Will the children's voice On Channel One, a new season of the country's main vocal super-project, Voice


This project is an analogue of the show of the same name, which is widely popular in the Netherlands. It is attended by children from seven to fourteen years old, who compete with each other in vocal abilities.

A similar project, but only an adult, has already existed on Russian television for several years. Given its unprecedented popularity, the organizers decided to try to launch an adapted version, but only for children, and, apparently, they were not mistaken. By the time the competition for children was created, 2 adult seasons had already come out, so the organizers had sufficient experience in creating such shows. Although, after all, for the children had to change something.

Children's show format

In the children's competition there are mentors who choose fifteen performers for themselves. The number of mentors is constant - there are always three of them. Competitions for children are not as long as compared to the adult competition. The show includes the following steps:

  • blind listening;
  • duel;
  • performance of a song to take off;
  • final performance.

Another difference between the children's competition is that during the fights one song is performed not by two contestants, but by three guys. That is, as a result of the competition, one strongest vocalist wins, the other two leave the project. This is done according to the recommendations of psychologists. It is easier for children to endure the psychological blow when not one, but two weak performers leave. Even in the children's competition there is no salvation of the mentor. This is done for the same purposes, so that the child does not envy the lucky one. In addition, only one team participates in the matches. At the end of the competition, the remaining contestants perform a "song for departure". All five performers perform the song that was on the stage - blind audition. As a result of such tests, mentors choose two contestants.

The Russian organizers modified the existing format and added a new stage in the second season of the competition. Its meaning lies in the fact that the audience can use their phones to choose an additional one more finalist for each team. The choice is made from among those performers who left the project during the performance of the "song to take off".

Leaders and mentors

The project has two leaders. The first one is constantly present on the stage, the second presenter is with the children and supports the young contestants. D. Nagiev has been the main on stage throughout all seasons, but his co-hosts change every season:

The mentors for the first and second seasons were:

  • M. Fadeev;
  • Pelagia;
  • D. Bilan.

All three coaches are well-known personalities in Russian show business, therefore they are quite authoritative:

  • M. Fadeeva all music lovers know how wonderful composer, arranger, singer and performer of his songs.
  • Pelagia known for its non-repetitive sound, which founded the Pelageya group.
  • D. Bilan is the idol of millions in Russia and is known for participating in Eurovision 2008.

In the third season, M. Fadeev decided to leave the project. He was replaced by a no less authoritative coach - L. Agutin. He is known to many Russians as a poet, composer and original performer.

What will be the mentors next season is still unknown. The fact is that Pelageya is on maternity leave, so her participation in the project is still in question.

New season 2017

The next fourth season will traditionally begin in February 2017. All those wishing to participate in the children's competition have already submitted applications and are ready to try their luck. The first channel has already published a list of participants who have successfully passed the casting. The film crew together with Y. Aksyuta are ready to shoot a new program. According to the producer, everyone is waiting for the decision of Pelageya for the project. Thus, apparently, the mentors in the new season will remain the same.

The main presenter will also remain the same, but D. Nagiyev's assistant is still unknown. Based on the existing tradition, the co-host will be new.

In the three previous seasons of Voice.Children, Russian viewers literally fell in love with this program. Residents of the country every year from February to April on Friday evening strive to the screens of their TVs to once again hear the outstanding vocal abilities of the guys who came from all regions of our vast Motherland. Many of them have their own idols, because these are not just children with excellent unique voices, some of them have their own original character and personal qualities. They are easy to distinguish from the crowd, which is why they arouse the sympathy of the audience. The mentors of previous seasons more than once shed tears of tenderness from the performance of songs by young children. Although, they also sometimes have a hard time, especially during musical duels, when you need to choose the strongest performer.

In general, next year we all will have to experience exciting moments in a new way and choose the most worthy children's voice in the country.

You can find out about the preparation of the new season and future surprises right now by going to the official website of the competition.

While the preparation of the Russian fourth season is in full swing, fans of children's vocals can watch a similar project “Voice. Children" Ukraine. There is also something to see, especially since many children perform hits from Russian stars. To enjoy the Ukrainian show, it is enough to type on the Internet the name of the channel - "1 + 1" and the word - Ukraine. The transmission goes on Sundays. The new season started on 02.1016. Coaches "Voice. Children "Ukraine are also known to the Russian audience: T.Karol, Potap and D.Monatic.

Winners of previous competitions in Russia.

Performance of the artists of the show “Voice. Children” on “First” is a grandiose performance that captivates at first sight. Participants and fans froze in anticipation of the new season of 2018. They can’t wait to find out when the casting of applicants will begin, how will the blind auditions go and who will be chosen as mentors? In order not to torment the audience with anticipation, the founders have prepared a number of announcements and news.


Young talents in the best project of Channel One

The children's version of the "Voice" competition gives each talented child a unique chance not only to perform on the big stage, but also to gain invaluable experience, which star mentors share with the winners. Participants go through a long and difficult path, so it is important for them to know exactly when the casting will begin, where the questionnaire is posted and how the application is submitted. Information about the project itself and its essence will not be superfluous.

The program has been on Russian television since 2014. On February 28, the first stage of the competition started. This reality show does not belong to the copyright category, so the organizers are not limited in their imagination. The main rules of the project are:

  • selection of vocalists aged 7 to 14;
  • the presence in each issue of three mentors (pop stars or famous producers);
  • the goal of each jury member is to form a group of 15 applicants.

Interested persons apply for participation. To do this, a special questionnaire is filled out and a date is set when the casting will begin.

Stages of TV fights

The winners of the qualifying rounds enter the big stage and pass a series of tests:

  1. blind listening;
  2. fights between participants;
  3. "song to take off";
  4. performance in the final.

The main difference between the Russian competition "Voice.Children" is the audience voting. Innovation appeared in the second season. Thanks to him, the audience won the right to help the three dropouts return to the stage. The domestic TV project is of a charitable nature. The funds spent on paying for SMS go to funds to help sick and needy children.

Interesting facts about the country's main children's show

The idea of ​​the famous franchise belongs to the Dutch. At home, The Voice Kids has been running since 2010. Over the years of its existence, the idea has spread to 50 countries around the world. On the "First" the preparation of each new season begins with the formation of the concept and the selection of candidates for mentors. The general director of the channel Konstantin Ernst and the musical directorate take part in this process. The jury is given a number of tasks aimed at showing the talent of the wards in the most favorable light.

The well-known producer, composer and singer Maxim Fadeev stood at the origins of the program. Whether the most successful mentor will return to the program in 2018 is still not known for certain. However, in the announcements of the new season, the organizers repeatedly promised to put the “golden” trio in red seats:

  • Dima Bilan
  • Pelagia
  • Maxim Fadeev

The competition gives a "green light" for the realization of abilities and the cutting of the voice for free. During the existence of the show in Russia, its hosts were:

  • Svetlana Zeynalova
  • Dmitry Nagiev
  • Valeria Lanskaya
  • Natalya Vodyanova
  • Nastya Chevazhevskaya

To get on the shooting as a spectator, you can apply on the project website. This step allows not only to feel the performances with your own eyes and see the “vocal cuisine” from the inside, but also to receive a small fee. The program is removed in portions. A pre-edited video and the most spectacular episodes hit the screens.

In February 2018, the fifth season of the Voice franchise will begin broadcasting. Children". The founders report that the questionnaire for those wishing to show off talent is no longer available, as the acceptance of applications for participation has ended. For those who passed the casting, a difficult period begins, because the lucky ones will have to keep the bar after the holiday concerts.

Very soon, viewers will once again be able to enjoy a grandiose show full of sparkling performances and childish passions. Many consider the project too difficult for the teenage psyche, but what can compare with the happiness of showing yourself to the whole world, talking to real stars and getting invaluable lessons?

"Voice.Children" 2018: soon on the screens!

Broadcast start February 2018
Where and when to watch? Channel One on Saturdays
What time does it start? After the program "Time"
Genre Reality show of aspiring vocalists
Season length Three months (February, March, April)
Number of releases 41
Time of each show 100 minutes
Age limit for viewing From 12 years old

Voice. Children - a show that unites young vocalists within its framework, began to appear on Channel One in 2014, and this year viewers will see it for the fourth time. This wonderful children's singing competition is an adaptation of a similar show originally owned by Dutch television and run there under the name "The Voice Kids".

In Russia, the online show "Voice. Children" airs every Friday, immediately after the information block "Time" in February - March of each year.

Terms and conditions of the competition:

Children and teenagers who are already 7 years old, but not older than 14, can participate in the show. The competition involves three mentors who recruit teams of young singers. Each team consists of 15 participants.

Earlier on Channel One, the adult format of the Dutch show was adapted, which was simply called "Voice". By the time the children's version was released, two adult seasons had already passed.

The competition scheme consists of four stages:

  1. - blind listening;
  2. - duel;
  3. - take-off song
  4. - the final.
The conditions for the children's competition are somewhat different from the version for adults. This primarily concerns the reduced time, and besides, according to the recommendations of psychologists, three participants take part in fights at once, since it is easier for two to accept the fact of defeat. In the children's version, salvation from the mentor is not provided. Only representatives of one kinotochka.club team can participate in the duel. The next stage, "Song for the Elimination", begins immediately after the fights. At this stage, the remaining five perform the songs they sang in the first stage of the blind audition, after which each mentor selects two finalists.

Recall the winners of previous seasons of the show "Voice. Children":

  • 1st season - Alisa Kozhikina;
  • 2nd season - Sabina Mustaeva;
  • 3rd season - Danil Pluzhnikov.
Mentors in the 4th season of the children's voice were:
  • Dima Bilan(Viktor Nikolayevich Belan) - Russian vocal performer of popular music, actor. He has the title of Honored Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria, Ingushetia and Chechnya, as well as People's Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria. Twice he was the representative of the Russian Federation at the international Eurovision Song Contest. 2006 - the song "Never Let You Go" took second place; 2008 - the song "Believe" took first place, and Bilan became the first Russian performer to win this competition.
  • Nyusha(Anna Vladimirovna Shurochkina) - vocalist, performer of popular music, author of music and lyrics of her compositions, actress. The winner of "MUZ-TV" in 2012 in the nomination "Best Song".
  • Valeriy Meladze(Valerian Shatoevich Meladze) - Soviet, Ukrainian and Russian pop singer, TV presenter and producer. He has the titles of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and People's Artist of Chechnya. Three times he became the owner of the "Ovation" - the National Russian Prize. He has a large number of other prestigious awards, including according to Muz-TV and RU.TV.
Vocal show on Channel One Voice children season 4 all issues can be watched online for free on our website at any time of the day!

On August 20, 2018, Channel One announced the start of the casting of the Voice. Children” 6. The 2019 season will be the sixth for the Russians and will start in February. The release date is known and it will not be long before the mentors and participants will again work for us.

You can vote for the best children's voice at the end of the project

The revision of the First kept the rules of the program the same, and this is the following:

  • Selection of the 100 best profiles and votes.
  • Conducting blind auditions, where 4 mentors will gather teams of 15 people.
  • Next, there will be stages that leave the best in the opinion of coaches and the public.
  • In the final, the 6 strongest participants will meet and the winner will be determined by the audience via SMS messages.

The editors who select participants for blind auditions have to show them first:

  • Yuri Aksyuta.
  • Andrey Sergeev.
  • Natalia Shamiladze.
  • Marina Andrusenko.

It is with these people that the contestants will have to meet in the first place. The names of the mentors of the new project are still unknown. Perhaps Channel One will present another surprise to viewers and provide an opportunity to choose.

Among those who have already taken part in coaching at the “Voice. Children" such names:

  • Pelageya (a favorite of the audience);
  • Maxim Fadeev (producer of many young bands in Russia);
  • Dima Bilan (forever included in the history of Eurovision);
  • Valery Meladze (winner of many prestigious awards and a nationally recognized performer);
  • Nyusha (actress, singer, composer, who got along well with the younger generation);
  • Basta (who brought musical diversity to the course of the project).

Probably, one of the people listed above, respected and loved by the viewer, will again be in the chairs of mentors.

What will remain the same and what other surprises to expect?

The main leader of the project is still Dmitry Nagiev. According to the format of the program, two co-hosts should help him: to talk with the children backstage and introduce them on stage. Who will take these places of honor in season 6 is still unknown. In previous years, the younger generation communicated with Valeria Lanskaya, Natalia Vodianova, Svetlana Zeynalova, Agata Muceniece, Anastasia Chevazhevskaya. Each of the presenters has special skills of contact with children. Natalia Vodianova, for example, is a mother of many children. Svetlana Zeynalova takes an active part in the search for families for children left without parents. You can verify this by watching the program "While everyone is at home."

I would especially like to note that the previous seasons of the participants were invariably supported by the Phonograph orchestra conducted by Sergei Zhilin. Children always respond especially warmly about working with the team and its mentor. Therefore, the decision on who to entrust the contestants in the sixth season was made almost by default.

Well, the casting has been announced. And while the editors of the First are looking through and listening to the profiles of the participants, it is worth wishing good luck to everyone who is going to conquer Russia at a young age. And wait for the release date of the new season in February.

Voice. Children is a vocal television competition, which is an analogue of "Voice". When Only in this show children from seven to fourteen years old participate. The rules remain the same as in the adult version. In the first stage, participants must pass a blind audition in front of a panel of judges who sit with their backs to the speaker. If one of the mentors likes the performance, then he turns around and automatically declares that he wants to take him to his team. If several people do this, then the child has the right to choose which group he wants to be in. After that, real competitions begin, which will reveal the best performer among children.

Voice. Children 2017 season 4 mentors

This year, such famous personalities as Dima Bilan, Valery Meladze and Nyusha will sit in the chair of mentors, and Dmitry Nagiyev will also be the constant leader, who in every possible way supports the participants. Only the most persistent and talented performers will be able to reach the final and prove that they are the best in this field. Who will be the winner of the vocal TV show “Voice. Children”, where the youngest vocalists take part? Which of the mentors will take the future winner of the competition under their wing, without even knowing it? Voice children season 4 watch all issues in a row online for free HD 720

Voice. Children 2017 season 4 release date

The table below will tell you when the Voice will start. Children 2017

Series Name release date
4x01 1 issue February 17, 2017
4x02 2 release February 24, 2017
4x02 3 release March 3, 2017
4x02 4 issue March 10, 2017
4x02 Issue 5 March 17, 2017
Year: 2017
A country: Russia

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