Will there be a third world war? Psychic predictions


Vanga’s predictions about the war almost always came true, and the inaccuracies of the prophecies were often explained by their vagueness and incorrect interpretation. In light of today's events taking place around the world, more and more people are looking for answers in the words of the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant, known for her revelations.

In the article:

Vanga's predictions about the war in Europe

Like all ancient prophecies, Vanga’s predictions about war are rather vague. Only if we compare all the known predictions of the Bulgarian healer about the fate of the whole world, can we imagine the complete picture. So, it is known that some kind of military action will take place in the world, as has almost always been the case throughout the long history of mankind.

There is a prediction by Vanga about an armed conflict between Europeans and Muslims. According to the clairvoyant, Russia will be adjacent to. Muslims will apply chemical and nuclear weapons, as a result of such a war, the territory where the countries of Europe are now located will turn out to be completely deserted and unsuitable for habitation.

In Vanga’s prophecies by year one can find the words that from the 21st to the 23rd century Muslims will rule in Europe, and in the 23rd century, a European partisan movement will appear in France, whose members will make efforts to get rid of Muslim oppression. What will happen later is unknown, since predictions for the 23rd century and later concern completely different events of global importance.

Vanga about the war - consequences for Russia

When Vanga spoke about military operations and other tests for humanity, she assigned a special role to Russia. The soothsayer believed that this country should save all the others. There will be no war in Russia. In most versions of Vanga's predictions, there are references to the possibility of internal conflicts, the Cold War with the West, as well as other troubles. But Vanga said nothing about Russia’s participation in World War III.

Russia's main goal will be to save the people who survive this war. There are records of Vanga’s words that the country will be overcrowded at a certain period. Most likely, Russia will accept refugees from “cold and empty” Europe. If Europe really goes to war with Muslims, there will be a lot of refugees in Russia.

Russia will sooner or later gain world domination. However, she will not participate in hostilities. Russia will become a world power exclusively through peaceful means. Therefore, Russians do not need to fear World War III. If you believe the soothsayer from Bulgaria, this war will not affect the inhabitants of our country, because we are destined for the role of spiritual mentors and saviors of all humanity.

Will there be war - Vanga's predictions about the USA

Vanga spoke about the war and about America. According to her, the United States will fight with a certain Muslim country at the very end of the 21st century. If we recall once again the prophecy about Europe, which will be captured by Muslims, this will be another war on European territory. If this is true, it is not surprising that it will remain empty and cold.

The US war with Muslims will begin in Rome. It is currently unknown what significance the city will play for America. As is the case with many other vague predictions, we will understand the meaning of these words about Rome only after several decades. At the same time, the development of new types of weapons will not stand still. America will use the latest climate weapons in its war with Muslim Europe, and this will cause severe cooling in Europe.

Vanga did not talk about the winner. It is unknown who will win - the United States or the Muslims. If you are interested in the future of the United States, you can read other articles devoted to what is about to happen to America in just a few years. If you believe the mystical source of Vangelia's prophecies, the current President of the States is the last in their history. America will soon collapse and will have to ask Russia for help.

Vanga about the war - when will it happen?

Despite the huge number of prophecies that have come true, if you are interested in whether there will be a war, Vanga’s predictions are not the most reliable source of information. It is known that she predicted war at the beginning of the 21st century back in the 80s. Vanga's prophecy about a war that will develop into World War III is one of her many unfulfilled words.

According to the soothsayer with a difficult fate and very interesting, in 2008 events were supposed to occur that would become the reason for this war. If you look at the list of her predictions by year, you can guess that some of these events did not happen, and some are reminiscent of the situation with South Ossetia and Georgia. It turns out that the war should be connected with Russia, and Vanga contradicts herself, because she said that Russia would not fight in the new millennium, but would gain world domination through peaceful means.

In 2010, the Third World War was supposed to begin. Everyone knows that this prediction did not come true, and one can only rejoice at this fact. But the matter may also lie in incorrect interpretations of Vanga’s predictions. The fact is that scientists from Russia and Bulgaria are researching everything she ever said. Interpreting Vanga's words is not the easiest task, in which mistakes are often made. Believing that there will be a war in 2010 is tantamount to believing in the literal destruction of the isthmus between Crimea and Ukraine.

If the previous sentence remains unclear to you, check out this is the best example to understand how vague her words can be. She never spoke directly.

Of course, Wang was asked more than once about when the Third World War would happen. The soothsayer answered with only one mysterious phrase:

Syria has not fallen yet.

At the time Vanga spoke these words, no one understood what she was talking about. It was only clear that Syria would be important, and it was in this country that the Third World War would begin. Perhaps the events that will take place in Syria will become the reason for military action on a global scale. It is now known that the fall of Syria foreshadows a new world war.

In general, one cannot deny the importance of a world-famous soothsayer in the history of mankind. Despite some misstatements, even skeptics say the overall accuracy of her predictions exceeds those of the world's leading experts in economics and geopolitics. But the final decision whether to trust her or not is yours.


Rating 5

Psychics about billionaire George Soros say that he said last May: “As soon as a conflict arises between China and such a political ally of the United States as Japan, then the whole world will be on the verge of the most terrible war in the world.” Some time later, Hans-Lothar Domroese, who holds the post of chief commander of NATO forces, said the same thing. Actually..

Summary 5.0 excellent

Psychics about billionaire George Soros He is said to have said last May, “Once a conflict arises between China and a political ally of the United States such as Japan, then the whole world will be on the verge of the world’s worst war.”

After some time, he said the same thing Hans-Lothar Domroese, who holds the post of chief commander of the forces

In fact, all these statements in their semantic connotation coincide with the predictions of the prophets living in the West. The same thing was said in their predictions, made in 50-70 years in relation to the planet.

If we follow Soros's predictions, then just like Western clairvoyants, he said that Russia will become the main ally of China, which after some time will nevertheless invade Europe. This prophecy is always referred to as a magical paranormal artifact. An artifact that illustrates the fears of the American government.

Psychics about the invasion of Germany

When a huge number of publications directly related to prophecies appeared in European publications in 1992 Aloyse Irlmayer, everyone laughed at them. After all, at that time Russia was a fragile country, a country that had not even risen from its knees to its full height.

All the prophecies that the seer made in the presence of the little girl were carefully “recorded” by her and entered into her own diary. When she made them public, a literal flurry of criticism and irony was directed in her direction... no one could even imagine that everything said could come true.

The end of everything will begin in Prague...

He spoke these words to Alois: “In your long life there will be a huge number of shocks. At first, our state will live in idleness, benefits will pour in on it as if from a cornucopia. Afterwards there will be serious changes in the religious sphere... people will seem to stop believing in God. All people will be vicious. And after this the next stage will come: countless streams of refugees will pour in. People will come from Africa and the Balkans. Money will cease to be valuable... there will be severe inflation. Then a revolution will happen in Germany and, finally, a civil war will break out. And the last thing the country can wait for is the invasion of the Russian military.”

If you follow Irlmayer's prophecies, Europe will be in the affected area nuclear weapons. After its use, Prague will disappear from the face of the earth. Psychics about World War III it is said that only after this will the Eagle of the Atlantic and the Red Bear and Yellow Dragon campaign finally come to a peaceful resolution to the issue. The Third World War will stop almost before it begins. There will be no nuclear apocalypse.

And if in those distant years the prophecy written by Aloise was not popular, then today, when it appeared on the pages of the Internet, it received special attention. In just a few weeks, the prophetic words received more than two thousand views.

Have modern Germans become superstitious? Or did they begin to listen to the prophecy because it began to come true? Analytical predictions, which are proven by the fact of the conclusion of an agreement between the Russian Federation and China, are also very scary.

The mystery of three numbers: two eights and a nine

Woman named Veronica Luken became the most beautiful seer of all times. She gained her fame precisely on the territory of modern America. As for its accuracy prophecies, it is impossible to verify this, because they were made in the period from 1976 to 1978, and all her predictions related directly to modern times and the future (the prophecies stretch until 2020). Interestingly, when the woman made her predictions, she did not use the language of Aesop, which Nostradamus valued so much.

The girl did not explain only one phrase from her prophecies - these are three mysterious numbers: a nine and two eights. As for everything else, in everyday life the girl was the most ordinary, average housewife. As for the information about World War III, then she talked about the directions of military operations as if she had a degree in military affairs and considerable experience as a general.

This is incredible, but just like the previous one psychic, Luken said that Prague would be destroyed during the first nuclear strike. And military units of the Russian Federation will enter Europe.

But the events that will precede the above events will be problems in the Vatican, the war in the Balkans and the brutal murder of the Pope.

“The troops of the Russian Federation will enter Belgrade and begin to advance across Italy. Then three columns will be formed and they will go along the Rhine in Germany."

If we still rely on the words of the American seer, then all this will be a consequence of the conflict between countries such as the United States of America and the Russian Federation. She said that global peace will come... before that it will happen nuclear apocalypse. People almost all over the world will refuse to use machines and smart technology, everyone will take up farming and begin to lead a lifestyle that does not contradict the nature of the planet.

Prophecies Veronica Luecke are interesting to the modern average person for a number of reasons:

  • Firstly, the woman foresaw the emergence of a conflict situation between the Russian Federation and the United States during times of peace and the so-called era of detente.
  • Secondly, she became the first psychic to use the term “climate weapon.” She wrote that the Russians would be the first to use it against the Americans. As a result, the continent of North America will be subjected to countless earthquakes.
  • Thirdly, Luecke said that we should expect the outbreak of hostilities at the moment when everyone starts talking about peace. When all heads of state decide that the worst days are far behind them.

It will be impossible to avoid it, because man himself is greedy and always wants to get more than he has.

Psychics about the Third World War. Vision of the Evangelists

No one can agree that a person is particularly interested in those prophets, whose predictions have already happened a long time ago. Moreover, it is desirable that such predictions come true not just once, but as often as possible.

This judgment is fair in relation to the seer from the banks of the Congo River. Preacher by name Emmanuel Minos. A person who is a member of the Norwegian "Holy Trinity Movement".

So, back in 1954, this man was able to accurately predict the beginning of television broadcasting on the territory of the state of Norway. This event happened in 1968, and in 1937, while still a child, he spoke about the rise of the Norwegian state. This happened due to oil reserves that had not yet been developed at that time.

As for the beginning the Third World War, then the psychic the evangelist said that it would begin in 2016. But, unlike Veronica, who saw omens in the form of a “tailed bright comet in the sky” or “discord throughout the world,” Minos saw omens of trouble in something completely different… in the flows of refugees from the “Dark Continent.” Hiding from cold and hunger, as well as from war...black people will move in entire tribes and cities to Europe. But even there they will not see happiness... this prediction was made by an evangelist in 1968. When there was not even the slightest hint of a new resettlement of people.

Soros and the time traveler

Now it’s worth going back and remembering the billionaire Soros from the USA, who about the Third World War also made his predictions. They were all said in his speech to the World Bank.

And the interesting thing about his predictions is that everything announced in the spring of this year was revealed to him back in 2009. Then in 2009, information appeared on the Internet about a prophet who said that he could move through time and space. He called himself Ard Crepe.

A nuclear explosion will destroy Europe...what else do psychics say

This prophet said that he specially went to 2009 in order to warn people from the disaster approaching from all sides. Just six years ago this prophet spoke of the inevitable conflict on the territory of modern Ukraine, which just broke out at the appointed time - 2014.

Then, just like Soros, a longtime newcomer from another time said that the Chinese authorities will do everything to prevent discord within the country during the development of the new economy. As a result, they will turn against an external enemy and take military action towards countries such as Japan and South Korea. As a result, the Third World War will be provoked.

Soros and Kerp also pointed out that in 2015 it is required that the American government make concessions to the government of China, which will specifically take the Russian Federation as an ally. In the future, the yuan will enter the .

After all the prophecies made by Kreps and Soros were carefully analyzed, a completely reasonable question arose whether this was not the same person. Or the billionaire specifically studied all the previously made predictions and, based on their background, formed his own personal.

It’s interesting, but the predictions of Soros and Crepe differ only in one thing: the first, when forming his legends, mentions the USA and uses this abbreviation everywhere, but the second predictor (from the future) uses in his speeches such an abbreviation as AFE. What it is, no one knows to this day, because the seer did not reveal the secret of the three letters. One thing is one hundred percent clear: in the future, a state called USA it won’t...it will disappear from the face of the planet.

Psychics about the Third World War. Vienna prophecies

At the end of the article about prophecies regarding the Third World War, it is necessary to mention Gottfried von Werdenberg. This psychic told the world about his prediction in one of the TV shows that aired on Austrian television in the nineties. This happened in 1994.

More than twenty years ago, the “Viennese prophet” predicted that Russia would rise from its knees and become the greatest empire in the world by 2017. Almost at the same time, a cessation of gas supplies to European countries was also predicted, and the failure of an attempt to replace these supplies with the resources of the Norwegian state was also described.

After all, all this in 1994 was almost impossible to even imagine, even to fantasize... he also described the creation of “a quasi-state in the Middle East with the letter “I”” (we were probably talking about the formation of an aggressive military entity called ISIS). He also said that unmanned technical vehicles of a combat nature will begin to fly over Ukraine (we were talking about drones).

If we follow Werdenberg's prophecy, then the beginning Third World War will happen when a military man comes to power in Russia. This will happen between 2016-2017. Some time after this, the war will begin. It will last for several years in a row and in the end there will only be six hundred million people left on the planet.

In custody

They made very harsh and terrible prophecies. Involuntarily, people begin to think about the previous storm. Quite possibly, about the last storm in the history of all mankind...

However, Fate is changeable and every time it changes its decision... so time will tell. One thing I would like to do is to return to these same predictions a hundred years later and say that they were unrealistic and far-fetched...

I really want to believe that all the predictions about the future of 2016, about refugees who literally took Europe by storm- these are just inventions formed by sick minds... everything that took these events as a basis was compiled by commercial psychics writing predictions from past years on the paper of today...

Psychics about World War III They say that everything can be avoided, but the path to reconciliation should begin today...

Many prophecies and saints speak about the time of the beginning of the third world war. However, it should be noted that usually we are not talking about the year, but about the time of year. However, there are also indications for the year.


Elder Matthew of Vresthenes: (source not found)

<...>After the resurrection of Russia there will be a Third World War and it will begin in Yugoslavia.”

Yugoslavia no longer exists, but Serbia was once part of Yugoslavia.

Elder Vladislav (Shumov)

“The war between Russia and Germany will begin again through Serbia.”


Venerable Theodosius (Kashin), Elder of Jerusalem, predicted that the Mother of God would protect Russia during the next war. “Was it really a war? (World War II - Author's note). There will be a war ahead. It will start from the East.

Mystical folk beliefs indicate at the end of the world, when China rises, its great battle with Russia between Biya and Katun. And then enemies will crawl towards Russia from all sides.(source not found)

To us Christians who understand the meaning of symbolism, it should seem significant that the emblem of China is the Dragon. The ancient Serpent is called the Dragon. It is not for nothing that the Russian people have always believed that when China rises, the world will end. China will go against Russia, or rather, against the Church of Christ, for the Russian people are God-bearers. It contains the true faith of Christ.(source not found)

The demons will first divide Russia, weaken it, and then begin to plunder it. The West will in every possible way contribute to the destruction of Russia and will give its entire eastern part to China. Everyone will think that Russia is finished. And then a miracle of God will appear, there will be some kind of extraordinary explosion, and Russia will be reborn again, albeit on a small scale. The Lord and the Most Blessed Mother of God will save Russia.”(source not found)

Feofan Poltavsky

“Was it really a war (the Great Patriotic War)? There will be a war. And then from all sides, like locusts, enemies will crawl towards Russia. This will be a war!”(source not found)

Elder Vladislav (Shumov)

“There will be such a war in Russia: from the west - the Germans, and from the east - the Chinese!

The southern half of China will be flooded by the Indian Ocean. And then the Chinese will reach Chelyabinsk. Russia will unite with the Mongols and drive them back.

When China comes at us, then there will be war. But after the Chinese conquer the city of Chelyabinsk, the Lord will convert them to Orthodoxy.

The war between Russia and Germany will begin again through Serbia.

Everything will be on fire!... Great sorrows are coming, but Russia will not perish in fire.

Belarus will suffer greatly. Only then will Belarus unite with Russia... But Ukraine will not unite with us then; and then there will be a lot of crying!

The Turks will again fight the Greeks. Russia will help the Greeks.”

Regarding unification with Mongolia and the conversion of the Chinese to Orthodoxy, one can doubt it. Maybe there will be unification with India?

Elder Vissarion (Optina Pustyn) (I couldn’t find a source. In Optina they also don’t know who Elder Vissarion is)

“Something like a coup d’etat will happen in Russia. The Chinese will attack that same year. They will reach the Urals. Then there will be a unification of Russians according to the Orthodox principle...”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

“The Middle East will become the scene of wars in which the Russians will take part. A lot of blood will be shed, and even the Chinese will cross the Euphrates River, having an army of 200,000,000, and reach Jerusalem.”

Casualties and outcome of the war:

Joseph of Vatopedi

“This will be their main obstacle to world domination. And they will force the Turks to still come here to Greece to begin their actions, and Greece, although it has a government, actually does not have a government as such. It has no power, and the Turks will come here. This will be the moment when Russia will also move its forces to push back the Turks. Events will develop like this: when Russia comes to the aid of Greece, the Americans and NATO will try to prevent this, so that there is no reunification, a merger of the two Orthodox peoples. Other forces will also stir up, such as the Japanese and others. There will be a great massacre on the territory of the former Byzantine Empire. There will be about 600 million people killed alone. The Vatican will also be strongly involved in all this in order to prevent the growing role of Orthodoxy and such reunification. This will be the time of complete destruction of Vatican influence to its very foundation. This is how God’s providence will turn.”

Prophecies of Methodius of Patara

In ancient Byzantine prophecies we find the following passage, which speaks of what is about to happen on the territory of the former Byzantine Empire “ a battle like never before", in which many nations will participate: "... human blood will flow like a river, so that the depths of the sea will be clouded with blood. Then the ox will roar and the dry stone will cry.”

Prophecies of Saint Cosmas of Aetolia

“After the war, people will travel half an hour to find a person and make him [their] brother; Happy is whoever will live after the general war. He will eat with a silver spoon."

Elder Matthew of Vresthenes (I have not found the source)

“This war of the world, perhaps the entire New World Order, against Russia will be terrible in its consequences for humanity, claiming billions of lives. The reason for it will be painfully recognizable - Serbia.<...>After the resurrection of Russia there will be a Third World War and it will begin in Yugoslavia. Russia, the Russian Kingdom, will remain the winner, which will be able to establish lasting peace and prosperity on earth after the war, although it will not conquer most of the lands of its opponents.”.

Probably the elder did not mean billions, but millions of lives.

Rev. Seraphim Vyritsky (source not found)

“Many countries will take up arms against Russia, but it will survive, having lost most of its lands.”

About the coming Russian Tsar

Feofan Poltavsky.

« In recent times there will be a monarchy in Russia. This will cause a hostile reaction throughout the world. Enemies will crawl on Russia like locusts"

monk Gabriel, from the monastery of Bosnjan (Serbia)

“Our Tsar will be from the Nemanzhich family through the female line. He was already born and lives in Russia.

The elder described what he would look like. Tall, blue eyes, blond hair, good looks, with a mole on his face. He will become the right hand of the Russian Tsar.

I myself heard from another source, from another monk, believe me 100%, the Russian Tsar will be called Michael, and ours Andrey.”

Having read these and many other prophecies, we can already draw certain conclusions about upcoming events. Although we must not forget that not all prophecies circulating on the Internet are true. There are distortions, errors, and it seems that many events in the vision of the seers are somehow compressed. After all, many people say that it is possible to “live to see the Antichrist” while at the same time events have not yet occurred that could last for many decades or even centuries.

It seems appropriate and trustworthy to interpret the Revelation of John the Theologian, set out on the website www.apokalips.ru, where it is proposed to consider the image of the opening of the seven seals as seven global periods of 70 years. And according to this interpretation, we are now living in the period of the opening of the third seal, which ends in 2054, when the period described as the coming out of the horseman called “death” begins. This is very similar to the beginning of the third world war.

It is also noteworthy that according to many indications, just before the war there will be the resurrection of Seraphim of Sarov and the election of a Tsar in Russia. We must assume that these two events are providentially interconnected.

In 2053 there will be the 150th anniversary of the glorification of Seraphim of Sarov as a saint, and it is said: “ In Diveevo, having resurrected in Sarov, I will come alive along with the Tsar" Thus, the King will be chosen not by people, but by the Lord. As Elder Nikolai (Guryanov) said: “ The Tsar whom the Lord will reveal to the Russian people"- and we will add - through Seraphim of Sarov.

I would also like to draw attention to the prediction about a kind of coup d’etat before the war and the coming of the Tsar, about which Elder Vissarion from Optina Hermitage speaks: (“ There will be something like a coup d'etat in Russia. The Chinese will attack that same year.»).

We must assume that this will be a semblance of troubled times. Or some patriotic forces will take power in the country due to the obvious disastrous path that the “democratic” government will take.

It must also be said that the image of the opening of the third seal, which describes the modern period, speaks of the rise in food prices.

It turns out “The horse is black, and its rider had a measure in his hand. And I heard a voice among the four living creatures, saying: A quinix of wheat for a denarius, and three quinixes of barley for a denarius; But thou shalt not spoil the oil and wine.”(Rev. 6:5, 6).

In the prophecies we also find indications that before the war there will be rationing and famine.

Vladislav (Shumov)

“Card cards will be introduced in Moscow, and then there will be famine”

Reverend Bishop of Sissania and Siatitzi Father Anthony (source not found)

“The grief will begin with the events in Syria. When terrible events begin there, start praying, praying hard. Everything will begin from there, from Syria!!! After them, expect grief for us too, hunger and grief.”

Schema-Archimandrite Christopher

“There will be a terrible famine, then a war, it will be very short, and after the war there will be very few people left.”


Many predictions say that the war will begin through Serbia. And we have no reason not to trust this. At the same time, we have Greek predictions about the Turkish attack on Greece. And that the Russian army will come and take Constantinople in response to this aggression. It has long been known that the Russian army will take Constantinople, and this tradition is preserved among both the Greeks and the Turks.

It is known that enemies will come to Rus' from all sides, and the most dangerous enemy will be China. Nevertheless, the battle for Constantinople is, it seems to us, extremely important.

Elder Martin Zadeka(1769) (haven't looked for the source yet) « Constantinople will be taken by Christians without the slightest bloodshed. (read about this in the comments) Internal rebellions, civil strife and incessant worries will completely ruin the Turkish state; famine and pestilence will be the end of these disasters; they will die of themselves in the most pitiful way. The Turks will lose all their lands in Europe and will be forced to retire to Asia, Tunisia, Fesan and Morocco."

“You cannot hide and escape from your worst enemy - the Turk! They will attack and take over your islands! This won't happen for long. Because fire awaits them. Fire from the Russian fleet. From the Russian fleet and from their side.

This fire will scatter them and they will not know where to run or hide. Everything they have done to you for so many centuries will be paid for. This will be their payment."

Due to the unrest that has begun throughout the world, the Turks will attack and capture the Greek islands. In addition, Türkiye will allow American ships to pass when they strike Russia.

Inscription on the tomb of Constantine the Great: « The fair-haired family with its assistants will finally defeat Ismail and receive Semikholmiye [Constantinople] with special advantages [in it]. Then a cruel internecine warfare will begin, [lasting] until the fifth hour. And a threefold voice will sound; “Stop, stop with fear! And, hastening to the right land, you will find there a husband, truly wondrous and strong. This one will be your ruler, for he is dear to Me, and you, having accepted him, will do My will.”

Kutlumush manuscript: “17) the struggle of seven powers for Constantinople. Three-day mutual extermination. Victory of the strongest power over the other six;

18) alliance of six powers against the winner; new three-day mutual extermination;

19) the cessation of hostility by God’s intervention in the person of an Angel and the transfer of Constantinople to the Hellenes"

From this prophecy we can conclude that the capture of Constantinople will not be so easy (“three-day mutual extermination”)

Prophecy of Methodius of Patara: « And the fair-haired clan will own Semikholmiy for five to six [months]. And they will plant potions in it, and many of them will be destroyed in vengeance for the saints. And the predetermined three [terms?] will rule in the East, and after this someone autocratic will rise up, and after him another, a fierce wolf... and the settled peoples on the northern side will come into confusion, and will move with great strength and fury, and will be divided into four authorities, and the first will winter near Ephesus, the second - near Melagia, the third - near Pergamum, the fourth - near Bithynia. Then the peoples living in the southern country will be indignant, and Philip the Great will rise up with eighteen tribes, and they will flock to Semikholmia, and begin a battle that has never been seen before, and rush in through its gates and passages, and human blood will flow like a river, so that the depths the sea will be clouded with blood. Then the ox will roar and the dry stone will cry. Then the horses will stand and a voice will be heard from heaven: “Stop! Stop! Peace to you! Enough vengeance on the unfaithful and obscene! Go out to the right hand land of Semikholmia, and you will find there a man standing near two pillars in great humility, radiant and righteous, enduring great poverty, stern in appearance, but meek in spirit." ... And the command from the Angel will be announced: "Make him king and put a sword on at his right hand with the words: “Take courage, John! Strengthen yourself and defeat your adversaries.” And having received the sword from the Angel, he will smite the Ishmaelites, the Ethiopians, and every generation of infidels. Under him, the Ishmaelites will be divided into three parts, and he will kill the first part with the sword, baptize the second part, and conquer the third part, which is in the East, by force ( about this passage read in the comments) . And upon his return [from the East] the treasuries of the earth will be opened, and everyone will be rich, and there will be no beggar among them, and the earth will give.”

It is not entirely clear from this prophecy: And if the “fair-haired race” are Russians, then it is not entirely clear what the “northern peoples” who will come into motion mean. In any case, the Christian faith will be restored in Constantinople and given to the God-chosen Greek King, John, who will rule for 2-3 decades. And this will be the time of the last flourishing, and the time of the spread of the Orthodox faith throughout the earth.

Andrey Yurovyviy: « And there will be peace in the likeness of the peace that was in the days of Noah, for they will no longer fight. And because there will be no war on earth, they will beat their swords into plows, sickles and [other] agricultural tools. And [the king] will turn his face to the east and humble the sons of Hagar, for our Lord Jesus Christ will be angry with them for the iniquity of Sodom that they are committing. Many of them will receive Holy Baptism and will be held in high esteem by that pious king, but he will destroy the rest, burn them with fire and put them to violent death. In those days, everything will be restored, and Illyricum [will become part of the power] of the Romans, and Egypt will find its gates. And [the king] will lay his right hand on the surrounding nations, and will subdue the fair-haired race, and defeat his haters. And he will hold the kingdom for thirty-two years, but taxes and gifts will not be collected for twelve years. He will restore ruined treasuries and rebuild holy temples. In those days there will be neither litigation nor unrighteousness with the wicked, for the whole earth will be afraid of the [royal] face, and he will compel all the sons of men out of fear of him to be chaste, and among his nobles he will destroy every lawbreaker... Then joy and gladness will come , and many benefits will come from land and sea. And it will be as it was in the days of Noah... When his dominion passes away, the beginning of evil will come.”

Paisiy Svyatogorets: « A great war will take place in Constantinople between Russians and Europeans, and a lot of blood will be shed. Greece will not play a leading role in this war, but Constantinople will be given to it, not because the Russians will revere us, but because there is no better solution, and they will agree together with Greece, and difficult circumstances will put pressure on them. The Greek army will not have time to get there before the city will be given to it.”

Start time of the war:

Prediction of Mother Alipia of Kyiv: (I haven’t looked for the source yet)

« The war will begin against the apostles Peter and Paul. This will happen in the year when the corpse is carried out»

Prediction of Vladislav (Shumov)

“The war will begin shortly after my holiday (Meaning the holiday of Seraphim of Sarov). As soon as the people leave Diveevo, it will begin immediately! But I’m not in Diveevo: I’m in Moscow. In Diveevo, having resurrected in Sarov, I will come alive along with the Tsar.”

Prediction of a Greek nun (from a monastery in Attica) (source not found)

“With a united government, prophecies say, future events will begin.

Everything will start in June. Everyone will run away in the dark night, and we will not have a government. This is how the end of the pseudo-Romanian will begin. The Hieromartyr Cosmas of Aetolia prophesied about this. This is how the Turks will knock on our gates. The war will be nuclear, and so all the waters will become poisoned. And in the summer these events will begin, so that it will be easier for people to endure difficulties and sorrows.”.

This refers to the beginning of certain events in Greece.

Thus, we see that many are prophesying about the beginning of the Third World War, but there is no clear indication of the month. But everyone agrees that it is summer.

Prediction of a Greek nun (from a monastery in Attica)(source not found although it seems true)

Now I say that after 2050 there will be a time of Antichrist.

Whoever prays for peace now is wasting his time. There will be no more peace.

Joseph of Vatopedi
6. The Russians will enter Constantinople, install their own governor, but later give everything to the Greeks. At the very beginning, the Greeks will hesitate to accept new territories or not, but will accept them later and rule over what was once a Turkish possession. The Greeks will return to Constantinople 600 years after they left it. (After 600 years - 2053) http://www.polemics.ru/articl…

Duration of the war.

There are prophecies that say that the war will be difficult, but not long.

« St. Cosmas Etalos predicted the third world war. He described it as short and terrible, that it would begin on the territory of Dolmatia (Serbia).”

Schema-Archimandrite Christopher He said that there would be war, terrible famine throughout the entire earth, not only in Russia. ... " There will be a Third World War for extermination, there will be very few people left on earth. Russia will become the center of a war, a very fast war, a missile war, after which everything will be poisoned several meters into the ground. And it will be very difficult for those who remain alive, because the earth will no longer be able to give birth. As China goes, so it will all begin..."And he said another time: " The war will not be long, but still many will be saved, and if not, then no one will be saved»

If we take as a basis the assumption that the war will begin in 2053 - or 2054, then the prediction known as the Kutlumush manuscript, dated 1053 (found in the Kutlumush monastery on the Holy Mountain), is very interesting. It contains predictions, some of which have come true, and some of which relate to future events. Starting from the 15th prophecy, events that have not yet come true are described, for example, the battle of seven states for Constantinople. But we will draw your attention to the last - 24th prophecy:

"24. In the fifty-fifth year - the end of sorrows. In the seventh [summer] there is no damned one, there is no exile, for he returned to the arms of the Mother [rejoicing over her children]. Let this be done, let this be accomplished. Amen. Amen. Amen". It is very likely that the year 2055 is meant, which will be the year the short but destructive world war ends. Thus, we can assume that the war, which began in the summer of 2053, will end in 2055.

Paisiy Svyatogorets: « - Know that Türkiye will also fall apart. There will be a war of two halves (years?). We will be winners because we are Orthodox.

- Geronta, will we suffer damage in the war?

- Eh, at most, they will occupy one or two islands, and Constantinople will be given to us. You'll see, you'll see!

The situation in the world, many people began to suspect that the entire world community was “sliding” into the abyss, which could turn out to be the Third World War. This also confirms Vanga’s prophecy about a great war that will come from the East. It is for this reason that more and more often citizens began to look for the answer in prophecies, especially those people who actually managed to prove the veracity of their judgments.

Among the prophecies of the future Third World War, there are several that are quite comparable with each other and give a fairly specific picture of events. Pope Francis said World War III has “already begun, in part.” But since modern hybrid war is, first of all, an information war, a war for the consciousness of people, many did not notice this fact. Strange as it may seem, the weakest point in the prophecies is the exact dates of the forecasts.

Wang did not ignore the issue of the outbreak of the Third World War, many of whose predictions came true after her death. According to her prophecy, World War III was supposed to begin in 2010. That did not happen. However, it is worth carefully reading her predictions and it becomes clear that not all the conditions for the outbreak of war have been met. And again, Vanga says that the Third World War will come from the East.

Director of the publishing house "Blessing" Yuri Grigorievich Samusenko, in a conversation with Orthodox publicist Konstantin Dushenov, told two prophecies of famous elders about the approaching Third World War. There is a prophecy of the blessed elder schema-nun Makaria (Artemyeva) that “whoever is God will not see the Antichrist.” But, as we see, there is another prophecy: whoever does not wait for the Lord will not recognize the Antichrist.

As our regular readers know well, ARI has always paid a lot of attention to the analysis of various kinds of prophecies - both the predictions of ancient prophets and the words of modern prophets - futurologists, contactees, mystics and others. The Third World War will be started by those peoples who were the first to receive the Light (Iraq, Iran, other countries of the Middle East, China, India). The United States - the land and the people - will be destroyed by atomic bombs.

The Third World War, according to the predictions of the seers, will begin at the end of summer or autumn (September, October-October). The Muslims will attack unexpectedly and come from the East. Based on the information available in the prophecies, the main military actions will take place on the territory of Western Europe. In many cases, the visions of Alois Irlmayer largely coincide with the predictions of Nostradamus and other prophecies, so it can be assumed that they are not a figment of the author’s imagination.

Recently, the topic of World War III has been actively discussed on television and on the Internet. The prophecy of a global war was given in the works of Nostradamus, the Mayan calendars, Vanga spoke about it, this war was also mentioned in the Bible. Many predictions of the Third World War said that it was supposed to start in 2010. The quatrains of Nostradamus contain information that in November 2010 the Third World War could begin between Western Europe and the United States.

A prophecy about World War III from a 90-year-old Norwegian woman made in 1968. Television will become a destructive force, teaching people to kill and destroy each other. “I saw the world before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the beginning of the Third World War. I saw our entire planet and all European countries, including Norway. I saw what would happen immediately before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ - disasters such as It never happened.

Today, more and more prophecies are appearing on the topic of World War III, and it’s up to you to believe in them or not. Of course, there are fictitious predictions, because many publications are trying to catch the information wave of popularity with the help of sensations. At the same time, one cannot deny the fact that it is indeed possible in the coming years, given the tense situation in the geopolitical arena. And mutual threats between the leading countries about the use also instill fear of the possibility of a future military one.

John Titor's World War III prophecy is from a time when we were all so innocent, which was less than 15 years ago, just before things started to change. And the legend of John Titor's prophecies about the Third World War in 2016 persists partly because no one has ever declared himself its creator. Since the mystery has not been solved, the legend continues. The danger, the threshold of the Third World War and a possible nuclear exchange of strikes “into radioactive dust” is no longer science fiction

Prophecies of Jean Dixon, a famous predictor from America, who said that in the next century there will be disasters on our planet, after which the Third World War will begin: “A strong earthquake in the East will serve as a sign for an Arab attack on Israel. This fight will continue for 8 years.” Prophecies of Malakhat Nazarova from Azerbaijan, Yeniked village. She predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Karabakh conflict, the war in Chechnya, the events in Nord-Ost, Beslan, the 2001 tragedy in America and the terrible tsunami in the Indian Ocean.

Predictions about World War III

From von Werdenberg's predictions for 2016-2017, the Third World War will be heralded by the military coming to power in Moscow, and the Third World War itself, which will begin soon after, will last two years, as a result of which the Earth's population will be reduced to 600 million. In May 2016, the famous American billionaire George Soros said literally the following: “If there is a clash between China and a US military ally such as Japan, it is not an exaggeration to say that we will be on the verge of World War III.”

“Russia will be saved by processions of the Cross” - Venerable Elder Seraphim of Sarov. The inevitable Third World War, how is salvation? “The elders pray very much for there to be a war, and after the war there will be famine. And if there is no war, then it will be bad, everyone will die. The war will not be long, but still many will be saved, and if not, then no one will be saved.” Elder Christopher (1996). On the southwestern borders of Russia, outbreaks of the Third World War began to flare up. Whether or not these “small outbreaks” will develop into the active phase of the Third World War in the near future worries every citizen of Russia?!

Whether you believe in the prediction or not, it’s worth reading the lines below... Of course, we have many prophets in our Fatherland, but what if it comes true... A woman, a witness to history, told the story. The author's spelling has been preserved. Beginning of May 2016, intercity minibus, flight Chisinau - Tiraspol. The salon is half empty, there are few people, the occupancy rate is about 70%... So they are driving, the radio in the salon is broadcasting news about Ukraine, about the shelling... People are actively discussing Poroshenko, who grew up in Transnistria and studied in the city of Bendery. - What kind of Poroshenko and Ukraine are you talking about? Your Poroshenko is no longer among the living...they will kill him.

In 1998, the Panorama publishing house published a translation of Manfred Dimde’s book “Nostradamus. Predictions: a new reading." In it, the author claimed that he had found the key to the famous predictions of the French soothsayer and offered his own interpretations of all his quatrains. It's interesting what this book said regarding 2016 and World War III. Here are the texts and interpretations of Nostradamus related to 2016 and the Third World War (Century X, quatrain 15).

Could anyone have imagined two years ago that Russia would find itself in confrontation with neighboring Ukraine? That in 2014 the world will not only pay tribute to those who died in the Great Patriotic War, but also fear the outbreak of the Third World War? By the way, we were warned. All this was predicted by the winner of the third season of the “Battle of Psychics,” Iranian seer Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa Cleo in 2008, five years ago. This is what psychic Vafa Cleo said at the end of 2008...

Alexander Lazarev: I read many books dedicated to the book “Prediction” by Nostradamus, but did not see any attempts at scientific research in them. Nostradamus continued the Bible. Her text became the basis of the book “Predictions”. The word "Apocalypse" is Greek. It means “revelations,” that is, nothing catastrophic, although this is what John the Theologian called his book about the “Last Judgment.” Indeed, Nostradamus gave an interpretation of the “Revelation of John”, and dedicated about a third of all written quatrains to them. Central to this chain is quatrain 10.72, where the prophet said: “The Third World War has already begun.” The starting point is the US-NATO war in Kosovo in March 1999.

Nostradamus predicted that after the destructive cataclysms caused by the displacement of the Earth's inner core and the passage of a neutron star with our planet, there would be a general regression of civilization and anarchy in states. The Great Third - World War III. According to the predictions of Nostradamus, the main military actions of the next massacre will begin after the cataclysm caused by the passage of a massive object near our planet.

From time immemorial, people have believed in various predictions. Previously, it was very scary and sinful to predict what awaited the world and people in the near future; during the Inquisition, prophets were burned at the stake on suspicion of collaboration with the other world. We ourselves observe that life becomes more and more difficult and dangerous with each passing day. The Third World War in 2016 is the scourge of our time period. Nobody wants to hear that World War III could start in 2016.

The events that are currently happening around the world are giving more and more food for thought about the possible outbreak of World War III in 2016. The clairvoyant Vanga predicted this long before the first beginnings of the world tragedy. Prophet Vanga claimed that war on a global scale would destroy the world back in 2012. However, the Third World War occurred in that year, which cast doubt on the clairvoyant’s words. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the predictions for 2016.

Probably, many people have heard predictions about the Third World War, which will begin in 2014, even those who do not strongly believe in it. Nostradamus spoke about this, and this is also predicted by the modern fortuneteller from the city of Kyiv, Alypia, who talks about it as “the murder of peoples for their rotten existence.” She also named the month the Third World War began - July 2014, “when the corpse will be taken out.” By the way, Nostradamus predicted the same thing. It is possible to stop hostilities only if Christians repent, again, according to Alipia.

Today, many are interested in prophecies about the Third World War, the prerequisites for the beginning of which we see almost every day. At all times, people wanted to look into their future, and it was for this reason that they began to look for answers in the heavenly bodies, connecting them with the divine principle. So it is not surprising that many predictions were made, and are still being made, with the help of astrology, a science that helps to look far ahead! It is worth noting that today, when the world has already crossed the line with one foot that separates the world community from the Third World War.

The American woman who prophesied the tragedy of September 11 and the Ebola virus revealed her prediction of a Third World War using nuclear weapons. US citizen Sarah Hoffman rose to fame after telling the world about her life-changing experience. Sarah Hoffman had dreams about events that were about to happen, so she decided to put it all down on paper. Sarah Hoffman predicted a future in which mass deaths from the Ebola virus would begin.

The world is on the verge of the Third World War, which could end in the death of all humanity. Predictions about the imminent outbreak of the Third World War bring fear and panic to people. Was there really a prophecy about the imminent outbreak of World War III? One of the most famous and mysterious seers in the entire history of mankind was Vanga, a blind woman from an ordinary Bulgarian village. Vanga saw the future. The important thing is that she is our contemporary, who left this world quite recently - only in 1996. Accordingly, many of Vanga’s predictions relate specifically to our generation.

Of course, not every person believes in predictions or astronomical forecasts, but even despite this, everyone has a desire to look into the future, so it makes sense to find out what Pavel Globa, the famous astrologer, thinks about a possible Third World War. It is worth noting that the conversation about a possible Third World War should not focus on this short message, because it is important not only to know about the invasion, but also, if possible, to neutralize the radical way of conducting such a policy, and for this you need to know all the possible reasons for starting the 3rd world war.

Today, many international experts are asking this question, but, according to the military, World War III is inevitable! In general, World War III is a conflict that will be deployed to maintain its position on the world stage. It is worth noting that the answer to this question is extremely unexpected, from Iran! The thing is that recently this country has shown great ambitions in the field of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy, which the United States clearly does not like. Moreover, America really hoped that Israel would cope with Iran, whose air force in 1981 destroyed Iraq’s first nuclear project with 16 missiles, thereby preventing the development of the region.

Today we stand on the threshold of the Third World War, which is necessary like air for one state striving for global domination. The world is shocked by terrible events taking place both very far from Russia (Syria, Libya) and on its border. All this makes us turn to prophecies concerning the Third World War: the time of its onset, duration, consequences...

I will introduce you to five prophecies of the Matrona of Moscow related to the onset of the Third World War. Read and draw conclusions! Over the past week, observing that the craving for prophecy continues, I have been trying to meet the demands of the regular audience of our site. The Great Matrona of Moscow healed the sick, saving people from false prophecies. And now, when the Old Lady is next to the Lord God, they prophesy to us through her lips the Third World War, ruinously tailoring the predictions to the current situation.

Psychics about billionaire George Soros say that he said last May: “As soon as a conflict arises between China and such a political ally of the United States as Japan, then the whole world will be on the verge of the most terrible war in the world.”

Some time later, Hans-Lothar Domroese, who holds the post of chief commander of NATO forces, said the same thing.

In fact, all these statements in their semantic connotation coincide with the predictions of the prophets living in the West. The same was said in their predictions made in the 50-70s regarding 2016 and the future of the planet.

If we follow Soros's predictions, then, like Western clairvoyants, he said that Russia will become the main ally of China, which after some time will invade Europe. This prophecy is always referred to as a magical paranormal artifact. An artifact that illustrates the fears of the American government.

Psychics about the invasion of Germany

When a huge number of publications directly related to the prophecies of Alois Irlmayer appeared in European publications in 1992, everyone laughed at them. After all, at that time Russia was a fragile country, a country that had not even risen from its knees to its full height.

All the prophecies that the seer made in the presence of the little girl were carefully “recorded” by her and entered into her own diary. When she made them public, a literal flurry of criticism and irony was directed in her direction... no one could even imagine that everything said could come true.

The end of everything will begin in Prague...

He spoke these words to Alois: “In your long life there will be a huge number of shocks. At first, our state will live in idleness, benefits will pour in on it as if from a cornucopia. Afterwards there will be serious changes in the religious sphere... people will seem to stop believing in God. All people will be vicious. And after this the next stage will come: countless streams of refugees will pour in. People will come from Africa and the Balkans. Money will cease to be valuable... there will be severe inflation. Then a revolution will happen in Germany and, finally, a civil war will break out. And the last thing the country can wait for is the invasion of the Russian military.”

If Irlmayer's prophecies are followed, Europe will find itself in the zone of destruction of nuclear weapons. After its use, Prague will disappear from the face of the earth. Psychics about the third world war say that only after this the “Eagle of the Atlantic” and the campaign from the “Red Bear” and the “Yellow Dragon” will finally come to a peaceful solution to the issue. The Third World War will stop almost before it begins. There will be no nuclear apocalypse.

And if in those distant years the prophecy written by Aloise was not popular, then today, when it appeared on the pages of the Internet, it received special attention. In just a few weeks, the prophetic words received more than two thousand views.

Have modern Germans become superstitious? Or did they begin to listen to the prophecy because it began to come true? Analytical predictions, which are proven by the fact of the conclusion of an agreement between the Russian Federation and China, are also very scary.

The mystery of three numbers: two eights and a nine

A woman named Veronica Luken became the most beautiful seer of all time. She gained her fame precisely on the territory of modern America. As for the accuracy of her prophecies, it is impossible to verify this, because they were made in the period from 1976 to 1978, and all her predictions related directly to modern times and the future (the prophecies stretch until 2020). Interestingly, when the woman made her predictions, she did not use the language of Aesop, which Nostradamus valued so much.

The girl did not explain only one phrase from her prophecies - these are three mysterious numbers: a nine and two eights. As for everything else, in everyday life the girl was the most ordinary, average housewife. As for information about the Third World War, she talked about the directions of military operations as if she had a degree in military affairs and considerable experience as a general.

This is incredible, but just like the previous psychic, Luken said that Prague would be destroyed during the first nuclear strike. And military units of the Russian Federation will enter Europe.

But the events that will precede the above events will be problems in the Vatican, the war in the Balkans and the brutal murder of the Pope.

“The troops of the Russian Federation will enter Belgrade and begin to advance across Italy. Then three columns will be formed and they will go along the Rhine in Germany."

If we still rely on the words of the American seer, then all this will be a consequence of the conflict between countries such as the United States of America and the Russian Federation. She said that global peace will come... before that there will be a nuclear apocalypse. People almost all over the world will refuse to use machines and smart technology, everyone will take up farming and begin to lead a lifestyle that does not contradict the nature of the planet.

There will only be 600 million people left on the planet after World War III

The prophecies of Veronica Luken are interesting to the modern average person for a number of reasons:

Firstly, the woman foresaw the emergence of a conflict situation between the Russian Federation and the United States during times of peace and the so-called era of detente.

Secondly, she became the first psychic to use the term “climate weapon.” She wrote that the Russians would be the first to use it against the Americans. As a result, the continent of North America will be subject to countless earthquakes.

Thirdly, Luecke said that we should expect the outbreak of hostilities at the moment when everyone starts talking about peace. When all heads of state decide that the worst days are far behind them.

It will be impossible to avoid it, because man himself is greedy and always wants to get more than he has.

Psychics about the Third World War. Vision of the Evangelists

No one can agree that people are especially interested in those prophets whose predictions have long since come true. Moreover, it is desirable that such predictions come true not just once, but as often as possible.

This judgment is fair in relation to the seer from the banks of the Congo River. A preacher named Emmanuel Minos. A person who is a member of the Norwegian "Holy Trinity Movement".

So, back in 1954, this man was able to accurately predict the beginning of television broadcasting on the territory of the state of Norway. This event happened in 1968, and in 1937, while still a child, he spoke about the rise of the Norwegian state. This happened due to oil reserves that had not yet been developed at that time.

As for the beginning of the Third World War, the psychic evangelist said that it would begin in 2016. But, unlike Veronica, who saw omens in the form of a “tailed bright comet in the sky” or “discord throughout the world,” Minos saw omens of trouble in something completely different… in the flows of refugees from the “Dark Continent.” Hiding from cold and hunger, as well as from war...black people will move in entire tribes and cities to Europe. But even there they will not see happiness... this prediction was made by the evangelist in 1968. When there was not even the slightest hint of a new resettlement of people.

Soros and the time traveler

Now it’s worth going back and remembering the billionaire Soros from the USA, who also made his predictions about the Third World War. They were all said in his speech to the World Bank.

And the interesting thing about his predictions is that everything announced in the spring of this year was revealed to him back in 2009. Then in 2009, information appeared on the Internet about a prophet who said that he could move through time and space. He called himself Ard Crepe.

A nuclear explosion will destroy Europe...what else do psychics say

This prophet said that he specially went to 2009 in order to warn people from the disaster approaching from all sides. Just six years ago, this prophet spoke about an imminent conflict on the territory of modern Ukraine, which just broke out at the appointed time - 2014.

Then, just like Soros, a longtime newcomer from another time said that the Chinese authorities will do everything to prevent discord within the country during the development of the new economy. As a result, they will turn against an external enemy and take military action towards countries such as Japan and South Korea. As a result, the Third World War will be provoked.

Soros and Kerp also pointed out that in 2015 it is required that the American government make concessions to the government of China, which will specifically take the Russian Federation as an ally. In the future, the yuan will be included in the IMF currency basket.

After all the prophecies made by Kreps and Soros were carefully analyzed, a completely reasonable question arose whether this was not the same person. Or the billionaire deliberately studied all the previously made predictions and, based on their background, formed his own.

It’s interesting, but the predictions of Soros and Crepe differ only in one thing: the first, when forming his legends, mentions the United States and uses this abbreviation everywhere, but the second predictor (from the future) uses such an abbreviation as AFE in his speeches. What it is, no one knows to this day, because the seer did not reveal the secret of the three letters. One thing is one hundred percent clear: in the future, there will be no state called the United States of America... it will disappear from the face of the planet.

Psychics about the Third World War. Vienna prophecies

At the end of the article about prophecies regarding the Third World War, it is necessary to mention Gottfried von Werdenberg. This psychic told the world about his prediction in one of the TV shows that aired on Austrian television in the nineties. This happened in 1994.

More than twenty years ago, the “Viennese prophet” predicted that Russia would rise from its knees and become the greatest empire in the world by 2017. Almost at the same time, a cessation of gas supplies to European countries was also predicted, and the failure of an attempt to replace these supplies with the resources of the Norwegian state was also described.

After all, all this in 1994 was almost impossible to even imagine, even to fantasize... he also described the creation of “a quasi-state in the Middle East with the letter “I”” (we were probably talking about the formation of an aggressive military entity called ISIS). He also said that unmanned technical vehicles of a combat nature will begin to fly over Ukraine (we were talking about drones).

If we follow Werdenberg's prophecy, then the beginning of the Third World War will happen when a military man comes to power in Russia. This will happen between 2016-2017. Some time after this, the war will begin. It will last for several years in a row and in the end there will only be six hundred million people left on the planet.

In custody

Psychics about the Third World War made very harsh and terrible prophecies. Involuntarily, people begin to think about the previous storm. Quite possibly, about the last storm in the history of all mankind...

How will our planet disappear?

However, Fate is changeable and every time it changes its decision... so time will tell. One thing I would like to do is to return to these same predictions a hundred years later and say that they were unrealistic and far-fetched...

I really want to believe that all the predictions about the future of 2016, about the refugees who literally took Europe by storm, are just inventions formed by sick minds... everything that took these events as a basis was compiled by commercial psychics writing predictions from past years on paper today...

Psychics about the Third World War say that everything can be avoided, but the path to reconciliation should begin today...

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