.
Air transport is developing rapidly. Transportation leaders in Brazil are Vasp and Transbrasil. Brazil has 3,277 airports (1999), but almost all international flights go to Guarulhos international airports in Sao Paulo or Galeano in Rio de Janeiro.

Capital: Brasilia (did not visit).
The capital of Brazil is the city of Brasilia. The history of the creation of this capital is interesting.
This is something like Astana in Kazakhstan, that is, it was built specifically as a capital, in a place allotted for it, on the banks of an artificial reservoir.
Ever since the first organized uprising against Portuguese rule at the end of the 18th century, there has been a desire to build a new capital in Brazil. Politicians believed that the transfer of the capital from Rio de Janeiro inland would serve as an impetus for the development of vast inland regions of the country and were going to build their new capital for a long time, as far back as 1822, when Brazil gained independence.

The country's new Constitution of 1891 stipulated that 14,000 square kilometers of savanna should be allocated on the Brazilian plateau. There, about 1,000 kilometers from the coast, it was supposed to build a new capital. At the same time, Jose Bonifacio de Andrada y Silva (Brazilian statesman) proposed naming the future capital of Brasilia - as cartographers already called the whole country in the 17th century.

However, nothing was done for the next 65 years.
In 1955, presidential candidate Juscelino Kubicek vowed that if he was elected president, the new capital would be a reality before his five-year presidential term expired.
In April 1956, Kubitschek was elected president.
A few months earlier, the government announced a competition for the best plan for the new capital, in which Brazilian architects, engineers and urban planners were invited to participate. Within a few months, 26 candidates sent their ideas for the ideal capital.

In March 1957, an international jury announced the winner - urban planner Lucio Costa. Unlike the plans of other candidates, Costa's plan consisted of only a few sketches and pages of handwritten text - an entire city in a brownish paper envelope. He asked the jury to excuse him for such a schematic sketch and added that if it did not fit, then it would be easy to destroy it, without wasting either one's own or others' time. However, the jury liked his design and decided that the plan was "clear and simple in essence". Three years later, a 60,000-strong army of builders erected a well-equipped city, which became the capital of this largest state in South America. The city is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as a unique object of human creativity.

What to see in Brazil.
Why do people go to Brazil?

Today, Brazil is one of the most developed countries on the continent with a very diverse, often exotic nature, almost 8 thousand km. picturesque beaches, friendly and cheerful population.

In Brazil, there are all conditions for a wide variety of types of recreation, but the most attention, of course, is attracted by the jungle of the Amazon and the pampas of the south.

In Brazil there is the largest waterfall in the world - Iguazu (halfway with Argentina), as well as Brazilian football and the Maracana stadium, mulattos, Brazilian TV series, the largest city in the world - Sao Paulo, bustling Rio with its famous Carnival, Sugar Loaf, Christ statue on Corcovado and the beaches of Copacobana (see photo albums).

Well, of course, Brazil itself, its diverse nature and special, unlike others, people. This is a special country, not like all other parts and countries of the world.

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The name of the country comes from the Portuguese brasa, which means "heat, red-hot coals" (the so-called red sandalwood, which for some time was the main export item from to).

Brazil Square. 8511996 km2.

Population of Brazil. 207.8 million people (

Brazilian GDP. $2.346 trillion (

Location of Brazil. Brazil is the largest state. In the north it borders with, French Guiana, in the northwest - with, in the west - with and, in the southwest - with and, in the south - with. In the east it is washed by waters.

Administrative divisions of Brazil. The state is divided into 23 states, one metropolitan area and 3 federal territories.

Brazilian form of government. Republic, with a federal state structure.

Head of State of Brazil. President elected for 5 years.

Supreme Legislature of Brazil. National Congress (bicameral parliament, consisting of the Federal Senate and the Chamber of Deputies).

Supreme executive body of Brazil. Government.

Major cities in Brazil. Sao Paulo, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Recife, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Belen, Manaus, Fortaleza.

State language of Brazil. Portuguese.

Climate of Brazil. On the territory of Brazil, 6 main ones are distinguished: equatorial, tropical, tropical highlands, tropical Atlantic, semi-arid, subtropical. In most of the country, the average annual temperature is above + 20 ° C, which is due to the proximity and low rise. In general, areas of Brazil are characterized by dry winters and rainy summers. The annual rainfall decreases from 3000 mm in the western Amazonian lowland to 500 mm in the northeast.

Flora of Brazil. The territory of the basin is covered with selva - evergreen damp impassable. The rest of the territory is dominated by.

Fauna of Brazil. The animal world of Brazil is characterized by puma, jaguar, ocelot, anteater, fox, monkeys, deer, armadillo, tapir, rare bush dog, sloth, opossum, crocodile, a large number of birds, insects and reptiles. Caimans and piranhas are dangerous in the rivers.

Rivers and lakes of Brazil. The largest rivers are the Amazon, San Francisco. The latter forms a cascade of Paulo Afonso waterfalls with a height of 84 m.

Attractions in Brazil. The historical quarters of the city of Ore Preto have been carefully restored and are now protected as a national treasure of Brazil and a monument of world importance. In the capital - the Itama-rati Palace, the Cathedral, the Museum of Modern Art, the Indian Museum, the Ethnographic Museum and many others. The symbol of Rio de Janeiro is Mount Corcovado with a statue of Christ the Savior. The famous annual carnival.

Useful information for tourists

Traditional shopping - interesting and entertaining souvenirs: Indian vessels, Negro amulets or pau-brazil mahogany. The best place to buy souvenirs is the Hippie Fair on Sunday. Rio also has large shopping centers - Rio Sul and Barra Shopping. Serious purchases worth making in Brazil are natural gems: diamonds, emeralds, topazes.

Brazil is one of the ten most criminal countries in the world. It is not recommended to wear expensive jewelry, large sums of money, leave clothes, cameras and wallets unattended on the beach, accept invitations from unfamiliar people. Do not visit torch areas (slums) even during daylight hours. Never leave documents, money and jewelry in a hotel room (hotels are not responsible for missing items from the room). In the resort suburbs of Rio, in Manaus, it is safe.

Tipping in expensive restaurants and bars is 10% of the bill (if it does not include service charges); in cheap eateries - 1-2 reais; in the cafe on the beach are not accepted; a porter at a hotel or airport is given 1 real; the taxi driver rounds the bill up.

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